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James woke early the next morning with his usual hard, early-morning erection. He thought back over the events of the previous evening and felt his cock jerk as he remembered surging through June’s hymen to ejaculate deep inside her.

Then he remembered that Peter, Beth’s husband, had asked him to call. He decided he would do so later. Today was a Sunday and he had to go to church as he was still singing in the choir. He also thought that he might talk with Sharon, his first fuck, as they were still friends.

As it turned out, Sharon wasn’t there and he left soon after the service. When got back to his room he called Peter.

“Peter Wood here.”

“Hello, Peter. It’s James. You asked me to call.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you for calling back. Beth asked me to call you and see if you’d like to meet up.”


“Er, um, to c-continue from the last time,” he stuttered.

“Listen, Peter, if Beth wants me to fuck her, then she can call me herself. If you want me to fuck her, then say so.”

James realised that he had to take control of this relationship, otherwise, he would just be used and he wasn’t prepared to tolerate that. This couple needed to understand that he made the decisions.

“Er, er, hang on.”

He heard muffled talk in the background and then Beth’s voice.

“Hello James, this is Beth. I’d like to see you again. Would that be alright?”

“Why do you want to see me?”

“Oh, James, you know why.”

“Say it.”

“I want you to come and make love to me.”

“Not quite right. Try again.”

“You bastard. I want you to come and fuck me.”

“That’s better. I can come to your house tomorrow night and do that. You will need to give me the address.”

“I thought that we could meet at the hotel again. It’s difficult at home.”

“No, I’m not going to meet there. If you want me to fuck you, it will be in your bed where you sleep with your husband. Call me back when you’ve decided.”

James ended the call without waiting for a reply. It wasn’t more than 5 minutes when the phone rang and he answered it.


“Hello James, it’s Beth again. I’ve managed to sort things out at home. Please would you come round tomorrow evening? If that’s ok, Peter can come and fetch you.”

“That’s fine, Beth. Tell Peter to be at my address at 7.30 pm tomorrow,” James replied and gave Beth his address.

“He’ll be there at 7.30,” Beth confirmed.

“Good, and one more thing. Your cunt is mine. Remember I told you that last time. Not only your cunt, but your body. It’s now off-limits for him. I don’t want any trace of him on you. I want your body clean and unused. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand and I promise you I won’t let him near me.”

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

James ended the call and sat back. He felt pleased with himself. He’d started to exercise control over them, and they had both deferred to him without a murmur. He was going to enjoy his role in their marriage.

His hand drifted down to feel his cock through his trousers. He had become aroused during his conversation with Beth and Peter, and his cock was itching pleasantly.

He rubbed his shaft as he remembered his last time with Beth. She’d been a good fuck and he had really enjoyed displacing her husband.

Then he thought about his fuck with June. Her body was very different to Beth’s. She was twenty-five years younger, and it showed, yet both held an appeal for him.

Beth was an experienced and skilled lover. She knew how to use her cunt, to use her pelvic muscles to massage and caress his cock, giving him extraordinarily intense feelings. She also knew where to touch him and how.

June was inexperienced but an enthusiastic learner. She was very pretty and had a particularly exciting body with her slim figure and large breasts. She would be an active and athletic lover.

James could see that he was going to have a busy and enjoyable sex life, then the phone rang again.

“Hello,” he said as he answered it.

“Hello James, it’s June here. How are you?”

“I’m great thanks, and you?”

“I’m on top of the world. A little sore, but hey, it was worth it. I had such a good time.”

“I’m not sore,” he replied, laughing, “and I enjoyed it very much, too.”

“I’m calling to ask if you would like to come round later today?”

“I’d love to, but I’m visiting my mom and dad today. Can I see you later in the week?”

“Of course you can,” she said but sounded disappointed. “Would you like to come round on Tuesday?”

“I would love that,” he replied.

“I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Me too. I’ve been dreaming about you.”

“Really? And what happened in your dreams?”

“You’ll find out on Tuesday.”

“Naughty man,” she said, laughing, “I love it. See you then.”

June ended the call. James was delighted that she’d called and with the conversation. She clearly wanted him to fuck her again, and he would be more than happy to do so. The morning was turning out to be quite successful.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was time for him to leave. He had been invited for lunch at his parents’ house and he didn’t want to be late. He enjoyed seeing his family and spending time with them.


The next day he went to his uni lectures as usual. He saw Hilary and Katy but avoided them. He didn’t want to talk about June, especially as he was going to see her again, but they cornered him.

“You’re not going to dump June now that you’ve seduced her, are you?” Hilary asked.

“No, Hills, I’m not going to dump her, not that it’s any of your business.”

