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Wonderboy, Boy I Wonder - Chapter Two: His Secret Identity

"Ian seeks Ryan out, going to dangerous extremes to meet the object of his fantasy."

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Author's Notes

"This is the second installment in the Wonderboy series, a comic-book inspired erotic series I've recently created. For those readers looking for sex scenes, this is the chapter for you! Enjoy, and your feedback about the concept and execution is more than welcome. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks for reading, Larshally"

Two Months Later

In the past weeks, we’ve all been swept up in the craze surrounding the man who can only be referred to as Cretan City’s resident superhero, known to the public as Surge. Rumors about this exciting figure—including his recent appearance and ongoing acts of vigilante justice—are just about the only thing anyone is talking about lately, and here at Channel Six, we’re going to recount a few of his most recent escapades…

My small television droned on, and though I’d been positively glued to anything I could find about Ryan’s activity lately, I knew the evening news wasn’t going to provide me with anything substantial. Since his debut as Surge, I’d been trying desperately to find Ryan again, but his movements were unpredictable. Even though I’d come close to being within earshot of him on two occasions, I don’t think he noticed me either time. He was always leaving the scene of whatever heroism he’d undertaken quickly, avoiding the press and his growing fan base.

I suppose I had become one of them, although I counted myself separate from the increasingly obsessed sparkies, as they called themselves. I had met the man behind the mask, and I was hell-bent on seeing him again.

The issue was, I couldn’t fully accept why I was so dedicated. Sure, the nature of Parkins’ operation had piqued my curiosity, particularly concerning what had sounded like a connection between the mayor and organized criminals. And yes, he’d saved my life, more or less, if it weren’t for his arrival at the warehouse I would most certainly have been killed. Still, there was another layer to my attachment, and it lent my efforts a hunger that surpassed anything I had experienced before.

I’ve been openly gay for a long time, coming out of the closet in my mid-teens, albeit only to myself and my parents at the time. Between working to support my household and finishing schoolsomething I’d never been very good atI’d never had much room for relationships. There had been flings here and there, and once I was of age I made regular appearances at one of the local gay bars in my area, occasionally hooking up with guys I met there. I didn’t have any issues with attracting partners.

All in all, though, I was relatively inexperienced. I watched enough porn to know my way around those few hookups in the past, so sex was no mystery. Still, my life as a gay man had lacked a certain pull that I’d always secretly craved. That fire, the intense passion, the kind of attraction that kept you up at night, left your blood boiling.

Well, I’d finally found it in Ryan. My reasons for seeking him out were numerous on paper, but in the back of my mind, I knew that it was his touch that I craved most. Remembering the way he’d lingered between my legs when we were tied up together in the warehouse, the electrifying warmth of his energy-clad hands as they freed me from my bindings, the simple heat of him as he stood near me, washing me in the mysterious power he held. Every time I remembered our chance encounter it left me flushed and horny, my cock swelling as I imagined his body underneath that tight-fitting suit he wore.

Other than whoever had been talking in his ear that day, I might have been the only person who knew his real identity. Having all of the pieces save the man himself was so frustrating!

Now, though, I had finally concocted a plan to meet him again.

Through my compulsive tracking of his activity in the past month, I triangulated the general area of Cretan City that Ryan was active in. Though there had been some outliers, he always seemed to show up to crime scenes and dangerous situations within a five-mile radius of the neighborhood we’d originally met in. The warehouse was one of several red dots on a small map I’d drawn up, and it wasn’t exact by any means, but I had a pretty good idea of where he might surface.

Though I was still financially recovering from paying off Parkins and his goons, I guiltily purchased a used police scanner from a pawn shop in my area. Once I’d figured out how to use it, mostly through a series of online tutorial videos, my plan was almost complete.

All I needed was crime.

Not hard to come by, bittersweet though that might have been. My area of Cretan was hardly a utopia. With my scanner in an old backpack, I showered, got dressedwith admittedly more effort than I would ever spare on a regular dayand stepped out onto the street, making way to the cafe I had selected for its central position in my target area. The walk was about a mile, and I could hardly keep myself from jogging along the sidewalk in anticipation.

I arrived, grabbed a complimentary glass of water, and walked over to a corner booth where I could see a nearby outlet, ignoring the look I got from the man working the counter. I hefted out the scanner and began setting it up on the tabletop, plugging in an old pair of headphones to the worn jack on the device’s backside. A painful crackle of static caused me to jump, nervous as I was, and I turned the volume down to an acceptable level. It took me a few tries to find the frequency I was looking for, but I had practiced a few times at home to make sure I wouldn’t mess up.

Minutes passed as I listened in on casual police chatter, most of which consisted of calls to report in from local patrols. My pulse quickened when the first dispatch occurred, but it was only for a house-call on some domestic dispute. I felt how tense my shoulders had become and relaxed some, tapping my feet as I continued to listen. My glass of water was untouched. There was another dispatch to an attempted mugging, but I discounted this as too small to merit Ryan’s attention.

Then, perhaps thirty minutes after I had turned the scanner on, I hit gold.

