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It was September of 1978. Kelly had been away at college in Milwaukee for a total of three weeks and she was still getting her bearings. While she had been on a sexual tear the entire summer after high school graduation, she knew that was something that she had to work out before college so she could concentrate on her classes. So far, she had been doing just that, staying focused on classes and homework, with zero social life.

Thankfully, Kelly and her roommate Tricia hit it off pretty well. She at least had someone to talk to about college. Kelly arrived home shortly before Tricia one day and found a note taped to the door of their apartment. Their apartment was in an old house that had been split into apartments by floor. Kelly and Tricia lived on the second floor.

The note was from the first-floor folks inviting them to a get-together for the house’s residents Friday evening at eight p.m. and it was BYOB.

With their twelve-pack of Blatz in hand, Kelly and Tricia headed downstairs. They were introduced to John, Brian, and Deb who lived on the first floor. All of the apartments were two bedrooms. Brian and Deb were dating and shared a bedroom. A minute later, Artie and Wayne, the third-floor residents arrived.

The beer along with several hands of euchre loosened up the party. Kelly later described the folks to me. Artie and Wayne struck her as a couple of lost pups. Smart, but not street smart. Very average-looking guys. Brian and Deb were a couple of Wisconsin kids-next-door high school sweethearts and, according to John, were still getting used to the fact they had their own room and could fuck all that they wanted. Which, according to John, sounded like it was quite a lot.

Brian and Deb seemed embarrassed that was the impression they had made on John to that point. Kelly thought that of the small group, John was probably the best looking. He was a touch on the rugged side of life.

Kelly’s roommate Tricia was a little thing, about five feet tall with shorter curly brunette hair, small boobs but a butt that filled out her jeans just fine. Kelly was five-two, weighed about a hundred fifteen, had huge boobs, and long dishwater blond hair that hung to the bottom of her butt. Without question, Kelly was the best-looking person in the room.

In the midst of some obtuse conversation about the size of something, Deb made a crack about it being like guys telling you how big their cocks are, which then turns out to be a lie. “Oh, not you, honey!” she said patting Brian’s leg while rolling her eyes. They all laughed and moved on.

Perhaps a half-hour later, Tricia jumped back in with, “Why do guys brag about the size of their willies?” That was the point at which the rest of the evening’s conversation became sex-focused.

None of the girls were wearing anything suggestive. All were wearing jeans and loose flannel shirts. No one had been flirting. It just became a conversation about sex.

All of the guys defended themselves saying that they didn’t lie about their equipment, but knew guys who did. Kelly held her tongue through much of the conversation. It was clear in her mind that she likely had far more experience than the rest of the folks in the room, but that wasn‘t anything that she yet felt comfortable sharing with them.

The guys, except John, said it was probably just bragging to cover up for a shortage. Everyone agreed guys felt some pressure that a big dong meant you were virile, etc. A while into the conversation Kelly finally observed, “Usually, the guys who actually have a big one aren’t the ones who brag about them.” As soon as she said it, she regretted it. They all gave her a look of ‘how would you know?’

Tricia pressed forward with more questions. Kelly offered, “Guys who are confident in what they have don’t need to brag. It just is.” Tricia wanted specifics. As did Deb. And Artie and Wayne. Kelly clammed up.

Tricia looked at John. “You’ve been awfully quiet. Is she right?”

John tried to deflect, “Of you three, who has the biggest boobs?” Everyone was nearly a six-pack in and they all laughed.

Tricia threw her hand in the air “Not me!”

The guys started to take sides as they guessed. Kelly shrunk into her shirt. Brian, of course, said Deb. John finally agreed, “I’ve seen her in her bra. What can I say?”

Artie was a follower and went with John and Brian. Wayne said, “I’m not so sure? I think it’s probably Kelly.” Tricia laughed out loud.

John piped up, “Okay, let’s see them and pick a winner!”

Deb replied, “You wish! For the record, I’m a 36C.”

Tricia squeaked, “Yep, nothing but a pair of little 32A’s here.”

They all looked at Kelly. “I have nothing to say.”

Tricia started to wrestle with her, climbing over her shoulder to pull up the back of her shirt. Deb jumped over and joined in. Kelly was laughing so hard she thought she might pee herself. Tricia had Kelly’s back exposed and nearly had her bent in half. Deb got hold of her bra strap and twisted it to read the tag.

The group went quiet as Deb slowly read, “Thirty……two…………efffff.”

Artie blurted out, “No shit!”

Followed by Brian's “Is that really a size?”

