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In a New York Minute - Part Thirteen - Chapters 49-52

"Mac makes Grace feel safe."

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Author's Notes

"While this is part of a series, this story can be enjoyed without reading the rest."

Chapter Forty-Nine

“Tie her legs open,” she heard a voice say. She felt groggy and sore. “She’s had enough of a break. It’s time to use her again.”

Pain seared through her body. She opened her eyes and found herself covered in cum.

“Look at our dirty whore,” another voice said. “Get the hose and spray her down first. She’s a sticky, filthy cumslut.”

She screamed for them to stop and found herself in Mac’s arms as he desperately tried to shake her awake.

“Wake up, now, Grace! You’re having a nightmare; it’s not real. You’re safe with me, I promise.”

Grace buried her head in Mac’s chest and sobbed. He held her until her tears subsided. When he felt her breathing calm, he tilted her chin and looked into her blue eyes. “I love you, Grace. I’m so sorry this whole FBI case has dredged up such painful memories. I’d give anything to make it all go away for you.”

She smiled weakly. “You make it better just by being you and loving me. Holding me like this makes me feel safe when I’m awake. The nightmares will die down again. They have before, and they will again. Perhaps when it’s all over, and justice is served, the nightmares won’t return anymore.”

He cursed the monsters that had hurt her when she’d been so young and vulnerable. If he could, he’d rip them to shreds. And while he doubted that any judge would order castration as a sentence, he held out hope that the FBI’s case against Bakary Konen and Armel Kouassi would lead to prison time for both men.

The past few months had flown by; late summer transitioned to fall, then fall passed into winter. The bleak, snowy days of late January were upon them. In the midst of all that, the case that Supervisory Special Agents Zach Harris and Sam Jenkins were heading up was developing into something viably prosecutable.

According to the FBI, Konen and Kouassi, with several other men, had sexually assaulted seventeen women and were blackmailing most of them to prevent any disclosure of what they deemed consensual fuck fests. They tended to prey on young women lured by the promise of fantastic career opportunities, only to be used and trafficked. It was only because she’d been brave enough to call the police that Grace had not been sold as a sex slave. It was ironic that spending time in jail for what the authorities had deemed false accusations and defamation on Grace’s part had saved her from a worse fate.

The case had been building for a few years, but Grace’s statements had broken it wide open. Somehow, although some details had started trickling into the press, Michael Stone had kept his word, and Grace was not being named as a victim. In fact, none of the women’s identities had been disclosed, which had been a great relief.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to fall back asleep,” Grace said. “I think I’ll grab a quick bite and head into my office to get some work done before DJ wakes up and wants breakfast.”

“I have a better idea,” Mac said suggestively. “Roll on your tummy, and I’ll rub your back.”

Grace smirked. “I know this routine. You get me all relaxed by rubbing my back, and then I roll over, and you maul my front.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” he asked, amused.

“No, not at all. I’m just not sure I’m in the right mindset to…”

But Mac was nibbling at her neck, and Grace lost all ability to form words. She could be stubborn and push him away, but that would be foolish when what he was doing felt so good.

“Mmm, if your neck is this tasty, I’ll bet the rest of you is delicious.”

He kissed a trail across her breasts, down her stomach, and landed on her smooth, bare mound. He knew some men liked a landing strip on their women, but Mac loved the softness of her naked pussy. His tongue continued as it found her sweet honey and the sexy little gold ball. He flicked at it and watched his wife shudder with desire. He smiled inwardly, knowing she’d stopped thinking or caring about anything besides the pleasure he would bring her. Her ability to give herself completely to him, to trust him implicitly, was a gift that he treasured.

He glanced up and saw her eyes flutter as he slowly slipped a single finger into her. Soft moans escaped her lips as she opened for him. A second finger had her hips rocking slightly; a third had her panting with need.

He started slowly, but as she bucked, he gave her what she needed and fucked her hard and fast with his fingers until she exploded.

