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The Enveloping Requirement. Part One

"After some important documents and files for a big corporate project get jumbled, a powerful female boss decides on a very peculiar disciplinary procedure for her younger male employee."

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Author's Notes

"All persons are fictional and the events of this story are very loosely based on my own experience when I was seeing an older woman. She was obsessed with cleanliness and her house was immaculate. She used Daily Telegraph newspaper sheets to cover the bed for sex as they could be binned afterwards, where bedsheets and towels had to be washed. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The feel of the broadsheets against my naked body while having sex with her in various positions was a peculiar, but amazing, erotic experience."

Natasha Lexington, the powerful CEO of her family’s highly successful technology company, Lexington Nanotron Corporation, was sitting in her immaculate, top-floor office. It was Thursday afternoon and the week had brought a packed schedule. LNC had agreed to a deal with a Berlin-based technology company worth many hundreds of thousands and potentially millions in the future.

She was sorting through the final report of the week only to find some glitches and misplaced files. In her endeavor to fix them on her own, she discovered it would require significantly more time than just a couple of hours. Uncovering the origin of where the issue originated, Miss Lexington pondered silently. “Time to sort this out properly.”

Contacting her PA, Charlotte Hawkins, she asked for the data manager Christopher Robertson to be summoned to the main office. Miss Lexington, who had a bit of a soft spot for Chris, which was something she kept to herself, needed to sort this out and show authority. She wasn’t one to show affection and saw men as too needy and egotistical to even consider having a relationship with them. She found other ways to satisfy herself when not indulging in business.

Charlotte called Christopher, and he promptly arrived at the top floor. Charlotte, in her white blouse, big spectacles, and long, light brown straight hair, was sitting at her desk and greeted him with a big smile. Chris complimented her on her appearance. They’d been chatting for a couple of weeks and discovered a few common interests and arranged a night out for a drink. Thanking him, Charlotte motioned Chris into Natasha’s office.

Chris walked into the brightly lit immaculate office of Miss Natasha Lexington. Her desk faced outward next to one of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Her back faced a solid wall aligned with a giant bookcase with many technology volumes. Another bookcase contained files and there were some glass display cabinets with award trophies that she, and also her company, had won.

The pictures on the wall showed her at graduation as a university student, herself outside the building, standing next to the big, lit-up LNC letters at the entrance, and some with her parents and sister who were all technology boffins. Natasha herself had not only the intelligence, but she also knew the best and most efficient way to run a big tech corporation successfully.

Walking further in, he saw there was a glass coffee table on the other side of the room with two sofas on either side of it. Miss Lexington didn’t look up from her computer, and in her well-spoken, southern British accent, she spoke.

"Please, Christopher, sit,” she said.

“Thank you, Miss Lexington,” Chris replied, pulling out the chair on the other side of her desk.

She was about Fifteen to Twenty years older than himself, and dressed in a dark pinstripe power suit with her hair in a bun, wearing spectacles, and a dominant vibe beamed from her. She looked great for her age and Chris did find her attractive. She was still typing, so he looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows and the low autumn afternoon’s light was shining on the other buildings outside. Natasha finished her typing and got straight to the point.

“There is a technical glitch in the saved files on the KleinTek project,” she said, looking right at him. “It seems to of jumbled a lot of the completed work for this week. It is all misplaced and needs fixing as soon as possible,” she said in her stricter tone.

She kept constant eye contact with him while she spoke further.

“There isn’t much time, and it has to be ready for tomorrow evening,” she continued firmly while giving him a very serious look.

She spoke a little more professionally, still looking right into his eyes and she carried on speaking.

“I need clarity and finalisation to this and I am out of the office in the morning for a meeting at another corporate premises. This is your area of responsibility and you shall not be able to complete such an important piece of work on time without me here, she said firmly.

She turned round on her chair and picked up a pen from behind her while continuing to speak.

“So, you will work from home in the morning and I will require you to attend my home for the afternoon, where you can rectify the issue at my in-house office,” she said firmly, finishing her sentence, and staring at him to await his answer.

Chris seemed surprised as that was unusual but agreed to her request as this was a serious deal being done and he wanted to put the mistake right. He apologised and said he would work hard to fix it. Nodding in acknowledgment, Miss Lexington handed him the pen and a notepad, then told him the address, the time to arrive, and an instruction to drive into the left side of the garage, which would be open for him. He wrote down the instructions as she told him them. Miss Lexington then spoke firmly.