John whistled under his breath, “Well, I’ll be damned.”

Kelly threw it back at John, “Well, John, how big is your penis?”

Tricia remembered that she’d got tossed off the trail. “Yeah! You’re being all quiet. Have you got a big one?” Even Deb gave him a jab. Everyone was staring at John, well actually, at John’s crotch as he sat slumped on the couch.

“I guess so,” he mumbled.

“Speak up, John. Do you have a big dick or not?” barked Tricia who then broke down into a fit of laughter.


Deb quickly asked “How big?” Brian gave her a dirty look.

“Big enough.”

“Oh, no, you’re not getting off that easily Mister,” Tricia giggled. Kelly shrugged her shoulders, in a how big is it way.


“Bullshit! If he said nine, in guy inches that’s like probably six, maybe seven,” blurted Deb.

“Do you have a ruler?” asked Tricia, still laughing her ass off.

Well, it all set John up for a soliloquy about the hardships of having a big cock. Girls can’t wait to see it, but they’re afraid to let it inside. They love to hold it and look at it but only suck a few inches into their mouth. Even the ones he had fucked screamed if he tried to push the whole thing inside of them.

After his boo, hoo, hoo story, Kelly just looked at him and said, “You haven’t met the right girl yet.” Wayne wanted an explanation. “John’s not a freak. There are girls that can handle him just fine. He simply hasn’t found one yet," explained Kelly.

Deb got just a little snippy. “I suppose you, with the huge boobs, can handle the big boys?” Brian apologized for her blaming the beer. Deb backed down.

Kelly started to move into her fuck you zone: “Yeah, I’ve had big guys. And enjoyed it. More importantly, they enjoyed it too.” It sounded like a gauntlet was thrown. But no one said anything because they didn’t exactly understand if there was a challenge?

Artie was very shit-faced. “I bet you can’t fit his whole thing in your mouth.”

Kelly retorted, “Of course not. It can’t fit in your mouth, it goes in your throat.”

Could have tipped half of them over like bowling pins. Tricia sounded both drunk and horny, “I want to see that! Fit his big willy in your mouth, or wherever! Come on! Let us see!”

Kelly had about had enough. John looked at her as are you really going to do this? Kelly pulled her leather ponytail holder with the stick through it out of her back pocket and pulled her massive mane of hair back and held it in place with the holder. Nothing says fight or blowjob like a girl putting their hair back!

“Let’s see it, John,” said Deb to another dirty look from Brian. John stood up and unbuckled his belt, pulled the strap out of the buckle, and let his belt fall open. He unzipped his fly, unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled them open. Then he tugged his jeans down to his thighs. Then John pushed his blue underwear to his thighs. In the middle of a bush of black pubic hair hung a five-inch limp cock.

John looked at Kelly. “I’m not getting you hard. That’s your job. I’m just proving that it’ll fit. Get on with it,” as she stared at his dick. John started to slowly stroke his cock.

Brian groaned and put his hand over his face. Deb shifted for a better view. Artie and Wayne looked away but then turned back. Tricia’s mouth was hanging open. Nothing was happening with John’s cock. He was embarrassed. He looked at Kelly with help me out eyes. Kelly stood up and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her flannel shirt. She pressed her arms to her sides pushing her cleavage up.

It helped. Wayne said, “Damn, those are big!” John’s cock started to grow. He reached his hand toward Kelly. Yeah, she knew she was in trouble. The sight of his cock had started her pussy flowing. She leaned forward and let John slip his hand into both of her bra cups and pinch her nipples. They responded by getting rock hard. And in short order, so was John. Deb ran to their room to find something.

John was still stroking. Wayne and Artie moved the coffee table so Kelly could kneel in front of him. Kelly kneeled and they all waited for Deb. “Found it!” she yelled from their bedroom and came prancing out with a twelve-inch ruler. She stood next to John and grabbed his sausage in one hand as she laid the ruler across the top of his cock. She leaned over and announced, “Nine and a quarter inches!”

She pulled the ruler away but not her hand holding his cock. She tried, unsuccessfully, to wrap her fingers around it. Tricia got on her knees next to Kelly. Kelly moved forward and brushed Deb’s hand away, replacing it with her own. Kelly moved her mouth over the head of John’s cock.

She couldn’t only do a ‘fitting,’ she had a long dick in her mouth. Her tongue was swirling and licking John’s member as it was moved into her mouth. John was getting a blow job. Kelly didn’t mean to be giving him one, but it was the only thing she knew to do with a cock in her mouth.