All units report, all units, we have a reported bomb threat at 1643 Nellow Concourse, I repeat…

I felt a pang of absurd joy mixed with guilt as I realized how a potential bombing had caused me to pump my arm in victory. I glanced around, catching the eye of an elderly woman who was staring at me from two tables over, wide-eyed. I offered her a short smile before standing, almost ripping the scanner off the table before remembering that the headphones I was wearing were still attached. I stepped over the outstretched cord and began hustling towards the door, leaving my things behind without so much as a second look.

“Hey!” I heard the man behind the counter yell, “you forgot-”

As soon as I made it outside, I began to jog, then run. 16th and Nellow was less than two blocks from my current position, if I hurried I could make it before anyone else arrived on the scene. I picked up speed, narrowly avoiding a young couple on the sidewalk before crossing the street through a red light. I was running full-tilt towards a bomb site with my mind on potentially meeting Ryan there. One might say I was dedicated to my appetites.

After avoiding a speeding sedan and a strange, bulky van with a satellite dish attached to its roof, I rounded the corner onto Nellow Concourse. The building in question appeared intact, and there was a growing crowd of people standing across the street and down a ways, apparently having evacuated the premises.

I zipped across the street and headed for the alley behind the building, counting the entrances off until I arrived at the one that should have been 1643. It was an office park, I could now see, and the door had a pad for remote entry. Sirens began wailing in the distance, I couldn’t judge how long it would be until the police arrived. As I stepped forward to try the door, it burst open from the inside, ejecting a frightened-looking man in a business suit.

“Go, go,” he panted, pushing past me and beginning to run towards the alley-mouth, “there’s some maniac with a bomb, says he got canned last week and he’s going to blow the place up!”

I hardly even looked at him, focused as I was on catching the door before it shut.

I stepped inside, ignoring the fading sounds of alarm coming from the man behind me, finding myself in a well-lit stairwell. I climbed the first flight, finding the glass door at the top locked, but the space beyond was dark, so it must have been vacant anyway. On the next landing, I found the door ajar and the glass shattered, a fire extinguisher lying on the ground nearby. I cautiously stepped inside, trying to avoid crunching the broken glass underfoot as I tread into the hallway beyond.

After several paces, I began to hear the sound of footsteps in the main office space ahead, and I dipped into the first doorway on my left. The ridiculousness of my situation washed over me in a moment of realization, and it crossed my mind that I had no idea whether Ryan would show up, or if he did, when. I might just get blown to smithereens instead. I looked around the small office in search of some kind of weapon, but of course, there was nothing of real use. I hefted a shiny red stapler, testing its weight in my hand, ignoring how stupid I was beginning to feel.

The sound of police sirens grew louder outside, and I heard the pacing at the end of the hall come to a stop. I sidled up to the edge of the doorway, peeking my head around the corner towards the noise to see if I could catch a glimpse of the assailant. As I leaned over, my knee brushed up against a small wastepaper basket, knocking it over. The small sound it created as it struck the carpeted floor was practically deafening. There was a moment of prolonged silence, the police sirens outside wailing in the background, and then I heard footsteps coming my way.

Shit, I mouthed, looking down at my stapler. It just stared back at me.

“Who’s there?” I heard a man call, his voice almost frantic. “Who the fuck is there?”

As good as caught, I elected to show myself, hoping I could talk him into letting me leave, planning to pretend to be one of the office workers. I stood up, sidling out of the doorway into the hall, my hands held up at my sides.

The would-be bomber was a middle-aged man with thinning gray hair, wearing a bedraggled business suit. He held a pistol, which was leveled at my head.

“Don’t shoot me, please,” I said, trying to sound calm. I dropped the stapler.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he cried, his hands shaking on the pistol’s grip.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told y-”

The sound of shattering glass somewhere behind me interrupted my sentence, and I was amazed that the older man didn’t shoot me in surprise. His eyes slid past me back into the hallway I’d come from, and I chanced a look over one shoulder.

There stood Ryan, a low red glow encapsulating his body, his upper face obscured by a simple black mask. He looked at the bomber, then at me, almost glancing away before his eyes widened in shock.


“Oh,” I called back, trying to sound casual and failing, “Hey.”

Then the old guy shot me.


I couldn’t say what came next, me hitting the door frame or the blast of bright red energy lifting the bomber from his feet, sending him flying into the room behind him. I heard the crash of his collision with the nearest cubicle wall and saw Ryan rushing down the hall in pursuit. I inspected the hole in my arm with a dreamlike wonder, watching the blood begin to flow out, staining the nice shirt I had picked from my closet less than an hour before.

I heard a crackling burst, accompanied by that crazed red glow, and several seconds later Ryan’s footfalls rang out as he rushed back to my side. I was sitting against the office door when he found me, trying not to show how squeamish my own blood made me.

“Ryan,” I said meekly, “it’s Ryan, right?”

He frowned at me, his lips pursed as he studied the growing stain on my baseball tee.

“I can’t believe it,” he breathed, bending down to lift me, grabbing my good arm and wrapping it around his neck as he rose, “how did you end up in this situation?”

