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Weekend mornings were the best. Sundays were even better. The relaxation of the weekend had finally set in and the reality of the work week had not yet returned. Max, Terri, Tommy and I had already had an amazing weekend clubbing Friday night and lots of sex all day Saturday.

So Sunday, as I woke up I heard Max out in the kitchen. It was still dark outside with the sky just starting to get some color from the sun. I climbed out of bed quietly leaving Terri and Tommy still sleeping and walked to the kitchen. I saw Max drinking a glass of water. We were both still naked.

“Hey, baby,” I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Hey,” he said, “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, baby.”

“It’s early,” I said wondering why he was awake.

“I know,” he said, “I can’t sleep.” Oh no, I thought to myself, was he unhappy with all of this? Had I pushed my kinkiness too far? Did he want to leave me?

“Oh?” I said dropping my arms off of him and taking a step back.

“I’m too excited,” he said smiling down at me and setting his water glass on the counter.

“About what?” I asked now fully confused.

“You, baby,” he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. Maybe he was sleepwalking? I didn’t understand.

“Ok…..” I said thinking maybe I was just dreaming.

“I know I’m supposed to wait and plan but I don’t think I can….” he continued. He brought his hands up to his neck and took off his chain. It was a simple chain that he’d had since he was a kid. I had never seen him take it off.

“This is all I have right now to show you that I mean these words from the heart,” he said putting the chain around my neck.

“Oh!” I gasped lifting my hand to my neck to feel the chain on me.

“Will you marry me?” Max asked

“What?” I responded, completely caught off guard. Did he just say what I think he said?

“I know. I just know you’re meant for me. Forever,” he said, “I couldn’t wait any longer to tell you.”

“Wait. How? Why? What we’re doing is so unconventional….” I couldn’t believe he was doing this now. After we had taken our fairly normal relationship to a very not normal place by inviting my former lovers to join us in bed. But maybe that’s exactly why he was doing it.

“Exactly,” Max said, “It’s not some bullshit sold to you in fairy tales. It’s real and it fills me up. You fill me up. You push my boundaries in a way I didn’t even know I needed. You are real and honest and loving.” He kissed me again softly and my tears started to fall. I had never felt so much love from someone. I’m not even sure I deserved it or deserved him.

“But I doubted you yesterday,” I cried, “You left and I freaked out. I’m sorry. I didn’t trust you enough.”

“You will,” he said wiping away my tears, “You’ll see. I’m here. I’m never leaving. No one could ever make me as happy. When you know, you just know.”

“But how do you really know?” I asked.

“When you decided to move to New York, how did you know it was the right thing to do?” he asked me.

“I didn’t,” I answered honestly.

“Why did you do it anyway?” he asked.

“It felt right. Something inside me felt like I had to….” I faded off and saw where he was going with this. I started to smile. He sure was smart.

“See,” he said smiling so big now, “Don’t doubt me. Don’t doubt this. Don’t doubt us. Does this feel right?”

“Very,” I said kissing him again.

“That’s it then,” he said picking me up and dancing around the kitchen, “We’re going to get married.”

“Yes,” I laughed kissing him, “Shhh, though, let’s go back to bed and get a couple more hours of sleep.”

“I’m not sure I can sleep,” Max said, “But I’ll lay with you all day if that’s what you want.”

I took his hand and we went back into the bedroom. We slipped into bed with Terri and Tommy still sleeping. Max spooned me as I faced Tommy with Terri right behind him. My hand went up to Max’s necklace around my neck and I smiled. I was his. I drifted to sleep imagining us being together forever.

I woke up to fingers trailing along the necklace on my neck. It tickled and I giggled. When I opened my eyes I saw Tommy smiling.

“He claimed you,” Tommy whispered.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Good,” Tommy said, “He’s too smart to ever let you go.” I knew he was kicking himself.