Kelly made a half-dozen very slow strokes up and down John’s cock feeling him grow tighter and harder. She tasted the flow of his pre-cum. Kelly relaxed her throat and pushed her face to John’s groin. She had her nose buried in his ticklish pubes. She held him there for probably a five-count before she came up for air. She opened her eyes and even the guys were kneeling beside them to watch.

She pulled off of his cock and took a deep breath. “See. Told you.” And then she sat back on the couch. John’s cock was twitching up and down, uncontrollably. Pre-cum started to drip off of the tip. Kelly said, “Tricia, you should try it!”

“No way. There is no way I can do that.”

John was nearly pleading, “It can’t hurt to give it a try?” Kelly shoved Tricia’s shoulders and John’s dick hit her in the face.

Tricia opened her mouth and let him slide in about halfway and then popped back off. “I can’t!”

Kelly pushed her back to his cock and tried to explain the mechanics of opening your throat. Tricia again took him in halfway and freaked out, popping off and giving up. Deb said, “I want to try,” and grabbed John’s dick as she sucked him into her mouth. Brian didn’t know what to think? He looked pissed and intrigued both at the same time.

Deb had more experience. She got about seven inches in without batting an eyelash. She pulled off and looked at Kelly. “It’s harder than it looks.” Kelly laughed! “I meant it’s more difficult.” John’s dick had pre-cum twitching out drop after drop. Kelly just smirked her damn right it is look but nonetheless encouraged Deb to let loose and go for it.

Deb got John in about halfway. Kelly could see her throat relax and she pushed as far as she could. She had less than an inch left and pulled off sputtering and gasping. “I just can’t do it.” Kelly complimented her attempt and assured her that with a little more practice she would easily be able to swallow the whole thing.

Kelly discovered that Deb was competitive. Deb dove back onto John’s cock as though John played no role in this, now, competitive sport. Deb took a deep breath and pushed herself all the way onto his salami. She stopped, again, about an inch from his groin and then smashed herself forward until she smushed her nose into his torso. She popped off like the toaster tossing a piece of toast in the air, gasping for air, and sputtering.

John’s cock was coated in fluids. It wasn’t clear if any of them were his own, but Kelly studied his cock closely and could tell he was still slightly twitching. Then a large drop of pre-cum dripped to the floor, leaving a spiderweb-like strand connecting it to the tip of John’s cock.

Kelly got off her seat and again knelt in front of John. She dipped lower, assuming a submissive position, and flashed her pretty blue eyes up at him. He smiled broadly as she licked the underside of his cock and then in one smooth motion she completely engulfed his cock. She glanced at Tricia and winked at her.

Kelly held John in her throat for a five-count and then smoothly pulled back, her tongue working on his cock the entire time. On her third or fourth downstroke as she was pulling back she tasted a spurt of cum on her tongue. Kelly smoothly pressed back completely onto his cock and let John cum in her throat.

John didn’t make a peep. Kelly looked up at him and he was playing it as cool as possible for a guy who was ejaculating in a girl’s throat. Kelly kept her same rhythm and slowly pulled back, gripping his cock tightly with her lips. She swallowed his load as discretely as possible and sucked the final drops from his tip before releasing him.

John quickly stuffed his cock into his underwear and pulled up his jeans. Kelly sat down and resisted the urge to immediately take a swig of beer. “Oh my God! Did John cum in your mouth?” Tricia blurted.

Neither Kelly nor John acknowledged the question. Tricia looked at the clock and said “Shit, It’s past my bedtime.” She stood up and slammed the last of her beer, said goodnight, and left. Kelly had a good idea of why.

Artie and Wayne were right behind Tricia. John announced he was going out for a cigarette. Kelly thanked Brian and Deb for the invitation and then she left. Instead of going upstairs, Kelly joined John on the house’s large front porch, standing next to him. It was past one a.m. and a few students were walking home from the bars. Nonetheless, it was fairly dark on both the porch and their yard and no one seemed to notice them standing on the porch.

John flicked his cigarette aside and pulled Kelly around for an appreciative hug. “I can’t fucking believe what just happened.”

Kelly said, “Yeah me neither. That was not a plan of mine.”

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have cum in your mouth!”

Kelly girl-slugged his arm. “That’s not your fault. I couldn’t control myself. You didn’t have a chance. I’m a bad girl. I can’t control myself around penises. Especially big meaty ones like yours.”