I began to reply, but when he jerked me around towards the stairwell the only sound I could produce was a grunt of pain. The energy surrounding him had singed my exposed skin, and when he felt me tense, it cooled considerably until it was just a warm tingle against me.

“Never mind, actually,” he continued, “I’ve been hoping to run into you, obviously not in these circumstances though.”

“You have?” I said, walking with him towards the stairs in an awkward half-step caused by our small difference in height.

I thought he was leading me to the stairs, but when we got to the end of the hall he turned towards a broken window, presumably where he entered from.

“Umm,” I went on, “this is the third floor, isn’t it? Also, isn’t there a bomb?”

We stepped up to the large window frame, and as I peered out into the open air he gripped me tighter, sliding his other arm around my waist.

“Hold on,” he said, “we’re going across.”

Across? Fifteen feet away was the roof of an apartment complex on the other side of the alley. Maybe it was the blood loss, but I said nothing, stepping onto the frame in tandem with him. The next thing I knew we were airborne, lifted out from the force of his jump and aided by a jolt of energy emanating from his feet. The red electricity snaked out and connected with the apartment’s roof before we landed, and while it was rough, I was surprised at how controlled the whole process felt.

What I was not ready for was the short jog to the roof’s other side, followed by an immediate jump downwards. This time a much larger blast of energy cushioned our fall, loudly crackling as we smacked down on the pavement below. Directly in front of us was the strange van that had almost hit me earlier, its side door opening even as we approached. A woman in a tan sweater and white slacks was already stepping into the front seat from the hold as Ryan led me inside, easing me down on the carpeted floor before slamming the door behind us. The energy around his body had already winked out at this point.

“The bomb was fake,” said Ryan as he peeled the mask off, his hair tumbling loose and sweaty around his head, “I just knocked the guy out and left him.”

“Who’s your friend?” The woman in the driver’s seat asked as we sped away, her reckless speed causing Ryan and I to sway from side to side in the back.

“He’s the guy from the warehouse, the one I told you about,” Ryan answered, rummaging in a nearby box.

“Ohh,” said the woman, flicking her head around the seat to look at me again before returning her focus to the road, “that guy, okay. Small world.”

I hardly noticed what she was doing, focused as I was on Ryan. He finished going through the box and produced a roll of medical tape, moving towards me. Only then did I realize my arm was quite soaked in blood, although less than I would have expected. He rolled up my sleeve, giving me an apologetic look when I winced as the cuff went over the bullet wound.

“Looks like it went right through you,” he muttered, beginning to wrap my arm tightly, “you’re lucky.”

I felt incredibly lucky, right then. Bleeding in the back of a stranger’s van, being attended to by a superhero who I’d been longing to bed since I met him. I couldn’t help but notice how close he was to me, the sheen of sweat on his brow all-too-visible. I swallowed, looking away, feeling a familiar stir in my jeans.

“Take us to my place, doc,” he said, “I need to talk to Ian about the whole situation.”

“What am I, your cabbie?” She replied, taking a sudden turn that caused Ryan and I to bump into one another as he continued to wrap my arm.

“That’s exactly it,” he said, smiling. I hadn’t seen him do that, it was intoxicating.

Trying my best to avoid staring at his body in the tight black suit, I focused on slowing my breathing. I’d been so caught up in the moment that I didn’t realize how fast my heart was beating. Soon the van came to a stop, and Ryan hurriedly pulled a black tracksuit lifted from another box over his Surge suit.

We got out, and I hardly had time to thank the doctor before she sped off, giving me a passing wink. Ryan led me inside a standard-looking apartment complex, neither of us talking as we took the stairs to the fourth floor. I followed him down a green-carpeted hallway to his door, waiting patiently with my wound clamped underneath my free hand. When he led me inside, I braced myself for a revelation of superhero technology, perhaps a wall of computer monitors and a large mannequin for his suit.

It was just an apartment. A sparsely furnished one, at that, although as I glanced around at his living room and attached kitchen I saw small spots of decoration, minimal personal effects to show that someone lived there. Truth be told, I wasn’t paying much attention to my surroundings but rather watching the outline of Ryan’s shapely ass shift as he walked in front of me, flipping the light switch on a nearby wall.

“Sit down on the couch,” he eventually said, looking back at me, “I’ll get your arm patched up.”

“What, again?” I said, and I heard him chuckle from the other room he’d disappeared into.

“That was just to keep you from bleeding everywhere,” he called, “we’ve got to clean it. Let me get out of this suit first, though, this thing sucks to wear for long.”

I nearly fell off the couch trying to crane my neck and see into the other room, but the door was half-closed, yellow light spilling out. After several minutes in which I tracked the dull, painful pulses of pain radiating through my right arm, he came back. Ryan was wearing a stylish, low-necked white tee and a pair of comfortable-looking linen shorts, a plastic tray balanced in his hands. Outside of the suit, I could see that his muscles were just as they had appeared to be. The suit itself probably protected him minimally or not at all, I thought. I struggled not to let my eyes linger on the bulge in his shorts, focusing on the medical supplies he was holding.

“You’ll have to take your shirt off,” he said, nodding at me, “I can give you a spare once it’s cleaned and wrapped.”

