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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 154


Active Ink Slinger
I love outdoor sex. How careful I am depends on where it's done. In a forest or rural landscape, no problem. In a public urban place? That's taking a chance...but it's fun. It's choosing a semi private location where you know there's a chance of being caught, and knowing (being confident) about having an "escape plan" if it does or almost happens. The beach too...but too much sand in the crevices (bit of a drawback). It's exciting though
Active Ink Slinger
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to the site and enjoy reading and writing. I have a particular interest in fetishes and BDSM, both in writing and in real life. Does anyone have a specific fetish or several that they enjoy reading about? There are some fairly common ones, such as feet and exhibitionism, and others such as fur/furry clothing, mannequins, or something else very different. It fascinates me.

Anyone want to share?
Active Ink Slinger
As long as it's good quality rest, I can function well on 5 hours. Usually 6 is best
Active Ink Slinger
I tried it years ago with a manager of another department in the same office building I worked in. Back then I used to smoke cigarettes, so we met on my smoke break...then after work. A few times he worked late so it became office sex. Lots of fun and forbidden too, which is very exciting. Crazy, but fun
Active Ink Slinger
"I need to call my parole officer...", or he/she checks the cell phone too often (who are they waiting for?!) - bad signs!