“Babe,” I said, “Don’t-“

He cut me off, “Congratulations,” he said and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

“No need to be so formal,” I said, putting my lips on his and slipping my tongue in his mouth to meet his.

“Babe,” Tommy said moving away from my kiss.

“Don’t you ever,” I said teasingly pulling him back to me. Tommy smiled and let me kiss him for a while.

“I just meant,” he started, “You know marriage is sacred…”

“Marriage is what Max and I will make it,” I said, “We’ll make it right for us. If this is what we want, this is what we’ll do. Unless you…” I couldn’t assume Tommy would want to play second fiddle to Max forever.

“Babe,” Tommy said lifting his hand to my cheek and looking in my eyes, “If you’ll let me in, I’ll be with you anytime you want me.”

“I hope so,” I said wondering how long that could possibly last, but I swatted away the thought. Right now I’d just revel in all of this.

“Hey,” Max said rousing awake too and pulling me closer. I left Tommy’s lips and turned to kiss Max.

“Congratulations, dude,” Tommy said to Max.

“Thanks,” Max said.

“Congratulations for what?” Terri asked poking his head up behind Tommy.

“Max asked me to marry him,” I said touching the necklace around my neck again.

“Excellent!” Terri said, “That calls for a celebration! Who’s up for going out to breakfast?”

“Me!” Max and Tommy said in unison. I laughed. My men. My always hungry men. A nice big meal would be good for the energy they would need for later. I wanted to spend the rest of the day playing with my men.

“Ok,” I agreed, “You’ll need to fuel up for later!” I winked and climbed out of bed to shower.

We went out for an amazing all-you-can-eat brunch. It was at a fancy golf club Max had heard his coworkers talk about. I was happy I had chosen to wear a dress and that it wasn’t too short. It didn’t quite come down to my knees but it was by far the shortest dress in the room. This did not go unnoticed as many heads turned. Men were smiling and women were scowling. I giggled thinking if they only knew what the three of us did behind closed doors. 

Only one other person knew my kinky ways, my neighbor Ron. I wondered if he had seen Terri and Tommy coming and going from my apartment. If he did, I imagined he’d be thinking of some kinky scenarios. 

The work week began again. Tommy had only a few obligations with his recording so it was soon time for Terri and Tommy to go home. 

It was tough to say goodbye to Terri and Tommy, almost as difficult as when I moved away from them and came to New York. All four of us had some amazing sex, and I didn’t know if it would ever happen again. More than that, I loved them and I wanted them to find happiness in their lives, even if it meant without me. 

I had Max now and we were engaged. We were planning to build a life together and I didn’t know how much unconventional sex would fit into that. I told Terri and Tommy I expected them to visit again. I wasn’t sure they would, but I so hoped there would be more fun times with them. 

Life got back to normal for Max and me, our normal anyway. We had plenty to fuel our sex sessions remembering the wild fun we had with Terri and Tommy.

One day when I was coming home from work, I saw Ron.

“Hey neighbor,” Ron called out to me and greeted me with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek. Perfectly socially acceptable considering we had been at a sex club naked together. 

We exchanged pleasantries and then Ron asked, “Are you guys thinking about going back to the club?”   

“We are set for now,” I said with a wink and a smirk. 

“Oh?” he replied with a smile, “I saw you had some visitors.”

I explained, “My friends were visiting New York and needed a place to stay.”

“Yes they seemed quite friendly,” he said, stifling a laugh. 

“Well. you know what they say about southern hospitality,” I joked. 

He responded, “Northerners can be quite friendly too in case you’d ever like a demonstration.” That certainly got my mind racing. 

“We’ll have to get together again,” I offered, “For now, I love that you watch through the window.”

“Oh me too,” he said, “It’s better than anything on TV!” I was glad we were on the same page. 

One Saturday afternoon Max and I were on the couch just listening to music and talking. We both had only our underwear on. It was a nice clothing-optional party for two. I knew where it would eventually lead. I hoped Ron would be around, so I left the blinds open. I was craving to be watched again. 