I obliged him. It might have been a hopeful mind on my part, but I thought his eyes lingered on my abs and chest for a moment longer than normal before flicking up to meet my gaze. I began peeling at the tape, momentarily ruffled as I shifted around, trying not to bleed on his couch when the pressure was released. Ryan handed me a thick, clean rag from the tray and began readying some cotton balls and iodine.

I winced as the orange-brown liquid contacted my open wound, but the pain wasn’t as bad as I expected. Ryan noticed me pointedly looking away while he swabbed at the small hole in my arm, holding my wrist from underneath in his free palm.

“Not into blood?” he asked, and I could hear the smile in his voice. The feeling of his ministrations was unexpectedly tender, his hands deft and gentle.

“Not when it’s mine,” I replied, and he chuckled again.

As he continued dabbing at my arm, I remembered the wealth of questions that I’d stored up in the previous weeks for exactly this occasion. About Parkins, about the mayor, about how he’d known to be at that warehouse two months prior. In the end, though, all I could think to ask him was,

“So, how does a guy like you end up a superhero?” When he didn’t immediately reply, I continued. “I mean, were you born with that...ability? Or did you-”

“I wasn’t born with it,” he said, apologizing quietly as he pressed tufts of cotton against the holes in my arm, beginning to wrap it with gauze from the tray, “and I didn’t choose it, either. It was an accident. Well, sort of an accident. It happened when I was at work, with the doc- the woman from the van. She’s my boss.”

“Is that who you were talking to,” I said before thinking, “when we were tied up before?”

As I remembered our experience in the warehouse together, I felt an involuntary twitch in my pants. This pressing, powerful horniness hadn’t afflicted me since I was a teenager, and lately, it was a constant part of my waking hours. In conjunction with the pain in my arm, it created a confusing spread of sensation.

I turned to look at Ryan, and he met my eyes for a lingering moment before turning back to my arm. He grabbed a roll of medical tape and began finishing the job, wrapping the gauze padding with a practiced hand.

“Yeah,” he said, his expression unreadable, “that was her in my earpiece.” Was that a slight reddening in his cheeks?

When he finished, he patted my arm lightly, eliciting a small jump from me. I just hoped he hadn’t noticed the bulge slowly growing in my pants. I wasn’t fully hard, but remembering his hot breath on my crotch and the oddly intense sensations of his rough head-rubbing had caused some blood to flow.

“That’s why I wanted to talk to you, Ian,” he said, becoming serious, “as of right now, you and she are the only people who know my actual identity. That day I met you was the first day I used my powers, and since then I’ve been...well, I’ve been Surge. I didn’t know what I would end up doing with my abilities when I told you my name, and now things are significantly different. You have to understand,” and he placed one hand on my knee to show his sincerity, “no one can find out. I have friends and family, and I’ve read enough comic books to know what happens when someone’s real name gets out. Do you understand?”

Considering how powerful he was, I was surprised at how earnest he was being with me. He hardly knew me, and could easily have forced my silence through a mild threat alone, but there we were; me, shirtless on his couch, him having just gone through the trouble of patching me up. He could have fried me like an egg if he had half a mind to.

“Of course,” I said, “of course.” I laid my hand briefly on top of his before pulling away. “Don’t forget, Ryan, if you hadn’t shown up, I’d probably have a bullet in my skull. I owe you my life, I really do, you have no idea the situation those guys had forced me into.”

His expression darkened for a moment, and I was reminded again what he was capable of.

“Oh,” he said, almost under his breath, “I know all about them, and the people they were involved with.”

“But you know,” I said, smiling at him, “it’s not like I could expose you very easily. What would I tell the press, ‘oh, Surge? He’s a handsome guy named Ryan...something works with a doctor whose name I don’t know, blasts bad guys because of an accident.’”

We both laughed, leaning back a bit on either side of the couch as the tension ebbed. I felt a bit awkward without a shirt, but considering my initial plan it wasn’t half bad overall.

“Mortar,” he said.


“It’s Ryan Mortar.”

I stood up, offering my right hand.

“Nice to meet you, Ryan Mortar. Ian Hayne.”

Ryan stood up and shook my hand, his strong grip equaling my own. I winced again as the action caused a throb of pain to run down my arm.

“Sorry,” he said, looking me in the eye. He didn’t let go of my hand.

We stared at one another, our hands clasped, and something in my mind clunked into place. I pulled slightly, and without another word he drew close, our hands parting as he leaned up and our lips met.

I felt Ryan’s elbows come to rest on my shoulders as we kissed, and I placed my hands on the sides of his hips. The stubble on his chin rasped against mine as his tongue flicked out, lightly brushing my lower lip, insistent but not forceful. I could smell the sweat on him mixed with his deodorant, and the warmth of his skin against mine caused my cock to swell again, pressed against his crotch. I met his tongue with my own, flicking, caressing, drinking in the sensations flooding across my body.

