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Author's Notes

"Marta is James' sex slave, but he has given her an afternoon where she can be the Dominant. She has asked him to let her have her friend and neighbor Sammi as her sex slave as Sammi is eager to learn about BDSM play. After finishing threesome play earlier in the afternoon (described in the previous chapter), and with her designated playtime due to expire at six p.m., Marta asks Sir to show Sammi what it's like to be a submissive."

Sammi knelt on the bed, naked with her knees spread wide. There was a vibrating dildo in her cunt dragging her inexorably towards an orgasm she was frantic to avoid. Her hair was braided, pulled back, and tied to an anal hook, which forced her head up and made her arch her back. Meanwhile, Marta tortured and teased her tits while Sir looked on.

Sammi was desperately trying not to cum, despite feeling a desperate need to cum because she was trying to prove herself worthy to be Marta’s sex slave.

But she was teetering on the edge…


Earlier, the trio had beenlying in bed, naked, talking about why Marta felt the need to be punished and hurt, and why she was grateful to Sir for doing so. Sammi couldn’t understand why she would want this, so asked, “Would it be possible for you to give me an example of what it’s like to hurt Missy, when she wants to be hurt?”

James thought about this for a moment, then said, “I can do better than that. I can show you. Marta, would that be okay with you?”

Marta looked at James, and said, “My Lord, you have my permission to hurt me any way you want, at any time you wish, because I know you will keep me safe, that you will always have my welfare at heart.”

That statement just lay there for a moment, then Sammi said, “Holy fuck!” She looked at Marta, “Missy, do you really mean that?”

Marta nodded to her. “Yes, Sammi, I do.” Then she looked calmly back at James.

James smiled, leaned over and kissed her. “Thank you, my dear. But I meant I was going to show her, not actually do something to you.”

Now Marta looked puzzled. “Sir?”

“Do I have your permission to show her photos and a video of me hurting you after you had begged me to?”

Marta continued to look puzzled, “Yes, of course, but I don’t remember…”

James got up. “Both of you, come into the living room.”

When they got there, James was turning the television on, then turned to Marta and said, “May I have your smartphone, please.”

Marta looked even more puzzled, went into the other room, returned with it, and handed it to James. “Do you want me to unlock it?”

“Nope,” he said, and proceeded to unlock it himself.

“How did you do that?”

“I cracked your password – but let that ride for now. Take a seat next to Sammi, please.”

Marta did, looking even more confused.

Sir fiddled with the smartphone, and shortly, the screen of the smartphone appeared on the screen of the TV.

Sir opened up the photo album, hunted for a bit, then, suddenly, an image of Marta appeared on the screen. She was naked, blindfolded, and bound, spread-eagled, on a king-sized bed.

Marta gasped. “I have no recollection of this! Where was this? When was this?”

James looked at her. “It will all become clear very soon.”

He flipped through several more photos of her, showing her apparently squirming in embarrassment or excitement, or both, her face blushing, and mostly turned away from the camera.

“God, you’re gorgeous!” Sammi said, then looked her Marta. “I mean, obviously. But this is an enormous turn-on!”

Sammi looked at James. “Would you do this to me, sometime, Sir?”

“Wait until you see the video before you ask that.”

The next photo showed Marta with something protruding from her cunt, and something sticking out her ass. There were two or three more photos like this, then the video started. Marta was bound, but now was squirming as if tremendously excited.

“She has a vibrator in her cunt now, and I’m about to paint habañero oil on a hot dog I shove into her ass, then onto her tits and clit.”

The video unspooled just as James said.

In response, the virtual Marta started groaning and bucking, straining at her bonds, in obvious pain.

“She came three times while I was doing this.” And again, the video bore out his comment.

On the video, James removes the gag he had placed in her mouth, and asks, ”Red light?”

Sitting next to Sammi, James says, “Red light is Marta’s safe word. If she says that, it means she’s had enough, and I stop immediately.”

Marta on the screen thrashed and moaned for a few moments, then held still and, through clenched teeth said, “Green light!”