“Let me tell you now, normally there would be a serious warning for something like this. The complications it can cause on such a project could well have resulted in your dismissal, but I know there is lots going on in this company at the moment, so I’m giving you a chance to just rectify, and get this project completed,” she said in a firm tone.

She told him to not to mention anything about this last-minute arrangement to anyone and if she found he had, he would have to be dismissed, which he certainly took seriously. She had a big hold over him now, and he would be working hard to get himself out of that hold. She said he could leave, head back to his office, and prepare to go home. Chris got up, thanked her, and left the large office.

While leaving, he had hoped to talk with Charlotte, but she had vacated her desk. Instead, he noticed her engaged in conversation with one of the other girls in another glass-walled office. He went back to his shared office and spoke to his co-worker Elizabeth and then it was time to go home.

That evening, Chris spent some time thinking about how he had misplaced, and jumbled the KleinTek files. Nothing could be done about it tonight, so he decided to get some sleep and worry about fixing the problem the next day in Miss Lexington’s home office.

Friday noon arrived, and Chris headed to the home of his female boss. It was in a private estate, but the gate was open so he drove on through. He had checked the address, and driving up the road past many glamorous properties, he found it, Meadow View.

He went up the winding driveway and parked up in the open double garage as she had asked him to. Looking over the right side of the garage, he looked in amazement at Miss Lexington’s top-of-the-range, black BMW 6 Series. Checking his clock, he was bang on time. He wanted to keep her happy, and he was slightly nervous, as he had no way of knowing how this would go, and his job hung in the balance.

Getting out, he walked up to the front door, rang the bell of the large detached, pristine manor, and waited. The sounds of birds chirping filled the air in the surrounding area. He looked around the front yard. There were many nice trimmed high bushes that stretched either side of the wide property and surrounded the garden, and drive.

‘Got to be worth a million, at least,” he thought.

He heard high-heeled footsteps become louder behind the door, and as the door opened Miss Lexington greeted him with a professional smile. Her appearance exuded elegance and power, as she was still wearing her black skirt suit, and blouse from the corporate meeting. Looking at her, he smiled and noticed she wore spectacles, shiny earrings, and had pinned up her dark brown hair. She stood over six feet tall in her heels, towering over Chris who stood at five foot eight.

“Ahh Christopher Robertson,” she said with much enthusiasm, “Do come in.”

“Thank you, Miss Lexington,” Chris replied as the garage doors closed outside and he stepped through the doorway.

Entering the reception area, Chris saw Miss Lexington walking toward the other end of the wide hallway and she motioned him to the living room. Chris closed the door, took his shoes off in the pristine hallway and followed her through to the immaculately bright living room. It led off to many other rooms and her strong perfume was filling the surrounding air.

She showed him the way, and he entered Miss Lexington’s bright decor, floral-aroma-filled office where a nice female opera melody was playing from the speakers in the corner. Chris sat on the chair at the computer that was already linked up to the main system.

Miss Lexington gave him a glass of sparkling elderflower and he was soon logging in and getting to work straight away. Miss Lexington sat on the sofa with her laptop and they both got on with their own tasks.

An hour had passed when Miss Lexington suggested a break. She went to the kitchen and Chris went to the bathroom in the hallway. When he was returning to the office, he got as far as the living room and was impressed to find her sitting on the sofa with a glass of Champagne, and another glass poured for him placed on a small table next to the sofa.

She asked him to sit down on the ever so firm, but comfy sofa across the room from where she was sitting. She spoke professionally about the company and where it was heading. She asked Chris whether he wanted to be part of it for the future. He enthusiastically replied that he did.

He then explained how and where he saw himself within the company in the future. It felt more like a relaxed interview, but she seemed very interested in hearing him speak.

There was some more talk about the file glitches and they drank their glasses of champagne. The conversation ended and suddenly, Miss Lexington’s tone changed to a relaxed and friendly manner. She asked him if he could ‘check a mysterious noise upstairs’, something that had been bothering her, but she could not find the cause.

Puzzled by this request, he agreed and as she showed him the way, he followed. As she led the way upstairs, Chris couldn’t help but notice the shape of Miss Lexington’s backside in her tight skirt as she was climbing the stairs. 

“Not bad,” he thought to himself as they walked up and around onto a spindled landing that overlooked the reception area below. Walking along the landing, another area that was immaculate, they soon arrived outside a bedroom. Miss Lexington opened the door and motioned Chris in first.

It was the main bedroom.