One of his hands slid from my shoulder along one side of my chest, slowly dragging down from my pectoral to my abs, his fingertips inordinately warm against my skin. I wondered if the power inside of him always left him hot to the touch, but before I could ponder the idea I felt his fingertips brush against my navel. I brought one hand from its perch on his waist up to the side of his neck, placing my palm underneath his ear, my thumb brushing his strong jaw. The intake of breath I felt from him as my thumb caressed his jawline and earlobe gave me a surge of confidence, and I kissed him harder, my tongue pressing against his with renewed force, my other hand snaking around to the small of his back and pulling his hips towards mine.

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As our hips ground together, I could feel the hardening bulge in Ryan’s shorts pressed against my own. Our heavy breathing continued as we kissed, occasionally punctuated by low, humming groans when our cocks slid against one another. After a short while of this, I pulled back, disconnecting from Ryan’s lips regretfully, noticing a slight pout in his expression. I reached between us and grabbed the bulge in his shorts, squeezing it slightly near the sensitive tip. Ryan moaned in his throat, and to my immense surprise, a small wave of red light swept across his body, beginning at his extremities and converging on his pelvis. The tingling sensation and slight shock delivered to my hand caused me to gasp, his cock incredibly warm in my grip.

“Oh, shit, sorry,” he said, momentarily seizing up, worried that he’d hurt me, “I can’t always control it, are you okay?”

I kissed him in response, my tongue roughly tangling with his own as I continued to squeeze him through his shorts. It’s a literal lightning rod, I thought, chuckling to myself.

“What?” he asked between kisses, his hands playing in my short hair, occasionally gripping and pulling just the smallest amount.

“I’m okay,” I said into his mouth, before pulling back again and placing my hands on his shoulders. “Let me repay you for saving my life now, please.”

“You saved my life too, remember?”

I slid my hands down the length of his chest, letting my fingertips brush against his nipples through his thin cotton shirt, eliciting a shudder. I continued to feel my way down his torso as I crouched to my knees, my thumbs eventually finding places in the v-shape of his waist.

“What about today,” I said, leaning forward and pressing my face against the outline of his cock, “hmmm?” I hummed against him, slowly pushing my fingertips underneath his shirt and feeling the muscled plane of his stomach.

Ryan didn’t answer, and as my hands wound around his hips to his lower back, I placed my mouth around the tip of his bulge, breathing heavily through the cloth, wanting him to feel the same sensations he’d given me in the warehouse. I reached down and placed my hands on either side of his ass, squeezing lightly as I continued to mouth his cock. I hadn’t been able to admire it closely in the tracksuit he was wearing before, but the muscled globes in my hands were perfectly rounded and firm, while still having some soft give. I kneaded them as I moved my mouth down the length of his shaft, feeling a rush of excitement every time Ryan would moan in appreciation.

Finally, I could wait no longer. After giving his cockhead one last press with my lips, I lifted my hands from Ryan’s ass and slid my fingertips into the waistband of his shorts. His skin was so warm, almost feverishly hot, I drank in the sight of his lustful expression looking down at me as I slowly pulled his shorts and boxers down.

His cock flipped free, bobbing with the force of his erection. It was perfect, not huge but still longer than average and quite thick, the head poking slightly free from his foreskin, a small bead of pre-cum resting at the tip. His pubic hair was trimmed short, a small thatch of dark fur surrounding the base above his low-hanging balls. One large vein ran along his length on the left side. Tentatively at first, I clasped the base of his shaft with one hand while cupping his balls with the other.

When Ryan moaned, another small surge of crimson energy coursed along his skin, and from my position, I watched as it sped towards my gripping hands. This time, however, the sensation was less of a shock and more of a rush of tingling heat. I think the first time reminded him to keep the force of his powers in check. Encouraged, I gently pulled back his foreskin, lightly stroking his length while my other hand continued to cup and softly squeeze his balls.

He sighed as I pulled in, my tongue darting to collect the precum from his tip, flicking gently against the underside of his head and tracing upwards. He must have been incredibly sensitive because when I bent lower and licked my way up from his sac, another drop of salty-sweet nectar deposited itself on my tongue. I savored the taste of it before swirling my tongue delicately around his tip some more, shifting from a flat pressuring lick to a more deft and targeted twirl. All the while my other hand cradled and stroked, occasionally tugging his balls downwards just a little.

“Oh my God Ian,” he said, his fingers burying themselves in my hair again, “that feels amazing.”

I hummed my answer deep in my chest, once again licking up the length of his cock as we locked eyes.

“But, wait,” said Ryan, pausing to let out a soft mmf as my tongue once again teased his tip, “what were you doing there today?”

I was in too deep to lie to him, or maybe it was the gratitude I felt towards him for keeping me safe. I brought my other hand up and gripped his shaft with both fists, twisting and pulling gently.

“I wanted to see you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we met.”

There it was. I half expected him to pull back, outraged at my blatant disregard for my own safety, or perhaps caught off guard by my forwardness. If nothing else, surely he would ask me how I’d known where to go. He studied me for a moment, his brows almost meeting above the emerald sheen of his eyes, a quizzical purse to his soft lips. Then he laughed, reaching to the hem of his shirt and lifting, exposing the hardened surface of his torso before tossing it aside. Naked, standing over me and chuckling while I held him, I found myself both nervous and relieved as I looked over the contours of his body.

“Damn,” he said as his hands replaced themselves on the sides of my head, prompting me to continue, “You’re completely nuts, huh?”

In answer, I simply grinned at him before opening my mouth and engulfing half of his cock, my wayward hand coming to rest on the firm muscle of his thigh. This time I had a close, intimate view of the uncontrolled energy as it swept towards me across his skin. When it reached his dick, flashing towards my lips up along his shaft, I was met with the strangest sensation: the bright red electric pulse rushed to the end of his cock, buzzing lightly against the inside of my mouth, and then it went farther.

I don’t know how else to describe it. One moment I was engulfing him, reveling in the warmth and size of him as he pressed against the surface of my tongue, the next I felt his power, his energy, flowing into me as he moaned. It raced into my system in a tingling, heated wave, beginning at the point of our contact and coursing down my throat, into my chest, and through my head. Everywhere his energy touched felt flushed and stimulated, like a wild, instantaneous high that left me warm all over.

I shuddered, grabbing his thighs with both hands as I tried to steady myself in the aftermath. I realized that my own cock was practically steel, pulsing against my leg, precum leaking into my underwear. Giving head had never felt like this, it was always something I enjoyed, but mostly from the sense of giving my partner pleasure. This was different.

Renewing my focus, I pushed his cock deeper into my mouth, undulating my tongue against the underside of his shaft as I applied light suction. Ryan’s fingers pressed against my head as he groaned, and when his tip reached the back of my mouth, pushing deeper into my throat, I was met with another wave of mind-blanking pleasure as his power spilled into me. The sensation was so deliciously warm, and in my fugue state I pushed the last inch of him into my mouth, his pubes resting against my nose, his balls brushing my chin.

After the buzz faded, I went to work. At first, I was only using my mouth, but as I became used to the occasional surges of energy I was able to move my hands from their securing grips on his thighs and put them to good use. Once again I cupped his balls, matching my gentle squeezes with the down-stroke of my lips, working for the strange high that his pleasure granted me. Once I had built a consistent rhythm, I began incorporating my free hand around the base of Ryan’s cock. The power of the stimulation from his energy seemed to be directly linked to how much of my skin was touching his when the pulses overtook him.

“Just like that,” he breathed as I grabbed his ass with both hands, forcing his length into my throat and bobbing on it for all I was worth, “mmm, shit that’s so good, keep going.”

There was a growing stain on the leg of my jeans where my precum had soaked through, and each time I shifted my kneeling stance shivers would race up from the base of my spine. If I felt all of this from the energy released when he was enjoying himself, I couldn’t imagine what might happen when he came. I was determined to find out.

Squeezing each of his cheeks from behind, pulling him deeper into my mouth, I increased my pace, making sure to suck harder around the tip each time I reached it, my tongue lapping and twisting around his head. Ryan’s breathing quickened, and as I deep-throated him again I felt his balls pull closer to his body, rubbing against my chin as they did.

“Oh, fuck, Ian, I’m going to cum,” his eyes were locked on mine as I worked, and I groaned, the vibrations in my chest causing his cock to jump as his hands tightened on my head, his fingers gripping my hair tightly.

The sensation that hit me as Ryan’s cock began to jump in my mouth was nothing like before. As the first spurt of his hot cum hit the back of my throat, his powers flared into form all over his body, creating a strobe-like flash that began to converge once again towards his center. When it hit me I almost fell over with the force of it, the buzzing high radiating through my entire body, flooding past the area it had previously reached and leaving me groaning in ecstasy. The waves kept coming as Ryan shot his load, pumping his cock into my mouth with animal need, gripping my head and keeping me in place. I swallowed as much as I could, but with the intense sensation I was riding a lot of it leaked from the corners of my mouth.

As it went on, I realized that the heat I was feeling was starting to become too intense, too close to the full unveiling of his abilities that I’d seen when he fought. Reluctantly, I had to pull myself back from him and fell back on my ass, my muscles spasming in the aftershock. Unwilling to stop in the middle of his orgasm, I grabbed his cock and continued to jerk him off as he continued cumming, each rope flying out, splashing against my bare chest, the energy still enveloping him in pulsating waves. His cum was so hot it almost burned my skin, and as he began to come down, the electricity subsiding, I leaned forward again and began licking him, feeling the last pumps of his seed draining onto my tongue. I caressed his heaving chest and let my hand trail down his abs, occasionally licking his tip again and swallowing what he gave me until his shudders told me he was too sensitive to continue.

I looked at him in awe, unsteadily rising from his living room floor, not fully trusting my muscles to work, twitching as they were.

“That was so fucking hot,” I breathed, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss, the last of his cum on my tongue as it lashed with his. Ryan’s softening cock was pressed against my leg, and I couldn’t help but remember my own intense need as it brushed my hard-on.

Ryan grabbed my head again and began licking his spilled cum from the sides of my mouth and my chin, kissing me each time he finished a swipe of his tongue. After it was cleaned off, he reached down and squeezed, his eyes widening as he felt my full size from inside my jeans.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at how big you are,” he said, kissing me again, “I felt it pretty closely before.”