I was surprised when the phone rang. It was both Terri and Tommy. I put them on speakerphone.

“Hi!” I said, “It’s great to hear from you both!”

“Just needed to hear your voice again,” Tommy said, “It helps me creatively.”

“Oh,” I said laughing, “You’re just using me for your career now!”

“Oh, babe,” Tommy said, “I can think of a lot more fun ways to use you, but that will have to wait until my next visit.” When Max heard that he rolled my nipple in his fingers. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t moan.

We talked for a little while and then I heard Max say, “There he is.”

“Who?” Terri asked.

“Ron our neighbor,” I answered, “He’s in his window.”

“Is he naked?” Tommy asked.

“He’s in just his shorts,” I responded.

“He’s hard,” Max added. That was true I could see Ron’s bulge.

“Why is he hard?” Terri asked, “Are you naked?”

“Almost,” I said, “We are just in our underwear.”

“Fuck, babe,” Tommy said, “You’ve been talking to us this whole time just in your underwear?”

“Yeah,” I said, “What difference does it make? You can’t see me.”

“But I wish I could,” Tommy said, his voice thick with desire.

“Are you going to put on a show for Ron?” Terri asked.

“Yes,” Max said as he pulled my underwear off and spread my legs. His mouth began kissing and licking my swollen lips. 

“Fucckkkk,” I heard Terri moan and I imagined his hand would be going to his growing cock, as would Tommy’s. I looked at Ron through the window. He had let his shorts fall to the floor and was stroking his hard cock, just as he had when he was with us at the sex club. 

“Mmmmmm,” I moaned letting my head fall back and twisting my fingers in Max’s hair. 

“You going to cum for all of us, babe?” Tommy asked. All of them. Oh my, I did love that they were all excited by me. 

“Yes…mmm hhmmmm… oh yes yes!” I cried out as my orgasm crashed and Max’s tongue explored the spasms. Not for long though, he came up to kiss me, letting me taste myself on his lips. His hard cock sunk into me easily since I was now dripping from my orgasm. 

“Fuck, you feel so good, baby,” Max said, not just for me to hear. Terri and Tommy could accurately imagine exactly what was happening from hearing it, and Ron could see everything we were doing. Max loved an audience as well. 

Max’s thrusts awakened my previous orgasm and I felt it building again. 

“Cum for me,” I said to Max while looking at Ron through the window so he could see what I was saying. I wanted them all to cum for me. 

The next few minutes were filled with the slick sounds of sex and masturbating. I saw Ron shoot his load and that set me off again. Max couldn’t resist my pussy squeezing his cock. He growled as he came and I heard Terri and Tommy groaning as well. 

“Oh my,” I said catching my breath and trying not to giggle. I was giddy at this kinky little setup. I saw Ron blow me a kiss and walk out of the room. 

“Thank you, boys,” I said to Terri and Tommy, “I enjoyed your call more than ever!” 

“Next time we’ll do video,” Tommy said. I loved when he came up with new ideas for us. 

“Sounds fun!” I replied. 

“Oh, and babe,” Terri said, “I got distracted and forgot to tell you Bradley found some modeling work in New York City and I gave him your number. I hope that’s ok.”

“Sure,” I said smiling at Max as my mind started racing with the possibilities of bringing Bradley into my kinky mix. 

There was a lot of unfinished business between Bradley and me. He was friends with Terri and they were both pursuing modeling careers. Bradley was stunning with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. We had been friends for a long time. Right before I moved, we spent the weekend together and enjoyed as much sex as humanly possible. But it wasn’t just sex, Bradley was someone I thought could have been special under different circumstances. 

“Oh, marathon man, right?” Max asked. He liked to call him marathon man because he was impressed with how many times he had cum, and made me cum, in less than 24 hours. 

“Yes,” I said laughing, “Shit, don’t call him that when he gets here.”

