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Famous Story

Author's Notes

"This is a Jack Grierson story, and relates to all the other Jack Grierson stories on my page. It is relatively early in Jack's life, soon after his stint in the military."

I was a First Team All-American swimmer in high school, went to college on a swim team scholarship, and graduated with a degree in Actuarial Science at twenty-one. I got a job with a major re-insurance company doing catastrophic risk assessment. That’s where I met Kenny. He was a senior analyst eight years older than me, and just a tad shorter, but funny and easy to talk to. He pursued me assiduously and after a few weeks of dating, I had sex with him at his place.

He was modestly endowed, came too soon, and couldn’t make me cum. But he was fun out of bed, so I kept seeing him. After a few months, he asked me to marry him and I said yes. We were married in the spring, six months after our first date.

He immediately started looking for houses in the suburbs. In the early summer, we bought a big McMansion in a new development. It was at the limits of what we could afford. It had five bedrooms, three and a half baths, a jacuzzi in the master suite, granite countertops, a three-car garage, and was on a two-acre lot. I was twenty-two and couldn’t quite believe that this palatial place was home – it was more luxury than I had ever had in my life before.


I wasn’t sure that we were ready to have a pool party yet, but Kenny insisted. We had just gotten our landscaping done, and half of the houses in the development were not yet occupied. Even most houses that had been occupied still had work being done. We were one of the first to have the work on our property completed.

“It’s the first Memorial Day weekend in our new house,” said Kenny. “And the first for this new development. This is a sure way that everyone will remember us.”

Kenny went all out and bought enough hamburger meat, hotdogs, and beer for a small army.

“You just stand around and look pretty, Amy,” Kenny said. “I’ll handle the grill and folks can help themselves to beer and soda from the coolers.”

I took him at his word and wore my pink bikini. It had thong briefs with cute hip-ties and I liked the way it displayed my hard butt. It featured a bandeau bra. I tied on a matching pink silk choker ribbon and set the bow on the side with the ends trailing down my back. I debated putting on my rubber pool shoes. Kenny didn’t like them as they had three-inch platform heels that made me six feet tall and exacerbated our height disparity. I decided to put them on anyway and came downstairs with my sunglasses in my hair.

Kenny was by the grill on the pool-side patio, a metal spatula in his hand, tending to a big batch of burgers and hotdogs. The guests had begun arriving and he was chatting with them.

“Looking great, babe!” he called out, but I saw the look of irritation that passed over his face as he took in my high-heel pool shoes. “Come over and meet some of our neighbors.”

I flipped my sunglasses down over my eyes and walked over. I was conscious that several of the men were eyeing my body furtively, trying to avoid their wives and girlfriends. Kenny introduced me and I said my ‘hi’s’ and welcomed everyone.

More guests arrived: soon there was a crowd and the buzz of conversation grew loud. Several couples came with children and they were the first into the pool. Some parents followed them in.

“Don’t worry,” I said to the group of the mothers I was chatting with. “I’m a certified lifeguard. I’ll keep an eye on the kids in the pool.”

They were grateful, but as I expected, they continued to monitor their kids carefully.


I noticed him as soon as he came around the house on to poolside. He wore European-style small, tight swim trunks that outlined his manhood and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. He was tall and powerfully built, but with the rangy physique of an endurance athlete. His bare chest was muscled and his abs were perfectly defined. He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to be amused at what he saw.

He was good-looking, but that was not what arrested my eye. Even as he walked, he exuded an animal-like virility, as though he was on the prowl for sex. He walked up to Kenny and handed him a bottle of wine. Kenny waved to me, and I excused myself from the group of mothers that I was talking to.

He stared at me so directly as I walked up that I colored. Kenny noticed as well, but I could see that he was at a loss as to what to do.

“I’m Jack Grierson,” he said, putting out his hand before Kenny could introduce him.

“Amy McAdams,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Well named,” he said. “You look like Amy Adams, the actress. You’re much younger and taller, though. How tall are you?”

“Five foot nine,” I said, surprised. The color stayed in my cheeks as his eyes traveled over my small, athletic breasts, the swell of my belly, lingered on my crotch before tracking my long legs, and returning to my face. I was not sure how to respond so I asked, “How about you?”

“Six foot three,” he said. He turned to Kenny. “Your wife is fucking hot. You’re a lucky sonofabitch.”

“Well, …” said Kenny. He ran his hand over his forehead as he always did when he was nonplussed.

“She’s a real WILF,” said Jack.


“A woman I’d like to fuck.”

“No need to be unfriendly …” began Kenny.

“Unfriendly?” Jack sounded surprised. “I’m just paying your wife a compliment. And I’m complimenting you as well, appreciating your good taste in women.”

“Well, …”

Kenny was at a loss again. Jack’s eyes continued to rove over my body and the heat of his stare ignited warmth in the pit of my stomach.

“It’s a pool party,” said Jack. “Why don’t we go to the poolside, Amy?”