I smiled at him, my hands wandering down his back and clasping each other above his ass, holding him against me.

“I can’t believe you used it to activate your earpiece!”

He untangled himself from me, giving me a spectacular view of his ass as he walked away into the other room, still naked. Just as I began to wonder if I was being dismissed, he poked his head around the door and caught my eye.

“It was good that you were so hard, or it might not have worked. Are you coming?”

I practically dashed across the room, stepping through the doorway into his bedroom, finding Ryan lying on his stomach on the bed, reaching into the drawer of a small bedside table. I admired the muscles of his shoulders, eventually drinking in the sight of his slightly arched back and invitingly parted legs, his soft cock and balls hanging below his beautifully presented ass. He pulled something from the drawer and leaned over to toss it at me. I caught the small bottle and looked, recognizing the brand of lubricant.

“Come here,” he said, looking over his shoulder at me.

So this gorgeous hunk of a man—easily the most powerful being I’d ever encountered, probably in the whole world for all I knew—was a bottom. I wondered what the sparkies would make of that. For me, it was the most intoxicating idea I could imagine at that moment. I walked towards the bed, unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans as I went, pushing them down along with my boxers. Kicking them off, I set the lube down on the matching table on the bed’s other side and crawled up behind him.

As I drew closer I began running my hands up the lengths of Ryan’s legs, letting my fingertips squeeze and massage his muscles as I drew closer to him, my cockhead trailing along the bedspread beneath me before bouncing up between my thighs. I had been so hard for so long that I didn’t know how long I would last at this point, but I was sure that I needed to fill him. I rubbed at the backs of his thighs, watching the muscles of his back flex and tense as my hands ran up and began feeling around his ass again.

Wanting him to feel what was to come, I pulled up directly behind him and lifted my cock, slapping it down in the cleft of his ass a couple of times. Each slap left a small spot of wetness, and I heard Ryan hum excitedly when I let my whole length fall in between his cheeks, resting there. I pushed it forward once, enjoying the sensation of his hot skin against me, then pulled back. On my knees above him, I spread his ass apart and worked up some spit, leaning over and letting it spill onto his exposed hole. Ryan groaned, arching his back more intensely, presenting himself to me.

I couldn’t hold myself back, I was too worked up to wait and really take my time with him, so I immediately bent down and licked him from his taint to his hole. There was no flash of energy this time, but Ryan’s quiet moans told me he was enjoying himself. I kept his cheeks spread apart, lavishing his pink asshole with strong strokes of my tongue, occasionally pressing against his first band of muscle with the tip, causing him to moan into the pillow he now held against his chest.

Once I had relaxed him enough, periodically stroking the length of his back or his thighs and calves with my errant hands, I sucked my index finger into my mouth and coated it in saliva, spitting on his hole again for good measure before applying gentle pressure with my fingertip. Sighing, Ryan relaxed his muscles, my finger slowly slipping inside him to the first knuckle. I worked it around a little, pressing a bit deeper, my other hand slowly working my cock, making sure not to go too far.

After a little while of light play, I slowly withdrew my fingertip and reached back to grab the bottle of lube. Popping the cap open and applying a small dab of it to my finger, I worked it around a little before returning to my task. This time, when I pushed my lubed finger into Ryan’s ass, he moaned even louder, and the energy made another appearance, washing over his pale skin and coalescing around my embedded finger, buzzing up the length of it and causing my hand to tingle. I knew I was on the right track. His tightness surrounding my finger slowly yielded as I continued to work it in and out at a measured pace, eventually going all the way down to the last knuckle.

I applied a bit more lube, covering my middle finger, and worked them both inside of him, causing Ryan to gasp slightly when he felt the increased width. Within a minute I was working both fingers in and out of his tight, muscled ass, eventually leading him to lift onto his knees as his cock began to grow hard again. I pulled it back slightly from underneath him, stroking him in tandem with my fingers plunging deeper. I had grown used to the surges of crimson electricity now, and used them as a measurement of his enjoyment at certain little things I did with my hands.

“Are you ready?” I asked, leaning over with my fingers still buried in his ass, brushing against his ear with my lips, my voice husky and deep with lust.

Mmm-hmm,” Ryan intoned, nodding his head with his eyes closed, his eyebrows slightly raised. I loved seeing him in this state, it was such a bold contrast to the powerful hero persona he commanded in the public eye.

Slowly withdrawing my fingers, I grabbed the lube again and applied a liberal squeeze to my cock, working it around while staring hungrily at Ryan’s ass. Grabbing his hips I pulled him back a bit, then positioned myself against his hole. It would take some work, I was quite a bit bigger than two fingers, but I knew he was tough enough to take it.

I pushed the head of my cock against his hole, noting with satisfaction his sharp intake of breath as he felt my girth. After a moment he exhaled deeply, relaxing again. My tip began to push inside, and when the muscles of his hole relaxed enough for me to get past them, Ryan moaned again, small spark-like tendrils of energy popping from the sides of his hips, jumping into the air around the places our bodies made contact. The now-familiar tingling was a powerful force when applied directly to the tip of my cock, and I sagged for a moment when it raced up my shaft and bloomed around the center of my pelvis.

