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Drugs and sex...

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Rookie Scribe
How do you feel about doing ecstasy with sex?
I don't do recreational drugs ever, and prefer to have sex with my senses intact, so they can come unglued from the sex. Which means I don't think that alchohol enhances sex either, but that is just me.
Drugs are for those with low self esteem ... and a self destruct attitude to life. I don't even drink and as for smoking ... any kind ... that's pure suicide.

I did get drunk, just twice and had sex on both occasions. Both guys ejaculated inside me and I experienced absolutely nothing. It was almost like being . The only thing I felt was their hot flush of sperm inside me .... and then I was violently ill the following day.

If people want to abuse their body then so be it ... for me I like to enjoy my life and my sexual encounters.
Internet Sensation
I once had a bf who did extacy, no I could not have sex with him when he was on it. *shiver* NEVER!
Artistic Tart
Quote by Dutch101
How do you feel about doing ecstasy with sex?

If it's pure and you're relaxed in the first place, then it can be incredible. In a best case scenario, it made my orgasm more intense, and that feeling of heightened sensitivity all over during sex gets jacked way up. Every touch and contact between bodies gives pleasure, not just in the normal 'erogenous' areas. I relax more, I feel more 'in the moment', and think less about the 'physical' part of the sex itself- it can be more sensual, I guess is a good way of putting it. Did I mention the orgasms are often better?

But, its not without risks. If it's laced, then it can have other effects- leaving you paranoid, anxious, etc.- very un-sexy and possibly in danger. If it's another hallucinating drug like PCP, or maybe a PMA, you could be in real trouble, or at least in for a long, bad high. I've had guys tell me that they had a hard time getting or keeping an erection, and one partner I had while on the drug with him could not keep his erection after a while. Instead of ejaculating, he went soft. But, drugs affect guys differently, and similar problems happen with guys on Coke.

I don't seek X out, really. I took it a lot more often a year or two ago than I do now, and sex is incredible without it of course. I wouldn't want to take it every day or it would mess with my body chemistry in not-so-good ways. But, I'd be lying if I said there was nothing but downside to drugs with sex, at least for me.
Alpha Blonde
Like Xuani, I have tried sex on various recreational drugs during my party days. Drugs do cause an altered psychological state and can cause you to experience sex in a completely different way... whether it be enhancing the physical sensations or intensifying the connection between you and your partner (although sometimes on an artificial level). But overall, yes, I've enjoyed experimenting and having sex. It's a different kind of sexual experience, and I'm a naturally curious girl and have enjoyed the heightened physical sensations of certain recreational drugs. In fact, sex is way better on some of those drugs, than it will ever be on alcohol. Drunk sex is messy and unsatisfying a lot of the time. My favourite drug/sex combo would be pot or MDMA (a more pure form of ecstasy). I also enjoy sex if you're rolling on some good X, although as Xuani says, it's hard for a guy to come while on X... which is not such a bad thing.. it just gives you more time to play.

The best sex is sober and with a partner you are connected to obviously... the rest is just experimenting and exploring some new physical and sexual sensations. These drugs mentioned tend to keep you more alert and focused on the moment (and the person) and IMO are in a different class of experience than getting drunk and having sex (which still seems to be rather socially acceptable).
LadyX and Dancing Doll both sound as they have had positive experience with recreational drugs and sex. This one of the few times I am going to be on a different page from these friends.

When you are partying with people that are not in your signifcant other group, you need to have a clear head to protect yourself. There are enough risks out there today and the addition of another substance only increases that risk.

Since I have never used recreational drugs I can not comment, if the risk is worth the reward, but you just need to evaluate the risk.

Sex has always been my narcotic of choice.

Artistic Tart
Quote by WHR43

When you are partying with people that are not in your signifcant other group, you need to have a clear head to protect yourself. There are enough risks out there today and the addition of another substance only increases that risk.

This is a good point- and all I'll say is that in most situations in my life now, I don't do it. In some situations I still will, and am probably not always careful enough.

Whatever you try, girls- be careful up front, you can't be nearly as careful on some drugs once you take them.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by LadyX
Quote by WHR43

When you are partying with people that are not in your signifcant other group, you need to have a clear head to protect yourself. There are enough risks out there today and the addition of another substance only increases that risk.

This is a good point- and all I'll say is that in most situations in my life now, I don't do it. In some situations I still will, and am probably not always careful enough.

Whatever you try, girls- be careful up front, you can't be nearly as careful on some drugs once you take them.

I agree... I've actually never hooked up with strangers when using recreational drugs. The sex I've had has always been with a boyfriend or known partner. I'm always extra careful when it comes to sex when in that state and environment.

I also know of many female friends that have not been so careful and have had some unfortunate experiences... although, not that different than girls I know who have gotten wasted and also had unfortunate sexual experiences.

I think the key is that regardless of whatever you're doing... use it as an enhancer to your state of being... not as something to obliterate it to the point where you don't know what you're doing. You need to know what you're doing in order to have great sex anyway!
Sex and Ecstasy are a great combination with someone you trust obviously...I always felt more sensitive all over on it and loving and huggy and happy...the orgasms were so intense(remembers with a happy look)...I think people should always try something sexually at least once and make up their own minds about it...I had many good times on it and a few bad times but when it got bad I just stopped and went outside and enjoyed the sky...
Active Ink Slinger
I used to take crank with my ex-fiance and it made our sex lives great. When we both came down, I got really paranoid and wanted to get away from him and the drugs. I got myself cleaned up, worked, and tried hard to stay away from the people who were coming around my ex. It wasn't until I moved to Michigan when I finally realized that what I was doing was killing me, and I want no part in that type of life ever again.