“Good idea,” I said, thinking it was a good way to diffuse the situation. “I promised the mothers I would watch over the kids. I’m a qualified lifeguard.”

“We can do that together,” said Jack. “I’m a trained lifesaver, too.”

Before I could say anything further, he put a hand at the small of my back and propelled me toward the poolside, away from Kenny. I looked over my shoulder to give my husband a reassuring look. He smiled weakly, but it melted away as Jack leaned toward me and put his lips by my ear.

“How tall is your husband?” he whispered.

“Five foot eight,” I said. “Why do you ask?”

“You’re taller than him, Amy.” His hand on the small of my back moved down and he gave one of my ass cheeks a quick squeeze. “Much taller in your heels. They make your long legs look even longer. And make your hips swing. I love the way your ass cheeks move as you walk.”

“I’m trying to be polite to a new neighbor, Jack,” I said. “But you’re trying my patience.”

“Am I? Then why is your pussy getting wet?”

“It’s not!”

“I can see a line of dampness on your thong.”

“That’s quite enough, Jack! Where’s your wife?”

“She’s not here yet, our house still needs work.” His eyes were still on me. He moved even closer, just inches away from me, and I felt his animal magnetism more strongly. “How’d you get your hot body? You look like a swimmer. Or a diver.”

“I swam varsity in college,” I said, relieved to move the conversation away from sexual innuendo. “Four hundred meters medley. You?”

“Army special forces training. Lots of time in the water.” I now noticed the military tattoos in his powerful forearms.


“Left after my sophomore year to enlist. I’m just an uneducated grunt.”

“Yet you’ve got a house in this expensive development.”

“My wife’s family is rich.”

We got to the poolside and I concentrated on watching the screaming, splashing kids for a while. I waved to a few of the mothers that I have spoken to earlier. Soon they all gathered their kids and shepherded them to the picnic tables to get their burgers and hotdogs. The adults in the pool followed. The surface of the empty pool returned to a flat calm.

Then I glanced down at Jack and covered my mouth with my hand. His clearly outlined manhood had grown! His cock was straining against the Lycra of his brief swim trunks. He was making no attempt to conceal it.

“Really, Jack …”

“My wife’s pregnant, in her first trimester. Her morning sickness is so bad, she hasn’t let me fuck her in over a month.” I made to move away from him, but he put an arm around my waist. “You’re so hot, just looking at you has gotten me half hard. I want to fuck you right now.”

“Half hard?” I asked, stupidly.

“Touch my cock, Amy. Then you’ll see me really hard.”

It was so outrageous that I couldn’t think of what to say and laughed weakly.

“How many feet is the pool at the deep end?” he asked.

“Twelve,” I said, relieved to change the subject.

I pushed up my sunglasses into my hair.

“Let’s dive in,” he said, pointing. “I’ll beat you to the drain cover on the bottom.”

I immediately dived into the pool, still with my silk choker ribbon around my throat, my sunglasses in my hair, and my rubber pool shoes with their three-inch heels on my feet. I was dimly aware of a large form right beside me as I kicked strongly for the bottom. I stretched out and reached forward at full stretch as I would for the touchpad at the end of a race. But despite my desperate lunge, I saw his hand next to mine, touching the drain cover just a fraction of a second before me.

I kicked back upward. When I broke surface, I couldn’t see him at first. But then I heard his voice, whispering in my ear from behind me.

“I won.”

“I know,” I said.

“I’ll take my winnings now.”

I felt one of his arms around my waist, his hand cupping my small left breast under the surface. His other hand found my pussy and began to knead it through my thong.

“Omigod!” I gasped. My legs were moving rhythmically as I trod water and accentuated the feel of his hand against my nether lips. “What the fuck are you doing? My husband is right there. He can see us!”

“I’m behind you, he can’t see me,” said Jack. “And he can’t see underwater. Not from over there.”

I squirmed, but he held me fast. I could not believe how quickly I was getting excited and how it sapped my will to resist. I also didn’t want to let Kenny know what we were doing. Jack seemed to read my mind.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, his thumb running over my nipple through the thin fabric of my bikini bra.

“Yes,” I panted. “I mean, no. Omigod, I don’t know what I want …”

“I want to fuck you, Amy. I want to fuck you hard. I want to make you cum. Again and again.”

“Don’t talk like that!”


“Because, … because, … you’re driving me wild!”

He pulled the crotch of my panties aside and pushed two fingers into me, knuckle deep. His thumb continued to tease my nipple and now his other thumb began to tease my clit. His fingers sank deeper into me as he began to work them like little pistons.

“Jesus God!” I tried to keep my voice down, mewing rather than moaning. I really wanted to let go, to cry out, for he had already gotten me to the verge of cumming. I was more excited than I had ever been with Kenny. My husband waved to me, and I put a hand up, waving back. For some reason, the sight of Kenny while I was being roughly finger-fucked by this stranger added fuel to my excitement.

