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Wednesday of the week before the wife starts a new job.

The day before she flashes their retired neighbor on her way taking on two businessmen at their hotel.

This takes place in the era before cell phones, the internet, etc.

There are references to other characters and experiences in the Private Game series.


Lynn wakes up surprisingly relaxed and refreshed.  She has the salty taste of three men’s cum in the back of her throat, a slight soreness in her vagina, and a tingly sensation in her ass.

She gets up and joins her husband at the breakfast table.

“I’m surprised to see you up this early after last night.”

“I have a meeting first thing.  Besides you were the one who got the workout.”

She chuckles, “I guess I did, didn’t I?” She lowers her voice. “That was some workout you gave me when I got home. Are you sure you have to leave?”

Mike laughs, “Enough you’ll have to wait until tonight.”

She responds coyly, “Or maybe I don’t have to.”

“You’re something else.” He adds, “In the heat of the moment yesterday, I forgot we had a couple of phone messages. A real estate agent wants to know if we are interested in selling.”

“A real estate agent? Maybe we should look into it. Since I’m going back to work full-time this house and yard maybe a little too much. We could use the extra money to buy a vacation property in the Outer Banks.”

“We should look into that. It would be a good getaway. The other message is from Chris. He says he needs to change the time to 12:30. He also mentioned a different store.”

“Thanks honey. I’ll call him to see where he wants to meet.”

Mike kisses his wife and heads off to work.

After breakfast and a shower, Lynn dials the phone and when Chris answers, speaks in a sultry voice, “Hi Chris, it’s Lynn. My husband gave me your message.” She lowers her voice, “I had a great time last week. I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

“I liked it too. You’re really hot.”

“I think we’re going to have a good time. Twelve thirty is good. What’s the other change?”

“I thought we could try that adult lingerie store we passed. I’ve never been there.”

“What a naughty boy. That sounds like fun. I’ll show you what they have.” She changes subjects, “How does your fiancée like her new outfits?”

“She really likes them. We went to dinner Saturday and I convinced her to wear her new skirt. It fits her very well. You did a good job.”

“Come on Chris, give me some details. We’re not exactly strangers. When you say, ‘fit’s her well,’ does that mean it hugs her ass?”

He laughs, “Yeah, it really hugs her ass.” He tells Lynn more details. “She likes me to feel her thigh when we are in the car. On the way home, the slit was open showing a lot of skin. I started above the knee and stroked my way up under her skirt. She told me, ‘I like this dress already. You’re a pretty good shopper.’ So I went up higher.”

“Then what happened? Come on Chris don’t be shy. Did you play with her pussy?”

“You’re something else. I played with her pussy. I even got her off. Needless to say, we had great sex that night.”

“I’m glad I could help. Did you tell her about me?”

“I told her I was having trouble picking out her outfits and a married woman offered to help me.”

“Did she get jealous?’

“Not even. After all, what type of married woman hits on a guy in Macy’s? She says you have good taste.”

“We both had a good week. You had great sex with a hot married woman and your fiancée and the married woman had great sex with a hot guy and her husband.”

“Is your husband suspicious?”

“He knows about us.”

“He knows? How did he find out?’

“We cut it too close last week. He came home early and could tell I had been with someone.”

“How could he tell?”

“I guess it was my demeanor. I must have had that fresh fucked look. And besides your cum was still in my pussy.”

“It was? You didn’t shower?”

“I thought I had more time. I took a nap and he came home a little early.”

“I’m glad he didn’t catch us. How did he know my cum was in your pussy?”

“I didn’t have time to dress and it made him horny so we got in bed. You must have cum a lot. He could tell I was extra gooey.”

Besides, how do you think? He likes to eat me and he tasted it.

“What did he do? Did he accuse you of having an affair? Is he pissed at you?”

“He just kept fucking me. I told him all about us. He’s not pissed at all. We had great sex.”

“Does this mean we can’t get together again?”

“He doesn’t mind. I even told him about Macy’s. It turned him on when I tell him what we did.”

“You told him everything?”

