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Mustang Sally, Chapter 3

"He makes Sally a permanent resident and his co-worker!"

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I lay down between her spread thighs and just looked at the banquet laid out before me for a few moments. Sally had the prettiest pussy I'd ever seen–the lips were tucked in nice and tight and there was no droop or hanging down in them.

I've known some women whose pussy reminded me of a Basset hound, but such was not the case with Sally. Her small "man in the boat" was peeking out from under his hood wanting to know what was going on, and I could see the beginnings of wetness as I looked at the lovely vision in front of me.

Subconsciously, I licked my lips and apparently, Sally saw it as a shudder went through her body just then and she moaned aloud again. I knew that she had waited long enough.

I dove into her sweet honeypot like Pooh Bear and Sally gasped so hard that I thought for a moment she'd swallowed her tongue. That is until she followed up the gasp with an equally exuberant scream!


Her natural reaction to my attack was to pull away and try to back up but I knew what she would do and was already prepared. I followed her without breaking contact until she had backed herself up against the headboard and had no place left to go.

She tried climbing up the headboard, but I wrapped my arms around her spread thighs to hold myself to her and continued feeding in her sweet juices. 

Sally writhed and twisted trying to escape my tormenting tongue, but there would be no escape for her. I was too strong and she was too small to put up much of a fight. She was overmatched, in an awkward position, and completely helpless to offer much resistance.

So she did the only thing she could–she bucked and pitched as much as my weight on her thighs would allow her while clawing at the bedsheets and howling in wild abandon as I devoured her.

"Oh my God, John! Ohh yes! Yes! Please eat my pussy! Oh, fuck that's it! Right there! Right there! Oh, Fuck!" 

She cried out encouragement and direction showing me just how she liked it and I followed her guidance exactly. I licked and lapped up all the sweetness my tongue could find making sure I checked every crevice.

Then I moved to the surrounding areas just in case something had slipped past me. My tongue moved around her inner lips and up to her clit.

When I reached the sensitive button I sucked it into my mouth, trapping it by lightly biting it and my tongue began flicking over the tip, causing her mind to take a little vacation from reality.

"Oh fuck! Oh, fuck! Ohmygod John, you're gonna make me cum! You're gonna make me cum baby! Oh, Shit!"

Since we both seemed to be headed for the same destination–giving her the biggest orgasm I could give her–I decided to speed things up a bit. I let go of her leg with one hand and used that hand to fingerfuck her while I gobbled her clit.

I shoved my index and middle fingers deep into her slick hole, palm side up, and curled them up behind her pubic bone, accessing that mysterious and oft-fabled area known as the female g-spot. I began furiously fingerfucking her while rubbing the spongy mass and licking her clit. 

What was left of her world shattered like a brick thrown at a mirror. Shards of her reality exploded and the primeval scream that was torn from her lips told me that the train had pulled into Orgasm Station.


She wailed long and loud, making me glad that I owned a house and not an apartment or condo. Even still, I half-expected there to be a knock on the door from either the neighbors or the police!

Sally went into convulsions as her orgasm took control of her body and ravaged it, making her look like a snake on a hot griddle. She twisted and squirmed as the orgasm wrung her out like a wet dishrag until all that was left was a panting, gasping, sweat-soaked mess, lying exhausted on my bed.

Sally lay on the bed moaning in her delirium with her juices still trickling out of her pussy, spreading the wet spot under her ass. I let her lay there for only about a minute or so–I didn't want her to come completely back, I just wanted her to be able to fill her lungs a few times. I had more work for her still.

When I thought she was just starting to come around I sat up on my heels and grabbed her legs, pushing them up so her head was between her knees. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head up to look at me.

"Now you fucking little cocktease, it's my turn! You are so proud of that tight little whore body, let's see what you can do with it!"

Before she could formulate a response or protest, I shoved my hard cock deep into her still dripping pussy as far as I could push it.

Sally's eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open into a silent (at first) scream as I split her like cordwood. I buried all eight inches of my cock in her until my balls slapped her ass, then I immediately pulled all the way back out, only to shove back into her again a split second later.

