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Story so far: Sweet-natured Libby has had her carnival crush Jared stolen from her by fair-weather friend Sasha. When the shameless carny starts to hit on her while still dating Sasha, Libby decides to teach them both a lesson - by dressing to kill at a Halloween costume party. But does she know exactly who she's dealing with in Jared?

“Go on, you look fabulous in that. You know it,” the salesclerk at the costume shop said to Libby. If she was going to do this, she had to do it well.

Halloween night she returned to Barfly wrapped up in a winter coat to shield her from the autumn chill and her costume from prying eyes.


Sasha checked out her friend’s mascara and bronze lip-gloss, the artful knotting of her chestnut hair. “I’m not sure which Libby I’m hanging out with these days. You must really like Jonathan. I think I chose well.”

At the club came that revelatory moment. Sasha returned from the ladies’ room in a wig of her own blonde shading, curls tumbling about her shoulders. She slipped off her coat without ceremony, exposing the most under-dressed Goldilocks Libby could have imagined. The top was a strapless push-up bra in yellow gingham, though corseting brought the garment down just shy of Sasha’s navel. The skirt was a corresponding micro-mini with lace tiered panties flouncing prettily around the girl’s upper thighs. White suspended stockings and patent leather buckle-shoes finished off the ensemble. The blonde struck a fleeing-through-the-woods pose for Libby.


I know exactly which bear will bring you to ground, she thought, as envy flared.


Sasha flashed a ‘your-turn’ glance. Libby had to fake insouciance as she unbelted her coat and slipped it off her shoulders. The shock she had felt on first donning the costume was mirrored in Sasha’s face.


It was a mini-dress of clinging satin, reminiscent of vampire Elvira, with a stiff Queen Anne collar, a neckline that plunged to her navel, and a gauzy skirt that provided the barest of covering over her black satin thong. Thigh-high black fishnets showed off her legs and white stilettos bore her up to perilous heights.


Who’s sugar and who’s spice now? It was all Libby could do to restrain her glee.


“Libby, god.” Sasha stared. “This I was not expecting.”


When Jonathan joined them a short time later with drinks, he was speechless. Jared, she was sure, would have no such problem, but if she could make him double-take, that would be victory enough.


A short time later, The Devil’s Rejects tumbled onto the stage in extravagant costume to the crowd’s roaring approval. Jared had gone for Alice Cooper circa 1975—hair long and eyes painted into vicious black diamonds, bare-chested with a rubber snake coiled around his shoulders.


“Welcome to our Halloween nightmare!” he called out over thunderous drum beats, before launching into his grinding first chord. His eyes lit on both girls and when he stayed his gaze on the vampire-brunette, Libby’s heart swelled with elation. She swayed and clapped, knocking back drinks and wrestling off inhibition as the band plied their raucous craft. She knew that she was shutting out Jonathan, but she couldn’t deny how good Jared looked, thrashing his guitar and leaning back into riffs, hard torso glistening under the flashing lights. He and his band-buddy Max sang of sex and alienation and tearing up the world, and made it all seem irresistible. But resist him she would, she swore it to herself. However much he damn well turned her on.


“Does anyone here feel evil?” Jared yelled, when given lead vocals. The crowd roared an affirmative. “’Cos I sure as fuck know I do!” The Rejects departed from their own oeuvre to launch into “Bad Things.” Libby knew it from her guilty-favorite TV show, the one with the explicit sex and Louisiana vampires, and she shuddered at the lyric. His eyes lingered on her as he sang and she knew he wanted to do those bad things to her.


Look all you like, Mister. ‘Cos you can’t have.


“You’ll be coming to the party, Mistress of the Dark,” Jared said to Libby once the band had finished their set. His proximity sent a shock of arousal through her. Jealousy followed; Sasha was coiling herself around him like his rubber snake.


“Sure, if Jonathan wants to,” Libby replied. She turned around, but her date was no longer there.


“Uh, Libby,” Sasha said, “I think he might have gone. I saw him heading downstairs a while back. He didn’t look too happy. Maybe you were neglecting him a bit? Sorry, babe.”


A check of her text messages proved it to be true.




Libby dropped her head. Had it been that obvious she’d been stringing Jonathan along?


“I’ll get a taxi home,” she said miserably.


“So Jonny boy ran scared of your fangs,” Jared said. “There’s a party back at Max’s and you’re gonna be there, okay?”


“You don’t want to waste your new look,” Sasha said, hugging her. “Find a replacement guy. If you’re going to play sexy, you might as well do it properly.”


Libby managed a smile. Sasha’s point was a good one.


* * * *

Max’s ‘place’ was his family’s rural getaway, an extensive country house with rose bushes climbing the brickwork. Friends and fans of the band arrived in force, taxis and cars pulling up on the gravel drive every few minutes. Once inside Max poured Libby a large glass of Chianti to dispel some of her nerves. After a few more glasses she ended up in the kitchen, the focus of rival male attention. Her guilt over Jonathan she put aside. This was her night to have fun and be sexy and the more Jared observed the better. Although where was he? Off delivering a post-concert poke to Goldilocks? But no, Sasha was across the kitchen, getting further liquored-up. Libby needed him to witness her popularity. That was the whole point.


“Excuse me, Max,” she said, “but where’s the bathroom?”


“Downstairs has a bit of a queue,” he said, “but there’s an en suite in the guest room, second landing. Be my guest, I’ve put the light on.”


Libby made her unsteady high-heeled way through the house. She was delirious from all the male interest, including that of the band’s lead singer.


