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The Point 2 - Chapter 6

"Brandon and Jackson both officially join the team."

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Author's Notes

"The picture is my interpretation of Jackson."

The next day Mark was greeted by a very enthusiastic Sam. Apparently, Sam had stopped by the sporting goods store to thank the owner personally for donating the shoes to him. The two hit it off quite well and David was impressed by Sam’s personality and politeness. By the time that two finished chatting, Sam had acquired a new part-time job.

During practice, they had a team scrimmage. Mark and Luke led the second string which included Brandon, