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Well, I did it. I got in bed, slept the entire night, and didn't have sex with Triana. She tried, but I knew we had to get up early, and I needed my strength for snorkeling with Megan.

Triana was disappointed, but I'm the boss, I think. She made a lovely breakfast, more omelets, and coffee.

Our thoughtful guide, Ines supplied us with a pair of inexpensive underwater cameras. Megan had considered an enclosure for her camera, but they cost around eighteen hundred dollars. So, the little cheap ones would have to do.

Ines drove us to the charter company's dock, and we boarded the boat with six other people. One married couple, I would guess mid-forties, a pair of young ladies, maybe in their mid-twenties, and a couple on their honeymoon who seemed close to my age, mid-thirties.

Before leaving the dock, the captain reviewed all the safety things and showed us the life preservers and how to put them on. There were baskets with long and short fins, masks, and snorkels. The long fins were for scuba diving and the shorter for snorkeling. I guessed the longer ones gave you more power with less effort. The captain then assured us the snorkels were clean and sealed in plastic wrap for our protection.

We'd head over to another dock, then walk to the reef area, where we'd join two guides who would keep an eye on us. I liked their safety precautions.

The trip out took about an hour. The honeymoon couple focused on each other; it was so cute. The older married couple, Ralph and Irma, were friendly. We talked with them and the two younger women, Carli and Sandy, as we made our way to our destination.

It didn't take long and the sea wasn't that choppy, but Megan got a bit queasy, as did Carli.

The captain noticed their worried look and asked them to stay towards the aft part of the boat in case they got sick. He offered them a Dramamine to help alleviate their nausea, which was nice of him. I think Megan threw up once, as did Carli, and after about fifteen minutes, they seemed fine. They stayed at the back of the boat, talking in case they felt ill again.

Ralph and Irma were from the Midwest and had never been near the ocean. They kept the captain busy asking questions about the boat and various other topics.

That left Sandy and me to talk. It was mostly idle chit-chat about where we were from, our tours, etc. Sandy thought it was great that I was taking Megan on her dream trip. She was sorry for our loss but was glad this trip was going well for us.

Sandy also told me how she and Carli got here. They have been best friends since kindergarten, and Sandy was going to be Carli's maid of honor at her wedding. That was until her fiance ran off with his off-and-on girlfriend whom he'd been seeing for over a year behind Carli's back.

Carli was devastated, so she invited Sandy to share the trip instead of losing the 'honeymoon' deposit money they paid. The funny part about the whole thing was Carli's fiance got dumped a couple of days before they left on this trip. Carli enjoyed that, and her outlook significantly improved.

During our chat, Sandy and I kept looking back at Megan and Carli, checking up on them to see how they were doing. They seemed to be having a good time talking. I assumed Carli was telling Megan the same thing Sandy was telling me. I know Megan was probably talking about birds and the ziplines. They were giggling and having a great time.

Sandy smiled as we watched her friend and Megan. We waved and debated joining them, but then Carli did an about-face and leaned over the rail. So, we stayed put.

Our conversation turned to Megan, and I talked about her love for birds, volleyball, soccer, and Spanish. Sandy casually mentioned with Megan's attributes, she should have no problem finding a college. That's when she said Carli was an assistant softball coach at one of the universities Megan was considering applying to.

It wasn't a large university, but it was a stepping stone to getting possibly getting her master's eventually.

That led to me asking Sandy what she did for a living. She smiled and told me she was a physical therapist and had graduated with her master's from that same university. She'd been a competitive swimmer during college. She loved sports, and helping others. Being a physical therapist was an ideal career for her

I congratulated her on her career choice, which sounded perfect. She mentioned she loved it and did pro bono work for one of the clinics in town for kids whose parents can't afford it or don't have insurance. She also mentioned that Megan, with her bi-lingual skills, should have more doors open than some of her peers.

That was something I hadn't considered. I thanked Sandy for the idea. She smiled, saying maybe Megan should seriously consider attending, especially now that she's met Carli. She suggested we stay in contact even though Megan was a year and a half from graduation. She was sure Carli could mention Megan to the other coaches if they haven't scouted her.

