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An Outside Chance: Chapter 1

"Josh meets his coworker's gorgeous roommate."

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I stood in front of Holly's apartment door that Friday evening in early March, a bottle of cheap pinot noir in my hand. Though Holly and I had worked together at the city library for several months, this was the first time she'd invited me over to her place, and as I waited for her to answer my knock, I wondered if I should have splurged on something better to drink despite my tight budget.

When the door opened, it wasn't Holly who greeted me but a man so massively built he seemed to take up the entire doorway. Tilting my head back, I allowed my eyes to widen a little before I managed to say, "Oh, hi." I sounded like a complete idiot, but that was nothing new for me.

The man smiled down at me. He seemed more than a little amused by my reaction as he held out his hand and said, "You must be Josh. I'm Holly's roommate, Troy."

Holly had once mentioned that she had a roommate, but she never said he looked like a Greek god. I was five feet, nine inches tall, and I imagined Troy was close to six and a half feet. His muscles bulged under the snug-fitting black t-shirt he wore. Shaking his hand, I felt his grip swallow my fingers. His hair, light brown and wavy, was cut short, and his beard was neatly trimmed.

"It's nice to meet you, Troy," I managed to say as I returned his smile. So he was gorgeous, and Holly was damn lucky to get to look at him every day, I told myself. All I could do was try not to drool over the man, all the while knowing I'd be imagining him naked the next time I jacked off.

"Come on in," Troy said, stepping aside so I could enter the apartment. "Holly's on the phone with her mom, and she asked me to let you in when you arrived. Make yourself at home."

When Troy turned to lead me inside, I noticed that the back of his shirt bore the logo of a local bar. I'd never been to the place, as I wasn't much of a social drinker and I'd heard that particular establishment could get a little rough. Troy, however, would definitely be able to hold his own in a bar brawl. My stare moved to his ass, and the way his tight jeans hugged those firm, round cheeks. Did this guy have even a single flaw? He was like an airbrushed model. 

Glancing around the apartment, I thought I could spot many of Holly's personal touches in the decorating scheme. She adored dolphins, and I saw them embroidered on the couch's throw pillows. There was even a dolphin wall clock. I took off my coat and then sank down into a comfortable chair, awkwardly clutching the bottle of wine I'd brought.

Meanwhile, Troy strode around the apartment, searching for and then finding his keys. "So Holly tells me you two work together at the library," he said to me before slipping on his own coat.

"Yeah, Holly's wonderful." I wished Holly had told me even one thing about Troy, but I had absolutely no information to go on. "How long have you been roommates?"

"About six months now. I work as a bouncer, so she and I are kind of like ships passing in the night for the most part. I normally don't get home until after two in the morning." Troy grabbed his phone from a small table near the door. "Speaking of which, I have to head in to work now," he told me. Then he smiled, and those dark blue eyes of his filled with warmth. "You and Holly have a good evening."

"Thanks. You too," I said just before he left. Then I slumped back into the chair and sighed, wondering if Troy thought this was some kind of date for me and Holly. Holly knew I was gay, so she wouldn't have knowingly given Troy that impression, but maybe he simply assumed it. That bothered me, though I couldn't understand why. What did it matter if Troy thought I was seeing Holly?

Before I could dwell on it anymore, I heard Holly approaching from a hallway which I assumed led to the bedrooms. As soon as she appeared in the living room with a big smile on her face, I stood. "Josh, hi!" she said, then moved to hug me. "Sorry I had to leave you on your own for a bit; my mom called just before you got here, and she can get a little long-winded."

"No problem," I said. Now that it was just me and Holly, I felt some of my nervous tension fade. "Your roommate let me in. He's very nice." I let my voice dip, giving each word I spoke extra emphasis.

Holly grinned, catching my meaning immediately. "Isn't he, though? I'm actually glad he's gay because otherwise, I'd be lusting after him while knowing I don't have a chance in hell with a guy like him."