Easing his hand from her drenched pussy, he licked her sweet nectar from his fingers and felt his mood go feral. Saying not a word, he impaled her with his thick, stiff shaft, going balls-deep in one plunge. His need to possess her was overwhelming as he hammered into her as if their lives depended on it. She met his every thrust with equal fervor, and within seconds, she cried out as her climax ripped through her body as he followed suit, shooting his load deep inside her.

His heart beat wildly in his chest as he collapsed on the bed next to her. He hoped that this would be enough to take her mind off her ugly nightmare and that his ferocity hadn’t done anything to make it worse instead.

He felt his worry dissipate as she slid her hand into his and curled herself against his body. “You’re a wizard, my love,” she murmured. “I’m pretty sure I can sleep more now.”

Mac put his arms around her and pulled the covers back over them. His heart swelled with love and pride that he’d made her feel safe again.

When it was time to wake for the day, Grace took Mac’s face in her hands and kissed him passionately. He shot her a goofy grin and said, “Damn, woman! What did I do to deserve that amazing kiss?”

She raised an eyebrow. “As if you didn’t know. Thank you for knowing exactly what I needed last night.”

“Oh, that. Well, you might think it was all about you, Grace. But I honestly just had a mad hunger for your body.”

“Well, your hunger was well-timed.”

Grace headed into the nursery to find her boy awake and sitting up in his crib. “Stop that, DJ,” she teased. “Stop growing up so doggone fast!”

She picked him up and grabbed a cloth to protect her from his incessant drooling. With closer inspection, she spied a little white spot on his bottom gum.

“Mac, come here!”

Alarmed that something was wrong with the baby, Mac rushed into the nursery. Grace stood there, grinning from ear to ear.

“What’s up?” he asked, puzzled.

Grace sighed. “Nothing’s wrong, except our little man has his first tooth.”

“Ah, does that mean mama plans to wean our boy soon?”

“Well, I don’t have to, but I probably will. I know some baby books suggest nursing for up to a year. But he’s eating cereal, veggies, and fruits, so it’s not a bad time to consider it. The pediatrician said it was a personal choice. I can keep pumping, so he continues to get breast milk for a bit. But the idea of him nipping at my breast kind of creeps me out. So, yeah, I think it’s time. He takes a bottle well, so it won’t be an issue.”

“You never mind when I bite those nipples,” Mac teased.

“McKinley!” she chastised him playfully.

“It’s up to you, baby. You can do whatever you want, Grace.”

“Well, if we are planning to start trying again soon for number two, I’d just as soon have some time off from breastfeeding.”

“We can wait on that if you want.”

“No, we still have a couple of months before we start our traveling baby-making quest. So, I’m good.”

“Speaking of traveling, I think we need to figure out how to manage with a baby on the road. I doubt very much that Claudette would want to come to Europe and leave her daughters. So, we will need to figure out a game plan.”

“We could ask her first before we decide for her that she doesn’t want to travel with us,” Grace suggested. “But we definitely need a backup plan.”


Chapter Fifty

Claudette's face lit up when they approached her on the subject.

“While it would be lovely to travel, I still have Collette in school, and she needs her mama here. However, Sylvie has finished high school and is taking a gap year. She has been working as a nanny for a couple in Manhattan, trying to decide if she wished to attend an exclusive nanny school in London. She has been watching two little ones, a baby boy several months older than DJ and his four-year-old sister. It’s been a wonderful experience, but the family is relocating to Sydney, Australia, and she will be out of a job soon.”

Grace felt a little giddy but didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“So,” Claudette continued. “Perhaps Sylvie can come to work with me and shadow me for a bit. She’s young, but she’s been minding children in the evening for neighbors for the past five years, and she adores DJ. Then, if you feel she is capable, she could accompany you on your travels.”

Mac looked at Grace and could already tell that his wife thought this was an excellent idea. But he also wanted to discuss it with her privately before they made any commitment. So he spoke up quickly.

“Claudette, this sounds like a wonderful idea. Grace and I will discuss this and get back to you tomorrow if that’s okay with you. You should probably also get a sense of whether Sylvie would be interested.”

