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Author's Notes

"Marta Rabinovich is perhaps the world's leading quantum physicist – and, by her own choice, the sex slave of James Llewellyn Gainsborough. They are heading to Costa Rica to get married on a beach by the Pacific Ocean. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But there’s more than just a wedding being planned – or experienced…"

San José Airport, Costa Rica

James led Marta from the plane, stopping to talk to the Captain, who was standing at the stairs leading down to the tarmac. “Captain Ramirez! I believe we’ve flown together before, haven’t we?”

She smiled, “We have indeed.”

“I thought I recognized your sure hand on the stick. Thank you from all of us.” He took her hand to shake it.

Her smile broadened, “Congratulations, James,” she said, “from all of us.”

As they walked across the tarmac, Marta leaned across and said to James, “You’ve been there, haven’t you?”

James looked shocked. “I haven’t the foggiest notion what you’re talking about,” he said, putting his hand to his heart.

Marta smirked at him, “And I believe you. So, which one of us is the bigger liar?” She swung her hand holding his back and forth, smiling. “Stud.”


The luxury bus transfer took about forty-five minutes. The Xanadu Resort, when they arrived and had been passed through the guard gate, was stunning. It was impressive rather than big and done in a classic Spanish motif with red ceramic roof tiles and a cooling fountain tinkling in the shaded courtyard entry circle. It was quietly elegant rather than ostentatious.

They were greeted at the entry by a well-dressed woman in a white, knee-length dress showing bare arms. She looked cool and elegant with sandy, blonde hair, done up in a bun at the back, and had a definite twinkle in her eye.

She shook James and Marta’s hands, “Dr. Gainsborough, Dr. Rabinovich, welcome to Xanadu Resort. I’m Elizabeth Beech, the wedding coordinator. We’ll let you get settled in, then tomorrow we can over details for your beach-side wedding. You are already checked in, and Miguel here will see to your luggage. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to your rooms,” and she led them away.

Sammi, of course, was bouncing all over, wanting to go exploring, but Sandy, her dad, finally collared her, and held her hand, as you would with a rambunctious child. Thesea brought up the rear, seeming to watch in all directions, much to the amusement of Margrit and Carl.

After a moment, Marta spoke up, “Ms. Beech…”

“Elizabeth, please.”

Marta smiled, “I just wanted to say you should call us James and Marta. After all, I believe you’ll be marrying us, yes?”

“That’s right. Unless you’d like one of the village priests that works with us, including one, very courtly retired priest, Father Raoul St. Iago, who is an absolute sweetheart.”

Marta snorted, “Roman Catholic, right? No thanks, I’d rather you married us. I had enough of priests as a kid. My parents were Catholic, and I am decidedly not.”

Elizabeth turned to Marta and smiled. “It would be my pleasure. Actually, I’m rather glad you asked because your ceremony will be my last. My contract here is up as soon as you say ‘I do,’ and I’ll be heading back Stateside after that. But I enjoy marrying people, and you two look like your marriage will be a happy one.” She dimpled at them and carried on leading them through the resort’s public spaces.

Elizabeth took them first to the Royal Suite, opening the double doors wide so everyone could see inside. Sammi immediately bounced through the doors. “Oh, fucking WOW!”

“Sammi! Language!” her mother snapped.

“Oops! Sorry, Mom! But look at this!” She was wandering all over the room, opening doors and drawers, peering through windows…until her father walked over, grabbed her arm, and said, “Enough, young lady. This is not your room, is it?”

Sammi had the grace to look abashed, “Sorry, Marta, sorry, Si…I mean James.”

Janet looked up sharply at Sammi’s slip, sighed, but said nothing.

James walked in and smiled at Sammi. “It’s okay, Sammi. There’ll be time to explore. Why not look at your own room? Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth smiled, and held out her hand, “Come on Sammi, I think you’ll like your bijoux little room, with its enormous view!”

Sammi grabbed Elizabeth’s hand, and almost pulled her from the room, disappearing out into the hallway. Janet sighed again, then smiled, hooked her arm through Sandy’s, and followed her exuberant daughter into the hall, rejoining Margrit, Carl, and Thesea.

Margrit leaned in, winked, and closed the double doors to James and Marta’s suite, saying “Have fun, you two! We’ll see you at dinner!”

