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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story, I invite you to read the other chapters before proceeding with this one. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

My wife is much more of a morning person than I am so, as usual, when I woke up, I was alone. As the cobwebs cleared, I could hear soft singing coming from the master bath so got up to see what she was up to. I leaned on the door jamb and watched as for the first time in many years, my darling bride shaved her pubic area clean. She had in years past gone fully bare but for the last number of years kept it in a neat triangle that pointed the way to her little pleasure bud.

I waited until she was finished and watched as she slid her hand all over to make sure she was completely smooth. “Enjoying yourself?” I asked quietly. Jane jumped a little at the sound of my voice but regained her composure quickly.

“You always did like to watch me do that, didn’t you?” she teased with her beautiful smile. “I thought about asking you to help me but I know I would never be ready in time.”

“Why go completely clean down there?” I asked.

“Old time's sake,” she replied. The image of her and her girlfriend naked in a sixty-nine came quickly to mind and my manhood responded in kind. “Are you excited to see me or do you just need to pee?” My morning wood had always been the source of some teasing from her. “Or maybe you were dreaming about me and Noemi again!”

“Maybe I was,” I replied as I went o the toilet and relieved myself. “Is there room in there for me?”

“Of course there is,” she said, “that’s why we bought the big tub!” During our last bathroom reno, we installed a jacuzzi tub large enough for the two of us. In truth, it could have comfortably held four people but that was in our minds when we bought it. It was in my mind now.

I climbed in, sat down, and turned on the jets. Jane came over and sat in front of me, craning her face around for a good morning kiss. “You’ve had a chance to think on it, are you still okay with me going to see Noemi?

“If the dream I had last night is any indication, I would have to say I am,” I replied. “Go with her, have fun. Make love to her. Have some soul-crushing orgasms. Then come home and tell me all about it!”

She took my hand in hers and moved it down to massage her smooth mound. “I can’t believe I’m even thinking about doing this!” she breathed as my fingers massaged her labia. Her fingers guided mine into her opening as she pressed my firm palm against her clit. Before long she tensed and then held her breath as she came for the first time that day.

“Oh, baby, I love when you play with me!” she whispered as she twisted around to kiss me.

“I love when we play with you!” I answered. She just smiled and kissed me again. “Are you going to take an overnight bag?”

“Should I?” she asked.

“Better to have it and not need it…”

She finished the thought, “… than need it and not have it! Maybe I should.” She kissed me again and rubbed my hard cock. “Thank you for this.”

“Don’t say think you, show me thank you,” I said as I sat up on the edge of the tub with my cock pointing at her face. She smiled and opened wide as her face came forward. The first contact my cock felt was when the head touched the back of her throat before she clamped her lips down and drew up slowly. Her eyes were locked on mine throughout and the sight of her pale blue eyes looking at me while her soft pink lips were wrapped around my cock aroused me all the more.

Her tongue danced along the underside as she extended it every time she went down. Then came that most magical of feelings as I felt her throat relax and my head slipped in. Her eyes closed for a moment then opened again as she bobbed ever so slowly up and down. After a moment she came off me.

“Don’t tell me when you’re going to come, I want it all down my throat!” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the noise of the whirlpool jets.

I found myself wishing I’d remembered to bring my phone with me. “Next time,” I thought to myself as her mouth engulfed me once more. “Just think,” she teased “in just a few hours, this tongue,” she licked my shaft root to tip, “will be licking Noemi’s sweet pussy!” That did it and I shot my first spurt cum all over her face. She let out a little squeal and plunged down onto me to take the remaining spurts into her throat.

Between her lips and her hand, she quickly milked me dry. She pulled me back down into the bubbling water and kissed me, “Clean my face,” she begged, knowing I would never refuse her request. I licked up every drop, sharing each one with her as I did. She hungrily lapped it up as we traded cummy kisses and when she was all clean, we smiled at each other.

“We are so lucky to have found each other,” she said softly, “not many men would do that for their partner.”

“This one will, every day,” I replied.

“Would you lick another man’s cum from my face?” Apparently, she was serious about fucking other men.