I thanked her and told her I'd talk to Megan. Then I asked if she and Carli might want to pair up with us snorkeling. Sandy said she'd love to and didn't think Carli would mind since she and Megan looked like they were having a great time talking.

Time slipped away as Sandy and I chatted. It wasn't until Megan and Carli walked up to us that I realized we were slowing down and getting ready to dock. Sandy asked Carli if she didn't mind snorkeling with us. She and Megan looked at each other and laughed. Carli was going to ask us the same thing.

We tied to the dock, grabbed our equipment, and met with our guides. They had a place to store our belongings, so we locked them away. Dressed in our swimwear, we regrouped around the guides for their safety lecture.

Our pairing-off worked out perfectly. The married people in one and us single ladies in another. After our talk, we walked down to the shoreline, donned those cumbersome fins, then backed into the water. Soon we were all swimming around, getting used to our new environment.

Our guides took our two groups in different directions, and we'd make a huge circle and pass each other going opposite directions at some point.

This was going to be fun. Megan and I had our little cameras attached to our wrists and anxiously awaited something worth taking a picture of. It wasn't long before Sandy spotted a turtle swimming near the bottom, looking for food. We weren't far apart, and when we noticed her waving, we all started following our first subject.

To the turtle, we were just tourists, and it didn't care that we were hovering around it near the surface. But Megan and I were excited, smiling at each other, Sandy, and Carli. Our guide kept us moving along the shoreline. Next, we spotted a stingray flapping its wings or fins. It scurried away, not happy with us disturbing its hiding place in the sand or waking it from a nap.

We continued getting pictures of tiny fish in schools, more turtles, rays, and towards the end, each other. It was effortless swimming, and I could have gone on for another few hours. The water was perfect, and so were our guide and fellow snorkelers.

When we returned to the beach Megan, and I took selfies with Carli and Sandy. We exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in touch. Carli had been selling her university to Megan while they were at the back of the boat. So, having a contact for a tour during Spring break or during Summer was a plus in her mind. We ate lunch at a little beach shack that seemed like they didn't care too much about quality. The prices were a little steep because that's the only place around. It wasn't as good as Triana's cooking but it was tasty.

On the way back, we all compared notes about what we saw and how much we enjoyed the trip. Even the honeymooners were talkative. We'd tipped our snorkeling guides before leaving, and as we departed, we tipped the captain and his crew.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and waited for Ines to pick us up. It had been a perfect day. While waiting for Ines, Megan and I started talking about our trip. It was one of the few chances we'd had to compare notes about how everything was going.

It wasn't a serious talk, mostly about how much fun we'd been having and maybe returning next year. We both wanted to do less birding and more fun activities and maybe with a different tour company or be independent since Megan was going to improve her Spanish, and I would try learning.

Our wait for Ines was only about ten minutes. She'd forgotten something and had to return to get it. She said she lived somewhat close and stopped by her place to check on it. On the way back, Megan and Ines resumed their game and talked about our day. I sat back, enjoying their banter, and looked forward to another wonderful meal prepared by my favorite chef.

When we returned home, Triana stood in the doorway, holding her usual plate of fruit. Much to our surprise, she was as bare as the day she was born. She'd trimmed, shaved, or gotten waxed while we were gone. I meant to talk to her last night about it, but I completely forgot.

She looked just as yummy as she did with her full bush. I made a mental note to tell her I loved it when the subject came up. I was on the fence about it after seeing Megan mainly because she was my child.

We had some time before dinner, and I'd had enough swimming for a while, so Megan and I went to the beach to talk. Triana and Ines had things to do, so that left my sweet girl and me time to chat.

We continued talking about our day, how much fun we had, and how nice it was to meet Sandy and Carli. Carli made a considerable impression on Megan, talking about her school and athletic program. I promised Megan we'd visit during Spring break or Summer.

Eventually, we discussed Megan's decision to have her vagina bare. I didn't come out and tell her it was a stupid idea. She knew she should have thought about the reactions when we got back and the rumors it would create. She had a year and a half left at school, and I hoped this little incident didn't mess things up.

We'd been talking for an hour or so when Triana came out to ask if we needed anything. We both declined since it was getting close to dinner. As my sweet Triana walked away, I saw Megan gawk at her tush. I knew what she was thinking, so we talked briefly about it. Then we both wondered aloud what the other's lover was like in bed. The problem was how to go about it without upsetting anyone. We shelved the idea, not wanting to rock the boat a few days before leaving.