Now it was Marta’s turn to wander around, looking at the furnishings, but got no further than the enormous balcony overlooking the resort, the beach, and the Pacific Ocean stretching to the horizon, with only occasional white cumulus clouds populating the light azure sky. She stepped out onto the balcony and found James at her side, smiling.

After Miguel had delivered the luggage, Marta turned to James, and said, “Now, what shall we do until supper?”

James gathered her into his arms, pulled her close, and opened his mouth to her. She responded, then giggled when she felt the zipper at the back of her dress slowly working its way down towards her ass, swiftly followed by a warm hand sneaking into the back of her dress, snuggling her bare ass cheek.

“Why, Dr. Rabinovich! You seem to have forgotten your panties!”

She giggled again. “Oh, I never wear panties on vacation…” She shrugged her dress off her shoulders, and let it fall, pooling, on the floor. She kicked it away, leaving herself naked save for her collar, then slowly knelt in front of him, running her hands down his shirt, until they reached his belt. She let them meet at the buckle, slowly undid it, then unzipped his fly, and pulled his cock out of his boxers.

Looking at it from close range, she whispered, “Welcome home,” opened and eased his length into her mouth, then down her throat, closing her warm, wet lips around him and sending a shiver down his spine.

Wedding Plans

The next day Elizabeth Beech smiled across her desk at James and Marta.

“I think that about covers it. A small wedding out at our beachfront pavilion. There’s a bride’s cabaña to allow you, Marta, and your attendants to rest and do touch-ups, and serve as a place to shelter from the sun until it’s time for you to walk down the aisle. James, you and I will walk from the hotel prep area together, straight down to the beach, and up to the wedding pavilion, and wait there for Marta.

“I’ll conduct the wedding vows. I’m a lawyer admitted to the bar here in Costa Rica, and therefore legally allowed to conduct weddings. I’ve already secured the marriage license from the government,” and she slid an official-looking document over to them. James, who could read elementary Spanish, noted the phrases giving the date, location, and his and Elizabeth’s names, and nodded.

“Then, once we have you two safely married, the wait-staff will bring out the refreshments, starting with champagne, and you can stay on the beach as long as you wish, or move into the nearby reception room, whichever is most comfortable. I will vanish into the night, and let you all enjoy yourselves.”

Marta looked at her, “Elizabeth, you’ve been so helpful to us all through the process, would you please stay and help us celebrate? We would love to have you.”

James added, “And to sweeten Marta’s request, let me offer an inducement. We’ve got a private jet returning us to the New York City area on Sunday, and there are empty seats. We would be honored if you would fly back with us. I believe you said you were originally from Long Island, yes?”

Elizabeth sat back, thought for a moment, then said, “Well, it’s against hotel policy for me to accept any kind of gratuity – although I have often joined in for a congratulatory toast – but since my contract is finished once you both say ‘I do,’ yes, I would love to stay for once and celebrate.

“As for a lift home – well, I hadn’t really made any plans yet. I was going to relax here for a few days before going back to frigid New York – perhaps you’d let me think about it? And are you sure you can afford another passenger?”

Marta giggled, then stifled it with her hand, sobered up, and said, “Elizabeth…”

She looked at Marta quizzically.

“Uh, James can afford it, trust me,” and she reached her hand across the desk and covered Elizabeth’s hand with hers.

She was surprised when she felt what seemed like a shock on touching Elizabeth – and was even more surprised when Elizabeth’s face flushed slightly.

Elizabeth recovered quickly, removed her hand from Marta’s, cleared her throat, and resumed her professional persona. “Well, that’s very kind. I accept, as long as you’re sure it won’t be too much trouble.”

When they were done with all the details, Marta asked James if he would excuse them, as she had some things she wanted to discuss privately with Elizabeth. James raised a quizzical eyebrow but got up, said that there was a piña colada with his name on it, that he’d see Marta by the pool, and left.

Once the door was shut, Elizabeth looked questioningly at Marta.

“I…uh, need some help with an unusual request.”

“Certainly. We get all kinds of requests, so I doubt it will be a problem.”

Marta blushed, then said, “You probably didn’t notice, but my necklace is more than it seems.”