It seemed everything about Ryan was exceptional, that was all I could think as I pushed a little deeper, the head of my cock now fully engulfed by his hungry hole. I waited a moment to let him adjust, then continued pushing forward, relishing in the supernatural heat beginning to surround my dick. Little by little I inched into him, and before long I was buried to the hilt inside of him. We were both breathing heavily, and I stood still for a few moments, ensuring that Ryan was okay before beginning to pull out, the intense sensations surrounding my cock seeming to intensify as I inched backwards.

“You’re so deep,” he breathed, “you’re so deep, oh my God, fuck me.”

After a few more slow strokes, I began to pick up the pace. Every time I would bottom out in his ass, deliciously warm energy would flow from him into me, swirling around my midsection and making my cock pulse. The pain in my arm was completely sidelined in the face of that pleasure, my balls bouncing against him each time before I pulled back, small strings of red energy pulling between us where we parted as if his powers were trying to pull me back in.

Soon I was really giving it to him, pounding into his ass with force and creating a prolonged, almost indescribable connection with the energy flowing through him. Ryan grunted with the impact of my hips and his ass, looking back at me occasionally over his shoulder with an expression of unbridled lust. The tingling, energetic roil reaching from my cock into my core was somehow keeping me from cumming, though I knew that couldn’t last. I was absolutely lost in him, maintaining control of my body through force of will.

I pulled out of him after what felt like forever, my cock leaving his hole slightly agape, a small jolt of his energy reaching from him to my tip as I moved back. Ryan looked at me, almost disappointed until I grabbed his hips again, flipping him onto his back aggressively. He smiled impishly as I grabbed his ankles and lifted them to my shoulders, then reached down to grab his half-hard cock in one hand as I guided my tip back to his waiting hole. Hitching himself up a little so my angle was better, Ryan’s hands brushed my chest as I slipped back inside of him.

Grabbing his thighs, I began working his ass again, this time with the added benefit of seeing his open-mouthed expression as I bottomed out once more. With one hand I began stroking his cock, but he soon grabbed it himself, urging me to focus on fucking him harder. I couldn’t say no, lifting his ass off the bed as I pushed his thighs back, causing his knees to draw close to his chest as I plowed into him with renewed energy. At our new angle, my tip could easily reach his prostate, and when my cock nudged it Ryan yelled out in pleasure, washing me again in energy as he worked his hard meat with one hand.

I was getting close, and as I bottomed out in his ass again I leaned forward, pressing Ryan’s knees almost into his shoulders as I kissed him, telling him I would cum soon.

“Fu-cking-give-it-to-me,” he cried, his sentence split with each of my thrusts.

As I pushed my cock as deep as it would go, my balls slapping against his ass, the wave of electric power that washed over Ryan was so powerful it lifted him briefly from the bed, although somehow he managed to keep it from burning me. The heat was intense, and when I thrust back into him it continued to throb between us, filling me again past the depth I was accustomed to, causing my mind to haze out for a moment in complete bliss. Ryan jerked his cock hard and fast as I bellowed, fucking him as fast as I could with long, measured strokes.

He began to cum again, his ass clenching and squeezing around me as he shot his load into the air, the splashes of cum raining onto his stomach. The waves of power coming off of him were like a hot, forceful wind, it was all I could do to keep fucking him and hold on as his ass milked my cock, energy crackling out around us, connecting to the bedframe and walls in continuous streams, causing the overhead light to flicker erratically.

My orgasm hit me like a freight train, the buzzing sensation around my navel and racing through my body culminating in a wave of release the likes of which I had never experienced in my entire life. I slammed my cock into him to the hilt, gripping his tensing thighs with electrified force as the first waves of my cum splashed deep into him, seeming to come from the center of my body. Groaning, my mind blank, I continued to thrust in short bursts as I painted his insides, spurting over and over again, my balls churning. I felt my entire body enveloped in Ryan’s power, our contact making me a willing conductor for the fiery plasma he wielded, its force rushing through me in waves of paradise.

When I was finally spent, and the energy flowed back down the length of my cock and into him, I collapsed on top of him, helplessly exhausted. We breathed heavily into the nape of each other’s necks, and for a few seconds, I couldn’t think past the absolute moment I existed in. Then it occurred to me that his knees were still pressed against his chest between us, and I slowly, gingerly pulled out of his ass and rolled off of him. I almost passed out, my vision blurring for a moment before I righted myself and reached over to him, slipping one arm underneath his neck and pulling him close to me.

“I haven’t been with anyone since I got my powers,” he said, out of breath, “that was insane.”

“That’s an understatement,” I said, kissing the top of his head, “could you feel...could you feel it, going into me?”

“Yes,” was all he said, his fingers tracing lines across my stomach.

We lay there for some time, catching our breath, and feeling the warmth of each other's bodies. Eventually, I worked up the nerve to ask him what had been on my mind since I came down from our post-sex high.

“Can we do that again sometime?”

Ryan lifted himself up into a sitting position next to me and caught my gaze, looking at me with his soulful green eyes.

“How else am I going to convince you to keep my secret?”

Written by Larshally
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