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Claiming His Magic

"When Gabby embarks on a mission to seduce her crush, Sam, things get very naughty!"

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I've always wanted to have sex with a guy who is utterly gorgeous on every level, but for years I've held off because of my moral principles. I was in a faithful and committed relationship with my boyfriend, Andy for six years. Things were good between us, but kind of tame—I'm not going to lie. Two months ago, however, we mutually agreed to end our relationship after drifting apart.

As a 27-year-old woman who was raised in a conservative family, I've never had the greatest sex life. I've always been the type to go by the book, follow the rules, take the safe route when I could do something a bit more wild, but now that I'm getting closer to 30, I want more out of life.

I'm currently driving to the house of a man who I'm hoping will help me have more. His name is Sam Magic (yes, Magic) and I've been obsessed with him for two months. He's a successful and rich magician who has a very interesting hobby—erotic photography. He's muscular, has a chiseled face, black hair, and keen green eyes. The last time I saw him was at his house after he put out a casting call. In it, he said that he was looking for a model with a curvy but trim figure and I thought that I fit the bill just right. When I got to his house, he examined me head to toe, took my measurements, and made me pose for him. He took a single picture of me, then told me to leave. I thought that I had disappointed him considering his lack of communication, but to my surprise, he sent me an email the next day asking me to come back to his house for a final audition.

Presently, I see his house come into view. It's huge and has a manicured lawn, a big circular driveway, and a gate out front. He's one of those types of people. In fact, his father is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I swallow the lump in my throat as I roll down my window and stare at the gate's call button. Just do it, I tell myself.

I press the button. There is a long pause, then I hear him on the other end. “Hello?”

I almost choke on my words. “Hi…Sam, it's Gabby. Uh...Gabriela Torres. I'm here for the final audition.”

There's a brief pause, then, “Come on in. Tony will take care of you up front.”

He hangs up, and a second later the gate opens. I drive through it, thinking about the first time that Sam and I met. It was at a house party that my friend, Julia threw two months prior. A bunch of famous people were there, and he was there too, performing magic tricks and taking photos with the guests. I ran into him by accident near the pool, at which point he introduced himself. We spoke for a few minutes. Then he asked me if I wanted to see a magic trick. I told him yes, and a moment later, he materialized a rose out of thin air. He was about to leave and move onto another guest when I asked him if he would take a picture with me. He waved me off and said that I was so sexy I might end up breaking his camera and that he couldn't afford to take the risk.

His answer surprised me, and I demanded that he at least give me the rose. He let me have it, but only after making me promise to be a good girl. That totally turned me on. I still have the rose, by the way. Stupid, I know. But he's just that hot. And an amazing flirt too. In the last two months, I've fantasized about him more times than I can count. Now I'm going to his house to try and seduce him—even if that means breaking my promise. Call me a liar, but I can't be a good girl forever.

I park my car and see his butler, Tony coming out to greet me. He knocks on my window, and I roll it down. He smiles. “Hi, Gabriela. Nice to see you again. How are you?”

“I'm doing good.”

“Great. Come on in. I'll let you through the door.”

I turn off my car, step out, and follow him to the front door, hoping that my outfit is appropriate. I'm wearing a short skirt and a twisted crop top.

Tony takes me past a foyer into a living room where six other women are waiting. There's a door with a sign on it that reads, Final audition in progress.

Tony hands me a contract and a waiver, and I sign them and return them to him. After that, I take a seat next to a redhead named Charlotte. I've seen her before. We didn't speak when we saw each other at the casting call, but I remember her clearly, mostly because she's so good looking. She has big tits, stunning blue eyes, and flawless ivory skin. Today, her lips are bright red. They come open as she speaks to me. “Congratulations. You made it this far.”

I give her a small smile. “Sure did.”

“Have you ever made it to a final audition with him before?”

“Never have.”

“I can tell. Not to be rude, but you look nervous.”

“Yeah...uh...have you made it before?”

“Oh, yes. I've worked with him many times,” she says, biting her lip. Then she lowers her voice. “ is the best.”

“How so?”

“His sessions are…smoking,” she says, and I feel a prickle of curiosity as I wonder what she's insinuating. “Purely professional, of course,” she adds quickly, noting my expression. “He's so good at what he does. He'll make your career...if he likes you.”