They sat down on the couch and shared stories, introducing themselves to each other. Kelly wanted to make sure that John knew he wasn’t getting a girlfriend in the deal. John was dating someone who couldn’t swallow his cock, but they had been together for almost a year. John and his girlfriend were both juniors and twenty-one.

The longer they spoke the more the conversation revolved about sexual turn-on’s. They were both lit. Although John had drained his balls, Kelly’s twat was soaking wet. She did a discrete check of her crotch and realized she had soaked through her jeans.

All Kelly really knew was it had been three weeks without a fuck. The blow job, John’s large member, and their talk about sex had her pussy blazing. And that long cock was lurking in the pants next to her. Kelly could sense that John was in the same place that she was.

Kelly bent over and untied her sneakers and kicked them off. She pulled her feet, one at a time, onto the couch and removed her socks. Then she tugged at her shirt, trying to pull it from her waistband. John reached around and pulled it loose and over her head. Kelly removed it and laid it on the couch. Then she stood in front of John and wrestled her snug jeans downs to her knees. John leaned forward and gripped the bottom of each leg of her jeans as Kelly extracted her legs one at a time from them.

John was mesmerized as Kelly reached behind her back and unclasped the three hooks holding her bra together. She slipped it off, tossed it on the couch, and then stretched her arms out straight up into the air. She brought her arms down, hooked her fingers in the side of her white low-rise hip-hugger panties, and pushed them to her knees. She placed a hand on John’s shoulder as she wiggled one foot free and then put the other foot with the panties around her ankle in John’s lap and he removed them. He also took a moment to softly rub her calf and foot.

John was awestruck by the sight of Kelly’s shaved pussy. Kelly was enjoying seeing his reaction of looking at her body. She reached her hands to her groin, placing them on either side of her mound. Slowly she pulled them apart, spreading her cunt wide open for John’s enjoyment.

Kelly had an objective. She needed to re-inflate the huge boner she’d drained a short time ago. She slipped her middle finger into her vagina and stroked herself a few times. She pulled her finger out and pushed it to John’s mouth. He sucked it in and gave her finger the same attention Kelly had given his cock.

John reached forward and grabbed Kelly’s ass, pulling her onto the couch, kneeling beside his hips, with her pussy pulled tight to his face. His tongue began its exploration of the folds of her labia.

Kelly was softly moaning. Again, she used both hands to open her gash as widely as possible. John found her clit and started to suck and tongue it, similarly to what Kelly had done for him. Kelly quickly came.

She had to grab the back of the couch with both hands to steady herself. She slowly sat down on John’s lap and his mouth and hands moved to her boobs. Johns knew just how much pressure she enjoyed when he was nibbling and pulling her nipples with his teeth. He had her so fired up that Kelly was holding her huge mounds and directing the action, shoving first one then the other into John’s face for his attention.

Kelly was softly moaning non-stop. She felt the feeling start from her pussy. She was surprised at herself. Her mind was watching the movie of John’s huge cock slipping in and out of her twat. His mouth was taking her to the top of the mountain. Even though she had an inkling, Kelly was surprised when an orgasm tore through her body as John attacked her nipples.

She slumped lower, her head leaning on his shoulder. “Did you, I mean, did you actually…”

Hoarsely, Kelly croaked, “Yeah, you got me off.” John sat silent. “Lots of firsts for you tonight, huh, John?”

“That’s an understatement.”

“Well, get ready for another one.” Kelly could feel his hard-on through his jeans. She was sitting right on it. “Pull out that big cock of yours.” Kelly flipped one leg over his lap to give him room to operate. John pushed his pants down past his butt.

Kelly swung her leg back across John’s lap, grabbing his long dick. She had to scooch herself up extra tall to make room to align her pussy over his head. She rubbed his cockhead around her hole for a moment and then slowly lowered her cunt onto his pole.

His cock touched her cervix. Kelly gritted her teeth and shifted a little. She dropped down another inch. She was sitting on his lap with no place left to go. She moved her head so she could look directly at John’s face. He had a huge grin on his face. “Are you in all the way?”

“Oh, fuck am I ever! Holy shit! This feels so fucking good!”

Kelly started to slowly move her hips and her butt, moving up and down just an inch or two on John’s cock. John moved his hands under Kelly’s butt and took over the work. He was lifting her up and down on his dick. He sped up a bit. Soon his hips were thrusting in unison with his hands. He wasn’t lifting her cunt to the end of his cock, but she was riding quickly up and down a six or seven-inch rail.