Nice guy, maybe I should angle for a date with him. If that didn’t get under Jared’s skin, nothing would. She revelled in the thought.


In the guest room, an artist’s pad lay open on the bed. She stopped to peer at the image half-sketched on the top sheet. A bounteous-breasted woman, stripped to her jeans, was providing an exotic dance for an as yet unfinished figure in a chair; in the background a girl watched with saucer eyes, her hand stuffed down her panties. Despite its comic style and lurid subject matter, the artwork impressed Libby. She snickered at its naughtiness.


She was tempted to see if the pad contained further interesting art, but this was someone else’s house. Instead she made for the en suite to splash and adjust her face. In retrospect the sketchbook and other belongings might have served as warning that the bathroom could be occupied. But alcohol had erased good sense. She was well inside when she realised her mistake.


“Libby, what a nice surprise.” Jared stepped from the shower, naked and dripping.


Libby gasped.


“If I’d thought you wanted to shower, I’d have waited there.” Jared towelled his hair, demonstrating no inclination to cover his six feet of lean, hard body or the thick cock that idled between his legs.


“I’m sorry, Jared,” Libby stammered, diverting her eyes from his groin. “I’d no idea you were …” She backed off, stumbling in her heels.


Jared steadied her and in doing so managed to interpose himself between her and the door.


“Easy there, Lib. It’s okay. I’ve got myself a crash-pad here for the night, but feel free to use the bathroom.”


As Libby stared at his nude form, she was more aware than ever of her own flesh, revealed as it was by her costume and its likely effect on the man before her. The same man who had most likely sketched the scene on the pad.


Embarrassment turned to anger. “Well, do you want to give me some privacy then?”


He made no move. “What, and drip all over the carpet? I’m a guest here, gotta have some respect. Look, do what you have to. Unless you want to help dry me off.”




“If you wanna go potty, I’ll turn away.”


“That’s it, get out of my way.” She made to move past him, but he side-stepped to block.


“Sure you wanna go, Lib?” She darted the other direction, but he persisted in his game. “You want past, you’re gonna have to wrestle me.”


“No, I bloody won’t.” Libby was furious now, at herself as much as at him. She stood, thwarted and panting, at a loss for her next move. “Jared, stop this!”


“Did I say how fucking hot you look in that outfit? And what a fucking horn I had on stage knowing you’d worn it for me?”


She didn’t dare flick her eyes to his cock; she knew it would be thickening and elevating as she spoke. “I didn’t wear it for you.”


“Dancing in your sexy little vampire dress, with those delicious titties half on show…”


“Jared, stop. Don’t say those things.”


“ … Wondering what you were wearing under that fouffy little skirt and how wet you were beneath it. And now here we are alone so I can find out.”


“You’re not going to find out.” It was tantamount to a confession. Desperate, she tried to lunge past him, but he blocked the move, dropping his towel and gathering her to him with a smirk. His arms, muscled like oak, locked around her waist and she pressed protesting hands against his chest. Below she could feel his extending length nestling into the gauzy flounces of her skirt.


“Come on, vampire girl, you want me to know. That I make you as wet as you make me hard.”


Libby wished she hadn’t drunk so much. She couldn’t think straight, couldn’t concentrate her way past burgeoning desire. Couldn’t actively want him to let her go. He pulled her tight to him with one hand, the fingers of the other touching her sternum and tracing downwards between her satin-clad breasts.


“Tell me you don’t want me to put my hand down those panties.”


“I … I …” The words were there, but she couldn’t voice them. The fingers with which she had tried to ward him off now rested against his pectorals, while his hand searched underneath the folds of her skirt, plucking at her thong. The amusement remained on his lips, his eyes locked on hers, as his hand plunged beneath and found the pussy she had waxed that day. She gasped as one finger slipped inside her and wriggled. A nasty, delicious intrusion.


“See, Libby? You’re all ready for me. Now whaddaya say I take you into the bedroom and fuck you on that bed right now?”


Her mind scrabbled for one of the put-downs she’d had lined up but “Sasha …” was all she could come up with. “You’re with Sasha.”


“Like you care.” Then without removing the finger which probed her melting cunt, he spun her one-eighty and backed her into the bedroom.


She stumbled and clutched his arms for support, brain scouting for a way out. She couldn’t simply let him fuck her, could she?


He had almost got her to the bed when Sasha’s voice sounded woozily from the outside landing. “Jared, you there?”


Libby stared around in a shock of guilty panic. Jared betrayed no hint of alarm.


Withdrawing his hand from her panties, he spun her about and propelled her in reverse to a closet, guiding her briskly inside, so that clothes-hangers rattled around her. “Wait here,” he said, his grin as wicked as the one he had worn on stage. “Wait in here and watch.”


Light poured through the wooden ribs into the closet. Instinctively Libby pressed herself to the door. She could see Jared clearly as he turned away, wet hair tumbling down his back, ass sculpted like a Greek statue. A magnificent erection was thrusting out before him.


“Baby, I was thinking about you.”


“Oh my god, look at you! You’re all ready for me.” There was the sound of the bedroom door shutting, then Sasha in her Goldilocks guise, threw herself drunkenly onto Jared and slithered a libidinous hand over his cock. “God, you’re fucking gorgeous. Feel how fucking hard you are.”


Libby’s fear was displaced by a surge of territorial anger. He’s not hard for you! The smell of her cunt would still be on Jared’s fingers; she wondered if her friend were too drunk to notice.


“God, I fucking love this cock,” Sasha gushed, wanking Jared with vigour and reaching down with her other hand to grapple his ass.


“Then get on your knees, Goldilocks, and show me how much.”


