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Men & Women, what's your opinion...

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Advanced Wordsmith
On Mini Coopers.

I was shopping for a new(ish) car today. And I thought, okay. What the hell. I got in an unlocked Cooper and was actually pretty surprised. I liked it a lot too. I'm going tomorrow for a test drive.
MY QUESTION. Do you think it's gay for a young male to drive one? I honestly didn't think it was a big deal but a couple of my friends say its gay, some say they don't care. My gf's opinion is out the window. She says "I'm manly enough to drive one without looking gay"
I just want an honest opinion on what people think.

"Do you want to live to work or work to live"

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

"Always hold you head up high, never come off weak"

I think if YOU like the car, who cares?
I think if you can AFFORD the car, that's even better!
nothing worse than a guy getting a big-assed truck/SUV and can't afford the insurance or the gas!
Active Ink Slinger
If you like the car, then go for it. Why do you care about what others think of you driving a Mini Cooper? They're not the ones driving it, you are. The only person's opinion that truly matters in the end is yours.

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Active Ink Slinger
To answer your question I think it depends, no its not gay for you to drive one, however, if its one of the 2011/12 versions than its a waste of money! The new ones are ugly. Get an older one like '09 or '10 they are way cuter. But on a different note, screw the mini! Go Golf TDI it's sexy as hell and gets great gas mileage plus I drive one so you know its awesome!
Ladies and Gentleman I Give You My Pussy:
Active Ink Slinger
Hey, honest opinion from a tool to another man, unless you look and act like Jason Statham you shouldn't own/drive a mini cooper. Anything with the word "mini" in it is not for a man. lol Its a big expense, and its not like you can bring it back if you don't like it. Its the 2nd biggest purchase you'll make. The fact that you need people's opinion should answer your question. If that wasn't the case, you would have already owned it. Don't get me wrong, its a great car, its just the perception people have of it. But i'm not saying to go buy a big truck to show you're a man. Just certain cars have certain perception. Look at getting the BMW 1 series, a little more money, but its got similar platforms.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't care what other people think. For now, the car would fit me fine. Just school, work, trainer on the side, and just getting around. It fits. I'd be fine with it and be happy.

I'm just asking what peoples general opinion is.
"Do you want to live to work or work to live"

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

"Always hold you head up high, never come off weak"

With parking spot sizes now adays, it's awesome. Get it decked out, they are very cool. If you're not going to hit the highway with it, don't worry about it.

Gay shmay, you have a girlfriend, do the guys who said it was gay have a girl or guy on their arm. You like, she likes. Have fun.
Active Ink Slinger
I own two a '72 and an '06. The suggestion of gay never occurred to me, but I've never worried about my size or social standing.

I would wave if I saw you drive by.
Active Ink Slinger
Alternatively, for about the same amount of money, you could get a REAL Austin Mini with the Cooper options, and save a bundle of insurance, by running it with Historic tags. In my experience BMW,and the BMW Mini in particular, are vasly over-rated. While the BMW Mini drives and handles nicely, is most assuredly NOT a Mini Cooper. IF you had ever driven a real Mini Cooper, you'd know that. ALso, the BMW Mini is just as likely to have things go wrong with it as its namesake, and that will cost just as much to repair. I am, to put it mildly, less than impressed with the BMW Mini. IF I were in the market for a small, sporty vehicle, and Hell-bent on having a new or newish one, I'd go for a Mazda Miata. It is a lot more car for the money. Of course, if you're worried about "badge image", then clearly you NEED to own a BMW.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster

My first car (well, one teh same - that's not the actual one)

I called him Boris LOL

Seriously I was brought up on Minis and could probably even now strip and rebuild one even now...

I know that the new Minis won't be quite the same, not so Gung Ho and great to work on, but they are a seriously cool wee car - I'd LOVE one!!
(my wee brother drives a new Beetle and it doesn't bother him! lol)

Oh, or you could go for one of teh giant Minis? (But maybe you'd be protesting too much??