She answers in a sensual voice, “Everything. I told him about giving you a blowjob.”

“Jeez, I’ve been with married women but nothing like this. Where can we go after shopping? My fiancée and I are getting ready to move into our new house. My place is a wreck.”

“We can come back here like we did last week.”

“Your place? What if your husband comes home early and catches us?”

“So what if he does?” What do you think he would do?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never had an experience like that.”

 “I think he would watch us.”

“He would watch us?”

“Wouldn’t that be hot? You and I would be in bed and my husband comes home and catches us.”

“I don’t know.” He pauses, “But that does sound pretty hot.”

“That’s the spirit. You’re getting married soon, be a little more adventurous. We can play a game. Mike and I call it the private game. After helping me with lingerie, we come back here for an after nooner. My husband comes home early and catches us fucking. Instead of getting mad and throwing you out, he watches us.”

“What’s this private game? You’re sure he won’t get out of control?”

“I’ll tell you later. He won’t do anything like that. We’ve done this before.” She lowers her voice, “Do you want some more pussy? Are you in?”

“I’m in.”

Mike is at work thinking about his wife’s adventure yesterday with two men when he receives a call, “Hi Mike, it’s William.”

“William, it’s good to hear from you. Lynn told me she was disappointed she couldn’t get together with you and Derek yesterday,”

“That’s alright. From what I heard she wasn’t too disappointed. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m wrapping up this afternoon before my flight tomorrow and wanted to get together with Lynn before I left.”

“That’s great. I know she’ll like that.”

“And I know you do too. I was thinking about tonight. Are you free?”

“Sure. You know Lynn has time on her hands. Were you thinking of dinner?”

“Not this time. I have some work this afternoon and can get room service. Just come up to my room.”

“I’ll tell her. I know she’ll be excited.”

William changes tone, “I meant for both of you to come to my room. I know you like to watch your wife fuck.”

He feels the familiar stirring in his genitals and replies, “Yeah, I do. It was a turn-on watching her with Derek last week. I’ll call and tell her. See you this evening.”

They agree on a time.

After firming up arrangements to meet Chris, Lynn contemplates her day. This is the only day she’s not fucking anyone. She reminisces about her ‘zipless fuck’ on Monday. What was his name? He wasn’t big, maybe around six inches, a little longer than Mike and the same thickness. But the thrill was the illicit nature of fucking a stranger not the cock size. He did get her off twice.

‘If I weren’t so tired from yesterday I would try that again. It was so easy. Mike never did suspect anything. I’ll just have to try a different hotel.’

The phone rings and she answers, “Oh hi sweetie, this is a surprise.”

“I’m glad I caught you. Are you busy?”

She chuckles, “Busy? Not really, I was just getting ready to go to a hotel for a quickie.”

“You are? I didn’t know about that. Who is it?”

“I’m not sure. I thought it would be hot to meet a stranger in a hotel lounge and go back to his room.”

Mike doesn’t know how to respond. “Sure that does sound hot. Have fun.”

She chuckles, “No silly, I’m just teasing. But I told you there may be some you don’t know about. I’m relaxing from yesterday. Between Derek and Steve and then you when I got home, I need the rest.”

“You had me going. Anyway, I just talked to William.”

“You did? That is a surprise. Does he want to get together next week? With my new job I might not be able to make it.”

“Yeah, he wants to get together, but wants to see us tonight.”

“How exciting. Sure I can make it. You said ‘us?’”

“That’s right. He invited both of us.”

Mike explains the arrangements.

“Honey, this is hot. It’s so illicit going to a guy’s hotel room for sex without the preliminaries. You’re going to love it.”

“I’m looking forward to going with you. I’ll see you later.”

Lynn disconnects, she postpones her ‘zipless fuck,’ ‘That’s that. Oh well, there are going to be other opportunities.’

She takes a walk around the subdivision path instead.

Mike has a difficult time concentrating fantasizing about watching his wife have sex with another man. Fortunately, his team has a brainstorming session planning the new project to keep his focus.

