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Author's Notes

"Lina gets the spanking she's wanted so badly and something else she didn't know she wanted!"

Part 2 - The Spanking

For the balance of the day, I ran our conversation over in my mind. I wished I could stop analyzing and just let things play out. I always wondered whether it might work out for the best, but my organized mind always won out, and analyze I did. I was guessing that Lina had always wanted to get together with me in some way and my spanking comment either hit a nerve or showed a different level of interest from me. Either one of which might cause her to now push forward in her own way because clearly, I wasn’t.

I left the office with just enough time to make it to her complex and her apartment. With well-kept grounds and exteriors, it looked like it would be a nice place to live, though I suspected they were mostly small apartments, probably single-bedroom. I made my way to her first-floor apartment and as I was about to knock, the door opened with Lina smiling and greeting me happily.

“I’m so glad you could come!” she said with genuine joy. She stepped back to allow me to enter. I stepped directly into her living room, which was small, but cozy. An open floor plan made the dining room and the kitchen entrance both visible from the living room.

“This is nice, Lina! Very homey!” I replied as I walked further in and spun around to get the full view. I noticed the computer on a small desk in a corner of the dining room by the wall separating the kitchen.

“Thank you! I like it a lot. It’s a nice quiet complex with nice people. I’m lucky in that my neighbors both travel a lot, so I don’t ever have any noise problems.” She seemed to take note of my reaction to that comment. “I’m starting dinner. I hope you like roast pork with black beans and rice?”

“You don’t have to go to all that trouble!”

“It’s no trouble! I make this all the time. I’ve only just started, so you tell me when you want to take a break and eat, and I’ll have it ready in ten minutes.” Before I could react to that, she added, “The computer is over there, as you can see, and I wrote the password down on the pad for you.”

That seemed like a dismissal especially when she turned and headed to the kitchen. Looking at her from behind I noticed her tight, little bottom in her trademark tight, black pants. As I watched this beautiful specimen of female buttocks walking away, I barely noticed the flimsy, white top that revealed the lack of a bra underneath. Leaving me wondering where this evening was leading, I decided to get to work.

Sitting at the computer I noted that it was nothing special; not new, but not old either. I hit the spacebar to get the password screen, entered it, and found myself in Internet Explorer with a dialog box at the first step of an upgrade. I noticed there were several other windows open.

“Okay, it’s an IE upgrade,” I called out in a slightly louder-than-normal voice. “I’ll have to close these other windows. Is that okay?”

“Yes. If it asks you to save first, just say yes,” she replied from the kitchen.

Alt-tabbing to the other windows I found a Word document and some email client open, both of which I saved and closed. The other windows were several instances of a picture viewer. Imagine my shock when the first picture turned out to be a young woman over a man’s knee having her bare bottom spanked! Shock quickly turned to pleasantly surprised, for now, I was certain she was responding to my threat in a positive way.

Now I just had to figure out what my next step would be. I decided to look at the other windows first and happily found more spanking photos. The next was a girl bent over with a paddle heading for her naked cheeks. The third window was of a girl pulling her pants down, clearly preparing herself for an over-the-knee spanking by the man seated in a chair next to her.

I wondered if there were more in the same folder and clicked the right arrow to find a progression of the girl’s spanking, from laying across his knee, to spanking, to having her panties pulled down for more spanking, and finally to the girl standing with her back to the camera, rubbing her sore bottom. I also noticed that all three girls were very petite: a connection to Lina?

I had to decide what to do with this information. I left all those windows open and went ahead with the upgrade while I decided on a course of action. At one point I thought I saw Lina peek around the kitchen wall, but it was fleeting, and I really wasn’t sure. As the upgrade spun through its paces, I figured out how I would address it. The upgrade finished and it was time to see this scenario play out.


“Are you ready for me to finish the dinner?”

“No, I need to show you something. Can you come in here?”

“Okay,” she said with a tremor in her voice, “be right there!” After a longer-than-expected pause, she appeared from the doorway. “I had to take some things off the stove,” she said explaining her delay.

“The upgrade is finished,” I said showing her the ‘complete’ dialog box.

“Oh, good,” she replied somewhat confused.