Sasha dropped like she was in sex-training and slurped up the head in her red-lipsticked mouth. Libby watched in astonishment as her friend vacuumed up serious inches of Jared’s cock and sucked. The blonde’s eyes stared up at him, beseeching.


“That’s it, you know what I like. Get it all down your throat.”


Unfeasible, Libby would have thought, but Sasha gripped Jared’s buttocks two-handed and sank all the way to the base, lips expanding wide. Libby continued to peek through the slats, breath bated, as Sasha drew herself with wet suction off the rigid slab. The eager sub gathered up thick strings of her own drool and smeared them over his shaft, before diving back to take him fully a second time.


“Fuck yeah, use that slutty mouth.” Jared had a hand placed on the back of Sasha’s head to assist if she faltered in her duties. There was little chance of that. Sasha ground her face into his stomach and clutched hard, a grating noise emanating from the back of her throat. “God yeah, fucking take it all.”


Libby fumed at the bastard’s opportunism, the way he sublimated all else to the needs of his rampant cock. Yet, she was turned on, even in her jealousy, by the command he had over Sasha. Resist it though she might, need burned within her. She watched as Jared gripped Sasha’s head in both hands and moved her back and forth, making her gurgle and choke on him. Libby wished that her contempt for him would outweigh her craving to be glutted on that same hard dick.


Jared eased Sasha off and smeared his dripping organ over her face, letting her suck on his balls as he jacked himself. Then he reached down and hauled her to her feet. “Well, Goldie, who’s been sucking on my cock? God, you’re one obedient little whore, just what I need.”


Libby burned with envy. He should be saying rude, disrespectful things to me.


“You train me well.” Sasha beamed. “Put me in one of your dirty pictures. I want a drawing of your little Goldilocks going down on you. Come on, do it, just for me.”


“What is this, a commission?”


“Yeah, sure, whatever.” She clutched at his naked body, one hand reaching again for his dick. “What about now, you want me to do the other stuff?”


“Not right now.” He ripped her blonde wig off and clutched the roots of her real hair, pulling her to him. “Right now I just want to pound your cunt.” He took hold of the cups on Sasha’s gingham top and ripped downwards, tearing the garment to her waist. Then he reached beneath her layered skirt, snapped her suspenders and wrenched her silky white bloomers to her ankles in a single move. “Step out,” he ordered, clutching the garment about her buckled shoes.


She did, almost tripping on the fabric in her drunken state.


“You going to wreck all my clothes?” Sasha panted, before he grabbed hold of her, ripped her skirt upwards and whacked her naked ass so hard she squealed.


“Maybe.” He threw her forward onto the bed and clambered after, cock reinforced in its hardness.


Libby stared, appalled and enthralled in joint measure, hand creeping down towards where Jared’s fingers had so recently been. She could see Sasha’s consternation as her boyfriend gripped her legs and dragged her around.


“What are you doing?” Sasha asked.


Libby knew. The arrogant fuck wanted the voyeur to have a good view of him screwing her friend. It would have been an aesthetic pleasure too, she couldn’t help but think, to watch his flexing ass as he pumped. Sasha’s puzzlement was incidental once Jared gripped her shoulder, found his entry-point and thrust, balls smacking her ass as he buried in her all he had.


“Fuck! Oh my god!”


Libby flinched at Sasha’s exclamation, imagining that cock rammed inside herself. Then as Jared slammed into the blonde, Libby’s fingers scurried into her thong and went to work on her needy clitoris. She drank in the visuals—the power of his hard-driving hips, the tightness with which he gripped Sasha’s shoulder, his grim delight as he sank his cock into her clutching wet hollows. Libby had never been fucked like that outside her darkest dreams. And now Sasha was robbing her of the pounding that should have been hers this Halloween night.


So the guy was a bastard, what matter? He was a gorgeous sexy bastard and she wanted this fuck. Sasha was stealing her fuck …


The blonde cried out in delirium, hand searching for the easiest route to her pussy, as she took her hammering. Eventually she tore down her skirt far enough for her fingers to bare her shaved cunt. Jared persisted in his ruthless attentions as she frigged herself, but he stared over her head, fixing on Libby’s closet with meaningful relish.


“How does that feel?” he demanded of Sasha, applying a few particularly harsh cock-strokes.


“Oh god, so good. So fucking good,” was all she could manage.


“You still think Libby wouldn’t like this?” He slowed, to elicit a full response from the object of his thrusting attentions. Libby hung on every word of the exchange, body afire, middle finger rotating on her swollen nub.


“God, no …”


“What, with her sexy new look, sure you haven’t got her wrong? Sure your little friend wouldn’t like some of this?” He fired another hard jolting thrust inside her.


“Ugh! Fuck no! She can dress up all she likes. She’s still Miss Sweetness at play.”


Jared ploughed on with his fuck-strokes and his questions, eyes boring through the wooden slats, into Libby. “So if she was watching us right now, she wouldn’t be rubbing one out, waiting for her turn?” There was evil in his voice.


“Shit.” Sasha, drunk and shagged-silly, fought for words. “What the fuck are you on? Do you want to fuck her or me?”


Jared replied with a cock-barrage of re-doubled force, his free hand cracking hard and repeatedly on Sasha’s flank. Then he pulled her up and groped her breasts with one hand, cock still doing its sterling work inside. The girl was incoherent. “That’s it, take it like a good slut,” he urged, as she wailed and frigged. “Take that cock like a dirty girl! You my dirty girl, Sasha?”


