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Emily Talks About Her Past

"Meeting Nancy's friend Emily for the first time"

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Author's Notes

"I meet Emily for a date and she tells me about her past and how Nancy saved her."

A couple of days later I have a "date" with Emily. She called me, as Nancy had given her my phone number. We are going to meet at a restaurant, and as we do not know each other, we meet outside. I also don't know the restaurant, as it is in a part of town that I don't know.

When I arrive at the restaurant there is a very gorgeous girl waiting outside.  She is looking like she is waiting for someone, so I guess that must be Emily.

I walk over to her and ask, "Hi, are you, Emily?"

She looks up and says, "Yes, I am. Then you must be Bill," she smiles at me.

Emily is quite long and slender. She has long blonde hair. She is wearing a tight-fitting dress, which shows her curves nicely: she has a nice ass and also has nice full breasts. I would say they are smaller than Nancy's but I am not sure. Her dress is long and closed at the top, so she is showing no cleavage, which I am very glad about as that would be quite distracting.

I extend my hand and she takes it and pulls me a bit closer and gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. Then we walk into the restaurant. It must be a place she knows, as she walks to a table in a corner, which is quite a bit away from other tables and the door, so we can talk without anyone listening in.

She sits on a bench at the back and when I want to sit on a chair opposite of her she tells me "No please come sit next to me, then we can talk a bit easier, as you are closer."

So I sit next to her. She places her small handbag next to her, so we keep a bit of distance, and we talk a bit, about the weather, the traffic, etc. Just some chit-chat to kill time.

The waiter comes by and we order diner and some drinks. She orders a salad and some water, I order salmon and a local beer. 

She asks me how I know Nancy. I don't know what Nancy told her, so I tell her about how I know her.

"I know Nancy from our high school. We were in the same class but then she moved to another town. We were no friends or anything, so it was no big deal.  But, you know what she does for a living now, right?" I look at Emily and she nods.

"Yes, I know what she does, at the club," she tells me. From the tone, I get the impression that she does not like it very much.

"I met her again at this club where she works now. It was the first time I went to a club like that and then she showed up, which was a surprise for both of us. So that is how we met again."

"Yes, she told me. Also that you were not very good with girls at school, and still not," she says while smiling at me. "But I don't care about you visiting that club and seeing her there, I know that a lot of guys do that. As long as you are careful that you are not meeting girls that are not doing it out of their free will." Now her smile disappears and she looks away from me.

Our diner is being served, and quietly we start eating.

"How do you know Nancy? Do you live close to her?" I ask her, to get the conversation going again.

Then she starts telling me about her life, and I am just telling it in my own words. Once she starts she cannot stop. Once in a while, I could ask something and she would answer and then continue.

She knows Nancy from a safe home, where she fled to escape from her then-boyfriend. I now learn that Nancy works there a couple of days a week, just to help the girls staying there. She did not mention once what her occupation was when she was helping the girls.

But after a few months, as she recovered from her escape, Emily managed to find a house very close to Nancy. Nancy kept in close contact, to make sure nothing happened and she could recover further. That is when she learned what Nancy did for a job as she was there during the daytime but was away at night. But as they already had become good friends she just stepped over it, even as she did not like it at that time. But by now she is used to it.

Then she started to tell me how she got into the situation with that boyfriend. She starts very early with her story. I will not quote her but just tell the story the way I remember it. She did not tell it all in sequence but sometimes jumped back and forth, but I am trying to make one story out of it.

She became sexually active at a young age, much younger than Nancy even. It happened when she was just sixteen, her boyfriend was almost seventeen.  He took her home when his parents were out, and took her to his room. She was not ready for it, but still, he went on. It was not real sex, actually. He got her panties off and he put his trousers down. Then he jumped on top of her on his bed, and the moment hit dick touched her vagina he already lost control and came all over her. So it was just a really bad experience.

She then broke up with him, as she did not like that. She had some other boyfriends, but they never did anything again, until she got a bit more serious as she turned nineteen. She had some friends and had some good sexual experiences, just like a lot of other girls probably had.