Megan and I decided to shoot a little pool before dinner. It wasn't long before my naked Triana told us dinner was ready. She'd made a lovely black bean soup and a yummy dessert. After dinner, Megan and I undressed and joined Ines and Triana, who had both been naked since we returned. We played pool, drank wine, and flirted.

Nothing serious, but we all had fun making jokes and little innuendos. We didn't have plans for the next couple of days. Sleeping in and being naked was about it until we left.

After the lights were out and we'd settled into our beds, Triana snuggled next to me. I was a bit worked up from the flirting and wanted to taste my little love's bare honey pot.

Triana grinned as I kissed my way down her body. She lifted her legs, allowing me to slide between them, then lowered them onto my back. The first swipe of my tongue over her labia made her shudder. I must admit it was a very different feeling licking bare skin rather than pubic hair.

Triana tasted just as sweet, hair or no hair. The primary difference was I didn't get any loose hairs in my mouth. I told Triana I loved her new look, and she thanked me as I continued devouring her sweetness.

Triana's moans and praise bolstered my ego. I was still new at this, but getting better. I decided to tease my little love by tracing her tummy with my fingers. I worked my hands, then arms under her. Reaching up, I pinched and pulled her nipples while licking her bare skin. Triana squirmed when I inserted my tongue, begging me to go deeper. I did my best, my nose against her body and my tongue straining to go as deep as possible.

I continued playing with her until my love let out a little yip and then buckled. Her head rolled back as I continued working my magic. Her hands replaced mine on her breast, tugging and pinching those lovely brown buttons. After a few more twists of her body, she became limp, panting as if she'd just finished running a marathon.

My tongue eased back as Triana looked at me, smiling and cooing. I moved to join her, snuggling and softly kissing her. She asked how I liked it again, and I told her I loved it. She giggled as we continued basking in the glow of her orgasm.

We fell asleep like that, waking up as the sun peeked through the slats of the shades covering the windows. I lay watching her when I woke, wondering what we might do all day besides basking in the sun and making love.

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When Ines turned out the light, our bedroom became lit by the full moon. It was light enough that we could see each other with no problem. My love wanted to taste her handiwork, so I propped myself against the pillows and headboard then spread my legs for her. She didn't fool around playing with my boobs or kissing me. She went straight to my pussy and began licking.

From my left thigh to my right and everywhere in between. It was like she was a starving kitten offered a bowl of milk and couldn't get enough. I was enjoying it as Ines moaned and told me how good I tasted and that we should have done this much earlier.

I'd been tingling all day with Triana's help, and now I could finally climax thanks to Ines and her magical tongue. What really heightened my orgasm was when Ines slipped a finger in with her tongue, moving it back and forth in me. I nearly cried out when I peaked. It felt so good.

When Ines rose from my legs, I could see the shimmer of my honey on her cheeks as she smiled at me. We kissed, cuddled, and fell asleep, knowing we had to be up early. I love going to sleep, worn out, and Ines knew how to get me to that point.

The morning was our usual routine, shower, dress, eat, and get on the road. Mom sat in the back as Ines, and I gabbed away.

The boat we were on wasn't that big. I was expecting something much larger, but we didn't go out to sea, so it didn't matter. Our captain introduced himself and his crew of two, then went over that safety stuff. We were traveling with six others, two older married people, two newlyweds who looked like they'd rather be back in their hotel room practicing making babies, and two women or girls who I guess were the same age or close to the same age as Ines. Both looked fit and attractive to my newly developed awareness of females.

Once we were underway, I felt nauseous. One of the sporty girls did, also. The captain gave us some Dramamine and asked that we stay at the back of the boat so the others didn't get sick from smelling our barf. He didn't actually say that, but we knew what he meant.

Carli was the girl I was sick with. We started talking, and I discovered she was an assistant softball coach at one of the universities I was considering. I told her about the sports I played, and she suggested I tour the campus during Spring break or this coming Summer. We also talked about our vacations. She was here with her best friend, Sandy, because her fiance ran off with one of his ex-girlfriends right before the wedding. I told her I was sorry to hear that. Carli smiled and told me it was better that he did something stupid before the wedding than after. She and Sandy were having a blast, and she'd gotten over him quicker than she thought. Her only regret was returning all the money and other wedding gifts they'd received. That made me laugh.