I always enjoy that first opening feeling and several of my previous partners also expressed a similar pleasure of that first opening up. I figured I would see how Sally felt about it. Turns out she enjoyed it as much as me–another thing we had in common!

"Ohh fuck John! Ohhh!"

After four or five of these "entries" I began a steady hard and deep pounding of Sally's pussy. I didn't pause at either end, I just kept moving in and out like some out of control oil derrick. As I slammed into her, I began berating her.

"How that feel slut? Do you like the way my cock feels in your dirty whore pussy?"

"Oh God, yes! Fuck me, baby, fuck me in my slut pussy!" 

I kept pounding away at her while I taunted her. "You like getting fucked like a cheap back alley whore, don't you? Tell me. Tell me how much you like my big fat cock, whore!" 

"Oh God Yes! Fuck me, John! Please fuck me! Fuck my whore pussy! Ohh, Goddd..."

She was writhing and squirming under me as my cock plunged in and out of her hot wet pussy. Her moans and whimpers reverberated against the bedroom walls letting me know what I was doing to her.

And what I was doing was driving her to the very edge of her sanity as my hard cock pumped in and out of her slick hole.

"Oh God! Oh my God! Yess... fuck me, John! Oh, please fuck me..." 

I slammed into her over and over again, not giving her rest or mercy. I fucked her like I was on a mission–a mission to bring her to a monumental orgasm... one she would remember for a long, long time! 

I could tell Sally was deep in her own lustful delirium. Clawing at her tits, she seemed bound and determined to tear them off as she slipped deeper into her pure animal lust.

Her mind had but one thought and one focus–my hard cock plowing her pussy and pushing her to her peak. She needed to reach her crest... she needed the release on the other side.

"Ohhh!  Oh, fuck!  Ohh!  Don't stop! Please, John... please don't stop!  Ohh...!"

"My cock feels good deep in that whore cunt, doesn't it?"

"Yes! Oh, fuck yes! Ohhh! Ohhh! Fuck me, John! Fuck my dirty whore cunt! Harder! Please, baby, harder!"

She was begging me to ram my cock into her harder. I was fucking her harder than I thought she could take as it was, but she wanted more. I knew she had to be on the verge of an orgasm, she was literally out of her mind as I was pounding into her.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Fuck me... Fuck me, John! Ohhh..."

I figured it was time to help her over the edge. She'd told me she liked being made to admit she was a whore and a slut. Well, she would admit that she was a whore... MY whore!

"You like this, don't you? You like acting like a filthy street whore, don't you?"

"Oh God, Yessss... "

Yes, you like being a whore. But now whose whore are you?"

"Yours, I'm your whore..."

"Say it! Whose whore are you?"


"That's right. You're my whore now. You're my cocksucking, filthy dirty whore. That's the price for room and board at this hotel!" 

"Ohh, John! Oh, please! Fuck me! Fuck your dirty whore's cunt! Pleease..."

Making her admit that she enjoyed what I was doing to her and that she was mine now was all it took. Her body went into a tremendous orgasm as she twisted and convulsed under me.

My cock kept slamming in and out of her pussy even as she was cumming. She cried out over and over in her pleasure. 

"Yes! Oh John, please! Please make me your slut, your whore! Please, I'll do whatever you want, baby, anything you want! Please make me yours... please!"

"I'm gonna cum, slut. I'm gonna cum!"

Having this hot sexy creature begging to be my slut and be mine to use however I wanted was more than I could take. I was already very aroused when we started and only got more so with her moaning and whimpering.

So when she begged me promising to do whatever I want, my imagination pushed me over the edge! 

"Cum in my pussy, baby! Please... I want your cum inside me! Please! Please cum deep in my pussy!" 

Sally was completely mine now. Lust had consumed her as she clung to me pleading for me to cum inside her over and over. And I was about to do exactly that.

"Oh, fuck, I'm cumming!" I warned. She grabbed her ankles and prepared herself to receive my load, waiting eagerly for me to flood her cunt with my hot cum. I blasted several tremendous streams of thick cream into her.

"Oh yes! That's it, baby, give me all that hot sticky cum!" she cried out as the first jets splashed against the insides of her pussy walls.

