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The Physician's Wife - Chapter 3

"A lonely housewife lusts after her gardener"

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Author's Notes

"This story is based on an old erotic film I saw on Ch 47 cable 4 in Toronto back in the 1990s."

Giovanna paced around her living room nervously as her husband grabbed his briefcase and rushed to the door, giving her a short peck on her lips as he rushed to the hospital to perform an emergency surgery.  She loved her husband, and never wanted to hurt him, but the image of David and the feelings of arousal and pleasure he generated with his lips and hands were all she could think about.  She had planned on seducing her husband tonight, to have him reaffirm his monopoly on her loins, but the emergency call back to the hospital for an extended time left her lonely and yearning for David's fingers slowly caressing her vagina through her underwear...

She walked over to the console table where she had left her iPhone, picked it up and put it into her latest Louis Vuitton bag.  She grabbed her sunglasses and a summer hat to match her loose navy-blue tennis skirt and tight white short-sleeved blouse, then picked a pair of casual walking shoes from the closet, and armed the alarm.  She quickly stepped outside onto the porch, closed the front door and quickly turned so she could concentrate on locking it.  So focused on securing her home she did not even notice David had walked up to her right side.

He waited until she was done locking the door before speaking.

"Hi, Giovanna!"

Giovanna, recognizing the voice, coyly looked over her right shoulder when a breeze came that blew her beautiful blonde hair away from her face so she could stare at his handsomeness.  David was dressed only in a pair of shorts and sandals; she then remembered that this morning was his regular gardening shift at her property.  She loved her husband, and she didn't want to hurt him, so she carefully glanced around to ensure there were no nosy neighbors watching from behind the curtains.  She then looked straight into his eyes.

"I missed you," she whispered sincerely.

David leaned in, his lips brushed against hers, and he nibbled on her ear before whispering into it.

"I missed you too."

David leaned in to kiss her, but Giovanna quickly put her finger on her lips to interrupt the attempt and whispered, "Please, David.  I love my husband.  We need to be discreet," she said, realizing she just confirmed to him she wanted an affair.  Her face turned beet red with embarrassment; after all her subtle attempts at remaining in control of the affair, it was now obvious to David she lusted for him.

"I just want to take you for a short drive to the Falls," whispered David.

Giovanna softly bit her lip, and nodded her approval.  She had known the Falls since she was a child: it was a beautiful drive up to a sparsely populated hill covered with thick foliage and palm trees that overlooked a small waterfall.  There were several clearings separated from each other for parking.  She remembered being brought there several times by previous boyfriends so they could fool around with her in the back seats of their cars.  Even her husband brought her there for steamy car sex both before and during their marriage.

Giovanna felt a little concerned as she did not want to have intercourse with David but was sure she could control the action once started, and she took his hand and let him lead her to his car.  It was an older Mercedes Benz sedan and in good condition; this told her that David was born to a family with money that wanted to humble him with menial jobs before giving him an inheritance.

David opened the passenger door for her, and she sat on the passenger seat first, her mini tennis skirt riding up her thighs as she slowly and deliberately moved each of her long, well-toned athletic legs into the car.  Giovanna wanted David to get a glimpse of what she was ready to share with him, and he did, taking unnecessarily longer before closing the passenger door.  He then sat on the driver's side, started the car, put the automatic transmission into drive, and drove off her circle driveway onto the street.  Giovanna looked nervously at David and asked:

"Please drive slowly.  I get motion sickness."

"Of course.  I promise no speed, no sudden stops, and a smooth steady relaxing ride," he reassured her, and he gently placed his hand on her knee, circling on it, feeling it and some of her thigh and lower leg in the process.

"Thank you." She smiled back, glad that her ploy worked.  She knew David couldn't keep his hands to himself and frankly, she loved the feel of his hands on her legs and wanted to have some fun while on the way to the Falls.

David drove at the speed limit or under, and gradually stopped at every light.  With less concentration required at the wheel due to his safe speed, his hand began to roam freely around her knee, fingers sometimes grazing her other leg.  Giovanna couldn't help but let out a soft moan.  As they left the town and headed onto the country road, his hand went up above her knee and onto her thigh, then slid between her legs and slowly down her inner thigh to her knee.  She continued to let quiet guttural moans as her nipples and vagina responded to his touch, causing her to fidget in her seat from time to time.