Elizabeth looked at Marta for a moment, then said, carefully, “It’s a…collar…isn’t it?”

Marta nodded, “Yes, it’s a…,” and hesitated.

“…slave collar?” Elizabeth finished for her.

Marta nodded again.

“I’m familiar with them. I noticed the linked rings in front – which I identified from, shall we say, personal experience.” She smiled at Marta. “What do you need?”

Marta leaned forward and explained.

Glory Be

James was a little surprised when, just as he was finishing dressing for the ceremony – in the separate room where he had slept that night in order not to see his bride beforehand – there was a knock at the door. He opened it and found Elizabeth standing there.

“Almost ready?” she asked.

He nodded. “What’s up?”

“Marta needs you in the suite.”

“Is something wrong? I’m not supposed to see her until she walks down the aisle.”

Elizabeth was already shaking her head, “No, she’s fine, but she needs you to come to your suite for something. You won’t see her.”

James looked confused, then shrugged. “Okay. Lead on.”

He followed Elizabeth down the hall and around the corner, where she opened one of the double doors to their suite. “This way,” and she led him to one of the suite’s smaller bedrooms. “In here,” she held the door open for him but did not follow him in. Instead, she closed the door behind him.

James was surprised to see a wall of cardboard dividing the room – with a hole slightly below waist height. “Good morning, my Lord,” he heard Marta’s voice.

James smiled, “And good morning to you, my soon-to-be wife! What’s going on?”

“You’ll notice the hole in the cardboard. That’s what is known in the trade as a glory hole. I’d like to suck you now if I may, my Lord.”

James stood, surprised. “I’m…but why? In a few hours, we can do whatever we want. And without some…cardboard cut-out.”

He couldn’t see her face, but he could hear the smile in her voice. “Humor me, my Lord, on my wedding day. And then, when you have honored me by cumming in my mouth, would you please leave without saying anything?”

James hung on one heel for a moment, confused, then shrugged. Feeling rather foolish, he undid his trousers, pushed down his boxers, and pulled out his rapidly stiffening cock. He fed it through the hole in the cardboard wall – which happened to be at exactly the right height – and immediately felt it taken into her fiancée’s warm, waiting mouth.

He pushed his body against the wall to provide the greatest length possible through the hole, and Marta slowly sucked him in deeper until his whole member was enfolded.

After holding him deep in her throat for a short time, she began to slowly back and forth along his cock, taking him deep, then slowly pulling back, all the while sucking gently to maximize his sensation.

To his surprise, James found the almost-anonymous nature of the glory hole to be a real turn-on. He found himself as hard as he could remember being in some time and wondered if this was what his almost-bride intended.

As a result, it wasn’t long until he felt his cum spurting into Marta’s mouth. He sagged against the cardboard, putting one hand up against it, and leaning carefully on it with his forehead and one shoulder.

She sucked him appreciatively, taking the entire load, making sure not to spill a drop.

When he had recovered, he withdrew from the glory hole – but not before she kissed the tip of his cock – and rearranged himself and his clothes. He almost said something, then caught himself, turned, opened the bedroom door, and went back to his own room to make sure his clothing was in proper array before being escorted by Elizabeth to the groom’s ready room.

Marta stood up, went into the nearby bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was almost completely dressed, and her face was already made up – except for lipstick. She smiled, then carefully applied “Cocksucker Red” lip gloss until she was satisfied with the result.

She winked at herself in the mirror, then went out to find Sammi and Janet, who were going to escort her down the aisle in about fifteen minutes.

Life’s a Beach

Elizabeth stood in front of the wedding backdrop provided by the hotel, with the beach and the Pacific Ocean framed behind her. The sun was still well above the horizon, and most of the participants were wearing sunglasses and hats.

James was wearing a white linen suit with a cream-colored shirt and a cream-and-red-striped tie, plus white, patent leather shoes. He was feeling distinctly nervous for no reason he could identify. He wanted this more than he had wanted anything in his life, but somehow, it still seemed like an enormous step.

Just then, Thesea walked over to James from one side and handed him a black, felt-covered box, such as you might get with a pair of expensive earrings. “From Marta,” she said, then retreated to her seat.