“Maybe, would you lick another woman’s pussy juices from my cock?” Two could play that game.

“Definitely!” she said. “How about from my pussy?”

“If I’d lick it from your face, I would definitely lick it from your pussy!” We kissed some more, “I guess we’ll just have to find out when the time comes.”

“When the time comes, I like the way you’re thinking!” She giggled and we kissed again before getting out of the tub. We often bathed together so drying each other off without it devolving into fucking was not as much of a challenge as it might have been, but on this morning it was proving more difficult as we both couldn’t get the thought of Noemi’s pussy out of our minds.

I busied myself making coffee and breakfast while Jane remained upstairs packing an overnight bag. I could hear her phone pinging which made me chuckle. I knew she and her girlfriend were teasing each other from the laughing and giggles that followed each ping. “I have created a monster,” I thought to myself. Presently she came down the stairs, her face a little flushed.

“How’s your girlfriend this morning?” I teased her.

“She says she’s excited to see me,” my wife replied.

“I’ll bet she is, I know I would be. Is she as excited as you are?”

“I’m not sure that’s possible,” she answered. She held her hand out and showed me how it was shaking. “I can’t remember ever being this nervous.” I held her and kissed her softly.

“You’ll be fine,” I said. “I mean it’s not like you two have never been together before.”

“We were a lot younger and a lot prettier then,” she said. “Age has not been kind to me.”

“Age has treated you very, very well,” I objected. “You may look a little different but you are every bit as beautiful as that twenty-one-year-old girl I first fell in love with.” We kissed again and she whispered a quiet thank you. “Just keep me in the loop.”

“You want a play-by-play?” she asked.

“A blow-by-blow you mean?” she slapped my shoulder as we laughed together. “No, I just need to know if I’m making supper for one or two.”

“Or three!” She raised her eyebrows suggestively at the thought.

“Or three!” I returned. We kissed again. “You are so fucking hot right now, let me take your picture!” She sat up on one of the stools in our breakfast nook and raised her coffee cup to just below her face. Her sweetest, most innocent smile lit up her face and I snapped a couple of shots. “So fucking hot!”

“You always know the right things to say,” she purred as she trailed her fingers along my tented shorts.

“You better stop that or you’ll never get to that pussy!” I teased.

“And you’ll miss your tee time!”

“I'll trade a tee time for pussy any day of the week!” I replied with a leer. We both laughed again and reluctantly moved away from each other to finish getting ready for our day. Soon I was ready to head out to the golf course but Jane had an hour or so to wait before going out to her date.

“How will you pass the time?” I asked, with emphasis on the ‘will’.

“I don’t know,” she answered before sucking the tip of one finger into her mouth. “I’ll figure something out.”

“I know you will!” I said before kissing her. “Have fun today, give my best to Noemi.”

“If my plan comes together, you’ll be giving her your best in person!” she teased. “In the meantime, don’t lose your balls!”

“You are such a tease!” I said. “You know I’m probably going to play like shit today because I won’t be able to get this image out of my mind!”

“Maybe I’ll send you a picture then!” she said. I just shook my head, kissed her again, and left. Driving was a bit more difficult than usual because of the erection filling the front of my pants. I cranked the music up and tried to think about anything but my wife and her girlfriend naked in bed together but it wasn’t easy.


Jane's Perspective:

I watched my husband limp out to his SUV. Normally, I wouldn’t leave him with such a bad case of blue balls but I did give him a blowjob already this morning and he would just have to make do until I returned from my date with Noemi. As he turned the corner, I picked up my phone and texted her.

Ten minutes later we were having a mutual masturbation session over Facetime as our lust overtook our patience and common sense. The years had been much more kind to her than they had me, her body looked as firm and taut as I remembered it but she hadn’t born two kids. Her breasts were larger than I remembered too, she must have had a little cosmetic enhancement done. I hefted my own breasts, still pretty firm for a woman of fifty-one but not nearly so firm as hers.

I soon lost focus on her body and concentrated on my own as our moans and sighs grew louder. We made suggestive promises about the things we would soon do to each other and before long we listened to each other announce our orgasms to the world. After we both caught our collective breath, we agreed to skip lunch and I would go directly to her condo. After another quick shower and a touch-up, I was out the door.