“Good. She’s very sweet and naive, and would be devastated if you did.”

“Well, I’m not like that.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You don’t seem to have any time for me anymore.”

“Or me,” Katy said.

James looked at them and smiled.

“You two are big girls with lots of boys chasing you. I’m sure you get all the attention you need. Now I have to go and study.”

He gave them each a quick kiss on the cheek and left, walking to the library. There he spent some hours working, before packing up and going home to shower and change.

Peter arrived outside his digs dead on 7.30 pm. James saw him arrive and deliberately made him wait for ten minutes before going out to his car.

“Hello Peter,” he said and climbed into the front seat. He’d thought about sitting in the back seat but had decided against it.

“Hello, James. Are you well?” Peter asked as they drove off.

“Yes I am, thanks, and you?”

“I’m very well. I’m looking forward to tonight.”

“So am I. What is it that you’re looking forward to?”

“Watching you make love to Beth. The sight of an older woman together with a young, handsome boy is exciting.”

“Doesn’t it worry you that she has such pleasure with someone else? More than she has with you?”

“No. I’m pleased that someone can give her such pleasure. Much as I want, I can’t, so I’m happy that someone else can.”

“It doesn’t make you jealous?”

“Yes, of course it does. I want her to be mine exclusively. I don’t want someone else’s cock inside her. I don’t want someone else to cum in my wife. I don’t want to hear her scream someone else’s name as she orgasms.”

“Then why do you encourage it?”

“Because it excites me. Because I get a sexual thrill when I watch it. Because I am aroused by the sight of a huge, thick cock and love watching it ravage Beth’s pussy. My cock is small and I fantasise about having one like yours.”

“So your sexual thrill overcomes your jealousy?”

“Oh yes. Every time.”

They stopped talking. James thought about what Peter had said. He was beginning to understand him better. He couldn’t empathise with him, but he could accept that Peter had those feelings.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at Peter and Beth’s house. It was quite large with a good-sized garden. They obviously had a good income. Peter parked the car in the driveway and was about to get out.

“Wait,” James said and unzipped his trousers and opened his boxers to reveal his semi-erect cock. “Feel my cock.”

Peter reached over and took his cock in his hand and stroked it, pulling the skin up and down. James’s erection grew and his cock stiffened.

“What does it feel like?” James asked.

“Beautiful,” Peter replied, “it’s big and powerful, and I can feel the pulse in it.”

“It’ll get bigger, and your wife is going to cry with joy when I force it into her cunt. Pull back my foreskin and look at the head.”

Peter pulled down on James’s shaft, watching his foreskin slide back and reveal his glans. A drop of precum oozed out of the tip.

“That’s going to be deep inside your wife, Peter, and it’s going to fire great wads of semen into her vagina. I’m going to fill her with my sperm,”

“Oh God,” Peter breathed.

“OK. That’s enough for now. Put it back in my boxers.”

Peter rolled James’s cock in his fingers, feeling how hard it was, then pushed it back into his boxers and buttoned them up before zipping up his trousers.

James got out of the car and went to the front door. Peter followed him and unlocked the door, opening it and standing aside for James to go in first. James stepped into the hall without saying thank you.

Beth was standing there waiting for them. She was dressed in a cream blouse with the top few buttons open, displaying her substantial cleavage, and a pair of dark slacks. She stepped up to James and kissed him.

“Hello, James. Thank you for coming tonight.”

“It’s my pleasure,” he replied.

James looked round the entrance hall. There was an antique table against one wall with a few family pictures in silver frames on it. He went over to the table and picked up one showing children, probably in their late teens or early twenties.

“Are these your children?”

“Yes. The boy is Tom, the girl Caroline. They’re both at uni.”

James looked more closely. He thought he recognised the girl, probably from uni. She was attractive. Long blonde hair, an oval face with full lips, blue eyes. She seemed to have inherited her mother’s bust as well.

He thought that he might keep an eye out for her at uni and see if he could get to know her better. It would be a real blast if he were fucking both the mother and the daughter.

“Where are they tonight?”

“They’re staying with friends.”

“Good. When do you expect them back?”

“Oh, they’re sleeping over. They’ll go straight to uni from there.”

“Good. Then I’ll stay the night. You better make up a bed in the spare room for your husband. Peter, you can take me back to my house early tomorrow morning.”

“The spare room is always ready,” Beth said. “Peter will sleep there. Now let’s go into the living room and have a drink.”

She led the way into a fairly large room, furnished with two couches and three easy chairs surrounding a coffee table. There was a large sideboard with a drinks tray on it. The floor was carpeted in a plush pile.