James opened it and found the controller to the egg vibrator. He whispered to himself, “That little vixen!” and slipped it into an outside pocket.

He resolved that she would pay for it, which brought a smile to his face.

He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. His nerves were getting the better of him. He wished this damn ceremony would start!

Margrit leaned over, patted his shoulder, and said, “Easy boy. She’ll be here any second,” and smiled at him.

He turned and smiled back at her beautiful, chocolate-colored face. “Thanks, Margrit – for this, and for everything. You and Carl have been the closest thing I’ve ever had to family. And now I’m about to add a fourth to our, uh, family.”

“Yeah, how about that?” she chuckled back. “We can play bridge – if that’s what you want to do on your wedding night.”

He looked at her sharply, then guffawed along with her – just as Handel’s “Water Music” began in the loudspeakers set behind the cloth draping of the wedding pavilion. He turned and saw his bride, along with Janet on her arm, and Sammi walking behind them. Sammi looked as if she was going to break into giggles at any moment, but just barely managed to keep a straight face.

Marta marched up the aisle with a big smile on her face, looking very much cat-that-ate-the-canary.

She was wearing a gauzy, white wedding dress with flowers embroidered in the fabric. It came down below her knees and billowed out from her waist. The lace was tantalizing more than flatly revealing, and yet it was clear she was wearing nothing underneath it.

She was also wearing a crown of flowers, and a stunning collar from Van Cleef and Arpels. It looked like a fancy necklace, but she had had a lock added to it, so it was, in fact, her slave collar. She had refused to be wedded without it.

For his part, James was both nervous and eager. And he was surprised at how sedate Marta looked, although she was stunningly gorgeous. It was hard to believe she was not only so beautiful but also one of the smartest people – and quantum physicists – on the planet. The sun shimmered off her as if it were her private spotlight, reflecting off her platinum blonde hair and creamy white skin.

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She arrived at the altar, escorted by Sammi’s mother, Janet, who handed her to James, then turned and seated herself in the front. Marta turned so she was facing James, and was sideways to Elizabeth. Marta’s smile broadened.

Then she opened her mouth so James could see that it was full of cum. His cum.

His eyes widened, then she closed her mouth, swallowed, and turned back to Elizabeth with a butter-wouldn’t-melt look – which fooled the coordinator not at all. Elizabeth winked at Marta, then smiled, opened the book she was holding in her hands, and read, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”

Which James took as his cue. He pulled the egg controller out of his pocket, and clicked it to the lowest setting – and was gratified to see Marta start slightly, then recover. He clicked it up two more settings, and watched her blush, but decided not to go beyond that. Yet.

The ceremony went without a hitch after that…until it came time for Marta to repeat her part of the wedding vows after James had completed his. Repeating after Elizabeth, she said,

“I, Marta Maria Esteban Rabinovich, do take you, James Llewellyn Gainsborough, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love, honor, cherish, obey, and protect you, forsaking all others and holding only to you, as long as we both shall live.”

Elizabeth stopped and stared at Marta, as did James. “Marta, the word ‘obey’ is no longer used in wedding vows.”

Marta smiled, “It is in this one. Please continue.”

James started to say something, but Marta interrupted him. “I’m only saying out loud what we have already agreed in private, aren’t I – my Lord?”

James stopped, then just nodded – and swallowed hard. He felt as if a weight had just descended on his shoulders. He squared them, and straightened up, then nodded to Elizabeth.

“Then by the authority vested in me by the government of Costa Rica, I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

Turning to James, she smiled and said, “You may kiss your bride!”

James turned to Marta, who moved, smiling, into his arms, tilting her head slightly, then they kissed. It was a warm kiss, but merely a token of much more to come. Then James drew back slightly, and whispered into Marta’s ear, “You’ll pay for this!”

Marta smiled happily into his eyes and said, “I certainly hope so – and for a long time to come!”

The two turned to face their friends, both smiling broadly, and the group broke into applause and, from Sammi, loud cheers and a shrill, fingers-in-mouth whistle.

James and Marta turned to walk down the aisle towards the reception area, where waiters held trays of champagne, James put his hand in his pocket, found the egg controller, and clicked it up two more stops, then smiled at his new wife.

And saw Marta smile. “Ohhh…” she moaned, then licked her lips.