When I arrived at her building, I waited impatiently for the buzzer that announced the lobby door was unlocked. I has worn simple underthings because I thought we would be having lunch and didn’t want to be too uncomfortable under my jeans and snug t-shirt. As I waited for the elevator, I wished I had chosen more alluring lingerie but I did remember to pack some in my overnight bag so all was not lost.

The elevator ride to the eleventh floor seemed an eternity but finally, the chime sounded and the door opened. The plaque on the wall said her unit was to my right so I turned and walked down the hallway. Just as I was about to tap on her door, it opened, Noemi was standing in a silk kimono, her hair cut short to frame her face. She wore no make-up that I could see except a light shade of lipstick to brighten them just a little. She was gorgeous and I told her so!

“Hi,” she breathed. “Come in!” She stepped back and I entered her modern-looking condo, floor-to-ceiling windows dominated the far wall, and the view that overlooked the western part of town was broad and sweeping. I set down my bag and opened my arms for a hug; her body felt the same as I remembered it, slim, lithe, taut, and firm. “You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to this!”

“Me too,” was all I could muster before our lips met in a soft kiss. We smiled at each other, kissed again and then she took my hand and led me to her couch.

“I have to ask,” she said, “what brought this on?” I told her about Rich’s dreams and my own and how we both fantasized about being with her and that we thought we should go for it and see what happens. “Oh,” she said. “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever dreamed about being with Rich but I will admit to having some very fond recollections of our times together.” We kissed again for a bit and then she offered to get us something to drink.

“White wine, if you have some,” I said and she smiled.

“Still a wine drinker I see,” she said as she popped the cork and poured us each a glass. “I still don’t understand, are you guys okay? It’s just that it’s been so long, why now?”

“We’re better than okay,” I said. “Rich is a very good lover and I can’t imagine being married to anyone else. We just decided to see if the fantasy was as good as the reality.”

“Oh,” she said. I could see her brain trying to wrap itself around what I was saying.

“Just so we’re clear, there is no quid pro quo here,” I said. “I’m not here to seduce you into our marriage bed, I just missed you and thought we could have a fun afternoon together.”

“Like we sued to do,” she said wistfully. “You broke my heart you know, when you got engaged to Rich. I tried not to show it because you were so happy but part of me wanted to try to break you up so I could have you to myself. So you understand if I’m feeling a little confused by all this.”

“You didn’t seem confused during our texts and certainly not earlier during our Facetime call,” I said. “I got the impression you were totally up for this.”

“I was,” she said, “I just can’t help thinking there’s more to it.”

“Well, there kinda is,” I admitted. I leaned in and kissed her. “How about this? You and I go into your bedroom and get reacquainted with each other’s bodies and then afterward we can talk about it?”

“No, she said firmly, “I want to talk about it now. I want you, you have no idea how badly I want to taste you and love you and make you cum. You broke my heart once, I’m not going to let you do it again.”

“Okay,” I agreed before taking a deep breath. “Maybe we just got carried away with the passion and lust but Rich told me I should do this. He knows that we had a thing before we got married and with our fantasies running wild, he said I should see you again. He asked me to ask you if you’d be interested in joining both of us at some point but that’s not a condition of my being here.” Noemi just nodded that she understood.

I took another deep breath, “Whatever you decide, I just want to make love to you and I want you to make love to me. Like I said, Rich is a fantastic lover but he’s not you. Right here, right now, I am yours if you’ll have me.”

“Oh fuck me, Jane, of course, I’ll have you!” She pulled me into her arms and we started kissing for real, our breath quickly becoming ragged as our tongues danced with each other’s. She stood up and took my hand to lead me to her bedroom. We continued kissing until her fingers started undoing the buttons on my jeans. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and she stopped to stare at my full breasts, the tops pillowing out over the bra I had selected that was just one size too small.