I began coughing loudly as if I were choking, and Holly's expression grew concerned. "Josh, are you okay? Want me to get you some water?"

I shook my head, but it was several more moments before I could speak again. "He's gay?" I finally sputtered. "Are you fucking serious?"

Holly gave me a puzzled smile. "Well, yeah, but what..." Her voice trailed off as she realized. "Oh."

"Jeez, I wish you hadn't told me that," I said with a rueful grin. "Now I'll be lusting after the guy while knowing I don't have a chance in hell with him."

Holly's eyes took on an impish gleam. "I could, you know, casually mention to Troy that you're gay," she offered.

"Don't you dare," I said. "Let me maintain a shred of dignity in case I ever come over to your place again while he's here."

Holly laughed and slipped an arm around me. "Deal. Now what have you brought us to drink?" She took the wine from me and examined the label. "Ha! I got the same brand. Chardonnay for me, though."

I was relieved to find she wasn't a wine snob, but then again, Holly wasn't like that. One of the reasons we'd become such good friends was that she was so kind to others, always wanting to make everyone around her feel at ease. She was a cute young woman, rather than pretty, but she had the sweetest smile, and I'd noticed more than a few men sneaking glances at her voluptuous figure. She wore her dark hair to her shoulders, and she was always tucking it behind her ears as she worked. Right now she was wearing a sweatshirt and lounge pants, while I was dressed in the sweater and chinos I'd worn to work.

It wasn't long before the two of us were seated on her couch, sipping our cheap wine and working our way through a cheese plate she'd prepared. Holly was on her third glass of chardonnay when she leaned toward me as if to confide a secret. "I really appreciate you being such a good friend during my breakup with John. I know I was a mess at work, and you saved my ass more than once by covering for me when I was crying my eyes out in the restroom."

"I hated to see you hurting, and I wanted to help however I could," I said. Staring down into my wineglass, I released a heavy sigh. "I think I've gotten my heart broken too many times to try any more with relationships, to be honest."

"Oh, come on!" Holly said, giving my knee a playful smack. "You're only twenty-four, Josh, two years younger than me! You have plenty of time to meet the right person."

When I looked over at Holly, I tried not to appear despondent, but I was pretty sure I didn't succeed. "Guys like Troy have far better luck meeting the right person, because everyone wants to be with them, right? But guys like me? I get the attention of a few guys at best, and the chance of any of them being 'the one' is slim to none."

Holly tilted her head, studying me the way she might peruse an interesting book title at work. Though her eyes were already a little bleary from the wine, I saw the empathy in her gaze. "You're totally selling yourself short," she said. "I mean, not many people can compare themselves with Troy. It should be a sin for someone to be that gorgeous. But I think the reason you don't get more attention is because you're a bit quiet, kind of shy. It's not because of how you look. In fact," she went on with a playful grin, "you remind me of a young Cillian Murphy, with your intense blue eyes, and those cheekbones to die for!" 

I snorted with laughter, though I was secretly pleased at her compliment. "That's awfully kind of you, Holly," I said. "Too bad you're not a man."

Holly threw her head back and giggled. "Do you think if I were, Troy would give me a pity fuck? Because I haven't gotten laid since John and I broke up, and it's been frustrating, to say the least!"

Her words made me dissolve into giggles as well, and as our conversation turned toward past shitty relationships we'd both endured, she and I drank more and more. I'd meant to pace myself since I needed to drive home, but I ended up finishing almost the entire bottle of pinot noir on my own. "Oh shit," I muttered, pressing a hand to my forehead. "I'm gonna have to call an Uber. I can't drive like this."

"Don't be ridiculous," Holly said, slurring her words. "Just sleep here on the couch. It's comfy."

The thought of curling up and going to sleep right there was appealing, I had to admit. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course. Let me get you a pillow and blanket." When Holly climbed to her feet, her gait was a little unsteady. "The bathroom's right down the hall."

