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The Talk- Part 5

"Secrets are like lies. Eventually, the truth of light exposes everything."

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I could hear her drying her hair when I set her drink on the nightstand. I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about how bizarre my life was. Why was I promoted? Bob had never even hinted that I was being considered for a promotion. In a matter of just a few hours, my life was flipped upside down. It was still difficult for me to accept that my once conservative wife was a real-life porn-star. At least she had called off the divorce; that much I was grateful for.

Marika walked out of the dressing area completely nude while brushing her hair. Although I’d seen this scene a hundred times, she still took my breath away. As she turned toward the mirror, the sight of her swaying breasts was mesmerizing; they had a slight upward curve with the most incredibly sexy aureoles and nipples I had ever seen. It made me wish I had a camera.

Wait a minute…

I reached for my new iPhone and started clicking away.

Marika saw me and shrieked, “What the hell are you doing?”

“Photographing my gorgeous wife.”

Her pose was delightful: knees pushed together, and feet pigeon toed with her hands covering her breasts.

“You didn’t ask permission to do that,” she said, giving me a look of disdain.

“Sorry but you’re so photogenic, I couldn’t resist. May I?”

“Why? Why do you want to? Haven’t you and the rest of the world seen enough photos of me?”

“That’s just the point. Those were taken for the public. I want these for me alone. I have no desire to look at photos someone else took of you.”

“Are you saying you didn’t look at pics of me on that site?”

“Just on the night you showed me. Since then, I haven’t.”

“You found them disgusting?” Marika frowned. “I knew you’d feel that way. That’s why I wanted to divorce you rather than face you with the truth. If Andre went through with his threats to expose me, it would have destroyed everything and everybody I cared for,” she said, covering her tits with crossed arms.

“You need to understand something, sweetheart. I believe you when you say this was just a poor youthful judgment, but I need to be honest and tell you the truth about why I resisted watching those videos. It was not because I found them disgusting. It was quite the opposite. I found them unbelievably erotic and was embarrassed that I was so turned on by watching you have sex with other men.”

She didn’t reply right away and just stared at me.

“You… you found me having sex with others a turn on. You weren’t angry? Why?”

“I’ve been asking myself the same thing and I have no answer. I guess maybe there are things I am learning about myself, as well as about you. As you know, I was pretty, uh… inexperienced when we met.”

Inexperienced? Is that what you call it?” She laughed. “I knew you were a virgin and that was always okay with me. You didn’t even know what a clitoris was. It was so cute, showing you the way. We were total opposites. I was sexually active way younger than I should have been, so it was special watching you discover the pleasure of sex—but that’s not why I fell for you.”

“Was it my humongous cock and ripped muscles?” I interrupted. 

“Of course it was!” Marika giggled. “However, the fact that you’re intelligent and not self-absorbed helped some, too. There’s a song that says,I love how you love me, whenever I’m near you’I knew you loved me no matter what, and this proves it,” she said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

“That’s true but you can still piss me off like no tomorrow,” I replied, taking her in my arms. “Now, how about letting me fulfill my fetish of photographing you?”

“Okay, but put the phone away and do it correctly. Get out that expensive Nikon DSLR you hardly use and set it up while I change. The lighting is better in the family room. We’ll need to change the camera settings for ambient lighting and don’t forget the tripod. If you want to be a photographer, you need to start with the basics. After all, I’m a professional model and I expect a lot from you,” she said, walking back into her dressing room.

I went into the office, gathered up my equipment and hauled it into the family room. As I was attempting to set it up, it occurred to me that she was right. I’d spent thousands on this camera equipment and procrastinated using it after I discovered the amount of practice required. That’s why I preferred my iPhone.

Jack, you’re really clueless about this. Let me help.”

I turned to see my stunning wife, wearing her bathrobe and carrying some green sheets that she dropped on the sofa.

“Yeah, I’m ignorant about this stuff,” I said trying to unfold the tripod.

Marika took it from me and had it ready within seconds. Then, she took out the camera and released the telephoto lens, replacing it with another.

I couldn’t help but ask, “What are the sheets for?”

“We’ll hang them over the drapes and use them as a backdrop. Wrap the lampshades with some dish towels while I set up the camera. If you notice, I’m rotating the strobe upward to cause a soft light effect that looks best on my skin-tone. Nothing looks worse than flash spots on skin and red eye… Where’s the Sim-Card?”