I nod, feeling intrigued, but not because I'm interested in having a modeling career. That was never my intention. I just came here to try and have sex with him, and it sounds to me like he's willing to get up close and personal, which is all the better for me. “Good to know,” I mutter.

“You probably won’t be picked, but don't sweat it. There's always next time.”

I'm not sure whether she's genuinely trying to be nice or subtly trying to undermine my confidence. Either way, I wish she wasn't talking to me. I look around. The other women are stunning—I have to admit the truth when I see it—and it makes me wonder how I'll stand a chance in competition with them. Most of them are all done up and wearing super nice outfits. Compared to them, I look like an average girl off the street. Knowing that I need to be self-confident, I try to think of my good qualities and what I can use to get some of Sam's my pants.

My best feature is definitely my ass. That's what my friends always say, anyway. I know I have to use it to my advantage. How a sexually inexperienced 27-year-old like me is going to do that, I have no idea.

The door to the auditioning room opens abruptly, and I see a brunette walk out. Sam trails behind her. Seeing him causes my body to jump start. He glances around the waiting room, looking as hot as ever. He wears a tight shirt that reveals his muscular physique and black pants that are equally as tight. I stare at him, and my eyes inevitably drift down to the bulge in his jeans. “Charlotte. You're up,” he says.

She turns and flashes me a smile. “Bye.”

I look over at her round butt as she gets up and walks toward him, her hips swaying. She definitely knows how to use what she's got. To my surprise, I don't see him check her out. His eyes are locked on hers. He gives her a polite nod as she walks past him and enters the auditioning room. He follows after her and closes the door behind them.

I sit and wait, wondering what exactly is going on in there. I know this is an erotic photo shoot, but from what I can tell there's nothing overtly sexual going on. He seemed so professional when he let her into the auditioning room. I have the discouraging thought that maybe he's too legitimate to try and bang his models. That would suck for me. Charlotte interrupts my thoughts when she comes back out a few minutes later. She stops and sits next to me, looking annoyed. “He's in quite a particular mood today.”

“Particular? How?”

“He says he's looking for something unique for this shoot. Who the hell knows what that means!”

She stops talking abruptly, leaving me feeling more nervous than ever. I'm starting to wonder if this is a good idea—this whole seduction thing—as one by one Sam brings the other women into the auditioning room. Eventually, I'm the only one left who hasn't been called, and I find myself tugging at the edges of my skirt. He said you were sexy at the party. That has to count for something, I think, trying to encourage myself.

Leave it up to me to remember something that happened two months ago and might be totally meaningless. The door opens suddenly, and he steps out. “Gabby. You're up.”

His tone is warm as if he's talking to a friend and I wonder if he remembers our short-lived history. Then again, he acted very clinically with me during my first audition, and it makes me wonder if he's pretty much forgotten about me on a personal level. I get up, wishing I could just drop the pretense of being a model and ask him about what he's feeling, and what he wants. I still can't believe I'm here, doing what I'm doing. Hold it together, Gabby, I say to myself.

He smiles at me and adds, “It's good to see you again.”

I return his smile, feeling a flutter of excitement. So, he does remember me. “Good to see you too.”

“I was impressed by your picture.”

“You were?”

“Yes. You have a great figure.”


He gestures toward the auditioning room. We head inside, and I see that it has a bed in the center that is surrounded by lighting fixtures. He speaks. “This is an erotic shoot, so you're going to have to take your clothes off. I know this is spelled out in the contract and waiver, but you're new. Are you ok with this?”

“Yeah. That...that's totally fine,” I say, trying not to sound too excited.

Being naked in front of you? Check. Will you be naked too? I fucking hope so, I think.

“Also,” he goes on, “if you are selected, we are going to have close physical contact. Are you ok with this as well?”

“Close contact? Yeah, of course. I mean, close contact is great.”

“Will your boyfriend mind?”

I'm taken aback by his question. “I don't have a boyfriend.”

“Oh, I thought you did.” He pauses, letting his words hang, and I get the feeling that there's more to his statement than is readily apparent. He changes the subject, and I notice a subtle shift in his demeanor. “The theme for this particular shoot is magic. I'm a magician who is searching for hidden treasure, and you're an assistant who just so happens to be hiding it. If you are chosen, your photos will be used for my upcoming show at Blue Flower Cinemas. It's the adult theater downtown. You may have heard of it.”