“She’s just told me that she is daring me to do more, to bring it on. I was worried at this point, but decided I had to try to reach her limits. And so, I did. I put clothes pegs, first on her tits, then on her clit, then waited.  I knew she would eventually have to give in.”

If she had been in agony before the clothes pegs, it seemed nothing compared to what it was now. She screamed, bucked, and twisted her body, and shudder after shudder swept over her.

“She’s cumming almost continuously now, as the pain is continuing to trigger orgasm after orgasm.”

Finally, she shouted, “Red light, please red light!”

In the video, Sir quickly undid the three clips, starting with the one on her clit, then removed the carrot and hot dog from her ass , and pulled the vibrator from her cunt. He quickly undid the bonds binding her ankles and arms, then scooped her up and carried her off-screen. The bed remained on the screen, but nothing more happened. James shut off the video, and looked at the two women.

Marta looked shocked, and her face was white. Sammi’s eyes were enormous, and she had one hand to her mouth.

James sat down next to Marta, and pulled her to him, cuddling her. “It’s okay. It’s over.”

“I had almost forgotten that.” She turned to James, staring at him, then dropped her eyes, picked up his hand, and kissed it. “Thank you, my sweet Lord.”

Shocked, Sammi looked at Marta and said, “Why are you thanking him? He hurt you!”

Marta looked at her and smiled. “Yes, he did. But I had asked him to, and he did not harm me!”

Sammi looked at her, puzzled.

Marta said, “Sammi, not that long ago, I was using razor blades on my body to harm myself. My Lord James has spared me that. He hurts me when I need to be hurt…”

“Or when I want to.” James interjected. “Because I do enjoy it.”

“…which is the same thing to me, but he keeps me safe, safe from myself.

“And he took the most wonderful care of me afterwards.” She kissed his hand again. “I think it was then that I truly believed he loved me.”

There was silence for a time, then James said, “Sammi?”


Marta nudged her and said, “You mean: yes, Sir!”

Sammi looked at her, turned to James then said, “Yes, Sir.”

 “Are you wet?”

Sammi looked startled, then looked at James and said, in a wondering tone, “Yes. And I don’t know quite why.”

“Now finger Marta’s cunt.” Marta spread her legs to allow it.

Sammi reluctantly did so, then said, “Oh my God. Her cunt is soaking and on fire!

“Yes, it is. Intellectually do you think that makes sense?”

Sammi shook her head, no.

“But you’re still really turned on, aren’t you?”

She nodded, almost hypnotized.

“That’s what it feels like to be a sub. Well, part of it. There’s a lot more involved. But that’s a start.”

Marta smiled, and said, “As it’s still before six p.m., may I ask that you do something like this to Sammi?”

James cocked an eyebrow at Sammi, and said, “Well? Up to you, little girl.”

Sammi swallowed hard, then said, “Yes. Definitely. Let’s do this.”

Marta said, “Please Sir, let’s do this.”

Sammi swallowed again, and said, “Please, Sir.” She looked up into his eyes. “Please?”


First, Marta braided Sammi’s long, brown hair behind her.

“Okay, now Sammi,” Sir said, “I’m going to test your resolve as well as treat you like my sub. If you fail…well, we’ll know that you really do not want to be Missy’s sub. Okay?”

Sammi looked nervous, but nodded.

“Kneel on the bed with your legs spread wide.”

Sammi did so.

Sir reached into his bag of toys, and withdrew a large, vibrating dildo, which he first lubricated, then switched on with the remote. “Now, sit up and position yourself over this, then kneel down onto it.”

Sammi did as told, gingerly lowered herself onto the dildo, wriggling to get it seated properly, while holding her pussy lips open. Then she sat back on her heels.

Next, Sir brought out a long, stainless steel hook with a blunt tip covered with a small, metal ball on one end, and an eye at the other end. “Do you know what this is?”

Sammi bit her lip, then shook her head.

“This is an anal hook. I’m going to insert it into you now. If, at any time, you want to stop, say so, okay?” Sammi nodded, her eyes wide.

“Lift slightly, but not so much you lose the dildo.”

