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The Limo Driver, Chapter 3

"The vacation over, they continued seeing each other - until one fateful day..."

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“We need to get you something to wear besides your chauffeur’s suit, honey. I mean you are handsome in it of course, but it’s just not something you can wear the whole weekend!” Louise said.

“What did you have in mind?” Kevin asked.

“Well, I always liked those muscle t-shirts and a pair of tight jeans on a guy… you know, where the shirt and pants are tight enough that you can see a bit of what’s underneath them! You got a nice hunk body, darling, you should show it off a bit! It would make all the other girls and women want you and make me feel so good that I have you!”

“Okay, if that’s what you want me to wear, then that’s what I will wear. I have to look good for my girl!” he said, smiling.

“I’m your girl?” she asked.

“Of course. Don’t you want to be?” he asked.

“Oh, I do! I do! It’s just… well, I haven’t been anybody’s 'girl’ for a long time, Kevin. And you just caught me a little by surprise saying it,” she said.

“Sweetheart, you can consider yourself my girl then. Now, let me try these on and you can tell me what you think,” he said. He went in and tried on the black jeans and the black muscle t-shirt that she had picked out for him. When he was ready, he came out to show her.

“Mmmm, yes! I knew this would look good on you! My man in black - yummy!” she said, giggling and clapping her hands.

“Well if you like them, then I’ll wear them… but I’d better take it easy at the dinner table - there isn’t a lot of room in these for buffet tables!” he said.

“That’s what’s so sexy about them, baby… I can 'see’ my man!” she whispered lustily as she rubbed his crotch. “Now let’s get you something to wear while swimming. We are at the beach and I love the water!” she said. They walked over to the swimming trunks rack and she picked out a pair of trunks for him.

“What about you, though? What are you going to wear to the beach?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m going to get myself a suit too. Want me to model some for you?” she asked.

“Now, that is a silly question! Let’s see, having a hot sexy woman model swimwear for me? Hmmm, let me think about it - OF COURSE! I am going to have my very own personal Swimsuit Illustrated modeling show!” he said.

“You are so sweet. Okay, baby, sit down here and I’ll go pick a few things out. Then I’ll try them on and let you see them,” she said. He took a seat in front of the dressing room area and she went off to pick out some swimwear.

She slipped into the dressing room after blowing him a kiss and a couple minutes later came out with the first selection - a one-piece number.

“Yeah that’s nice,” he said, unenthusiastic about the first choice.

“You don’t like it?” she asked, “Be honest honey, I want to know your tastes.”

“It’s just not very flattering. You have a great body, babe, and it seems this suit is covering up too much. This swimsuit is for an older woman!” he said.

“So you are thinking a bikini then?” she asked.

“Well let’s face it, honey, it won’t show anything I haven’t already seen!” he quipped. “Besides, when you have such a smoking body as you have, it seems a shame to cover it up even a little!”

“Oh Kevin, you are making me blush, darling!” she said.

“Well, it’s true. And I like your blush!” he said. “You look good with pink cheeks!” he said, an obvious reference to her spanking as well as her blushing.

“Well, I like having pink cheeks… at both ends!” she said, letting him know she got his message.

“Okay, I will try on a couple bikinis then if you want, you little pervert!” she giggled.

She took a couple bikini’s off the rack and stepped into the dressing room. A couple moments later, Louise came out and peeked around the corner where Kevin was sitting.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“Yeah, let’s see it!” he said excitedly.

Louise stepped out from around the corner and shows him the bikini she was wearing. It was a skimpy metallic gold number with a ring in the center of the top where the two cups came together in the front and a matching ring on each hip on the bottom. The bottom was cut low in front and barely covered her ass in the back. It was nearly a thong bikini, but it covered a bit more of her backside than an actual thong would have, and thongs weren’t allowed on this part of the beach.

“Oh wow, Louise! Look at you! Now, this is what I’m talking about! Damn!” he said as he stood up.

“You really like it?” she asked, turning around so he could see it from all sides.

“Hell yes! You have to get this one baby! I don’t even need to look at others! This one suits you. You’re my golden girl!” he said.

Louise giggled, “Okay if you like this one, I’ll get it,” she said. She set the other choices aside to be restocked and went it to change into her street clothes. Then they paid for their purchases and went back to the hotel.

“You know, it’s still early, want to try these suits out on the beach? I want to see what kind of reaction my golden girl gets from the guys!” he said.

“You’re terrible!” she said teasingly.

“Hey, I just wanna show off my girl off!” he said.