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Gross have never and will never do any type of drug
Active Ink Slinger
The only drug I've done and combined with sex was weed. I've been dared to drink 1 bottle of Children's Benedril (probably spelt that wrong), and then have sex with someone. Little did I know that they threw some ecstasy into it. I didn't really like it to be honest. When I'm high on weed, it enhances the sexual experience, but with's like a whole new different level.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by LadyX
Quote by WHR43

When you are partying with people that are not in your signifcant other group, you need to have a clear head to protect yourself. There are enough risks out there today and the addition of another substance only increases that risk.

This is a good point- and all I'll say is that in most situations in my life now, I don't do it. In some situations I still will, and am probably not always careful enough.

Whatever you try, girls- be careful up front, you can't be nearly as careful on some drugs once you take them.

I agree... I've actually never hooked up with strangers when using recreational drugs. The sex I've had has always been with a boyfriend or known partner. I'm always extra careful when it comes to sex when in that state and environment.

I also know of many female friends that have not been so careful and have had some unfortunate experiences... although, not that different than girls I know who have gotten wasted and also had unfortunate sexual experiences.

I think the key is that regardless of whatever you're doing... use it as an enhancer to your state of being... not as something to obliterate it to the point where you don't know what you're doing. You need to know what you're doing in order to have great sex anyway!

Dancing Doll and Xauni being beautiful, sexual and smart women is why I value your friendship
I know this is "ask the gals".... but sex on X is awesome! And, it has nothing to do with low self esteem or anything like that. Your sensations are enhanced and your inhibitions are decreased. A simple kiss can become as pleasurable as an orgasm.

It does make it hard to cum though....
Would never consider it while I'm amongst other people, but alone with a guy (that I know really well) it can mean for one explosive night... literary.

Id rather be on a trip than drunk, I prefer men to be that way too. Drunk men are clumsy in bed, they either can't get hard or they turn in 2nanosecond blokes. AND you won't have to worry about being sick the next morning... well if you don't go overboard.
Quote by Exakta66
Just a reminder that drugs are illegal and are bad for, if anyone give you drugs...just send them to me and I will dispose of them properly...
It's the least I can do for my Lush friends...

hahahahhaaaaaa!!!! will do!! so glad for the public service man! way to take a "HIT" for the team!
Drugs are a no-no in my book, and it's just adding something into your love life that'll bring it down when you don't use ecstasy,
Active Ink Slinger
I tried Ecstasy back in my college days. I used it with a close male friend of mine. We ended up naked in a jacuzzi together just kissing for hours on end. On Ecstasy, I never had the desire to have sex because everything else felt so damn good. But, I think my male friend is still upset that nothing else happened that night.
Active Ink Slinger
Drugs are so not my thing, but I think we've all had sex after a few (or more) drinks...
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Active Ink Slinger
Simply said, I said I have tried it before. It really depends on who you're with when you're doing it. If you're at a party full of strangers, then chances are the X isn't pure and instead of making you feel mellow, you'll just feel completely anxious and frightened and the feelings of sex are reversed. On the other hand, if it's with a partner and private, it's often the greatest thing in the world. I don't do drugs anymore and now have taken alcohol (which isn't much of a healthy alternative) But like Xuani and DD said, it isn't all bad.
Active Ink Slinger
I've never done it... actually, i've never done anything other than pot. I don't think i need such a thing...just a very talented man (or woman) is all i need.
Well may I restate my position on Sex and Drugs? I have never used recreational drugs of any kind. Most of the woman on Lush rejected the use these chemicals. So I was in the mainstream on this one.

But my little sister and a young woman who is like a daughter both have had postive things to say and ecstasy and MDNA. Plus I have long term friends who have encourage me to use it with them, people I trust in every way. He has both the academic background and the professional experience the manufacturer the drug.

It was a wonderful trip or at least very enjoyable, since I have nothing to compare it with. A most positive experience and one I may try again, but only with an unquestionable source and in an controlled environment.

I still would not recoomend Drugs and Sex, as most must acquire their MDMA from a street source where quality and control is questionable at best.

Now next time I will need to find away to get may husband to play this game too.
i'd hate to advocate drugs but it can be a hell of a time
Rookie Scribe
My wife and I try all different kinda stuff in bed--and as former trance lovers we have done basically every kind of rec. drug possible.

I found it hard at first to get a erection from X but when it did go up it would stay there forever.Not to mention the bloody mind blowing orgasm.We normally make love normally but now and then doing things like that is just fantastic.
I think its just very important that you have someone you trust and not a complete stranger.We hosted a party one night for friends that visited from far away and one of the guests showed up with a bag of shrooms.Although we dont use designer drugs anymore we still use weed and shrooms.
If you are relaxed with you current partner this is a great way to go,that night was absolutely mind blowing.

And ye drugs is bad for you !!!So is red meat.
Active Ink Slinger
Have never, would never

Rookie Scribe
I love x and it makes me so nasty!
Active Ink Slinger
Sex on X is meant to be awesome.... but i don't think i have the guts to try it!
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
Active Ink Slinger
I have never nor will I ever do X. But I have had sex while using other drugs when I was younger, like 17 or 18. I cant say I really liked it more or less but it probably gave me the courage or desire to do things I may have been reluctant to try or with people I may not have normally been with. But now I find that all you need is a sexy partner or partners and a healthy imagination!