“Uh, I think it’s in the camera bag,” I answered, digging through the items.

Impatiently she reached around me, grabbing a little plastic case about the size of a matchbox. She opened it, clicked it in the memory slot and handed me the camera.

“Turn on the auto stabilization settings,” Marika instructed, “so you can hand hold the camera for the initial shots. That way you’ll have more freedom to move around.”

“Wow, where’d you learn so much about photography?”

“What did you think I was doing on those photo shoots between scenes? Sucking cock?” she asked sarcastically.

“No… I… uh…” I fumbled with my words. Her comment had taken me by surprise.

“Relax, sweetheart, I was just pulling your leg. As a photographer you need to visualize what you want to create ahead of time. Think of the model like an artist’s paint: she is your medium, and the camera, your canvas.”

“Okay. Where do we begin?” I asked.

Marika opened her robe and tossed it aside. I gasped as she stood before me in a black corset, with garters, nylons and high heels. The top was cut so tight she was almost spilling out of it. I could only choke out, “Wow!”

She grinned and seemed to blush before saying, “Thanks, but you need to focus on how you’d like me to pose. Remember, this isn’t for a family photo album.”

I looked around and said, “I think I’d like you to begin using a dining chair as your prop. Hold it at the top and put your left foot on the seat. Turn your head slightly to the side. Don’t look directly at the camera and give me a seductive expression like you’re tempting your lover.”

She smiled. “Good start. Tell me more.”

I positioned her in every suggestive position I could think of and instinctively knew she needed to reveal more, so I told her, “Lose the corset. I want more skin.”

Marika unhooked the garment, letting it drop to the floor before she kicked it aside. It was as if she was a completely different person in front of the camera. I continued to click away as she maneuvered herself into different positions like the professional model she was.

After about a half hour, she announced, “We need a break. Would you be a doll and get me some water?”

“How about some wine instead?”

“I never drink while on the job. Water is fine for me.”

While on the job?

“Okay… water it is. But I’m going to have a beer.”

 “Go ahead. I’m going to link up the laptop to the big screen,” she said, opening the computer.


“You’ll see.”

I looked at her beautiful nude body while I was in the kitchen and wondered if she was this confident in a room full of strangers? What was happening to me? To us? More strange things had transpired in the last month than the rest of my life combined. I wasn’t sure how Marika would respond to my suggestion of taking a few snapshots of her, but this was totally unexpected. I couldn’t help but notice that when she was posing, it seemed as if she had an alter ego.

“Come here and sit down,” she said, patting the couch beside her. “I’ve got some things to show you.”

As I took a seat, I could see she was excited by this whole process; her nipples had become rigid and extended. I reached out to caress her, but she slapped my hand away and sternly stated, “Later! You need to pay attention if you’re going to learn anything.”

“Well, you can’t blame me for being distracted by my gorgeous wife sitting here in the buff.”

“Don’t you ever think of anything else?”

“Hmmm… no… not really.” I laughed, cupping her breast.

“You’re impossible. Okay, stud. Let’s see if you’re up to the task,” she said pulling me by my arm until I was in front of the camera.

“I thought we were photographing you, not me.”

“Nope. I’m shooting us together. I want you to pretend to see me naked for the first time.” Marika put her hand on her hip and gave me a seductive pose.

I looked at her, but I couldn’t generate an expression other than a look of complete stupidity. Suddenly, my hands felt like bricks and my arms like noodles. Her laughing didn’t help me at all. She looked natural and relaxed in front of the camera, whereas I resembled a granite statue. I might as well have been a cardboard cutout. I started to realize that there was more to all this than just sex.

Marika positioned me behind her and instructed me to act natural. I kissed the nape of her neck. Then, the photos progressed with us acting like we were having foreplay. That’s when my problem arose… or should I say, didn’t arise. No matter how much I tried, my cock just hung there, limp like a wet dishrag.

Embarrassed, I said, “Come on, you can’t expect me to respond on command, can you?”