Her bedroom.

It was bright and pristine, with shelves containing ornaments of elegant women, many flowers and nice artworks on the walls. What took him most aback at that moment was the nice, queen-sized bed that was covered in posh Daily Telegraph broadsheet newspapers.

Miss Lexington suddenly became strict, speaking loudly at Chris.

“Right, undress and lie on the bed,” she said in a serious tone.

“Huh, what?” Chris replied.

It was an unexpected, strange demand that left him bewildered. He looked in shock at Miss Lexington, who was standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips and frowning.

“Do as you are told and your position in my company will continue,” she explained. “If you choose to disobey my demands, then you can leave right now and your position at my company will discontinue,” she said almost shouting at him.

There was a pause, then she spoke again.

“Do we have an understanding, Christopher?” Miss Lexington said firmly.

Chris nervously hesitated, but with the powerful vibe and determined look she gave him, he knew it was better to obey her peculiar demand.

“Umm-err, yes- yes Miss Lexington,” Chris replied with a concerned stutter.

Miss Lexington’s stare pierced him.

“Well, come on, get your clothes off,” she demanded.

Following her very strict orders and under her watchful eye, he nervously undressed and went over to the bed. As he climbed on, the broadsheets crinkled and crunched under him but he soon felt the smooth texture of the newspapers beneath him.

Miss Lexington went back onto the landing, but swiftly returned with a thick pile of folded, Daily Telegraph broadsheet newspapers in her arm. After closing the bedroom door, she placed them on her dresser, next to a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

“Do not move an inch,” she said loudly.

She walked to the side of the bed, took his right wrist, and quickly velcro-cuffed it with under-bed restraints hidden beneath the news sheets.

He gave resistance as she took hold of him, but the glare he received through her spectacles said it all. She gave him one last chance to leave if he was choosing not to obey her. He now knew that if he refused, he would no longer have his well-paid, cushy job to return to. Another thought he had that made him quickly decide; she was actually quite hot, and he was warming to her.

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So in that moment, he decided to submit to her demands. She strapped his left wrist, then bound his ankles with the other end of the restraints. Although totally bewildered and his chest pumping, he began to go hard. Miss Lexington had noticed but just ignored and following that, she proceeded to use some newspaper sheets to wrap, and tape up Chris’ arms and legs. She then opened a Telegraph broadsheet to the centre page and proceeded to lay it over his body. He felt the smooth feel of that centre page rub against his body, he found it quite pleasant.

Chris began to question Miss Lexington about why she was using newspapers.

“Please may I ask, what are--?”

But before he could finish the sentence, she over-spoke him and replied loudly.

“You most certainly can not,” she said firmly.

Chris went instantly quiet as Miss Lexington continued.

“I require silence unless I say you can speak. The sooner you learn that, the easier it will be for both of us,” she strictly boomed at him.

Chris wriggled around to get comfy, and on his buttocks, he felt a very smooth feeling as they rubbed against the fresh newspaper sheets. Miss Lexington walked over to her dresser and Chris’ eyes followed her and he could see himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirrored cupboard. She had him bound, spread-eagled, and enveloped in her Daily Telegraph newspapers.

‘What is she doing? He thought to himself. ‘Is this a game, a punishment, or some peculiar ritual?’ His mind was racing. Either way, he was confused and very nervous, but for some reason, it strangely aroused him.

He looked up at his bound wrists and on the Telegraph sheets that were taped round his arms, he could see a title heading saying “Business” on his left arm and “The Daily Telegraph” around his right arm from where the top of the pages had wrapped round fully.

The top of the sheets taped around his legs gently tickled against his outer perineum. Miss Lexington poured more champagne and sipped at the glass and then firmly spoke.

“You will listen, and obey everything I require from you,” she said strictly. “You will reply at once when spoken to, and address me as either Miss, or Miss Lexington. Are we understood, Christopher?” she said while glaring at him through her spectacles.

“Y-yes Miss Lexington,” Chris replied.

She walked over to her chair in the window and picked up an extra large sheet she had made from taped-together broadsheets. Chris looked above him and noticed there were a few broadsheet pages draped over the chromed poles on the headboard, and he felt the smoothness of the sheets covering the firm pillow under his head and against his ears. He could also smell the powerful scent of the Telegraph’s newsprint as he watched her move around the immaculately bright bedroom.