If you like it, buy it. I tend to do what pleases me (especially when it's my money) not what pleases others. That being said, is the car realistic to your lifestyle? A few years ago, I was going to buy a sports car that I wanted so badly... But I listened to my brother. At the time I was living in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, I would only be able to drive the car 8 months out of the year.... so... I bought a Jeep Sahara.

Mini's are sexy cars (driven by guys and girls, gay or not) and so are AM's... but what is realistic for you?
Constant Gardener
Quote by Michael_X
On Mini Coopers.

I was shopping for a new(ish) car today. And I thought, okay. What the hell. I got in an unlocked Cooper and was actually pretty surprised. I liked it a lot too. I'm going tomorrow for a test drive.
MY QUESTION. Do you think it's gay for a young male to drive one? I honestly didn't think it was a big deal but a couple of my friends say its gay, some say they don't care. My gf's opinion is out the window. She says "I'm manly enough to drive one without looking gay"
I just want an honest opinion on what people think.


First off, I think you need different friends. Or more experience around people who might actually be gay, lesbian or 'gasp' bisexual.

Then you might realize that the slur you just tossed around twice, is fairly offensive.

But, what the hell do I know. I'm just some dude playing a dude, pretending to be another dude ... on the internet.

Get whatever turns you on and the hell with your envious, bigoted friends, I say.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I am not really a fan of Mini's, although the one secretjanedoe posted looks kinda hot. But I never thought of them as being Gay.

If you like the car then get it. Dont worry about what others think. Should go for everything you do!!
Her Royal Spriteness
i like them - they are cute. ah, and what WWM said.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
I like the older style, and saw one like this last night.

Active Ink Slinger
I have to admit that the word 'plonker' sprung to mind when I saw the question posed.

Some good comments above. Having never owned a Mini in any of its incarnations, I still remain an ardent fan of the car. If there still remains an element of doubt regarding the machismo element then simply rent/watch the 'Italian Job' (both versions) or the Bourne Identity. The cars are amazing.....

better yet.... article


Italian Job Tribute

but my fave is still the 1969 versions of the Minis ... indulge me
Italian Job 1969
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
The Linebacker
To tell you the truth I didn't know that a Mini Cooper fit the gay stereotype. I did know that the PT Cruiser did. So maybe it depends where you live. And I wouldn't worry about it. Your friends know who and what you are, and most people of substance don't really dwell on those stereotypical images anyhow.

If you do get the Mini Cooper, toss out all your metrosexual clothes and and get an obviously straight guy haircut. Install a gunrack in the Cooper and get an NRA bumper sticker. haha
it's not gay if you put a small block chevy engine in it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by cathy22
it's not gay if you put a small block chevy engine in it.

But if you do, there won't be any room for either a driver or a passenger; it will have to be turned into a radio-controlled drone car.
Best alternative location I have ever seen for a small block Chevy mill was in a "big" Healey. That car ran like a scalded cat. It ploughed like a country mule, though, and gave a whole new meaning to the term "understeer". :-)

@ secretjane - The spoiler looks interesting, but can the car actually go fast enough for it to make any real difference? Those things don't do much to improve handling below about 100 MPH. Back in the late seventies, when my boss was racing a BMW 2002, we discovered the most effective body modification was the addition of an air dam, and ground effect pieces along the undercarriage between the wheels. Even after we did that, we discovered the addition of a spoiler to improve high speed handling wasn't worth the tradeoff of increased drag at lower speeds.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I don't think it's gay at all. And even if it is; it's your car and why should you care what other people think? Your gf is clearly convinced that you're straight so that's all that matters really.
The BMW Mini is an oxymoron, it's just too darn big to be called a "mini". "Maxi" would be a better term, but to answer the original question, no it's not gay for a man to wanna drive one. Looking back to the days of the old mini, it was an icon in it's day and was driven by plenty of manly men, rally drivers for one, Mr Bean drove one too, though he's not particularly manly. I'm not a fan of the BMW Mini, but if you like it, go for it, I just think you'd be better with a proper old skool Mini.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think they are gay. Personally, I don't care for those kind of cars, but if you like it, then go for it! I don't see why your friends are making such a big deal. It's only a car, and you will get the opportunity to exchange cars.