“I won’t,” he said, “But what is racing through your mind right about now?”

“Too many bad thoughts, baby,” I said smiling at him, “But no, nothing is going to happen. Bradley isn’t like Terri and Tommy. He doesn’t even know about Tommy. It’s not going to end up like it did with Terri and Tommy.”

“How do you know he won’t join our bed?” Max asked.

“I don’t,” I admitted, “But I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. He has a job and needs a place to stay. I don’t need to fill his head with things he probably doesn’t want to think about.”

“Ok,” Max said, “It’s your call. I’ll take your lead.”

Bradley called and of course, I invited him to stay with us. He arrived a week later. 

When I opened my apartment door I was taken aback by how good-looking Bradley was. I guess I had forgotten how his face was perfectly chiseled. Like someone had created him to be the perfect man. He was a little taller than Max and broader but they both had dark coloring. It made me flustered again to see him and I tried to hide it.

“Hey!” we both said with a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.

“Bradley,” I said putting my hand on Max’s arm as he stood next to me, “This is my fiancé Max.” They shook hands. Dejavu brought me back to when Terri and Tommy arrived. My whole body was buzzing with excitement, but I had promised myself I’d behave with Bradley. No talk about sex. It would be difficult, but I really wanted Bradley to feel comfortable.

Bradley slept on the couch in the living room every night while Max quietly fucked my brains out on the other side of the wall in our bedroom. Bradley went to work every day but his hours weren’t regular. Sometimes he’d join us for dinner at night but sometimes he worked late. Max and Bradley hit it off. They worked out together sometimes and even ran errands together without me. They got along like they had been friends forever. Sometimes I felt a little left out, but I was happy that Bradley would have a friend here. A guy friend, not just me.

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After a couple of weeks, we had settled into a comfortable routine. One night after work, the three of us were chillin’ out on the couch and my feet ended up on Bradley’s lap as my head was on Max’s lap. Max was stroking my back and then I realized Bradley was stroking my leg. Max looked at Bradley.

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry,” Bradley said more to Max than me.

“I wasn’t even thinking. I was just comfortable and….shit,” Bradley said standing up.

“Sit down,” Max said and smiled.

Bradley looked confused and sat back down.

“It’s ok,” I said to Bradley.

“What’s OK?” he said.

“Touching me,” I said. “If you want.”

“What?” he asked, still confused.

“It is ok to touch her,” Max said, “I can share.”

“No,” Bradley said, “I didn’t mean to…”

“You have a comfort level with her because you were together, and that’s okay,” Max explained. “I’m not the type of guy that gets jealous. Actually the exact opposite. I’m the type of guy that likes other guys enjoying my girl.”

I thought we were keeping that on the down low. I shot Max a look. Had he talked to Bradley about stuff like that already? They spent a lot of time together. Maybe he knew something I didn’t.

“What?” Bradley said to both of us. “Are you guys swingers?”

“Ummm, no, well kind of, not really,” I said very flustered, “We’ve been to a sex club but…” I stopped. I wasn’t ready yet. I didn’t want to tell him everything. 

“Listen forget it, it’s no big deal that you touched me. And I don’t mind if it happens again, but for now, we can just let it go.”

We went back to watching TV with my feet safely on the floor. The next night Max and I ate dinner and even went to bed before Bradley came home.

I was lying in bed when I heard voices in the hall outside our apartment door. I recognized Bradley’s voice and then I realized the other voice was a woman’s voice. I sprang out of bed already feeling that jealous fire in my chest. I grabbed a nightie to throw on since I always slept naked.

“What are you doing, baby?” Max said groggily. I ignored him and went to the apartment door. Oh yes, it was a woman alright. She was giggling. I opened the door.

“Hey!” Bradley said, looking me up and down in my nightie. “I….ummmm…” The girl with him took her hands off of him when she saw how he looked at me.

