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Christine awakened late the next morning, at nearly noon.  If the wetness between her legs and the stiffness of her nipples was any indication, she’d dreamed about her nephew’s cock inside her all the night through.  It was certainly the last dream image she remembered before awakening.

She carefully slipped out of the bed with a crooked grin to set things in motion.  She had no doubt that Adam was already awake, and a quick phone call to his cell confirmed it.  She told him that the front door would be open, and to come straight to the bedroom – naked – when he arrived, because she was about to start without him.  According to his estimation of how long it would take him to reach her house, she guessed that she had just enough time for him to show up right when she wanted him.

Upon returning to the bedroom, she could see Dan’s morning erection still tenting the sheet covering him.  She also saw her niece rousing, and the redhead smiled when she noticed her aunt.

“Good morning,” Christine whispered after walking over to Becky’s side of the bed.  “Sleep well?”

“Better than I have in years,” Becky whispered back.  She looked over at her brother and let out a little sigh.  “I can’t believe how good his arms felt around me.”

“Or how good his cock felt inside you?”

“That too,” Becky quietly chuckled.

“Do you mind if I borrow him for a little while?”  Christine asked with a twitch of her eyebrows.  “Adam will be here in a little while, and we can share Dan until he gets here.”

“Mmm – that sounds good.”  Becky’s voice dropped an octave, and she reached out to stroke her aunt’s bare thigh.  “You want my brother to fuck you nice and hard?”

“Uh huh,” Christine responded with an emphatic nod and caressed her niece’s arm.

“So long as you remember he’s mine.  I’m just sharing.”

“Deal.  Let’s give him a wake up call.”

Becky chuckled and waited for her aunt to carefully slip back into the other side of the bed.  The pair of them then gingerly pulled the sheet off Dan until his cock sprang into view, already hard and ready.  Both women leaned over him, and upon a nod from Christine, they licked him from root to tip from opposite sides.

Dan twitched a little, but didn’t quite awaken.  While Christine slathered her tongue over his swollen cockhead, Becky licked her way back down to tongue the orbs beneath.  Dan roused, and his eyes popped open when he awakened enough to realize what was going on.  He let out a groan and smiled as he watched his sister and aunt lapping his cock.

“Good morning,” Christine greeted him in coquettish tones, kissing the tip of his erection.

“Good morning,” Becky echoed, wiggling her tongue over his balls.

“Yep,” Dan answered, laying his hands on both of their heads.

Becky gave him a few more teasing licks, and then cupped the orbs in her hand to gently roll them while Christine suckled his tip.  “Your auntie wants you to fuck her,” Becky said in an almost childish, over-the-top sexy voice.

“Mmm hmm,” Christine moaned around his cock.

Becky could see the mixture of excitement and concern in his eyes.  She kept the same tone as she let him know she wasn’t jealous of his desire for his aunt.  “Do you want to give her a nice creamy filling for me to lick up?”

Dan’s eyes lit up as her words calmed the nagging voice of doubt in his head.  “Oh yeah.”

Becky put on an exaggerated pout and said, “Adam’s coming over soon.  You don’t mind if I play with him, do you?”

Dan closed his eyes and groaned as Christine slurped up half of his shaft, sucking hard as she slid her lips back up to the tip.  “No, that’s cool,” he gasped out just before his aunt took him in deep again.

Becky smiled and caught her aunt just as the older woman reached the tip of Dan’s cock again.  Christine released him with a kiss on his glans, and then Becky engulfed him in her own mouth.

Christine watched the redhead bob over her brother’s lap for a few strokes, and then let out a needy gasp as she caressed her moist folds.  Becky let him free with a loud slurp, and then held his stiff organ in two fingers so that it was pointing straight up.  Christine took the hint, and moved to straddle her nephew.

Becky adjusted the angle of her brother’s member as soon as Christine was in position.  Christine was in no mood to wait, and as soon as his tip slipped between her nether lips, she sank down on him with an excited growl.