“What would you like to drink?” Peter asked, stepping over to the sideboard.

“I’ll have red wine,” James replied.

“The same for me,” Beth said.

Peter poured the wine and a glass for himself. He handed them their glasses. James took his without saying thank you and looked at Beth.

“Cheers,” he said, “here’s to an enjoyable evening.”

He clinked his glass against hers, looking into her eyes, then drank to his toast as Beth did the same, before taking the glass out of her hand and putting it on the coffee table together with his.

He turned back to her and, pulling her towards him, kissed her on her mouth, sucking her lips and licking them. She opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to enter and lick her palate. She tasted of the wine.

They kissed for several minutes, sucking each other. James’s hands roamed over her back, feeling her shoulders, then down her sides and holding her hips. She held his head in her hands and murmured and sighed as they kissed.

He broke their kiss to lick her face, her eyes, her nose, then round to lick her ears, his tongue probing inside as he put his arms around her and held her. She sighed as she melted into his arms, rubbing her tits against his chest. He could feel her nipples.

He licked her earlobe then traced his tongue down to her neck before pursing his lips and brushing them down to where the curve of her neck met her shoulders. He felt her quiver as he sucked in her flesh through his teeth and gave her a lovebite. He wondered how she would explain that to her children.

“Oh God, James, you’re damn good,” she breathed as she fumbled with his trousers, trying to feel his cock, but he drew back. He wanted her to be much more aroused before she touched his cock.

He looked round to see what Peter was doing. He was sitting on the couch opposite them with his trousers open and playing with his cock. He turned back and looked at Beth with a big smile, then reached forward and undid her blouse, slipping it off and throwing it to the floor.

She was wearing a sheer, red, low-cut bra. Her nipples were pushing out the material and he could see the curve of the top of her areolae, as they weren’t covered by the bra. Her cleavage looked sexy and tantalising, with its deep furrow disappearing into the material between the cups.

“One day I’m going to fuck you between those tits,” he said, his voice hoarse, “and I’m going to cover your face with my cum.”

Beth smiled and licked her lips provocatively.

James rubbed his hands over the silky material, then nipped her nipples with his fingers before reaching behind her and unclipping her bra. He pulled it off and her tits fell out. They were huge.

He put his hands underneath and lifted them, feeling their weight.

“They’re heavy,” he said. “What size are they?”


“They’re lovely.”

He leaned forward and pushed his face into them, feeling the flesh on his cheeks, then pulled back and sucked in one of her nipples, flicking his tongue over it.

He sucked it for quite a while until her nipple was really elongated and hard, then sucked in her whole areola and whirled his tongue around it. Beth held his head, looking at him.

Without stopping what he was doing, he reached for her groin and rubbed her mound through her slacks, his fingers rubbing under her crotch. She wriggled her hips as he did.

He took his mouth off her tit and licked round her nipple, his tongue tense. Her areola puckered up as her nipple grew even more. He ran his tongue over it then moved his lips onto the top of her tit and sucked at her flesh, biting gently until he’d left a mark. He was going to cover her with his marks tonight.

He straightened up and unzipped her slacks, pulling the waistband down so that they fell around her ankles, and stood back as she stepped out of them. She was wearing briefly-cut, red panties to match her bra. There was a little bow on the waistband.

He moved forward and kissed her on the mouth, his hand rubbing her panties and pushing the gusset into her slit. He felt the material getting wet as she rotated her hips. His fingers stuffed it further into her gash while his thumb rubbed her clit.

She was murmuring into his mouth and her tongue was tangled with his. She held her breath for long periods.

He pulled her panties to one side and pushed two fingers between her labia then rubbed up and down. Fluids were flowing out of her, wetting his fingers and dribbling onto the back of his hand.

“Oh god, James, I need you inside me. Please come inside me,” she said softly, breaking their kiss.

He pushed his fingers to the bottom of her slit and felt for her hole, tickling round the entrance, then turned to Peter.

“Stop playing with your pathetic little cock and come and undress me. Your wife wants me to fuck her,” he snapped.

Peter let go of his cock and got off his couch. He came over to them and undid James’s belt and trousers, then pulled them down, followed by his boxers. James’s cock sprang out, pointing upwards and dripping precum. He stepped out of his trousers.

“Now your wife’s panties, and give them to me,” he said, removing his hand.

Peter pulled down Beth’s panties, lifting her legs one at a time to take them off. They were very wet. He handed them to James who smelled them then handed them back.

“Lick them,” he said, “then suck your wife’s cunt juices off them.”

