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The Office Whore – Part One

"Reina needed a job, but..."

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Reina woke up before the alarm. No surprise there. She had slept restlessly in anticipation of the first day of her new job. Might as well get up and hit the shower. With this extra half hour, she could afford to take her time and start her day off well. She stripped off her tank and panties and turned the water on to a delightful hot setting. She stepped in and let the hot water beat down upon her back. Grabbing the shampoo, she washed her shoulder length red hair first and then added a little conditioner. Once her hair was clean, she carefully opened the new shower gel she had allowed herself to splurge on once she learned she’d been hired. It smelled soft and sweet and just a little sexy. Taking some of the gel into her hands, Reina rubbed it all over her body. Taking her voluptuous breasts into her hands, she realized she had enough time to play a little before she got out and got dressed. She took her hardened nipples and pinched them gently at first, then twisted and pulled on them till she heard herself moan. Mmmm, yes!

Sitting back on the shower bench, Reina rubbed her hands down her body until she reached her hot, wet pussy. Eyes closed, she turned her body so that the shower was massaging her clit and slipped a finger inside herself. God it felt so good! Two fingers now, then three. More, Reina thought, I need more. She peeked open one eye and spied the shampoo bottle. Grabbing the bottle, she slowly worked it inside her needy little hole. Leaning back further on the shower bench with the water beating down on her tits and her stomach now, Reina plunged the shampoo bottle in deeper. She rammed it in and out and each thrust sent it deeper inside her until her orgasm exploded! Reina felt herself slide down to the floor of the shower and she laid there for a few moments enjoying the aftershocks of cumming so hard. Wow, she needed that!

After that delightful shower, Reina now had just enough time to get herself ready for work. She had been told that the boss was old fashioned and preferred women employees to wear a dress or a skirt. She thought it odd at first, but really didn’t mind since she enjoyed showing off her legs. She considered them her best feature. She selected a dress that was, she hoped, appropriate for the office and slid it over her body. She had a new bra and matching panties underneath, another splurge, and felt pretty but not overtly sexy.

Traffic had not been kind, and Reina found herself rushing into the office at the exact moment she was due to clock in. She had hoped to have a few spare minutes to get settled, but no such luck. The office manager, Karena, frowned at Reina. “Tomorrow, please plan to be here 5 minutes earlier,” Karena barked at her. Reina simply nodded. No sense trying to argue, she thought.

Karena took Reina to the desk that was to be hers and handed her a manual. “You have one hour to read the manual before Mr. Stephens arrives. Please read it carefully and let me know if you have any questions. If you follow the rules and do a good job, you will be successful here.”

Reina took the manual and opened it. As she read, she thought most of it seemed pretty straight forward and typical of any office setting. She got to the last section entitled, “Additional Special Tasks as Required.” With her curiosity piqued, Reina began to read about what these special tasks would entail. Her eyes grew large as she read them and she began to feel very nervous. This wasn’t at all what she expected when she accepted this position. When Karena came back to let her know that their boss was arriving, she could see that Reina was visibly upset. “Don’t worry dear,” Karena said almost kindly, “you will do just fine. You may actually grow to enjoy the special tasks over time.”

Reina felt panic set in! “How often are these special tasks required?” Karena just shook her head as Mr. Stephens stepped into the office.

“Karena, please bring our new employee directly to my private office,” Mr. Stephens said with a smile. “I want to make sure she is comfortable here and understands my expectations and is ready to work!”

When Chad Stephens saw Reina walk into his office, he felt immediately aroused. Karena had done a superb job of selecting this lovely young woman! Her red hair had flecks of gold here and there and her eyes were so incredibly blue! Her mouth looked delicious, as if made for sex. He glanced down quickly at her body and noted that she was petite and curvy. She couldn’t have been more than 5’2” and her lovely breasts appeared full and very likely real. He legs were shapely and her hips looked like he could hold on firmly and drive himself into her. He couldn’t wait to discover the body under the dress!

Looking back up at her face he saw her eyes well up with tears. When their eyes met, she saw genuine concern. “My dear, you seem terribly upset. What seems to be the matter? You aren’t nervous, I hope. Your resume indicates that you are perfect for this job and possess all of the required skills, including knowledge of Base 12.”

Confused, Reina struggled to keep her voice steady. “I don’t understand what knowledge of Base 12 has to do with the additional special tasks as required. I don’t see anything that seems remotely math-related about any of the tasks listed.”