“Feel good?”  Becky asked as she tickled her aunt’s clit.

“God – yes!”

“Yeah, ride me,” Dan groaned.  When his aunt looked at him with her eyebrows raised, he remembered the turn-on she’d mentioned so many times.  “Ride me, Aunt Christine.”

“Uh huh,” Christine said with a satisfied grin, rose up over him, and then sank down again.

Dan watched his cock vanishing into his aunt and her breasts bouncing from her efforts, her pussy sliding over him with delightful friction.  He only had a minute or so to enjoy the show, however, because his sister had no intention of waiting for Adam before she joined the fun.  He didn’t mind the change in view at all, as she straddled his face and lowered her pussy to his eager lips.

Becky let out a warbling moan and shuddered as her brother’s tongue danced over her folds.  “His cock feels incredible, doesn’t it, Aunt Christine?”

“Wonderful,” Christine gasped while bouncing on his stiff organ with wild abandon and quickly rubbing her clit.  She thought she heard the front door, but she couldn’t be sure because of the sound of her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

“You lick me so good, Danny,” Becky moaned, leaning down onto her hands and knees to give him better access to her.

Christine was ascending toward a peak when she saw Becky’s eyes light up.  When she looked back over her shoulder, she saw Adam struggling to kick his jeans and underwear off his left leg.

“Oh my,” Becky gasped, her eyes locked on Adam’s throbbing manhood.  “Hey, Adam.”

Christine sank down onto her nephew’s erection and wiggled her hips, stirring his big cock in her depths.  She looked back over her shoulder again, her hair whipping around her neck.  “Get over here.  We need another big cock for Becky.”  She then let Dan slip free of her tight embrace.  At the same time, Becky rose up and swung her leg over her brother.

“Do us doggy-style,” Christine said, patting Dan on the butt to punctuate the instruction.

As Dan sat up and got on his knees, Christine and Becky both moved side-by-side on the bed, and dropped down to all fours.  Adam quickly crossed the room as soon as he kicked the last of his clothing away, and climbed in behind his cousin.  Dan and Adam gave each other a nervous nod of greeting, prompting a laugh from both of the women they were mounting.

Dan teased his aunt by slapping her taut bottom with his erection, and then sliding the tip over her wet folds.  Adam cupped his cousin’s sex in his hand, running his fingers through the curls adorning her mound, and slipping a finger into her wet heat.  Both women thrust their bottoms back at the men, letting out anxious sounds of need.

Dan gave in first, pushing inside his aunt to the hilt with a gasp that she echoed.  Adam couldn’t resist leaning over his cousin to kiss her back while squeezing her overripe breasts.  She pressed back against him, rubbing her folds against his hard cock, moaning pitifully and looking over her shoulder at him.

Adam finally straightened and slipped inside his cousin with a groan.  “Fuck yeah, you’re wet.”

“Oh, that’s good,” Becky moaned in response as his thick cock filled her so well, like no other except the one thrusting into her aunt’s depths next to her.

Slowly stroking to enjoy every inch of Christine’s tight canal, Dan noticed that she twitched every time he let the base of his purple helmet slip just outside her lips.  He grinned and reached down to steady his cock with one hand, giving her a few rapid twitches of his hips to pop his tip in and out of her several times.  Christine emitted a series of staccato gasps as he did so, and then yelped when he suddenly thrust back into her hard, pushing her hands forward on the bed.

Next to them, Adam maintained a slow pace as well, just as enraptured with his cousin’s tight embrace.  She edged forward with each thrust until she could reach one of the crossbars on the headboard, and then quickly grabbed it as he withdrew to push inside her again.  As soon as she had a steady grip, the fingers of her other hand moved between her legs to her clit.

Christine took a different approach as she felt the need to rub her bud as well.  She lowered her upper body to the bed and slipped her hand beneath her as Dan lifted up her hips.