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John’s grip on her ass grew tighter. Kelly was helping out by slamming her cunt down on the downstrokes. Her pussy was so fucking happy getting an A+ banging after weeks of emptiness. Kelly grabbed her arms around John’s neck and she was moaning and talking at the same time.

“Oh, fuck. You’re making me cum John. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! OH FUUUUUUUCK!!!” Kelly came like a volcano and she blasted John’s balls with her cum. Her pussy started to have spasms. Her leg started to have a Charlie horse. Her foot started to cramp. She was shaking. Kelly rolled off of John and flopped onto the couch.

John thought he’d had somehow injured her. “No baby, no, not at all. You didn’t hurt me. Fuck, you made me cum so hard. My Lord!” Then Kelly realized that probably countless others had done the same thing on that couch and she got a case of the heebie-jeebies and had to stand up.

John’s cock looked like a flagpole in his lap. Kelly stepped over to a post next to the steps leading up to the porch and leaned forward on it. She jutted her butt toward John. He took the hint.

John stood behind her, bent his knees as he aimed his cock from the back and Kelly aimed his tip from the front. John thrust as they aligned. Kelly moaned loudly as he penetrated her completely. A couple of guys on the sidewalk heard her. They looked at the house. They stopped and looked more closely. Kelly was standing sideways enough that they guys could make out the two of them standing there fucking.

“Are you seeing this?” one asked. “Sure am”

Kelly and John clearly heard them. They were probably less than twenty feet away. John whispered, “Do you want to move to someplace else?”

“Hell no,” Kelly wiggled herself, taking John, though his cock, with her, so they were parallel to the street. It gave the onlookers a clear view of a couple standing on the porch, the guy fucking the girl from behind. John had Kelly figured out and picked up the pace. Kelly started to moan.

The guys walking home from the bar stepped into the yard. Kelly was loving it. They walked up to the edge of the porch, standing about three feet lower than John and Kelly. In other words, their faces were pretty close to the action. “Damn Dude! Are you fucking her ass?”

“No. Her pussy.”

Kelly started moaning more and slightly louder. She loved being watched. It was a huge turn-on. She hefted her boob closest to them and brought her nipple to her mouth and sucked it for them. It didn’t do anything for Kelly but she knew guys loved it. And so did those two.

What wasn’t happening was they couldn’t see Kelly’s pussy. Kelly pushed John back and stood up. She pulled John to the porch steps and had him sit on the edge of the porch with his feet on a step. Kelly climbed over him and again sat on his cock, her back to him, facing the street as was John. She worked with John to find a rhythm. They settled on Kelly holding her pussy in the air as John did the thrusting from below.

Their audience stepped onto their sidewalk and stood between their legs looking right at Kelly’s sex. They realized they were blocking their only light, from a streetlight. They split apart, one to each side. One guy went next level, literally, and sat two steps up with his face maybe two feet from her pussy. No one yelled so the other guy did the same thing on the other side.

Kelly leaned back and put her weight on John’s shoulder. She used both hands to spread open her lips. “Fuck, you don’t have any pussy hair!” said one of them. The other was leering at her tits. Kelly pointed a boob at him and he leaned in and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Without any thought, he also put his hand on her mound and started to finger her clit. Holy shit that took Kelly to a new place.

John was probably in an uncomfortable position during all of that, physically, that is. He began thrusting with more intensity. Kelly came quickly from all of the action on her nipple, clit, and vagina.

The dude not physically involved asked, “Did you just cum?” Kelly could identify the idiot. He reached out and started to rub Kelly with both hands, one on her boob and the other on her thigh. That hand made its way to her pussy and his buddy let him rub her slit for a minute. He was either too drunk, stupid, inexperienced, or all three and his buddy took back over.

In moments Kelly came again, biting her tongue but moaning louder. John was there. His long dick had put on a few miles stroking in and out of Kelly and he was ready to nut again. He whispered in the ear lying next to his face. “I’m cumming!”

The other guy heard it and moved his hand off of her slit. John moved slowly as his cock pumped his balls dry. He shifted a little. Kelly took the hint and took back responsibility for her own weight. John’s cock slipped out during the movement. “Fuck!” was mumbled by one of the guys. Kelly wasn’t sure if it was the size of John’s equipment or the fact that his load had slipped out and was running down her butt crack.

John helped Kelly steady herself as she stood. She offered John a hand to do the same. The audience just stood there, leering at Kelly’s nakedness. The one that jerked her clit got brave. “Do I get a turn?”

Kelly fired back a quick, “no,” without giving it much thought. They turned away.