Soon they entered the tree-covered dirt road towards the Falls and David's hand became bolder: his hand slid between her thighs and followed the path straight to her panties, with his fingertips stroking the top of her lips and clit.  Giovanna, who was already more focused on David's fondling than the view from her window, let out a loud and long primal sigh of arousal and pleasure.

Realizing she had lost track of time while relishing in having her legs and crotch fondled, Giovanna then decided it was her turn to do something.  She stretched her hand across the sidebar and onto her driver David's leg and felt her way up to the belt holding up his shorts.  She followed the belt to the buckle and expertly unbuckled it, then unbuttoned his shorts and slowly pulled the zipper down. She felt David's fingers more aggressively stroke the crotch of her panties, attempting to slide his fingers between her crotch and the seat.  She grunted like an animal and slid down a little more in her seat, allowing his fingers to rub more of her labia through her panties.

Meanwhile, she also turned up the heat by reaching into David's open shorts, feeling his hardness.

After some exploring of his groin area, she found an opening in his underwear which she used to extract his erect member.  While David's hands travelled to the top of her panties and then along the top of her thigh, Giovanna wrapped her hand tightly around his shaft and began moving her hand as if turning a screwdriver.  David grunted loudly and began involuntarily to thrust his hips up and down, as if he was thrusting in and out of the tunnel created by Giovanna's hand wrapped around his penis.  She also added to the sensation by pressing her thumb against the underside of the head and rubbing along the underside of the glans where it met his shaft, causing David to fuck her hand more vigorously.

David looked around and pulled over into a quiet, isolated shaded clearing; it was so close to the falls she could hear the water crashing onto the rocks below.

Once the car stopped, they both noticed their hands in each other's loins and laughed.

David unbuckled his belt and leaned in to kiss her, but Giovanna leaned back and turned her head away and unbuckled her seatbelt.  She was about to open her door when David gently cupped her left breast.

"I thought you were going to show me the Falls?" she asked innocently.  She wanted a break for things to cool off a bit before picking up again.  She swatted his hand from her breast, quickly opened the door, checked to ensure no one was nearby, and stepped outside.  She realized her skirt had bunched up around her waist so she quickly pushed it down to cover half her thighs again; she knew she was safe and alone in the clearing but was afraid once she stepped out to see the Falls, some others across the lake may see her.  David quickly walked out of the car and put his still-hard package back in, zipped up his shorts, and buckled up his belt, but it was obvious he was still hard and excited from her fondling on the drive here.

Giovanna checked her watch and noticed they took half an hour to reach the Falls; a typical leisurely drive would take fifteen minutes, she smiled to herself.  David sure knew how to stretch every chance he got.  Holding hands, they walked out of the clearing and spent what seemed like an hour (but was only twenty or so minutes) watching the waterfalls.  Soon they were walking back to the car and Giovanna slowly got to the front passenger door, carefully watching David get into the driver's seat and buckle up.  Suddenly, she closed the door, opened the back passenger door, and sat down, crossing her legs.  Smiling at David, she pointed to the steering wheel.

"Chauffeur, take me home now."

David smiled, quickly got out, and joined her in the back seat, just as she predicted.  She felt comfortable realizing that she was still in control of this young gorgeous stud.

Giovanna looked at him, giggling. "I thought you were going to be my chauffeur?"

David just smiled, used his hand to gently clear some of her long blonde hair from her face, and held her face as he leaned in and kissed her.  Giovanna just opened her lips and allowed him to kiss her again.  She just kept her lips slightly open, and David pressed his against her lips and pushed his tongue between them.

Soon their tongues were dancing in their mouths, and they began rotating their heads around their lips to add sensation.  Giovanna reached down and caressed David's broad shoulders for a while, while his hand went to her lower leg and felt it up and down.  As his hand slowly moved beyond her knee to fondle her thighs, she broke their kiss, took a breath, and nibbled her way from his chin, down his neck, and ran her tongue around his nipple.  As she took it into her mouth, his hand slid into the crease between her thighs and began moving toward her groin.  Giovanna then began licking and sucking both of his nipples, giving them her full attention while she enjoyed David rubbing between her thighs and the crotch of her panties.

She stopped sucking his nipples for a moment and leaned a bit back, wondering why she was feeling a little cool, when she noticed that David had begun unbuttoning her blouse with his other hand.  Giovanna leaned her head back so she would be comfortably rested with her head at the edge of the seat and the side car frame, and brought one leg up onto the seat, bending so her foot was at David's side.  He smiled and while continually and slowly unbuttoning her blouse with his hands, he began nibbling and kissing her inner lower leg on the seat. 