“Oh, she is definitely interested in helping me here with DJ. I will hold off on asking her about being your travel nanny until you’ve made a decision. I don’t want to get her hopes up about traveling.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

Later, after the baby was down for the night and Grace, dressed in a sheer teal nightgown, was standing in front of the mirror brushing her hair, Mac debated whether to discuss the idea of bringing Sylvie along now or wait until after he’d ravished his wife.

The decision was made for him when she met his eyes in the mirror and smiled.

“You know, some women would worry about bringing a gorgeous eighteen-year-old to Europe as a nanny, but when you look at me like that, I know, without a doubt, that I’m the only woman you see, the only one you desire.”

“If you asked me to describe Sylvie right now, I couldn’t tell you much more than she is tallish with brown hair. Yet, she’s been in our home dozens of times. So, you’d be right, my love; I see only you. Was that a concern for you?”

“It might have been if you were any other man besides the one you are. Sylvie is lovely to look at, but she’s pure and sweet. And she adores DJ. Having her work alongside Claudette for a few months before we travel will give us a good sense of whether she can handle the job. So, what concerns do you have?”

“It occurs to me that we will need to secure accommodations that provide space for her. It also dawned on me that we won’t be able to run around naked or enjoy a slam-you-up-against-the-wall fuck session while we have her along after DJ is down for the night.”

“It will be different traveling with someone else, but I can work with Avery to make sure that our hotel suites are set up in a way as to offer us privacy. I also envision us needing to take advantage of times when we are alone in the room when she’d take DJ on a walk or to a park.”

“That’s the Grace I know and love. Always thinking ahead!”

“I know it won’t be the same as when we first traveled together, but we can still enjoy ourselves, right?”

“Grace, I will always treasure those months when we got to know each other, and you taught me how to enjoy the world around me. Yes, traveling with a baby will be much different. But it will still be fun because we will be together. Having a nanny with us will make things much easier unless you plan to just tag along as my love slave and not conduct any business.”

Grace laughed, as Mac hoped she would.

“Our lives are different now. We are parents, and people weren’t lying when they said a baby changes everything. But, Grace, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love being your husband and DJ’s dad. I’ve never been happier. Traveling with you and the baby with a nanny in tow will still be more enjoyable than any time I traveled alone or with some escort. I promise it will still be amazing.”

“So, going without a nanny and me being your love slave is an option?” Grace teased.

“Sure, unless you want to conduct the business, and then I can be your sex toy.”

Grace grinned. “I think we both want a mix of business and pleasure. Let’s see how Sylvie does with DJ and see if she feels like a good fit for our travel nanny.”

“I think it’s safe to assume it will all go well, so why don’t you plan an itinerary with Avery based on the notes I sent you and book the necessary accommodations.”

“Just remember we are staying with the Beckers for a few days in Munich. Since Virginie successfully got pregnant while they visited us, she insists we stay a few nights in their home so we can hopefully conceive under their roof. I’ll get on the rest of the plans with Avery tomorrow.”

Mac nodded. “Good. Now show me what’s under that nightgown, Mrs. Stewart.”

“As if you can’t see right through it?”

“Of course, I can; that’s one of the reasons I selected this one. But you can’t fault a man for wanting his wife to be naked.”

Grace frowned.

“What did I say wrong?”

“Nothing. It just occurred to me that I will need to learn to be much quieter during sex.”

“Well, I’d be happy to help you practice.”

After a half dozen orgasms, brought on by Mac’s magical tongue, left Grace breathless, he teased, “I’ll give you a B- for noise level, my love. But no worries, we can keep practicing.”

“I know a way to keep me quiet during sex,” Grace said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“So do I. Kneel and return the favor, my sweet Grace.”

“My, aren’t you being polite and formal?”

Mac laughed. “Okay, fine. Get on your knees and suck my dick, slut.”

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“Well, when you put it that way…”

Grace licked and sucked and managed to milk his cock within minutes.

Early February brought a few days of sunshine and a bit of a thaw.

“Avery, hold my calls, please. I’m going to take an hour to steal my son for a walk since it’s sunny and relatively warm,” Grace said as she grabbed her winter coat and scarf.

“Don’t forget gloves, Grace. It’s still chilly out there.”