“Who is this?” she said to him.

I waited to hear his answer. Who was I to him? “This is….well, she’s….”

“You know what?” the girl said, “Forget it. I don’t need this.” She turned around and left. She must have assumed I was his girlfriend.

“Sorry,” I said to Bradley, holding out my hand to him. He seemed a little tipsy. I wasn’t the least bit sorry she left. Was he thinking of bringing her into my apartment and fucking her? Shit. I knew I would not be ok with that.

“No, I’m sorry,” he said, putting his arm around me and walking into the living room, “I shouldn’t have brought her here. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Max was in the living room too by that point. Bradley pulled his arm away from me. 

“Who is she?” I turned towards Bradley trying not to sound jealous but I was. 

“I don’t even know,” Bradley laughed, clearly still very drunk. He sat down on the couch.

Max put his arm around my shoulders and said, “Well we’ll be going back to bed now. Get some water and sleep it off.”

Max brought me back to bed. 

Once in bed, Max whispered, “You can’t be possessive over him. He’s not yours.”

“But-“ I started but Max cut me off.

“Either he joins us or he doesn’t,” he said, “And if he doesn’t, he’s not yours. He’s a man with needs you know.”

“Shit,” I said, “This is harder than I thought.”

“It is what it is, baby,” he said, “Now come here.” He turned me around pulling me towards him by my hips to spoon me.

“I love you, baby,” I said.

“I love you too,” he said.

The next thing I knew I was waking up to voices again. Actually, this time it was only Bradley I heard. He was on the phone. I couldn’t make out the words. He was talking too softly. After a while, it was quiet again. Max was still sleeping since it was Saturday morning and we could relax. 

I threw on the nightie I got out last night and went out into the living room. Bradley had folded his sheets on top of his pillow. He was just sitting on the couch. No tv on.

“What are you doing?” I wondered.

“Just thinking,” Bradley answered.

“About what?” I pried sitting down next to him.

“You,” he answered without hesitation looking at me in my nightie. He reached out to touch me but he stopped himself.

“Me?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said, “I’m sorry, but I still think about you. And you’ve got my head spinning with what you told me about you and Max.” He looked me up and down again.

“Is that why you brought that girl home?” I asked.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “Really, I won’t do that again. I don’t know why I did.”

“Max told me to cut you some slack because you are a man with needs,” I said laughing.

“No doubt!” Bradley said, “I have definitely been all worked up….” and he looked me up and down. “I finally get to live with this and yet…” He put his finger on my knee and trailed up my thigh. My nightie lifted and he sucked in his breath. “Damn, this is….I just…..” He pulled his hand away from me.

“I’m sorry,” I said. I wanted to reach out and touch him too but I didn’t want to make it worse. I just sat on the couch next to him. Not too close.

“Don’t be sorry,” he said, “I love staying here. I’ll be honest. I haven’t even looked for a place of my own yet. I don’t want to leave.”

“You can stay as long as you like,” I said looking into his eyes. He didn’t say anything for a minute. He just looked in my eyes. Like he was searching for something.

“So when did you start having multiple guys?” Bradley asked.

“With Max or before?” I asked.

“Is that what you and Terri called it?” he asked.

“Terri told you?” I asked. Shit. Who else did Terri tell?

“Not really,” he said, “I was just talking to him this morning and I asked him if he knew you and Max were swingers.”

“Really?” I asked trying not to show my anger, “Why would you talk to him about it?”

“He just visited you guys,” he said, “I figured he might know something.”

“Yes,” I said, he knows alright.

“Oh yes,” he said, “He told me he and Tommy joined you guys. Then he realized what he said and tried to backpedal out of it.”

“Oh,” I said. I should have known Terri couldn’t really keep it all a secret. He was too much of an open book.

“He didn’t say much after that but I can piece it together,” he said.

“Yes, well, I brought Tommy into our relationship,” I said, figuring Bradley needed an explanation.

