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It was the late fall of 1976. Kelly and I were seniors in high school. Kelly had changed so much over the past couple of years it was almost unbelievable. She had grown from being a shy, timid virgin to a strong woman that exuded confidence, and when she wanted, raw sexuality. Kelly had experienced nearly a dozen men and boys by that time, some barely sixteen, some more than twice her age.

The summer before her junior year Kelly had run into one of the teachers, Mr. C. She was on a beer run with Rod, a guy she had been partying with (and fucking). Rod, who had graduated, had been on the high school baseball team coached by Mr. C. While they got caught up on their lives they were drooling over Kelly’s body.

Kelly’s nipples were extremely erect and one areola was exposed through her thin T-shirt. Her Daisy Dukes were so tight and tugged up that she had a huge camel-toe and a few inches of butt cheek exposed. Kelly was embarrassed as they both stripped and fucked her with their eyes. Neither was shy about it. The part that nearly killed young Kelly with embarrassment was when both of them got boners that poked out in their shorts.

Kelly was familiar with Rod’s beer can-shaped cock. She was shocked to see Mr. C sprouting what, up to that time, was possibly the largest cock she had ever seen. Kelly guessed it to be at least nine inches long. Mr. C ended his internal fuck fantasy by giving her a too-long hug while jabbing his long spear into her belly button and just rubbing it between them.

A week later Kelly was back at school. Her locker had always been right by Mr. C’s doorway. While she felt completely unnoticed for the first two years of school, for her junior year he would greet her once or twice a day with, “Looking Good, Kelly!” On an occasional day, she would be dressed up, or down in a sexy way, it was, “Looking REALLY good, Kelly!”

Kelly couldn’t wipe the picture of his long cock tenting out his softball shorts from her mind. Every time he made a comment to her she thought about his cock. Being a teacher, Mr. C probably noticed the changes in Kelly in how she carried herself, how she exuded sex, even more than Kelly herself realized.

Kelly lost her breath for a moment when she received her senior year class schedule over the summer. Mr. C would be her advanced math teacher. For a couple of weeks before school began Kelly bounced back and forth between sexual fantasies about Mr. C and feelings of terror knowing how he looked at her.

Weeks into his class, Kelly was relieved. He was nothing but professional and didn’t leer at her. He continued to make comments in the hallway, but never in the classroom. Kelly was very bright and did well in his class. She had post-high school plans that required a few recommendation letters. It was at the end of the school day, minutes after he told her she was “looking really good” that Kelly walked into his empty classroom.

She stood at his desk and explained what she needed and was asking of him. He listened intently until she finished. Kelly hadn’t fully planned to ask him that specific day. It just dawned on her that it may be good timing. She hadn’t planned her wardrobe for the event.

During her senior year, Kelly had taken to ditching her bra every few days. She didn’t want her huge 32F tits flying around so she wore a chambray shirt that she tied tightly around her torso and knotted just below her boobs. Often times she would wear a T-shirt or tank top as well. On that particular day, she had not because it was unseasonably warm. She had even undone several buttons as the day went on.

Now standing before her teacher with the huge cock, asking for a favor, Kelly suddenly became aware of how much cleavage she was revealing. She was also wearing her everyday worn-out, patched-up, low-rise, hip-hugger, bell-bottom jeans. Most of her short torso was exposed. The jeans were skin-tight across her bubble butt. Kelly had her extremely long (below her butt) hair pulled back in a loose ponytail

She caught eyes with Mr. C and for the first time realized his eyes were the same color of blue as her own. During those moments of silence, she had again felt like he was undressing her in his mind. A year and a half ago that thought terrified her. This day was a different Kelly. She enjoyed the thought of him wanting her. She shuffled her legs and popped one hip and hung her thumbs from the top of her jeans, tugging them further down, even if only a fraction of an inch. She subtly lifted her chest a little higher.

“Kelly, I would be proud to write that letter. I’m glad you stopped in and asked. I’ll be honest, after I saw you at that liquor store I thought I had maybe scared you to death. I want to apologize for what happened to me, physically, that night. It was inappropriate, I guess. But you are just an amazing woman. I wonder if you fully realize that?”

