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Author's Notes

"This is the first part of a story about a father taking his daughter and two of her friends on a holiday to belatedly celebrate her birthday. This first part just introduces the characters and sets the scene, all the fun comes later. All the characters are fictional and any similarity to anyone is purely accidental. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I've tried to weave a fair bit of background into the story and I hope it helps add a more realistic feel. Everyone involved is over sixteen before the holiday begins."

This is part two, or should I say there is a long story that leads up to this taking place. I met Maria out clubbing when I was in my early twenties, and she was just eighteen. She was tiny, with black hair. She was gorgeous and danced nonstop. I could not take my eyes off of her. I managed to speak to her, she had a strong accent and we clicked. She was very keen on sex, very open and experimental. We married within a year so she could stay in the UK.

She fell pregnant very soon, a mistake as she was on the pill but we went through with it. Ana was born, a replica of her Mum. Our sex life soon resumed, as often and varied as before. But now and then for a week or so, she would go quite cold.

The last few years of our marriage had Maria wanting longer and more frequent breaks from sex. The last year we were together it stopped completely. That is when I found out she was having an affair with someone at her work. In the row that followed she took great pleasure telling me she had enjoyed a string of affairs. She left and abandoned Ana with me a little before her fourteenth birthday. We divorced soon after.

Ana handled it quite well, Maria had never been a natural or nurturing Mother. I did my best to keep things stable and normal. I guess we had always been good friends and I made an effort not to indulge her, but to give her space and let her live her life.

Fast forward a couple of years, and I was planning a sixteenth birthday surprise for Ana. I’d secretly been speaking to a couple of her close friends, asking about whom to invite and where to go. The really good friends list was quite short, I was sad to find out. I started to think about a short holiday and asked her two best friends, Josie and Stephanie, where she might like to go while trying to keep it all a secret.

I’d assumed it would be Ibiza or something like a coming-of-age party break, but Stephanie said Ana had always wanted to go to Florida and ‘do’ Disney, so I started to look at holidays and flights, and thought perhaps she would rather be with her two friends than me. I secretly got hold of her friend’s parents and floated the idea of a Disney holiday. Both sets of parents said yes, but only if at least one parent went along.

Josie and Stephanie were both almost six months older than Ana. Ana's actual birthday was a fairly quiet affair, falling as it did midweek in the middle of exams. We went out for a nice meal, I did not mention my plans for a post-birthday holiday. Ana was quite happy with just the meal and had no idea I had such exciting plans in place. I was relieved to be arranging the holiday after Ana's actual birthday, and very relieved that as the parent and chaperone, all three girls would be sixteen before we went away.

Josie’s parents organised her a passport as Josie had never been abroad, her holidays were always camping and hiking with her family in the UK. Josie was the smallest of the three with a boyish figure and I can’t remember ever seeing her with makeup on. With long curly dark hair and a freckly face, she had a natural beauty.

Stephanie had travelled quite a lot, her parents had taken her away at least twice a year, winter and summer. Stephanie was the tallest of the three, a classic blue-eyed blonde, with a confident air about her she was always immaculate and often in full makeup too. Stephanie’s parents offered to pay for her ticket, but I had to decline as Josie’s parents would not be able to afford it. I had been putting money away for Ana’s sixteenth surprise so could cope OK with the cost.

I checked the friends had got their passports, and checked Ana’s and mine were in date. A week later I booked flights, a small villa, a hire car, and four two-week theme park rover tickets. We were going to Florida in just over a month, and would celebrate Ana’s sixteenth birthday and the end of exams out there. Stephanie’s parents put me in touch with someone they knew who did me a real deal on the villa with a pool.

In the following weeks, I kept my fingers crossed that they would still be the best of friends. Josie and Stephanie had both had their sixteenth birthdays months ago. Josie’s was an old-fashioned at-home do, her family always seemed to be on a shoestring. Stephanie and a group went to Chessington for the day, and then Stephanie’s parents also took her away for a week somewhere exotic.

Both of her friends kept the secret so well. On shopping trips when I had given Ana some money for clothes, they encouraged her to buy a few nice things suitable for the warm summer weather to come. The day before we were due to fly, Stephanie came over and helped me pack for Ana to make sure I didn’t miss anything she would need. Josie had arranged a trip to the cinema and a sleepover, to keep her from rumbling the plan. Josie had also already given me her suitcase, fully packed, and ready to go.

On the morning of the flight, I finished packing my suitcase and Ana’s and drove and picked up Stephanie. She had a huge pink suitcase which only just fitted into the boot. We drove to Josie’s house and I walked in collected Ana after her sleepover and said, “Hey, it’s a lovely day why don’t we take a drive out somewhere nice?”