“An adult theater? How...intimate are these photos going to be? Not that I mind. I'm just curious.”

His eyes lock onto mine, and I detect a hint of excitement that wasn't present a moment ago. “Very intimate. Are you still sure you can handle this?”


“It's ok to be nervous,” he says suddenly.

“I'm not nervous. Well, I am a little bit.”

“Don't worry. I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. I promise.”


I giggle in my idiotic attempt to flirt, and he raises his eyebrows. “What's so funny?”

“Nothing. I'm just...excited,” I say, trying not to sound ridiculous.

He smiles and nods. “I like you. You're interesting.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Well, are you ready to start?”

“Are you going to be naked too?”

I immediately regret my question. He's already made it clear that we're going to be taking very intimate photos. Why ask the obvious and come across as an overly eager weirdo?

“I wasn't going to for the audition,” he says, laughing. “But I'll do it to make you feel more comfortable.”

“No. You don't have to,” I protest, but he's already pulling off his shirt.

I see his rock-hard abs and feel an immediate tingle in my pussy. He then takes off his pants, and I see his cock bulging beneath his boxers, and I swear that I'm about to lose it. He looks at me expectantly, and I take my shirt off, revealing my bra. I then bring my hands to my skirt and slowly undo it. I feel like I'm burning as I slide it down my legs, exposing my tight black thong. His eyes move up and down my body with interest.

“Turn around for me, will you?”

I do as he asks, feeling exhilarated. It's one thing to fantasize about showing off your body to your crush and another thing entirely to actually be doing it. As I aim my butt at him, I look back and gauge his reaction. I can't read his expression precisely, but he seems to be enjoying himself. “You have a gorgeous ass. Stick it out for me,” he says.

He watches me steadily, and I lean over. “Like this?”

“A little farther.”

I feel my heart race inside my chest even though technically we're being strictly professional. We are being professional, aren't we? I desperately hope we're not because I want nothing more than for him to go balls deep into me. “Oh, you mean like this?” I say.

I lean over another ten degrees and arch my booty for him. I hold the position for a few seconds and consider leaving it at that, but then I feel a naughty impulse and realize this is my time. Without warning, I reach my hands back and pull my ass cheeks apart. He clears his throat, says, “That's good. Thank you.” I stand back up and turn around and eye him closely. His lips are pressed firmly together. His expression is different than it was seconds ago. “Do you care if I measure you?”

I feel delighted by his suggestion. I'll do anything to have his hands on me. “Not at all,” I say, smiling broadly.

He nods. “I'll be right back.” He crosses the room and vanishes. He comes back a moment later with a tape measure. He comes close and kneels in front of me. I feel his hot breath on my skin, and I fight the urge to grab his head and pull him into my horny pussy. I seriously could let him give me oral for hours. I let out a small exhale as his hands make contact with my skin. It takes him only a second to measure me.

“Now your chest,” he says, standing back up. I scrutinize him. His expression is still unreadable and yet I swear that I just heard arousal in his voice. He brings the measuring tape up to my plump boobs. “Your tits are just the right size.”

I smile again, feeling more delighted than ever. I want to say, Great. Want to suck them for me? But all I actually say is, “Thanks. I'm glad they work for you.”

He indicates the bed. “Come on. Let's get started. This is going to be great.” He heads toward it, and I follow him. He goes to a camera that is mounted next to the bed and plays with the settings. “This is going to be a test shot. I want the main focus to be your ass. Can you rest on your hands and knees and push your ass into the air for me?”

I nod and crawl onto the bed. I catch him staring at me. “Like this?” I ask.

“A bit more. Put your head down like you're doing a yoga pose,” he orders. I obey and when I'm finally in the correct position he nods. “Pretty good. Just bring your knees closer together and poke your ass up a little bit higher.” He pauses and waits for me. “Perfect,” he says. “Hold it right there.” He looks through the camera and takes a picture. He pauses as he studies the picture. He stares at it for what seems like an eternity, then finally looks at me. “Alright. You can get dressed.”

I feel disappointed. I was hoping that he would want to see more of me—want more of me. My voice comes out sounding whiny. “That’s it?”

“That's it. Go on. I'll be out in a few minutes to announce my decision.”

I choke down my disappointment and get dressed. I head out the door and see Charlotte staring in my direction. I sit next to her again, and she says, “That was fast.”

“You think so? Was it too fast?”

“Yes. How many pictures did he take?”

“Only one,” I admit.

“I'm sorry to break it to you, but you failed. I've never heard of him only taking one freaking photo. You'll do better next time. It happens.”

Her words instantly plunge me into misery. The other girls look in my direction, seeming sorry for me. They've obviously overheard our conversation. I ask myself how I could have messed up so badly and suddenly wish that the ground would open up and swallow me. Without this photo shoot, how am I going to get up close and personal with him? I want to get fucked, for god's sake. Besides, if he doesn't pick me, he'll be staring at another woman's naked body and having close contact with her. And I'll probably be at home fapping to some porn video while I burn alive with jealousy.

I squeeze my hands together and realize that I'm beginning to sweat. An eternity passes before I see him emerge from the room again. He doesn't even so much as look at me, and I expect the worst. I feel a spike of adrenaline when he speaks. “Ladies. I want to thank each of you for coming. I'm having Tony give you tickets to my next show for the trouble.” He turns and looks at me, and I feel my face get hot because I'm certain that he's going to dismiss me. “Gabby Torres, you've got the job.”

I can't believe my ears, and my mouth falls open. I stare at him blankly for a couple of seconds. “I...what?”

“You've got the job,” he reiterates.

“Just like that?”

He nods. “Just like that.”

I get up, feeling my emotions do a 180. I've gone from the pits of hell to heaven itself. I can feel an explosion of envy from the other women, and it's extraordinary. I catch a glimpse of Charlotte. Her nose is slightly wrinkled, and I see the muscles of her jaw working. She and the others regard me with professional restraint, but I can tell that they're insanely jealous. I'm too happy to care. All I can think about is getting naked with him, and hopefully doing more than just taking pictures.

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He speaks again. “Gabby. Go ahead and wait in the auditioning room. I'll be with you in a minute.”

I do as he asks, and wait just inside the door, listening as he talks to the rest of the women. Several minutes pass, and I have time to stew over the situation. I can't believe I was chosen over professional models. In what world did that happen? Then again, Charlotte had said that he was looking for something unique. Is being an amateur what makes me unique?

At a given moment, the door opens, and he comes back into the room. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, totally. Thank you, by the way,” I say.

“For what?”

“For…you know…picking me.”

“You earned it.”

“You really thought I did that good?”

“You have a gorgeous body. And you have a unique look, so you're perfect for the job.”

You have a gorgeous body too. And I want it, I think.

Somehow I manage not to say what's in my head out loud. After a momentary pause, he changes the subject. “We're going to do full nude photos later, but I want us to go back to the picture that we were working on. I loved seeing your ass up in the air. Go back to that position, will you?”

He starts taking off his clothes, and I do the same. When we're down to our underwear, I return to the bed and assume the same position as before. I watch him as he moves to the camera. He sets it on an auto-time sequence and crosses to the bed.

He climbs behind me and without warning places his hands on my ass. “We have one minute before it goes off. Lean down a little bit further—there you go.” He holds my ass steady as I squirm beneath his touch. “I want you to convey a feeling of hidden desire.”

“How do I do that?”

“Think of something that you haven't told anyone about and use your body to convey your mood.” He adjusts his hands on my ass, and my mouth comes open as a wave of pleasure rolls through me. “There you go,” he says. “You're getting it.”

The camera flashes. He gets off the bed and checks the picture. “Good?” I ask.

“Decent, but I want us to do it again. I'm going to set up a new sequence. The camera is going to take three pictures in a row. Ready?”

I nod. He starts the sequence and returns to the bed. “Get your butt up,” he instructs, and I shove my butt up higher. “I want you to press it into me. Remember to convey hidden desire.” I smash my butt against him, and I feel his cock rub against me. It makes my body burn with almost unbearable need. The camera flashes, and I hear his voice. “Good. Now I’m going to slide my hands up your body. Remember, I'm searching for treasure and you're the one who has it. Make this one count.” He slides his hands up my back. “Arch.” The camera flashes. “Now lift your head up and open your mouth again for the next one.”

Open my mouth again? That would be more enjoyable if you were going to put your cock in it, I want to tell him.

He goes on. “Make it look sensual. Convey the feeling of desire barely restrained.”