“Yes, but there’s something else.” I clicked to close the IE window which revealed the first picture I’d seen with the girl getting spanked. She looked down as though embarrassed, but clearly a smile was briefly evident as well.

“I don’t know where that …”

“There’s more.” I closed that window which brought up the paddling scene. She started to speak, but I held up a finger indicating she should sit and listen first. I closed that window and revealed the first picture of the girl readying herself for a spanking, and then clicked through the whole series of fifteen to twenty pictures, ending with the girl rubbing her sore bottom. Again, she tried to speak, but I stopped her.

“Lina, I think you know you shouldn’t be looking at pornographic material like this, and the sites where you get these are notoriously dangerous insofar as your computer is concerned. Do these pictures appeal to you?”

“No, sir. Um,” she said as she looked me in the eye and saw I was playing out the exact scenario she had so carefully laid out, including the addition of referring to me as ‘sir’.

“Imagine my surprise finding pictures like this on the computer of such a sweet girl! If it doesn’t appeal to you, then why are you looking at them?”

“I, um, I … I don’t know, sir.”

“I think you do, but we’ll get to that later. Right now, I think you know that you need to be punished for this behavior, don’t you?” She nodded slowly. “Under the circumstances, there seems to be only one punishment that’s appropriate, and that’s for me to put you across my knee and give you a good, hard spanking on your bottom, your bare bottom!”

“Please don’t!? I’m sorry, sir, I won’t do it again.”

“Maybe not, but I think there’s a better chance you’ll remember not to if you know that a sore, red bottom will be the result. Now, I know you’ve been preparing dinner and I don’t want that to go to waste, so we’ll have dinner first, but right after we’ve eaten and cleared the dishes away, you’re going right over my knee with your pants down for a good spanking!” I was fairly sure the wait and anticipation of the promised spanking would enhance her enjoyment of it.

“Yes, daddy,” she said looking me in the eye to be sure I picked up on the change of scenario. She went into the kitchen and within ten minutes, we were sitting down to eat. I forced some small talk about the weather, recent events in her life, her job… I could see the anticipation growing in her body language. She’d look at me with downcast eyes, sometimes biting her lip and talking softly when answering my questions, but her eyes lit up when I pushed back from the table complimenting her on a delicious meal.

“Can I help you with the dishes?”

“No, daddy. I’ll do it,” she said as she got up and gathered a few dishes to take back to the kitchen. A couple more trips and the table was cleared. Standing at the counter I saw her turn her head to look at me, and when she knew I was looking back, her hand went to her bottom, as though fearful of what was coming. ‘Mmm, very good Lina’ I thought seeing she was particularly good at this role-playing.

I got up and walked around the dining room table, pulled one of its armless chairs out, and sat in it. “Come here.” When she was standing at my side, I added “I’m going to put you across my knee and give you a good spanking, and hopefully you’ll learn not to look at such filthy material again. Take your pants down!”

She jumped to that task a little too quickly for someone who didn’t want what was coming. She kept looking up at me with a look that said she’d been waiting for this for a long time. Hints of a smile showed her true desire to be spanked like a naughty, little girl.

“I’m sorry daddy! Do you really have to spank me? Spank my bare bottom?” she asked as she pushed her pants down to her knees. As she stood up, she straightened her panties, revealing the shape of a perfect, little pussy. She smiled when approval was evident on my face, and I would bet we were both thinking the same thing: what I would do with her pussy after her spanking.

“I think we both know you need a spanking, don’t you?” Then, only partially successful at producing a pouty face, she reached back and rubbed her bottom as though fearing the spanking, but clearly provocative as well.

“Yes, daddy. My bottom is really going to hurt, isn’t it?”

“Only as much as it needs to get the point across,” I replied to a look of relief on her face. I suppose any girl would approach a new spanking partner with some apprehension about submitting to an unknown situation. “Now come lay across my knees.”

As she bent to position herself, she looked at me, ever so briefly with a smile that said I’d read the situation perfectly. Only as she lay across my knee, a featherweight, did I fully appreciate how well her diminutive size fit the ‘naughty, little girl getting spanked by daddy’ scenario. I also took better notice of her panties. Plain pink cotton panties that covered her tight little butt completely and very tightly I might add as they stretched over her delicious curves both on her bottom and between her legs.