When she was twenty-two or twenty-three she was dating a twenty-five-year-old guy, who already had had several girlfriends, and they all more or less ran away, as he was considered a bad boy. But she missed all the red flags of that and he treated her nicely.

He was really good in bed, really caring and all and making sure she also had her orgasms in bed. He also gave her lots of gifts.  But after some time he started to invite friends over and they could join in. She did not like it, but then he loved her and she loved him, and she would not want him to dump her, would she?

This was just the start, as the next stage was that he called her and told her to go to one of his "friends" and do what he wanted, just for him, as he loved her so much. This happened many times until she found out that they paid her "boyfriend" for this. When she asked him about that, he hit her and told her that she should be done as told, otherwise he would tell everyone what a whore she was and send all the pictures he had to her friends.

So she continued with it, and he never paid any attention to her afterward, unless she did not do as he expected. That happened a couple of times and then he became really violent. The worst time was when she got pregnant from one of the customers. As this would be bad for business he made her get rid of it, and that was still such a bad experience she only mentioned it very quickly, but I could see it was still a very sensitive issue.

After one of those episodes she had a customer who asked about her bruises and she told him she bumped into a door by accident. He just paid her and did not do anything to her that time. Just a few days later this guy had another appointment, and she thought he would want to catch up on the missed opportunity, but to her surprise, he was not alone, but another girl was there as well.

She thought that the guy wanted a threesome, which she had done a couple of times before, but then the girl started to talk to her and had her talk about what had happened. When she told her about her guy she looked really alarmed.

Then she offered to help her get away from this and to make sure he could not find her anymore. This girl was Nancy, and she helped her escape to this town and the safe house.

I look at her, really surprised about her story. I did expect something bad, but this was so much worse than I expected, being exploited for sex. I never really thought about this happening.

I have to say something. "Oh wow, you had such a bad time! We are the same age, but you did have a so much worse time than I had. I really feel sorry for you that you ran into these guys, they must have made you hate all men. And then, I went to a club to pay for sex, without thinking once about what could be happening behind the scenes."

She smiles. "No I don't hate all men, I know there are some good men out there, and if Nancy is right, you are one of them. It's just that I lost a bit of trust in other people, I look at people differently now. And after I learned what Nancy did we discussed that several times, but that club really only has girls that work out of their free will, not with a pimp. So you choose the right place for that."

She is quiet for a short while and then sights.

"But I am so glad I could tell my story to someone. They told me I should talk to other people about it, and I am glad you wanted to listen. I hope it does not bother you, to listen to something that must sound like a horror story to you," she continues.

"No, it was not fun, but it must have been worse for you. Just tell me if and how I can help you, if you need help," I tell her, as I really want to help her get back on track with her life.

"You know, just going out like this and talking to someone already means a lot to me, so that would already be nice if we could do this much more often," she tells me while looking at me.

"We certainly can, and maybe talk about some other things, things that will not pull you back to the past."

We continue to talk after we finish our dinner and order some extra drinks. We talk about a lot of things from the weather to work and everything else. I tell her about the kind of work I do and she tells me about the things she does, as she does not have a job yet. It feels really good as if we knew each other already for quite some time.

I call the waiter as it is already almost closing time and I pay for both of us.

When we leave she takes both of my hands and pulls me closer and gives me a quick kiss. I move my hands to her back but then decide it's better not to pull her close, but she pushes my hands to her back.

"Yes, you can do that, I don't mind. It was such a nice evening and I will look back at it very happy," she says as she also puts her arms around me and I kiss her softly.

She then breaks the embrace and walks over to her car. I wait for a moment to see her drive away and then I also walk over to my car and drive home. I do have a lot to think about now.

The next day I call the number that Nancy called me from, as she did not give me her number yet.

"Hello, who is it?" she asks with a bit of a suspicious voice.

"It's Bill, hi Nancy!" I say, glad to hear her voice.

"Oh hi Bill, how did you get my number, I thought I did not give it to you?" she says, still a bit suspicious.

"Yes, you did not give it to me, but you called me and I wrote that number down," I say with a little smile.

