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Kim: So, I was thinking Friday night. Does that work for both of you?

Peter: She works Friday night.

Kim: What time does she get out?

Peter: Nine.

Kim: That’s perfect actually. I’ll text you the address later.

Peter: What address?

Kim: I have someplace special in mind. You’ll see.

On Friday afternoon, at about half past two when Peter arrived home from work, he opened his mailbox and found an envelope waiting for him from the local police district. He brought it up to his apartment with the rest of his mail, opened it up, read through it, and let out a heavy sigh.

“Baby?” Chloe approached him from behind as he stood over the kitchen table.


“Is everything okay?”

He could feel her looking over his shoulder, trying to discern the problem before he had a chance to explain it. So he handed her the piece of paper and let her figure the rest out for herself.

“I don’t get it,” she said. “I mean, I didn’t even see any cops around. Did you?”

“Apparently we weren’t looking hard enough.”

She let out a sigh, looking at him with heartfelt remorse in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s fine. We knew the risks. Besides, eighty dollars isn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be.”

“You can always contest it in court, can’t you?”

He shrugged.

“And say what? My girlfriend dared me to make the turn without using my blinker?”

She huffed softly through her nose, trying to suppress a giggle she knew wouldn’t be appropriate under the circumstances.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. You don’t owe them eighty though.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“You don’t owe them eighty. I do, remember?”

He considered it for the briefest of moments, thinking how nice it would be to hang onto that money for a new blender he’s had his eye on.

“We’ll go fifty, fifty on it.”

“Alright,” she nodded. “Fifty, fifty.”

He looked her over for a moment, dressed from head to toe in her black barista outfit.


He shook his head.

“Nothing. Just thinking about all those horny college guys dying to get their hands on that fine ass of yours.”

“Aww, are you jealous?”

He gave her a look dripping with sarcasm and feigned judgment.

“Are you saying that scrawny dorm room hipsters are your type?”

“Hell, no. All they do is use the free WiFi to look at porn.”

“Wait, are you serious?”

“Mm-hmm. Some of them don’t hide their screens very well.”

Peter shook his head in disgust and disapproval.

“You’d think they’d at least wait until they’re behind closed doors to do that shit.”

“I mean, that’s what makes it an addiction, right? You should see some of the kinky shit they look at too. Actually, don’t. I don’t want you getting any ideas.”

“Speaking of kinky…”

“I know,” she nodded. “Tonight’s the night, isn’t it?”

He returned the nod.

“How are you feeling about it?”

She sighed as she took a step closer to him, resting her hand on the edge of the table. He knew it was her way of telling him not to leave her side.

“I don’t know. Nervous, excited, curious to see what she has in store for us.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Did she send you the address yet?”

He nodded.

“Did you look it up?”

“No, she told me not to.”

Her silence spoke volumes about her level of discomfort.

“She’s a bit of a wild one, isn’t she?”

“She was when I knew her, that’s for sure.” He huffed out a chuckle through his nose. “Then again, who are we to talk after what we did?”

“True. I’m just saying there’s a line, you know?”

He held her gaze, his expression serious to communicate his sincerity.

“If there’s ever a line you don’t want to cross tonight, just say the word. I don’t care if she likes it or not. She’ll deal with it.”

She took half a step closer to him, her gaze cast upward, her hand brushing up and down his arm.

“If you’re this protective of me throughout the night, I might be too turned on to say no to anything.”

He returned the smile, letting her read his racing thoughts to get her even more excited.

“You’re gonna be late for work if you don’t head out soon.”

She leaned in closer still, closing the gap between their lips, the peak of her breast gently poking his side through her clothes.

“Maybe I don’t want to leave just yet.”

He tilted his head until his lips met hers, whetting her appetite with a gentle, fleeting kiss.

“I don’t want you to. But we’ll have plenty of time for that tonight.”

“We better.” Her voice was a whisper, sultry, seductive, and with the slightest trace of doubt.

He watched as she turned her back to him and walked toward the door, wanting nothing more than to catch up with her and slip his hand under her skirt. He’s done it before, and he knew it would be enough to make her stay for a while longer.

But he didn’t. He simply kept his gaze on her and fantasized until she walked out into the hallway, closing the door behind her. After that, he went through the rest of his mail, changed out of his work clothes, and made himself something to eat when his phone chimed with a new message.

Kim: Hey, Pete.

Peter: Hey, Kimmy.

Kim: You excited about tonight?

Peter: Yeah, are you?

Kim: Of course I am. It’s all I can think about.

Peter: Oh, really? Why’s that?

Kim: Pete, I’ve seen your dick. And I want it.

Kim: So fucking bad.

Peter: I know you do. I just wanted to hear you say it.

Kim: Uh-huh.

Kim: You like it when I’m a bad girl, don’t you?

Peter: Is it that obvious?

Kim: You’ve always been obvious. I just like stringing you along.

Kim: Anyway, break’s over. See you tonight, bad boy.

Peter: See you tonight. Behave yourself until then.

Kim: No promises.

“Is this the place?”

Peter checked the message on his phone one more time.

“Yeah, this is the place.”

He and Chloe made sure that the GPS was in the car, both of their phones were fully charged, and they had extra charging cables with them before they headed out.

“This can’t be right, can it?”

He shrugged.

“I mean, it’s the address she gave me.”

“Well, text her and ask her if she’s sure it’s right.”

Peter assumed the address Kim sent him would lead them to a residential part of town. It instead led them to a small office building dwarfed by the surrounding department stores and parking garages that lined the street. There was no light coming from the windows or glass doors, the parking lot abandoned save for one other car. 

“I’ll be right back,” he said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door, stepping out into the brisk night air that promised the arrival of autumn in another week or two. The chill was subtle enough to give him a constant urge to look over his shoulder like he was doing something illegal.

As he stepped up to the entrance and peered through the doors, he could see a faint light coming from around the corner on the other side; not enough to convince him there was anyone inside. Just as he was thinking about returning to the car, he noticed a name transferred on the glass in front of him. The shadows made it almost invisible when he wasn’t paying attention. But when he did, there was no mistaking it. This building, at least in part, belonged to a Dr. Praegen.

As soon as he started putting the pieces together, Kim walked up to the door and pushed it open from the other side, donned a blouse and skirt that demonstrated the appropriate level of professionalism for her job. Seeing her standing before him in the flesh, her round, prominent cheeks gleaming silver in the moonlight, Peter couldn’t help but smile.

“Hey, Kimmy.”

“Pete.” She smiled back, her dimples catching the shadows painted over her face. “I’m glad you could make it.”

“Me too. It’s so good to finally see you-”

“Is that your girlfriend in the car?” she asked, standing on tiptoes to look over his shoulder.

“Yeah, it is.”

“Well, tell her to turn the lights off and get over here. I’m not supposed to let anyone in at this hour.”

Peter waved for Chloe to come join them. She turned the engine off, and the lights with it, locking the doors and dropping the keys in her purse as she huddled over to join them, a slight shiver in her breath brought about by the sudden change in temperature.

“Hi. Kim, right?” she asked as she stepped up onto the curb, her bare knees knocking together under her black pleated skirt.

“Yes, that’s right. I’m sorry, I don’t think I ever caught your name.”

“I’m Chloe.”

Kim looked at Peter with a sly grin. He shrugged.


“Never knew you had a thing for dark-skinned girls, Pete.”

“Well, I have a thing for her. That’s all that matters.”

“Mmm, I can see why.”

Chloe shuffled closer to him. He placed a hand on her shoulder, sensing just how badly she was shaking.

“Let’s go inside,” he said. “Feels like it’s getting colder out here by the minute.”

“Yeah, come on in. There’s no one else here, just us.” Kim held the door open for them and stepped aside as they entered the building. When Peter set foot in the lobby, he realized the light was coming from a lamp in the corner of the room.

“Follow me,” she said, leading them down a hallway to their right that grew darker the deeper they went.

“What are we even doing here?” Chloe whispered to Peter.

“This is where she works,” he whispered back.

She clung to his arm, taking baby steps forward that could barely keep up with his.

“It’s fine, Chloe. Really,” Kim said, looking over her shoulder as she continued walking forward. “My boss is gone for the night, and he never comes back for anything. I’ve worked here long enough to know.”

“What about, you know, security cameras?”

She shrugged.

“What about them? Yeah, he has a few. They’re in a storage closet somewhere collecting dust. He keeps saying he’s gonna install them. But wouldn’t you know it, he just can’t seem to find the time.”

As they rounded the corner, Peter could see an open doorway on the far side with fluorescent light shining through and spilling out into the darkness. After a few more steps, he could make out the name inscribed on the wooden door that was propped open.

“This is it,” he whispered to Chloe. “You feeling okay?”

She nodded, her gaze downcast in thought.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” 

He gave her a kiss on the brow to reassure her. She clung to him tighter.

“That’s my desk,” Kim said, pointing to a desk facing away from the right wall as they followed her inside. “And in here is my boss’s office.”

“Does it have a couch?” Chloe asked.

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded, reaching in her breast pocket for a key to unlock the door along the far wall, pushing it open and flicking on the light switch on the other side. “A couch, a couple of comfy chairs, a nice, soft carpet. We could turn it into our own lover’s pad with a little creativity.”

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Peter could see the potential as soon as he set foot inside. The space had all the appearance of a professional, confidential office, the furniture arranged evenly around a glass coffee table for the benefit of the doctor and the patient. But there were no doctors nor patients in the room at the moment. There were only three horny, consenting adults, and the room had to reflect that.

“Look,” Chloe said, tapping his shoulder with her fingertips. “A courtyard.”

He could see it through the glass panels behind the chairs. It lay in the center of the building, surrounded by three other offices: a running fountain behind a curtain of exotic plants strategically placed to give the display a sense of appeal and purpose.

“We can fool around out there later if you guys want.”

Chloe shifted her weight and bit her lower lip, meeting Peter’s gaze with a nod.

“Later,” she whispered.

“It’s not gonna be too cold for you?”

She shook her head and leaned in to let him feel her hot breath against his ear.

“I’ll have you to keep me warm.”

“So, how do you guys want to start this?” Kim stood on the other side of the couch, poised like a hostess there to cater to their every need.

“I don’t know,” Peter said. “We’ve never done anything like this before.”

Chloe nodded in agreement.

“Yeah. I mean, should he be wearing a condom for this?”

Kim shook her head with a shrug.

“I’m on the pill. And I’m clean. I assume you guys are too.”

“Yeah, we are.”

She smirked in a way that made Chloe uncomfortable. Peter could feel it in the way she leaned against him.

“What do you say then, Chloe? You want to share him raw?”

Before she could answer, Kim walked over to them, grabbed Peter by the hand, and led him back around to the couch.

“Come here, Pete,” she said. “I’m getting tired of waiting.”

She pushed him back, insisting he take a seat. He waited for her to climb on top of him, make out with him, touch him in places he knew would make Chloe want to look away. But she didn’t. She instead took a step back and signaled for Chloe to come join them.

“You two start,” she said.

Chloe stepped in front of Peter and placed her purse down on the coffee table, meeting his gaze with a shy smile he hadn’t seen her wear since the night they met. He smiled back, taking her hand and gently pulling her toward him. She complied, her skirt hiking up her thighs as she straddled his lap, the cushions sinking under their combined weight. Before either one of them set things in motion, she looked over her shoulder at Kim.

“What are you gonna do?”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m just gonna enjoy the show for now.”

Chloe shrugged and turned her attention back to her boyfriend.

“What do you think?” she asked, pressing her teeth against the bottom corner of her mouth. “Think we can do it with someone watching?”

“Yeah,” he said, placing his hands on her knees and running them up her thighs, his fingers tracing the way she leaned into his touch. “Yeah, I think so. What about you?”

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded, rubbing her palms up and down his chest through his shirt. “I’m starting to get turned on just thinking about it.”

“Oh, yeah?”


His touch slipped under her skirt, making its way up to her hips before reaching around to squeeze her ass, coercing the softest of sighs to slip through her lips.

“Are you still wearing your skirt from work?” he asked.

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded. “It was the only one I had, and I wanted to be ready for tonight.”

“So you decided to make things a bit more convenient this time.”

“Yes, I did. In more ways than one.”

Her smile turned from shy to naughty as he slowly started to realize the little surprise she kept hidden from him since they left the apartment: She wasn’t wearing any panties.

“Take your cock out,” she said in a low whisper. “I wanna play with it.”

Just as he sat back and started undoing his belt, the lights suddenly grew dim, casting soft shadows over their bodies that ran deep between their points of contact. Peter looked over his shoulder to find Kim playing with the light switch.

“Just trying to set the mood,” she said.

By the time he turned his attention back to Chloe, her fingers were already on his belt buckle, finishing the job he started. She popped the button open on his jeans and pinched the zipper, pulling it down slowly. He lifted his hips up as she pulled his pants down with his boxers, grabbing his cock at the base and working her hand up and down the length of his shaft, half-flaccid and throbbing to life in her grasp. 

He could feel Kim’s gaze on them as she circled around the couch and sat down in the chair to their right, making herself comfortable in the harshest shadows the room had to offer, watching the way he narrowed his eyes and moaned.

Chloe moaned with him as she jerked him off faster, making his head tilt back and his mouth gape open, his erection close to full mast. She leaned down for a taste of his lips, her breath hot in his mouth as he ran his hands up her shirt to grab her tits, squeezing them through her bra. Her thighs slid further up his lap, the damp heat of her cunt breathing on his cock. She broke the kiss and pressed her forehead against his, grinding her hips against him, his face basking in the trembling heat of her breath.
“You’re wet already,” he whispered, his thumbs teasing her nipples poking through her bra.

“Mm-hmm,” she cooed, her eyes locked on his, her pussy drooling all over him. “She’s watching us, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, she is.”

“Is she touching herself?”

They both went real quiet, not a sigh or a whispered word spoken between them. From the depths of the sudden silence, Kim’s voice rose to the surface, the rhythm of her moans breaking through the static lust that lingered in the air.

Chloe pressed her hands against his chest, pushing herself up and swaying her hips back and forth, faster and faster, her back arching, her head tilting back in a chorus of soft gasps. Peter’s hands slipped out of her shirt and found their way back around to her ass, his fingers digging into her flesh, pressing her skin harder against his.

She grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head, tossing it aside as she reached behind her to unclasp her bra, her straps sliding off her shoulders to reveal the sensual curves of her breasts heaving in the shadows.

“Take your pants off,” she panted, rubbing her clit against the tip of his cock, reaching behind her to push his jeans down his legs until they teetered on the edge of his knees.

He shimmied out of them the rest of the way, kicking them off when they fell to his ankles. Chloe raised her hips and reached between them for the base of his cock, the pulse of his shaft keeping it rock solid. She teased her starving lips with the tip. He could feel them salivate with hunger before she lowered herself down onto him, her skirt draped over everything, leaving it all to the sensation of touch and movement. 

Kim’s moans rose higher as she watched. He could make out her silhouette on the chair, her legs spread wide, her hand tucked between her thighs as Chloe braced her hands against his shoulders, rolling her hips nice and slow to feel every inch of penetration.

Peter sat up and grabbed her breast, holding it steady as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue until she started bouncing on his cock, her body restless with her moans, her fingers running through his hair as she pressed his lips against her chest.

Her pussy wrapped around him tight, slick and hot, gliding over his foreskin with ease. Then she started rolling her hips again, stirring his cock inside her. He knew he could only hold on for so long if she kept it up. So he wrapped his arms around her waist, picked her up as he rose to his feet, and tossed her balled up weight back down on the couch as she clung to him, pulling him down on top of her. His hips now had full range to drive his cock deep inside her, faster and harder, sinking her deeper into the cushions with each thrust. She moaned and gasped in his ear, her legs wrapped around his waist, the skin of his thighs smacking against hers.

“I’m gonna cum,” she whispered. “Oh, God, I’m gonna cum.”

“Me too.”

“You wanna cum on my tits?” 

The tone of her voice suddenly changed from a state of ecstasy to a state of temptation. The pace of Peter’s hips slowed as he lifted his head and looked her in the eyes.

“Are you serious?”

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded. “If she wants a show, I say we give her one.”

Keeping himself propped up on his forearms, he slowly started to move his hips again, his gaze fixed on the contortions of her face as they quickly gained momentum. Her arms hooked around his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin through his shirt as she tilted her head back.

“Oh, fuck. Right there. Keep going.”

He fucked her faster and faster, the buoyancy of the cushions bouncing her hips back up to meet his.

“Don’t stop,” she begged. “Don’t stop.”

Peter raised himself up on his palms, giving his hips more leverage, the length of his cock sliding in and out of her with each stroke. She arched her back, raising her hips higher and higher with the tempo of his thrusts.

“I’m cumming,” she gasped. “Oh, fuck, I’m cumming.”

Her hips began to buck beyond her control. In that moment, Peter pulled out, balanced himself with one foot on the couch and one foot on the floor, and leaned over her as he jerked his cock just under the tip, aiming for her chest until his load came spilling out, shooting jets of cum that lined her breasts and splashed on her skin. His grunts filled the silence of the room, breathless and primal.

He collapsed on the couch after the last few drops dribbled from the tip, panting for air as he watched Chloe dip her finger in his cum, giggling as she smeared it over her skin like a lotion, their legs tangled together in a way they neither wanted nor needed to free themselves from.


His gaze turned to Kim as she rose from her seat, stepping out of the shadows and tossing a piece of cloth on his lap. After a brief inspection, he realized that the piece of cloth was her panties, damp with her scent. He caught a whiff of it, sharp and sour with a zesty aroma of unquenchable desire.

She made her way around the coffee table to grab his hand and untangle him from Chloe, nudging him toward the other side of the couch where she could have him all to herself. There, she leaned in close to him to whisper a secret in his ear.

“I came on my boss’s chair,” she said. “And it’s all your fault.”

She brought her lips close to his. Then she kissed him. He kissed her back, moaning softly in her mouth as her hand slid down his torso, her fingers wrapping around his spent cock, stroking it at just the right pace to bring vitality back into his throbbing veins. Peter knew Chloe was watching. But as long as she didn’t stop him, he wasn’t going to stop himself.

His fingers huddled around the buttons of her blouse, undoing them one by one from top to bottom. She spread it open for him, taking his hand and sliding it under her bra, gasping softly as his fingers brushed over her nipple. Her lips broke free from his, her gaze laced with lustful intent as she restored his erection with every stroke of her wrist.

Just as he slid her blouse down her shoulder and hooked his finger in her bra strap, he heard a car door slam shut outside. They all did. Kim let out a gasp as she swatted his hand away and buttoned her blouse back up with trembling fingers.

“Hide,” she said. “Now.”

Written by MrOrange143
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