From that point on, these kinds of panties would always be ‘spanking panties’ to me. With pants pulled down, they were enough of an exposure to feel vulnerable but didn’t permit any flesh-to-flesh contact until they were pulled down, which itself is a highly arousing step in getting spanked. I rested one hand on her far cheek, covering most of it, while the other brushed her long hair off her back so she could look back at the proceedings.

“You’ve been a very, naughty girl, Lina and now you’re going to feel what those girls in the pictures felt as I give your bottom a good spanking!”

“I’m sorry, da…” she barely got out before my hand came down on the cheek it had been resting on. “Oh!” Again, with swats to each cheek in turn. “Oh … ow!” she reacted more in pleasure than pain and of course, they weren’t hard spanks as I needed to find her limits gradually. Three swats across both cheeks. “Mmm … oh god.” Six more randomly but harder. “Oh, I’m sorry …” I didn’t let her finish as I laid down a longer series, peppering her tight bottom with my palm. Now I took notice of her firm, little cheeks bouncing only slightly as they absorbed each spank.

Between volleys, I started caressing her beautiful bottom, softly at first, but graduating quickly to squeezing gently. This too had her moaning in appreciation and I began to wonder how long she’d keep up the naughty girl scenario before giving in to the pleasure of it all.

“Are you learning your lesson, young lady?” I asked to test her reaction.

“Yes, daddy. I know I need to be spanked, so spank me good!” she replied giving me the answer I was looking for. She probably wouldn’t make it much past having her panties down before she was begging for the spanking to continue.

I continued with short and long series of spanks and in between, my hands caressing her gorgeous bottom, bringing an ever-increasing tightness in the crotch of my pants. Lina continued in her role as a contrite, naughty, little girl. I could see she was enjoying the longer series of smacks to her bottom, her reaction clearly one of pleasure, though her words stuck to the plot.

“Oh, daddy!” or “Oh, my poor bottom!” or “Ohhh, you’re spanking my bottom so hard!” which was a clear signal to spank even harder as she raised her hips to meet my spanking hand whenever she could. When she moaned, “Oh, daddy, I’m so glad you didn’t pull my panties down!” I knew that was exactly what she wanted – as did I!

“Now, Lina, I only left your panties up this long because it’s been such a long time since your last spanking, but you know it’s not a proper spanking unless it’s on your bare bottom. I’m going to pull your panties down now, and you’re going to get at least as much as you’ve gotten so far on your naughty, naked bottom!”

“Daddy! Please?” was the strongest protest she could muster as she would have pulled them down herself if she hadn’t managed to signal me to do it. Hooking a finger of each hand in the waistband, I slowly pulled the very tight panties down over her perfect bottom, my palms cupping her cute, little cheeks and the elastic scraping over her now tender bottom. “Oh my god! Ohhhh, daddy! Do you really have to spank me on my bare bottom?” she cried, her words the only protest while her tone said she was loving every second of the unveiling of her warm butt.

“Look at that! Your bottom is almost as pink as your panties!” I said as they were fully revealed. Sliding them further down her thighs, I left them just above her knees. “But we both know that it’s not a proper spanking unless you finish with a nice, red bottom! Isn’t that right, Lina?” My hands returned to her perfect, firm, round cheeks and squeezed; and probed a little bit harder than before. My cock could not get any harder as I caressed those gorgeous, round orbs. I couldn’t tell if it was me or her quivering, but I couldn’t get enough of the firm flesh of her perfect ass! “Isn’t that right, Lina?” I asked again, waking her from enjoying my massage as much as I was.

“Oh … um … oh god … yes … um … oh, I know … sp-sp-spank my bare bottom!” She wouldn’t be protesting too much longer now. Her enjoyment was overpowering her ability to stick with the scene. “I’m, I’m sorry, daddy! Please don’t spank my bare bottom too hard!?”

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Giving each side another squeeze and caress, my hand rose to begin the next chapter of this amazing story. Backing off on the force again now that she was bare, I began spanking, not in series, but with a slow steady rhythm. Ramping up the force quickly to that which I’d used with her panties up, she was squirming now, clearly enjoying this escalation of her supposed punishment. I would alternate watching the smooth, firm flesh quiver ever so slightly with each spank and caressing those beautiful mounds; those ever-reddening objects of my desire.