Kelly was taken aback. She wasn’t expecting him to acknowledge that his huge pecker pitched a tent on her behalf. However, the subject of his hard-on was now in the conversation and he put it there. “I’m not the same girl I was that night. I’ve had a lot of fun and experienced many, many things since then. If we’re being honest, I just wasn’t prepared for the size of that thing. It was the biggest I’d ever seen and it kind of freaked me out. But I also have to tell you that I’ve thought about that night a lot ever since then.”

“And what do you think about it, Kelly?” Kelly felt her pussy moisten. She realized her nipples were already hard. She did a quick glance down and could see they were poking through her light blue shirt. Kelly chose her words very carefully and with full intention.

“I wish I had dropped to my knees, pulled down your shorts, and sucked that long, hot cock until you exploded in my mouth. I would have swallowed every last drop. But since I didn’t do that, I’ve thought about it often when I take a hot bath and can take the time to fully relax.”

Mr. C stood up. His slacks showed the same long cock pushing out a tent just below his belt. “Kelly, you’re extremely smart and are pulling A’s in my class. I think you always know exactly what you’re doing.” He walked over, closed the door, and locked it. He walked up to Kelly and reached out to untie the knot in her shirt. She helped him. As the shirt fell loose he unbuttoned the last two buttons and opened her shirt exposing her bare breasts. Her nipples were hard and red and stood out against her ivory, sun-deprived breasts. He sat back in his chair and pulled her to him and sucked and played with her nipples. Kelly smiled broadly at him as he looked up at her.

After a few minutes, Kelly reached her hand down to his cock and grasped it firmly. Mr. C let out a groan. Kelly stepped back and dropped to her knees. Mr. C was unzipping and pulling out his dick as she did. She grabbed it with one hand and took a minute to marvel at it. It was about the nine-inches that she had guessed. My cock is a very standard white-boy issue six-inches. His was at least half again as long as mine but about as thick. Kelly was awestruck by the weight of his dick. It was “heavy as shit”, as she would tell me in the future. And “hot as an iron”.

Having taken the time to observe, Kelly went to work like a seasoned professional. She slipped off her shirt and handed it to him. She grabbed the tip of his dick with one hand and slowly licked his shaft multiple times from the base to the tip. She went after his belt and opened it then pulled his trousers down to his ankles and shoved his knees far apart.

She buried her face between his legs and licked his balls. He instinctively slid forward in his seat. Kelly pulled him a bit further. This time her tongue started behind his nuts and she licked him all the way forward up to the tip of his cock. She went back and worked over his balls, sucking each into her mouth and working it over with her tongue. She spent so much time on his nuts that when she pulled out she saw she had a stream of his pre-cum running over the hand holding his cock.

Kelly knew he was ready and slowly sucked his cockhead into her mouth. Then slowly and steadily she lowered her face over his cock, opening her throat and continuing her steady push to his pubic bone. She finally had her nose buried in his ticklish pubes and pressing against his groin. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and lapped at his sack.

Just as slowly she pulled off his cock, took a quick breath, and swallowed him whole again. The next few strokes were quicker. It had only been a couple of minutes when she again had her nose in his pubes. She felt him grasp her head and hold it down. She felt one small shot then a moment later three strong streams of hot cum, one right after the other. She kept her lips tight around the base of his cock. He removed his hands.

Kelly slowly pulled her mouth about half-way up his cock. She felt a few small aftershocks of cum. She could again breathe through her nose. She took her first gulp and removed most of his load. She held a tight seal around his cock until she felt him begin to deflate. She swallowed a second time. She stayed with him for a couple of more minutes until he was completely limp. She licked all of the cum she could feel and sucked her hardest to clear his tube of any remains.

Once she was fully satisfied there was no more liquid evidence, she took a final gulp and then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. Mr. C looked like a wreck. His orgasm had drained him completely in more ways than one. Kelly pulled his pants up over his knees.

His eyes never left her boobs as she worked at getting him back together. Then she grabbed her shirt and seductively tied her knot below her breasts. Without doing any buttons the top half of her boobs were exposed. She was so aroused that her nipples looked as though they may burst through the fabric.

Mr. C stood and put away his limp cock and zipped and buckled back up. Kelly gave him a hug. His hands dropped to her butt and he held her tight. “Kelly, I’m telling you the honest truth. As a man, no one has ever done anything so pleasurable to me in my life. I don’t know how to thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. I should thank you.” Kelly kissed his chest and then skittered out of his room. On one hand, she was glad the building had pretty much emptied out but on the other, she was disappointed no one was seeing her cleavage. Just as she got to the front door one of her male teachers from her freshman year came walking by and did a triple take. He never noticed her eyes or her face. It made her nipples even harder.