He doesn’t leave work as early as he wants. But since they are not having dinner or drinks, just sex, there’s no rush. He arrives home and is surprised to see Lynn already dressed. She’s wearing her stunning two-piece lightweight blue outfit. The same one with dress slacks with a matching low-cut button-up top she wore the night she first met Derek. She’s even wearing the same bra that emphasizes her deep cleavage.

He embraces her, feeling the suppleness of her body. She gives him a light kiss, “Do you like my outfit?”

“You know I do and I think William will like it as much as Derek.”

“That’s the idea.” She teases her husband, “I was beginning to think you were going to have to work late and I would have to go by myself.”

“I wouldn’t want you to do that.”

She speaks in a sultry voice, “I know you don’t. Then you wouldn’t get to watch me fuck another older businessman.”

Fuck! She’s already horny.

“I’ll make it quick.”

He sets a new world’s record for showering, shaving, and getting dressed. Lynn has set out some leftovers which he also devours in record time.

On the way to the Ritz-Carlton, he keeps taking glances at his wife’s cleavage. He places his right hand on her thigh and gently caresses her. She surprises him by opening her legs and moving his hand to her mound. Heat is already emanating from her loins.

“You’re already hot. What happened to the rule about the husband having to wait to feel the wife’s pussy?”

“Sometimes the rule can just be a guideline.”

He continues to cup her pussy on the drive to the hotel. He parks in the garage and they take the elevator to the lobby level. This time instead of heading to the dining room, they take one of the elevators to the rooms.

Lynn squeezes her husband’s hand, “Isn’t this exciting? Doesn’t it feel naughty?”

“Yeah it does.”

They reach the floor where William’s room is located and head to the room number he gave Mike earlier. There is a room service tray outside the door. Mike knocks on the door.

William opens the door, “There you are. It’s good to see you again. Come in.”

The young couple enters his room. It is similar to Derek’s room. The lights are dimmed and there is classical music on the radio.  Memories of Lynn fucking Derek flood their senses.

William shakes Mike’s hand. “I’m glad you could make it.” He takes Lynn by the hand and says, “Let me look at you. You’re stunning. This must be the same outfit you were wearing when you met Derek. He’s been raving about it ever since.”

Lynn moves closer and brushes his chest with her full breasts. Her soon-to-be lover embraces her and their bodies meld. She gives him a full open-mouth kiss. Mike watches the display, mesmerized by his wife’s desire for another man.

The lovers break their kiss and Lynn asks, “Is that all he raves about?”

“Not at all.” He cups her mound, “He raves about this. Are you ready for some more adventure?”

She breathlessly answers, “What do you think?”

Still massaging her pussy, William tells Mike, “Why don’t you get us some ice so we can have a drink.”

Mike takes the ice bucket, the key card and leaves the lovers. He heads down to another floor before heading back to his wife and William.

He enters the room and is taken aback. Lynn is relaxing on the couch with a glass of scotch. Her legs are open and she has that look of lust he is becoming familiar with. Her top is totally unbuttoned, exposing her bra encased breasts. They are swollen with desire, her erect nipples visible through the thin fabric.

"Hi sweetie, we thought you might have gotten lost. William is such a naughty boy. He just couldn't wait."

Mike bends over and kisses and fondles his adulterous wife, "Well I don't blame him. I wouldn't wait either."

Mike puts some ice in her and William’s glasses and fixes a drink for himself. William sits down next to Lynn. Mike takes one of the chairs facing them.

William says to the couple, "Now that the workday is finished we can relax."

Lynn takes a sip of scotch before putting the glass down. She unfastens her bra and pulls it away from her breasts. "Is this relaxed?"

William fondles her firm breasts. He pinches up her nipples. "Oh... yeah, play with my tits some more."

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Mike doesn’t say anything. He sips his drink entranced watching his wife and the businessman.

With one hand holding his scotch, William continues fondling her. She sighs and leans back on the couch, placing one of her hands on his crotch. Her fingers massage his hardening cock through his slacks. He languidly strokes one of her nipples. It stiffens even further.