“Ohhh! Ohhhhhh! Mmm! I can’t, I can’t pretend any longer! Oh my god, Mark! Spank me! Just keep spanking me like that! Don’t stop!” Just as I wondered when she’d crack, she did, and that gave me the permission to explore beyond the bounds of her spanked bottom. After easily a hundred spanks, I stopped but my fingers immediately dove into the crevice between her cheeks and further into her moist crotch.

Writhing on my lap, she seemed to be liking what my fingers were getting up to but, “Oh Mark! Spank me! Don’t stop spanking me!” So, I returned to smacking her cute, little hiney that was getting nice and red now. “Ohh … oh my … you can do the other too! Just don’t stop spanking me!”

She was clearly nearing the end, so I ratcheted everything up, the speed, the force, the urgency of my fingers in her wet slit! I slid my right leg further to the right to allow better access to her steamy crotch. While my right hand spanked her back and forth – left, center, right, center, left – my left hand manipulated the slippery, wet lips of her bald pussy. She ratcheted up quickly as well, crying for more and harder spanking and at the same time, squirming on my lap while moving closer, and closer, and finally to her climax.

She stayed on my lap as my hands with more soothing motions, caressed every inch of flesh I had access to. Slight moans and shudders were her only reaction to my ministrations, but eventually, she calmed.

“Has my naughty, little girl learned her lesson, or will she need to be spanked again someday?” I asked both trying to re-engage with her, but also hoping for a desire to do this again.

“Yes, daddy! I learned my lesson!” she said as she lifted herself off my lap, and finally standing beside me, added, “ but sometimes I just can’t help being a bad girl, so I’d be very thankful if you would take me over your knee for a good spanking anytime you think I need it?!”

“I will. I’ll be keeping an eye on you to be sure you behave yourself, but you know I can’t be watching you all the time, so you may have to come and tell me when you’ve done something for which you ought to be spanked.”

“I will, daddy! I promise!” she said with a smile. her hand caressed my cheek in a gentle, loving gesture. “I probably won’t need these anymore, will I daddy?” she said as she kicked off her panties. “I probably shouldn’t let you,” she said with a timid smile and her perfect, little pussy peeking out below her top, “but would you like to play with this some more?” she said pushing her wet slit ever so slightly towards me.

With that, I got up and sat her down in my seat. Kneeling before her, I reached up to kiss her pretty face, forehead, cheeks, and lips before moving down. As I reached her firm, round breasts, she reached for the hem of her shirt and in one fluid motion stripped it off in an obvious invitation to sample her bare breasts as well.

As I made my way down her torso, I pushed her back in the seat and grabbing her knees in my hands pulled them apart. My hands made their way up her thighs to the nirvana between them with my tongue quickly following, burrowing deep into her sopping wet slit. Her reaction was immediate, and her ecstatic cries led me to believe she hadn’t done this in a while either.

With her feet on the floor, she lifted her bottom off the chair and pressed forward pushing her pussy into my hungry mouth. My favorite position for eating pussy, is to have her butt cheeks in my hands, while my mouth feeds on a sloppy wet pussy, as though holding a watermelon up to my face and burying my face in the sticky fruit. She loved it, responding with wild gyrations, and became even more animated when I squeezed her tender, spanked cheeks.

It didn’t take long for her to reach climax and while she slumped in the chair, my fingers and lips touched lightly, both soothing and keeping the fire going.

“Oh daddy!” she cried, surprising me that she was keeping the scenario going. “That was so naughty of me! I need to put the food away and clean up the kitchen. Is my punishment finished or am I gonna get spanked again?” she asked with genuine concern but also desire on her face.

“Yes, you are, Lina,” I replied, surprised at her desire for even more. “You need to learn that you can’t use your feminine charms to avoid your responsibilities, so after you’ve finished, you’re going to bend over the table for another spanking, this time with the spoon!” I threatened thinking of a wooden spoon I’d seen her using earlier.

“No daddy! Please? Not the spoon!? That really hurts!”

“Which is the point of a spanking, isn’t it? Now get to work, but keep in mind the added punishment you’ll be getting for trying to charm me out of giving it to you!” After slipping her little, pink panties back on she went into the kitchen and started putting leftovers away in the fridge, moving then to washing dirty dishes. When I saw her pick up the spoon, I grabbed hold of her wrist. “This isn’t the right kind of spoon!” I said in a threatening tone.