We were both treading water but he used his weight to submerge us repeatedly. Every time we went under, I blew hard, emitting a cloud of bubbles.

“Your nipples are like bullets,” he whispered in my ear. “Your ass is superb – so hard and firm. I love how it feels against me. It’ll feel even better when I push my cock into you.”

His fingers in my pussy began to work faster and his thumb on my clit grew rougher. I began to cum, with waves of contractions that had my hips juddering. I tried desperately to keep my voice down. My whole body tensed with the effort of choking down my cries, every muscle tightening and bunching as I tried to continue treading water while cumming so hard.

Finally, he stopped and his hands slid off my body. My contractions slowly abated and I sank into the depths of the pool, closing my eyes. I felt exhausted, boneless. I opened my eyes when my feet hit bottom and found he had sunk with me, his face inches from mine. I held his head in my hands, my fingers running through his hair as we began rising toward the surface together.

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“I want to fuck you now,” he whispered in my ear, as we broke surface again. He was behind me again. “To really feel your tight pussy and your buns of steel. Right here in the pool.”

“Not here,” I whispered back. “Follow me into the house. To our bedroom.”

“I can’t wait that long, Amy.”

He untied one of the hip straps of my bikini panties.

“No, no,” I whispered. “Not here … ”

He untied the other hip strap. I felt the fabric rub over my clit as he pulled it off. I watched with horror as it floated to the surface of the pool a moment later. Then I felt the warmth of his cockhead at my pussy lips. Kenny waved to me again, looking more cheerful – Jack was still behind me, so he couldn’t see him.

“How’s the water, Amy?” he called. “Not too chlorinated, I hope? I just gave the pool a shot of granular chlorine before the party.”

“No, no, it’s fine … Omigod!” My voice ended in a gasp, as I felt Jack enter me. He was huge! His cockhead, spread my pussy lips wider than they’d ever been before.

“You ok, hon?” Kenny called out.

“Fine, fine,” I gasped. “Maybe the chlorine is a bit sharp.”

“It’s probably still dissipating,” he called out. “Want a burger? I’ve got one with your name on it!”

“Later, later,” I panted, as I expelled air from my lungs. With my reduced buoyancy, I slowly sank and my weight drove Jack’s massive organ deeper into me. “Going to dive down to the filter!”

I took a deep breath as Jack pulled me below the surface. He arched his back, driving the rest of his enormous manhood into me. He was right – what I had seen through his swim trunks was the merest precursor to his rampant organ, fully erect. No one had ever been this deep in me before. I felt like I was impaled on a hot bar of steel. The feeling of being so totally distended went to my head. He was so deep in me, I thought I could feel his cock in my throat.

I began to cum underwater, my contractions gripping his hard, unrelenting shaft. My thighs threshed spasmodically and my body twisted in his powerful arms. I cried out as I came, letting out a rush of bubbles that burbled upward toward the surface.

We kept sinking toward the bottom and Jack worked up a rhythm, fucking me steadily. I felt his balls each time he bottomed out in me and a fresh stream of bubbles issued from my mouth. He pulled down the cups of my bikini bra and kneaded my athletic breasts, tweaking the nipples roughly. They grew harder and longer than I could ever remember – so much so that they were a bit painful.

I came again just as we touched the bottom of the pool and began to go into oxygen debt. I turned my head around, my eyes clearly indicating that I wanted to surface. I kicked hard with the rubber high heel pool shoes on my feet but made little progress as he kept fucking me. We were rising, but ever so slowly. I felt the beginnings of panic as I tried to avoid swallowing water. I came yet again, even harder. This one was so forceful that I saw stars in front of my eyes. My whole body writhed, every muscle tensed to the breaking point.

Finally, as my contractions erratically wrung his engorged cock, he exploded, pumping gouts of warm semen into me through three thrusts. Only then, as I felt his warm jism spurt into my deepest recesses, did he join me in kicking for the surface.

We broke surface and drifted apart.

“How’s the pool filter?” Kenny called out to me.

I was too zonked in the afterglow of my heady orgasms to answer. I was about to float on my back when I saw my bikini panties on the surface a few feet away and realized my pussy was bare. I grabbed them and tied them back on. Then I floated on my back, with my ears underwater, dead to the world.

Jack’s head appeared in my armpit, my body screening him from Kenny.

“You’re a strong fuck, Amy,” he whispered.

“You bastard, you nearly drowned me!” I hissed back.

“The asphyxiation made you cum even harder,” he whispered complacently. “I knew it would. Your pussy gripped my cock like a vise! And way your ass cheeks worked when you came! You milked me, sucked my seed into you.”

“You’re an animal! No one’s been so deep in me before!”

“I want to fuck you again, Amy. Soon!” He casually caressed my breasts, his thumbnails raking my nipples, making them even stiffer. “Next time, I want to feel your hard nipples against my chest.”

Then I heard Kenny calling out to me again. Jack dove under and disappeared.

“Your burger got cold, babe, but I made you a new one. Come and get...

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Written by jxa2012
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