“Yes, yes, you know I am. Oh god … Oh holy shit …” Sasha was in a fucked ecstasy, rubbing her clit to an explosive peak of pleasure. Libby sensed that this was something special even for Sasha.


As the blonde dissolved into racking orgasm, Libby wanted to come too, even if she risked collapsing out of the closet. It took vast restraint to retract her finger from the pulsing hub of her desire. She leaned against the closet wall and peered in yearning as Jared pumped his way through Sasha’s orgasm. He pulled out and dragged his spent girlfriend by the roots of her hair up to kneeling, then pummelled his cock before her face. Libby heard the wet friction of hand on shaft. She watched amazed as he gripped Sasha in place and worked that hard-bulged thickness.


“Come on, Golden Girl, see how you like this porridge!” His jaw clenched, neck embossed with veins as his body strained. Cum fountained from his cock, splashing free and thick all over Sasha’s wincing face. It continued to jet in profusion as he leaned back and re-directed, letting it splatter on the canvas of her chest.


“Lick it up,” he breathed, once his load had been shot, and Sasha’s tongue swirled around her mouth, scooping up as much of the mess as she could reach. It seemed all that she could do, for afterwards she slumped sideways.


“Oh god, I can’t move.” Sasha’s voice was weak.


“Here, let me get you more comfortable,” Jared said. His wilting cock drooled onto the mini-dress and top as he unfastened and worked them off Sasha’s body. She was listless through it all and, by the time he had done, she was passed out. He crouched over her and applied mild slaps to her sperm-soaked face. She responded with the feeblest of moans. Jared turned to the closet, exuding a sense of purpose in keeping with the diabolical season.


Libby stared, heart pounding anew with dread and expectation. This was her time to dart from confinement and rejoin the party downstairs, but none of her limbs paid attention to her brain’s instructions. So she simply watched as Jared hopped off the bed and strolled towards the closet, semi-engorged member hovering before him. He wrenched open the door. “Your turn,” he said, grabbing Libby and kissing her on the mouth.


Taken by surprise, she allowed their lips to lock, allowed him to pull her to him in a costume-crushing embrace. For moments she enjoyed his tongue fucking her mouth. Then reason kicked in and she struggled to prize herself from his grasp. He grappled her tighter and landed his mouth on her neck, tongue tracing the groove above her clavicle. Any words she had been attempting dissipated under his oral attentions. His hands slid down and bunched the folds of her skirt, while his pectorals pressed to her inadequately-sheathed and erect nipples. His tongue-tip slithered its way to her earlobe, then his teeth bit and tugged, so she had to stifle a cry.


“This is crazy,” she hissed in a voiceless moan. “We can’t do this. She’ll hear.”


“No, she won’t. She’s drunk herself stupid. You really think she’s gonna wake up?” He broke away and placed a finger on her lips. “Leave it to me. I’ll make it okay.”


Libby watched in a slippery-thighed trance as Jared retreated to the bed. He manipulated Sasha’s face by the jaw, slapping her cheeks harder than before and producing no reaction.


“Still not convinced?” He rummaged through a backpack and produced two items—handcuffs trimmed in black leather and a red silk scarf. “Little bit of experimentation in our playtime.” He cuffed Sasha’s limp arms to two rungs in the wooden headboard and wrapped the scarf across her closed eyes. “If she wakes up, she’ll think it’s a game,” he said. “Need more? Hang on.” He reached inside the backpack again and pulled out a toiletries bag. In another moment he plucked out two cotton balls and stuffed them into Sasha’s ears. Through it all, her breathing did not alter.


“There.” He returned to where Libby still stood in the closet. “Hear no evil, see no evil. And believe me, Lib, there’s gonna be evil.” He seized her dress by the neckline and pulled, so that the adhesive tape tore free of her tits. She cried out as much from sudden exposure as physical sting. “Now get out of that thing, sweetheart, or so help me I’ll rip it off.”


She didn’t doubt him. With fumbling haste Libby unlaced the bodice, slipped the dress from her shoulders, and stripped to panties, stockings and heels before her rough seducer. “Let me hang it up, please,” she asked meekly.


He picked up the dress and hung it in the closet for her so that nothing would get crushed when he claimed her flesh. Then he clapped a hand to her breast and squeezed. “Fuck yeah, I’ve been waiting to feel these beauties.” There was an erotic fervor in his eyes as he moulded her fullness in his palm. Seizing her other breast, he squeezed the nipple to a point and twisted it to his mouth.


“Oh god …” The kneading and suckling of her tits overwhelmed Libby until her knees began to give way. Jared prevented this by shoving her through clashing, falling hangers against the closet’s back wall. There he held her, continuing to molest with fingers and tongue.


“You don’t have to worry about Sasha,” he said, breaking away. He gripped her neck, thumb stroking along her jaw, eyes boring into hers. “If she does wake up, and I doubt she will, she’ll have no idea who’s getting fucked.” Then he thrust his hand down inside her panties. She choked on her own cry as he rammed back inside her cunt to the third knuckle.


“She’ll think it’s some little groupie-slut,” he said close up as he fingered her. “She’ll have no idea that the slut’s her own best friend.” The hand on her breast continued to squeeze.

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“And Libby, you have the makings of one hot little slut.” He kissed her again, middle finger still probing her slickness. She gave in fully, kissing back, a slave to long-repressed need and hence to him.