“You brought him in?” Bradley asked.

“Yes, one night when Tommy accidentally saw me sucking Terri I realized I liked him watching,” I explained, “So the next day I invited him to join in while Terri was already fucking me. Terri was too excited to say no at the moment. But then…” Bradley was waiting. He knew I was no vanilla girl, but I didn’t know if he would think I was crazy if I told him everything.

“Then…what?” Bradley asked. His voice was a little shaky. He was excited. I looked down at the bulge in his pants. I smiled and looked back at his eyes.

“This is exciting to hear isn’t it?” I asked.

“Ummm,” he stalled.

“That’s how it started with Max,” I explained, “I told him stories of Terri and Tommy fucking me and he liked it.”

“It is exciting,” he admitted, “Are you going to continue your story?”

“Do you want me to?” I asked, knowing the answer.

“Yes,” he said.

“I don’t know if I should,” I said, “It’s not going to help you.” I looked at his bulge again. I bit my lip. Shit, I wanted to help him out.

Bradley looked at my lip, “I remember when I made you bite your lip…and….make noises…. Fuck, you’re right I can’t listen to this.” He stood up just as Max was walking out into the living room.

“Morning,” Max said and noticed Bradley’s arousal. It was tough to miss. “Morning wood?” Max asked unfazed.

“Yes,” Bradley said and headed to the bathroom, to relieve his hard-on I imagined. Fuck, I so wished he’d let me help him.

“What are you doing to him?” Max chuckled while walking into the kitchen. I followed him.

“Nothing,” I whispered, “Well, just talking. He knows. Well sort of knows. He knows about Tommy now.”

“Terri told him,” Max guessed.

“He thought Bradley knew already,” I said. “It really wasn’t Terri’s fault.”

“So now what?” Max said.

“I have no idea….” I said.

Bradley came out of the bathroom a few minutes later without his hard-on. He joined us in the kitchen.

“Sorry again about bringing that girl here last night,” he said to Max, “It won’t happen again. I promise. I’m going to start looking for my own place. Maybe you can help me.” Noooo, he was going to leave. I had scared him off. Shit.

We ate breakfast and Max talked to Bradley about some possible places to look for an apartment. I sulked.

I told them I wanted to go shopping for some work clothes since I knew they wouldn’t ask to tag along. I needed to go out by myself and think. Figure out what to do. I really wanted Bradley to join us in bed. Now that he was back in my life, I didn’t want to lose him again.

I went out and did end up buying some work clothes and a few more nighties. I knew Max would like that and I hoped maybe Bradley would get to see them someday too.

That night the three of us went out to dinner at a nearby bar. The bartender girl that I had seen there before was really chatting up Bradley. I was getting more infuriated by the minute.

Max whispered in my ear, “You’re going to have to get better at dealing with this.”

I just sighed. I knew I couldn’t. I knew I either had to drink a lot or leave. I didn’t want to leave because I was afraid Bradley would go home with her. So I ordered us shots.

The bartender, Ashley, joined the three of us in the shot. I never understood how bartenders could just drink on the job. Almost like it was expected. What other job can you do that?

Actually, she seemed really nice. I just couldn’t get the idea out of my head that I might lose Bradley. If I did, it wasn’t her fault. It was mine. I didn’t know if I’d ever accept that. I just kept drinking.

I was very drunk by the time we were done with dinner.

When Ashley brought the final bill, Bradley picked it up and took out his wallet.

“Let me get this,” Bradley said, “It’s the least I can do for you guys after you’ve let me stay with you so long.”

“Are you sure?” Max asked.

“Definitely,” Bradley answered. Was he trying to impress Ashley? Yuck.

“I’ll take her home,” Max offered Bradley. He must have seen that Bradley was enjoying talking to Ashley too.

“Why?” I asked too loudly. “I want to go out,” I whined and grabbed Bradley’s arm. “Don’t you want to go out?” I asked Bradley.