He asks Mike, "Is this what you had in mind? I have wanted to do this since Derek told me what a hot fuck your wife is. I have your wife, what do you want?"

Mike feels that tightness in his chest when being confronted by his cuckoldry, "I want to watch you fuck her."

He asks Lynn, "Why were you looking forward to this?"

 "So I can have your cock while my husband watches us fuck."

“We all want the same thing,” He says to Lynn’s husband, "Why don't you join us. Derek says your wife likes two men."

They move over to make room for Mike. He sits down and fondles one of her breasts while William plays with the other. They kiss while he watches. Their tongues intertwine.

He talks lewdly to her. "You like sucking other men’s cocks don’t you. Derek told me what a great cocksucker you are.”

Lynn's massaging becomes more urgent. His cock is getting hard, straining against his slacks.

"Feel your husband's cock. After all, he should get some."

Lynn puts her hand in her husband’s lap. She feels them both while they fondle her. She’s aware of the difference in size between her husband and businessman lover. William breaks their kiss. He takes a sip of scotch and covers one of her nipples with his mouth. She arches her back, pushing her nipple deeper in his mouth. Her breathing is more pronounced. He lifts his head off of her breast. Her areola is dimpled and the nipple glistens with the scotch and his saliva.

He instructs Mike, "Finish undressing your wife for me."

The married couple stands and faces William. Lynn has her back to her husband. He slides his arms around her, pulling her closer, his erection pressing against his wife's firm ass. He kisses her sensitive erogenous zone at the juncture of her neck and shoulder and takes her top off. Next to come off is her unfastened bra. Her breasts feel firm and swollen with excitement. Lynn leans her head against him covering of his hands with hers as he fondles her. Her nipples are erect.

William sips his scotch as he watches the married couple, "That's it. Warm her up for me. Now show me the rest of your wife's body."

Mike unzips her slacks and pulls them off her hips where they fall to her ankles, leaving her in just her panties.

"Now the panties. I want to see her pussy."

Her husband complies and slides her panties off her hips where they join her slacks at her ankles.

She steps out of her clothing and moves closer to the couch to stand in front of William. "Is this what you want? Do you like my body? Do you want to fuck me? My husband and I would like you to."

William reaches around her waist and massages the firmness of her ass. Her husband sits down at one corner of the couch to watch. The older businessman kisses the younger wife on her navel and continues kissing and licking down her stomach. She gasps and inhales when he slides a couple of fingers into her slit. Then he buries his face in the wife's snatch.

She opens her legs and clasps his head in her hands pulling him into her pussy, "That's it taste my young married pussy."

William extends his tongue as far in her pussy as it will go. "God, you are wet. Get down on the sofa and spread your legs. Let me give you a treat."

Mike tells his wife, "Here honey, lean against me so William can taste your pussy."

Lynn lies down with her head on her husband’s chest and spreads her legs for her older lover. He looks at her open pussy with a look of lust. Her light brown cunt hair is trimmed close. He takes off his shirt and kneels down between the wife's open legs. He uses both hands on her inner thighs to spread her legs further apart. Taking his right hand, he inserts his fingers in her moist opening.

"Fuck yeah, use three, spread my cunt."

Without further hesitation, William starts lapping at her slit. She arches her back to push her open pussy against his mouth, "Oh God, that feels so good eat my pussy."

She moans and thrashes against her husband as another man eats her pussy. He has her opened up with her thighs resting on his shoulders and the palms of his hands on her hips. Mike fantasizes there is another man waiting his turn.  He imagines the picture they make with his wife leaning against him, as another man brings her to orgasm. He cups her breasts, squeezing her nipples.

William takes a break and looks up at them from between the wife's open legs, "Your wife tastes even better than Derek told me."

His arousal is heightened by the thought of another man partaking of his wife's charms. William dives back in. His tongue moves against her clit faster and faster as she pulls his head hard against her cunt. She lets out a moan and arches her back, pushing against her husband as she cums with a shattering orgasm.

Her body slackens with the release. Her legs are still spread. She looks at William with a dreamy look, "That was sooo.. good. Now let me do something for you."