My fingers undid the tie of her kimono and I slipped it over her shoulders so it caught on her elbows exposing her naked chest to me. “These are bigger than I remember,” I breathed as I leaned down to take one firm nipple and then the other in my mouth. Her soft moan told me everything I needed to know, she still like to have her nipples suckled and I was happy to oblige her.

Her hands came up and undid the front clasp on my bra, releasing the girls and making my nipples stand up in the air-conditioned room. Her fingers tweaked each one just hard enough that It hurt just a little and I moaned involuntarily. That was one thing Rich had never picked up on and I vowed at that moment to make sure he did in the future. I stood up and we kissed again before I pushed the kimono off her body. I watched as it fell and puddled around her feet and then brought y gaze up slowly o take in the full length of her form. “My God,” I breathed, “you look delicious!”

“You look pretty tasty yourself,” she purred. “Let’s get these jeans off you!” She pulled and tugged and I wriggled my hips until they slipped down my legs and piled around my ankles. Her hand caressed my mound over my white panties which were completely soaked at the crotch. She smiled when she felt the wetness and then brought her fingers to her nose to inhale my scent before opening her lips and slipping them into her mouth. My knees buckled at the sight of her pale pink lipstick around her finger and I secretly hoped that before too long I would see them wrapped around my husband’s cock.

She knelt and slid my panties down as leaned forward and placed a feather-light kiss on my shaved mound. “You still like being bare I see.”

“I haven’t for years,” I said, “but I remember you like me that way.”

“That’s why I love you, “she said, “you always remember the little things.”

Her words shocked me for a moment, enough to make me pause so she stood up and kissed me, “What?”

“You never said that to me before,” I said.

“Would it have made any difference?” she asked.

“It might have,” I said. I always felt very strongly about Noemi and, although I’d had several lovers before my husband, she was the only woman I had ever been with. “We’ll never know, will we?”

“I guess not,” she said. “Look, I’m not saying that I want you to leave your husband for me, I just think you should know how I feel. I love you, I always have, and I always will.”

“I love you too, Noemi, but maybe not in the way you hope I will,” I said. I held her tightly and kissed her. “Make love to me,” I pleaded. She smiled and guided me onto the bed. My legs parted willingly as she moved between them and my whole body shivered when her fingers touched my outer lips.

Her breath felt blast furnace hot on my thighs as she crept closer. I willed her tongue forward in anticipation of its contact with my hard little pleasure nub and I was not disappointed. An electric shock bolted through me when she touched it and the mere brush of her tongue triggered my second orgasm of the day. Then I felt her lips clamp around my clit and she started to use her tongue along with the suction to tease me. BAM! Orgasm number three burst out of me as I clamped my thighs tightly onto her head and used my hands to grasp her hair to hold her against me!

An unbidden scream accompanied each rushing pulse of pleasure, loud and full-throated as I announced my lust with a string of that most favorite of four-letter words. My hips bucked but she held on tight, eliciting rush after rush from my body. My husband and other lovers had made me cum many, many times but nobody could bring the lust out of me the way she could. I vowed to myself then and there that I would continue to be with this woman, my husband could agree or not, that was his choice but it was going to be that way and that’s all there was to it.

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My body was drenched with sweat and cum as I relaxed my thighs and flopped back onto the bed. I relaxed my grip on Noemi’s hair and pulled her gently up my body to share my taste on her mouth. I kissed her as hungrily as I had ever kissed anyone, wanting to devour her whole. After a bit, she pushed herself away and smiled at me. “That was fun!” she whispered.

“That was amazing!” I said. “Nobody makes me cum the way you do! I was stupid to stop seeing you when Rich and I got married.”

“Does that mean you want to keep seeing me?” she asked.

“Oh, fuck yes!” I exclaimed. “I don’t care if he agrees or not, I want to keep seeing you and loving you!” We kissed more softly for a few moments. “And now it’s your turn!” I grinned as I rolled her onto her back.

She had shaved herself as well, not completely bare as I had but leaving a small thin vertical strip that pointed the way to her clit. I wouldn’t have needed it, no one would, her clit was the largest I had ever seen and was full and plump with the nub peeking out from under the folds just waiting to be caressed and sucked. Her legs wrapped around my shoulders as I moved in and as soon as my tongue made contact her heels dug into my back, pulling me in tight.