He put the controller back in his pocket, crooked his elbow out, and she slipped put her hand through it.

“Well, Slut, it looks like it’s going to be a long, and interesting reception!”

She inclined her head slightly, and said, “And a long and interesting marriage – my Lord Husband!”

They laughed, and the bride and groom walked happily towards the waiting champagne and guests.

The Happy Hook-up

Elizabeth made a point of chatting with everyone, starting with the bride and groom – although she waited for their other friends to congratulate them first. When it was her turn, she walked up, and said, smiling, “Congratulations to you both! As my Jewish friends would say, mazel tov!”

They both smiled back at her, and Marta said, “And thank you so much for all your help. This all ran so smoothly!”

After chatting for a while, Elizabeth turned to James and said, “Is that offer of a lift to New York still open?”

James nodded, “Of course. Plenty of seats that would otherwise go empty. We’ll be glad to have you.”

Marta glanced at her husband and reflected that he was always very precise in what he said. Perhaps this had more than one meaning? She smiled, snuggled up to him hugging his arm. She really didn’t care – as long as she was involved.

Elizabeth thanked them both, then walked off to chat with the other guests out of long habit – even though technically, she was no longer employed by the hotel.

She noticed that everyone else had paired up. James and Marta, of course, but Margrit and Carl, and Sandy and Janet were all six standing together, talking. The only one left out seemed to be Thesea, who was standing off to one side, as if on guard, and Sammi, who stood alone, watching everyone else, with a half-glass of champagne in her hand. Elizabeth walked over.

“Is the champagne not to your liking? They have all sorts of other things you could order.”

Sammi shook her head, “No, it’s just…I mean, like, I’m delighted that James and Marta have finally gotten married and all, but…well, it’s, like, their wedding night, and there’s no way I’m going to try to crash that. But…” She trailed off, looking lost, and more vulnerable than she had before.

Elizabeth looked up at the young woman who towered over her and said, “There are always lots of single guys around the resort, including the wait staff. You’re a beautiful young lady…you won’t have any problem finding someone to have fun with.”

Sammi looked uncomfortable. “You’re probably right, but…well, I get awkward around people I don’t know. Because of my height.” She looked down, and then back at Elizabeth again, embarrassed.

Elizabeth Beech reflected for a moment that at any other time, she would have said something sympathetic, then excused herself. But she was free now – and that included free to explore the other guests.

As a trial, she put her hand on Sammi’s elbow and guided her slightly further away from the others. “There is…another possibility…if you’re open to it.”

She smiled up into Sammi’s eyes.

Sammi looked confused for a second, looking down at Elizabeth, then Sammi’s face cleared and a big smile broke out. “Maybe I could get a rum and Coke? I don’t much like champagne.”

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” Elizabeth said. She signaled to one of the waiters, who hurried over.

Ride ‘Em Cowgirl!

Later that evening, Elizabeth guided a slightly inebriated Sammi back to her room, used the passcard to open her door, then gently guided her in. Sammi walked through the door, then twirled around on one foot and smiled. Elizabeth closed the door and leaned against it, hands behind her, waiting for Sammi to make the first move. She just hoped the girl would move quickly as she was already wet and her pussy lips were sliding over each other, increasing her arousal. Her breathing was shallow and she found herself surprisingly excited.

She had not had an affectionate sexual encounter in several years and found herself as excited as she was when she had sex for the first time on her sixteenth birthday. She could smell herself quite distinctly, and wondered if Sammi could smell her as well.

Sammi smiled as if reading her thoughts. The tall girl swayed towards Elizabeth, bent down, put her arms under her shoulders, and pulled her up closer, tilting her head down and nuzzling Elizabeth’s neck. She put her arms up Elizabeth’s back, and pulled her so their bodies were pressed together, which was awkward as Sammi was a foot taller than Elizabeth, then pulled back and kissed her.

When they broke the kiss, Elizabeth sighed. “You don’t waste time, do you, little girl?”

Sammi giggled. “That’s what Sir – I mean James – calls me: ‘Little Girl.’ And no, I really don’t want to waste any time. Do you?”