William gets up and moves to the other side of the couch. Mike’s nude wife kneels on the floor. She has that familiar look of illicit desire.

Looking directly at William she says, "I know what you want. You want me to suck your cock, don't you? My husband watched me with Derek in his room and now he wants to watch some more."

She looks at her husband, "You want me to suck his cock don't you?"

 William chimes in, "This is what you want. You want to watch your wife suck my cock. You have watched her suck other men haven't you? Did you like it?"

Mike is awestruck watching his wife kneeling at William's feet as they confront his cuckoldry. He hesitates at first, "Y-Yes. I liked watching her suck other men. I want to watch her suck more."

Lynn caresses William’s cock through his slacks. She unbuckles his belt. Having watched her with other men, Mike knows what going to happen and how it will turn him on. William looks down as Lynn unzips him and reaches her hand in his pants to feel his cock.

"Mmm... what a nice big cock. Did Derek tell you I like big cocks?"

"Yeah he did. Here let me help."

He raises himself off of the sofa and slides his pants off his hips. Lynn finishes undressing him and strokes him to full hardness. She looks up at him as licks his entire length before taking his swollen head into her mouth. William arches his back as his cock enters the wife's moist warm mouth. Her tongue swirls around his thickness.

"God. Your wife is a great cocksucker."

Lynn moans as she sucks him. She isn't trying to be quiet. If other people can hear she isn’t concerned. Let them listen. She draws more of him in her mouth. As his cock slides further in her mouth, it’s obvious from the movement of her cheeks and throat she is milking him. William moans and tells her how good she is sucking him. She has one of her hands between her legs playing with her pussy.

Mike is undressed and can’t help but stroke his hard cock.

William says to him, "Is this what you like watching? That's it. Play with your dick while your wife sucks me. You should give her some encouragement."

He keeps watching his wife, stroking himself, and telling her to suck the other man’s cock.

William relaxes back against the sofa. He listens to her sucking sounds and watches her head bobbing up and down on his rigid shaft. After a while, she releases him from her mouth. There is a string of cum from the head of his cock to her lips. She takes her finger and scoops up some of his cum.

She holds her finger up to her husband, "Here honey, you are going to taste his cum out of my pussy, you should get to know what it's like."

He takes her hand and lick the cum from her fingers.

William tells Mike, "Lynn is doing all of the work, you should help. Taste her pussy while she sucks me some more."

Lynn rises from her knees and reclines on the sofa with her head positioned over William's cock. She slips him back in her mouth and resumes sucking. She opens her legs to give her husband access to her dripping cunt. Pussy juice is leaking out and her cunt hairs are matted. He kneels on the floor and lowers his head to lick her. She uses one of her hands to press her cunt against his face. He has the perfect vantage point looking up between her legs to watch her suck William.

William talks dirty to her telling her what a good cocksucker and married slut she is.

Mike pushes his face in as close as he can alternating between tonguing her clit and sticking his tongue in her distended cunt passage.

William stops and pulls her head off of his cock. "You should rest a second. You've been sucking a lot of cock the past few days. Let your husband eat your pussy while you tell us what a nice slut you are."

She lowers her body until her pussy is at the edge of the cushion. "Go ahead honey this should make it easier."

Mike kneels between her legs and licks the folds of her swollen labia. His wife and her lover call him a cuckold. Lynn is telling William how great it is to have a husband who likes her fucking and sucking other men. He is even more inflamed as they lewdly talk about him.

He moves his tongue rapidly against her clit thinking about her fucking Derek in his room.

Lynn pauses him, "Slow down, sweetie. We have time."

He changes his motion to slow licks lessening the pressure on her clit. Lynn coos, “That’s much better. I know you like to take your time.” She takes his hand and moves it to William’s swollen ball sac and tells him, “Feel his balls, aren’t they nice and tight?”

Mike doesn’t answer. He licks his wife and fondles her older lover. Without encouragement, he strokes the businessman’s cock.

“That looks so hot honey. I love watching you play with another guy’s cock.”

