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Alicia Discovers Porn

"An innocent young college student discovers pornography."

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Competition Entry: Bookish Stories


I was the last of five children, but far younger than my siblings.  My father’s first wife had died in a car accident when the youngest of his four children was ten and the oldest, sixteen.  About a year after she was gone, he married my mother who twenty years younger than him.  She hadn’t anticipated how hard it would be raising four kids, so she told my dad she did not want to have any of her own.  My dad was a farmer, so we really had no close neighbors.  Once the crops were in, he drove a truck over the road and was gone for weeks at a time.  As the kids got older and headed off to college or started their own families I guess my mom got lonely.  She told my dad she had changed her mind and about a year later, I was born.



Mom had a teaching degree, but had had a hard time finding a full time job as a teacher, just subbing from time to time.  She had finally gotten a job as an administrative assistant several years before she met and married my dad.  She had quit her job to become a full time wife and mother.  When I was little, she doted on me, reading me book after book.  I learned to read by the time I was three, and quickly progressed from children’s books to much more advanced reading.  Since the nearest school was over fifteen miles away, and driving conditions often quite bad in the winter, mom decided to home school me.

Dad had always refused to get satellite TV, so we just got the local channels, and since there were no kids around on a regular basis, books became my refuge.  I took a keen interest in science and was soon surpassing mom’s ability to teach me.  She finally convinced dad to upgrade our dial-up computer to high speed internet so I could enroll in online classes that would be able to keep pace with my abilities and interests.   I excelled and by the time I was fourteen, I was already enrolling in some college courses.  When I was sixteen, I got accepted to Stanford University as a second year student, beginning in the fall.  By the second term, I would be a junior, and I hoped to get my undergraduate degree before I turned eighteen. 

I was totally unprepared for the new environment.  At first having so many people around was disconcerting and I kept to myself a lot.  I spent much of my time either in the library or the labs.  My classmates were at least three or four years older than me.  Add to that, the fact that I was on the petite side, did not use makeup and wore my hair in a long ponytail, the age difference was even more pronounced.  The school paired ne up with a freshman roommate who was only two years older than me.  She did her best to bring me out of my shell.

First, we went for a makeover of my hairstyle, shorter and with a more sophisticated look.  She did what she could with my wardrobe, taking me to a couple of resale shops for accessories and a few new items of clothing.  We also scored a brand new pair of boots that could be worn with jeans or a dress.  It took some doing on her part, but she finally convinced me to socialize with her a few times.  By spring break, I was much more social than I was when I arrived. With summer coming up, I was looking for an internship, while taking a couple of summer courses, hoping I could stay on campus 

Mom and dad really wanted me to come home, but even though I had a partial scholarship, the portion that wasn’t covered, plus other expenses still amounted to a fair amount of money.  They were able to cover it without the need for a student loan, but it did not leave much to send me for spending money.  An internship would give me a chance to save up some money I could use during the school year.  My roommate had come up with a different plan.  There were a number of companies near where she lived that did bio research, which was the field I was majoring in.  They did hire interns and a good friend of her dad’s worked at one of them.

If I could land a job there, I could spend the summer working, and live with her and her family.  She had already cleared it with her folks and her dad said he would discuss it with his friend and try to set up an interview.  My parents felt much better when they found out I would not be living on my own if I got the job, so they gave me their blessing. I sent on my credentials and a phone interview was scheduled.  I was called back for a face to face interview and after a couple of tense weeks was notified I got the internship.

I was hoping to be able to get home for a week when school let out, but the company wanted me to start right away.  Janice and I packed up our room and loaded it into the trailer her dad had towed down behind his SUV to bring us home.  We threw our suitcases into the back of the car and then climbed in.  While I was a bit apprehensive, I was also looking forward to this new experience.  Janice had an older sister who had recently married and was off on her honeymoon, so I would be staying in her old room.  She had two younger brothers, and her grandma lived in a mother-in-law setup in the rear of the home.