Chris continued to watch her, wondering what the taped-together sheet was for while she folded it over twice sideways, and lay it to the side of him so it took up the length of the bed but only a fraction of the width. She placed it at the side of the bed next to him before returning to her dresser. Suddenly, female opera music began to play from speakers around the room. She reached for another Daily Telegraph newspaper and picked it up.

As she turned around, she walked over to the bed and climbed on. The newspaper sheets covering the bed, crinkling under her as she proceeded to lay the broadsheet, front page down on top of the other newspapers she’d used to cover Chris in.

She then lay down beside him, reached for the enormous, taped-together sheet, and pulled it over, which created a loud rustling noise as it covered them both from head to toe.

Remaining clothed in her black skirt suit, Chris could smell her perfume, which was a heady mix of exotic flowers. She moved up closer to him and the news sheets crinkled further as she lay next to him and put her right leg over his and he felt the high heel of her shoe press into his right calf.

She pushed her body into the side of him and got comfy, rubbing the newspapers he was covered in with her right hand. She looked at him with her face about six inches from his and spoke.

“Well, Christopher, glitches in the system are certainly not acceptable and they need to be fixed promptly,” she said, while looking at him seriously before continuing.

“This isn’t the first time, and you almost cost my company a serious amount of money,” she said firmly.

She continued to speak.

“Therefore, I am dealing with this matter by my own disciplinary methods rather than my workplace method,” she said, right in his face, with the strong smell of champagne on her breath travelling up Chris’ nostrils.

“Yes Miss Lexington, I will sort them. I apologise and I will make certain everything is in a satisfactory order,” Chris replied in a pleading tone.

His stomach was a flutter of nervousness, but he was becoming very aroused by her powerful vibe and sheer dominance. His cock was rock solid and beginning to throb.

Miss Lexington looked at his cock, took hold of it, and slowly began to masturbate him. Chris let out laboured breaths.

“Well, my goodness, look at this!” Miss Lexington said while gently masturbating his penis.

The top of her hand was rubbing against the underside of the queen-size sheet while she slowly masturbated him. Soon, some pre-cum leaked and dripped onto the back page of the broadsheet, and with large eyes she looked back at him and spoke.

“That is unacceptable! You’ve dripped and made a mess on the page and I have not even read that yet,” she said firmly.

She sounded rather annoyed and used her fingers to firmly massage the pre-cum all over his cock.

“I think it’s time I dealt with this properly!” she exclaimed.

Rising up from under the sheet, she pulled her skirt up and rolled it to her waist. Chris could see that she wasn’t wearing any underwear as she lifted her right leg over his body.

Once she was on top of him, she sat in the straddle position and used her right hand to reach through under herself, taking hold of his cock. She guided it to her warm, moist vagina and gently slid on.

Chris breathed in deeply through his nose and let out another shuddering, laboured breath she forced his cock, deep up inside her. Miss Lexington then came back to the tip of his cock and slid back on again. She then lay her chest down onto Chris’ and pressed her breasts into him.

He could see only part of her cleavage from the top of her blouse, and could smell the mixture of scents coming from her perfume, Daily Telegraph newspapers, and champagne on her breath. The female opera music continued to ring around the room on surround sound as she lifted herself to the top of his cock.

“Don’t you dare come too soon,” she whispered into his ear.

With that, she slid back onto his now lubricated, hard cock. She sat up and began rubbing her hands up and down on the back page of the broadsheet she’d lay on him while she got into full-riding mode. She alternated between positions of laying her breasts into him through her blouse and suit jacket, then back to sitting up.

Chris watched as her well-manicured hands were rubbing back up and down his broadsheet-covered body. Lifting his head up, he looked over at the wardrobe mirrors. He could see her firmly riding him in the reflection. She noticed, and dominantly pushed his head back down into the newspaper-covered pillows. She rode him harder, while now intensely rubbing his broadsheet-covered body with her hands as she closed her eyes, letting out small groans of pleasure. Chris just had to go with it, and although in complete disbelief, it was ecstasy having his cock inside her warm, wet vagina.

After five minutes, he exploded his cum load and Miss Lexington slapped his face while he came, as he had finished long before she had wanted him to.

“Unacceptable I’m afraid,” she said disapprovingly, looking down from atop of him.

“My goodness,” she continued, slapping his face once more. “You’ve still got some work to do, and I require complete satisfaction,” she said firmly, and sounding very dissatisfied.