"Oh yes, that is true, you are right," Nancy says, and I can hear that she smiles. "How did it go yesterday, did everything go alright?"

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"Yes, it did go alright, I think," I say. "Did you already talk to Emily?"

"No not yet, but she will be dropping by today or tomorrow," she tells me.

I now tell her how it all went and what she told me. Nancy knew this of course, but I just had to tell her the story as well and she just lets me talk.

"She did tell me a lot, and I also learned some more about you. I did not know you helped others get away from this business."

"Yes, indeed, I do that," she answers, and I can hear that she is quite serious about this. "If I have the impression that a girl is not working out of her own free will then I will see if she needs help and if so I provide that. And there are quite a lot of girls that are forced into this business. As this is a very personal business you should do it out of your own free will and not be forced into it."

"Yes, I agree with you on that. I don't have experience with it, as the time we met was the first time I made use of this kind of service. I am so happy about that, as I am not sure if I would recognize if a girl would be forced into in."

"No most men don't and even if they do they don't take action, as they are ashamed about using the girl," Nancy responds and she sounds a bit angry now.  "But I am glad you did not run into this. Lidia is very strict in this as well, as she also worked in the business herself and if she has the slightest suspicion she is trying to get into it deeper and if needed help the girl, that is also how I got into this."

"But how should I go on with her?" I want to know. "She told me quite a lot about her past, and I feel a bit uncomfortable with it. She has been abused as a prostitute, and I was looking for the services of a prostitute. I could have been in the situation where I would have been using someone like her."

"Yes, that is true, but in this case, you did not, and it's something you have to watch out for, in case you go to another place," she warns me. "But just treat her as a normal girl and just take her out. She will tell you when she does not like something."

"OK, I will do that. I think she is a very nice and good-looking girl, so I don't mind spending time with her, it's only that I am not sure how to deal with her history. But maybe we will get a bit more relaxed the next time."

We chat a bit more and she tells me that we will make another appointment somewhere in the next weeks. I am looking forward to that.

The week after the date Emily calls again and asks to meet again. She ensures me that this time she will not talk about what happened to her. 

We meet at another restaurant, and this time she also kisses me but this time I am prepared and kiss her back. She did not expect it and shudders a bit, but does not pull back, which I am glad about. This time she is wearing something a bit more revealing. Her dress is quite a bit shorter, and she also shows some cleavage, but not too much. But the skin I can see looks very soft and smooth.

"You look really good, I like this dress, it suits you very much," I try to make her a compliment, and she looks glad about it and laughs.

"Yes, I also like it. I did not wear it for a long time, but Nancy told me that I should be a bit more open, and she choose this dress," she tells me.  "And I am glad she did, as this is a really nice dress."

"Yes, indeed. I am no expert on it, but it looks really good," I say, as I take her arm and together we walk inside. This time I select a table, it is a table at the side, again with a bit of privacy. She sits on the couch and this time she also asks me to sit next to her. She places her purse on the other side this time, so we are really close.

From the side I have a better look at her cleavage and when she moves a bit forward her dress opens a bit more and I can see the top of a lace bra, but only a small part, and when she moves back it is hidden again. A couple of times I can also feel her leg touching mine, which is really nice.

We talk a lot over diner, and this time it is much nicer. We talk about our time at school. I tell her about my time at high school and also about how I know Nancy. I talk about the fact that the first couple of years I did not have any interest in girls. I was into games and spend most of my time playing with others online.

But when I was a bit older I started noticing the girls, but I did not dare to approach them. They were always in a group and that was too dangerous for me. I did talk to the girls once in a while when they were alone, but when other girls joined I was gone again.

She laughs about it and tells me that there were also a couple of guys at her school that were only busy with other things and did not look at the girls.  These guys were seen as "targets" and the girls tried to get them to notice them. But when they did they were laughed at, which made them run away.

"Yes, that was what I was afraid of, the girls at my school did the same. So I tried to avoid them," I tell her.

"But didn't you have any girlfriends in school then?" Emily wants to know.