A soft, Oooh I have missed that!” escaped her lips as I flicked my tongue across it. I massaged it with my tongue and lips for a bit then I shifted to slip two fingers inside her and massaged her g-spot. I could never understand why so many men couldn’t find it, all they had to do was watch a woman’s face, she would tell you immediately that you had found it. And so it was with Noemi, my fingers brushed her spot and her whole body spasmed. A little curl upward with the fingertips and firm pressure with my thumb on the base of her engorged clit and she was panting as though she was running a marathon.

I loved that it was so long, I could masse it with my thumb and still suckle on it like a nipple. Judging from her reaction, she loved it too as her moans and sighs grew louder and more frequent. Although I needed none of it, she coached me through it, “That’s it, baby! Suck my clit! Oh, yes, there! Mmmm, rub it, rub it hard! YES! LIKE THAT! YES!” Her moans started becoming shouts as she got closer to lesbian heaven. For some reason, she must have thought I couldn’t tell she was getting close, “OH FUCK! I’M GONNA CUM! OH FUCK! GET READY! IT’S GONNA RAIN! OHH GOD DAMMIT YES!”

I moved my mouth away from her pussy and rain it did, all over my face, soaking my hair and the sheet beneath her fine round ass. I watched her pussy pulse with each jet of fluid and once it subsided, I dove back on and started again wanting to keep her riding that most delicious of highs. Through it all, she coached me on what to do, where to do it, and how hard to do it until she flopped back and begged for me to stop.

“OH PLEASE! STOP! I CAN’T! FUCK! PLEASE STOP!” she screamed. I hope the walls were well soundproofed, anyone listening might have thought someone was being tortured. I crawled up along her body and we held each other as her body quivered with the aftershocks, trading soft kisses and whispering sweet words.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve been practicing!” she panted. “I think that’s the hardest I ever came in my life!”

“I remember a few times when you came pretty hard!” I said. “But nothing like that!” She giggled and kissed me.

“Were you serious when you said you wanted us to keep seeing each other?” she asked.

“As a heart attack,” I said. “Rich has two choices, like it or lump it.” I kissed her again. “But if you let him watch, he’ll like it very much.”

“Men are pigs!” she stated.

“But we love them anyway,” I countered.

“Speak for yourself,” she said. “I haven’t been with a man in nearly twenty years.”

“Really? You used to love fucking men!”

“I like fucking women better,” she said. “Men have to try to make you come, women make you come much more easily.”

“So you’re gay then?” I asked.

“No, not really,” she said, “I’m still attracted to men, a hot guy still gets my motor running. I just prefer to sleep with women.”

“I don’t think I could live without a nice big cock once in a while,” I said.

“How big is Rich?” she asked.

“I’ll show you,” I said as I reached for my jeans to retrieve my phone. I showed her a photo of me blowing my husband that he took a few years ago.

 “That’s a pretty nice one,” she said. We kissed some more and then she asked another question. “So you want me to have a threesome with you and Rich then?”

“I want you to know that’s something we’d be interested in,” I said. “But it’s not about what I want. The invitation is there, you can accept it or not, that’s up to you.” I kissed her again, “Whatever you decide, it won’t change how I feel about you.”

“So you expect your husband to be okay with you having a girlfriend?” I nodded. “What does he get out of it?”

“That’s up to you, I guess,” I answered. “I mean if things go our way, he gets to fulfill a fantasy or two. If not, he gets to listen to me describe how you make me cum!”

“You’d tell him about that?” she asked.

“How could I not?” I answered. “Listen, just think about it, okay? You don’t have to decide right now.” I checked the time; it was already nearing five o’clock. We started kissing again, “Now how about we go get cleaned up and find someplace to go for dinner?”

Noemi smiled and took my hand, urging me off the bed, “Good idea!” We made our way into the washroom and about twenty minutes later we made sure each other’s bodies were squeaky clean. I went back into the bedroom and took the frilly things I had brought with me from the bag and put them on. When Noemi came out, she stopped and stared. “Jesus Christ, you better get dressed! You look so fucking hot I want to start all over again!” We both laughed and I continued dressing.