“I won’t. When I return, we can finalize the travel plans for April.”

Claudette and Sylvie had DJ bundled up and ready for Grace. “I won’t be long; I just need to get some sunshine and fresh air and figured I’d enjoy the walk more by pushing my favorite boy in a stroller.”

“I thought I was your favorite boy,” Mac teased as he poked his head into the kitchen where they were gathered.

“You’re hardly a boy,” Grace said more seductively than she’d meant to. Fortunately, Sylvie was already off texting her friends and enjoying an unexpected break.

Claudette caught Grace’s embarrassed blush. “No worries, my Sylvie is not a little girl. She’s figured out that you two have sex. She’s a grown woman; you don’t need to feel like you can’t be yourselves around her. Within reason, of course,” she said, winking.

“Why don’t I join you, Grace?” Mac asked, feeling the need to escape the awkward moment.

“We’d love the company.”

As they headed for the park, Grace said, “I guess I need to be a bit less overt in Sylvie’s presence.”

“Didn’t you hear Claudette? I don’t think it’s a big deal. Besides, you weren’t wrong; I am not a boy.”

He discretely moved her hand to feel his bulge.

“Don’t I know it,” Grace purred.

Mac laughed. “We could probably both stand to tone it down. But we also need to feel like we aren’t walking on eggshells with Sylvie. I’m willing to bet she is more grown than we realize,” he said raising an eyebrow.

Grace’s eyes widened. “I don’t want to think about that sweet girl having sex. Why would you put that in my head?”

“Because it was in my head, and misery loves company.”

They laughed and held hands while pushing the stroller the rest of the way to the park.

After a while, they decided to head back. “As much as I’d love to blow off work for the rest of the day, I have things that really need to get done.”

“Same here. But this was nice, and I’m so glad you came along on our little outing.”

“It’s been so cold and gray; being out in the sunshine was a nice break in our day.”

When they reached the steps to their home, Grace heard a noise.

“Was that a cat meowing?”

Sure enough, a little black kitty was sitting on the bench, meowing like crazy to get Grace’s attention.

She bent down to pet the cat’s head and was surprised when it jumped into her arms.

“Well, aren’t you a friendly kitty!”

A quick check under the tail made it obvious the cat was a boy.

“I wonder who he belongs to?”

“We can take him to a vet and see if he’s chipped. In the meantime, we should probably take him inside and get him warmed up and fed.”

“Grace, what if he has fleas?”

“He looks pretty clean. And he’s not scrawny, so I don’t think he’s been outside too long. I will quarantine him in one of the guest rooms until we’ve had the chance to get him checked out.”

Mac sighed. There was no way he would convince his tender-hearted wife to leave this little furball outside. “Okay, but let’s call around to see which vet can get us in sooner than later. And you should probably shower before you return to work, just in case he does have fleas.”

“Sounds reasonable. Then, if you don’t mind, you take DJ back to Sylvie and Claudette while I clean up.”

“Aww, but I wanted to help you shower,” Mac pouted.

“I wouldn’t want you to catch fleas,” she teased.

Mac looked at the kitty, gazing intently into Grace’s eyes. “He’s already smitten.”

“He’s not the only one. I’m trying not to get too attached in case he belongs to someone.”

Mac kissed her forehead and decided right then and there that if this little guy already had an owner, they would head over to the shelter to rescue a cat. The kitty wasn’t the only one who was smitten.



Chapter Fifty-One

When Grace had the kitty settled in the guest room on the fourth floor, she showered quickly and returned to work.

“Sorry, Avery, I was gone longer than I planned. Do you still have time to go over the itinerary with me? Or should we wait until tomorrow?”

“Let’s wait until tomorrow. I managed to get you an appointment at Sutton Animal Hospital on 1st Avenue to get the kitty checked out.”

Grace felt her heart squeeze a little. Mac had already asked Avery to take care of getting an appointment. Somehow that made her feel emotional.

Avery noticed that Grace’s eyes had welled up. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m just, well, I hope the kitty doesn’t have an owner already.”

