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Author's Notes

"I have actually seen a bumper sticker like this, but as a man was driving, I didn't honk."

My driving was much mellower than normal for reasons unknown to me; not treating every car like I was racing it as I would normally. Driving in a part of Tampa I wasn’t familiar with may have been part of the reason, but following patiently behind a slow minivan was definitely not my style. Driving on one of the main thoroughfares with endless traffic lights means you rarely get up to speed anyway, and today it seemed as though I hit every light when it was red. Happily, that worked to my advantage.

So, I’m behind this minivan with several bumper stickers. One or two of them are political, another I can’t even make out, and honestly not even trying but one caught my eye …

HONK if you’re a NAUGHTY
boy who needs a SPANKING!

We’ve all seen bumper stickers inviting you to honk for one reason or another, but this was a first for me. Needless to say, I was intrigued! I was about to honk when I thought I should probably confirm who was driving. Though from my point of view, the message would logically come from a female, that didn’t mean that a female was driving so I pulled up to the left at the next traffic light. Looking over I saw an attractive woman with long dark hair but that was about all I could see, so I honked!

Being in a convertible, I’d easily be able to talk to her, but she apparently had not heard my horn, so I honked again. This time she looked over and seeing me looking directly at her, she lowered her window.

“I like your bumper sticker!” I said assuming she’d know which one I was referring to.

“Oh yeah? Have you been a naughty boy?” she said with a pretty smile.

“Definitely!” I replied. She looked me over as well as my car for a few seconds, probably trying to decide if I was a risk or not. The light turned green but neither of us noticed it till someone honked at us to get us moving.

“Follow me!” she said as she turned her attention back to the road and drove off. Within a couple of blocks, I was able to pull in behind her and followed closely. We had to stop at another light during which I questioned the wisdom of what I was doing but the fact that it had been a long time since I’d last received a spanking won the debate and I continued following.

A minute or two later she turned right into a large shopping center with a huge parking lot. Driving around the perimeter for a while she finally pulled into a parking space at the very edge of the lot far away from any other cars. I pulled in a couple of spaces over, got out of my car, and walked over to the driver’s side of the minivan.

Her window was still down, and I finally got a better look at her. Confirming what I’d thought earlier she was Hispanic with a pretty face and beautiful olive skin framing large brown eyes and a small mouth with full lips. Based on her position related to the steering wheel, she was probably rather short.

“So … you’ve been naughty, have you?” she asked with the same smile as before.

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied getting into a respectful role.

“Then you need a good spanking, don’t you,” she said more as a statement than a question.

“That’s what naughty boys get, don’t they, ma’am?”

“A couple of ground rules. First, this isn’t a playful thing. This is a real spanking … a long, hard spanking on your bare bottom that hurts! … a lot!” She paused gauging my reaction and seeing I didn’t run for the hills continued.

“Next, once I take you in the back seat for your spanking you don’t get out until I say so, which is when I’ve had enough of spanking your naughty bottom!” This time I nodded in agreement. “Finally, you don’t touch me! … anywhere! … unless I tell you to and then only how I tell you! Okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She looked me over again, clearly deciding whether to do it or not.

“Get in!” she said eventually as the side door slid open automatically and her window closed. I climbed inside and slid across the bench seat to the other side assuming she’d be right behind me. “My name is Tanya, but you can call me ‘Miss’,” she said from the front seat. I told her my name as I took notice of some interesting items stuffed in the pockets on the back of the front seats. “Take off all your clothes except for your underpants!” she ordered.

As I undressed, I took a mental inventory of all the spanking implements stuffed in those seat pockets. In addition to a good old wooden hairbrush and several types of paddles, there was also a tawse, a flogger, and a short plastic rod.

“See anything you’d like me to use on your lily-white butt?” she asked, seeing the excited look on my face as I looked them all over.

“I prefer hand spanking, but I enjoy a paddle or hairbrush when I’m in the right mood!” I said when I was down to my underwear and socks.

“The only thing that matters is what I’m in the mood for!” she said with a sinister smile. “That’s good. Leave your socks on”, she said as she opened her door, got out, and got in beside me. Pressing another button, the door closed, and after locking the doors, she slid over to the middle of the seat. “You’ve been a naughty boy! … and my naughty boys always get a long … hard … spanking! Now get over my knee! I’m gonna spank you good!” she instructed as she pulled her skirt up revealing smooth, shapely thighs.

