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Author's Notes

"These are actual stories from years of visiting Las Vegas. I always enjoy people-watching when in Vegas, people transform into a new persona then back again when they leave. I enjoy trying to guess who they are in real life. <p> [ADVERT] </p> And there are many "working women", escorts in any given casino and bar. It's enjoyable to watch them to their "marketing"."

I represented an offshore company and managed their convention booths in the United States. I was married at the time and was often horny. Usually, the wildest thing I did was go to gentlemen’s clubs in various cities and then back to the hotel room to masturbate. The truth was, I was cautious and afraid to pay a lady for her time, living instead with the fantasy.

In Vegas, prostitutes were everywhere, and it was fun watching them operate in the clubs and casinos.  These stories took place over many visits. Would I eventually get bold enough to call on one? The stories are in chronological order over many visits.

The Late-Night Elevator Ride:
One time I was walking back to my room at a premier casino/hotel at 1 AM, showing my passkey to security to get to the elevators. The well-dressed lady in front of me passed through security with a smile yet showed no passkey. We rode the elevator together and both of us were heading to the same floor. She said hello and we made small talk as we headed up to our destination. She asked if I was calling it a night and I told her I have an early morning breakfast at the tech convention.

With a smile and a wink, she said, “Her workday was just starting.”

We got off on the same floor and as I unlocked my door, I said, “Well, have a good night.”

She replied, “I hope he has a good night.” 

I fantasized about her coming back to my room, but alas, that never happened.

The Mismatched Couple:

With a colleague, we were sitting at the bar in a casino checking out the action. People-watching in Vegas is fun, so many come here to be someone else for a short time.

At a nearby table sat a well-dressed man, he was with a convention, as his lanyard and ID were an obvious tell. He was sitting with a young lady, much younger, dressed in a jeans jacket and torn jeans. She was facing us, and at one point I made eye contact with her.

She was looking back at me, was she thinking, “If the man across from her doesn’t work out, maybe the guys at the bar would be interested?”

In any other place, she looked cute with the torn jeans, but here with a well-dressed man, we pegged her as an escort. We couldn’t make out what they were talking about while they sipped cocktails. Yet what we did hear, they didn’t know each other, the young lady was not his daughter we deduced.

She looked up at us, and it was clear she could hear us talking because she gave us a wink and a smile.

We were finished with our beer and heading to a convention party when the two got up and walked past us. As she passed, she said, “Hope to see you later boys.”

I had an instant hard-on, and I am certain my colleague did also. I never saw her again but had another Vegas fantasy dreaming about the lady in the torn jeans and jeans jacket.

George Carlin and the Escort:
I took my ex-wife on a trip to Vegas, and we secured seats for the George Carlin show. We were seated at a community table within the theatre with five other couples. Light food and drinks were served, and we got to know some of the other couples, usual small talk. Across from us were two people that didn’t engage with any of us beyond a quick hello, they talked with each other instead.

We could hear their conversation and since I had been to Vegas many times before, I discretely observed them, they did not know each other.

My wife was doubtful, so I added, “They know nothing about each other, and no one goes on a first date in Vegas, she is a hooker.”

The other couples around us were curious about the couple and I whispered the same observation. Soon everyone was quietly observing the couple who were oblivious to our interest in them.

The show starts, and Carlin is as funny as ever, Vegas was his kind of town. I was in pain from laughing so hard, I noticed all the couples were having a great time as well.

Then he starts talking about Vegas and his joke ends with “and she turned out of being a hooker!”

Everyone laughs, except the couple across from us, they were looking down at the hands.  Bingo!

The show had not started, I whispered to my wife, “The lady across from you is an escort, a hooker.”

The Gentleman’s Club

One early evening a few of us from the trade show headed to a well know Gentleman’s Club just a block off the main drag. We found seats at the bar, and behind us were rows of tables each on a slightly different level, like in a theatre. Make sense, it was a theatre featuring nude dancers.

The ladies dancing and prancing around on stage were attractive. There was not an ugly lady in sight, including the bartenders. I have been to a few clubs where the dancers were less than prime and yet the bartenders were attractive.

The three of us were taking it all in and conversing about the girls and the trade show.

I was in people-watching mode, one of my favorite things to do in Vegas. The tables in the theatre section began to fill up. A well-dressed man at one, two jeans-clad men at another, and a threesome of trade show guys at another table, their lanyards clearly marked them. Tourists and businessmen are all here for the show and some hoping for much more.

Half-naked ladies began their rounds, serving drinks and making conversation with the theatergoers. A short time later, the ladies delivered large champagne bottles to a few of the tables and sat with them, the lone businessman and another three girls with the larger group.