“No,” he said, smiling at me completely melting me, “We should get you home.”

We. He said we. He was coming home too. I relaxed. I held Bradley’s arm and waved goodbye to Ashley. She wouldn’t have him. Not tonight anyway.

“Sorry,” Max said to Bradley as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders taking me off of Bradley’s arm.

“I don’t mind,” Bradley said. I smiled. Good, I thought.

When we got home Max brought me to bed with a glass of water.

“Go to sleep, baby,” he said, kissing me.

“No,” I whined, “I want to stay up with you guys.”

“Trust me,” he said, “You’ll feel better if you sleep this off. I’ll come to bed soon.”

Max went out into the living room. I heard him and Bradley talking and laughing. I wanted to be with them but my eyelids were too heavy.

When Max returned to bed, I felt him before I saw him. I hoped Bradley was there too but wasn’t.

“Hey, baby,” I said groggily. I was definitely less drunk after sleeping a bit.

“Feel a little better?” Max asked.

“Yes,” I said, “Thank you.” I pulled him to me to kiss him. “I’m sorry for tonight.”

“I know,” he said, “You’re going to have to deal with this a little better. Be a friend first. Bradley isn’t yours anymore, and he might never be again. He’ll move out and we’ll stay friends. It will be ok.”

“I know,” I said, “But there was so much we didn’t get to do. It would be perfect if we could now.”

“But you squeezed a lot into your short time together, didn’t you…” he baited me. Storytime. He’d heard it before but it was a pretty amazing story.

“Yes, so much. I loved it all. I’m glad we got to shower but my favorite part was definitely the gspot orgasm.” I started, “No one had ever given me one with a real cock. He didn’t even know me as a lover yet, so I was floored.”

“Did he even know he was going to give you one?” Max asked.

“I was trying to be a good girl and not dominate him,” I continued, “So I asked him if I could just slide on his cock. I’m pretty sure he didn’t know I was going to ride him so hard. I knew right away that his big cock was hitting just the right spot, especially when I leaned back a little.”

“What’s your favorite part of the gspot orgasm?” Max asked. He loved hearing me talk like this.

“I love the way it builds up so high and I get dizzy from panting so hard,” I explained and felt my breath quickening just talking about it.

“You want one now?” Max offered.

“Yes, baby,” I said, “I do need that.” I reached over to feel how hard his cock was. Rock hard. Yes.

“Fuck me like you fucked him,” Max said.

“Yes…” I said undressing him. I rolled him onto his back so I could straddle him. I put my pussy just over the head of his cock. Then I slid off holding the tip in my pussy.

“Slam into me,” I demanded. Max put his hands on my hips and pulled me all the way into his cock.

“Oh, baby!” I tried not to scream too loud. Although maybe I should. Then Bradley would know what he was missing out on by not joining us. 

“Ride me,” Max said and I did. I rocked back and forth on his cock leaning back just enough that his huge cock filled me up and hit my gspot just right.

“Oh…baby…yes…” I panted as I started to feel the G-spot orgasm build. It was so much more intense so it took longer to build and longer to crash.

“Fuck,” Max said, “That feels so good for me too.”

“Don’t you…dare….cum yet,” I said between breaths. I started to feel dizzy and quickened my rocking.

“I’m waiting for you,” Max assured me.

“Yes…I’m…oh…fuck!” I felt my orgasm finally go over the top and crash and crash and crash.

Max pulled my hips so he could bury his cock deep inside me and I felt him explode into my spasming pussy. This just heightened the sensation and made my orgasm keep going. By the time it was finally subsiding I was almost hyperventilating. I collapsed on top of Max and tried desperately to catch my breath.

When I could finally speak I said, “Thank you, baby. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Be a horny mess?” Max laughed.

“Probably…” I said laughing too. I couldn’t stop thinking about how to get Bradley to join us. 

Written by SherryDarling
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