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The Quest For Liberation Chap. 4

"A malicious tangent along the quest"

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Author's Notes

"This an ongoing journey and you should start at the beginning. The following happened the first summer after I divorced. It was before Erik moved into my house which I talked about in the previous chapter. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It was 8 or 9 months after the divorce. Thanks to techgoddess and bria_xo for their help in editing, I need it!"

If you remember from Chapter 1, I had been dating a lovely lady by the name of Melanie.  This was an on again/off again relationship, but we always managed to have a lot of fun together.  One night, while driving back from a concert at U.T. (University of Texas, Austin), I answered my cell phone and it was my ex-wife on the phone.  I was shocked when she asked, “Would you like to get together, as in a date?”

I told her I’d call her in the morning.  As soon as I hung up, Melanie asked me if that was my ex-wife sniffing around.  I swear that she could read my mind sometimes.  We had a good laugh over the sniffing around comment and let it drop.

I had been getting some odd vibes from Wendy over the last four months and, after thinking about that call for a bit, it almost made sense.  Every time I drove out to my old home, now Wendy’s, to pick up my kids she would walk out from the master bedroom and say hi.  She was actually quite pleasant, which was a change.  In addition, she had called a few times to tell me she was really struggling, not financially, but emotionally.  I’d usually calm her down and talk with her as she slid into the pool or hot tub.

After a few of these calls, I became a bit worried and called her parents. Two lovely people that I still think very highly of, but I think they blew me off at that time though.

So, I called my ex the next day and invited her over for a day. I figured we take out Shenanigans or the jet skis and just have a nice day on the lake.  I was of the opinion that she wanted to talk about the kids or perhaps hit me up for more money.

When she showed up at my house, she was driving a new Jeep, so I figured money wasn’t the issue.  I let her in and made her a cocktail while we started chatting about things in general.  We were standing by the Jenn air island in my kitchen when I saw that lustful look in her pretty green eyes.  I’d seen that look before! She reached out with her arms making her intentions crystal clear.

Our lips met and it sent shivers through me.  I was certain she was feeling the same thing, just a massive flood of emotion.  We created our own ballet with our tongues.  I know the appeal of a new lover, but you just can’t have that level of intimacy without knowing each other well.  We knew each other’s bodies very well and knew every magical spot of each other.

After a long passionate kiss, we broke apart briefly so I could get her blouse off. I then started walking us to my bedroom still kissing. I stopped in the middle of the living room, dropped to my knees and removed those shorts.  I was greeted with transparent panties that were as skimpy as you could get. I slipped my thumbs under the top band and slid them down her slim legs.  Then slowly I licked her outer lips swirling my tongue in circles. In a very short time, I was licking the inside of her pussy and lapping up her juices like honey.

After a few minutes, I started to gently suck and play with her clit.  My thought was that she had not had sex in a while since she was explosive.  She had a loud orgasm in a matter of minutes.

Then I brought her to bed.  We were on fire and wasted no time, I just slid my hard cock into her warm and juicy pussy.  She was tight, but there was friction.  I heard a grunt, then some moans, and then, “Oh Lee.” 

Being a man, I just love to hear that.  Providing pleasure to a woman and getting a verbal response is so damn hot!   We went on and on for quite some time before Wendy said, “I want to get on my hands and knees and stick my ass in the air.”  That was something I frequently asked for when we were falling in love, and it just stuck.


It heated up further with a slap, slap, slap, slap, of my balls smacking against her clit. It was like a symphony to my ears and the view in the mirrors was as sexy as it gets.  I heard her very loudly say, “Stop, don’t move,” as her ass, hips and thighs trembled. Then I heard, “Fuck me, Lee,” and being the gentleman that I am, I obliged.

She didn’t have multiple orgasms all that often, but she sure as hell was enjoying them now. I felt mine coming along as I started pulling in and out of that wonderful pleasure box.  Just plain old hard fucking.  When I finally came, it was one for the record books!  Several hours later, we were laying naked on the living room couch when the phone rang.  I should add we were both quite stoned by this time, and the kids were with the nanny I had hired.  Wendy picked up my phone and said, “This is Wendy Campbell and I just fucked my ex-husband.”

I couldn’t believe she did that.  Luckily it was my buddy, Brian, who was also my divorce attorney.  He laughed and asked, “Is that the real deal?” We laughed a bit and I told him I would be coming up for air in a few days.

She spent the next four days at my house, which, in retrospect, confused our kids. I told them over breakfast one morning that their mom and I might be spending a significant amount of time together. My eldest daughter, being the old soul that she is, said, “You know, Dad, you can’t go back.” That girl is just too damn smart for her own good.