Peter did as he was told, then watched as James took off his shirt then lifted one of Beth’s legs, placing her foot on the couch, her legs apart and her cunt accessible. He shuffled closer and, holding his shaft and pulling back his foreskin, rubbed his glans along her slit, separating her labia and coating her pink inner flesh with his precum.

Beth wriggled and squirmed, trying to get his cockhead lodged inside her, but he resisted.

“For god’s sake stop teasing and fuck me,” she shouted.

James didn’t say anything. He just kept teasing her, smiling as her juices flooded onto his cock. He was going to fuck her, but he wanted her to be desperate. He looked at Peter who was stroking his little cock.

“I told you to leave your pathetic little cock alone,” he snapped. “Come and hold mine instead. You can rub it along your wife’s slit.”

Peter dropped his cock again and did as he was told. He found holding James’s cock exciting. It was so hard, so strong and firm. He wiggled it around, pushing Beth’s labia apart.

James played with Beth’s tits as Peter was doing this, pinching her nipples and pulling them, then rubbing the tips.

After a few minutes, he let go of her tits and grabbed his cock off Peter. He positioned the head and flicked his hips upward, driving his cock into her cunt. He felt it pop past her entrance and slide into her, pushing apart her vaginal walls and then burrowing deeper until the head bumped into her cervix.

“Aaah,” Beth sighed, “oh god, that’s good.”

“It’s what you’ve been waiting for,” James said, “and now I’m going to fuck you until you scream, then I’m going to fill your cunt with my cum until it oozes out and drips on your carpet.”

“No. No. Please don’t,” Peter cried, “you must pull out. Beth’s not safe.”

“Shut up, cuck,” James snapped, “birth control is not my problem. I told you before, your wife’s cunt is mine, there for my pleasure. I’ll cum in her whenever I want.”

“Yes, shut up Peter,” Beth said, “I want to feel his semen squirt inside me, strong and powerful, filling me, not like that miserable dribble from your tiny cock.”

James began thrusting in Beth with long slow strokes, his cock sliding in and out, bumping against her cervix until slowly he started to feel it slip underneath the entrance to her womb. He loved the feeling in his glans as it rubbed against it.

Beth was now panting and groaning with each stroke as she fucked him back.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Oh. Fuck. Oh. God. Ooooh.”

He sped up but kept his strokes long. Her huge tits were swaying back and forth with their movements, sometimes banging together. Once he pulled back too far and his cock slipped out of her. They both frantically scrabbled to stuff it back in again.

They carried on fucking like this for several minutes, both of them lost in their feelings, until James felt his cock getting hotter and harder. He changed his rhythm to fuck her harder and faster, with shorter strokes. His cock felt like a bar of steel as he rammed it in and out of her, pounding her cunt and battering her body. There was a ring of white around the base of his cock and the hair surrounding her cunt as she creamed on him.

Beth was wailing continuously when suddenly she stopped and her cunt clamped hard on his cock. Her body went rigid and her legs started trembling. She gave a piercing cry.

“Aaaaaargh,” she screamed, and her cunt started spasming around his cock, clutching and releasing it as she climaxed. It was too much for him. He held still inside her, his glans next to her cervix, and shot a huge stream of semen into her vagina as he held her by the hips.

Neither of them moved their bodies. They remained still as her cunt pulsed and milked his cock. He fired jet after jet of semen into her fertile cunt, his semen swirling around in her vagina, coating everything inside until it oozed out and dripped onto the carpet.

After his fifth ejaculation, he started moving again, his cock slipping around in her velvety tunnel, surrounded by slimy cum. More and more semen oozed out of her cunt and dribbled down his balls to fall on the carpet, until finally his cock slipped out and hung down, followed by a flood of semen.

There was also a long thread of semen still attached to his glans which was now covered again by his foreskin. The thread hung down and swayed as his cock throbbed with his heartbeat. It was about two feet long, thick and white with little globs in it.

Beth fell forward onto the couch before turning round and sitting on it. She looked at him with wide eyes as she reached out to touch him, rubbing her hands over his chest before feeling his arms and then taking his slimy cock into her hand and holding it, his cum-thread still attached.

“You’re an animal. A gorgeous, wild, sexy, fucking animal. It felt like you had taken over my whole body. You were in every part of me. And this, this magnificent cock. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

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She leaned forward and took it in her mouth, sucking up the cum-thread and then licking the bits off his shaft before pulling his skin back and swirling her tongue around his glans and letting it go.

He sat down next to her, then turned and kissed her.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he said, “because I enjoyed it too.”

“I loved it,” she answered, “when you’re inside me, I feel completely stuffed. It feels like you fill my stomach, my whole gut. And when you cum, your cock gets even bigger and jerks as it fires this warm, thick liquid into me. I can feel your semen swirling around everywhere.”