Once we were both dressed, we decided to go to a nearby pub that served great burgers. On the way there we pledged to help each other beat away the men we know would be hitting on us. Turns out it wasn’t too bad, only a few guys tried making any moves and, it being early, they weren’t yet drunk enough to be total assholes. By eight-thirty, we were ready to leave again.

We held hands as we left and walked to her car. She very gallantly opened and held my door for me which made me giggle, I wasn’t used to such treatment. She kissed my fingers before gently closing the door and going around to the other side.

We arrived back at her condo in no time and when we entered the scent of our afternoon delight hit us full on, the whole place smelled of stale sex. She mentioned something about cleaning up but I said I had a better idea.

“We could go to our place,” I suggested, hoping that she’d agree and let Rich join us, “or we could just go to a hotel and get a room.”

She thought about it for a moment, “Let’s get a room,” she said, taking my hand. “and why don’t you invite your husband to join us?” My heart leaped and my knees buckled at her suggestion. “I’m not saying I’ll fuck him but I’m happy to let him watch us!”

“That sounds like a plan!” I said. “Where will we go?”

“Well, something this important should be left to some shady backwater dive.” I nodded in agreement. “The Hilton?”

“The Sheraton has jacuzzi rooms,” I suggested. "Rich and I had gotten one a number of years ago, that’s where we got the idea of a whirlpool tub for our master bathroom. She opened her laptop and booked a room for us in minutes.

“Don’t tell him until we get there,” she suggested.

“He’ll be so surprised!” I said excitedly.

A half-hour later we were checked in but not after some stares from the front desk staff and the young porter who showed us to our room. He explained the controls for the whirlpool tub and waited patiently for his tip. “I got this,” I said to Noemi as I sidled over to him and slid a $20 into his hand. Then I got up on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Evan” I whispered.

“I-i-if you n-need anything, j-just let us know,” he stammered as he backed out of the room. We both laughed like crazy people as we collapsed on the bed and hugged.

“Okay,” Noemi said, "I’ll fill the tub, you call Rich."


Rich's Perspective:

I was surprised when my phone pinged, I wasn’t really expecting Jane to call me, and considering I hadn’t heard from her, I thought things must have been going well on her date. I looked at the screen: “Sheraton, Room 2112 ASAP!” immediately after I got a photo of her dressed in lingerie I hadn’t seen in a long time. The photo had a caption, “We’re only going to wait for a little while!”

I quickly gathered a change of clothes and my toiletry bag. I wondered if I should stop for condoms just in case and figured it would be a good idea. I raced out the door, stopped at a pharmacy on the way, and twenty minutes after Jane’s text, I strolled through the lobby of the hotel like I owned the place.

“Sir, can I help you?” came a feminine voice.

“I’m here to meet my wife, she checked in a while ago, she said she wanted to surprise me,” I said.

“Which room, Sir?” she asked.

“2112,” I answered. Her face broke into a little smile.

“Ah, yes indeed, Mrs, Conners said you’d be joining her!” She looked at me and winked, “Enjoy your evening, Sir!”

I knew that she knew, and she knew that I knew she knew. “Thank you,” I said as I headed to the elevator.

I arrived at the door and listened to see if I could hear the two women before knocking. A moment later, the door swung open and I saw my wife’s derriere walking away. She was clad in the same lingerie as the photo she had sent earlier. “Hi Honey,” she said seductively. “Wait in here please until I call you.”

I watched as she went into the bathroom and pushed the door so it was almost closed. I could hear giggling and then the splashing sounds of someone getting into a bathtub. Then came the sound of the jets followed by Jane’s voice, “Would you please join us, Baby?”

I peeked into the room to see my wife and her friend curled up in the tub, each of them holding a wine glass and smiling at me. The bubbles were covering all of the naughty bits so I couldn’t really see much. “Could you refill our glasses, please?” Noemi said. I shuffled to retrieve the bottle of wine from the other room and when I returned I saw my wife’s lips just leaving hers.

