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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male


Advanced Wordsmith
i've still curiosity to learn new things and improve myself like child
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DarkAngel69
Alright, so here are my questions...

1) Would you be sexually attracted to a girl with a large scar down her chest? (From surgery)

2)Attracted to a girl who has orgasms every 2 fucking seconds?

3) Attracted to a Nymphet?

4) Would you stay with a girl if she doesn't want to have sex until married?

5) Pubic hair or no?

6)Uneven boobs? (One bigger one smaller)


1) i like a girl who has a good healthy breast. no matter it's too big because i always fantasied about the young girls who are real gift from nature. i never attracted to a woman who is older than me because i never thing about bad for her.

2) it's not a big problem but a boy always want to fulfill his desire so if she went orgasms too fast it's become matter if she stop me after that.

3) yeah. always a young girl have a plus point to attract a boy. and for me i always want teenage.

4) yes i agree but she must be commit same for me.

5) a couple can enjoy a better sex if they are both in fresh mood. so it's better her to shave it. i want fully shaved pussy.

6) In world two thing never be same. so it's ok if someone has but i suggest her to massage daily to make it nearly same.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by trinket
You have posted this in "Ask the Gals". Do you mean 'guys' as in group of girls, or did you mean to ask the guys in 'ask the guys'? Or are you asking everyone? Just asking.

yeah i do almost daily

but i wanna ask the gals same. do you fingering daily?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by trinket

It's healthier than a smoking or drug addiction right?

absolutely RIGHT
Advanced Wordsmith
i always want to young one for date. but i give respect for older one!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
i always want to young one for date. but i give respect for older one!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by WellMadeMale

How literate must she be. I mean, where do you set your bar?

yeah,it's depend on her sense also
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by trinket

I see what you did there...

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LadyX
It should be. In theory it is. I'm sure for some it is. For me, it never has been.

Thank you for reply!!!

Be Careful !!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by CurlyGirly
No, not really for regular sex. If it was a random hookup, I guess I would need to trust that he wouldn't chop me into little pieces and put me in a suitcase, because that would make me sad.

However, I need to really trust my partner for anal sex. My first time did not go well, so I'm very cautious about it. Not every sexual partner of mine gets in that hole. TMI???

Thank you for reply!!!

but for precaution or for really trust???
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
It can be. It depends on the value you place on sex, I guess. Sex can be the result of lust, emotional vulnerability, anger, passion, or many other displaced emotions.

Thank you for reply!!!

but, then do you think we got sick at that moment???
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by jollylolly
No. But trusting my partner leads to the least guarded mental state, for me anyway. That can only make sex more intensely electrifying.

Thank you for reply!!!

but i think you accept that little for sex also!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by trinket

If someone has sex with you, is that the proof that they trust you?


If you're asking what the proof of trust is, I can't answer that and I'm not sure anyone can.

Thank you for reply!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by thesexynun
not always...

sex is the result of desire

of being lonely

maybe even a drink or

is some cases...

yes...I have sex when I am in love

and perhaps my body is the ultimate surrender

really really good question

I loved made me think

well done!

Thank you for reply!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
in hospital bed under blanket while mom dad beside there and doctor and sexy young nurses gave duty in room.
Advanced Wordsmith
i approach girl to on lush because :
i) first for answering the questions
ii) talking with their fantasies
iii) reading them with story
iii) making friendship, here is no limit for thought
Advanced Wordsmith
yeah i meant that 'Are you asking if a place that isn't normally comfortable, does it become more comfortable if you have sex there?'

well thank you for your description slipperywhenwet2012.

girls please post your thoughts!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Do you think making sex relation is better way to feel comfortable at a place(may be any place i.e. work or unknown)?