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Eventually, he reached her knee, placed one hand on each knee, and continued nibbling down her thigh, with his hands following on top of her thighs until he reached her waist.  Giovanna let out a loud gasp as he unbuttoned the last few buttons of her blouse while nibbling hard against her inner labia and clit through the crotch of her panties.  She began to involuntarily thrust her crotch into his face.  After a short while of this, David pulled his head out from under her tennis skirt; she noticed that they were breathing at the exact same heavy and aroused pace.

After he caught his breath, David began kissing her exposed belly button between her opened blouse, then slowly began kissing up her abdomen.  Giovanna let out another gasp as David placed one hand between the seat and the crotch of her panties and began slowly rubbing the lips of her inner labia, causing her to writhe in her seat in pleasure, while he kissed his way up to her bra.  He then skillfully cupped a breast with his free hand, and slid into her blouse and behind to unclasp her bra.  Giovanna grunted with lust as her beautiful breasts, with aroused and enlarged nipples, were exposed to her younger lover; she also realized that such expert foreplay indicated David had plenty of women already, and she need be careful to avoid diseases.

Then David began nibbling her breasts and sucking her nipples, while with one hand caressing the outside thigh of her leg on the seat, and the remaining hand continued to press and glide his fingers over the crotch of her panties, sending pleasure through her inner labia and clit.  Soon Giovanna began bucking her hips to rub the crotch of her panties against his hand and fingers, while she enjoyed running her hands over his muscular shoulders and back.  Both of them were breathing at the same accelerated pace when she heard him unzip his shorts, while his other hand made one hard rub of her clit and labia lips, sliding up to the top of her panties.  She bucked her hips up in natural response, lifting her rear slightly off the seat; he used the moment to grab her panty waistline and pull her panties off her loins to mid-thigh.

Giovanna suddenly startled, gasped, and stopped her breathing, realizing what David was attempting and quickly grabbed her panties and pulled them back down, but David managed to put two fingers into her pubic hair and onto her bare, exposed, and engorged inner labia lips, rubbing them so pleasurably that Giovanna couldn't help but rock her hips to move her labia against his touch.  However, the hope in David's eyes faded as she firmly and quickly pulled her panties back on; David kept pressing his fingers on her labia lips and let Giovanna's panties push his fingers over her clit and through her public hair while being led out of her sacred land.  David looked disappointed, and she felt sorry for him, noticing that his shorts were open and there was a giant bulge in his boxers.  Clearly, he was well endowed.

In this short break, it was then she realized her blouse was open and her breasts were exposed, and that David was almost naked except for his open shorts.  Their breathing began to quicken again as Giovanna leaned in and pressed her open mouth against his, and while their tongues danced clumsily, David moved his hands to her breast.  Good, she thought to herself, as he knew and understood her boundaries and had no intention to cross them.  She broke the kiss to catch her breath, took a look through the car windows and mirrors to make sure no one was watching, and moaned softly:

"It's OK.  This isn't done yet...I have an idea," she reassured him, smiling and putting her finger on his lips.

Giovanna then got on her knees on the back seat and grabbed David's shorts.  Understanding her intentions, he lifted himself up a little so she could slide his shorts and boxers down to his heels.  He was now completely naked with her, with his proud and stubborn erection exposed for her to see.  She then wrapped her hand around his erection and began giving him a hand job, and with her other hand began massaging his chest and nipples.  David then put his hand underneath her tennis skirt and began rubbing the crotch of her panties again, hoping to get her aroused beyond self-control.  However, Giovanna then pressed his erection against his stomach and quickly straddled him, her knee knocking his hand away from her panties when she swung her leg across.  David looked at her and nodding, put both his hands on her outer thighs and began rubbing gently up and down them.

He knows how to do this foreplay move too, Giovanna thought to herself.  Well, it was a popular activity and she did remember doing it with several boyfriends, as well as her husband, so there wouldn't be a reason why a stud like David would not be familiar with it.  Smiling at him that she wouldn't have to explain herself, she held the bottom of his glans so his penis remained pressed up, and sat on his lap.  She held his penis in place and after the two of them fidgeted on the seat for a bit, they managed to get Giovanna's perfect legs wrapped around his waist.