Then her bee-fogged mind cleared enough to appreciate that he helped her cum. “Hey, I’m sorry. Come here.” He walked up onto the porch with Kelly and John. Kelly said, “You helped me. I owe you one.”

Kelly pulled at his jeans as he pushed them down. She gulped in his six-inch hardon and in less than two minutes, the guy pumped her mouth with his load. Kelly swatted his ass away as she sat on the porch floor and swallowed his cum.

John stood next to her, his limp cock hanging down aimed at one boob, and said, “You are really something else. Tonight, I did lots of things for the first time and they all felt sooo good. Next up, I need you to teach my girlfriend how to deep-throat me.”

Kelly stood up and hugged John. “Thank you for scratching my itch. As long as everybody understands sex can be just sex, I might need my itch scratched again someday. As far as your girlfriend, you know, in all seriousness, that I would be more than happy to teach her how to do that. But it’s on you to figure out how to make that happen.”

“It might not be as difficult as you think. Have a good night, Kelly. Oh, and don’t forget your clothes.”

Kelly snuck as quietly as she could into their apartment.

The first words Kelly heard the next morning were when Tricia barged into her room, found Kelly lying naked on her bed, and blurted out, “Did John cum in your mouth last night? What happened after I left? Jesus! You shave your pussy?”

Kelly woke with a start, having only heard, ‘yap, yap, yap.’ She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looked at Tricia, and said, “What the hell?” Tricia repeated her barrage of questions. Kelly stared at her, sizing up her, still new, roommate. She realized honesty could make for an easier life. Plus, she hated being hounded by ongoing questions.

She patted the bed for Tricia to sit down. As she tugged a sheet to cover her pussy, she started there first, admitting the obvious that indeed she shaves, especially during warm weather, yes, I love it, and Tricia should try it sometime.

With that out of the way, Kelly told Tricia the truth about everything that happened the rest of the night. Kelly ended with a question for Tricia: “Did you come up here last night to masturbate?”

Tricia jumped off the bed and skipped across the living room singing, “mayyybe,” over her shoulder, and then locked herself in her room. Kelly laid back down. She thought she heard familiar noises. She tiptoed to Tricia’s door. She stood there for a couple of minutes listening to Tricia masturbate and then headed for a shower.

I was able to visit Kelly for a weekend fuck session a couple of weeks later, where she filled me in on meeting the neighbors. It was a couple of weeks after that when Tricia, Artie, Wayne, Deb, and Brian all went home for the weekend. There was no formal announcement. It just became clear that everyone was gone.

Kelly ran into John on the porch Saturday morning. He said his girlfriend, Laura, was coming over and Kelly was invited to join them. The look in John’s eyes confirmed the thoughts in Kelly’s head. “Sure! I’d love to meet her!” The weather was cooling off. Kelly hadn’t shaved her twat since seeing me. She took extra time in the shower shaving herself baby smooth and rubbing herself with baby oil.

Kelly knocked on the door with a couple of bottles of Boone’s Farm in her hands. John invited her in and introduced her to Laura. The girls cracked open the wine and sat down on the couch. Not five minutes into the conversation Laura said, “John told me about the contest everyone had with his dick. You impressed the hell out of him. Especially when you told him you could teach me.”

Well, that all went by very quickly! John had a big smile. “I didn’t mean for you to be ambushed, but Laura and I share everything with each other,” Kelly replied that she had nothing be respect for that and it was the same with her and me.

Kelly gulped down her glass and started talking to Laura. Laura was a student in the sciences as was Kelly and she seemed to appreciate an explanation of the process. Laura looked at John and said, “Get naked if you want this to happen.” John started to strip. To Kelly's slight surprise so did Laura. Laura gave Kelly the you too look and Kelly also got naked.

John sat down between them on the couch. Laura started to tug his cock to get him hard. It was Kelly’s first time seeing John naked and she was impressed that he looked as strong as he was rugged. Laura was a brunette with shoulder-length straight hair. Her boobs looked like C-cups with large areolae and firm nipples. Her beaver was a wild bushy affair with hair down the inside of her thighs and all over her groin area.

John hadn’t seen Kelly’s pussy in the light and he couldn’t pull his eyes away. Kelly broke his spell by suggesting that Laura uses her mouth to get him hard. Laura slid to the floor and started sucking on John’s cock. After a minute or two, she stopped and invited Kelly to help out, not that any help was needed. John’s nine-plus-inches was rock hard.