After arriving at her home, and being greeted with open arms, we unpacked and I got settled in.  Her sister had been living at home before the wedding, so there were still a few things she had left behind.  Janice’s mom told me just to throw it all in one of the drawers and move the stuff in the closet off to the side.  When she returned from the honeymoon, she would be picking up the rest of her stuff and moving in with her new hubby.  As I went through the drawers I moved some clothing, magazines and a couple of books and a stack of DVD cases.  I threw everything in a bottom drawer, moved her hanging clothes to one side, and unpacked my stuff.  I made some room on the desk for my laptop and books, and headed down to dinner.

I was due to start work the next day, and Janice was going to the bus stop and make sure I got on the right bus.  She would ride in with me, and show me where to catch the bus home.  The online summer classes I signed up for could be started at anytime, so I was just waiting to get the textbooks I had ordered to arrive.  Everything was coming along according to plan.  My parents had insisted I pay something to my hosts for room and board, even though they had said it was not necessary; that they were glad to have me.

We had finally settled on a small weekly amount and that I would assume the chores Janice’s older sister did.  Even allowing additional money for my personal expenses, lunches and bus fare, I should be able to save a decent amount of my salary, which would ease the burden on my parents.  I worked out a schedule for everything, including class and study time.  Janice took one look at it and immediately crossed several items off the list.

“You are NOT going to spend all your time working and studying, Alicia.  This is our summer break and we are gonna have some fun!  Didn’t you enjoy getting out and meeting new people?”


“Good!  I am getting a job as well.  The store I worked in during high school hired me every time I came home on school breaks.  Usually just a few hours as a fill in, but they told me they need a full time person over the summer.  One of the employees just had a baby and will be on maternity leave, so I lucked out.  But I intend to have some fun too, and so will you.”

I did have to admit to myself that although I had felt quite awkward at first I had come to enjoy socializing.  It really had been a new experience for me.  Janice wasn’t quite a “party girl”, but she did make new friends easily and enjoyed hanging out with other students.  She had belonged to a number of clubs in high school, but she and her parents had agreed that her first year in college should concentrate on studies and acclimating to being responsible for her time without supervision of parents.

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After a few weeks, life had fallen into a pattern… work, online classes, study time, chores and getting to know her family.  Janice and I also managed to get in some fun time, and I met many of her friends.  Her sister had returned from the honeymoon and was settling into her new home.  She was coming over this weekend to get the rest of her stuff.  Janice and I were sitting on the bed as her sister packed the rest of her clothes in a suitcase, tossing some of them at Janice to keep.  The contents of the desk were emptied into a box, as were some items on a shelf. 

I pointed out the drawer where I had put some of her stuff.  She opened it and removed most of it to one of the boxes and the suit case.  She picked up one of the magazines and tossed it onto the bed. 

“Here ya go, sis.  I’m not gonna need these anymore.  Or the books either.  I would leave the DVDs, but Tim likes to watch porn sometimes to get us in the mood.  I could leave a few though if you want to pick some out.”

As I finally got a good look at the magazine she had tossed over, I turned a bright red when I saw the naked pictures of men and women.  I had not paid attention to what they had been as the covers were just blank brown paper.  When she saw me blush she apologized.

“Sorry, forgot that you probably aren’t used to that.  Janice and I have always been pretty close. I know my little sis over there doesn’t think I know some stuff though, but I have heard her moaning more than once when she was masturbating.”

“Hey, I heard you and Tim a few times too when mom and dad were gone.”

“So we’re even.  You want this stuff or not?”

“Hell yeah, and maybe I can even get little Miss Innocent over here interested…”

I turned red again, but I had to admit, seeing those pictures had stirred something in me.  I had of course, seen clinical pictures of male and female anatomy, but had never seen an erect penis or a vagina in quite such detail.

“Well, perhaps as a purely scientific exercise.”

They both laughed and I nervously joined in. We helped Janice’s sister carry everything down to her car and returned to my room.  Janice took most of the magazines, but left one and the books.

“I know how you love to read, and a couple of those are quite, uhm… stimulating.  I would sneak them out of here and read them in my room.  The result is probably what my sis heard, lol.”