“The others are in that drawer right there,” she said pulling a drawer open partially. Opening it myself I found several spoons, two of which were rather large, but I chose the smaller one of the two which was still twice the size of the one she’d been stirring the beans with.

Having only put her panties back on to clean up, her cute, little rump presented too tempting a target, but first I pulled the back of her panties down just below her cheeks. “Naughty girls should leave their punished bottoms on display as a reminder. This spoon should do nicely!” I said holding it up briefly for her to see, but quickly smacking each cheek in turn.

“Oww! Do you have to use the big one, daddy? It hurts so much…”

“Are you trying to tell me how I should be punishing you!?” I interrupted with a challenge.

“No! No, daddy, I just…” she started, but stopped when I pushed her down, bent over the sink, and gave her six good swats on each cheek. “Ow! Ow-ow-ow! I’m sorry, daddy!” she said with alarm, and a little pleasure as well.

“You know better, little girl! You can scream and cry, and even beg me to stop when I’m spanking you, but you should never question how I should spank you!” I opened the drawer I’d gotten the spoon from, threw the one I had back in, and pulled out the larger one, holding it up for her to see. Her eyes went wide with a little of both fear and desire. I turned her back to the sink, gave her one good hard swat on each cheek, and told her to get back to work.

“I’m done, daddy,” she said about ten minutes later. “Please don’t spank me too hard!? My hiney already hurts so much!” she pled.

“If you’re a good girl and don’t fuss too much, I might show some leniency. No, I want you kneeling on the chair,” I instructed as I saw her bending her delicious body over the table. “Take your panties off,” I added as she walked past me, noticing the red cheeks had already faded a bit to nearly match the pink panties still just below her cheeks where I’d left them.

It only took a light tug, and the panties were falling to the floor. She stepped out of them as she climbed onto the chair. She’d place her knees right on the edge of the chair and leaned forward pushing her pink bottom out in invitation.

“Like this, daddy?”

“No, not bent over quite so much. I want to see those cheeks bounce with each swat of the spoon!” She did as instructed presenting a delicious sight with her hands on the back of the chair and bent just slightly at the waist, those cute, little buns round and relaxed. Stepping beside her, I put my left hand on her belly to keep her position. “Ready?”

“Yes, daddy,” she said unable to resist a small smile, making me smile a bit as well.

“Good girl. Sixty, Lina! Sixty good, hard swats and we’ll be done, okay?”

“Okay, daddy.” Tapping the spoon on her left cheek, taking aim, I let the first one fly, and it was hard as I’d promised. “Oww!” she cried and reached back to rub the intense sting.

“No rubbing till we’re done! Do it again and I’ll add ten more! Understand?”

“Yes, daddy.” Another just as hard on her right cheek. “OW!” she screamed with her hand coming off the chair briefly but remembered the consequence and put it back. Four more, two for each cheek in rapid succession “Oh my g…” she started and tried to pull her bottom away, but my hand held her in place.

She seemed to be reacting in more pain than I intended so I decided to lighten up a bit. Eight more, four for each cheek, but softer. “Oh, daddy!” she said looking back at me with relief on her face. Doubling the number each time, she got sixteen and finally thirty swats to reach sixty, all on alternating cheeks and lightening up a little with each round.

Caressing her punished bottom with both hands she pushed them toward me enjoying the gentle contrast. My hands strayed a little more with each caress until a finger traced down her crack towards her glistening, wet pussy. Pulling away she said, “Please don’t, daddy?” without looking at me.

More than a little confused I guessed that perhaps she wanted something larger than my fingers in her pretty, little cunt and started opening my pants. Still not looking at me, but hearing the sound of my zipper, she pulled away again. “Daddies don’t do that to their little girls, do they?” Still confused but able to take the hint, I put myself back together.

“You were a naughty girl, Lina, but you took your spanking well so now you’re a good, little girl again,” I said standing right next to her, her pretty little face just inches from mine.

“Thank you, Daddy!” she said, turning towards me to give me a big hug and a sloppy, wet kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t let me catch you looking at pictures like that again or the next spanking will be much harder. Do you understand?”