Laura and Kelly traded John’s cock back and forth. Laura was trying to relax her throat on each turn. Kelly was demonstrating by slowly dropping her mouth down to John’s nutsack. Laura was within a couple of inches. Kelly gave some more insight. How to relax right when you want to gag. Hold your breath. Don’t panic. Keep your throat open.

Several attempts later and Laura had John’s entire cock in her mouth. A few strokes later and she understood how to do it without thinking so much. They gave John a several-minute break. Both could tell he was close to cumming. And Kelly was really trying to behave. If she wanted him to get off, she would have been licking his nuts while Laura blew him.

John’s pecker started to deflate a bit. Laura went back at it and was smoothly sliding up and down the entire length of his dick. Laura pulled off and offered his cock to Kelly. Laura sucked on his balls. John scooted to the edge of the couch so Laura had a better shot. Kelly could taste his flow of pre-cum. She offered him back to Laura. She looked at John as she said, “He’s getting close. John nodded and then moaned as Laura took him deep and held him much longer than she had before.

Kelly coached her on how to let him cum, while she lapped away at John’s sack. John tapped them both on the head and his ass clenched. He let out a roar “I’m cumming!” Kelly saw panic in Laura’s eyes. She calmed her down as fast as she could while she also put her hand firmly on the back of Laura's head. Kelly wasn’t going to let John’s orgasm be ruined.

Kelly knew firsthand that John shot a pretty large load. She held Laura down until she could tell his cock was no longer pumping the load out of his balls. She guided Laura up slowly. “Stop when you can breathe. Grab some air through your nose. He’s still leaking cum from his cock.” She asked John, “Do you want to see your load or have her swallow it now?”

The question blew John’s mind. Kelly to Laura: “Don’t swallow it yet. Hold it in your mouth. Suck on his cock to get the last drops out. Breathe through your nose. Pull off when you have all of it. Don’t swallow!”

Laura pulled off and looked first at Kelly, then John, and showed them her mouth nearly full to overflowing with John’s white goo. Kelly told her to hang on and she helped Laura stand up and she walked her to the bathroom and had Laura look at her mouth in the mirror. Her eyes got wide with excitement.

They went back out into the living room, Laura sat on John’s lap, showed him his load one last time, and then took two gulps to get it all down. Laura was giddy with excitement. She planted a major kiss on John. After they broke their kiss, she reached for Kelly and pulled her in for a big open-mouthed kiss.

It was instinct that had Kelly playing tongue hockey with Laura. They made out for five minutes only inches from John’s face. Kelly pulled away for air. Laura looked at John: “So, you like that, huh?”

Laura turned to Kelly: “His cock was twitching the whole time.” Laura rolled off John’s lap and sat on the other side. John was about half-hard. It was clear that fucking was next on the agenda. Kelly thought it was appropriate that she offered to depart and allow them some privacy. After all, the lesson had ended with huge success.

Laura spoke and said, “Please stay. We’ve never had a threesome and It’s all that he’s been talking about since you blew him.” Kelly was still not clear if John had only told Laura about the blowjob, or if he also fessed up about the fuck session on the porch afterward? She decided to stay and play it cool. She liked fucking John’s cock.

They sat and drank and talked for some time. Laura asked Kelly about her pussy. She seemed interested, as she’d never seen a woman shave down there. John just smiled but said little about it other than he hadn’t really had time for a good look yet. Kelly spread her legs and John got on the floor between them and studied her smooth skin. He mentioned that it looked tasty and asked if he could take a lick.

It then clearly established that Laura didn’t know they had fucked. As John gently lapped at her cunt, Kelly suggested to Laura that they could get her bare also. Laura jumped at the offer and was clearly grateful that it had been made. It was decided that Kelly’s apartment was the place to do the deed.

With orders to stay put John stayed on the couch while the other two bounded, naked, up the stairs.

Kelly grabbed a pair of scissors and had Laura do what she could while sitting on the toilet. It was stunning the amount of hair that came off. Then Kelly got her into the shower and had her wash it up. They turned off the water and Kelly lathered her up in shaving cream. Laura asked Kally about her first time, and Kelly relayed, the story of Yvonne shaving her pussy the first time. Before long she was whistle clean.

Laura asked if she and Yvonne did anything to celebrate. Kelly replied that yes, they did. Kelly pulled the shower curtain aside stepped into the old tub beside Laura. They nuzzled into each other and Kelly rubbed her hand on Laura’s bare mound. “You should feel it too,” she suggested.