He drew away, a kind of mocking tenderness on his face, then dropped to his knees. Her head fell back against the wall as his finger withdrew from her pussy, for she had no doubt what was next. Nimble guitarist’s fingers slipped under the strings of her thong, pulling it away from her soaking crotch and the cleft of her ass. Then his tongue was there, lashing at her pumped clitoris, slithering back and forth over her engorged lips and diving into her drenched slit. Diving deep. Holy shit, surely Jared should have played Gene Simmons on stage, so far could his tongue reach. The lithe muscle fucked in and out of her cunt, before retracting and attending again to her clit. It rotated in tight circles, two fingers plunging as replacement into her hole.


Jared’s mission was to make her come and she forgave him every indignity, every sleazy comment, as he worked her. She had never been eaten, never fingered so well, never had her cunt paid such glorious skilled attention. Then as tongue-tip darted, as twin digits invaded deeper, she realised how loudly she was likely to cry out when she came. With her orgasmic destination imminent, she stuffed one hand against her mouth. Her climax was fierce, torrential. Her pelvis shunted repeatedly against Jared’s face and hand as he finger-fucked her all through, so that she drizzled over his knuckles. She bit hard into the heel of her thumb as ecstasy ravished her body. Pain only registered after.


Jared fingered her drenched chasm and flicked her clit till she wriggled and yelped in the aftermath. She was vaguely aware of him pulling her panties from her thighs and wresting them free of her feet. Her head was rolling against the wall when he rose and fed his dripping fingers into her mouth.


“Taste good?” he asked.


She sucked lasciviously on her own flavor. He slipped his fingers into his own mouth, to share the treat. “Fuck, baby, you are gourmet-delicious.” He kissed her once more and she let her tongue play with his. She had almost forgotten Sasha. Almost. “Okay little vampire,” he said, his nose brushing hers, “time you sucked on me.”


Tenderness turned steely and he shoved her to the floor, her weakened knees buckling for a swift descent. Jared’s slick cock bobbed before her, engorging rapidly, its eye still oozing from the Sasha encounter. “Okay, Lib, clean me up and get me hard again.”


She balked at the thought of where this dripping organ had so recently been, but then she felt Jared’s fingers unknotting her hair and weaving themselves into her thick tresses for a good hold.


“Don’t think about it, Lib. Do it.”


His hand clenched and she gripped his semi-erect tool, wrapping her mouth around the head. She could taste his spunk along with the acrid tang of Sasha’s cunt. Libby might have gagged at the thought, but every naughty kink served to arouse her more. She gobbled up Jared’s cock just like she had seen her friend do and instantly felt him galvanize within her sucking mouth. She wished she’d spent more time fellating in her life, but Jared’s dick didn’t seem to mind. It inflated back to full size within the caressing walls of her mouth. Sasha’s juice was sauce to the gorgeous length of fuck-flesh on which she got to slurp. Inspired by her success, she slid both hands around Jared’s thighs and took him deeper.


“Oh yeah, Libby, I knew you’d be good.” She looked up as she sucked and saw that infuriating satisfied look on his face. How he loved the sight of her kneeling before him, where she’d sworn she’d never be. “I knew you’d be better than Sasha.”


Everything the bastard said made her want to be someone new, someone she’d never been in her life. She lavished her mouth on him and gazed into his eyes. You like me? You like this little sugar-girl all over your cock? You sorry you didn’t choose me over her?


“That’s it, sweet little slut, get me all nice and hard. Get me ready for your cunt. I’m gonna fuck it so hard. You’ve seen how hard I can fuck? Think harder.”


Oh god. What was he going to do to her? She clutched his ass and took him even further. Took him so far that she gagged.


Libby came off him, dribbling and abashed. She couldn’t meet his eye. Sasha had demonstrated no such difficulties.


“Hey,” Jared said, his voice tender as he drew her face upwards with a touch to the chin, “it’s okay. Let me show you.” He put his cock to her lips and she opened up again, fearful but willing. “You gotta beat the gag reflex, Libby. So it’s better to do it fast. Like this.” He thrust and pulled her to him, so that his erection plunged to the back of her throat. Her eyes widened in alarm to find herself instantly gorged, but his voice was there in her ears, calming her. “Hold it there, hold it there, it’s okay.” She sucked in through her nose, adjusting to the presence of his dick so far down. She was just getting used to it when he pulled out, gave her a good look at his phallus dripping with her saliva. “There, you see, Lib? No fucking problem. Let’s go again.”


Her heart was thumping, but she opened wide and he surged down again, filling up her throat and holding her longer. Excitement was on his face. “Fuck, Lib, you’re a natural. You missed your fucking calling.” He withdrew again and she gasped at the sudden unblocking. The recklessness about him told her he was just warming up. “Come on, baby, let’s do this properly. I know you’re good for it.”


This time when he’d surged in and pulled her stretched lips tight to his balls, he clutched her head with both hands and fucked into her throat, pumping hard so that her muscles clutched on him and tears rolled from her eyes. When he pulled out, she sucked in air, ropes of saliva connecting her mouth with his throbbing wet dick.


“Fuck. You like that, Libby? You want some more?” She wasn’t sure whether she liked it or not in itself, but the fever in his voice was infectious. The thought that she was getting him excited gave her a buzz like no other she had known.


“Uh-huh,” she said, thrilled that she was being so slutty, that Jared was treating her this way. She accepted his challenge and he rammed his cock down her throat, clutching her hard and fucking her face like she had only ever heard Sasha talk about. There was something primal about it, the urgency with which he went at her. She was terrified and elated together—that rigid shaft pumping in and out of her stretched gullet, the glugging noise in her own throat every time he thrust home, the outpouring of viscous drool that he loved so much, when he extracted himself: “Look at that, baby, fucking look at that …”


Libby was still recovering from the assault when the same great erection began smacking into her face from one side then the other, like a winched tree truck of which a logger had lost control.