He squeezes my butt hard, and the camera flashes again. He hops off the bed once more, and I watch him go, feeling my soaked pussy ache and throb. “Was that good?” I ask.

“We need to try it again. You're holding back.”

I know he's right. I am holding back, but that's because I'm afraid that if I stop holding back, I might act on my crazy plan and fuck him in his studio. “What do you want me to do?”

His expression is somewhat facetious. “Simple. Don't hold back.”

“I know. But how do I do that?”

“Just tap into what you're feeling and make it work.”

“I really don't know how,” I insist.

“Do I need to talk dirty to you so you can get into it?”

I almost gasp in surprise. I don't know if he's joking or being serious. “Um...I mean, if you want,” I reply, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

“Ok, sexy. Just don't break my camera.” He sets the sequence again and returns to my backside, and I'm suddenly thinking about our interaction at the party and how he called me sexy then too. I feel his hands grab my eager butt once more. “Imagine what it would be like if we were fucking right now.” He pauses. “Is this dirty enough for you?”

“Yes...uh, this is pretty dirty, Sam.”

“Do you want to hear more dirty talk, Gabby?”

“I's for the shoot, right?”

“Yes. For the shoot, but it can be for more if you want.”

His words send a spike of adrenaline through me. I know that he's role-playing, but dammit, did he really just have to say that of all things?

“Get your cute butt up for me...otherwise, I might have to spank you.” I almost groan with arousal as I poke my butt up as high as I can. An instant passes before the camera flashes. “Nope,” he says. “You're still straining.” He moves forward and grinds his cock viscerally against me. “You better give me your best effort. If you don't, I might have to put this inside of you.”

He gives me a soft spank, and at that instant, I almost lose it. My pussy is so freaking wet and ready to be stuffed, and I wonder if he's aware of that fact. The camera flashes again. He seems pleased. “Good. Now lift your head and open your mouth and really, really show me how much you want my dick, you naughty girl.”

The camera flashes again, and he hops off the bed, leaving me feeling like a million degrees. He examines the photos. “Alright. Those came out great. We're going to do the same pose, but nude now.”

I watch him as he pulls off his boxers. His waist is trim. His pubic region has that nice sexy v-shape that men who are really fit have. His cock hangs in full view. It's thick and long, and I already know that it would feel perfect inside of me. I simply can't describe how bad I want him to fuck me. I take off my bra and then my thong, wondering if he'll notice how wet I am down low. I fucking hope he does.

He resets the auto-sequence and returns to my backside. He brings his dick so deliciously close to me that shivers of pleasure run through me. He pauses, obviously noticing that something is up. “You ok?”

“Yeah…fine,” I breathe.

He puts his hands on my butt again, and his touch makes me want nothing more than to open wide and take his perfect dick all the way into me. The camera flashes. “Very intense,” he says. He slides his hands up my back, and the camera flashes yet again. “Great one. Now, get your head up.”

I lift my head. Meanwhile, he presses his cock forward. It makes contact with my wet pussy lips, and I experience a jolt as I realize he's hard. I lurch forward out of sheer surprise. “You're hard!” I exclaim.

“And you're wet,” he replies, nonchalantly. He rolls off the bed and pauses the sequence and looks at me. “It's normal to get this way. Do you need a break?”

My face turns bright red. I don’t need a break! I need your cock! I want to shout.

Somehow, I manage to keep myself together and give him a reasonable response. “No...let's keep going.”

He nods, seeming satisfied, and again restarts the auto-sequence. He crawls behind me, and the moment he presses his warm, irresistible dick against me, I'm overwhelmed, despite my assurance that I'm ready to keep working.

“No. I don't want to continue actually!” I blurt suddenly.

He seems surprised by my reaction. “What? Why not? You can take a break.”

“You’re just so damn hot!”

He laughs. “You're pretty hot too.”

“No. I mean, you're really hot, and I can't handle it.”

“There's nothing wrong with being horny. This is part of the process.”

“I'm more than just horny.”

He considers me. “Gabby, I'm trying to help you get into the moment. You don't have to take this personally.”

“Is that all you're trying to do?” I demand, not caring to hide my insinuation. He becomes quiet, and I can't read his expression, which makes me feel like I need to justify myself. “I can't help it. You were saying things that I didn't expect!”

“You're a beautiful woman, but this is professional work.” He pauses. “What's going on?”