“Oh Dad, we were going to go into town to meet Stephanie and just hang out, do we have to do it today?”

“Josie, would you like to come along? Come on don’t be a spoilsport, we can ask Stephanie too,” I tried to nonchalantly offer.

Josie’s Mum joined in, “Go on, go and get some fresh air, go and enjoy yourselves.” She started ushering the pair towards the door, it was all part of the plan. They picked up coats and handbags and followed me out, they were surprised to see Stephanie walking up the path to the house, I’d asked her to come and knock after a couple of minutes.

“Hey, Dad wants to take us out for a drive somewhere, do you want to come along?”

Of course, Stephanie agreed and soon we were off in the car, Ana was unaware of the plan and my heart was racing. I was so looking forward to the moment we would reveal the secret. The three chatted in the car, paying no attention to the road or signs until the final turn toward the airport.

“Where are we going? This had better not be some lame plane spotting trip.” Ana asked with an almost sarcastic air.

I laughed, Stephanie and Josie laughed while Ana looked around, confused. “What is going on?” she said looking at us in turn.

“What would you say, if I said we are all off to Florida in three hours?” I said.

Ana screamed, and they all screamed then Ana hit me with a crescendo of questions. “But I haven’t packed, what about passports, clothes, bags, shoes?” the list went on. By the time we were in the long-term car park the whole secret was out and all three were like a firework about to explode. Ana kissed and hugged me endlessly while we checked in and then grabbed a light lunch, boarded, and flew.

Ten hours later we spilled out into a late Florida afternoon, warm and humid. We collected our hire car and drove about an hour to the rental villa which had three bedrooms, with two double beds in each. I let the girls choose, while I unloaded the car and then reminded them that two would have to share as I needed somewhere to sleep as well, then they all wanted to share. They let me take the room with the bigger bathroom and walk-in shower. Across the hall, they took the two rooms served by a shared bathroom between them. To the rear of the villa was a small pool, in a huge lanai.

In between the girls rushing in and out, I managed to get their attention for a moment. “Let’s order some food, the rental people said there were recommended menus in the kitchen, and then an early night I think.”

Ana was so happy, she seemed as excited as the little girl from years ago, and actually all three of them were still fizzing with excitement. A pizzeria was called, no rush I said, they advised they would be over in about an hour and a half with our order.

“Let’s go in the pool,” Josie half asked, half said, and all three ran off to their rooms. I took a glass of water outside and sat by a garden table by the pool. I got my first pleasant surprise of the holiday about ten minutes later when Josie appeared first, in a one-piece swimsuit. It was modestly cut but I could not help but notice three things; she was virtually flat-chested, looked very trim and fit, and had a pronounced pubic bulge. I had to stop myself from staring, as she made her way straight to the pool and jumped in.

Ana and Stephanie followed behind. “Come in, it’s so warm,” Josie called to her friends. Stephanie was wearing a string-tied bikini, there was not a lot of material but she didn’t need any support from it at all. She had long legs a flat middle, and curves in all the right places. I crossed my legs.

Ana was also in a bikini, it was bright red and it occurred to me that she had grown. I’d never seen her in anything but a one-piece costume before, and the bikini against her pale skin seemed to glow. Ana was shorter than Stephanie and reminded me so much of her Mother when we first met, with almost black hair, crystal blue eyes and suddenly she had her full C cup boobs too.

I shifted in my seat, making sure I did not show how they had affected me. Ana and Stephanie jumped into the pool and the three girls splashed and played together excitedly. There were blow-up toys and beach balls which they threw to and fro. Once in a while I would round up all the escapees and return them to the pool, first being careful to adjust myself before standing. Over the hour it got easier as they all bobbed around mostly covered by the water.

It seemed no time until the doorbell rang and I went through to collect the order, I tipped the delivery boy five dollars, the smallest change I had.

“Let’s eat out here,” Ana called through. I returned to the pool to find all three sitting in the plastic garden chairs around the table, they were all dripping wet. The material of their costumes was clinging even tighter if that were possible. I put down the boxes and went to the kitchen to get paper towels and plates, I did my best to hide my ever-present half-erection and quickly sat down.

The pizzas were a success, quickly demolished, and bottles of soft drinks emptied. Soon the long day and excitement took hold and the girls began yawning.

“Come on,” I said, “Off to bed, and don’t leave wet costumes in your rooms, hang them out here.”

Josie stood and unexpectedly hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, and said good night. Stephanie did the same and I could feel her firm boobs pressed hard against me, I had to arch my back to keep my groin away from her.

Ana hugged and kissed me, “Thank you, Dad, this is the best birthday ever.”