Chad chuckled softly. “Ah, I see the problem! We are talking about a completely different Base 12! You assumed I meant math-related and I assumed you understood that I meant taking care of my needs as described in the Base 12 manual. No worries, my dear. If you’re not up to the task, I can simply contact the next applicant on my list. No harm, no foul. I would be happy to write you a letter of recommendation as you attempt to find an alternate position elsewhere. But before you make that decision, you should know that I am a very generous employer and most everyone who has worked for me has been very happy and well-compensated.”

Reina sat very quietly for a moment. She NEEDED this job. It had taken her longer than she’d hoped to find a new job after her old company went bankrupt. Her rent was due and she was now silently kicking herself for her indulgent shopping of the undergarments and shower gel. But could she really work at a job that required her to “fulfill her boss’s every need”?

Chad sat down next to Reina, took her hands into his, and asked gently, “Is there some reason that you think you would not be able to perform the tasks that I require?”

Reina looked at this man who would be her boss. He was exceedingly easy to look at, with his dark brown hair and eyes, his gorgeous face, and his tall, lean body. She shook her head, no.

“Then why don’t we agree to start you on a trial basis?” he offered. “That way you can see if you actually like the job or not. Shall we agree to one month?”

Reina’s stomach quivered. One month. Thirty whole days of performing tasks that would fulfill her boss’s needs. One month of really generous pay that she could use to pay off bills while she looked for another job. “Yes.” The word barely squeaked out of her mouth. “Yes, I will agree to do the job for one month and make my decision after that.”

“Wonderful!” Mr. Stephens said with a smile. “The first thing I would like you to do is to call me by my first name, Chad. After all, we will get to know each other very intimately my dear. But for now, go back to your desk and work on memorizing the special tasks by number so that eventually I can simply summon you and say, for example, Reina, number 4 please. No worries or pressure. I will give you a few days to memorize them so you don’t need to fear that you will do something wrong.”

“Mr. Stephens, I mean Chad, are there other office tasks that I should be completing? I mean, I can take the manual home and work on memorizing them there. That way I can be useful here at work completing whatever tasks needed.”

Chad smiled, “To be honest? Karena can adeptly handle all of the other tasks. Your job is strictly to focus on learning and performing all tasks listed in Base 12. However, if she ever needs an extra hand, you can certainly help her out. But I will expect, after three days, that you will be ready to perform any task on the list by number without a reminder of what that task entails. So, your time is best utilized learning your job. If there is anything you don’t understand, simply use the search portion of the Base 12 website. There are detailed explanations should you need them.”

Reina smiled nervously and thanked Mr. Stephens, that is Chad, for the opportunity and set out about the business of learning her new role.

She opened the manual again and began to read to herself. And, to her dismay, she felt her pussy get wet as she read the introduction.

Base 12, the manual stated, was a process of performing 12 tasks geared at satisfying a man’s sexual needs. In order to be a successful Base 12 Slut, one must memorize the tasks by number and be ready to perform them at a moment’s notice. In order to be best prepared, the Base 12 Slut should wear a skirt or a dress to the office. A bra is allowed, but no panties shall be worn. Stockings, if worn, should be thigh high so that nothing interferes with easy access to the Slut’s pussy and ass. Pubic hair should be waxed off or shaved regularly so that the Slut’s mound is smooth and bare. All other body hair should be waxed or shaved as well. The Slut will need to take birth control pills or use a patch that will prevent pregnancy and keep her period flow to a maximum of one day. The Slut will also need to present a fresh, clean pussy and asshole daily. Douches and enemas can be provided as needed.

Additionally, the Base 12 Slut needs to be able to withstand any pain that occurs during the performance of any task. Reina felt her body shudder. The realization that she just came while reading about being a slut made her feel ashamed and aroused at the same time. Would it really be so bad to be paid to be a slut? Nothing she read so far seemed out of the question. He wasn’t asking her to do anything that went beyond what she considered her limits. Clearly her wet, throbbing pussy was an indication that she might actually enjoy this job. Well, in any event, she had a month to decide and why not give it her best shot?

Reina spent the next three days studying and memorizing the Base 12 manual. Each evening at home, she felt the need to take care of herself with her vibrator. While the tasks were extremely sexual in nature, none of them required anything that she wasn’t willing to do she realized. It was a little humiliating to discover that, while she was in some ways terrified to go down this road, this job was likely perfect for her. It brought out feelings in Reina that she hadn’t known existed. Her biggest fear was that she would disappoint Chad and not perform her duties up to his standards. But she was ready to try. She had a month to prove herself. She was certain that he would give her the chance to improve if she wasn’t exactly what he expected at first.

