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It was Saturday morning, and Simon hadn't slept very well. As he had expected, his penis had woken him up early as it experienced its morning glory, although he did sense that his truculent organ was slowly learning that nocturnal erections serve no purpose other than to cause pain. What was troubling Simon more today was having been told that Sarah's neighbour, Claire, would be coming around to give him fashion and make-up advice.

Sure enough, at 9 AM, the doorbell rang. Simon was in the middle of chores, but a shout from Sarah sent him scurrying to the front door. He opened it, and Claire was looking as bubbly as she had done a week earlier.

"Morning, sweetie," she announced. She stepped forward, gave him a peck on the cheek, and then brushed past him, not waiting for an invitation to enter.

Simon followed Claire into the lounge, which demonstrated that Claire was no stranger to Sarah's house and its layout. Sarah stood up, and the pair of them affectionately hugged and kissed one another.

Claire then turned to face Simon. "So you're looking for some advice, sweetie." Simon couldn't tell if this was a question or a statement—either way, it was not his decision.

"Yes, that's right, Claire," replied Sarah on his behalf. "He--sorry, she--wants to look more female and behave in a more feminine way." Nothing could be further from the truth as far as Simon was concerned, but he stood there like a rabbit startled by headlights.

"Yeah, I understand, Sarah. Absolutely!" replied Claire, in a worryingly enthusiastic manner. Turning to Simon, she continued, "This is your lucky day, sweetie. This term I did a module at college on male-to-female transitioning, and it was fascinating--absolutely fascinating. So much so, I decided I wanted to specialise in helping men become women, or at least pass themselves off as women. It's so amazing that fate has brought us together, sweetie."

Simon was stunned but remained silent, instead returning a small, albeit embarrassed, smile. He didn't know what he could say or, indeed, how much Claire knew about his unwillingness to be transitioned.

"Sit down, Claire, please," said Sarah, and the pair sat side-by-side on the sofa with Simon standing in front of them. He was dressed casually, in jeans, a plain red T-shirt, red ankle socks, trainers, a bra, and knickers. Despite it being what Ms Deacon, his boss, might call a tomboy outfit, he still felt conspicuously female standing in front of these two cis girls.

"Let's have a good look at you, sweetie. Give me a twirl ... slooooowly! Wow, that's so good. There's a lot of promise here, Sarah. I couldn't ask for better starting material," she gushed. "Take your trainers off, sweetie, and then your jeans and T-shirt."

Simon looked aghast at Sarah, who, for the first time, seemed out of her comfort zone. She was not expecting this request. "Does she have to?" she asked Claire, "It'll be very embarrassing for her."

"Yeah, of course she must! We were taught at college that you have to start from the inside and work outward. If he wants to be a girl, he can't afford to be shy with other girls." Her tone was assertive, belying her young years.

"I suppose not," confirmed Sarah, but sounding uncomfortable. It seemed to Simon that Sarah may have miscalculated Claire's keenness for her advisory role. He had no choice but to strip, and Claire watched with a smile as he did so.

Dressed now just in his pink knickers, his white bra (with fillers, of course) and his red socks, he felt his face flush, as did Sarah's. "Another slow swirl, sweetie," commanded Claire.

He circled through three-sixty degrees, coming to rest facing the two girls again. "He's got a slim figure, Sarah, and what long legs he has. What's more, it's fantastic that he's keeping himself hairless, because a lot of wannabes try to avoid that. It's all a promising start. And that underwear fits him like a treat, so he's wearing the right sizes. But it's hardly glamorous, so he needs something better--something that makes him feel sexy and... hang on, I can't work out what he's got under his knickers."

"It's nothing," replied Sarah, dismissively.

"Well, it must be something, because I can see an outline!"

"Oh, that! It's just something to stop him, er, becoming, er, ... too manly," answered Sarah, who had now gone bright red.

"I need to see what it is," replied Claire in a very determined and no-nonsense tone, adding, as an afterthought, "Please!"

Reluctantly, Sarah gave Simon a nod of the head, and, equally reluctantly, he slid his panties down to his knees, revealing his chastity cage. This was humiliating but, at the same time exciting, and he was aware--painfully aware--that his penis was swelling, which only served to fuel his humiliation.

Turning to Sarah, Claire blurted out, "That's a chastity cage! What's going on here?"

"It's just to stop his penis from becoming erect and spoiling the outline," answered Sarah.