"No, none. I had a couple of friends, but that was it. Sometimes I was really jealous of the guys who always had some girls around them, but then they were also so different from me, I did not spend much time with them either," I tell her and she looks really surprised at that.

"I did hear stories from them though, how many girls they had, and I could not imagine that. I also thought that they must be exaggerating, as I could not imaging that any of the girls would fall for that."

Now Emily is smiling. "Yes, I know those types of guys, we had a number of them as well. And some girls fall for them. I know of a couple of girls in my group of friends who did have a short kind of romance with some of them.  These romances usually lasted until they got them in bed and then they dropped them again. We did not know anything about pregnancy or diseases at that time, so they were lucky that the guys did not knock them up."

"Yeah, true, she was really lucky. But they did not try anything on you then?"

"Oh yes, they did, but I did not like those guys at all. And I had a boyfriend. We were just a known couple but we just had a fun time, nothing more than that."

By now we are done with diner and we order some more drinks.

"That guy was also the one you first tried it with?" I ask her, as she told that earlier.

"Yes, it was. It was never an issue between us, but I guess his friends started pushing him. Then he just started about it, and one night we went to his home as his parents were away, and he almost pulled me to his room. We both did not know what we should do and once we got undressed he managed to cum, almost the moment he touched me down there. I felt a bit dirty afterward and I don't know how he felt about it, as we never talked about it.  We stayed friends for a while, but it was never as it was before and then he suddenly had someone else. She was a bit older and I guess she already had experience with other guys."

"Yes, strange how that can change people, maybe he was a bit ashamed about it, I can imagine that," I say, thinking how I would have felt in that situation.

"Yes, that could be. But would you have the same in that situation?" she asks, as she looks at me.

"Possibly, as a sixteen-year-old boy, pushed by your friends, with testosterone all through your body, I guess I might have. But I never was in that situation," I answer. "But at that age, when I heard the other guys talk about it, I wished I would have had the opportunity. But I was afraid to try anything, so it stayed a wish."

Now she also wants to know about my first experience, and I tell her the same story I told Nancy earlier. She also finds it really bad that the girl laughed at me when it did not work out.

Then the subjects change to other subjects again, and half an hour later we leave the restaurant again. I walk her to her car, not sure how to continue.

Then she puts her arms around my neck and pulls me close and gives me a long, soft kiss. I can feel her breasts pressed against me. I put my arms around her and pull her closer and kiss her back, and I can feel her tongue touching my lips. I let my tongue touch hers and we continue for a short while until she moves away.

"You know how long it has been that I had a really good and honest kiss? It was such a long time and I enjoyed it very much," she says, with a broad smile on her face.

"I hope I can give you a lot more of those, if you want them," I answer her and also with a big smile, as this is the first time I really kiss a girl.

She gets into her car and blows me another kiss. "Let's do this again, see you again soon!" she tells me, just before she closes the door of the car and drives off.

I hope she means the kissing, but also just dating her is already very good.  But now I am even hoping that she might want to go even further. I have to talk to Nancy about this, as I am not sure if that would be good or if I should slow her down.

The next day I call Nancy, and this time she is not as surprised as she was the first time.

"Hey Bill, I was expecting your call, I already spoke to Emily and she looked so happy, she looked much happier than I have seen her in a long time."

"I am happy about that, she looked very good yesterday and we did have a very nice evening. We talked about a lot, and I am also very happy," I tell her.

"But," Nancy, says. "I hear a but."

"Well, yes, I, eh, I am not sure about something. You told me to be very careful with her. And that is what I tried, but it looks like she was very open and the way she kissed me at the end was, eh, eh, like she wanted to invite me for more. But I could be completely wrong about that."

Nancy is silent for a moment. "Yes, I can imagine, and she told me that she kissed you and that you kissed like a real lover and that she loved that again. But I would wait for her to take the next step and not try to push her into anything." She waits for a moment. "But I am seeing her again tomorrow and maybe she will say a bit more about how she feels. I will call you back on this in a couple of days. Is that OK?"

I tell her that is OK and then we talk for a few more minutes and end the call. I am hoping that she can help me (and her) in the right direction.

Written by bigjohn8
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