Avery smiled. “Well, if that’s the case, I’m to let you know that The Humane Society of New York is open until 5:30 p.m., and they have several cats available for adoption currently.”

Grace blinked. “Mac wants a cat?”

Avery laughed. “I’d say Mac wants a happy wife, and that wife wants a cat. But I could be wrong.”

Grace walked into Mac’s office and planted a big noisy kiss on her husband’s lips.

“Well, hello! You smell delicious and look completely flea free. What’s the big kiss for?”

“Because you have the world’s biggest heart. Thank you for having Avery set up the appointment.”

“Well, this little guy might not be ours, but I can’t imagine you without your own kitty now that I’ve seen you holding one. Besides, I know you have a fondness for felines.”

“Fa Raon, the white kitty at the hotel in Paris?”

“That too. I also remembered the look on your face when you told me about Abby the Tabby, your kitty in Cote d’Ivoire.”

Grace was unable to speak for a moment. Then she took a deep breath and cleared her throat. “Don’t ever say that you don’t pay attention to details, McKinley Stewart. If I didn’t already love you madly, I’d fall for you all over again right this instant. You notice all the important things, and you see my heart. I love you. That’s why I gave you such a passionate kiss. And now I need to go find a box to take the little furball to the vet.”

“No need. Bentley asked Randall to go pick up a cat carrier. Randall will return with it in time to drive you to Sutton’s.”

Grace took little breaths, trying not to cry. It was silly, but the fact that Mac had taken care of all that for her was one of the most romantic things he could have done.

“You must be crazy about me,” she said when she could get the words out.

“I am indeed, my sweet Grace.”

“You didn’t have to…”

“Stop. I know I didn’t have to. My goal is to make you happy; haven’t you figured that out?”

Grace threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

He was taken aback at how emotional she was and decided to lighten the mood a bit.

“Of course, if you’d like to show me later how appreciative you are, who am I to stop you?”

She burst out laughing and lowered her gaze, “Of course, my Sir. I’m happy to serve you.”

Mac went instantly hard and whispered into her ear, “I’m going to spank you and use you like a slutty little whore later.”

Grace felt her panties go damp. “I can hardly wait!”

At the vet, it was discovered via the chip implant that the two-year-old kitty’s name was Merlin, and he indeed had a home. Unfortunately, the owner had passed away the week before, and his daughter didn’t want the cat, so she let it go outside.

The vet had some harsh words for the woman for simply releasing the poor kitty into the elements and insisted that she sign off on the cat so it could be reregistered to Grace.

“Do you wish to call him something else?” Dr. Vector asked.

“No, his name has been Merlin all this time. It seems rude to change it on him now.”

The doctor smiled. Merlin may have had a rough week, but the adorable black cat with the white spot on his chest and white whiskers would be well-loved again.

“According to his medical history, which I was able to access, he has been neutered and is up-to-date on his shots. He doesn’t have fleas or worms, and he doesn’t seem to be suffering from frostbite. He may have been outside this past week, but he must have found some shelter. It helps that it’s been milder temperatures this week too. I doubt I need to say this, but if you decide Merlin isn’t a good fit, please turn him into a rescue or the humane society rather than just turning him loose.”

Grace understood why he was saying so, but she assured him Merlin had a forever home. “He stole my heart the minute he jumped into my arms. It was as if he’d chosen me to be his new person.”

As if on cue, Merlin nudged his head against Grace’s hand, demanding she pet him. The vet chuckled and said, “You’re quite right. It’s plain to see that Merlin has decided you belong to him.”


Chapter Fifty-Two

When she returned home, she had Merlin’s cat carrier in one hand and several bags in the other.

“What’s all this?” Mac asked, greeting her.

“Randall stopped at the pet store so I could get some supplies.”

“Do we have three cats?” he teased.

Grace rolled her eyes at him and handed him the bags.

“So, where should we set up his feeding station?”

“How about in the kitchen?”

“So, you’re okay with him having the run of the house?”

Mac frowned. “Of course, it’s his home too, now.”

Grace felt overwhelmed with love for Mac. “Thanks for letting me keep him.”