Sammi leaned forward, put her hands on the bed, and slowly lifted until the dildo was just barely between her lips. Sir lubricated the hook, then gently worked it into Sammi’s asshole until it was completely seated inside the girl. “Okay, now reach behind you and hold it.” She did.

Sir turned to Marta and said, “Please fasten her hair to the loop at the end of the hook, pulling it tight enough that it forces her head back.”

Marta carefully climbed up onto the bed, holding a length of rope, and quickly tied it around the knot at the end of Sammi’s braid, then ran the other end through the loop at the end of the hook, pulling it taut. She tilted Sammi’s head back, then tied off the rope onto the hook.

“Now, Sammi, tell me: Are you wet?”

Sammi first tried to nod her head, was brought up short by her braided hair, then said, “God, yes! Oh, fuck this is exciting!”

Sir smirked. “Now, clasp your hands behind you. If you let go, I will take that as meaning that you want us to stop. This is like your safe word. Understand?”

Sammi reached around, clasped her hands together, and said, “Okay. Got it.”

“Now normally, I would use leather cuffs or handcuffs to bind your hands, but I’m not going to until I know more about you, and you are more familiar with us. Besides, part of this is to test your resolve.

“Now, Marta put this on our young sub.” And he handed her a blindfold, which Marta carefully put on Sammi, tucking her hair in beneath the mask’s straps where appropriate to avoid binding. She got down off the bed, and stood next to Sir.

Sir boosted the vibration rate of the dildo. Sammi moaned.

“Now, Sammi, you’re forbidden to cum, remember?”

“Yes, but…”

“Do you remember?” Sir interrupted.


“So, we will continue edging you until one of two things happens. Either you release your hands, admitting that you can’t take any more, or you cum. If you release your hands, there will be no penalty whatsoever, but you will be admitting that we have reached your limit.

“If, on the other hand, you cum, then you will have failed the test. We will send you home, and will not allow you to see either of us again until we call you, which will be for at least a week. And in that time, you will masturbate every day, but you will not cum until Missy gives you explicit instructions that you may do so. Do you understand?”

Sammi gulped. “Yes, Sir, I do. May I speak, please?”

Sir smiled, “Yes, and I am pleased that you asked permission. That’s what well-behaved sluts do. Go ahead.”

“I’m not sure how much I can take, Sir. I’m not used to resisting an orgasm. I tend to try to have them as frequently and as quickly as I can.”

“Then this will be a new experience for you, won’t it?”

In answer, Sammi’s body shivered, and she moaned.

Sir turned to Marta, and whispered in her ear. “Get up on the bed and start massaging Sammi’s tits. I want you to do everything you can to excite her. Gradually increase the intensity of what you’re doing, especially massaging her tits, until you are squeezing and pulling them hard. Make it hurt if you can. And make sure you stay away from her cunt. I want to leave her clit and cunt completely untouched. Understand?”

Marta nodded.

“Good. Go on, then.”

Marta cautiously moved onto the bed in front of Sammi, and softly put her hands on Sammi’s breasts, starting below them, and stoking. Sammi moaned, and started to lean forward, but the anal hook jerked her to a stop.




After almost twenty minutes, Sammi was panting and moaning. She kept trying to turn and twist her body, but the hook kept her from moving more than a few inches each way. Marta by this time was alternating between pulling and squeezing Sammi’s tits, and stroking her sides, neck, and down towards, but not past, her panty line, and kissing and licking her protégé’s body.

Finally, Sammi said, “Sir, please may I speak?”

 “No. We will edging you until you either cum, or release your hands. I will not allow anything else.”

Sammi moaned more deeply in her chest, panted briefly, then released her hands, and placed them on Marta’s shoulders. Marta kissed one of the girl’s hands, then pulled the blindfold off her. “Good girl. You did very well.”

“Please may I speak now, Sir? It’s important!”

“Very well.”

“Sir if you don’t turn that vibrator off, I will cum. Please, please, either let me cum, or turn it off!”

Sir immediately turned it off. “Okay, Marta, unhook Sammi.”

Marta moved quickly around the girl, untied her braid from the hook. Sammi immediately fell forward onto her hands, panting, then dropped her head to the bed. Marta gently removed the hook from Sammi’s ass.