I didn’t reply, just blushed again.  I was not used to such openness.  Of course, I had had the “talk” with my mom, and knew all the clinical stuff.  We had talked about dangers again before I went off to school, especially given my age.  But I was intrigued.  I put the magazine back in the drawer with the books and we went downstairs.

A few days later, I was studying when I got to thinking about the books. I went to the drawer and pulled a few out.  I skimmed through them and saw one that caught my attention.  I set it aside and later, when I was ready for bed, started reading it.  I had masturbated before, but always in the shower and quickly.  And I had never seen or read porn.  As I got into the book, I felt myself getting aroused.  In the book, the main character was playing with her breasts, so I mimicked what she was doing, squeezing them and rolling my nipples between my finger and thumb.  My pussy immediately began twitching.

I almost let out a moan, then remembered what Janice and her sister had said about hearing each other, and quickly stifled it.  I put the book down and started playing with both breasts at the same time.  I was amazed how the feelings seemed to go straight to my pussy, which was getting wet.  Since I had always been in the shower, I did not realize how wet I got when aroused.  I picked the book back up and read some more, getting more aroused the more I read.  My hand went into my PJ bottoms and I began touching myself, rubbing my clit.  I used the moisture from my vagina as lubrication and soon feel an orgasm rising.

I rubbed faster and turned my head into my pillow as I came to muffle any sounds I made.  Where I usually stopped as soon as I came before, I kept rubbing and had several “aftershocks”.  I used some Kleenex to clean myself off, put the book back in the drawer and drifted off to sleep.  The next day I went about my normal schedule of work and studying.  On Friday night, Janice and I went out with a group of friends I had gotten to know, went to a movie and out afterwards for pizza.  We got to discussing one of the scenes in the movie where a young couple had “made out”.  The girls were saying that if any guy they knew had tried the approach he had, he would never have gotten in the first kiss.

The guys were asking what was wrong with it; they thought it was just fine.  I joined in the laughter, but as I had never dated, let alone kissed a boy yet, I had no clue if his approach was good or not.  I just hoped no one would ask my opinion.  That night, I got out the book again, and picked up where I left off.  This time, I put on a nightie instead of pajamas.  I pulled it up above my waist, exposing my genitals and used some saliva to lubricate my clit.  I read and rubbed and felt my clit swell and harden.  I put the book down and used my other hand to expose my clit more and after a few minutes, exploded in the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

It was all I could do to try and bury my head into the pillow and not be heard.  I could only hope that Janice had already fallen asleep and hadn’t heard my moans and gasps. She didn’t give any indication the next morning, so I hoped I had lucked out.  Two nights later, I read more of the book, finishing it, but did not touch myself, as I could hear Janice moving around in her room and was afraid to take the chance.

Over the next few weeks, I was busy with studying for one of the classes as there was an important test I need to take soon.  I wanted to finish both online classes before the fall term began, as they were both prerequisites for classes I would be taking then.  I had also been putting in more hours at work as they had moved me from part time to full time.  I had had no time to read anymore of the books, though I did occasionally indulge in a quick shower “rub out”.  I did well on the midterm tests, the rest of the courses and the finals as well, passing both classes with an “A”.

With classes at an end, I had a chance to do more reading.  I picked another book that looked interesting; it was even better than the first one.  I fell into a pattern of masturbating every few days.  It got more intense as I got naked before I started now.  I also began using my finger in my pussy, though as I was a virgin, it was a little tight and uncomfortable at first.  Finally it was nearly time to go back to school.  I was going to take the train home and visit with my folks for a week or so before school started, so I packed up all my stuff and Janice would bring it back with her.  Since we were rooming together again, it worked out great.

The whole family saw me off and Janice took me to the train station.  We hugged and kissed like we were parting for years, even though it would be less than two weeks before we would see each other again.  It had surely been an interesting summer.

“See you in a few, Alicia, and try to be quieter at home than you were here!”

Written by adele
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