I knew what was happening, it’s “pay to hopefully play.” The ladies sell large cheap bottles of champagne, the price to get them to sit with the men. Suckers, the girls almost never leave with the guys, and the guys don’t seem to mind, as they slowly get drunk.

An attractive lady comes up to us and offers us a bottle of champagne, selling for $150. I tell the young lady, in a friendly way, we know the gig and are not interested. She winks and says, “You know how it goes.”

We laughed, and she says it is early, so she sits in a bar chair, and enjoyed a friendly conversation. She agreed with me, none of the ladies will leave this bar with those men. She hands us each a card with her name, Lisa Ann, and her number. She says she works at one of the casinos as a waitress and escorts occasionally. She hopes to leave nude dancing and escorting and get a full-time job as a dancer for a casino show. She mentions a boyfriend in another state and no, he doesn’t know she escorts or dances naked for horny men.

We notice that the group of three men is ordering more bottles of the cheap champagne, and quietly laugh, including Lisa Ann. She wishes she was at their table since they get a nice cut from the bar and tips. We apologize but she says it’s ok, the other ladies saw them first.

When she thought it was safe, she let me feel her soft breasts. There is a no-touch rule, but I could see no one really pays mind as the men with the champagne girls are getting a little squeeze here and there.

She apologized and got up, there was a table with a man who just walked in, it was time for her to go to work. I got one more feel of her incredible breasts and promised to call her. I was so tempted however I chickened out.

She thanked us for the conversation and the waitress delivered three drinks on the house from Lisa Ann.

We watched Lisa Ann, and the others work to the growing crowd of horny drunk men. Lisa Ann was sitting with the single man with a bottle of Champagne. She smiled in our direction; she had a sucker.


The Taxi Driver:

The owner of the India-based company I worked for was in town, we were working at a convention in Vegas before moving on to San Francisco. The convention had a large party at Tao, a Vegas nightclub and we were now heading back to our hotel in a cab.

The driver was a middle-aged woman and we immediately made small talk. As we got closer to our casino hotel, she asked if we were looking for a bar or a smaller casino with good action. It was early, maybe 9:30 pm, but my boss was traveling to San Francisco in the morning, I was meeting him a few days later, so we declined. As we pulled up to his entrance, mine was on the other side of the casino, she asked if we were interested in some girls for the night. He answered no, a bit put off by her query.

We said good night and the taxi drove the short distance to my destination.

I got the nerve up and she must have noticed and asked, “Are you interested in a special lady tonight?”

I looked over and saw her license, Carla. I actually thought she was asking for herself, she looked attractive and normal, so I nervously replied, “Yes, I might be, what did you have in mind?”

For a moment in my horny mind, I could see Carla pulling into a dark parking lot or coming to my room after she finished her shift.  I have fantasies about her to this day.

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She got the nuance in my reply and said, “Oh, not me honey, I think I know the right lady for you.”

I must have looked disappointed as she pulled into the casino hotel entrance, far enough back that the doorman didn’t open my door. She searched through some cards and found the right one.

Handing me the card, she said, “Susan will treat you special.” And continued, “You wouldn’t want an old hag like me anyway, you’re in Vegas dear.”

I was thinking, “Actually I would, she was not a hag.”

The white business card only had her name, Susan, and a phone number. I asked what Susan’s fee was, and Carla said that is between you two. She added, “She really is a sweet girl, I think you will like her.” She added, “Tell Susan that you got her name from me.”

I tipped Carla well and she drove off into the Vegas night.

I went to the bar and stared at the plain white card, Susan. After a quick drink, I gathered up the courage and dialed the number on the card. Susan answered, and I told her that Carla suggested I call her. Susan could tell I was nervous; she and the other “ladies of the night” must get lots of nervous men calling them. Her voice was soothing making light conversation, I was sold on her, she made me feel comfortable on the phone.

She told me my options and the fees associated with each sex act. It was as if I was ordered a Big Mac at McDonald’s. I told her my choice and then told her the name of the hotel and my room number. She told me she will be there in forty-five minutes.

I went down to the casino and got the fee money from the ATM and had another quick drink at the bar to calm my nerves.

The forty-five minutes was the longest ever, I was back in the room hiding my laptop, cleaning up the room, and looking at the clock.  I had her fee ready and a few extra dollars just in case, I didn’t know if I tipped an escort and how much.  I hid my wallet, with thoughts of being “rolled”.