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“Oh, God, I so want to cum! Please!”

She looked up at Sir, and said, “Is there anything I can do or say to be allowed to cum? Please, please, Sir! Anything?”

Sir shook his head. “No, Sammi. You must show us how much you want to be Missy’s slave. Words won’t do it.”

Sammi dropped her head down, then looked up again. “Then may I make Missy cum, please? And you? Please?”

Sir thought for a moment, then said, “Marta, lie on the bed, and spread your legs. Sammi, if you can make Marta cum in five minutes or less, then I’ll allow you to suck my cock.” He looked at the clock on the bedside table and said, “Go.”

Gulping in a deep breath, Sammi quickly moved around, and positioned herself to eat Marta’s cunt, and gently started lapping. Marta, wishing to help her slave, guided her by moving her head to the most sensitive spots.

Sammi was more excited than she had ever been before in her life – and more frustrated as well. But she was determined to get even with Sir by making him cum in her mouth. She got to work on Marta.




“You ladies have plumb worn me out,” James said later, lying on his back after Marta had helped Sammi make James cum. “I’m not sure I could keep up with one of you, but two…” He shook his head, “Impossible.”

Marta leaned on her elbow and smiled at Sammi and stroked her hair. Sammi smiled and winked back. “But, my Lord, we still have almost half an hour before six o’clock.”

James groaned. “What now, woman?” He looked down his body, and lifted his limp cock, surveying it. “I don’t think I have anything left to give!”

Marta winked back at Sammi. “I think we need to give Sammi a chance to have your cock inside her, my Lord.”

James groaned. “She already has, slut. She just gave me a blow job that no one her age should know how to give. What more do you want?”

“Sammi, would you please see what you can do to, um, elevate Sir’s game?”

Sammi grinned, and leaned over from Sir’s other side, gently took his cock in her hand, and guided her tongue over to it while looking him in the eyes. She held it while she licked it, starting at the tip, then swirling around the head, and finally licking up and down the sides, starting at the underside.

James was surprised to find he was starting to get hard again. He would have thought that impossible, but Sammi’s hot mouth certainly seemed to be able to, well, raise from the dead.

He turned to look Marta in the eyes, frowned, then said, “And what do you want me to do with said cock, assuming your talented young apprentice can work her magic?”

“Sir, there is no question in my mind that Sammi, in her shorter life, has had far more sexual experiences than I have. But I very much doubt she’s experienced The Well Spring. I’d like that for her.”

Sammi stopped, let James’ cock slip out of her mouth, and asked, “What’s the well spring?” then returned to gently sucking and licking his cock.

Marta cocked an eyebrow at James. “My Lord?”

James sighed, gently pushed Sammi away. His cock was firmer now, although not completely at attention. “I’ll have to show you, Sammi. I just hope you don’t crush me in the process.”

James sat up with his back near the headboard of the bed, then crossed his legs in a yogic Easy Seat. “Now, come here, face me, put your arms and legs around me, and slide my cock into you as you sit down. Got it?”

“I think so.” She moved gingerly into position, then lifted, put her legs around him, and guided her sopping cunt onto his now firming cock. She towered over him as she was a big woman, and more than 4" taller than he was.

When he was properly seated inside her, she wriggled slightly to get comfortable in his lap, facing him, then put her arms around his neck, and smiled. “May I kiss you, please, my Lord?”

“You’re not entitled to call me your Lord. Call me Sir.”

“May I kiss you, then, Sir?”

He smiled and said, “Yes, I’d like that.”

She leaned down and slowly pushed her lips onto his. He reached up, put his hand behind her head, and pulled her closer, then let the kiss develop. Soon, their tongues were caressing each other.

For Sammi, this was a revelation. Here was a man who has not eager to just fuck her and leave, but wanted to appreciate her. He wasn’t in a hurry. He didn’t seem to have an agenda, there wasn’t somewhere else he wanted to be.