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The day had finally arrived! Reina took extra care getting ready. She stood in front of her mirror at her newly bald mound. It made her wet just thinking about what she might encounter today. To think that three days ago, the idea of being an office slut horrified her! Now she felt giddy with anticipation about which of the 12 tasks Chad would require of her today.

She selected a powder blue button-down blouse with a dark blue skirt for her outfit. She wore a new bra that hooked in the front and pushed her “girls” up nice and high. She was a little sad that the matching panties had to stay in the drawer. But she wanted to follow the boss’s orders and make a good impression! Her legs were smooth and tan, so she opted for no hose on this first day. She chose blue strappy sandals with enough of a heel that her butt looked good when she walked.

She made up her face, added a touch of her favorite perfume here and there, and headed out the door pleased that she would be to work and ready well before Chad arrived. She hoped this would help her feel less nervous when he called her to his office.

When she arrived, Karena took her into the ladies’ room and told Reina to lift her skirt for “inspection.” While this made her feel a bit awkward, Reina complied. Karena told her to turn around and bend over so that she could access her pussy and her ass. Reina saw her dip her gloved fingers into a jar of lubricant. First Karena slipped her index finger into Reina’s pussy making her moan just a little. Next, Karena inserted her middle finger into Reina’s tight little ass. A quick moment of pain gave way to intense arousal. Apparently satisfied, Karena took off the glove and told Reina to sit on the couch in the lounge area of the ladies’ room and spread her legs. Karena kneeled down in front of Reina and, with a hand on each leg, leaned in to have a taste of her pussy. Reina felt her body shudder. She had never had another woman touch her like this. It was a wonderful, new sensation. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. Her eyes flew open as Karena startled her by kissing her and sharing her own taste with her. It was one of the most erotic things Reina had ever experienced.

Karena broke off the kiss and smiled. “You’re ready,” she said demurely. She led Reina back to her desk and whispered, “He’s going to be very pleased with you.” Then she went off to her own desk, leaving Reina to wait for Chad.

Chad was already in his office, having arrived while Karena was inspecting Reina for her first day of real “work.” He knew Reina was probably waiting nervously for him to call her in, but he did have some actual business to attend to first. He knew the waiting would be difficult for her, but was surprised to realize that it was hard for him as well. He had spent the past 3 days watching her as she studied at her desk. How determined she looked! She had surprised him when she had agreed to stay on a trial basis despite not having intended to take a job like this. He admired her tenacity and, well, bravery. He wondered how she would do. He was used to Karena finding him women who were well aware that their role was basically to be his whore at his beck and call. All of them had been entertaining for a time, but none of them lasted. None of them could keep him satisfied for more than a few months at a time. It was why he hired women for this “job” in the first place. He’d tried to have relationships with women ever since college, but discovered he became bored too easily. He craved, well that was the problem wasn’t it? He didn’t really know what exactly it was that he craved, just that he had a need that he couldn’t seem to get fulfilled or satisfied. An itch that he couldn’t get scratched he thought with some perverse humor. But this woman? There was something in her eyes. Something that made him hope.

When he was finished with his necessary business, Chad reached for the phone to call Reina in to his office for her first task. He stopped, not sure why he felt so nervous, and checked his breath. Why the hell had he done that? It wasn’t like he needed to impress her. She worked for him for Christ’s sake, this wasn’t a date. He shook his head and actually picked up the phone this time.

Reina answered immediately, “Yes Mr. Stephens, I mean Chad?”

Chad cleared his throat a little, “Reina, number 1 please.” He went to the sofa in his office and sat down, hoping that Reina would know what to do and do it well.

She was nervous, but so grateful that he had started with something she felt she was very good at. Task one was simple: Come into my office and lock the door, take off your dress or skirt, kneel down in front of me as I sit on the sofa and suck my cock until I cum.

Reina came into the office, locked the door, and walked over to where Chad was sitting on the sofa. She noticed he was watching her intently and that his cock was already bulging in his pants. She clearly needn’t have worried about whether or not she could get him hard for this task. He looked plenty ready. She stood before him and slowly undid her skirt, slid it down over her hips, and tossed it on the floor. She saw desire in Chad’s eyes, even though she thought he was trying to be rather cold and business like about the whole thing.