Since the tour company didn't refund her deposit, she asked Sandy to join her. They'd been doing all the fun stuff, ATV exploring, zip lines, nightclubs, etc. I giggled, telling her maybe I should be hanging out with them. She replied that Mom and I were welcome, but she wasn't buying. We laughed and told her I'd love to, but we only had a few days left here.

She was impressed when I told her I was mainly bird-watching and taking pictures. She reminded me her university had a great biology and animal science undergrad program, and I should look at it closer.

I asked her if she got a commission for recruiting students, which made her laugh.

We were talking for about twenty minutes and were both feeling fine when I suggested we rejoin the group. Carli agreed and took a couple of steps, then did a quick turnaround. She leaned over the rail and barfed. When she was upright again, I suggested we stay put, and she agreed.

We continued talking, laughing, and discussing sports. I liked talking with Carli; she wasn't like my coaches at school, maybe because she wasn't a 'coach'; she was herself. I never actually talked to my coaches like this. I only considered them as my coaches, not people with feelings and lives outside of school.

After a bit, we could see the dock off in the distance, a lovely little beach, and a couple of shacks. Carli asked me if Mom and I wanted to pair up with her and Sandy snorkeling since we would have two guides. Mom had been talking with Sandy the entire ride, so I figured she'd want to. I told Carli it sounded fun, so we ensured Mom and Sandy were okay with it.

Mom didn't realize we were about to dock when we approached them. Sandy asked if we wanted to snorkel as a group. Carli and I looked at each other, giggling, and I thought great minds think alike.

So, we all hung together, put our clothes away, got another safety talk, and headed out into the water. I noticed Mom checking out both Carli and Sandy in their bikinis. I didn't blame her; they were both fit and nice-looking.

We backed into the ocean because the fins were hard to walk forward in. Once in the water, we followed our guide, and Sandy spotted a turtle. We followed it for a bit, then got back on track. Next up was a ray; it was so cool, like an underwater bird.

We continued seeing schools of little fish, more turtles, another ray, and more colorful fish. Carli stayed sort of near me, pointing out fish I didn't see, just like Ines did with birds. Occasionally, we'd stop, tread water and crack jokes. The guide put up with us for the most part until he had to herd us back to Mom and Sandy. Carli wanted me to check out her university, and she was friendly and fun to be around. If my fiance had run off with his ex, I would have been depressed, but Carli didn't let it bother her as far as I could tell.

Maybe if all the coaches at her school were like her, I'd enjoy getting my degree, and perhaps I could be a walk-on if I didn't get a scholarship.

We made the giant loop of the shore, and I used up all the pictures in my little underwater camera. When we returned to the beach, we showered, dressed, ate, and took selfies with our phones. Carli and I didn't get seasick on the way back and hung out with the rest of the group, discussing what we saw.

Mom and I exchanged numbers with Sandy and Carli to get a more personal campus tour during Spring break. Carli would be a little busy with her softball team, but she said she'd make time for us.

We said our goodbyes, hugging and promising to stay in touch. Then Mom and I patiently waited for Ines to pick us up. She wasn't very late and apologized. I was so excited I talked almost all the way back home, telling her how much fun we had.

When we arrived, Triana greeted us with the fruit tray, and I couldn't believe it, but she'd shaved her vagina. Mom may have been a little shocked at that, but I got a tingle wondering how her bare lips would feel against mine.

I looked down and smiled when I took a mango slice from Triana's tray. Triana grinned, knowing what I was thinking. She asked how the snorkeling went, and as we walked back into the house, I told her about all the fun we had.

Dinner wasn't for another couple of hours, and Mom and I didn't want to get wet again, so we sat out on the beach. Triana and Ines had things to do in the house, so they left us alone to talk.

We started talking about snorkeling, then Sandy and Carli. We both thought they were very friendly and pretty. I mentioned a Spring break trip, and Mom was all for it. Eventually, we talked about bare vaginas. Mom asked me why I did it. I explained that Ines had asked me about it one night, and I kept thinking about it. I made sure Mom knew Ines didn't push it. It was all my decision.