Bastard! Rotten pig!


She felt dominated, used, and utterly in his thrall, but maybe it was the other way around. Had he lost control due to her? He rubbed his saliva-glazed cock over her face and she accepted gladly, urged on by the latter thought. She sucked his balls into her mouth of her own accord, remembering how Sasha had done it, rolling each about her tongue with loving attention. She even trailed her tongue between his legs, licking back and forth the distance between his prickling ball-sac and his asshole, recalling “the other stuff” her friend had mentioned. His shaft was soaked from fucking her throat and she wanked it briskly while she licked, taken aback by her own slutty initiative.


“You like that?” she asked him, defiance colouring her meekness. “Have I impressed you yet?”


“Getting there,” he said. “What else have you got?”


Libby was charged with danger and adrenalin. She wanted to blow this smug bastard’s mind, wipe that self-satisfied expression off his face. The other stuff … On impulse she snaked between his legs and rose to grip his tight, muscled ass. She parted his cheeks, and before distaste could get the better, dove her tongue into the knot of his asshole.


“Shit, baby. Fuck, yeah!” He laughed in surprise, leaning into the wall to give her better access. Libby was glad he had showered, that all she could taste was a hint of soap. Her mind screamed briefly at the sordid nature of the task, but Jared’s groans spurred her on and she burrowed, lashed him with her flexing muscle, reaching around to wank his hard shaft as she licked.


She felt alive and impossibly dirty, the mirror-image of all she had been for so long—drunk on illicit filthy sex with this thoroughly bad guy, a wanton sexual adventuress, taking back what was rightfully hers.


“There …” Having retreated from his anus, she slinked back between his legs and stared up past his bobbing cock. “Is that what you were hoping for? More spice than sugar?”


“God, Libby, better even than I’d hoped. You’re doing so well.” He reached down and dragged her up by her tangled hair, so that she had to scramble her feet beneath her for support. His lust shocked and thrilled her. “Now, pretty baby, where do you think I should fuck you?” His words and their implications blew away her courage. She was confused as to whether he meant geographically or in which hole. He recognized her mistake and laughed aloud. “It’s okay, I mean where in the room?”


They’d come down to it, the act which had haunted her dreams since Sasha had described it that night in the pub. Tonight she’d witnessed Jared in action. Now he was going to turn it on her, the training of her mouth and throat a prelude to the main event. The friend she’d been gleefully betraying was so damn close it scared her all over again.


“Here?” she suggested weakly, hoping to minimize the Sasha-factor there in the closet.


“Oh, I don’t think so.” Evil danced in Jared’s eyes. “Come with me.”


“But … We …” There was no resisting him as he propelled her from her hiding place. All she could do was kick off her heels and go where he took her—and she had no doubt where that would be.


He stopped en route to the bed at a mirrored dresser and made her stare at the reflection she might otherwise have avoided. “Take a good look, Libby. Anyone you recognize?”


The girl in the glass was near-naked and tousle-haired, her face a bleary mess of mascara. Saliva dripping from her chin, trickling down between her tits. A face-fucked, ass-licking whore who had courted her own debauching.


“Tell me what you see, Libby.” She guessed what he expected her to say, but her mouth opened and shut to no effect. “I’ll tell you what I see. A gorgeous hot slut about to get her cunt fucked on the same bed as her friend. By that friend’s guy. Fair to say?”


Libby stared around at the motionless Sasha, the well-screwed blonde’s stomach rising and falling gently as she slumbered. Neither blindfold nor handcuffs had made the faintest difference to her state. “I … I don’t know …”


“Well, I fucking do.” Jared dragged her to the side of the bed, spinning her to face him, then tipping her backwards so she tumbled onto the white quilt. She had momentary concerns about Sasha’s proximity, then she looked up and all thought was drawn to the great veined weapon towering above her. “Spread your legs, Libby. Spread ‘em wide and brace yourself. This is no rehearsal.”


Time slowed for Libby. Her knees parted wide on Jared’s command, opening up all her cunt’s wet secrets to his gaze. As she stared, he spat on his hand and smeared that great phallic pillar with saliva. Bending down, his cock levitating before him, he thrust two fingers into her wide-stretched tunnel and flexed them. “Oh yeah, pretty girl, you’re good to go.” He made her taste her own sweet juice again, but scarcely had he withdrawn his fingers, when his other hand was pressing something to her lips—her own sodden thong. “So you don’t feel you have to hold back when I make you scream,” he explained.


She let him do it, let him crush the soaked black-lace into her mouth, so that her taste buds were suffused by secretions he had drawn from her. Her cheeks were stuffed full, saliva permeating the already damp fabric. Anything he wanted, she was good for it.


He was bending his pole downwards, fitting it to her proffered hole and easing the first of it inside. “Watch, Libby.” A voice thick with villainy. He propped himself either side of her so he could commence a slow penetrative journey. As her puffed lips stretched into an O around the thick invader, all she could do was stare. “Watch it all disappear into that tight little chute, sweetheart. It’s Halloween magic.”


She saw and felt his long deliberate plunge, watched all his inches vanish inside, moaned into her panties as he stretched her out. His groin rested into the V of her thighs as he sank the last of himself.


“See?” He was right on top of her, reveling in his conquest, and she deplored that she loved it so much. Loved feeding his ego like this. “See how much your cunt wants to swallow me up?” Even his filthy words excited her. He pressed himself hard to her, let her feel the stretch of his dimensions inside. “Now wrap your cute little feet around me, baby, and take what you came here for.”