As Laura moved her hands to enjoy her smoothness, Kelly slipped her fingers lower and worked to separate Laura’s lips. They were small and tight, which had actually made shaving easier than Kelly, who has to pull each lip out and carefully shave along its length. Kelly slipped one, then two fingers into Laura’s pussy. Laura started to rub her little button.

Laura turned her head to Kelly and used her free hand to pull Kelly in for their second kiss. Laura came minutes later. She broke their kiss and let loose an “oh God!” Laura was considerate. She enjoyed her orgasm afterglow but quickly moved to satisfy Kelly. Laura dropped to her knees and buried her tongue into Kelly's slit and wiggled her way into her vaginal opening.

She tongue-fucked Kelly nearly over the edge. Kelly was holding onto the top of Laura’s head so she wouldn’t fall over. Laura swapped fingers for a tongue inside of Kelly’s vagina and her mouth went to work on her clit. Kelly has always said, men and women eat pussy differently. She loves the varied and rougher approach of men, but there is no comparison in that a woman knows exactly how what she is doing really feels.

Laura brought Kelly to a crashing orgasm and Kelly flooded Lura’s mouth with her cum juice. Laura stood up with a mischievous grin on her face. She turned on the water and they had a final rinse-off.

After they dried off, Kelly grabbed her baby lotion and handed it to Laura, who responded, “I thought that was part of the service?” Kelly smiled and poured some in her hand and thoroughly rubbed Laura’s pussy, front to back, top to bottom, inside and out. Then she handed Laura the bottle and she returned the favor.

Proud of their work, they both headed downstairs to a very, very bored, yet still naked, John. They both apologized that the task took so long. Laura promised though that they would more than dispense his boredom.

They spent the next few hours together. Any way of connecting three people together, they tried. John came the second time about thirty minutes into their play. That load went inside Laura’s twat. Then he watched Kelly and Laura go at for another half-an-hour. By then his cock was hard again and he used it when needed, let it take breaks when not, but they kept up the group fuck session until the middle of the night.

All of them had drunk plenty and it was Kelly who convinced Laura to take John up her ass. She clearly couldn’t fit more than six inches or so into her pussy. Kelly thought it was their solution. John was long, but he wasn’t overly thick. Kelly ran naked again upstairs and grabbed the baby oil.

Kelly had Laura lubed up and John had fingered her loose. They tried it and Laura grimaced and took him maybe halfway before she tapped out. Again, Kelly felt she had to demonstrate. She laid on her tummy in the bed next to Laura. John rubbed baby oil inside and outside of her pooper.

Kelly used both hands to spread her cheeks and John started in. She told him to not stop until he was all the way in. John followed the rules. Kelly had a moment to adjust. The bottle of wine had her ready for his monster. She told John to “just fuck me.” And he did. Laura was amazed at the pounded Kelly was taking. Even more amazed when Kelly came and squirted her cum, making a large wet spot in their bed.

Shortly after she came, Kelly suggested Laura give it another try. Laura shrieked at how hot his cock was as he slid back in, but he went all the way in on the first push without Laura putting up resistance. Soon John was fucking Laura up the ass, full length, and Laura was smiling.

John was in heaven. His full length was inside his girlfriend for the first time in their year of dating. Kelly decided to give Laura a hand and she slipped her hand down to her clit and played with it until Laura orgasmed. Laura was gasping. John was pumping harder but she stopped him and said, “You have to cum in Kelly.”

Kelly quickly rolled over and John climbed on top of her butt. He stuffed the head of his cock into her as he sat on her thighs, cowboy style. Kelly yelled at him “Yes! Yes! Just like that!” John had stumbled onto her favorite position.

John held her hips tightly and slammed his cock in and out of her butt with long deep strokes. She felt the intensity rise in how John held her and was thrusting. Kelly wanted to cum, but she tried to wait for John. A few moments later, his loudest “I’m fucking cumming!!” ever. Kelly screamed out “OH FUCK!” with him. John pumped his final seed into the inferno of Kelly’s butt.

They were all trashed. Kelly decided it best to decline the overnight invitation and she headed upstairs to crash. It was not enough hours later when someone was knocking on her door. John and Laura were holding breakfast they had made for Kelly.

Kelly and John had a late-night conversation on the porch later that week. They agreed that sex could be just sex and John’s cock was available if Kelly needed it. Laura didn’t need to know about that. Laura was really, really, into their three-way. If Kelly wanted to ever join them, Laura wanted her to know there was a standing invitation to their bed.

The conversation ended with John thanking Kelly for turning his sex life into something far beyond what he could have imagined.



Written by GoodToBeMe
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