“Actually, yes, I do.” Marika grinned. “But I knew this might happen. When guys watch porn, they picture themselves in place of the actors. The hard truth is that very few men can perform under the pressure of a director, lights, and cameras. I have it a lot easier. No one can tell if I fake it. That’s just acting. The few men that can get it up under that sort of pressure are in great demand.”

“How do they do it? There must be a trick,” I asked.

“Very perceptive. For some it’s drugs—but that can be dangerous if used excessively. Many chose the surgical path and have penile implants. Then there are others like Jason who just need a fluffier to help him out.”

“Pardon my ignorance, but what’s a fluffier?”

“I’d rather show you,” she said, kneeling before me and taking my flaccid cock in her mouth.

Holy shit! That feels incredible! I thought as Marika engulfed the entirety of my growing penis.

In short order, I was sporting a rigid erection. I grabbed her by the hair and pumped her mouth desperately. I was seconds from emptying myself when she put her hands on my hips and pulled away.

“What the hell? Don’t stop!” I begged.

“That was just a demonstration. Now you’re ready to get to work.”

“Work? You can’t be serious?”

She smiled and replied, “I’ve been videotaping us the whole time. Now we’ll get to the serious stuff. Take the footstool and position it facing the camera and sit down. Stroke yourself maintaining that nice little stiffy.”

Little stiffy?

I followed her directions. After I sat, I watched my gorgeous wife confidently walk toward me with her tits swaying and smiling mischievously. I wondered what she had in mind, but I hoped it included me hammering that sweet pussy. I was crazy horny. I couldn’t remember ever being this delirious with desire. She turned and backed into me, swinging her leg over mine like she’d sit in my lap. Her dripping wet cunt was inches away from my throbbing cockhead.

I grabbed her hips and attempted to pull her down, but she resisted saying, “Whoa, buckaroo… we’re not ready for that yet.”

“Come on, sweetheart. I’m dying here.”

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“Don’t worry. Good things happen to those who wait. I want to take this slow, so I can photograph the progression. Take your hand and wipe your cockhead into my juices. Notice on the monitor how I’ve zoomed in? Now I’m getting both our facial expressions… Good job. I’ll make you an actor yet.”

“Acting? I’m not acting. My expression is that of desperation.” There was no stopping me as I forced myself into her.

God it felt incredible. All this edging had me worked into a frenzy. I plummeted her cunt, oblivious to all else. I glanced at the monitor and witnessed myself for the first time in the throes of passion. It wasn’t long before my pent-up desires erupted into a final crescendo. I slumped back and gasped, attempting to catch my breath.

Marika stood, cupping her vagina to catch the heavy flow of sperm from dripping on the carpet.

“Jack, could you get some paper towels for me?”

Immediately, I rushed to the kitchen and tore off some towels. When I returned, she snatched them and wiped herself.

“Go back over to the couch,” she instructed. “I have some more things to show you.”



Marika hit a key on the computer, and the big screen flickered once, showing her webpage introduction. Quickly, she selected the photos option. The first one was of her at a beach in a skimpy bikini, holding a boogie board. The surf was behind her with a bright sky-blue background.

“Great shot. When did you go to the beach?”

“Actually, this wasn’t at the beach, it was shot in a studio. That’s why we need the green background. It allows us to superimpose any background we want.” She moved quickly through the next several pictures.

I was simply in awe. My wife looked incredible in each picture, but I noticed they were getting progressively sexy. 

“Wait,” I said. “Go back.” I grabbed the remote from her hand, turning to a previous photo.

“Be patient. We’ll get to that later,” she said, referring to a photo of her standing beside a musclebound black guy with a massive cock.

“Is that guy real or another photography trick?”

She gave me a little smile. “Sometimes there are tricks… but that’s Jason. He is as real as they come.”

“Jason? You know him well?”

“Only in the professional sense. Are you all right?”

I swallowed hard and said, “Yeah, I’m good. This is a lot to wrap my mind around.”

The next few photos became increasingly more intimate. They progressed from her hovering above his massive swollen member, to it fully sheathed inside her. What was hard to miss was the look of ecstasy on her face. I’d seen that expression a hundred times and I knew it was authentic. The last photo in that set showed her laying back on him… reverse cowgirl.

“So,” I began. “You and, uh… Jason worked together frequently?”

“Sometimes. We were both under contract. I told you that already.”

