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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 miles · Cardiff


Just looking for fun, possible friendship, not sure about more as have been burned too recently.

What am I into? Almost everything straight - will try most things at least once I guess (except oysters which are gross), but with a leaning to bi-curiosity. I love the outdoors - it provokes a certain reaction in me.... Unless there are too many thistles...

I'm curious about pretty much everything and will ask questions till I'm told to shut up. Will talk to anyone about nearly anything, but I do find real world small talk tricky.

Losing weight, getting fitter and finding my own peace are the main goals right now.

I guess "the more I see of people, the more I like my dog" is true of me, but I'm willing to be proved wrong, as I'd really like to see some more of some people, especially redheads!

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A brief reminiscence of what was, but will never be again

I step off the path and follow my nose, tracing a route through the trees, trying to avoid stepping on dog violets, wood sorrel and primroses. There is a faint waft of garlic coming from a patch of ransoms a way away to my right. Bluebells provide an inco...



Erotic Reading
Erotic writing
Making Friends


Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 500 miles