And best of all, he filled her up. She was a big girl, both in height, and in the size of her vagina. She had often experienced frustration with boys who were embarrassed by not being able to fill or satisfy her – and then blamed her, walking away, shaking their heads, as if there was something wrong with her.

Sir had shown no concern about the size of his cock compared to the size of her cunt. And although this was the first time she had been able to invite him inside her, she realized that while he was only slightly about average size, he made her feel, well, good about herself. Moreover, in this position, her size truly didn’t matter, and she felt full. She loved the sensation, which was so often missing when she was fucking the boys she’d dated.

She felt herself melting to him, and their kiss began to be much steamier.

Finally, he broke. “The purpose of The Well Spring is to worship each other, not to come quickly in a fast fuck, young lady. We can reach that peak later on, if we wish, but for now, please let me lead you. Okay?”

Sammi closed her eyes, smiled, turned her head up, and said, “Absolutely, Sir. I love this, and I will obey you.” She opened her eyes again looked at him, and leaned down and kissed him again. This time it was chaste, until he touched her lips with his tongue. She immediately opened her mouth wide, but he entered slowly and softly. She closed her lips around his tongue, and lightly sucked him in.

With all of the sexual experiences she had had, this was new, and she was loving it. Although far less athletic than most of her sexploits, she found it intensely erotic: sex didn’t have to be fast and rough to be sexy!

Marta moved around behind her, spread her legs wide to encompass them both, then slid her arms around Sammi’s middle, pulling her front into Sammi’s back, rubbing her tits along Sammi’s back, stroking her stomach with her fingers, and then moving up to just below her tits and cradling them. Marta kissed Sammi’s back, and licked up and down her spine.

Sammi moaned into James’ mouth, losing the lip-lock around his tongue. Her skin felt sensitive and hot. And, much to her surprise, she found herself feeling the beginnings of yet another orgasm, even though they had not been actively fucking her.

Part of this was due to Sir’s refusal to let her cum earlier. But a much more important part of it was the image she had of what the three of them were doing, coupled with feeling cherished, even treasured, by James in this position. It was her mind that was pulling her towards a climax, not her body.

“Please, Sir, forgive me, but I…I’m going to cum. I can’t help it, but it’s…it’s beautiful!”

James thought quickly, then said, “It’s okay, little girl. You may cum.”

Then, almost like a slow-motion wave, her orgasm crept over her, not violently, as was usually the case for her, but like a hot, prickling sensation that moved to her extremities outward from her core, radiating from her cunt, which began to spasm around James’ cock, gripping him.

She turned her head up and gave a long, slow moan, then turned her head down and nuzzled James’ face.

“Oh, my God. This is so good! Oh…my…God, oh my God! Oh, God, please, please let me be your slave forever if it means this! Oh…myGOD!”

Her voice rose, both in pitch and volume, as she moaned and arched her back, her entire body tensing, as the orgasm rolled on without stopping, overwhelming her.

James leaned forward and took one of her breasts in his mouth, and gently, tenderly, sucked it, pulling very lightly. Marta moved both of her hands to James’ head, running her fingers through his hair, and caressing him as he caressed Sammi’s breast with his tongue.

Sammi’s orgasm went on and on until suddenly, she found herself feeling incredibly sensitive, and shouted, “Stop! Oh, please, stop! I can’t take it, please!”

Marta released her hold on James’ head. He let Sammi’s tit slip from his mouth, put his arms around her neck, and pulled her head down to rest on top of his while he leaned his forehead on her collarbone. Then he kept still.

They were motionless for what seemed like forever, listening as Sammi’s breathing slowed back towards normal.

Finally, Sammi raised her head, reached for one of Marta’s hands, pulled it to her and kissed the palm, then pressed it to her breast. Then she leaned forward, kissed James chastely on the mouth, bowed her head, and said, “If you will have me, I would like you to be my master.

“Please.” And she closed her eyes, feeling tears there.

James reached up, titled her head down, and kissed her forehead.

“One thing at a time, little girl, one thing at a time.”




“Okay, so, Marta…”

“My Lord, forgive me, but it’s after six o’clock, and I am again, your slave and slut.”

He looked at her. “Do not interrupt me again, slut.”