“Rich, Honey, you remember Noemi? She was at our wedding.”

“Of course, I remember Noemi, how could I forget such a beautiful woman?” I replied as gallantly as the discomfort of my erection would allow.

“Nice to see you again Rich,” Noemi said. She took a sip of her wine and then handed her galls over for me to take it. She took Jane’s glass from her and handed it to me as well. “Your wife has made a rather interesting proposal,” she said before leaning over and kissing her deeply.

When their kiss broke, Jane looked at me with a look that sowed pure lust. “I haven’t seen you all day and you didn’t even greet me with a kiss!” she complained. I went to the tub and knelt down, offering my lips to hers. She kissed me softly, “Wait until I tell you what we got up to today!”

Then she guided my face toward Noemi’s and she kissed me as well. I felt her tongue flick forward and parted my lips to allow it entry. The tips of our tongues danced briefly before she broke the kiss. “Jane says you are a very good lover,” she said. “And I don’t doubt it but you must know, this afternoon, she told me I was the best lover she’s ever had!” She caressed my cheek and kissed me again before leaning back and smiling at me.

“She’s not lying,” my wife said. “I love you, baby, and I always will. You are an amazing lover and my best friend. But she makes me cum harder than anyone I’ve ever been with.”

“Challenge accepted,” I said.” I guess I’ll just have to up my game!” The two women giggled and then kissed softly. “Perhaps, Noemi, you could show me a thing or two!” She looked at me, smiled, and nodded her head before returning to my wife’s lips.

They paid no attention to me as they started making out and before long, Jane’s butt was up on the edge of the tub and Noemi’s fine, and I do mean FINE, backside was pointed toward me as she went down on my wife. Jane’s head was thrown back and was rolling from side to side as her girlfriend pleasured her pussy. I moved slightly to one side for a better view and saw Noemi’s fingers sliding in and out of Jane’s bald pussy. My movement caught my wife’s eye and she looked at me and mouthed a, “Thank you, Baby!” before closing her eyes again. I could tell that Noemi was rubbing just the right spot because I saw Jane’s hips twitch each time her fingertips massaged over it.

“Oh, shit! I got a cramp!” Jane complained. She winced as she shifted to try and relieve it.

Noemi giggled, “I guess we’re not twenty-five anymore!”

“I guess not!” Jane agreed. “Let’s take this to the bed where it’s more comfortable!” Noemi agreed and she reached to help her lover out of the water. They tenderly dried each other off, exchanging kisses and tickles as they did before taking each other’s hands and padding toward the bed. “You going to join us, baby?”

I nodded in agreement and followed them into the other room. Noemi laid back on the bed and Jane moved over her so they could taste each other. I decided to surreptitiously record their lovemaking for future reference just in case this whole deal somehow went south.  I took a seat in a chair facing the corner of the bed and watched as my wife and her lover began licking and sucking on each other’s wet pussies.

I was of two minds at this point, well, three actually. I wanted to watch Noemi’s technique to see if I might learn something but I also wanted to watch my wife’s face as she pleasured another woman. The third mind was in the head of my pecker as it wanted to sink itself into Noemi’s pussy. I finally decided to watch Noemi eat my wife out and I was not disappointed.

The benefit of a view from further back is I could see how Jane’s pussy reacted to her lover’s touch. It would alternately open just a little or close up depending on how she contracted her muscles or moved her hips. I have long known to insert two fingers and curl up the tips to massage her g-spot but the way Noemi’s tongue and fingers alternated on her clit as she did so provided me with some new knowledge for future reference. I would have been quite happy to watch right through to Jane’s orgasm but she called out to me.

“Come here, baby!” she said softly. I moved around to where her face was suspended above her lover’s pink wetness. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked.

“It surely is sweetie,” I replied.

“You want a taste?” Of course, I did. She bent down and ran her tongue from clit to perineum and then looked up at me. I leaned in and kissed my wife, tasting her lover’s pussy second-hand.