Claire shook her head. "No! A man who wants to transition doesn't need one of those, Sarah. Until he's had his bits removed, he will push his testicles up inside and use a gaffe to push down his penis, which creates a natural-looking mound of Venus. He wouldn't become aroused. It's only crossdressers who become aroused when dressed as females." Claire had paid attention at college, although both Simon and Sarah suspected she must have also done extra-curricular background reading on this topic. "You're not being truthful with me, are you?" she asked Sarah, sternly.

For once, Sarah was speechless. She had assumed Claire would waltz into their lives and simply humiliate Simon by providing advice on fashion, make-up, jewellery, hairstyles, etc. Never in a million years did she expect this young thing to take control in the way she had.

Seeing she was not going to get a reply from Sarah, Claire turned to Simon. "What have you got to say for yourself, sweetie?" she asked.

Now Simon had gone red. He stuttered, "Well, Miss ... er, sorry, Claire ..."

"What!? You called me Miss!"

Sarah glared at Simon and if he could have gone a deeper shade of red, he would have done so. He didn't have time to explain himself before Claire continued. "I know what's going on here! You're in a submissive relationship, aren't you, sweetie? Sarah is your mistress, and she controls you--your sex life, what you wear, everything. Tell me I'm wrong! I dare you."

Claire had wisdom beyond her years. Simon didn't know what to say, but Sarah realised they had no choice but to come clean. "Yes, Claire, that's right. Sorry, I should have been more open with you. I'm sorry we've wasted your time."

"Good grief, you've not wasted my time! I find this thrilling and I want to be part of it. This is so exciting! Absolutely!" She was effervescent with excitement.

Sarah and Simon looked at one another in amazement. Claire laughed, explaining, "In my first year at college, I had a boyfriend who wanted to wear my knickers. Or, more accurately, he wanted me to force him to wear them. He used to go to college with them on under his jeans and I found it a turn-on, knowing he was doing that because I'd made him. But there were some days when he didn't want to wear them and it didn't take a genius to work out that this was after we'd made love. He needed to be rationed! So I did some research and found that the answer was for him to wear a chastity cage." She glanced at them both to see if they were following what she was saying.

"You see--well, you know, I'm sure--that men become more compliant and submissive when their cocks are locked up. I put this to my boyfriend and he agreed. I suggested we buy a cage, and that I keep the key. At first, he was over the moon with the idea but then backed down. I was extremely disappointed, and we split up a little while later. Whilst I had a few boyfriends since, I've not met one who wanted to be submissive. I feel I've missed out!"

The smile on her face spoke volumes about her enthusiasm. "You can see how thrilled I am to come across a proper submissive, in real life!" Claire paused, and her expression changed. "Sorry, Sarah, you must be thinking I want to steal your boyfriend. That's not what I meant. But I want to help and be a witness. I'm getting damp just thinking about it! Wow! I can't believe I've found a true submissive."

The conversation now seemed to be purely between Claire and Sarah, leaving Simon standing there stark naked and being ignored.

Simon looked at Sarah and could tell that she was coming around to the idea of having someone with whom she could confide the most intimate of information about their relationship--possibly more so than she could with Emma.

Sarah turned to Simon and sealed the deal. "Simone, get down on your knees and put your hands flat on the top of your head. Your thighs need to be vertical." She had spoken assertively, and in a way that brooked no argument, so Simon instantly complied with the order. "Oh, gosh!" screeched Claire, "this is so invigorating. He's so obedient! Sorry, I need to go home for half an hour to do, er, you know what!"

She stood up to leave, but Sarah intervened. "No! Please sit down. Simone will relieve you. His tongue is very good."

"What? He's your boyfriend--or do I mean, she's your girlfriend? I can't impose like that. And I'm sure you don't want him--her--perving another woman."

"Consider it payment for all the invaluable advice I'm sure you're going to give. And she won't see you naked. Wait here." With that, Sarah ran upstairs.

Claire stared at Simon open-eyed. "Oh gosh, sweetie! I hope you're as good with your tongue as your mistress says you are. Otherwise, I'm going to have to put you over my knees!" Simon felt a shiver of fear, coupled with excitement. Once more, his brain was completely muddled. Fortunately for him, he didn't need to reply before Sarah returned with handcuffs and a blindfold.

Obligingly, Simon positioned his hands behind his back without being told, waiting for the cuffs to be applied. He looked at Claire sitting on the sofa in front of him. She was wearing a short black skirt over black tights. He imagined what she would look like partially naked, but knew he wouldn't be allowed to see. Sure enough, seconds later, Sarah attached his blindfold before asking Claire to pull up her skirt and remove her tights and panties.