“No, you want to rub their noses in the fact you got a rich old lady!” she said.

“No, I got a rich young lady who is sexy as fuck!” he corrected.

Louise stepped up and put her arms around his neck. “You are so special and so wonderful. How come some hot little thing hasn’t scooped you up yet?” she asked.

“Because I was waiting for the right hot little thing to come along. What took you so long?” he said.

“Sorry, I got distracted. I fell for the wrong smooth talker,” she said.

“Well, that doesn’t matter now. You’re mine now and that’s what counts,” he said.

“Yes, I am, Kevin. I’m all yours. If you want to go to the beach and show off your 'golden girl’, then I will give them a show that will make their eyes pop out!” she said.

They got dressed in their swimsuits and taking a couple towels and robes from the hotel, they went down to the beach. He borrowed a couple unused beach chairs and laid the towel down on them, then he took off his robe, draping it over the back. He helped Louise off with her robe and admired the way the sun lit up her metallic gold swimsuit, making his “golden girl” glow like an angel.

Then he took Louise by the hand and they went into the water. They waded deeper and deeper until the water was just below shoulder height on her and a little lower than that on him because he was taller. He pulled her close and held her.

“You really are beautiful Louise,” he said. He leaned in and placed his lips on her soft sweet lips kissing her deeply and passionately, letting the whole world fade away until it was just the two of them.

As he kissed her, he reached behind her and pulled the string of her bikini top loosening it. Louise moaned into his mouth but didn’t break the kiss. Then Kevin took her top off over her head, letting her tits float free, her nipples hardening with the water’s caress.

Then his hands moved down her sides and removed her bottoms as well.

“Kevin!” she whispered, “What if someone comes by!”

“Don’t worry, there’s no one close by,” he reassured her. Then he pulled his own shorts off, using one foot to bring them up where he could reach them.

Once they were both naked in the ocean, he turned her around so her back was to him. Reaching around her, he began massaging her free-floating tits pinching her hard nipples and rolling them between his fingers.

“Ohhh, Kevin!” she moaned, laying her head back on his shoulder. She put her left hand over his at her tit, and her right hand moved down to grip his hard cock underwater, stroking him as they held each other.

“I’m going to fuck you right here in the ocean,” he whispered in her ear, and Louise moaned loudly gripping him tighter. He moved slightly until he was directly behind her and spread her ass cheeks with his hands. He guided his cock to her pussy lips and slipped into her easily as she gasped.

Kevin looked around and no one seemed to notice them. The nearest people were some distance down the beach and in shallower water so they were pretty much alone. He began to move in and out of her slowly as Louise moaned and fucked back against him, driving his cock deeper into her. In and out he moved his slow deliberate pace driving Louise crazy. She could feel every bump every ridge and the hardness of his cock burrowing into her was more than she could stand. Before long she was ready to cum.

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“Oh, God, Kevin… I’m… I’m going to cummm…” She gritted her teeth together trying desperately to be quiet she gripped his arm underwater and he felt her warmth wash over him as she released her juices into the sea. The excitement of her orgasm, the naughtiness of having sex right there in public and the warmth of her juices all worked together to bring Kevin to his peak as well and when Louise’s walls gripped him tightly, he came as well

“Ohhhfuuuccckkk!” he growled softly but deeply in her ear. More animal than human the sound thrilled Louise and excited her all over again. Her pussy milked his cock for everything she could get out of him and when she had taken his all she turned and kissed him hard, crushing her lips to his in a fierce, desperate kiss.

They put their swimsuits back on and Kevin carried Louise from the water and back to their beach chairs. He set her down gently on the chair because she couldn’t trust her wobbly legs to hold her up. They sat there on the beach watching the surf and holding hands for about an hour before deciding they should get back to the hotel. Once back in the hotel room, they continued their amorous antics until both were utterly spent and unable to continue. They lay on the bed, panting and dripping with sweat and cum, as they tried to regain their composure and their breath.

Sadly, the next day, they had to leave their idyllic beach vacation spot and head back to the rigors of the real world. He had to get back to driving the limo and she had her life with Richard. They continued to see each other whenever they could - either she would hire him to drive her to secretive rendezvous where they could spend some precious time together or even better when Richard would make one of his “business trips” they could spend some real time together.

Their covert relationship continued for about four months after Atlantic City. During that time, Richard made three out of town trips with his secretary and Louise and Kevin got to see more of each other than just an hour here and there. Whenever Richard went on one of his trips, they made sure they went out of town also so they wouldn’t be found out and reported to Richard.