She took one of the sheets that were draped over the headboard and used it to catch the fluids as she slid off his cock, holding it over her vagina and climbing off the bed. She went to her underwear drawer, took some lingerie out, and headed to the en-suite. Chris lay there, totally bewildered at what he had just experienced. He was buzzing all over and slightly smiled to himself that his, although not stunning, but very attractive, much older female boss, had used him for sex. It was all surreal.

Miss Lexington arrived back out of the en-suite with her skirt back down and her suit looking tidy again. She went to her dresser, sprayed her perfume and sipped her champagne glass, then came back to the bed and spoke.

“This file glitch still needs fixing, so it’s time to head back downstairs to my office,” she informed him.

She picked up the queen-size sheet of taped-together broadsheets, making a lot of noise as the pages rustled when she folded it up. Then she looked down at the floor, and she saw his trousers. Picking them up, she took his phone from the pocket and held it up to him.

“I will look after this and if anything important comes through, I shall inform you,” she told him.

“BUT!” he said loudly.

“Umm Excuse me?” Miss Lexington replied firmly.

He remembered to not question her. He again thought to himself how he enjoyed the cushy job in her company, and he wanted it to stay that way, and although she was bossy and demanding, he was liking it.

“Nothing Miss,” he replied.

Looking happy with his reply, she unstrapped his wrists and ankles and he picked up the broadsheets Miss Lexington had used on him and placed them to to the side. He then made his way off the bed. The Telegraph sheets crinkled as he got off.

“You can unwrap and leave the sheets in a neat pile by the chair,” Miss Lexington instructed him.

Taking the taped sheets off his arms and legs and placing them in a tidy pile by the window chair as instructed, he then went to the en-suite to sort himself out. While he was gone, she looked at Chris’ phone and saw a message banner from her personal assistant, Charlotte. Miss Lexington thought to herself, ‘Not this weekend, unfortunately, my lovely.’

She put the phone on silent and placed it in her drawer. She walked over to the bed, and picked up all the broadsheet pages. Walking over to the window, she placed them all on the pile she had demanded Chris to create and sat on the chair.

Chris came back out of the en-suite, he instantly saw Miss Lexington sat in her comfy, modern window chair looking very dominant. He felt regal vibes beam from her. Secretly, he was enjoying this. She told him to dress in only his underwear. He put his underwear back on, and she stood up from her chair and led him back downstairs, leaving the opera playing in the bedroom.

The floral-scented office was warm, so it was more than comfy to carry on working. Miss Lexington sat on the sofa in the office with her laptop, keeping a watchful eye on Chris as he battled the system glitch and misplaced files.

His mind wandered a few times about the previous hours’ events, and he occasionally had to speak to Miss Lexington about if she was happy where he was placing all the sorted files, and placing them in the correct places.

She then left to go to the living room to watch some important business news. A couple hours passed and Miss Lexington entered the office, handing him a glass of champagne, which he thanked her for. She then announced it was, “Time to stop.” With the autumn sunshine now but all gone from the sky outside, a dark blue colour was taking the evening sky.

“Stop?” Chris questioned and looked straight at her. She glared back at him with a stern face.

“But Miss, I haven’t finished them yet, and it’s getting late,” he said in a worried tone.

She stood with her right hand held out with her index finger up and abruptly spoke.

“You do not question me. If you want to ascend in this company, then you will do as I say, and at all times, do we understand?” she boomed.

“Yes, I am sorry, Miss Lexington. It won’t happen again,” said Chris, realising his place once again.

She then tilted her head, gave a pleasant smile, and walked out of the office. As she walked, she asked him to follow her into the living room.

Doing as she asked, he followed her into the living room, where she asked him to close the blinds. The carpet was so comfy under his feet and he looked at the large television. A heavily accented American woman on CNBC was talking about some new stock investment schemes.

Miss Lexington then told him to sit and drink his glass of champagne. He was going to ask her what was the intention of all this and where it would get him, but he thought better than to question her again.

He just sat, looking around the room and listening to the woman on CNBC. Then, after about fifteen minutes, Miss Lexington went to the kitchen and returned with a fresh bottle of champagne.

“Those Daily Telegraph newspapers on the end of the sofa,” she said, looking at him.

Chris looked to his left. He saw the pile of broadsheets, about two inches thick.

“Pick them up right now and follow me,” Miss Lexington strictly told him.

Doing as he was told, Chris picked up the pile and nervously followed her. Looking at them, he had a sneaking suspicion that he was going to find himself back in her bedroom, bound, wrapped, and ridden in these broadsheets. He was soon to find out.

To be continued...

Written by Theball80
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