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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49


Active Ink Slinger
On of the better second person stories I've read in a while. very effective use of imagery.
Active Ink Slinger
Warning: The following discussion will spoil the ending of the story if you haven't already read it. I recommend that you look for it in my profile, read it, and then return. It's a fairly short story, so it'll take you about 10 minutes.

Beyond this point there will be spoilers...

Read the story yet? Good, let's begin...

Assuming there's sufficient demand for the continuation, the main question is "where to go from here?" I'd have to take the following into consideration:

1) The story ends with our female protagonist fast asleep in Erebus's arms after sex, and very likely pregnant with his child.

2) As of the end of the story, she's currently in his "personal sanctum," an extra-dimensional space that he fully controls and which she can't leave unless she somehow convinces him to let her go.

3) If she does return to our dimension and goes home, naturally here family, friends, and possibly the authorities (depending on how long she's been gone) will be asking her where she's been since she disappeared from the music festival; and if she tells her folks she got knocked up by the god of darkness, she'll probably have to listen to them argue over whether to call an exorcist or have her institutionalized.

4) If she chooses to stay with Erebus, how well would she likely be able to adjust to living in that dark place he calls home? Would she be likely to have any further interactions with the cultists that worship him? If his wife, Nyx, is still around after all these centuries, would she be up for a good ménage or would she be the jealous type?
Active Ink Slinger
For those who haven't already read "The Embrace of Darkness," you can find it on my profile page or in Fantasy & Sci Fi. I'll start posting links for topics like this once the forum trusts that I'm not the SpamBot5000 in disguise. (though really, what spambot could possibly have wit and animal magnetism on par with me?)

Recently, some friends who read the story likened Erebus to Trigon from the DC Universe (i.e., Raven's dad). I agree the two entities are indeed similar in some respects, though based on what I've read of Trigon, I don't necessarily think they have the exact same personality; nor do I picture them having pints together at the villain pub.

Which brings us, dear readers, to the question of this thread: In your opinion, how does Erebus compare to other similar beings seen in the various fiction franchises? (personality-wise especially)
Active Ink Slinger
The ones I write to be arousing, yes. Using a TTS program with a sexy voice to read them back to me also helps.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kiteares
Welcome to Lush PapaPalpatine.
Hope you enjoy your stay and that your stories do well.

Active Ink Slinger
A special thanks to sprite and seeker4 for your kind words and ratings on The Embrace of Darkness.
Active Ink Slinger
Hello, I'm Papa Palpatine (old Robot Chicken reference). I just joined this week and my first story was just recently published on the site ("The Embrace of Darkness" over in Fantasy & Sci-Fi, read and comment please).