“Mmmm, tasty!” I said. Jane smiled at me and got back to her work. With one hand she rubbed the hard nub between licks and with the other she reached out to me. I place my hand in hers and she guided it to touch Noemi’s warm wetness.

“See how soft and warm it is?” she asked. I knew she was working up to something but I let her guide me along. “Do you want to slide your cock inside it?”

“If that’s what you want, baby,” I said.

“That’s what I want,” she replied. “What about you my lover, can my husband slip his cock into your wet pussy?”

“I don’t know,” she replied between licks, “can he?”

“Let’s find out!” Jane said and she moved her head away so I could move my hips in. Jane’s mouth opened and I slipped my cock into her mouth for a few strokes before taking it out and placing the tip at Noemi’s slightly open hole.

Jane pushed herself upward and adjusted her hips so she was riding Noemi’s face. I pushed my hips forward and slid right in until my hips bumped up against her butt cheeks. My wife leaned forward and we kissed while her lover ate her pussy and I fucked her lover. I felt Jane lift a little.

“Mmmm,” purred Noemi, “It’s been a long time since I had a real cock! It feels so nice inside me, way better than a toy!” She went back to her chore and as I slid myself in and out, my wife’s fingers resumed stimulating her clit.

Given that I had been in a high state of arousal ever since my wife had left on her date, I knew I wouldn’t last long. Jane must have sensed this, “Are you going to fill her with your cum?” I nodded and kept pumping my hips. I felt Jane’s fingers against my shaft as she massaged Noemi’s pussy lips and clit, that did it for me.

With a loud groan, I pushed forward and held myself as I ejaculated into a woman other than my wife in about thirty years. Noemi moaned beneath us as I came and Jane just smiled and looked at me. When I was finished, I started to pull out when Jane pushed me away and pulled Noemi’s hips down to eat my come from her pussy. Noemi forgot all about what she was supposed to be doing to Jane as my wife’s fingers, lips, and tongue brought her to her peak.

More loud groans and sighs filled the room as Noemi’s orgasm came next. Her hips twisted and writhed and Jane stayed on like a rodeo cowboy. The loud suckling noises from Jane’s mouth on Noemi’s pussy matched that of Noemi’s moans as her orgasm built peaked, fell, and built again. Three more times she came, each one louder and wetter than the last until she begged my wife to stop.

Jane rolled off her and quickly flipped around to face her lover. “I saved you some!” she mumbled as her mouth opened and a dribble of combined cum dropped from her lower lip. Noemi opened her mouth to receive it before they mashed their mouths together. It looked like each was trying to devour the other in their lust and passion. After a few moments, they eased off and parted, their eyes remained locked on each other as they smiled.

“That was better than I thought it would be,” Noemi said quietly. Jane nodded and kissed her again.

“What about you, Rich? How did you like your first threesome?” Jane asked me.

“You mean it’s over already?” I replied. “Give me a few minutes and I’m ready to go again!” Both women laughed and kissed once more before Jane got up and went to the washroom, leaving Noemi and me alone.

“Come here,” she whispered, patting the bed beside her. I moved to her and she reached up and kissed me. “That was pretty fucking hot!”

“I thought so,” I answered. We kept kissing until we heard a firm, “AHEM!”

“What do you two think you’re doing?” Jane asked with a broad smile.

“Practicing,” I said.

“Yes,” added Noemi, “we’re practicing to get ready for you!”

“Bullshit!” Jane laughed. “Actually, I’m wishing I hadn’t interrupted you. Watching you kiss was turning me all the way on!”

Noemi looked at me, “Interesting. Can you imagine anything we can do to help your dear, sweet wife?”

I can think of a few things,” I replied. “But first, I think a cleanup is in order. And I need a drink, I’m thirsty!” The girls laughed again as Noemi and I got off the bed and headed to the washroom. As I relieved myself it struck me that I was in a hotel room with my bisexual wife and her bisexual lover and I had absolutely no problem with that. I checked my watch, it was nearly midnight. I thought, “I got one more in me at least!” and I washed my hands and face and wiped my groin down. When I got back to the bedroom, the girls were sitting on the bed holding hands and whispering.

Written by CaressofSteel
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