We had a fun time for four days and fucked like rabbits.  The girls had some sleepover arranged in Fredericksburg, so my ex and my daughters left late in the fourth afternoon.

I called her a few days later and when she answered, she said, “This is really not a good time, Lee.”  Did I miss something?  I managed to keep her on the phone long enough to discover her old boyfriend and his kids were staying over.

I remember saying something like, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 

What I heard back was, “Why are you surprised, Lee, just because we had sex?” I was reminded of why we were divorced by that malicious statement!

I was really pissed off but decided to head down to the marina for a few days.  I worked from home and, when I wasn’t traveling, there was not all that much to do.  Having a boat docked at Carlos and Charlies was very convenient.  Hot and cold running women up at the club and a nice comfy cruiser below.  Yeah, sounds a bit shallow, I know.  I just needed to get laid by as many women as possible in the next few days to get over the hurt and anger I felt.

A few days later, she called again and was crying. I probably shouldn’t have answered the phone; I almost didn’t.  I listened to her pleading and crying with more confusion than at any other time of my life.  She kept asking me to come out to Fredericksburg and spend a few days. In a somewhat cold tone, I told her I’d think about and get back to her. I heard a “please” then said goodbye and hung up. 

Later that night, she called again. I could tell she was scared and hurting, but what the fuck, I learned my lesson! I cut it short and told her I’d call her back. She called twice the next day and I decided to answer the second call.  How in the hell did we ever live without caller ID?

This call was full of apologies and a longing for company.  Fuck, I told her I’d pop out the next day. I should have kicked my own ass.  When I got there the next day, she was indeed in bad shape.  She had been drinking vodka and coke and was quite loaded.  As soon as I got in the house, she began ravaging me.  OK, I could do this without a problem.  She dropped to her knees in the living room, unzipped my pants, slid them down and shoved my dick in her mouth.

She was in full-blown slut mode and I loved it!!  I grabbed her and took her to the waterbed we once shared and slowly removed her nightdress, really just a long T-shirt, and the kiss we shared was incredible.  I was, of course, familiar with the bedroom setup, so I opened the end table drawer and took out the fur-lined handcuffs with attached rope, to tie her to the bed frame. I also grabbed the vibrator I had purchased years ago and the anal beads.


Wendy’s eyes got as big as saucers and in a husky voice, she growled, “Just what do you have in mind, Mr. Campbell”?

I looked at her face and everything screamed sex, her nasty smile and those damn green eyes. I laughingly said, “It’s fantasy time.”

I lubed up the anal beads and the 8-inch vibrator.  Then I slid the vibrator slowly into her pussy.  After that got going on medium speed, I lubed up her sexy little ass really good and slid the anal beads up inside her backdoor.

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With that going on, I brought my cock up to her mouth for her to swallow.  I looked at this sight and it beat any porn film I had ever seen, hands down.  Every once in a while, I would slide the vibrator in and out of that tasty pussy.  I switched between that and pulling the beads slowly out of her ass and roughly shoving them back in.  I whispered in her ear, “And what exactly is going on in your mind, lady?”

She answered, “I’m getting my brains fucked out by both of you at the same time.” That was new for her, at least between the two of us it was.  I just kept it up until she was squirming, and she started yelling, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, don’t you dare stop!” She ramped up to an orgasm quickly and, even though she kept asking me to stop, I did not.


She just started moaning, “I just keep cumming and cumming!” She went back and forth between saying stop then, no don’t stop. She began pleading me to please stop and let her calm down, so I did.  I didn’t get a chance to cum myself, that sucked.  We laid next to one another catching our breath while hugging.  It didn’t take too long before I began caressing her again and found my mouth licking and sucking her clit while I inserted one, then two, then three and finally, four fingers into her honey box.  She got off again and then I just propped her legs over my shoulders and fucked her with wild abandon.  Finally, I had some release.  Once we calmed down again, she asked me to make some drinks.  In the closet where we had always kept alcohol, I found a half-gallon bottle of vodka that was half empty.  I made a couple of vodka and cokes and rejoined her in bed, she gulped hers down.

We continued making love (see my problem?) and at one time she got up on her hands and knees and said, “Fuck me in the ass, Lee.” 

Normally, I would have been all over that but for some reason, it didn’t interest me.  I made slow passionate love with her. I did, however, slide a lubed finger into her ass while we fucked though.  Right as I was about to cum, I pulled out and brought my cock up to her face and said, “Take me in your mouth.” We had done that a lot in previous years and I loved it. I did not mind kissing her after she swallowed, not in the least bit.