She took him to Boston on one trip and on another they went upstate to Rotterdam to show him where she was raised. Kevin got to see more of the country in the four short months they had been together than he had the entire rest of his life.

One day they had come back from one of their extended weekends together and Kevin dropped her off at her house as usual. He had gone home after work and was relaxing at home when the phone suddenly rang.

“Hello?” he said answering the phone. It was Louise.

“Oh Kevin, please come over quick! I need you! Hurry, please, Richard has gone crazy!” she said.

Kevin jumped into his pants and shirt and drove like a madman over to her place. She met him at the door and he walked in to find their beautifully decorated house in shambles. Louise herself was a wreck - her hair a tousled mess and she was bleeding from her lip and had a badly bruised eye as well as other bruises on her arm and fingerprint bruising around her neck.

“Did he do this to you?” Kevin asked right off.

“Yes,” she said trying to hide her face from him.

“Come on, we are taking you to the hospital first off,” he said and he drove her to the emergency room to get medical attention. As he drove her to the hospital she explained what had happened.

“Richard came home in a terribly foul mood. Apparently, he and Candy had a big fight and she quit on him. He had to come back early and we weren’t home yet. So he was out looking for me when you dropped me off. He came back after you’d gone and we got into it. This was the first time he actually hit me, though - normally he just yells, says awful things to me, and calls me names. But this time I guess he was already looking for a fight.”

“Well, there’s no excuse for hitting you. Just because he’s a jerk and his little secretary-slut left him is no reason to come take it out on you!” Kevin said angrily.

After they got to the hospital and Louise had gotten medical attention, he took her back home and stayed with her in case Richard came back home for another round. While they were there, Louise called her father who then made some calls of his own.
The next day when Richard finally came home after work, Louise was waiting for him.

"What is all this?” Richard said angrily. There in the living room was Louise, Kevin, Louise’s father and the family lawyer along with three police officers, one of which was female.

“Mr. Thorndyke, my name is Peter Feinstein. I am the lead attorney at Feinstein and Associates. I have been retained by Mr. Reynold’s here to serve as their legal counsel. I have here in my hand the medical records of Louise and it documents what you have done to her. Let me sum it up. She has a slight concussion, multiple bruises, a black eye, and a badly cut lip from your beating her last night. The doctors said she was lucky to have come in without needing an ambulance."

He continued, "After talking with Louise about her marriage to you and after her father hearing and seeing what you have done to his daughter, it is her decision that you and she no longer remain in this marriage. So she has filed for divorce. You are hereby served."

Feinstein carried on, "Now should you refuse to accept the terms of this divorce in full, you will be remanded to the custody of these officers and sent to jail for assault and battery. And the divorce will still go through, this time under an abusive relationship umbrella."

He added, "In addition to the divorce papers, this is a restraining order. It states that you are to remain a minimum of five hundred feet away from Louise and from this house and property. If you do not, you will be promptly arrested for trespassing and these other matters will then come into play as well."

Feinstein concluded, "Louise has graciously agreed to allow you thirty minutes to pack your clothes and toiletries that you will need. These officers will remain here while you gather your clothes. Nothing else is to leave this house until the divorce is finalized. You will be allowed the car since you need to get back and forth to work. Do you understand what I am telling you, sir? This is a very grave matter and you can consider yourself very fortunate you are not already in handcuffs. I strongly suggest you heed the terms I have outlined and just find someplace else to live, peaceably and without comment or argument,” the attorney said.

Richard looked at Louise, then at Kevin and then at the officers. Then he grudgingly went into the bedroom followed closely by the two big male officers to gather his belongings. He came back into the living room with two suitcases in his hand.

“You can consider yourself fired,” he said to Kevin.

“Sorry sir, but you cannot fire me because I never worked for you. I worked for the limousine company so only they can fire me. And I have quit my job there because Mrs. Thorndyke - I’m sorry, Louise - had picked me up as her personal driver. So you do not have the authority to fire me,” he said confidently.

“If you have everything, sir, you need to leave,” one of the officers said. Then he left the house, but not without a last angry look at Louise.



Louise and Richard got their divorce and because of his cheating and a long history of abuse, culminating in the assault and battery, he was not given any kind of alimony settlement. He walked away with what he brought into the marriage and that was it. He moved away shortly after the divorce was finalized.

Kevin and Louise continued to see each other and after the divorce was settled. He moved in with her. The following year he proposed and she accepted and they were married that spring. They honeymooned in Atlantic City in the very room of the hotel they had their first vacation together in.








Written by Master_Jonathan
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