William says, “Derek told me Mike’s friend was the first time you fucked as a married woman. What about when times before you and Mike were married?

Mike chimes in, “What happened when we were dating?”

She replies with a coy expression, “What makes you think I ever did anything?”

“You liked to flirt and I watched Larry play with your boobs. We both traveled so you had plenty of opportunities. I thought you might have done other things.”

She looks at him kneeling between her legs, “And by other things do you mean did I fuck anyone?”

His cock stirs. He hesitantly answers, “Yes. Did you fuck anyone?”

“I know we had our fantasies, but I never fucked anyone. I was tempted.”

William says, “Tell us about some of the times you were tempted.

Lynn responds, "A couple of our friends wanted to fuck me. When Mike was traveling, they would ask me out. One time I was out with some friends of ours, including Richard and his boss. Richard's boss was married, but that didn't stop him. He hit on me every time I saw him. This time I was more flirtatious than usual. I unbuttoned my blouse enough to show more of my breasts. After the others left, it was just the three of us. This time I let him walk me to my car. He opened the door for me and got in the passenger seat. We started kissing. I was turned on making out with another guy in the parking lot."

 "You were hoping someone was watching you."

 "I was. He kissed my neck and down to the tops of my breasts. He unfastened a couple of more buttons on my blouse and opened it up to kiss my breasts some more.”

 "Did you stop him?"

"No. I was too turned on with the stimulation and hoping someone was watching. I held his head to my breast and he pulled one of my bra cups down and sucked on my nipple. He put his hand on my leg under my skirt and ran his leg almost to my pussy. I was kissing him and moaning.”

“You must have been turned on. And you didn’t fuck him?”

“I can’t believe I didn’t. But I didn’t want to do anything that would upset Mike. He was hung though.”

“How could you tell?”

“How do you think? While he was kissing my boobs, I felt his cock. When his fingers reached my pussy, it was like an electric shock. I freaked out. I pulled his head up and told him we couldn’t do anything.”

“He must not have liked that.”

“You’re right. He thought I was a tease. And I guess he was right.”

Mike says, "Do you think he told Richard or Doug? "

She laughs, "You men. I’m sure he told them. I can just hear them ask him, 'Well, how was it? Did you fuck her?' He probably told them I was just a tease. Although I’m sure he told them about making out and feeling my boobs and me feeling his cock.”

She gives Mike a light caress on my cheek, "So your friends know I let Richard's boss feel me."

“Did you ever see him again?”

“A couple of times. That guy was something else. But it was always with other people around.”

William says, “That was all? It really doesn't count if he didn't fuck you. There was never anyone else?”

“No. Well, our friend Scott felt me a couple of times but he was always fooling around.”

Mike pauses his licking, “This is so hot. I always had a feeling about Richard’s boss. There was something about the way you mentioned him. I’m not surprised about Scott.”

William interjects, “Tell your husband what you would have done if you knew then what he likes.”

“I would have suggested we go to my townhouse and fuck.”

“And would he have been the only one?”

“No. there would have been others.”

“You certainly have been making up for lost time from what Derek tells me.”

“Speaking of lost time, let’s get on the bed. Honey you sit here and watch us.”

William lays on the bed on his back. His cock is semi erect resting on his stomach. Lynn joins him kneeling by his waist facing him and slowly strokes his cock. Concentrating on the engorged organ she will soon have in her pussy the young wife is barely conscious her husband is watching.

“What a nice big cock.” She slips him into her mouth. “Mmm..I love sucking you.”

She sucks him back to full hardness.  Kneeling beside him she grasps his cock and raises her leg to guide his engorged head to her moist opening. Like her other lovers she has to lift her body higher than she does with her husband.

She eases her body all the way on his cock, “Ohh… fuck that feels good.  Your cock is so big. They fuck with Lynn on top until she cums. He fucks her missionary. The cums again and he unloads in her cunt. She tells her husband to eat her messy used pussy. William sits on the couch sipping scotch watching the cuckold clean his wife.

They take turns with her and the younger couple leave.

Written by TuWatchu
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