"More! Please give me more! I want all that delicious cum!"

I emptied my balls into her until I was completely drained. When I finally finished, I pulled out and collapsed next to her. Then Sally, the kinky little slut, reached between her legs and scooped out some of my cum on her fingers and licked them clean! She was eating my cum from her own pussy!

"Mmm... we taste delicious!" she purred happily.


That was the start of our living together. And it only got better from that point. Sally took right to living with me and we made a great couple. She took care of the household things just like "the little missus", while I went to work .

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She was a great housekeeper–my place never looked cleaner or more organized and I'm no slob. In fact, some might say I was finicky and particular about how I kept my place.

But once she knew how I liked things, she fell right into doing exactly what I asked. And what's more, she really seemed to enjoy keeping my place in order.

I never saw her when she didn't have a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. It made me feel good that I was in the right place to help her when she needed it.

In addition to her wonderful housekeeping skills, Sally was also an excellent cook. I'm not really particular about what I eat; if I can choke down my own cooking, I can eat just about anything!

But she wasn't happy cooking "just anything"–she made sure that I ate good, I ate a lot, and I enjoyed every bite.

Yes, things were going very well in my house and I was enjoying having my houseguest/whore staying there with me. I didn't see how things could get any better than this and it kind of worried me.

I knew that nothing good or bad lasts forever, and I wasn't looking forward to the drop that I knew would be coming...

One day my secretary/receptionist at the insurance agency came to me with a problem.

"Mr. Thomas, can I speak to you for a moment?" 

"Sure Karen, what is it?"

"Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to tender my resignation. You see Mike and I are getting married and he wants us to move to Atlanta where his family lives. I don't have any family of my own so it will be nice to have his family around. But that means leaving the company here."

"I see. When are you planning on leaving?"

"I will give two weeks' notice of course. But we will be leaving Little Rock at the end of the month. We are driving to Atlanta and will be staying with his mother until we can get settled and get our own place.

He already has a job offer so we won't be hard up for money, it's just finding a place that's close to his mother but far enough away that we have our own life."

"Well, I am sorry to see you go, but of course I am happy for you and Mike. You have been an excellent employee and a great help to me. If you need any references or anything that I can help you with, please let me know.

"I am so happy that you and Mike are getting married and he is a very lucky guy. I hope he knows what a wonderful woman he is getting!"

"Aww, thank you, Mr. Thomas. And I am a lucky girl to be getting such a great guy too."

After Karen left my office I sat there at my desk. Great... I am going to have to find someone who can replace Karen. I thought to myself.

That was not going to be an easy task. Karen knew almost as much about the insurance business and running of this office as I did. And none of the other agents would be able to fill her position even if they wanted to–which they didn't.

Karen was a salaried employee which meant that she got a fixed paycheck, while the other agents worked on commission. The more policies and add-ons they sold, the bigger their paychecks were. I paid Karen well, but a good agent could make a good bit more if he hustled.

That afternoon, I began calling the employment services and temp agencies. I wanted to get someone in the office soon so Karen could help get them up to speed on our company's policies and procedures before she left.

But none of the agencies had anyone with the qualifications I was looking for. I would have to look someplace else or lower my standards some. And I didn't have a lot of time for either!

That night at dinner, Sally noticed my inattentiveness.

"What's the matter, John? You seem to be preoccupied with something. What's wrong honey?"

"Oh sorry. It's just work stuff. Karen, my secretary is leaving so I need to find someone to fill her position. And I'm not having much luck. There doesn't seem to be anyone qualified to do her job the way I like it done."

"I'm sorry. But if it's any consolation, I'm not having much luck on the work front either. I have been calling the employment agencies every week but there's nothing for me out there. And this next week will be my final unemployment check. After that, I go stand on the corner with a cardboard sign I guess!"

"Sally honey, I told you, you can stay here as long as you need to. You don't have to pay for rent or anything–you do enough around here to earn your keep and then some!"

"Thank you, John, but I can't live here forever. It isn't fair to you to have to pay for all of my and Boomer's expenses. I love doing your housework but I also need to be able to work and earn a living too. I was just hoping to find something so that I can stay in Little Rock at least and in this area if at all possible."