“Thanks for suggesting we keep him. I intended to get a cat when we came back from Europe, and then we had to go to Chicago, and I completely forgot about it. Seeing you with Merlin makes me sorry I didn’t think of this sooner.”

“Well, maybe this was the cat we were meant to have,” Grace said.

“He does have an adorable face.”

Mac helped unload the bags. “Why are there two litter boxes?”

“It’s a big house, Mac. Besides, the vet suggested always having one extra box than the number of cats.”

“Okay, good. I was just making sure you weren’t planning on bringing another cat home.”

Grace laughed. “No, you’re a one pussy man.”

“You’re so sassy, Gracie.”

Later, while Merlin was exploring his new home, Mac explored Grace’s body.

“I love touching you. Your body is a wonderland.”

“Okay, John Mayer,” Grace giggled and rolled her eyes. But he had her sighing as he traced circles along her belly and down to her bare mound.

“Okay, that was admittedly a cheesy line, but it’s still true. I relish every curve, your silky-smooth skin…”

“Mmmm, keep going.”

“It’s as though the pads of my fingertips draw sexual energy from your body, and it all goes straight to my dick. Touching you like this makes me so hard.”

“Is that a fact? Well, what do you plan to do with that hard dick?”

“What would you like me to do with it?”

“Well, earlier, there was a suggestion made that you planned to use me like a slutty little whore.”

“That wasn’t a suggestion; it was a promise. Go get your hairbrush.”

Grace was puzzled. But if he considered brushing her hair using her, who was she to complain?

When she returned to the bedroom and saw him sitting on the settee, she realized he had a different purpose in mind for the brush.

“Hand me the brush and get over my knee.”

Grace felt her body tingle as she did as he commanded. Mac lifted her nightgown to expose her firm, creamy bottom and rubbed his hand over it.

“I’m going to put a little color in these cheeks now. I want you to count while I do. If it hurts overly much, you need to use your safeword. Promise me you won’t suffer in silence. That’s not what this is about; it’s meant to bring both of us pleasure.”

“I promise, Sir.”







It was an entirely different spanking experience with the brush, and it stung quite sharply. But, for some reason, it was a delicious sensation that had Grace’s juices flowing.




“Fourteen. Oh, my God! I’m gonna cum, Mac!”


Grace’s body shuddered as her orgasm drenched his lap.

Mac surprised them both when he slid the handle of the brush into her dripping pussy and whispered hoarsely, “I told you I was gonna use you like a dirty little whore.”

She moaned while she met every thrust of the thick handle and cried out as the next orgasm ripped through her body like lightning. Removing the brush, Mac pulled Grace onto his lap and guided his rigid pole into her throbbing wetness.

He held her hips as she rode him hard, both of them enjoying the erotic sensations of their joining. Her soft, wet walls felt like silk against his shaft as he pulled her down to get in deeper. His girth, hot and hard, filled her like no inanimate object ever could. Their eyes met, and their love and lust for each other poured out as they moved in sync. He took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately, igniting the spark of climax for her and triggering his own in tandem.

Grace collapsed in his arms, heart beating wildly and out of breath. Mac tightened his arms around her and held her close, breathing in the scent of her.

“I love you with all that I am, Gracie. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

She couldn’t speak; he’d left her breathless. But she made a purring noise and nuzzled her head against his chest. He smiled and kissed the top of her head; God, he was a lucky man.

Moments later, she answered him. “I love you with all that I am, Mac. You didn’t hurt me; you never could. And isn’t that a miracle? That you should make me feel so safe and loved that I can enjoy rough, rowdy sex and never, ever equate it with what happened in my past. Thank you for not treating me as if I were fragile. I won the lottery the day I walked into your office.”

Mac smiled and looked into her eyes. “You are the miracle. You gave me a life I never thought attainable. I have a beautiful, intelligent wife, an amazing son, and…”

“Meow! Meow! Meow!”

“…and a demanding little cat who needs to get used to his surroundings,” Mac laughed.

“Looks like you have two demanding pussies now,” Grace teased.

Mac looked tenderly into her eyes. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Written by techgoddess
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