She’d come to use the sink, it occurred, but that hardly signified. At once Jared pulled back and launched a high-velocity cock-assault inside her pussy. Her legs wrapped around and clung to his lower back as his pelvis worked like a dynamo, subjecting her to full impalement on each thrust. She screamed into her thong’s lace muffling, as hard torso bore down on her breasts and rampant cock ploughed her.


“That’s it, baby, take it all, take it all in that sweet little cunt. That’s it, baby, that’s the way!” He lifted her with one strong arm under the small of her back and shunted her further back onto the bed, crawling with her, keeping himself stuffed inside. “Want to get at you better, sweetheart.” He laid her down again, his hovering face charged with enjoyment.


Libby registered the smooth honey-warm surface on which Jared had laid her head—Sasha’s taut stomach—just before he grabbed her and recommenced his frantic driving fuck. He could see her shock at the new pillow and was delighted. “Come on, baby, you love it, being fucked hard right alongside her by her guy.”


Libby wasn’t sure whether she loved that part or not. Vague murmurs were issuing from her sleeping friend’s mouth and she strained her neck around so she could take a look. Upward of her tits, Sasha’s head was rolling. Libby found room, despite the sweet ravishing of Jared’s dick, to be terrified. She tried to swallow her moans so that nothing recognizable might escape. Nothing that would reveal her treachery.


Jared showed no such scruples. “Goddamn, Libby, that’s one tight fucking pussy. Shit, baby, I should’ve fucked this weeks ago … Damn!”


Didn’t he care that Sasha might wake up and hear? Apparently not, because as he pulled out and dragged her to her knees, as he tore the panties from her mouth and shoved her down on him, she heard her name hissed loudly, way too loudly. “That’s it, Libby, suck that dick, suck that fucking dick, girl.”


A hot, mouthful of cock, Jared’s voice urgent in her ears and her naked friend stretched nearby, Libby’s cosy world blew to pieces. It was wild and terrifying, a great, guilty, shattering, thrilling ride. One which intensified.


Jared pulled up her fellating head and re-inserted the thong. He dragged her down to the bedcover, put her side-on to Sasha and spooned in behind. She was staring at the undulations of her friend’s body, when his cock found her hole and rammed back inside. Hammering strokes shuddered through her body. Libby could only imagine Sasha’s view were she to waken minus the blindfold—her sweet friend stretched out, breasts bouncing on every thrust as Jared boned her from the rear. It was a crazy kind of wrong, but deeply gratifying.


Jared’s fevered words were in her ear, driving her to her touch herself. “That’s it, Libby, take that cock, deep in your sweet cunt. Beautiful little bitch. Sexy little slut. Hot … little … whore.” It was a poetry lesson gone wrong and she loved it. Loved the validation of her sexuality by this arrogant man who was enjoying her so much.


He withdrew and manhandled her once more and she wondered where he would put her this time. She had no choice but to accept it when he dropped her on all fours, right over Sasha. Her knees were between the girl’s splayed legs, arms stretched either side to avoid the trunk of her body, face hovering above her gently heaving breasts. She could see and smell Jared’s spunk, crusting over Sasha’s face and chest. He grabbed Libby’s hips and thrust his cock back inside her. “Go on, baby, get yourself off. Work that clit!”


She strummed frantically on herself, Sasha’s body inches beneath her, her friend’s boyfriend banging her cunt in a lustful fury. The victory was sweet and shameful—nice girl turns whore and claims the dubious prize in the face of her closest friend and rival. Sasha, though, need never know. Hell, she’d never believe it. At best she’d think it some drink-addled dream.


Jared gripped Libby’s shoulder to brace her, as he launched reckless strokes inside, penetrating her like she had never known outside her crazy imaginings. His calloused palm whacked her ass cheek, making her squeal into her sopping gag. He repeated the action, raining down blows on her responsive bum-flesh, while his cock reamed out her cunt.


“That’s it, Libby darling, take it like a bitch, like a good little bitch. Maybe I’ll draw a dirty picture of this … You seen my work?”


His voice’s hardness and that of his hand, his implacable driving dick, they combined to turn her lunatic with desire. This horny fucker could abuse her pussy and her ass any way he damn well wanted.


“That’s it, Libby, take it deep! You my dirty girl? You my fucking dirty girl?” His voice was hoarse, his screwing incessant, that palm continuing to smack fiercely.


“Mm-hm … ” She was his dirty girl now. His real dirty girl. He could take her any way he wanted, any time. Any fucking place. And he could have Sasha for seconds. If he wanted the blonde after this crazy-hot fuck. All guilt was blown away as euphoria claimed her and her channel clutched his cock in hot slithering orgasm. She knew she was spilling over Sasha’s stomach and pussy, defiling her friend with her cunt-juice, but she didn’t care. Nor when Jared pulled out, wrenched her up by the roots of her hair and pumped his bulged cock in front of her nose.


“Ready, Libby? Ready for this?” He plucked the improvised gag from her mouth.


“Yes. Yes, I am.” She screwed shut her eyes, face upturned to receive him. My turn, my turn … Pump it all over me, hot and fresh …


He splattered thick and sticky on her face and breasts, the seal of her debauching, growling his pleasure all the while. She caught him on her tongue and let him river down her chin, hoping she looked a pretty, despoiled mess for him. Then he put his cock back in her mouth and made her suck up the last of his seed; she wondered if he would regenerate once more into hard throbbing life and was somewhere between disappointment and relief when he did not.


“There, baby,” he said, gripping her head softly. He kissed her gently now they were done, unconcerned by the presence on her lips of his own glutinous goo. She was shocked by the contrast of tender with harsh. “Lie down and relax some. And don’t clean up yet.” He winked. “I like seeing my cum all over you.”