Elizabeth smiled back at her, looked her in the eyes, and slowly shook her head, “No.” She reached up, smoothed the straps off Sammi’s shoulders, who wiggled slightly so that her dress slipped off onto the floor, revealing nothing – and everything – underneath.

“Oh…my…” breathed Elizabeth, looking at the younger woman’s beautiful body. “You really are the deluxe package, aren’t you?”

Elizabeth looked at the towering young woman before her and marveled at how beautiful she was – and how poised for someone who was only seventeen. Sammi was 6’ 2”, with well-muscled arms and legs, deep brown pools for eyes, creamy, flawless skin, and dark, loose, almost chocolate brown hair that tumbled below her ass. She was smiling down at Elizabeth and showing lovely, almost perfect teeth with just a small chip out of one incisor. Her face seemed serene and happy. Her breasts seemed modest, but only because of Sammi’s size and long torso.

Elizabeth smoothed her hand down the taller woman’s shoulders, under her arms, and down her sides, across her midriff, then up to cup her breasts, making Sammi shiver, then leaned in and lightly kissed her nipples.

Elizabeth dropped her hands, turned, used both hands to start the zipper at the back of her long-sleeved white sheath dress, then waited with her hair pulled up out of the way for Sammi to help.

Sammi, being Sammi, ran the zipper down quickly, then without waiting to remove the dress, slipped her hands inside it and around the older woman’s front, cupping her 34D breasts.

“You’ve got nice tits,” whispered Sammi, “Like the ones I always wanted.” And she kissed Elizabeth’s neck.

Elizabeth leaned her head back against Sammi, then turned slightly, and caressed Sammi’s left tit while shrugging her own dress off to the floor, revealing matching red lacy bra and panties. Her panties had a dark, wet spot spreading outwards from the crotch, and her aroma was quite pronounced. She let go of Sammi’s breast, and said, “Well, as one of my…paramours…once delicately put it, ‘More than a mouthful’s a waste.’ But your tits are perfect, not all saggy like mine.”

She turned back to face Sammi, who gathered the smaller woman to her, then reached around and unhooked her bra. Without looking away, Elizabeth pushed it off, then slid her panties down. They caught slightly on her wet pussy lips, then sprung down to the floor, then stepped out of them. Elizabeth felt her nipples tighten almost painfully in the cool air of the room, and she felt her honey start to creep slowly down her thighs.

Then Sammi surprised her. She stooped and lifted Elizabeth off the floor, cradling her in her arms. Elizabeth yelped, then giggled and kicked her feet. Sammi laid her on the bed, then ran her hands down the lovely body laid out before her as the older woman watched with a small smile on her face.

“God you’re beautiful! How is it you’re still single, Elizabeth?”

“Long story, Sammi, and not a pleasant one. Some other time, perhaps?”

“Sure,” Sammi said, smiling, then licked her lips. She walked over to her suitcase, rummaged around, and pulled out and unwrapped a blue Feeldoe that Marta had loaned to her. She turned, showed it to Elizabeth, and said, “Would you like me au naturel, with the Feeldoe, or would you like to use it on me?”

Elizabeth giggled, and said, “All of the above, but why don’t you wear it first,” and she spread her legs wide.

Sammi crawled up onto the bed, then said, “Okay, but I don’t want to crush you. Let’s get you up riding cowgirl, girl!” Sammi rolled onto her back on the king-sized bed, used her own abundant cunt honey to slick up the toy, then inserted it into her vagina.

Elizabeth got up on one elbow and watched the younger woman as she prepared, then, once Sammi was ready, she put two fingers in her own sopping pussy, gathered honey, then used it to slick up her side of the Feeldoe. Once done, she moved up and climbed aboard, slowly and carefully impaling herself on the larger woman’s girl-cock, then leaned forward, hands outside of Sammi’s shoulders.

“Ohhhhh…my God! I’d forgotten the feel of a cock inside me! It’s been so long.” She felt her back arch involuntarily, and her hips moved of their own accord. “Oh GOD you feel so good! Please, Sammi…fuck me, fuck me NOW!”

Sammi smiled, reached up and pulled her down, and kissed her. “Okay, are you ready?”