“Yes, Miss!” I said and laid across her bare legs, noticing for the first time her long colorful skirt; I’d seen and very much approved of a plain, white top stretched tight over smallish tits when she was still sitting in the front seat. “I’m sorry, Miss! Please don’t spank me too hard!?” I pled to get further into my naughty boy role.

“Too late for that, young man! You are getting spanked! … and quite hard I promise you!” she threatened and began spanking hard; much harder than one would normally do with someone you’d never spanked before. I attributed it to what was likely a shorter time limit than one would have with a planned meeting. I wasn’t complaining though as it felt so good to finally get spanked again!

Back and forth on alternate cheeks, she spanked, gradually increasing the intensity but keeping a very consistent and fast pace! Just the way I liked it! I gasped and complained and whined for her benefit but loved every single smack, which probably showed in my body language.

“I think these need to come down!” she said just as I was thinking the same thing! Gripping the waist of my underwear she pulled them down below my upraised bottom. “Hm, your bottom is only a little pink!" She said as her hands rubbed my not-sore-yet cheeks. “I guess I’M … NOT … SPANKING … HARD … ENOUGH!” she said emphasizing each word with a hard, solid spank right across the middle of my lower cheeks.

“Oh, Miss!?” I said, reacting to the painful and wonderful sensations of her bare hand spanking my naked butt! She giggled a little at my reaction.

“So, you like being a NAUGHTY BOY and having your BARE BOTTOM SPANKED?” she laughed as she underscored her words with really hard spanks. “ANSWER me! TELL me WHAT you NEED!”

“Yes, Miss! I like getting spanked! I need a good spanking! Spank me! Spank me, Miss!!” I shouted in response. And she did, And it felt so good! And it wasn’t just because I hadn’t been spanked in a long while. Tanya was really good at this! Spanking very hard, and harder as a good mistress would!

“Good! Cuz I really like spanking naughty boys on their bare bottoms!” she replied, still spanking at a brisk pace.

‘God, I love that!’ I thought. She seemed to know exactly how I liked to be spanked, and just as I thought I’d like her to concentrate on one cheek for five or ten smacks, she did exactly that!

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‘She must be reading my mind’ I thought as she started with five on each cheek, then ten, then fifteen all the while I’m pushing my bottom up inviting her attack, but when she got to twenty, twenty-five, and thirty I started pulling away, not quite so eager anymore!

“Oh God, Miss!” I cried as she laughed! It was still an amazing spanking, but it was also really hurting now! She repeated the thirty on each cheek as hard as she could and then stopped!

“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!” I gasped as she raked her long fingernails against the raw flesh of my very well-spanked bottom! Raising my bottom as if asking for more of this delicious torture allowed her to slip one hand underneath getting a grip on my hard shaft and with just a few strokes, and a few more spanks, I came in her lap!

“Mmm, good boy!” she praised, as she rubbed my flaming bottom. “I like it when my naughty boys like their spanking enough to cum for me! It gets me really … wet!” she said, leaving that last word hanging in the air. I had a feeling she wasn’t done with me yet and that was confirmed when she told me, “Hand me the hairbrush!” Taking it from the seat pocket right in front of my face I submissively handed it to her knowing this was going to hurt a lot more! “Fifty more!” she said with a smile in her voice, “Five at a time on each side! Ready?”

“Yes, Miss. Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!” I screamed as the first five landed. Letting those sink in for maybe five seconds the other cheek got its share as she laughed at my writhing reaction to the skillfully wielded hairbrush. By the third series, my feet were kicking, hitting the other door in our confined space. The rest were delivered in the same fashion after which I felt the soothing, massaging caresses of her hands on my very sore and certainly deep red bottom, bruising being another likely result.

“It’s nice to have someone who truly enjoys a really good spanking! You can get up whenever you’re ready.” I stayed there enjoying her hands for another minute or so and then carefully got up to sit next to her on the bench seat.

“That was a really good spanking, Miss! Thank you!” I said as she slid to the end of the bench, pushing herself into the corner between the seat and door, lifting her right leg to put it on the seat.

“I think you should properly thank Miss for giving you such a good spanking!” she said as she pulled her skirt up and spread her legs wide revealing her sheer, white panties outlining the meaty lips of her sex. A large, dark shadow above her pussy said she had a healthy bush on her mound, and a wet spot between confirmed how much she loved spanking the bare bottoms of her naughty boys.