“Yes, daddy,” she replied looking up at me from downcast eyes.

“Good. You can get dressed now,” I said patting her sore bottom a few times.

If it’s possible to make dressing as sensual as stripping, she managed to do it, giving me sexy, little smiles at strategic points, like when she cupped her tits with both hands to get them situated in her bra, or when wiggling her ass to get her tight pants back on, which seemed to amplify the sting in her spanked bottom, so she just discarded them instead. I just stood there taking it in, not knowing when or how I was going to leave. Dressed only in her underwear she came over to me, rubbing her sore bottom provocatively.

“Come,” she said, taking my arm and, “sit,” when we reached the sofa. “I’m really so sorry I must have misled you, Mark! You know I’m engaged to be married, don’t you?”

“No, actually I didn’t know that!”

“I thought everyone at work knew! I’m sorry. I know this must seem strange given what we’ve already done.”

“Which, I might add, was all your doing!” I said wanting to set the record straight.

“Yes, I guess it is, except for one thing.” She looked at me like I might know what that one thing would be. I didn’t. “It all started with you telling me I needed a spanking!”

“Okay, but it would have ended there if you hadn’t done – everything else! I don’t get it! You’ve got a fiancé and yet you orchestrated this whole thing for me to come over here and spank you?!”

“I know. Obviously, I really, really like getting spanked, but Tomas won’t do it. He won’t spank me. He thinks he’d be hurting me and well, he just doesn’t understand! So, when you said, ‘you need a spanking’, it just got me so hot and wet! It’s been such a long time since I’ve gotten spanked, so, I conned you, Mark! I conned you into coming over here and giving me the spanking, I wanted so bad!”

“I guess I can sort of understand the spanking part, but what about right after the first spanking?”

“Yeah, that shouldn’t have happened! I was just so so wet, and I needed it so bad, so I let you do it. By the way, you are very good at that! I’ve never had anything like it, but I shouldn’t have let you, so that’s why I suggested you spank me again. For me, it was a punishment spanking. The spoon was perfect for that purpose, but I wish you’d kept on doing it as hard as the first two. Of course, you didn’t know you were really punishing me. I’m sorry, Mark!”

“So, you didn’t mean it when we talked about other spankings in the future?”

“Actually, I did, but I thought you understood it would be just a spanking. Nothing else.”

“You’d still have me give you spankings, as long as they were just spankings?”

“Yes. Until I get married, I guess? But I know you don’t want to…”

“Then I think I should give you the punishment spanking you deserve right now!”

“What!? Really!?” she said, her eyes wide, disbelieving.

“Take your panties off and get back over my knee, little girl! You’re getting a real spanking now! First with my hand, then with a hairbrush, if you have one, and then the spoon. Sixty of each, just like before!”

“Oh, daddy! My bottom is really gonna hurt, isn’t it?” she said with a little smile. “I’ll go get my hairbrush and the spoon!” When she came out of the bedroom with the brush, she walked past me to get the spoon off the counter and returned to my side. Handing them to me, she pulled her panties down and lay across my lap. “Spank me, daddy! Spank me hard!”

And so, Lina got a real punishment spanking. The marks from the spoon were all that was left when I started, but she had a raging, red bottom by the time I finished. Timing the spanks as before – one on each side, then two, four, eight, and sixteen (actually it was sixty-two when I doubled the eight as well).

My hand and the hairbrush were given over my knee, and she was squirming big time even before the brush, but I had her bend over the end of the sofa for the spoon, which is one of my favorite positions even when I’m the one getting spanked! When I finally let her get up and rub her burning, hot bottom, she did a wonderful spanking dance with lots of ‘Ooos’ and ‘Ows,’ her panties falling off in the process.

When we said goodnight, I left a little happy that I had this cute little bottom to spank, quite often, it turned out, and a little disappointed that I wouldn’t get to do more than spank my cute, little girl especially having tasted her delicious pussy!

Less than a week later I returned to my office after a meeting to find a folded note left on my chair.

‘I’m a very naughty girl!   C.’

“Yes, you are!” I said aloud and immediately started thinking of how my naughty, little girl should be spanked this time!

Written by 2bespanked
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