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Kelly was glad the holidays were close. It seemed to her that Mr. C was having a hard time keeping focused when he saw or spoke to her. One of her friends who were in the same class asked what was up with how he was looking at her. Partly due to cooler weather, mostly due to him, Kelly kept everything covered up and respectable.

The two-week holiday break seemed to help Mr. C find his focus. Kelly and I still fucked constantly. Our close friends and fuck-buddies, Yvonne and Patrick were very much in our lives. In fact, Yvonne was gone over the holidays and Kelly serviced Patrick to get him through

It was near Valentine’s Day when at the end of class Kelly was the last one to leave and Mr. C patted her ass as she walked out. Kelly started to make it a habit to be the last one to trail out. As long as no one had entered for the next class, his pats became squeezes and fondles of her jean covered butt.

One day a few weeks later, for no reason at all (hah!) Kelly wore a dress. It was very much unlike her. Kelly was stunned at the comments she heard all day from male classmates as well as staff. Yet upon reflection, she realized the great majority had never seen her in anything other than her normal jeans. That day as she was the last to leave his classroom, Mr. C’s hand slid up her thigh and he played with her cheeks, flesh on flesh.

Kelly had herself convinced that there was nothing more for her with Mr. C. She had wanted to suck his cock and she had. Her sex life was in overdrive with others. Yet, she couldn’t deny how wet he made her touching her butt. Kelly realized how much she enjoyed the attention from wearing a dress. She wore another one two weeks later.

The dress that day was a new one she had recently bought. The top was ivory, semi-sheer, and had a frilly “yoke” over the top (basically a circular second layer around her neck) which hung low enough to camouflage her nipples with the frills. She didn’t want to show off a bra strap, so she wore it braless. She had also hemmed up the patterned bottom part of the dress so it hung above her knees.

A brief sidebar about our high school’s dress code: There wasn’t one. I knew a half-dozen girls with pointy nipples that never wore a bra one single day and they were always very obvious. One day I overheard a couple of female teachers talking about one girl’s extremely low-cut jeans and bare midriff. One said to the other, “If I don’t see hair, I don’t care.” That pretty much summed up the seventies!

The first thing that morning Kelly got a “Looking REALLY good, Kelly!” Kelly could feel her panties dampen. Mr. C’s class was her second to last class of the day. Kelly’s pussy was wet all day. Kelly had also planned this day as it was a day I was away from school and out of town.

She struggled to concentrate on her classes all day. She got a couple of wolf-whistles in the hallway and many appreciative stares from the guys. In Mr. C’s class, he called her to the front to show the work for solving a fairly complicated equation. He reminded her to start high on the chalkboard to leave enough room. Her stretch showed a few more inches of her thighs. She could feel the stares of her classmates knowing how badly they wanted to see her butt.

When she got to the bottom of the chalkboard she bent at the waist to finish her writing. The dress clung to her little bubble butt. Kelly was running this show. Back at her seat with her legs crossed she mindlessly slipped one shoe to her toes and bounced her foot. It wasn’t really her intention but the effect on her crotch was keeping her clit happy. The longer she bounced the higher the dress rode up her thigh. She managed to distract all of the boys in the class as well as the teacher.

She struck up a conversation with Mr. C about the math problem as the rest of the class filed out. Guys were nudging elbows and snickering as they were close enough behind her to confirm through the semi-sheer top: No bra straps. When the room was empty Mr. C’s hand quickly went under the yoke and he played with her nipples. Kelly couldn’t help but let out a soft moan.

“Could I offer you a ride home after school?” he offered quietly.

“I’d love to take a ride after school,” she replied and quickly left his classroom. Kelly knew exactly what she said. She had intentionally put herself in that position. Knowing she had just agreed to fuck a teacher within an hour or so caused her to feel light-headed. Her heart was pounding. It took her the entire last class period to calm herself and chase away the butterflies.

She was at her locker and hung around for a few minutes as the hallway emptied. Mr. C was standing in his doorway. There was a little-used exit door near the back of the school. He asked if he could pick her up there?

Ten minutes later and they were parked in the lot of an empty public park. Mr. C leaned in to kiss Kelly. She turned her cheek. Kelly has always felt that even kissing her on her clit is less intimate than kissing her on the mouth. She wasn’t ready to swap spit with Mr. C. She instead had him unzip the back of her dress which she removed and laid on the dashboard. She slipped down her damp panties and placed them with them. She thought it would be fun to leave her heels on.

Kelly leaned back against the door and placed one leg on the top of the seat. She used both hands to spread open her hairy black bush and expose her pink folds. Mr. C looked like a kid on Christmas morning. He immediately leaned forward and began to eat her pussy. Kelly was moaning and her pussy was flowing. She told herself again that there was a lot to be said about grown-ass men versus school boys

He made her cum quickly. Kelly was focused hard on not spraying. There was just no way she could do that on a teacher. He kept at her cunt and made her cum a second time. He sat up and pulled down his slacks. He pulled out a condom and was about to tear it open. Kelly said “No need. I’ve been on the pill for years. I want to feel it.”

Kelly slid down onto her back. Mr. C positioned his huge cock at her entrance and started to push. “Please tell me if it hurts,” he asked.

Kelly replied, “Just push it in.” He kept moving his nine-inch cock further up her vagina. Kelly could see the look of caution on his face as he was more than halfway in her.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just fuck me, please. God, your cock feels so huge!” Kelly felt his balls against her slit and his cockhead against her cervix. It wasn’t her first time with a cock his length and she knew she could take all of him. However, Mr. C seemed genuinely shocked that he had his entire cock inside of her.

He finally blurted out “No one has ever taken all of me before.”

Kelly didn’t know how to respond. 'I have a long vagina? My pussy is too big?' No, she was quite proud that she could handle any man she had so far allowed to enter her. She finally said “I guess it’s your lucky day. Now fuck me.”

Mr. C got over his amazement and went to town. He was quickly slamming her cunt and bouncing her butt up and down off the car seat. Kelly was gasping at the feeling of his long strokes and the feeling of fullness in her cunt. She began an orgasm and he kept pounding her cunt all the way through it. It rolled almost immediately into another one. Kelly was gasping and barking out, “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, OH FUCK OH FUUUCK!” He never let up his assault. Kelly felt sweat running from her chest down her sides.

She felt like she was going to pass out. She couldn’t get enough air. She was staring almost through his eyes it was so deep. He smirked and kept slamming her cunt with his bat. Kelly continued to cum. She had lost her voice and was now only making animalistic grunts upon every cervix-bashing thrust. He had to have been fucking her like this for at least ten solid minutes.

He suddenly stopped. He roared so loudly that Kelly thought he sounded like a grizzly bear. She felt his shaft throb with each pulse of cum as he filled her cunt. He dripped sweat from his forehead onto her boobs. She felt the twitches of a man trying to pump his last few drops out. She watched as he pulled his long, stiff, glistening wet shaft from her twat and quickly covered himself with his slacks.

Kelly was laying there, almost in shock from the pounding, as he started the car and began to back out of the parking space. She realized they were driving on the street when she quickly sat up and reached for her panties. As soon as she had them on she felt his huge load slip loose and fill them with cum. She tugged her dress over her head and did her best to get it zipped up.

Mr. C didn't say a word. He suddenly seemed cold and uncaring. Less than a minute later he was in her driveway. “Have a great night,” was all he said. Kelly looked at him with a blank face and said nothing as she turned and got out.

Laying in her bed that night she thought back to the whispers she had heard about him with other girls. In our school ninety percent of the rumors we heard were lies, but that still left the ten percent. Kelly fell asleep confused. Maybe the rumors about him were true? She had a boyfriend that she loved. She didn’t want to have an affair with Mr. C. She just wanted to suck, and then, fuck his big cock. Yet, somehow she felt used.

The next day in school Mr. C said nothing to her in the hallway. He made his comments, as always, to some other girls. Somehow, though, Kelly heard them now entirely different. Two days later one of her friends told her she heard from a guy on the baseball team that Kelly had fucked Coach C. Kelly denied it with venom and anger.

He never again called on her in class. They never spoke in the hall. She finally admitted she had been used, albeit willingly, and was just another notch in his belt. Kelly chalked it up as experience in growing up and moved on. Nonetheless, she was embarrassed and it was years later before she would share this tale with me.






Written by GoodToBeMe
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