With her pleasure spiking from the stimulation, Becky’s head snapped down, her swinging breasts just bumping off her chin.  “Faster!”  She gasped out, her fingers already following the command she’d just given her cousin.

“Oh, yes – faster!”  Christine echoed in a moan.

The two men complied, quickly building up the speed and strength of their thrusts.  Unconsciously, they settled into a synchronous rhythm, both slamming their hips forward at the exact same time.  The bed began to rock, banging the headboard against the wall.

None of them noticed the sound.

“Oh god!  Fuck me, Adam!”  Becky squealed, her body flooding with warmth as she drew near to climax.

“Come for me, Aunt Christine,” Dan grunted as his body clashed with hers.

“Almost...  Ah!  Give it to me!” Christine gasped out, ascending her mountain of pleasure alongside her niece.

“Fuck yes!”  Becky cried out, repeating the last word over a dozen times with ever-shorter spaces between.  Then she screamed, her hand snapping from her clit to the bed to support her as she came.  Her cry of release warbled from Adam’s fast, powerful thrusts.  Her knuckles turned white from her grip on the headboard.

Before the redhead could even draw a breath to emit a second cry of ecstasy, her aunt came as well.  “Oh god!”  Christine screamed, trailing off into a tight-throated squeal as her body contracted in orgasm.

Both women gasped and yelped through their orgasms, the men still taking them hard and fast.  A loud, stuttering growl rumbled from Adam’s throat as he pounded his trembling cousin, but it was Dan who came first.

“Gyah!”  Dan screamed as he slammed his hips forward and buried his cock deep in his aunt.  He let out a long groan as he spurted his seed against the entrance of her womb.

Adam managed a few more thrusts, and then his growl spiked in volume as drove his thick member home to flood his cousin’s canal with cream as well.  Becky’s hand dropped from the headboard, and she collapsed into the same posture as her aunt as Adam’s cock pulsed inside her.

Dan’s chin dropped to his chest, even as Adam leaned over Becky to rest his head on her back.  Both couples panted and gasped for breath, still twitching from the shockwaves of pleasure rippling through them.

Adam pulled free first, but only by a few seconds.  Both men sat down hard, instinctively flinching away when their hands touched.  The two well-fucked women slipped into a languid afterglow, their bottoms sinking toward the bed below.

When she fully regained control of her breathing a couple of minutes later, Becky felt her cousin’s cream creeping from deep inside her.  She grinned and moaned in satisfaction, “Mmm hmm.”  Willing her body to move proved difficult at first, but she managed to rise up to her hands and knees, and then just to her knees.  She spun, turning so that her head faced the foot of the bed, and tugged on her aunt’s leg as she reclined.

Christine turned toward her niece to see the redhead flicking her tongue suggestively, with Adam’s cream welling up from inside her.  She summoned up her strength and straddled her niece’s face, immediately leaning down to gather up her nephew’s cum with her tongue.

Dan and Adam moved to opposite sides of the bed to put a comfortable distance – and a pleasant view – between them.  Becky needed only to lap up the cum flowing from her aunt’s quivering sex under the force of gravity, but Christine had to stab her tongue deep into the redhead to attain her treat.  Both made sure to pay plenty of attention to each other, as well.  Soon, both were moaning into each other’s folds as their darting tongues stoked the fires of their passion.

Adam chose to watch his cousin lapping his aunt, while Dan lay down in the opposite direction, watching his aunt devour his sister’s pussy.  Both women showed signs of difficulty in concentrating upon what they were doing in light of their own building pleasure.

Christine turned to her fingers first, the motion a natural one that was second nature after years of frequent practice.  She felt a hot rush of breath against her folds as her niece reacted with a gasp to the increased, direct clitoral stimulation.  After the initial shock of pleasure, Becky followed her aunt’s example.  Within a few seconds, both women were writhing from their growing ecstasy.