“That’s my sperm swimming around looking for your eggs. Even now millions have swum through your cervix and up your uterus searching for your eggs. Who knows, one may already have wriggled through and fertilised one of them.”

“I hope not,” Peter said.

They both looked up. In their intense enjoyment, they had both forgotten about him.

“Why not?” James asked, “Wouldn’t you like me to impregnate your wife, to see her grow big with my child?”

He saw Peter’s cock jerk and knew that he’d been right. Impregnation was another part of his cuckold fetish.

“I think we should have something to eat,” said Beth, breaking the tension.

She stood up. There was a large stain on the couch where she’d been sitting. James looked at it then put his fingers under her and into her cunt. He pulled them out and put them in her mouth for her to suck, then got up.

They all went through to the kitchen, taking their wine. Beth had prepared something earlier, so that sat down at the table and ate. The conversation was a bit stilted, but got easier as they drank more.

When they’d finished, they went back to the living room. Peter poured some brandy for James and more wine for Beth. They sat down again, with Beth avoiding the patch on the couch.

“Have you had a good time so far, Peter?” James asked.

“Oh yes,” he answered.

“Good. Then let me tell you what will happen now. I am going to take your place in your marital bed tonight and fuck your wife until we’re both exhausted. I’m going to fuck her in every position we can think of, on top, in front, behind, underneath, doggy, sideways, and whatever else i can think of.”

“She is going to cum until she can’t cum any more. She’s going to scream my name. She’s going to say she loves me. She’s going to beg me to stay. I’m going to cum inside her cunt, her mouth, and on her face. I’m young and virile and recover quickly, so I will have enough cum in my balls and enough stamina to keep going for all of that.”

“Your bed is going to be a sticky mess, stained with my semen and her fluids, and Beth is not going to change it. When you sleep there tomorrow night, next to your wife, you will smell me everywhere, on her body, in her hair, on your pillow, on your sheets. My sex will be everywhere and inescapable, and you will realise that this is just the start.”

“Your wife’s body is now mine and no longer yours. Your sexual pleasure will come from watching me with her, taking her body and using it for my pleasure, watching my buttocks clench as I climax and ejaculate in her, filling her with my semen. Her cries of ecstasy will ring in your ears and as you jerk your little cock, and you will cum as you fantasise that it is you inside her.”

“Now Beth and I are going to go to your bedroom. You can stand at the door, but you’re not to come in. We want time to ourselves, to get to know each other intimately without being disturbed by you. Is everything clear?”

“Yes,” he said, “I understand.”

“Good. Now you can tidy up here while Beth and I have some more fun.”

James took Beth’s hand and helped her off the couch. They walked to the door together as she led him to the master bedroom. There was a king-size double bed with white sheets and several pillows dominating a large room. There were bedside cabinets on either side of the bed and a couple of easy chairs, a dressing table and chair, and a built-in wardrobe in the rest of the room.

Beth pulled back the bed covers and got into the bed, as did James. He turned to look at her, then stroked her hair gently, before kissing her.

“Are you ready for some more?” he asked.

“Can we just lie together for a while?”

“Of course,” he replied.

He lay on his back and she snuggled up to him, her head on his shoulder. He put an arm around her and held her to him as she traced her fingers over his chest, fiddling with his hair.

“You’re a very dominant man,” she said, “you take control very easily. It’s very sexy.”

“I’m just me,” he replied, “I say what I think.”

“Yes, but you’re like a grown-up man, an alpha male. Much more than I’d expected, given your age.”

“I know I’m dominant. I suppose some of that comes from having a big cock. It’s given me confidence and made me feel more powerful than other guys.”

She traced her fingers down the narrow line of hair from his chest to his pubic hair.

“I love your red body hair. It makes you look fiery and passionate. You’re going to be even more sexy when you’re older and it gets longer and thickens and covers more of you.”

She ruffled his pubic hair, tugging at it, then took his cock in her hand, wrapping her palm around it and feeling the spongy member. It immediately jerked and started getting hard.

“My god, you respond quickly,” she said.

“It’s your touch.”

She rotated his skin around his shaft, watching his cock grow as she did, then slowly stroked him so that his foreskin rolled back and forth over his glans.

“You have a beautiful head. It’s quite a lot bigger than your shaft and has a lovely shape, tapering at the tip, but not too much; just enough to act like an arrowhead and open up a vagina to let in the rest."

James lay back and enjoyed her fascination with his cock. She leaned over him and let his foreskin roll back to cover his head, then manoeuvred her tongue into it and licked his glans, her tongue circling around his corona but underneath his foreskin. He’d never experienced that before.