We were laying on our tummies watching some porn flick when I heard her opening the end table drawing but paid it no attention.  The next thing I knew she was sliding a well-lubricated finger up my ass. What the fuck was this all about?  I was more than a bit surprised but went with the flow while watching some woman getting a huge facial on the porn flick.  She was getting a bit rough with that finger, so I asked her to slow down and be gentle.  Without a second’s hesitation, she said, “No, I’m going to fuck you in the ass.” This woman had never been like this before and despite a bit of pain, I decided to let her continue and see where this went.

I did, however, draw the line when she tried to get that dildo up my ass.  No fucking way that was going to happen!  We laughed and played some more and then drifted off to sleep.

Over the next two days, I started to worry about her.  She kept complaining about her arms being numb, saying that it would get better once the alcohol kicked in.  We talked and it was my thought that she might be clinically depressed. On the third day, I was there I made an appointment with a psychiatrist in Austin.  I made her a large cocktail, bought a new bottle of vodka on the way out of town and into Austin we went.

I got her into the office and hung back in the waiting room.  After about thirty minutes, the Doctor came out to speak with me.  His opinion was that she may indeed be suffering from depression, but he could not even begin to help her until the alcohol is out of her system.  I asked him what it was I should do, and he said, ‘I’d take her right over to Shoal Creek and get her dried out.”

This started to fit together the puzzle pieces, so I took her to the rehab center and got her signed in and paid for it.  I’ll never forget the forlorn look on her face when she asked if she was being committed. That hurt, a lot.  They gave me a code to use to tell the receptionist so I could call in and check on her.  Without that, they would not allow any incoming calls and they would never confirm or deny if someone was there.

I spoke with her several times and actually had a chance to speak with her doctor when I visited.  She was shaking and it was obvious she was miserable. The doctor told me it’s the worst case of DT’s he’d ever seen.  He also said, “She keeps threatening to leave and if she does that, she will have to drink.”  This led me to fear for her safety.

A couple of days later, she called and asked me to come get her.  I tried to talk her into to staying but she then informed me it was too late since she had already signed out AMA.  AMA meant against medical advice which also meant my insurance would not cover the bill.

I kept her at my house for a few days until it was time to pick my youngest daughter up from camp.  I took Wendy back to her house and I took the girls back to mine.  I was scheduled to be in a couple of meetings in Phoenix the next day, so I took the kids with me. I always stayed at the Embassy Suites in Carrolton and got a ground floor room with easy access to the pool.  They were okay being alone here since they had a lifeguard.

I had also arranged to have the girls visit with their grandparents (Wendy’s side) in San Jose. We flew up on a fairly quick flight and arrived with her dad waiting for us at the gate.  Once we got down to baggage claim, I took her dad out of range of the kids and told him what had been going on with his daughter.  He seemed concerned at that point.

The next day he flew to Austin, rented a car and drove out to Wendy’s place.  Her sister had been in AA for quite some time, so he got her involved as well.  When he saw what shape his daughter was in, and spoke with his other daughter, they decided that rehab was the right course of action.

They got her into a rehab further out in the hill country in about four days.  She put me on the call list and asked me to please call her.  I spoke with her dad during this period and he told me that she relied on me and thanked me for getting involved.  He had also been divorced once and said, “You certainly did more than I would have done for my ex, Barbara.”

When we spoke on the phone, all I heard was how terrible it was, coupled with a plea to come get her out.  She was in a fairly remote place, and that coupled with the fear/respect she had for her dad, kept her there.  She elected to just stay the two-week minimum.  When it came time for a visit, I drove out to Wendy’s and picked up her dad and drove out to the rehab.

When we got there, I saw her coming down the walkway and she looked better than I had seen in quite some time. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss.  She immediately pulled back with a look of shock on her face.  I was flabbergasted!  I had spoken to her three days prior and she was warm and affectionate on the phone, so what was going on?

Apparently, it’s not unusual for people to meet their soulmate in rehab and she had.  He had even proposed marriage which she did not accept.  A couple of weeks later, she came to my house to pick up the kids for a weekend.  Sitting on the back deck overlooking Lake Travis, I asked her if she remembered what had been going on prior to her going rehab.

She said yes, but that it was a mistake. I just couldn’t fucking believe it!  I was scheduled to pay alimony for three years, but I told her I would not be paying that until the amount she did not receive equaled what the rehab cost me.  She threatened to get child services involved, which does cover child support, but does not deal with alimony.  She would need to sue me for not paying that.

So, was that the ending you expected?  It sure as hell wasn’t what I expected at the time.  So, if you are divorced already, and your ex asks for a date, tell her/him to fuck off!

Life returned to normal (well wild at that point in my life), so it didn’t crush me or anything. I still find it impossible to forgive her or myself for allowing that to occur. I wish I could since it doesn’t bother her but pops up in my mind every once in a while.

I went on having fun! Next chapter will pick up right after the Martini ball in Chapter three.



Written by leecampbell1954
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