Elizabeth nodded, sat up, and started first to ride the cock inside her as Sammi used her hands first to push Elizabeth’s hips away, and then pull them down. Elizabeth quickly upped the pace and started to bounce up and down, her tits jiggling to her movements, screaming, “Oh God, oh GOD, OH GOD OH OH OH OHHHHHH!” as her voice rose up to a scream while her body went rigid and her breath stopped.

Sammi watched in amazement as Elizabeth stayed upright, seemingly locked in her climax, head thrown back, mouth wide, then drew a deep breath in and plunged her body forward, sobbing onto Sammi’s left shoulder.

At first, Sammi was distressed and concerned that Elizabeth had hurt herself somehow – or worse, that Sammi had hurt her. She wrapped her arms around Elizabeth and stroked her hair, then understood what she was babbling, “Oh God, thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, Sammi – that was…so wonderful. Oh. My. GOD!”

After some time, she lifted herself up onto her elbows, looked the younger woman in the eyes, and said, “I’m so sorry – I needed…”

Sammi quickly shushed the older woman. “Shhhh. It’s okay. I mean, wow and all – but it looks like you really needed that!”

Elizabeth dropped her head, then looked up again and said, “Oh, Sammi, you have no idea.” She leaned forward and kissed her, a peck at first, but one that quickly developed into something so much more.

Finally, Sammi pushed her up and said, “Ready to go again?”

Elizabeth gasped, then smiled, and said, “God yes! But this time, let’s focus on you, okay?” She sat up and started not only to ride slowly up and down but the twist her hips from side-to-side as she moved, wriggling the Feeldoe inside both of them.

It quickly became Sammi’s turn to writhe and cry out – with Elizabeth not far behind.

It was a long, lovely night, and one both women would remember fondly for the rest of their lives.

The Quantum Slut

James regarded his almost naked wife, laid out next to him on the ornate bed in the bridal suite. He ran his finger just inside her left hip bone, then down to just above her labia, circled her pussy, then withdrew his hand and smiled as she shivered and squirmed. The only thing on her nearly naked body was the bright red collar locked around her neck, plus the red cuffs around her wrists that now attached them to her collar. He had decided they were the most appropriate adornments for her new status.

For her part, Marta was squirming and panting. James had been edging her since the wedding ceremony, almost seven hours ago, running the egg vibrator up and down – shutting it off for long periods, then setting it to run randomly, then pushing it to the max – but never letting her cum. And as his slave, there was nothing she could do about it, especially now with her hands fastened to her neck.

Finally, she could take no more.

“Please, my Lord Husband, please let me cum, please! I’ll do anything you want – I’ll fuck and suck you on the beach at high noon if you wish! Anything!”

“After the surprises you sprung on me today, you want me to let you off easy? Not a chance, slut.”

He paused, and his mouth widened into a smirk. “Although there is one thing you could do for me…”

“Anything, my Lord. I’ll do it, please!”

“But you don’t know what I’m going to ask.”

“It doesn’t matter, whatever it is, I’ll do it. I promise!”

James paused, as if thinking, then got up off the bed, and said, “Okay, stand up.”

Somewhat puzzled, with difficulty because of her bound hands, she crawled off the bed and stood. He left the room, returning with a thick towel, which he spread over one of the Louis XIV chairs in the bridal suite. “Sit,” he commanded.

She slowly lowered herself to the chair, but was unable to sit still as she was so desperate to cum.

He pulled up another chair and sat opposite her, knee to knee, but leaned back and crossed his arms.

“You never did explain your last paper on quantum physics to me. So, tell me: How can it be that space-time is not reality and that all of this,” he gestured at her naked form, “…is just an illusion?”

Her mouth opened and closed in disbelief. Finally, she was able to stammer, “You…you want me to explain quantum physics?! NOW?”

He nodded. “Now.”

She shivered, and said, “I…I can’t think straight. How am I supposed to explain something that complex, that abstract while you’re driving me mad with that…that thing inside my cunt!” She slipped to her knees in front of him and tried to open her mouth over the throbbing cock constrained inside his dress pants. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Please, my Lord…let me cum!”

He pushed her upright onto her knees, then leaned back, holding the controller in one hand, and gazing fondly down at her.

“Quantum physics. Now.”

And he turned the egg vibrator in her cunt to its maximum setting and enjoyed watching her squirm.

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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