While she prepared the couch for me, I used the bathroom, and as I washed my hands at the sink, I noticed that one side of the countertop held Holly's toiletries and the other side held Troy's. The two of them seemed to make perfect roommates.

When I returned to the living room, Holly offered me a large glass of water. "It's a little late for this, but maybe hydrating now will ward off the worst of your hangover tomorrow." I thanked her and gulped down the water, unaware until that moment of how thirsty I was. "Troy will be coming home later, but he's quiet," Holly told me. "I doubt he'll wake you up."

"How old is he, anyway?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Thirty," she said. "You know, he recently got out of a bad relationship, too. I mean, he and I didn't really talk about it, but he was seeing a guy for months, and then, from what I heard of one of their arguments over the phone, the guy cheated on Troy, and that was the end of it. Troy seemed depressed about it for weeks."

"What kind of idiot would cheat on Troy?" I asked, more to myself than Holly.

She shrugged and said, "Some people don't know how good they have it, I guess."

"Like John," I pointed out.

"Absolutely like John. That bastard." Holly planted a kiss on my cheek. "Good night, Josh."

Holly was right; the couch was comfy, and almost as soon as I turned off the lamp on the side table and lay my head on the pillow, I felt sleep insistently pulling at me. A nightlight glowed from an outlet near the door, and I figured it provided Troy with some illumination when he returned home in the middle of the night. Again I thought of Holly's roommate, astonished that someone had recently broken his heart. Maybe it was stereotypical of me, but I hadn't guessed he'd be the monogamous type.

I started entertaining a fantasy in my mind of Troy walking into the apartment and stripping naked in front of me, but alcohol-induced sleep proved more powerful than my imagination, and I passed out. I had no idea how long I'd been asleep when the sound of a door opening and closing made me open my eyes. Staring around the shadowy room, I frowned in confusion. "Where the hell am I?" I murmured. Someone to my left turned on a lamp, and though the light was soft and low, I still squinted my eyes.

"Oh, sorry, Josh," a deep voice spoke quietly, and I lifted my head to see Troy looking down at me in confusion. "What are you doing sleeping out here on the couch?"

The sight of Troy chased away my disorientation, and I hurried to sit up. "I had too much to drink, and Holly said I could spend the night." The hangover Holly had warned me about was already making its presence known; it was as if I could feel my heartbeat in the bones of my face, and my head was beginning to ache.

"But why aren't you in Holly's room?" Troy asked. "I thought you two were..."

"Oh no," I hurried to tell him. "Holly's great, but we're just friends. And I'm gay." I blurted all that out in a single breath, again sounding like an idiot. So much for maintaining any of my dignity. It was hard to hold Troy's stare while my face flushed with embarrassment, but I wanted to see his reaction to my words. I watched as his eyebrows lifted in what appeared to be mild surprise.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything," Troy said. 

I gave him what I hoped was an attractive smile, though I had my doubts, as crummy as I felt. "No need to be sorry," I said. "And I apologize for getting wasted and crashing on your couch."

Troy returned my smile, and I realized that in the hours I'd been asleep, I must have sobered up fairly fast because I now felt my cock stir. Christ, all the man had to do was smile at me and I started to get a hard-on! I was never going to be able to come over to Holly's again.

"Don't worry about it," Troy told me. "I have to say, you're the most mild-mannered drunk I've been around tonight." His eyes moved to my empty water glass on the table. "How about I bring you some more water?"

"That would be fantastic. Thank you." I watched him retrieve my glass and head to the kitchen. As soon as he was out of sight, I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to tame my bedhead. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I was happy to find I hadn't drooled in my sleep. Or when I was awake and staring up at Troy.

After he came back to the living room and gave me the glass, I took several large swallows of water, all the while watching as he shrugged out of his coat. I figured he would wish me a good night and go to his room, but he instead sat down on the couch next to me. Simply being close to him had my heartbeat quickening, and I immediately forgot about my headache. Troy had taken off his shoes, and he now stretched his long legs out before him.