Mom reminded me that my teammates would wonder. I told her I didn't think about that until it was too late. She suggested telling them I got some sort of itch or something while we were on vacation.

I had to laugh when she mentioned an itch. I was about to say we both got an itch when she realized what she said. We both laughed and blushed. Mom sighed and told me we'd think of something. I suggested it was none of their business. She agreed, but then the rumors would start. We didn't find a solution and decided to wait and see.

I asked Mom if she had thought about shaving. I got a look that told me not to ask. I figured she'd at least considered it, but apparently not. I wondered what she'd say if I asked her tomorrow after a night with Triana and her bare pussy. Then I decided to drop the question altogether.

We'd been talking for about an hour when Triana walked out to ask if we wanted something to drink or snack on. We both declined and watched her cute little tush walk away.

When Triana was out of sight, Mom looked at me, "You want to find out, don't you?"

I blinked, “Find out what?”

Mom gave me a look, "You know what. What Triana is like in bed. I've seen you two look at each other. I've seen it before with you and Ines."

She wasn't mad or anything, just stating facts. We both knew I did; I didn't want any drama, and neither did she.

I sighed, "Yes, it's been on my mind. But how do you ask them to swap? I mean, this is all new to us, Mom. It would be weird to say something. I'm fine, wondering. We have only a few days left, and it's been fun. Let's not ruin it, okay?"

Mom smiled, "I agree. I have thought about Ines, but I thought you two were exclusive. I wasn't going to suggest anything, Megan. Let's drop it and enjoy the rest of our time here. I'm sure there will be drama at home soon enough."

I agreed, and that was that.

Mom and I returned to the house and shot a little eight-ball to kill time before dinner. I think we played four or five games before our naked chef popped in and told us dinner was ready.

Triana had made Sopa Negra, a black bean soup which, as you guessed, was delicious. We had tamal de maicena or cornstarch tamale for dessert. I needed to swim more or do some running, or I could kiss any hopes of a scholarship goodbye; Triana's cooking was spoiling me.

After dinner, we played pool, sipped wine, and flirted with each other. The barriers seemed to have vanished somehow because Mom was flirting with Ines. Triana and I had already flirted enough to make it interesting. So, we watched Mom and Ines.

We had nothing left on our schedule except having fun and relaxing, so we stayed up later than usual and killed a couple of bottles of wine. Around ten, Mom decided she'd had enough fun for one day and headed off to bed. Triana soon followed. Then Ines and I put things away in the kitchen and went to bed.

I felt good with the wine I drank and being around people I cared about. Once in bed, Ines whispered to me she had a surprise. Then from under her pillow, she brought out this rubber thing. Part of it looked like a penis, and the other resembled a bulb or oval. The whole thing looked like the letter 'J.'.

When I looked at it, I wondered what it was, and then it dawned on me. The penis part went in one of us, but I couldn't figure out the bulb part. I asked Ines if it was a handle, and she giggled.

She whispered that the smaller part went in one of us also. Then she asked if I'd like to see her wear it. I was curious, so I said yes. The thing was ugly to me, I didn't want it inside me, but I wanted to see how the bulb part worked.

Ines got out of bed and put some gel or something on the smaller part. There was plenty of moonlight in the room for me to see what she was doing. She coated the smaller end, then reached down and placed it inside her vagina. After a few adjustments, she raised her arms to show me that it stayed where it was.

Ines stood at the edge of the bed with the thingy pointing right at me. I asked a few questions, and Ines explained how it was used. Despite being a little tipsy, I told her I didn't want that thing in me. She pouted, but I didn't budge. It looked disgusting, and I preferred fingers and tongues, not some artificial thing that looked like a man's dick.

Ines apologized, removing it and putting it in the bathroom. She returned to bed and snuggled with me. Ines reassured me we'd never do anything that would hurt me, and it was fine if I didn't want that in me. It didn't change the way she felt about me. We talked about it; however, she didn't change my mind. I told her maybe Mom would like it, but it wasn't for me.

I started yawning. It had been a long fun day. We kissed goodnight and fell asleep. As I fell asleep, I hoped I didn't have any nightmares about that plastic penis.

Written by _O2_
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