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Not According To Plan

Sometimes you just have to take your stress and let it go.

I've told my wife this story a time or two, and she still doesn't believe me. All I can say is she has seen the change in me, and she likes it, and I have no other explanation to offer. For most of my life, I was a creature of structure, order, and contro...

Score 37 37
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A Steam Powered Box of Gears and Valves

My neighbors daughter bought more than I bargained for.

I just don't understand kids these days. When I was a kid, my friends and I went out of our way to escape the stifling confines of our parents’ homes. We could spend the whole day at the beach or a pool or exploring the woods or riding bikes. Today's kids...

Score 68 68
3.6k Views 3.6k
5.0k words 5.0k words

Relationship Goals

A man should always do his best to give a good woman what she wants most.

Maybe it was unhealthy, but I took the entire month of January off from the gym. The way my ex-wife handled how the kids and I did the holidays made me both depressed and bitter, and I just couldn't handle being around people. I managed to survive at work...

The Breast Summer Ever

How many breasts does it take to warm a frozen heart?

I honestly didn't think this winter would ever end. I mean, yes, the weather was what it was, and this spring was one of the coldest ever, but that's not it. The real issue was that my wife left me, and I felt frozen and alone and stuck in my house, waiti...

Score 36 36
4.3k Views 4.3k
2.5k words 2.5k words

Beyond Bray Road

Some memories will get you in trouble, and some will get you more than you hope for.

I thought it all started with a phone call, but, as usual, I was wrong. It took me a minute to get up to speed, because my buddy Bruce was talking fast and I had no idea what had fired him up. "Is this what it comes down to, you keeping secrets from me?"...

Knowing When To Say No

Fear is a product of our own imaginations; the monster I should fear is me.

I should have said 'No,' right from the start. I should have said 'No,' a dozen times along the way. I've always been a sucker for a pretty woman with a sweet voice, and I said 'Yes.' One too many times I said 'Yes,' and all along it was leading to me sta...

Gang Aft A-gley - Chapter 7 of 7

So sad, the plans of mice and men. But not the plans of a woman. Her plans are ever evolving.

I had planned on sleeping in until noon, but a naughty nymphomaniac changed my mind. I was sound asleep on my back, with her body snuggled in next to mine. A quiet murmur woke me up, but I tried to ignore it. A warm hand gently stroked my cock, and I coul...

Gang Aft A-Gley - Chapter 6 of 7

Maybe the plan has gone astray, but as long as she's having fun, the plan continues!

Chapter 6 I had promised Christine that she would like our friends. I forgot that there's always a jerk in every crowd. We made our way down to the basement entertainment room. There was a pretty good crowd gathered between the TV area and the fancy bar....

Gang Aft A-gley - Chapter 5 of 7

The plan isn't forgotten, but it gets sidetracked a bit. Maybe that's part of the plan as well.

Chapter 5 I woke to the sound of Christine's moan of pleasure and the feel of her tongue drawing my cock into the back of her throat. I groaned and pushed my hand into her hair and I pushed her head down as we made her cum. She reluctantly let me pull her...

Gang Aft A-gley - Chapter 4 of 7

The plan is coming together. It just needs another push, and maybe a heads up to the wife.

Chapter 4 Christine napped for a while, and we had a short stop again when she woke up. As we were walking back to the car, she said, "I wish I could offer to drive for a while." She gave me an apologetic smile as she added, "I should get my license back...

Gang Aft A-gley - Chapter 3 of 7

This is the part of the story where I learn that when a plan is working, leave it alone.

Chapter 3 Much to my relief, the morning passed fairly quickly. Christine went down to breakfast ahead of me. I sullenly ate alone. At the seminar, I was able to gloss over the fact that I had no idea what the seminar was going to be about by explaining t...