"Was it a rough night at the bar?" I asked, casting a sidelong glance his way.

"Ah, typical for a Friday." Troy rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. "Sometimes I think I'm getting too old for this shit."

I set my empty water glass on the table, then turned to face him. "Maybe Holly and I can put in a good word for you at the library," I suggested with a smile.

Troy looked over at me before laughing from low in his belly. "I think I might be a little too rough around the edges for the library, but I do appreciate the offer, Josh."

Every time he said my name, I felt a current of lust travel through me, and I hoped my arousal wouldn't become too obvious as I sat at his side. Though I wasn't drunk, I was still plenty relaxed from the wine, and I blamed the alcohol for what I said next. "You could always model. Or act, maybe."

"Just how much did you drink tonight?" Troy asked, but his grin made it clear he didn't mind my compliments.

"Oh, come on, you know how hot you are," I said, rolling my eyes. I was well aware that after tonight I would look back on this conversation with utter mortification, but it was as if my horniness had taken complete control over my tongue.

I struggled to hide my shock when Troy moved closer to me on the couch, his thigh almost touching mine. "I don't think I do, actually," he said. When he dipped his head to catch my eyes, I somehow managed not to look away. "Why don't you tell me how hot you think I am, Josh?"

This could not be happening, I told myself. No way was a guy like Troy flirting with me. This had to be a dream. Yet when I dared to place my palm on his knee, I felt the warmth of his skin through his jeans and knew he was all too real. My erection was strengthening by the minute, and I didn't care if Troy noticed it. Part of me hoped he would. "I'm pretty sure I'm not your type," I began, "but I think you're so hot that I'd gladly suck you off right now if you wanted me to."

Troy's eyes widened, and while part of me felt a satisfaction at surprising him, another part was already bracing for his rejection. My face flushed from a mixture of arousal and shock at my own boldness, and as I waited for his response, the sound of my breathing seemed too loud to my ears.

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Troy covered my hand with his and slowly moved it upward along the length of his thigh. "Maybe my type," he said in a low voice that sent a delicious shiver through me, "is a slightly hungover young man with gorgeous eyes who wants to suck my dick." He placed my hand between his thighs then. A moan escaped my parted lips, and I instantly began stroking him through his jeans while our eyes locked. I felt him respond to my touch, his cock growing harder from my steady attention. "Ah, that feels nice," he murmured as his stare took on a new heat.

"Take out your dick, and I promise it will feel even nicer," I said with a grin. All the while, I hoped I wasn't being overconfident. I'd sucked plenty of cocks and knew I was skilled at it, but I worried Troy's would be more than I could handle. It would just figure if he had a porn-sized dick I could barely fit in my mouth.

When Troy unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, then pulled them down his thighs, along with his underwear, I was relieved to find his cock was a perfect length, at around seven and a half inches. He was fully erect already, and his gorgeous tip seemed to flush a deeper red as I eagerly studied it. While I kept my pubes closely trimmed, I saw Troy was shaved bare. Moving closer, I circled a fingertip around the base of his cock. "Now this is nice," I told him before gently taking hold of his shaft. Troy's dick pulsed in my grasp, and I lowered my mouth to his tip so I could give it a long, slow lick. I loved his scent, I realized. It bordered on strong after he'd been working all night, but it made my own dick strain against my pants.

I heard his faint moan as I kissed his length, my lips and tongue exploring every inch. Paying extra attention to the underside of his shaft, I worked my way downward and then back up to his frenulum. "Fuck yes, Josh!" he encouraged me, keeping his voice quiet enough not to wake Holly. But I heard the excitement in those words, and it fed my own. Taking the head of his cock between my lips, I gently sucked it while sliding my tongue over his slit. When I was rewarded with a little of his precum, I didn't hesitate to lap it up.

Troy rested his hand on my back, massaging me through my shirt. He didn't have to be gentle, I knew, and I suspected he did, too. He could have placed his palm on my head and pushed my mouth farther down his cock, and I would have done my best to take all of it. But he didn't even move his hips to drive his dick deeper past my lips, as some other guys liked to. Instead, he seemed to enjoy the way I drew out his pleasure. When Troy's hand moved upward so he could run his fingers through my hair, I expected him to take control and guide me then, yet he merely groaned a bit louder as his dick swelled even more in my mouth.

It was my own eagerness that finally got the better of me, and I began sucking and stroking his cock, my palm making a circular motion all around his shaft. As Troy drew in an uneven breath, I felt him tremble ever so slightly. Of course I was thrilled I'd managed to excite him so much already, but it made me wonder just how long it had been since someone had sucked his dick. It was hard to believe he hadn't been with anyone since his breakup.

"Oh yeah, that feels so fucking good!" Troy said, and I heard him breathing faster. I appreciated him talking a little and letting me know what he enjoyed. Some guys were so quiet, I wasn't sure I was getting them off until the moment they came in my mouth. I found the perfect rhythm, sucking his dick and letting his tip slide into my throat just prior to the point where my gag reflex would be triggered. While I took him as deep as I could, over and over again, I played with his balls, which sent another shudder of arousal through his muscles. When I reluctantly had to stop so I could inhale a lungful of air, I saw that Troy's cock was coated with my spit, his tip now an almost livid red.

"Lower your pants for me," he said.

I pulled my stare from his cock so I could look at him in confusion. Then I glanced over my shoulder toward the hallway. "But Holly..."

Troy's face was flushed, just as mine was, and he spoke in a rush. "She's a heavy sleeper; don't worry about her. And you don't have to take your pants off. Just pull them down around your thighs so I can play with your ass a little while you suck me off."

I actually whimpered a little at that. My hands shook as I unfastened my pants, tugging them and my underwear down my legs. Troy's gaze dropped from my face to my dick, and when he made a show of licking his lips, my erection jumped in response. I was just over six inches in length, but the way he eyed my cock made me think he was satisfied with what he saw.

A thick strand of precum dangled from my cockhead, and I hurried to catch it in my palm. The blanket Holly had given me protected the couch cushions, but I'd be mortified if she discovered stains on it later. "I'm afraid I'll make a mess if I have my dick out like this," I told Troy with a grin.

"Wouldn't be the first time someone made a mess on this couch," he replied. Then he pressed a finger to his lips and whispered around it, "Don't tell Holly." We both laughed, struggling to stay quiet. "I'll wash the blanket tomorrow with my laundry so she'll never notice," Troy went on.

He extended a hand to stroke my cock, and I let my head fall back, releasing a shaky breath while he touched me. As excited as I was, I knew it wouldn't take much to make me come. I didn't want to embarrass myself by shooting my load almost immediately, so I leaned forward again, eagerly taking his cock in my mouth.

This time I found my stride quickly, and even when Troy caressed and squeezed my ass cheeks, I didn't slow my pace. When he briefly removed his hand, I thought I could make out the sound of him sliding his finger between his lips. Realizing what he planned to do, I moaned around his dick, my face growing hot from my fervent effort to make him come. Finally, I lifted my head, gasping for breath, and it was then that Troy eased his wet fingertip inside me. I cried out louder than I should have as he gently explored my ass.

"You like that?" he asked, and it was obvious he was grinning.

"Oh my God, yes!" I panted while sweat beaded on my forehead. Fuck, there was no way he was going to make me come first, I decided. That resolve seemed to override my gag reflex, and I was able to take even more of his dick in my throat. When my lips reached the smooth skin surrounding the base of his cock, my eyes widened in astonishment. I'd never managed to deep-throat a dick of Troy's size before.

"Holy shit!" he groaned. "I'm almost there, Josh!" When he withdrew his finger from my ass, I pulled back a little in anticipation of his climax, but he was still deep enough in my mouth that I didn't taste the first spurt of cum. The second and third blasts, hot and forceful, coated my tongue. I heard his gasp, followed by a moan. His semen was milder than most I'd tasted, and I found I enjoyed swallowing it down. Only when I was certain he had no more to offer me did I set about licking him clean, giving my breathing a chance to return to normal.

As I slid my tongue over Troy's still-hard cock, he stroked my hair. "Fuck, I loved that!" he said.

I grinned and slowly sat up. When our eyes met, Troy gave me a satisfied smile before turning his attention to my erection. I was still on my knees, my pants around my thighs and my cock practically begging for release, but I said, "I can, um, take care of this in the bathroom."

"Nah," Troy said, his smile widening. "You can take care of it right here." Sitting up, he pulled his shirt over his head, and I didn't even try to stop my jaw from dropping.

"You are so fucking ripped!" I breathed. The definition of his muscles was something most men could only dream about having.

Glancing down at himself, Troy gave his washboard abs a pat. "I'm a little softer than I used to be," he told me. Before I could respond, he grabbed my pillow and propped it up against the arm of the couch. When he turned to me again, I sensed a little tiredness in the way he moved, but his stare was still hot. "Hop up a sec while I stretch out here," he said, "and after you take off those pants, you can straddle me and get that dick nice and close to my face."

I cast another nervous glance at the hallway, but my fear of Holly discovering us wasn't nearly strong enough to overpower my desire to follow Troy's instructions. As soon as I stood up from the couch, I began stripping from the waist down. While I was self-conscious about my slender build, I tried to set my anxiety aside by telling myself that after tonight I'd see Troy only if Holly happened to invite me over when he was home. Hell, I might never see the man again, so I was determined to enjoy this time with him while it lasted.

Once Troy was lying on his back with his jeans down almost to his ankles, I moved to straddle his torso, planting a knee on either side of him. I left my sweater on, hiding my upper body from Troy's view, and I was relieved he didn't ask me to take it off. Maybe he sensed my nervousness, for once I was settled on his stomach, he ran his palms over my thighs. Then he looked up at me and said, "Definitely my type."

I grinned at his words, though I knew he couldn't possibly mean them. I felt almost shy as I said, "So you, um, want me to..."

Troy cupped my ass in his strong hands then, scooting me forward. "Perfect. Now you and I are going to play until you come all over my face," he told me with a sexy grin. My cock pulsed and swayed like it had a mind of its own, and I might have been a little embarrassed if I weren't so fucking horny. "You know," he went on as he gave my buttocks a squeeze, "I should have grabbed some lube from my bedroom. I can still get it if you want."

I quickly shook my head. "It's fine, really. I don't think this will take long."

Troy's stare traveled to my dick, his beautiful lips parting when he wrapped his fingers around my shaft. With his other hand, he cupped my balls, and I muffled a cry so it emerged from me as a whimper. He was careful not to be too vigorous since he was jerking me dry, but even if he'd been rough, I wouldn't have complained. The way he stared so intently at my erection while pleasuring me made the precum readily flow from my dick. The fluid provided some lubrication, which only increased the blissful intensity of Troy's hand job.

He squeezed my balls gently, and that subtle pressure made me roll my hips. "Oh fuck yeah!" I groaned. "I'm gonna come soon, Troy!" I was sweating more now, my skin flushed, and I felt my arousal rapidly building to that point when nothing could stop my climax. I couldn't recall a time when someone had gotten me this excited so easily. But then, I'd never been with anyone like Troy. Every touch, every word he spoke, made me crazy with lust.

Gazing up at me, he said, "I want you to come all over my face, Josh. Give me everything you've got!"

He extended his tongue then, and the sight made me start shaking. I felt that telltale tightening in my balls, another signal I was close. "Fuck!" I managed to say just before my entire body tensed and I came hard with a loud groan. When the first rope of semen erupted from my dick, my muscles contracted as if working to drain me dry. I watched my cum strike Troy's neck and then his chin. While he continued stroking me, a less forceful spurt landed on his waiting tongue. He hurried to swallow it, his touch slowing until it became a gentle caress against my cock.