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As she did so, just a couple of feet in front of him, Simon detected the first hints of her sexual arousal as her vaginal scent wafted towards him. Powerless to do anything, he waited to be manoeuvred, and, moments later, he felt Sarah's hand on his shoulders, guiding him towards Claire's vulva. Anxious for his tongue, Claire wrapped her hands around his head and pulled him in tight.

Simon had already been partially aroused, but as his mouth made contact with Claire's intimate region, so his phallus struggled to burst from its prison. He very much wished he could be free to enjoy this experience in comfort. As it was, the pain was excruciating, yet, at the same time, tasting Claire's copious secretions was a sheer delight. The taste was different from Sarah's, but he wasn't able to say which one he preferred; they were both wonderful in their own way.

Claire was sitting on the edge of the sofa, her legs akimbo, and Simon's lips and tongue quickly got to work, exploring her pussy in minute detail. Unlike Sarah, Claire was not hairless, but he detected that the hairs were short and were kept trimmed. He found she responded quickly to his ministrations, and soon she was murmuring and moaning, her hands still grasped around his head to ensure that he had no chance of pulling away—not that he wished to, despite the throbbing from his engorged organ.

As she approached her orgasmic conclusion, Claire's hands moved from his head and fondled his back, even twanging his bra straps. The noises emanating from her became more vocal as, time and time again, his tongue was able to stimulate her clit. Suddenly, her hips started to spasm. Her hands moved from her shoulders to his head to ensure contact would not be lost. Seconds later, she convulsed, screaming out obscenities, as her climax gripped her. It seemed to go forever as Simon continued his work.

Then it was over. Claire pushed Simon back, and he, thinking his work was done, breathed a sigh of heavenly joy.

"My turn! My turn!" It was Sarah, and, before he had a chance to catch his breath, he was manhandled by her (he presumed it was her!) and found his face thrust into her genitalia. Like Claire, she was drenched in her bodily secretions, for which Simon was grateful. His tongue was already tired and his mouth dry from his previous exertions, so it was a relief to sample more juices. He knew without a doubt that Sarah had become very aroused watching him pleasure Claire, and, consequently, it only took a few minutes of activity for Sarah to reach her point of no return and to reward him with a violent orgasm.

Once it was over, he was pushed away while Sarah regained her breath. Claire had now largely recovered, so much so that she was able to issue commands. "Get back upright on your knees, sweetie. Back straight!"

He remained like that for a while, still cuffed, as the two girls composed themselves and redressed. Only then was his blindfold removed.

"Look, Claire," said Sarah, pointing at the carpet. "She's been leaking."

Simon joined Claire, looking at the small pool of pre-cum that had dripped from his organ and was now glistening on the carpet. Even then, there was a viscous strand still attached to his glans, creeping downwards to add to what was there.

"Head up, eyes front, sweetie," commanded Claire, who appeared to have taken to domination like a duck takes to water.

"You dirty girl," admonished Sarah, and both girls laughed.

"Does that count as her getting relief, do you think?" asked Claire, with a sparkle in her eyes.

Sarah giggled, "She would probably disagree, but it tells us that she's enjoyed herself, in her own way. Isn't that right, Simone?"

"Yes, Miss," he replied. In truth, he had enjoyed giving the two girls so much pleasure but, at the same time, he had become desperately frustrated, and both girls knew this.

"Do you think she deserves a reward?" asked Claire.

"She's not due for release yet, Claire."

"But I think she's done well, don't you?" Then, looking at Simon, she continued, as if talking to a child, "You did very nice work, sweetie. Do you think you should get a reward?"

"Yes, please, Miss," he replied poignantly, while wondering if Sarah might agree.

"Are you desperate, sweetie?"

"Yes, Miss, I'm very desperate."

"Say 'pretty please', sweetie."

"Pretty please, Miss!"

Sarah shook her head in despair. "I'm trying to train her to go longer and you're undermining my efforts, Claire." She smiled when she said it, but there was a strong element of truth in her statement. "But I do agree that she's done well this morning, so she can be unlocked for relief. But it'll be a DIY job," she declared, very decisively. Looking at him, she was more than happy to ignore his crestfallen expression, as he realised that he was going to have to masturbate himself in front of these two girls.