Now in position, Giovanna slowly slid up his loins and onto the bottom of his penis, and used her legs to pull herself in tight so the crotch of her panties rubbed against the bottom of his penis.  At first, she was clumsy, but once she found the best motion so that her labia lips and clit would make contact with the base of his penis through the crotch of her panties, she let go of his glans and focused on her pleasure, closing her eyes while moving in a steady, quicker motion.

Soon David put his arms around her and helped guide her movements while thrusting the length of his penis along her inner labia lips, generating extra sensations as his thrusting pushed her panties against her sensitive labia lips.  He leaned a little more down the seat, kicking off his sandals, shorts, and boxers in the process so he could have more freedom of motion, allowing him to drive his glans against her panties, somewhat between Giovanna's inner labia lips and against her clit.  She gasped in pleasure and quickened her rubbing motions, while he continued adjusting his.  Soon their motions and breathing attained a natural rhythm and they held each other close, totally focused on the enjoyable friction of cotton against genitalia.  At times their nipples would rub against each other, and they easily adjusted their rhythm so that the nipple contact would continue naturally with the rubbing against each other's genitalia through Giovanna's moistening panties.  They both began to moan louder and louder and their pace quickened at the exact same time as the pressure built within them both.

Suddenly David grabbed Giovanna's shoulders and pulled her down hard as he thrusted involuntarily against the crotch of her panties, his glans pressing into her underwear hard enough that her labia lips spread a bit while his glans quickly thrust up against the crotch of her panties and hit her clit.  Then the first eruption of semen came from his cock as he grunted out in joy, and began thrusting hard against her while ejaculating onto her panties and himself, grunting all the while. 

On his last thrust, his glans rubbed her clit hard through her panties, and Giovanna suddenly felt as if her spine was a tight pole keeping her stiff, and that it snapped upon the last pressure against her clit; she began spasming against her lover and rubbing the crotch of her panties violently against his softening penis.  She threw her head back and let out several loud and hard breaths of release.  While she spasmed, David licked her breasts and nipples until she stopped her orgasmic breathing and the tremors of her orgasm passed.  He gently rolled her over back onto her seat, looked into her eyes and kissed her as she finally caught her breath.

"OK...we're done now.  I'm too tired," she sincerely told him.

David nodded in agreement and opened the other passenger door to get out.

Giovanna squealed in fear. "Put your shorts on first!"

She quickly grabbed his boxers and shorts from the floor of the car, and he quickly put them on while looking over his shoulders in embarrassment.  He then put on his sandals, closed the car door, and got into the passenger seat, while Giovanna removed her blouse.  David watched with lust as she grabbed her bra from the car seat and put it back on, then put her blouse back on and buttoned up.  She pulled the passenger seatbelt over and buckled herself in, then rested one leg on the front armrest and looked straight at the rearview mirror.

"Driver, take me home," she said with a smile.

David laughed, started the car, and began the drive home.  He carefully watched around him, focused on ensuring no other vehicle would creep into his blind spots and hit them in this remote area away from the town.

Well, Giovanna thought to herself, I can't have him paying more attention to the road than to me, she thought.  Otherwise, what type of hot wife would I be?  She slowly put one heel on the shoulder rest of the driver seat, getting David's attention.  The other heel she placed on the shoulder rest of the front passenger seat, spreading her legs wide open.  She noticed David's eyes open wide with delight in the rearview mirror, and saw that the crotch of her panties was somewhat visible.  She lifted her short skirt up so that her panties were in full view, and began softly moving her fingers over the crotch of her panties; she was careful to hide the fact she wasn't actually touching herself very hard, because the recent dry humping session had left her labia exhausted and she didn't want to risk overexerting herself.  However, her plan worked as David had slowed down and took twice the time to get her home than to take her to the Falls, constantly checking the rearview mirror to enjoy the backseat masturbation show.

After he pulled into the circle driveway of Giovanna's mansion, he opened the door and helped Giovanna out.  They both looked around quickly to make sure nobody was watching, and quickly kissed before he returned quickly to his car to drive off.  Giovanna watched him disappear from sight, turned around, and laughed her way back into her home.

Giovanna, although enjoying the thrill of fooling around outside her marriage, was concerned about how far things might go.  She managed to limit today's date to dry humping, but David was a master in the art of seduction, and she feared she would not be able to resist the temptation much longer.  She loved her husband, and she wanted children with her husband, but she wanted to enjoy wild, unattached, and non-emotional fornication with David too.  The only children she wanted to bear were her husband's.

Written by lonelyhotwife2022
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