Exactly forty-five minutes went by and there was a knock on the door. I was calm until that point, now I was nerve-racked again. I thought for one moment about not answering the door. Yet, these kinds of transactions happen in Vegas every day and night, I told myself.

I opened the door.

Susan The Escort:
Susan was standing there, well-dressed with an endearing smile, a few tattoos on her arm, and piercings on her nose and her tongue. That must hurt but I always wondered what that round orb mounted on a lady’s tongue must feel like on my cock, I was going to soon find out. She was petite, with long light brown hair and a pretty face.

I realized I never asked Carla what Susan looked like, and although not a fan of tattoos, she looked attractive.

She was standing at the door, and she introduced herself in a soft voice, “Hello, I am Susan, I hope you like what you see?”

One more chance to back out, but I was calm now, replying, “Come in, I am Stephen, and you look beautiful.”

Having no experience with escorts, I did not know how to proceed. Susan led the way, saying, “You had requested oral sex and a girlfriend experience, and said that she will be with me for about an hour.”

She asked to use the bathroom and assured me the clock had not started. I thought that this business preamble was a mood killer, yet Susan was a business transaction. I had the cash in the hotel envelope on the bed, in plain sight when she walked out.  She changed into lingerie, and even with the tattoos, she looked very attractive. So why was she selling her body, she’d attract many well-heeled men, I thought.

She smiled, checking the envelope, and putting it in her purse. She sensed the tension, saying, “I hate the business part also, here let me help you relax.”

She began to caress my hair and face, her eyes looked soft and kind. She took my hand and placed it on her breast under the sexy black lingerie. 

She said, “I am yours for the next hour, touch me, kiss me and make me feel like your girlfriend.”

I kissed her and felt the silver orb on her tongue. I touched her body and slipped off the lingerie. Her pussy was shaved, which is my preference.  I ran a hand over her pussy, and for a moment wish I had bought the full package. She applied pressure on my hand letting a finger enter her wet vagina, she was like no girlfriend I ever experienced.

She undressed me, and we lay on the bed kissing and cuddling. She held my cock, and we began to have a conversation, while she lightly stroked me. I asked her how she got into the business. Where she grew up, and did her parents know what she did in Vegas? Did that tongue piercing hurt? She inquired about me, showing genuine interest. The fee was worth it even without the blow job, I loved just talking with the beautiful naked lady.

Time went by so fast, and she asked, “Do you want your blowjob honey?”

I replied, “Yes Susan, very much.”

She told me to lay back and relax and she began to lick my cock up and down, her soft little hands fondling my balls. She said I had a nice clean cock, she also appreciated that I took a shower before she arrived.

She took my cock in her mouth, sliding my shaft slowly in and back out and then in, this time deep. Her tongue and that orb piercing felt amazing on my cock.

She stopped and looked at me, asking, “Am I pleasing you, Sir?”

I nodded my head and she smiled and restarted her magical blowjob, still looking at me. It was an incredible experience watching her suck my cock.

Moaning, my legs stiffened, she knew I was going to come.  She locked her lips on the top of my shaft and moved her tongue with the round orb in little circles on my cockhead. She moaned as precum left my body, my balls tight, I was going to come hard.

She let my cock go deep into her mouth and I came stronger than anytime I could remember. Spurt after spurt, she let my come flow into her skillful mouth.  She released my cock, and I thought she would spit, instead, she showed me the cum in her mouth and all over the piercing, then she swallowed all my seed.

Susan licked my cock clean, tasting the rest of my come.

She stroked my cock, and then kissed me deep and passionately.  We rested for a few moments, I hoped she would fall asleep with me, but this was a transaction, and she was a pro.

She told me she doesn’t often swallow but she liked that I was clean and quite a gentleman, and I tasted good too.  Susan knew how to earn a tip and be a repeat customer.

I told her she could freshen up in the bathroom and use my mouthwash. She came out dressed, a respectable woman just conducting business. I handed her additional cash for a tip. She was grateful, we kissed, and then she was off.

I washed up and went to the bar downstairs. I politely declined a couple of ladies that approached me. They looked harder, not like Susan. I wish I had Carla’s number to tell her how wonderful her recommendation was, and maybe ask her for a drink.

I returned to Vegas a year later and called Susan, but the phone was disconnected. I think about her and Carla, they both have been featured in so many of my fantasies. 

I have not engaged an escort since. 


I was fortunate to have met many nice dancers and escorts. I know the decision to show your naked body to a group of horny drunk men, or to have sex with one, was not an easy decision. They all have their stories, and when I can, I love to listen, maybe with a little squeeze of a soft breast.

Written by NJStephenXX
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