“Get on your knees Reina, I don’t have all day!” Chad barked the command a little louder than he had meant to. Reina said nothing and simply complied. Once on her knees she reached for his pants and deftly undid the button and zipper as his cock sprung free and nearly startled her. His cock was bigger than any she’d seen and she started to panic a little.

You can do this Reina, she told herself. She took his cock into one hand and closed the other hand around his balls. Chad moaned. This gave Reina the confidence she needed to lick the head of his cock and taste his precum. Chad moaned again and this time he touched her face. “You’re clearly good at this,” he said. Reina just smiled and continued.

She licked and sucked on the head of his cock, circling it with her tongue. As she did so, Reina noticed her pussy was getting wet and she wished she had a third hand so she could touch herself. She took his hardness deeper into her mouth, inch by inch, reveling at the rigidness and how wide it was. Soon his cock was as far into her mouth as it could go and she knew that if she was going to take all of it, she would need to relax her throat so she could slide it in all the way. She eased his cock back out of her mouth and just as Chad was about to reprimand her, she went down on him again until he felt the head of his cock constricted by her tight little throat. “Holy Fuck!” Chad shouted without realizing he had said it out loud. Christ, her nose was touching his belly and he felt her tongue on his balls!

Reina moved her mouth up and down on Chad’s cock, each time moaning as he dipped into her throat. The moans were making his dick feel amazing and he didn’t want it to end. But unlike with his previous office “whores” he knew he wasn’t going to last long. Damn, he could usually easily enjoy a good half hour of a slutty little mouth and this inexperienced young woman was going to push him over the edge in less than 5 minutes if he didn’t get a grip. Then she started swirling her tongue around as she moved him in and out of her mouth and throat and he realized this was going to be a much shorter session then he planned. He was a little disappointed but had reached the point of no return; he was ready to cum.

Reina sensed that Chad seemed less than pleased and thought she needed to step up her game and quickly. She reached out for his hand and placed it on her head encouraging him to push her down onto his cock. Within seconds, Chad had both hands on her head and was fucking her mouth and throat with wild abandon. His breathing raw and heavy, he gave one last hard thrust until he felt his entire body spasm and he shot his load deep down her throat. “Fuckkkk! Oh my GOD!” Chad cried out while he came harder than he had in a very long time. He looked at Reina’s face and then collapsed back into the sofa and closed his eyes.

His heart was still pounding like crazy when he opened them again and saw she was still there on her knees but sitting back a little, smiling. “Where did you learn how to do that, baby?” he asked her. “God you’re so fucking good. I’m sorry I came so fast, but holy shit you surprised me with that, well ALL of it.”

Chad realized that he had called her baby, as if this was a date and not her job. He’d have to watch that. He wanted them to be on a first name basis, but he had always deliberately avoided any terms of endearment. She wasn’t a girlfriend, he reminded himself silently. She was his office whore; he was paying her for her services.

So why did he suddenly want to take her onto the couch with him and hold her and kiss her? Maybe even return the favor? What the fuck? So, she gave mind-blowing head. So what? He closed his eyes again as he tried to get a grip.

When he opened them again, Reina had her skirt back on and was zipping it up. Then she stood there and smiled. Chad cleared his throat, “You did great, Reina, really. That’s all for now. You can go back to your desk.” He tucked himself back into his pants and realized that she had sucked him clean. Hmmm, that was kind of nice. Then he watched Reina unlock and open the door and close it again, and she was gone.

Chad sat there for a moment and sighed. He didn’t like this feeling of uneasiness. He wondered if he had hurt Reina’s throat while he rammed his cock in so hard and deep. He wondered why it mattered now, when something like this have never mattered before. He wondered if she had truly enjoyed what she had done as much as she had seemed to. God she just sat there afterward and smiled at him so sweetly!

He wanted her again already but it was too soon to call her back in on her first day. He wanted her to like this job and stay after all. Maybe he could just call her in to get him some tea and he could talk to her a little. He wanted to look at her and smell her; Christ, what was that perfume she was wearing? It was intoxicating. No, don’t go there. Send her home. His warring thoughts had him unable to focus. He picked up the phone.

“Reina you are free to go for the day,” Chad said quietly. Reina was confused. Did she do something wrong? But she knew better than to question her boss on her first day, so she simply answered, “Yes Chad, thank you.” Then she hung up the phone, grabbed her purse and headed for the door…


Written by techgoddess
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