Libby liked it too—it made her feel sexy and proud—but her awareness of Sasha rushed back and she protested at the lying-down.


“Just for a moment,” he insisted. “Wait there and I’ll get a wash cloth. She’s not coming round anytime soon.”


Indeed, her friend’s restlessness had subsided. Libby let fatigue claim her, if only briefly. She lay on the edge of the bed, her breathing returning to normal. She wondered at the decadence which had just overtaken her, and at the dissolute carny-cum-rocker, whose appeal she had not shaken before his dick was powering inside her. At least he had courtesy enough to clean her up. How sexy she would feel rejoining the party fresh from a crazed coupling, chatting to everyone with her secret burning inside. If she could disentangle her hair enough to remove evidence of her slutty encounter. The fantasy was delicious and she savored it …


Why was Jared behind the bed? What was he doing? Unlocking Sasha’s handcuffs? Shouldn’t he leave those till Libby had made her exit?


She moved around to look, just as he seized her hand and pulled it back through the bars. One cuff snapped neatly around her wrist. She saw with a shock that the other still ensnared her friend. “Jared, what are you doing?”


Jared walked swiftly to her side of the bed and grabbed her other arm. He removed Sasha’s blindfold and wrapped it around Libby’s other wrist, stretching out her arm to fasten to a separate bedrail. “Nothing that’s going to hurt you, Lib.” The words did not reassure.


What the hell sort of game was this?


“Jared, stop. That’s enough! You’ve had your fun, now let me go. This isn’t funny.” She wriggled and tugged, but was secured firmly on both sides.


Jared rubbed down his sweaty body with the wash cloth he had fetched, before wrestling into jeans, t-shirt and shoes.


“What the hell are you doing? You can’t leave me here. Let me fucking go!”


Jared looked perfectly amiable as he strolled around the bed and packed belongings into his bag. “I’m gonna go down and have a few beers,” he explained reasonably. “Then when I’m done, I’m gonna get a cab back to mine. Don’t worry, I’ll put up a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign and tell Max you girls wanna catch some sleep. Don’t think I’ve told either of you, but I’ve sorted out some US dates for the band between now and Christmas, how cool is that? We’ve been keeping it quiet, but we’re flying out to New York in a couple of days. I was gonna explain to Sasha, but maybe you could tell her when she comes round?”


Libby stared at him, mind exploding with horror. “Jared, you can’t do this, you can’t leave me here …”


He kneeled beside the bed and took hold of her head, his grip firm but soft. Then he picked her thong from the bed and used two fingers to crush it back between her protesting lips. “Hush and listen.” His digits still poked into her aghast mouth. “It pains me to do this, Lib, ‘cos I’d rather take you away somewhere and fuck you all night and all day. But face it, you and Sasha don’t have an honest friendship, right? She doesn’t get how you feel. Well, she’s going to pretty soon. Time you sorted that shit out with her. Good luck with it. Hey, hang on—”


So great was Libby’s incredulity that she didn’t even spit out the panties as he pulled a red lipstick from Sasha’s bag. There was enjoyment all over his face as he went to work, writing first on Sasha’s stomach, then on hers. She couldn’t begin to think what he might be scrawling on her helpless tummy.


“You’re a sweet girl, Lib, and one helluva sexy bitch, and don’t let anyone tell you different. That was one of the hottest fucks I can remember, I shit you not. I just love it when a nice girl gets dirty. What say we do it all again when I’m back in town? Take a whole weekend?”


Libby blew the panty ball from her mouth and scowled at him. “You bastard, let me go!” She kicked furiously as Jared stripped one of her net stockings from her leg. “God, what the hell are you doing now? Stop that! Jared …” He jammed the thong back into her mouth and this time secured it with the stocking.


“For the unlikely eventuality that you try and call for help. It’s better this way.” He strolled around the bed with his bag, picked the handcuff key from the pillow where he had set it and dropped the tiny object between Sasha’s breasts. “She’ll come round in a few hours, unlock you both, then you can have that talk. I’ll tell Max to help you out if she gets feisty.” He grabbed the sketch pad from the bedside table. “Hey, sorry I didn’t get a chance to show you my art. But I swear I’m gonna draw a picture in your honour. I’ll call it ‘Hottest Little Slut in England’ and send you a copy. Been a pleasure, Lib. One I won’t forget.” He flashed the same smile as on that fairground evening and left the room, shutting the door firmly.


Libby writhed and struggled against her silk restraint, but the knots were good and only tightened, chafing her wrist. The handcuff clacked securely against the solid oak headboard. Beside her Sasha snorted, making her jump, then the blonde subsided back into slumber. Libby leaned over, horribly fascinated to see what Jared had written, and recognized the word “TRICK” on Sasha’s stomach. Then she raised her head and stared at the inverted “TREAT” on her own.


Bastard! She was as angry at herself as at the guy who had trussed her there. Rotten, rotten bastard.


Once more she yanked at her binding—that key was so damn close—but there was nothing to be done. Her head dropped back onto the pillow. She lay silent and exhausted beside her friend, each of them as fucked and cum-spattered as the other. No, that wasn’t true.


He fucked me harder. I excited him more. Little sugar girl drove him nuts.


Well, that was something sweet to cling to when the shit hit the fan.


Libby stared at the ceiling and listened to Sasha’s breath, waiting for her friend to wake up. Jared was gone, but the roller coaster ride he had set in motion wasn’t over. Not quite.








Written by Jaymal
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