She ran upstairs, returning a few moments later with the key to Simon's cage, along with a small package that turned out to be a condom. "We don't want more mess on the carpet, do we?" she joked, to no one in particular.

Sarah reattached his blindfold to ensure he would not get to see his freed organ. Then she unlocked the padlock and yanked the device off. Immediately, Simon's penis sprang to attention, despite him being naked in front of two fully clothed women.

"I'll have to be careful how I put this on," grinned Sarah. She opened the package and gingerly eased the condom over Simon's swollen organ, being wary that he could spurt prematurely were she to apply the right stimulation to the right place.

"There!" she announced, with satisfaction. Simon's penis was wagging in the air but, without some friction, he wasn't going to ejaculate. Taking the key, she removed his handcuffs. He moved his arms around and rubbed his wrists to get the blood circulating again. However, he knew better than to place his hands anywhere near his erection. Any disappointment he felt that he wasn't to receive a handjob from Sarah--or Claire!--was tempered knowing that at least he should get release from his build-up of frustration. Of course, it was going to be embarrassing, rubbing himself off while naked in front of these two young women, but, in his state of desperation, he was sure he would manage. However, what came next shocked him.

It was Claire's suggestion. "I've got an idea, Sarah. As I seem to have upset your training programme, let's make it more challenging by giving sweetie a fixed time to get the job done. I did that with my old boyfriend once."

Sarah thought for a few seconds before replying, "Hmm, yes, I like that idea. She gets to empty herself but has no time to savour the experience. I like your thinking. How about we give her sixty seconds?"

Claire laughed. "Yeah, that sounds good. If she's as desperate as she's trying to make out she should cum easily in that time. And if she doesn't, then she must have been lying to us."

"And if she's been lying, she will need to be punished," added Sarah with a smirk.

She placed her phone on the floor, with the stopwatch function open and set to sixty seconds. "We go one either side of her, Claire, and when the minute is up we pull her arms so she has to let go of her prick. OK?"

"Yeah! Are you ready, sweetie?"

Sarah started the clock and Simon instantly began rubbing the shaft and glans of his penis through the condom. He was extremely frustrated and dying to ejaculate, but he wasn't sure he would do it in that short time while being watched. It was a degrading experience, but he had to focus full time on masturbating and not think of anything else. All he understood was that he had only one minute to cum. It didn't help that Sarah gave a countdown, announcing the passing of every five seconds.

As the time ticked away, he became more frantic with his stimulations and then, with less than five seconds to go, he felt the convulsions that marked ejaculation. There was what seemed to him to be an enormous eruption and he continued to rub and caress his penis as it spurted semen into his condom. He still hadn't finished when the sixty seconds were up and the girls simultaneously tugged his hands away from his penis. The last few drops of semen trickled out with no sensory pleasure for the poor guy. He had been kneeling, but had crumpled up into a heap as his orgasm surged through him and his body gave way. He was now breathing heavily. Despite being deprived of the last few seconds, he had enjoyed his orgasm, but he would have preferred to have taken more time to cherish the experience.

"What do you say, Simone?" asked Sarah.

"Thank you ... Miss Jones, thank ... you ... Miss Fraser," he gasped.

"Hands on head, thighs vertical, back straight," Sarah commanded. Despite his exhaustion, he pulled himself up into this uncomfortable position while Sarah carefully removed the condom and then dabbed his sodden penis with tissues.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Claire, looking at the full condom.

"Freeze it," smiled Sarah. "I'll have to think of a use for it." Claire laughed, as did Sarah--Simon was the only one not to laugh as he worked out what they were talking about.

Very soon, his deflated member was locked back up into its cage, his blindfold was untied and he was sent upstairs for a shower while the two girls chatted downstairs.

"We didn't get far with the fashion advice," remarked Claire.

"No, but we've got all day and I suggest we take Simone shopping. A good idea or what?"

"Absolutely! A brilliant idea!"

As they conversed, Simon luxuriated in a hot shower, paying particular attention to cleaning his penis inside its cage. His mind flitted over what had happened and how different the morning was proving, from what he had expected. He had brought two very attractive young women to tumultuous climaxes and had been rewarded by being allowed to self-pleasure, although not in a relaxing way. So far, fashion and beauty advice had been almost nonexistent, but he suspected this would soon change. What amazed him most was how Claire had revealed herself to be a naturally dominant woman who didn't hesitate to exert her authority. He felt a shiver go down his spine.

Written by undiecontrol
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