“Mmmm. That’s nice,” he said.

She carried on licking for some minutes, then lifted her head and looked at him as she moved round and got on her knees, straddling his waist. She lowered herself, pushing his cock down onto his stomach, and rubbed her slit along it supporting herself with her hands on his chest.

He could feel her labia caressing the sides of his cock and the tender flesh of her cunt, slippery with the remnants of his previous climax, tickling his urethra as she slid back and forth. Her clit dipped down and rubbed his cockhead when she slid forwards.

He reached forward and put his fingers on her clit, pushing it down to rub harder on his cock. This made her wriggle sideways and he heard her draw her breath in sharply, but she carried on moving.

James shuffled around underneath her, trying to get his cock inside her entrance, but she wouldn’t let him in, keeping the base of her cunt from sliding too far forward.

He let go of her clit and put his arms around her waist, linking them behind her back and pulling her forward so that her cunt slid right along his cock. He didn’t try to enter her, just let her get used to sliding all the way back and forth.

He released her waist and put his hands on her butt, holding her cheeks and pulling them apart as she moved, his fingers rubbing her stretched labia. They felt slippery and she moaned as he touched them when suddenly he lifted her up and thrust so that his cock entered her.

She tried to lift herself off him but he held her down, sinking his cock deeper inside her. She gave up and sat down, smiling at him.

“All right,” she said, laughing, “you win.”

“No,” he answered, “you win. You just don’t know it yet.”

He flexed his pelvic muscles, causing his cock to jerk and expand.

“Aah. Do that again.”

He did, then stretched forward and grabbed her legs and pulled them towards him straight in front of her so that she was no longer on her knees. She sank down further until her cunt was completely against his pubis, pushed down by the weight of her body, and his cock went further into her vagina.

“Oh fuck, that hurts. You’re too deep.”

“Just keep still and wait. You’ll adjust.”

They both held still and slowly she felt her insides relax. She was aware of a huge mass inside her that made her feel quite hot and very stretched.

James felt her vagina slowly loosen. His cock felt warm and cosy, its nerves tingling as her insides moved as they adjusted. His foreskin had retracted and his glans was clasped by her spongy vaginal walls. He could feel his slit hard against the end of her vagina.

He found her clit with his thumb and rubbed the top of its shaft, feeling it respond.

“Lean back and put hour hands on my thighs,” he said.

“Oh god, James, you’re too deep.”

“Does it hurt?”


“Then lean back.”

She did, which angled her groin forward. His cock slipped deeper inside, but this time it didn’t hurt her. She was now able to move her hips again as her hands supported her body.

She rocked her hips back and forth, feeling his cock slide in the depths of her vagina and his thumb rubbing her clit. As she moved, she became aware of feelings inside her that she’d never felt before. This boy’s cock was touching places that had never been touched before and it felt fantastic.

“Oh God, James, don’t stop. This feels incredible.”

She rocked back and forth as he kept his muscles flexed, pushing all the time. Her heavy tits were bouncing around as she moved. He could feel the tip of her clit as it had emerged from the folds surrounding it. She was grunting now with each movement.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.”

Her eyes were closed and her face screwed up. Her stomach flattened as she tensed her muscles and held her breath. He felt her vaginal muscles clutching at his cock and rippling along his shaft. She fucked harder and faster, her cries getting closer together, when suddenly she reached her peak.

“Oh James,” she cried, “James, my love. Oh, Gawd.”

She gave a huge push forward and held still as her orgasm washed over her and her vagina spasmed, squirting a stream of liquid out onto James’s stomach, then stopping before spasming again and again and again.

She was silent as she came, but tears streamed down her cheeks. Eventually, her body calmed down and her hips relaxed. She sat there for several minutes breathing heavily and looking at him tenderly as she murmured his name softly over and over.

Eventually, she lifted her hips and his cock slipped out, then rolled onto her side and lay next to him and stroked his cheek.

“That was beautiful,” she said, “beautiful and intense. You’ve made me feel things I haven’t felt before.” She kissed him tenderly.

“You’re so young and yet so accomplished and experienced. You are an exceptional man and an exceptional lover.”

James felt his ego inflate at her words. She was a woman with a strong sexual drive and lots of experience pursuing it, and she’d just given him a high accolade.

“I’ve only just started,” he replied.

“I believe you,” she said, lifting up his still-erect cock, “and you haven’t cum yet.”

“Get on your knees, Beth, I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

“You won’t last,” she said, laughing. She bent over and kissed his mouth, her tongue licking his lips while she fondled his balls, jiggling them in their sac, then rolled onto her knees and turned round, her butt close to his face.