Josie reappeared a short while later, in pyjamas. ‘Jeez, how do you make pyjamas look so sexy?’ I thought to myself as she carried three wet costumes out and hung them over the backs of the chairs.

“Good night,” she said again as she went back inside, I locked up and went to bed. I was dozing off when I heard muffled sounds or voices, at first I thought I had dreamt it but the sounds were getting louder. I wondered if Josie or Stephanie talked in their sleep or had nightmares, I knew Ana did not, but felt it would be wrong to walk around and check now. I lay and listened for a while, I thought it could have been crying but it soon stopped and soon I drifted off and slept soundly.

The next morning, the time difference had us all awake much too early. I had done my homework for things we should do so said, “Get dressed for the day, come on, trainers, comfortable clothes, quick, chop-chop.” We drove to IHOPs and we all demolished pancakes and juice, bacon, and eggs. Two hours later we pulled into the huge car park for Disney, we joined the train and masses of people, and soon found ourselves walking up Main Street.

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That first day I enjoyed watching Ana and her friends. There is something about Disney, something in the air that brings out the wonder and child in everyone. We went on rides, watched shows, tried on hats, and took lots of photos. My credit card took a bit of a hammering, Ana wanted a Disney sweatshirt and so did Stephanie.

Josie just sort of hung back saying, “Yes it’s nice, but I might get something later.” I could tell money was tight for her.

“Hey let’s get team shirts,” I said. Ana and Stephanie groaned and turned away. I felt that as I had brought them here I really ought to make sure they equally enjoyed it but was not going to force it. As the afternoon started to end, we made our way back down Main Street, weaving in and out of the shops as only girls knew how. Back onto the monorail then the little train, and then the car each of us with at least one bag of Disney memories.

I had been given the names and locations of some good pizza, pasta, steak, and fish places to eat. Enough work colleagues had been before and helped me out with so much of the planning. “What do you want to eat tonight?” I asked, and away they went babbling and chatting. “Ok, Ana, tonight you should choose,” I said to bring about a decision.

“Something really American,” Ana said.

“Oh, yes, that’s very helpful,” Stephanie piped up, laughing.

“Do you mean burgers, steaks, or what?” I asked.

“I saw it on TV or a movie, but it’s real, Bubble Gump I think.” Josie and Stephanie howled with laughter before Ana had even finished speaking.

“You mean Bubba Gump,” Josie managed to say through laughing.

“Yes, that’s it, from the film, Forest Gump,” Ana smiled as she spoke, she was not offended by their laughter.

“I was thinking we might do that one tomorrow, it is right next to the theme park at Universal,” I said to avoid messing with my plans.

We ended up settling for a steak and fish place we had driven past near the villa, also on my list to try. Josie picked the cheapest thing on the menu, and Stephanie and Ana opted for crab and lobster tails. I had a steak and it was all lovely, with soft drinks all around. We dropped into a shopping mall on the way back, I bought soft drinks, beer, chips, snacks, some cereal, and a huge carton of milk and some coffee for the mornings. I also got a couple of bottles of Fizz and some alcopops to open on one evening to celebrate Ana’s Birthday.

Back at the villa, the girls helped carry everything in, I took a beer out to the pool and was soon joined by the girls. Josie was in the same one-piece outfit from yesterday and Stephanie was in another string-tie bikini. This time Ana was in a flowery patterned bikini, a bit smaller than yesterday. I have to admit I enjoyed watching them walk through and enter the pool, I could feel my cock stirring again so kept myself covered under the table and tried not to stare.

After an hour the girls tired of the pool and tired from the long day climbed out and lounged on the chairs around me. The air was cooling, and the effect on the three wet bodies was quick and obvious. Josie’s nipples stood out the most, she hunched forward and pulled the material of her costume off of her body. Stephanie’s bikini had become very slightly transparent, her nipples had not stood out so much, but their outline was visible. Ana’s bikini clung to her, and like her Mother, her nipples stood out. Ana put her hands around her neck so her forearms largely covered her boobs.

I realised I could not stand as my cock was tenting my loose shorts and with all three girls sitting just a few feet away, I was in trouble. I tried to look out over the pool, but it felt rude to look away as the girls tried to engage in conversation and plan tomorrow’s theme park. With my peripheral vision, I was sure I could see a few dark pubes at the edge of Josie’s outfit.

Stephanie was making no effort to cover herself, I saw her nipples slowly fading as the material dried, her boobs looked so firm and inviting. The bottom of her costume was pulled in so tight that I started to imagine if she was shaven underneath. Ana had moved her arms back down, her nipples now flattened under the dry material which was very tight across her boobs, her cleavage definitely on show. I could not help myself checking for stray pubes, nothing I could...

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Written by john456berry
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