"Thank you," I blurted out, still in disbelief that the gorgeous man beneath me was grinning while covered in my cum. 

"My pleasure," Troy said. When he reached for his t-shirt, his movements languid, I hurried to climb off the couch. Neither of us spoke as he used his shirt to wipe my semen from his skin and I quickly dressed. Now that I'd come, my self-doubt returned, and I didn't feel comfortable remaining partially naked in front of Troy. Once he'd stood and pulled up his jeans and underwear, I forced myself to meet his eyes. His tone was casual as he said, "You can use the bathroom to wash up if you need to. Then I'm going to hop in the shower; I normally take one after work."

"Sure," I said, nodding stupidly as I spoke. Maybe it was simply due to the inevitable comedown after my powerful orgasm, but I struggled to hide my disappointment. I knew it was ridiculous to feel that way, and what had I expected from this, anyhow? That Troy would invite me to spend the rest of the night in his bed? I really was an idiot, I told myself. "You know," I continued, looking helplessly around the living room until my stare settled on the dolphin clock, "I'm fine to drive. I should just head home."

"No, stay!" Troy insisted. "It's fucking freezing out there tonight, and it's so late. Just crash here, okay?"

I couldn't keep the smile from my face as I said, "Okay, you've convinced me."

Troy smiled back, and I noticed he hadn't managed to get all of my semen out of his beard. "I'll probably still be asleep when you and Holly get up," he told me, "but if you want to give me your number, maybe we can get together again sometime?"

I loved the way he spoke those words as a question, like it was my decision to make. "Absolutely!" I said, knowing I sounded far too eager. "Um, do you want me to write it down?"

"Nah, I have a good memory. Just tell me what it is," Troy said. After I told him my number, he repeated it back to me twice, then nodded firmly. "Got it."

I ducked my head, trying to hide my elated grin from Troy as I walked down the hall to the bathroom. It was foolish to think he'd ever call me; he'd probably forgotten my number as soon as I gave it to him. But tonight, while I was still trembling from nerves and excitement, from making Troy come with my mouth and from coming all over him, I decided I'd allow myself to dream. Even if that meant it would hurt far more later when I didn't hear from him.

After I'd relieved myself, then washed my hands and face and rinsed out my mouth, I stepped out into the hall and looked around. I noticed light escaping from beneath a closed door at the end of the hallway, and the realization that Troy was in there, most likely avoiding me, made my mouth grow dry. Hurrying back to the living room, I turned off the lamp and then lay down on the couch, pulling the blanket around me.

I was still awake when Troy emerged from his room. Holly was right about him being quiet; I had to strain to hear his footsteps in the hall. Only when the bathroom door softly closed did I sit up and reach for my phone, which I'd left on the side table with my keys. I definitely wanted to be out of this apartment before Troy got up in the morning, and I decided to set an alarm in case Holly slept late.

Before I could, however, I saw that I had a new text. It was from Troy, and it read: You're a lot of fun, Josh. Let's get together soon.

I blinked several times, expecting the words to vanish like a mirage. "Holy shit," I finally whispered as I grinned at the screen.

I decided I wouldn't reply until the following morning, so maybe I had a little dignity left, after all. But I lay in the darkness, listening to the sound of the shower through the thin apartment walls, and I allowed myself to imagine Troy returning to the living room. Maybe he'd whisper my name before I assured him I wasn't asleep. And then he'd invite me to his room, where he'd strip me naked and lead me to his bed...

I was fully hard by the time Troy left the bathroom, and if he'd come to me then, I would have let him fuck me however he wanted. Rough and fast, or with slow and measured thrusts. I would have happily offered up my mouth and my ass; hell, I wasn't above begging for his cock. But Troy headed to his room, and my hopes were dashed when I heard the door close with a firm click.

Still, I had that text from him, I told myself. Maybe he and I weren't finished just yet, and I could afford to dream a little longer. 

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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