“I think you know.”

He stares at me, and I feel like a fool as I leave my statement hanging in the air. His next words embarrass me beyond words. “You can leave if you want.”

I feel like crying. That was the last thing that I wanted to hear, and I'm certain that I've ruined my chances of being with him forever. There's pain in my voice. “I don't want to...Sam.”

He realizes the impact of his words and his expression changes. “Hey, it's not what you think. I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. That's all.”

“I'm not uncomfortable. I promise. It's just if we keep on doing this...I'm going to end up wanting more.”

“I make it a policy never to have sex with my models. It's not appropriate, Gabby.”

“I don't want to be your model then. Will that make it appropriate?”

“Are you sure you don't want to continue? This series is going to be seen by a lot of people, and you’ll get a lot of work out of it.”

“I do want to continue, but I want to be with you more. I'm sorry if this is crazy.”

He shakes his head. “Well, I appreciate your honesty.”

“Where are the papers that I signed?”

“They're on the table. Why?”

“You know why,” I say, jumping off the bed and hurrying to them.

I find them and hold them up so that he can see them. I tear them in half without a second thought, and his eyes get big. “ you know how much money you just threw away?”

“I don't care.” I stomp back over to him. “I've been fantasizing about you for two months, and all I want to do is be with you.”

He throws up his hands. “Wait a minute. Two months! Are you talking about when we met at the party?”

“You remember?”

“Of course I remember! I thought you were the sexiest woman there.”

I'm stunned by his admission. He thought that I was the sexiness woman there? That statement literally makes no sense in light of the fact that seconds ago he seemed like he wasn't into me. “Why didn't you say anything then? I'm confused.”

“I had to be professional, Gabby. When you came to me, I thought you understood how I do things. I can't just go around fucking my models.”

“You could have told me you liked me at the party.”

“Julia told me you were dating someone.”


I literally can't believe my ears. He nods. “Yeah. I asked her about you, and she said you were in a serious relationship. She tried getting with me.”

“Who did she say I was with?”

“She didn't specify.”

My head spins as I process the revelation. So Julia majorly pussy-blocked me two months ago, and I had no clue. I always knew that she was capable of lying to get her way, but I didn't think she'd go behind my back. I shake my head in bewilderment. “So that's why you asked me if my boyfriend would mind us having close physical contact. I can't believe this.”

“It is what it is. I told her off...politely of course.”

“Why? She's gorgeous.”

“Yes, but I had my eye on you, and after she told me you were with someone, I felt kinda shitty.” He stops for a second. “You know, I almost didn't send you an email after your first audition. I didn't want to...get involved.”

“Is that why you were so short with me?”

He nods. “I keep things professional, which is why I had to be extra careful around you. I hope you understand where I've been coming from this whole time.”

I feel excitement swell in my chest as I register what he's telling me. I know there's no stopping now. “I get it, and I respect your position. But you don't have to be careful anymore.”

“I don't want to be careful with you.”

I put on a wicked smile and indicate my pussy. “Want some of this?”

He stares at my pussy for a couple of seconds before his eyes finally drift up to mine. “God, you have no idea.” A smile that matches my own breaks across his face. “But I don't know if you can handle my magic.”

I put my hands on my hips, feeling suddenly feisty. “Oh, I can handle it.”

“Can you? My magic is pretty potent.”

“Maybe you're just saying that because you're scared your spell won't work on me.”

“Not a chance. I know what a woman needs.”

“Oh yeah, and what's that?”

He points down to his cock. “She needs some of this magic in her.”

“And I know what a magician needs,” I retort.

“What's that?”

“He needs an assistant who will satisfy him in every way.” I turn around and bend over and show him my ass. I shake it back and forth. “Does this satisfy you?”

“What would satisfy me,” he says, “is you getting back on the bed like you were before.”

“Not unless you go with me,” I say, turning back around and crossing over to him. I grab his hands and pull him toward the bed before climbing onto it and sticking my ass up in the air for him. “Give me some of your naughty magic.”

He takes his cock into his hand and strokes it until it gets hard. Then he climbs behind me and slides it up and down my crack, teasing me. “Are you going to be a good assistant?”

“I'll be good. I promise.”

“But I want you to be bad.”

“Then fuck me, and you'll see how bad I can be.”