“Come on then, James, put that big cock inside me and do your best.”

James looked at her cunt. It was still gaping wide. Her labia were a dark pink colour and hanging down. They looked ragged. Her cunt was surrounded with tangled pubic hair and creamy fluid and smelled of sex.

He reached for her, rubbing his fingers around her ravaged hole, then got up on his knees and pulled her over to his side of the bed, her husband’s side. He reached under her cunt and rubbed her labia, then stuck three fingers into her hole and spread them. Her entrance felt slippery and wet.

“Spread your knees apart,” he said.

She shuffled them apart, lowering her butt. He moved up behind her and lined up his cock with her slit, then positioned his cockhead at her entrance and rammed it into her with a single large thrust until he felt his pubic bone hit her butt.

“Fucking hell, James,” she shouted, but she pushed back against him.

James didn’t say anything. He leaned over her and grabbed her tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples as he started fucking her with long, hard strokes, all the way back then plunging forward again.

“Ooof,” she grunted every time he thrust, then sighed as she drew in her breath on the outstroke. She could feel his thick shaft rubbing against her vaginal walls, tickling them, and the head of his cock scraping her cervical opening as it went in and out.

“Oh god, you’re good,” she breathed.

He fucked her relentlessly, never changing his rhythm, his cock plunging in and out of her. She could feel every ridge in his cock, every vein, every protrusion, and even though she was trying not to get aroused, her vagina felt on fire.

She wriggled her hips and rotated them. She clenched and released her pelvic muscles. She lifted one hand and reached under herself to fondle his balls. She did everything she could to make him cum, but his rhythm didn’t alter.

Slowly she felt herself falling into a chasm. All she could hear was the slap of his pelvis against her butt and the squelching of his cock in her cunt, then even that disappeared as the sound of her pulse inside her ears became deafening.

In her mind’s eye, she could see his cock inside her vagina. She could see the walls clasping his shaft, moulding to its shape as his glans emerged from his foreskin and bumped the end of her vagina, its slit opening, then slipping back into its folds again.

She could see precum dribbling out of his slit and getting smeared over his cockhead. She could see her cervix bending back and forth as his cock battered it.

She felt completely consumed by him, as though his body had taken over hers and she was now part of him. His cock felt enormous, filling her completely, entering her core. She felt totally dominated by him.

Her body started shaking. Her clitoris felt on fire and a slow burn started deep inside her vagina, an uncontrollable itch. James felt her shaking and heard her breathing change. He felt her muscles tensing and knew that she was about to orgasm.

He let go of her tits and, grabbing her hips, speeded up his thrusting and pounded in and out of her. He pulled her onto his cock and pushed her away, fucking her as though she were a rag doll, not caring what he was doing.

She wailed. She cried. She swore. She grabbed the sheets and screwed them into her hands. She put her head down on the bed and humped her butt back against him. Then her orgasm started. She fell forward on the bed, her whole body shuddering, her hands beating the bed.

Jams stopped, his cock deep inside her. After about a minute her body stopped shaking and he felt her muscles relax. He started to fuck her again, but slowly.

“No James, please stop. I can’t do it anymore.”

“Yes you can,” he said, continuing to fuck her.

Slowly, against her will, she felt her body responding. She started to move with him, pushing back as he pushed forward, then pulling back as he did. When he pulled back, it was all the way so that his cock was nearly out, spreading her vaginal entrance, then all the way in again until he rammed into the end of her vagina.

Beth could feel her body tingling again, her skin prickly. She could feel his huge member surging in and out of her, spreading her labia wide. Her tits felt heavy as they bounced and swung with their fucking.

James could feel a warm glow starting to spread through his groin. He felt immensely powerful as he dominated this woman, another man’s wife. She was there to service his cock, to be a receptacle for his cum, to provide him with pleasure. She was his fucktoy, there for him to use.

He started to speed up his strokes, banging into her body. It didn’t take long before he felt his balls tighten and his cock grow larger and more rigid, then a wonderful glow spread through his body and a wad of semen surged up his urethra to shoot out of his slit and jet against Beth’s vaginal walls.

“Aaaah,” he gasped, and pulled her hard against him, his cock jerking. He could feel her cunt clasping his shaft as he ejaculated, spraying his semen in her.

It didn’t last long. It was too soon after his last climax. His cock stopped jerking and started to shrink and contract, then slipped out of her cunt, dripping cum onto the sheets.

