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Have you ever been in love with someone you have never met?

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Advanced Wordsmith
Oh yes,I,am at the moment,but I'm not sure how she feels,nor does she I think.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Perhaps, it is more the idea of being in love with someone you have never met, and therefore someone you cannot claim to know, that has a kind of mysterious appeal.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Umm no
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, it happened only once when I had a long distance relationship. It was heartbreaking to let him go even if he ask to pursue. But I know he is happy now, I always hope for that.
I could show you INCREDIBLE things...
Quote by miniman44
Oh yes,I,am at the moment,but I'm not sure how she feels,nor does she I think.

Perhaps she feels the same. Enough that she is willing to take a leap of faith. smile
Active Ink Slinger
I fell in love here and quickly learned a lesson.. Real life trumps fantasy... To me it was love at first write after reading her stories and it was great until I messed it up..
Prolific Writer
Absolutely. I'm involved in an emotional affair with my lover on Lush. We have never spoken once.

I do love and care for him tons.


I have cared about some, but love is an over used word.
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Nope. I'm a realist.

Pfffftttt!! ...and you told me you loved me! I'm crushed!
Quote by BethanyFrasier

Pfffftttt!! ...and you told me you loved me! I'm crushed!

I change my answer. It is definitely Bethany. My wife won't mind. She loves you too.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Yes, happened here on Lush.


Daddy's baby girl
Yes. I fell in love with a man on Lush. My Master Darkstarfish.
We talked almost every night for hours for 4 months.
Then I met him in person, and he is even more amazing that I thought he could ever be.
Now I live near him, and am happier than I have ever been in my life.
Tomorrow will be our 5 month anniversary.

I will always be grateful to Lush for this.

Thank you Master for being the person you are.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been close. I think about him everyday but force myself to remember that it's all for fun.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Belthazor
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

LOL, this is actually literally true for me


Active Ink Slinger
Too many times to count.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, once... But now I'm second guessing myself. Possibly wasn't "in love". May have been just a fascination.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

I don't fall in love easily.

I know it's not something we can control, but being in love requires a level of emotion that I don't entertain or invest in someone unless I know that they're already mine.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I have... and I am...
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by MyssTemptress
Yes, once... But now I'm second guessing myself. Possibly wasn't "in love". May have been just a fascination.

I totally can relate, one might talk oneself about loving someone, but is it really? or was it just as you say a fascination, and a bit of filling a void, even if it is temporarily.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by a_chica

I totally can relate, one might talk oneself about loving someone, but is it really? or was it just as you say a fascination, and a bit of filling a void, even if it is temporarily.

Yes! I had a brain fart earlier, and couldn't think of the word--- Void.
Active Ink Slinger
How would I know I loved them ? Nope.
Yes, it can be a beautiful experience and also a very painful experience.
Click below to see

Advanced Wordsmith
I though so, but it turns out it was just a crush. People can do or say a lot of stuff to make you fall for them, but I think the true test is meeting them in real life.
Yes. Before Lush, so no current company included.
Nope. Though maybe there are some women out there thinking about me like that. If I could give those women any advice it would be: Don't think about me like I'm the one. It is just no good on your mind and it does you no good.

To me the only way you can love someone is by being with them through in through. Living and breathing with someone will show you and the other person if you two are meant for one another.

Sure online you can get an idea of who a person is. The problem with that is people on line, a lot of time, show people a person they think they want to see. There are a lot of guys that are good at doing this. I'm not going to lie, some times I wish I had this ability. I'm good at knowing where people are coming from--empathy. Though for some reason this ability doesn't allow me to know how I should alter the my responses in order to optimize the interaction.

I wouldn't want to know how to alter my responses. I'm not trying to trick anyone. If I am talking to a chick it's just me being myself.

This ability of mine allows me to tell if I'm talking to a chick or guy because men and women have different out looks. Oddly you would think a transgender would have the out look of the gender they are transgendered to. For example, you would think a person born a man and changed to woman would have the out look of a woman. But this isn't the case. I don't have a lot of interaction with transgenders but I did have a brief chat with one on this site. I could definitely tell he/she was a man base on how he-she talked. This person tell me they were trying to learn the intricacies of the way I speak. I don't know why *shrugs* but whatever. I did notice one difference that was different from man and woman.

The reason I bring all this up is because it seems there are people out their striving to portray themselves differently over the internet. The most one can have over the internet for another is an infatuation. If I met a girl and it seemed we could be good together I would be like lets meet up and see if this is the real deal. I keep it simple. Life is too short to complicate things.

Back to the topic of people portraying themselves differently in the e-light. When I was a young teenager I used to hit those chatrooms up like a fiend. I would say all kinds of shit to chicks. At the time I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what I was typing was powerful stuff. I was just trying to them to notice me. I wasn't until 10-20 years latter when I started to come across things I have said, almost word for word. And it wouldn't be no biggie because it happens. People can come up with the same insight or think the same thought. And at first that's what I chalked it up to. Though as I got older and wiser I learned form friends that the way I think isn't even in the ball-park. In other words my normal isn't very normal.

So this made me think that maybe I should ease up on lovely words. So now days, I rarely chat with women. Now if we hit it off then that's different. But I rarely hit it off with anyone. I guess that's a good thing.

So for someone to type something almost word for word of something of mine seems, after the fact, seems to press against the odds. So if I could give you all some advice. If you feel that you indeed love this person then put those feelings to the test. As the person to meet up with you. I'm talking to the girls mainly when I say this. The reason is because you need to know if that is who the guy is or it was just the e-light getting in the way of your vision. If doesn't want to meet up and doesn't want to be involved with you like boyfriend and girlfriend then you have your answer. Stop talking to him at that point dude is fake as fuck.

When I was 7 or 6 my mom told me I need to be nice to girls so they will want to be my girlfriend. I asked her why do I need her to be my girlfriend? She told me because so you know if she will be a good wife. I told her I don't need to date a girl if I liked her that much I would just make her my wife. My mom got a kick out of this. Then she give me advice that I will never forget: You're going to have to be extra nice to girls then. I asked her why. She didn't give me an answer in words. Instead, her answer to me was a life time of guiding. She would scold me when I didn't open a door for any random woman. Among other things. Looking back I know that was her answer to me.

At the time, I didn't know what my mom meant by: I was going to have to be nicer then. Now I do. My mom knew even before I did that I would become a guy who needed to be extra nice to women so they wouldn't get pissed off at me.

And people that say they love someone but they are not in love with them are soooo fake. If you love someone then you are in love with them. They are one in the same. You can't say you love a girl or guy yet claim you're not in love with them. If you don't then my friend I'm sorry to say you have never known love.