Then I put two and two together (I've never been really good at math!) and an idea hit me. "Sally, what kind of work are you looking for?"

"I don't know. Anything really as long as it pays decently–enough to live on. I don't expect to get rich, just live comfortably. I need something permanent and right now everyone seems to be looking for temp work."

"Well, what can you do? What qualifications do you have?"

"I have a high school education, I went to a class on office management at the tech school back home. I have references from the places I worked. Why?"

"You went to an office management class? What did you do there?"

"The regular stuff–typing, filing, computer work... all the things done in an office."

"Did you ever test your typing speed?"

"Yes. Back then, I could type eighty words per minute. I was a good typist, the best in my class."

"I see." Sally could see the gears in my head starting to turn but had no idea what I was conjuring up.

"What's with all the questions, John? What are you thinking?"

"Well, I just had this crazy idea. How would you like to work at the insurance office? For me?"

"Really? You mean that?"

"Yeah. You say that you have taken office management and you can type. I need a secretary/receptionist and like right away. Karen is still here for a few more days to help get you going on our company and how we do things.

Sally, you seem to know almost instinctively how I like things done–you have taken to this house and to me like you have always been here. And I need someone I can depend on to run the office the way I run this house."

"Oh, John! Oh, I would love to work at the office with you! Oh, I'm so excited! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Now hold on a second. It doesn't pay a whole lot, especially at first. But Karen seemed to do okay after awhile. I would start you out at say $30,000 a year, that's about $1,000 every two weeks take-home. Then there are raises every year and I give out periodic performance awards and a nice Christmas bonus if we have a good year."

"That's fine, John. That's about what I averaged when I left the boutique. I worked on commission there and sometimes we did well and sometimes we didn't. Towards the end, sales slowed down and at times I wondered how I would make the bills. It will be nice to get a regular paycheck for a change!"

"Okay, I'll tell you what then. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Why don't you come to work with me tomorrow and meet Karen and she can give you the grand tour and show you a bit about what goes on at Thomas and Associates."

"Oh, I can hardly wait. Oh, this is going to be so wonderful! Thank you, John, for giving me this chance. And for everything that you have done for me!" She hopped into my lap straddling me and gave me a long, deep kiss as she cradled my face in her hands.

"Oh I just thought of something–if you are going to be my boss, how does the company feel about fraternization?"

"Well since it's my company and I am the boss it's okay. Besides you lived here with me before you became an employee."

"That's good because if I had to choose, I would rather be your whore than your secretary!" she smiled playfully.

"Well, in that case, it looks like I just hired a whore for the office!" 

Sally giggled. "Good, I'll be the best sex-retary you ever had. I am really good at dick-tation as well as keeping the boss-man organ-ized! And I don't mind working nights and overtime either!"



Sally came to work for me after that and she fit in as well in the office as she did at home. She took right to the job and Karen didn't have to do much in the way of teaching her at all. She would show Sally what needed to be done and how, and Sally would get right to it. I couldn't have been happier with her. 

It was a couple of weeks after Sally started working and we were at home on a Saturday morning. We were sitting in the living room watching the news when the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it and after a brief conversation with the person at the door, I turned to Sally.

"Sally I think you should see this."

Sally got up, curious. "What is it, John?" she came to the door.

She peeked out the door to what I was pointing at. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes teared up instantly. It was her Mustang, the very same car I had come home to see get towed away when all this started.

"I-I don't understand. What?" How?"

"Sally, honey, I know how much this car meant to you. I saw how devastated you were when they repossessed it.

So a couple of days after you moved in, I tracked down the bank that took it and I have been making payments on it. It's paid off now and it's yours. No one can ever take it away from you again. The registration is in your name and current and here is the clean title and the keys!"

Sally sat down on the doorstep and cried. I paid the tow truck driver and gave him a nice tip. He smiled and turned to go while I sat down next to Sally. She threw her arms around my neck and cried on my shoulder for several minutes.

"How... how can I ever... repay you... for all you've done?" she blubbered.

"Well," I said, "How about going for a ride in that shiny car of yours?"


Written by Master_Jonathan
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