Beth sank down onto the bed, stretching her legs out, then rolled onto her back so that she could sit up look at him. He was still on his knees, his body covered in a sheen of sweat. His red hair was awry and all over the place and he had a cheeky grin on his face.

“I told you that you would beg me to stop,” he said.

“Yes,” she replied, “but you didn’t. You kept on fucking me.”

“And aren’t you pleased I did. You loved it.”

She gazed at him and wondered whether she could cope. He was much younger than she was, with all the energy of youth but the masculinity of a much more mature man. He exuded a power that she found immensely attractive and extremely difficult to resist.

“Yes, damn you, I did.”

“Good, because we’ve only just got going. We’ve got the whole night in front of us.”

Beth looked at him, then smiled.

“I knew you would be good when I saw you at the bar that night. There was something about you.”

“Why me?” he asked, “there were other men around.”

“Well, you’re not exactly unnoticeable with that flaming red hair but, more importantly, you had that look of a man who knew that he was superior to the others, even though you also looked young. How right I was.”

James leaned down and kissed her cunt, then licked her labia before lifting his head and looking into her eyes.

“Remember what I said the first night. You’re mine, now. You won’t be satisfied by anyone else. You need me, and you know it.”

“Let’s go and get something to eat,” she said, ignoring his words, “all this exercise has made me hungry.”

She got off the bed and went to the door. He watched as she went there, thinking that she was in damn good shape for a woman of her age. You’d never think she had two grown-up children. There was a trickle of semen running down her inner thigh, which made him realise how sexy she was as well.

He jumped off the bed and grabbed her, turning her to face him, then kissed her softly on the mouth as he brushed her hair from her face. She drew back and looked at him, then leaned back in again and kissed him back, her hands at the back of his head.

They kissed for a few minutes, then went through to the kitchen to find Peter sitting there, drinking coffee.

“Hello you two,” he said, “aren’t you cold with no clothes on?”

“Not really,” Beth answered, “we’ve been quite active which seems to have kept us warm.”

“Yes, I heard,” Peter responded, “you were quite vocal.”

“You watched, didn’t you?” James said, more of a statement than a question.

Peter looked down and nodded his head.

“Did you like it?” James asked.

“Yes,” came the soft reply.

"Did you hear her shout my name as she came?"


“Good, because you're going to hear it a lot more. I’m going to be fucking your wife all night long.”

“You’re an animal.”

James stepped up close to Peter, invading his personal space.

“But an animal you’d give anything to be. You would love to be like me. To have a man-size cock instead of your scrawny little thing. To make your wife cum as I do, to be able to fuck her all night long and for her to want you to do so. You’re jealous, Peter.”

Peter couldn’t look at him, instead, he stared at the floor.

“But you’re also aroused, aren’t you? You fantasise that you are me. That it's your cock making your wife scream. That it's your cum flooding her cunt, your cum dripping out of her. Look at her now. Do you see my cum on her thigh where it’s dribbled out of her cunt? You think of it as yours, don’t you?”

“Yes sir,” Peter replied, his face drawn.

“Well, stop fighting it. Accept that you’re a cuck and that your wife wants me, not you. Accept that you enjoy it and just embrace your fantasy.”

James took Peter’s hand and put it on his cock, which was still sticky from fucking Beth. Peter flinched momentarily then cradled it in his palm and, wrapping his fingers around it, moved the skin back and forth, feeling the shaft thicken and grow under his touch.

“That’s right, Peter, feel my cock, feel its strength. I don’t mind if you play with it. It gives pleasure to your wife, so why shouldn’t it give pleasure to you.”

Peter carried on stroking him, rolling the skin over the rigid flesh underneath. He could feel the thick outline of James’s urethra standing out along the underside of his shaft, and imagined how it would pulse when it propelled his semen through it.

“God you have a magnificent cock,” he said, pulling back the foreskin to reveal his cockhead, which still had remnants of semen on it, “I wish mine were like that.”

James took Peter’s hand off his cock and, turning away, went over to Beth and put an arm around her. He was pleased with the way things were evolving. He was now clearly the dominant person in this little ménage au trois, and they would do whatever he wanted.

“Come on Beth, let’s get something to eat now because I want to get back to the bedroom and fuck you. This time your husband can have a ringside seat and watch you scream in ecstasy as I fill you with my sperm.”

Beth looked at him and licked her lips. Her body was tingling and her cunt itched, but she wondered whether she'd been wise, letting this boy into her life. She had never imagined that she would feel so subservient to a man and want to please him as she did with James. That scared her but was somehow also exciting.

She turned to the counter and started making some sandwiches, thinking whether she would be able to even get out of bed tomorrow, let alone walk…….

Written by aljames21
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