“Don't tempt me.” He moves forward, and his cock makes contact with my pussy. His penis head slides inside of me a small amount, and then he pulls away. “Beg for it.”

“You already know I want it, bad boy!”

He spanks me. “If you want my magic, you better make me believe it.”

“Please just fuck me. I want you in me!” I beg.

My answer pleases him, and he presses forward. His penis plunges into me, stretching me blissfully. I gasp and curse. “Fuck!”

“You like that?”

“Fuck yeah. You're huge!”

“And you're so fucking tight!” he breathes.

He begins working back and forth enthusiastically, causing my ass cheeks to bounce. He spanks me hard. “Your pussy is even better than I imagined!”

He slides his hands up my back, and I let out a small whine. “Faster!”

He obeys my request and drives into me and his warm balls slap against me. He's eager and strong, and his movements cause my entire body to shake. His cock really is massive. I had no idea that a man could make me feel so full.

Minutes pass, and I can only handle his cock for so long before my pussy starts to swell. He breathes heavily, and I don't think that he will be able to last much longer either. At a given moment, he buries himself deep within me and stops moving. He holds my waist tightly. “You're the best fucking assistant in the world!” He resumes humping me, and I feel fire run through my swollen pussy. I moan and whimper wordlessly as he speaks again. “Fuck. It's coming!”

“Fuck yes. Give it to me!”

At that instant, his body jerks and he yanks himself out of me, pouring his warm liquid all over my ass. Feeling his liquid sends me over the edge, and I orgasm. I bring my hand down to my clitoris and stroke it vigorously so as to maximize my pleasure. Bliss cascades through me and I roll to my side, gasping and cursing. He collapses next to me, and we giggle together for a few minutes. Finally, a big smile breaks across his face. “That was fucking amazing.”

“Yeah, it was. I want more now.”

“We'll go for round two in a bit.”

“Aw, have I worn you out?” I tease.

He laughs and winks at me. “Maybe a bit.”

“Are you satisfied?”


I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him. “I must be a pretty good assistant then.”

He gives me a small kiss. “Yeah, I think I might have a job opening for you.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“I mean it. You'd get to learn my secrets. And, of course, have a lot of fun with me.”


He nods, and I mull over the possibility. The truth is, I don't really like my day job as an office secretary. I find it rather boring. Being Sam's assistant would definitely be more exciting, but I also imagine that it would be a huge commitment. “Don't you travel a lot?”

“Yeah. All over.”

“Sounds like a big deal.”

“I think it would be fun.”

“I'll think about it. I promise.”

“If you're not going to be my assistant—officially—will you be something else then?” He pauses, letting his words hang, and I wait for him to go on. “What about being my girlfriend?”

I give him a playful smile. “Hmm, that sounds very interesting. But are you sure you can put up with me?”

“I know I can. If you start being bad, I'll just have to spank you.”

“Ooh, I don't know if that would work. That might make me want to be bad.”

“Then I'll bend you over and fuck you until you know who's the boss. I'll put you under my spell.”

“Be careful, bad boy. You might be the one who ends up falling under my spell.”

“I'm willing to take the risk. Are you?”

I experience a giddy feeling in my chest as I reach down and take hold of his cock and stroke it. “That depends on how much of my magic you can handle,” I say.

He laughs. “Trying to turn the tables, I see. God, you're sexy.”

“I'm a naughty girl who knows what she wants. What can I say?”

He presses his lips against mine. “Tell me you want me.”

I relish the touch of his lips. They are plump, soft, warm, and sweet and addictive to the touch. “Does being your girlfriend mean I get to do...this...every day?” I rasp.

“This and a whole lot more.”

“I was...already going to say...yes!”

Our kisses intensify, and he presses his tongue into my mouth. I suck on it for a second before he pulls back. “I'm fucking happy you showed up and did what you did,” he says.

“You mean, act like a crazy person?”

“You were brave, and you went for what you wanted. I was into you from the first second I saw you. Now I know that you're the kind of person I want.”

“If you keep talking to me this way you'll never get rid of me.”

“That doesn't sound so bad...girlfriend.”

I give him another kiss and stroke his cock and feel it get hard in my hand. I push myself even closer to him in expectation of having him enter me. I smile as I peer into his eyes. “No, it doesn't...boyfriend.”








Written by Sofia_Clarke_Author
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