Though she’d attempted to keep her tongue in play at first, Christine ended up concentrating what little coherent thought she could muster upon keeping her fingers moving over her niece’s clit.  The hot itch in her loins suddenly expanded, flooding down her thighs and up to her breasts.  With a long scream, she came, still haltingly rubbing her niece’s bud.

Christine’s orgasm forced out the last of Dan’s cream from her depths, his juices and hers spattering against her thighs from the rapid motion of her niece’s hand.  Though the brunette barely had any presence of mind in light of her climax, her twitching fingers were still enough to push Becky over the edge she teetered upon.  The redhead squealed, “Yes!”  Her finger faltered as her body erupted in orgasm.

Both women eventually found the presence of mind to lap and tease each other, prolonging their bliss.  Finally, Christine levered up on trembling arms, and rolled over next to Adam, who promptly sucked her right nipple between his lips.  She gasped and pushed him away, offering a mock scowl that caused him to laugh.

Christine gave her blonde nephew a sharp smack on the bottom and said, “Go get us some washcloths and towels to clean up with, meanie.  I need something to eat.”

Dan and Becky both murmured in agreement, so Adam swung his legs over the edge of the bed with a groan.  Christine glanced at both men’s flaccid members, knowing they’d be hard again soon enough, but she wanted to give them time to build up plenty of cum first.


“Apple?”  Becky asked with a laugh, looking away from the television toward her aunt and cousin.

“Adam pretending he’s clever,” Christine explained, nudging her nephew.  “Avalynne was named after our great, great grandfather, Avalon, and his name means island of apples.”

“That and they had her dressed up as an apple in that kindergarten play,” Adam added.

Becky turned back to the home movie on the television with a sigh.  “We’ve missed so much.”

Christine patted her niece’s hand and said, “You won’t have to miss any more.  I’ll fly you both in for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the reunions.  You know you can call everyone without worrying now, too.”

“And it’s all because Adam’s a perve,” Becky said with mock disdain.

Adam laughed and responded, “Guilty as charged.”

“Do you think Mom and Dad will ever get over it?” Dan asked his sister.

Becky just shrugged, but Christine sighed and said, “Probably not, if I know my sister.  It’s not your fault.  If they hadn’t pulled the two of you apart like they did, you might have just moved on in time.  Young lust is like that, and you’d have had a hard time dealing with it with your friends.”

“What do you think your mom would do if she knew?”  Dan asked Adam.

Adam shrugged and answered, “Freak.”

Christine sat up and said, “Okay, this is getting depressing, so enough of it.”  She stood up and clicked the remote to turn off the television.  “Let’s go take a swim.”

She didn’t wait for a response, but instead walked toward the pool, letting clothing fall to the floor all the way.  Adam and his cousins followed her example, emerging next to the pool just in time to watch their nude aunt execute a graceful dive into the pool.

Soon enough, the sight of each other naked aroused everyone’s passions, resulting in a trail of water leading into the house, and a pile of damp towels.  Before they could reach the bedroom, though, Christine tugged on her niece’s arm and redirected her toward the bathroom.  She didn’t offer any explanation, but instead left her confused nephews standing in the hall.

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A couple of minutes later, she found them there still, carefully avoiding eye contact as Adam relived his first time with both his sister and his aunt.  Christine offered a coquettish smile as she emerged from the bathroom, brushing her hands over her nephew’s erections as she passed between them.  The men followed hot on her heels, their eyes locked on the swaying of her shapely bottom.

Christine turned toward her nephews when she reached the bed, arching her back and moaning as each reached for one of her breasts to squeeze them.  She then licked her lips, and sank down to her knees.  Wrapping one hand around each of their cocks, she stroked the throbbing organs, looking up into their eyes.  She then turned toward Dan and took the flared tip of his cock in her mouth.

“God, that’s good, Aunt Christine,” he groaned.

She moaned...

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Written by RejectReality
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