“Was he the one in the video you showed me the other day?”

“Yes, he was in several of my shoots. What are you getting at, Jack?”

“It just appears you were enjoying yourself… a lot.”

“What do you want me to say? That I was miserable? That it was just business or that size doesn’t matter? I’m not going to lie to you. Jason could fuck like a prize bull, but he also had a girlfriend and I never once saw him off set. If this is bothering you, we can quit.”

“No, continue,” I replied, handing back the remote.

Marika spent the next few minutes explaining the technical aspects of photographing a live shoot. Some of it I understood, but some I didn’t grasp. My mind was focused on one thing: my wife posing naked with a variety of male models, all of which were unnaturally endowed.

She insisted that the bedroom shots with massive cocks was just posing. She also explained that it was strictly professionalism. I couldn’t help but think from a male perspective that there was no way I could maintain an erection like that without some sort of emotional connection. I wasn’t buying the whole “it’s just acting” line. I knew I should have been angry with her but the steely erection in my shorts said something else. Marika noticed it, too.

She quit her impromptu instruction and said, “Tell me how you’re feeling about this whole thing, Jack.”

“Truthfully, I’m… a kaleidoscope of emotions. I’m conflicted on how I should feel versus how I am feeling.”

“I noticed. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything,” I answered, watching the screen.

“How do you feel about our marriage and envision our future?”

“Well, that’s not easy to answer. I love you more than life but I’m not sure how much I trust you. As far as our marriage and future together, that depends on you.”

“How so?”

“You told me the divorce has been stopped, but I’ve not seen a stay or cancellation notice.”

“It’s cancelled. You’ll receive confirmation as soon as I receive it.”

“Just for the record, that divorce decree hurt me like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It ripped my guts out and that will take time to heal. It’s going to be hard work to save our marriage. Are you willing to try?”

She nodded her head with tears in her eyes.

I knew the slide show was over, so I shut the computer off and started packing up my camera equipment in silence.

“I’m sorry, Jack. I only wanted to divorce you because I thought I could hide my past.”

“Well, that didn’t work out well, did it? If you lie to me again, I’ll be the one filing for divorce this time.”

Marika looked at me with a blank expression, as if she was trying to digest what I said. Then I added, “I’m going to give you twenty-four hours to tell me everything, and I mean everything. No more secrets between us. Do you understand?”

She nodded. “But does that go both ways?”

“Of course. You can ask me anything.”

I tossed the equipment bag over my shoulder and handed her robe to her.

“I’m going to bed,” I said. “Thanks for the camera lessons. Turn off the lights when you come up.”

I was barely awake when I felt my wife snuggle against my back.

After a while she whispered, “Make love to me.”




My alarm buzzed a lot earlier than I wanted, but this morning was my first meeting with my staff, and I wanted to arrive early. I desperately needed to shower since I stunk from a marathon night of sex. Marika continued to sleep while I dressed quietly, trying not to wake her. She stirred briefly and mumbled something before she drifted off back to sleep.

I had put on my new Armani suit, silk dress shirt and power tie. Marika always encouraged me to dress for success, and today I had a reason. Surprisingly, I wasn’t fatigued at all. The anticipation of this day along with the crispy morning air invigorated me.

When I pulled into the parking garage, I immediately noticed a parking space with my name on it, right next to Big Bob. I couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride in my chest.

Am I dreaming? I thought, taking out my custom briefcase.

The doorman grinned and said, “Good morning, Mr. Thompson.” 

“And a good day to you… 2-2-5-0, please,” I replied with a spring in my step.

“Yes, sir, I know—and congratulations.” He pushed the executive floor button.

Pennie was waiting for me with a steaming cup of coffee.

“Good morning, Mr. Thompson. I wasn’t sure how you liked your coffee or your preference in pastries, so I brought a variety.”

“Black is fine, or with one Splenda and a splash of vanilla creamer. The staff should be here in a half hour for orientation. Make sure there is enough coffee and treats to go around.”

“Um, about that, sir… there won’t be a meeting today. It was canceled.”

“What the hell? By whom?”

“I’m not sure. I just received this memo a little while ago,” she answered, holding a yellow piece of paper.