She looked down, “Forgive me, my Lord.”

“I think we should probably send this one…” he nodded towards Sammi, “…home. Her parents are probably wondering where she is on a school night.”

Sammi interrupted, “Can’t I stay, please? You two are so…I don’t know what to say…just so much better than my friends. I don’t want this to end. But I should probably call my parents and tell them where I am.”

James thought for a moment, then said, “Why don’t you go home, check-in with them, and then come back. You could join us for supper if you wish. Meanwhile, I’d like to talk to Marta in private, if that’s okay with you, little girl.”

Sammi cocked her head to one side, “You keep calling me that, but I tower over you!”

James looked up at her and said, “Do you?”

Sammi started to answer flippantly, then stopped and thought about it. “Well…physically, yes, I obviously do. But…”

There was something here that Sammi couldn’t quite put her finger on. She lowered her eyes, and said, “Sir, if you would like to address me as Little Girl, that’s perfectly okay with me.” She looked up and smiled at him, “You make me feel like one. And I like it! Thank you! At 6' 2", I’m so used to being a stork that it feels good not to be talked about that way.”

She leaned in and kissed him. “Please, Sir, call me your Little Girl.”

James cleared his throat, and said, “Well, Little Girl, then you get ready to go home. And you should not go home smelling like a cat house, so go shower.” She nodded. “I suspect your parents would skin us alive if they knew what we’d been doing to their precious little daughter.”

Sammi smiled again. “Nope. Dad gave up on me quite a while ago, and Mom would…Actually, Mom’s pretty cool about sex, but I’m not sure what she would say. I’ll have to ask her.”

She bounced off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

“Stop!” Marta called.

Sammi stopped and looked over her shoulder, “What?”

“You were not dismissed. Come back here.”

Sammi slowly returned, then hesitated. She got down on her knees by the side of the bed, and said, “Forgive me, Missy, I forgot my place. May I shower and leave, as Sir suggested?”

Marta leaned down and kissed Sammi’s head, then said, “Yes, although you will remember not to play with yourself or cum this week unless I specifically allow it, right? Other than that, yes, Little Girl, you may.” She mussed Sammi’s hair. “Now, go.”




“Well,” James said, “this was your idea. What do we do now?”

“My Lord, my I speak freely?”

“Yes, of course, Marta.”

His use of her name gave her the permission she sought. “I’m not sure why, but this just feels right. James, I love you, but this is separate from that, and somehow it feels better to have her with us. I’m completely puzzled why I feel that way, but I do.”

“Marta, I’m not sure what’s going on either, but Sammi is a remarkable woman in ways I don’t fully understand.

“But, I learned some time ago not to hurry decisions that don’t need to be hurried. Let’s let this ride and see where it takes us, shall we?”

Marta nodded, then kissed him. He smiled down at her. “I also think she’s good for you. You haven’t asked me once to hurt or punish you since she’s been with us.”

Marta’s eyes widened. “No, I haven’t felt it. Isn’t that strange?”

They were quiet for a few moments, then James said, “But I have something I want to tell you.”


“You’re going on an outing on Thursday evening. Please come to my place from work promptly in order to get ready, okay?”

“As you command, my Lord. Do I need to bring anything?”

He grinned at her, “Nope! You’re already wearing more than you need.”

Given that the only thing she was wearing was her dog collar, she smiled, bowed her head, then said, “Oh, it’s going to be that kind of a date…”

“Yes. And to prepare for it, I want you to masturbate like you’ve told Sammi to do: at least once a day, and bring yourself as close as you can to cumming, but you must not cum. And you’re to go to work without panties, and to wear a short skirt. Plus, you are not to wash your cunt until I say you may.” He smirked. “But I won’t order you to masturbate at work, although it’s tempting. Understand me, slut?”

Marta bowed her head, “Yes, my Lord.”

But she was already wet wondering what he had in store for her on Thursday…


To be continued…

This sequence occurs in Chapter 3, which can be found here:




 © Copyright, James Llewellyn Gainsborough, February 2021.
All right reserved. May not be reproduced in any medium without the express, written consent of the author.

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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