“Mmm, I’d love to!” I replied as I moved to kneel on the floor ready to dive into her moist crotch further cementing my mindful connection of spanking and licking pussy! The face that had been smiling and laughing during my entire ‘punishment’ turned to one of erotic pleasure as my hands slid up the insides of her firm thighs, gliding lightly over her wet slit and then around to reach underneath and cup her malleable cheeks. Feeling how needy she was I skipped the light kisses of her thighs and gentle licks of her soaked panties and planted my mouth on her covered cunt and sucked her juice through the silky fabric!

Gasping at the intrusion, she lifted herself off the seat, pushing her yearning pussy into my face, and closed her thighs around me as though it had been a long time since she’d been serviced like this. My hands, still kneading her fleshy cheeks grabbed the waist of her panties and pulled them down as soon as her thighs released their grip on my face, the cotton gusset peeling away from her sticky slit! Lifting her legs straight up, she allowed me to slide the panties up and off before spreading her legs wide again inviting another attack on her pungent pussy!

Raking through her bush and down into her slit, my fingers slid easily over and into her pussy only to reverse course and repeat the process several times egged on by Tanya’s moaning and squirming. My tongue found its way into her slit, her body quivering at the sensual touch leading to a shuddering orgasm seconds after my tongue attended to her clit. The quaking continued as I licked and sucked those sensitive lips, her body jerking to each touch of my tongue to her protruding clit!

Surprised by her sudden climax I decided to build the next one up more slowly and deliberately. My hands went back to her ass as my lips and tongue teased her wet pussy again, getting sharp intakes of breath and loud groans each time I so much as touched her clit let alone suck on it. Her body tensing, I changed tactics moving the fingers of one hand into her slippery pussy while the others teased the tight rosebud between her ass cheeks.

Approaching the edge quickly now I shifted gears with one set of fingers fucking her seeping cunt and the others pressing just a fingertip into her tight asshole as her body rose off the seat and she gasped for air. My tongue which had been sliding up and down her slit gave its full attention to her clit, flicking it furiously until her body stiffened for a split second before she fell back on the seat convulsing in another shattering climax! Touching her anywhere caused another shudder of her whole body until she slowly calmed with her head back and her eyes closed.

“Ooo, you’re pretty good at that!” she said after slowly opening her eyes.

“Thank you! So, we’re both really good at something! … that’s really good for each other! Maybe we can do it again?” I said with a hopeful look thinking about a future meeting.

“Put your knees on the edge of the seat and kneel over the back,” she instructed. After taking a small towel from the seat pocket and placing it on the seat underneath me, she knelt at my side, taking my hard dick in her right hand.

I groaned as she slowly but firmly jerked me off, but the icing on the cake was when she started spanking me again, with her left hand. Not her dominant hand so they weren’t terribly hard, but plenty hard enough to accelerate the approach of my climax. Spanking and stroking as fast as she could my body increasingly stiffened as the peak arrived, my cock spewing on the towel.

“Mmm, Tanya! I’d definitely like to do that again … lots of times!” I said enthusiastically.

“Again? Definitely! … lots of times? My husband may have a problem with that. He knows about my Spank-Mobile and he tolerates it because he knows how much I like spanking and he doesn’t like getting spanked, but he wouldn’t like me having a regular thing with anybody … especially somebody who licks my pussy like you just did!”

“Spank-Mobile! I love it! How often do people actually honk?” I asked curiously.

“Probably a couple of times a week. Yeah,” she added seeing the surprised look on my face, “maybe more, but I only actually take someone two, maybe three times a month.”

“Well, thank you for taking me! If you’re ever on my side of the bay, give me a call. I’ll meet you someplace!”

“I will! You do the same when you’re in Tampa. Here’s my number,” she said taking a card from the seat pocket and handing it to me. Taking that as something of a dismissal I started getting dressed and once my shoes were on, the door slid open. We both got out turned toward each other and hugged. “I would really like to spank you again!” she said punctuating the word ‘spank’ with a good, hard swat on my very sore bottom. As the door was sliding closed again, I saw her panties still on the seat where I’d left them and smiled.

We said our goodbyes and got in our cars, with me relishing the feeling of sitting on my stinging bottom as I drove away. All the way home I was squirming in my seat enhancing the feeling of that delicious pain and wondered if Tanya was doing the same with her squishy, wet pussy in her seat!

Written by 2bespanked
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