I took the slip, wrinkled it up and tossed it in the wastebasket. When I entered the office, I saw that my instructions about replacing the couches with a conference table weren’t carried out either. I turned to look at Pennie and she simply shrugged her shoulders.

“Could I please view my client schedule?”

“You only have one: Bob Elder at 10am.”

What the fuck? Bob obviously cancelled all my planned appointments.

Pennie gazed at me with what seemed like nervous uncertainty, so I said, “Bring that pot of coffee and donuts into my office. We can get to know each other.”



She seemed uncomfortable to be talking with me at first but loosened up after I told her to dispense with the “Sir” title and call me by my first name whenever we were alone. Pennie revealed that she was a divorced mother of three and was happy she had landed the job. I told her that we were both new to our positions and learning day by day. I also told her that I’d never had a secretary before. We exchanged pictures of our families and she stared a bit longer at Marika’s photo than I anticipated.

“Is everything all right?” I asked.

“Yes.” Pennie smiled. “Of course. I… I just thought I recognized her. She’s very beautiful,” she replied, handing back the photos.

“I’d say you are too, but nowadays that’s grounds for a lawsuit. It’s a quarter to ten. I think we should both go back to our desks and pretend we’re both working.”

She giggled and said, “By the way, you have permission to say I’m beautiful any time.”

As my secretary walked away, I thought she’d be a knockout if she lost about fifteen pounds. Then I chastised myself for staring at her ass in that tight pencil skirt.

What the hell is wrong with me? I’m married to the most beautiful woman on the planet and I’m still looking?

At about five after, my intercom chirped.

“Your ten o’clock appointment is here, sir.”

I stood up as soon as the door opened. Big Bob walked in with another familiar face that belonged to Lenny McPherson.

“Jack, it’s good to see you again,” Lenny said, offering his hand which I shook.

“What is it I can do for you?” I asked.

“Actually, it’s more about what I can do for you.” He smiled.

“I’m sorry. I don’t follow,”

“Take a seat, Jack,” Bob said, pointing at the couches. “There are things we need to discuss.”

I clicked my intercom and said, “Pennie, hold all calls and would you bring the pastries and coffee into the office?”

“Yes, sir.”

Seconds later she walked through the door, carrying a tray and set it on the table. All eyes were on her as she walked away. I poured the mugs full while they seated themselves.

“So,” Bob began, “are you getting settled in your new office all right?” 

“Yes, sir, it’s quite the office… but I’m a little short of work right now. I assumed I would be finishing the cases I was already on before my promotion.”

“Those cases have been passed to Charley Storm. He’ll do a great job on them. I have something infinitely more important for your talents. Part of your new position is to be Mr. McPherson’s exclusive personal attorney,” he said, glancing at Lenny who was sitting quietly.

“Exactly what does that entail?”

Lenny cleared his throat and replied, “How are you liking your new office, the new car, and new title that came with a significant increase in salary?”

“I… I’m a bit overwhelmed with it all to tell you the truth.” I paused and asked, “Why me?”

“That’s simple, my boy,” said Lenny. “You got me off from a certain appointment with lethal injection. I owe you my life and I’m in debt to you. I always pay my debts.”

“I was just doing my job.”

“You never believed I was innocent, did you?”

“That wasn’t my judgement to make. I just did—”

“Answer my question. You believed I was guilty, didn’t you?”

I felt awkward being asked that directly by a former client, so I answered as diplomatically as I could.

“The evidence certainly indicated that you might be, but—”

“You defended my innocence as if I were a newborn baby.” Lenny grinned. “That’s the kind of attorney I want working for me.”

Bob interjected, “Lenny provides us a significant amount of capital to our firm, and he has made a request for your services.”

“A significant amount of capital?” Lenny laughed. “Tell him the fucking truth, Bobby boy. This firm wouldn’t exist without me. I own the very building this office is in. I’m diversified with over a hundred enterprises, domestic and foreign. You’re a smart guy, Jack. How do you interpret that?”

“Right off hand I’d say it’s a complex way of laundering a lot of cash.”

“Smart boy.” He flashed a wolfish grin. “So, what do you think? You on board?”

“I’m not going to do anything illegal,” I replied. “But… I can provide legal representation. I’m a defense attorney, after all. That’s what I do.”


Written by ChuckEPoo
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