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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
United States



Lunch Break

Inappropriate Behavior in the workplace...

She stared at the laptop and she exhaled slowly at what she saw. The screen showed a very cute and lithe brunette tied nude to a wooden chair, her legs bent in a kneeling position and bound thigh to calf with leather straps. Her arms were also bound, but...

After Dinner...

Husband and wife enjoy an evening home alone...

So far, it had been a very good night. The kids were away at their grandmother’s, and the two of us had spent the evening cooking a gourmet meal together. Well, to be fair, she did the cooking and I kept the vodka gimlets flowing, as well as serving as DJ...

In The Dark

She comes home from work to a mysterious note...

Note: This story was originally published here under a different pseudonym of mine. Don't worry, the author is the same. If you liked it before, please like it again!I had gotten home from a long day at work and was looking forward to date night with my b...

Lifeguard Stand

Husband and wife have some time on the beach away from the kids

“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok...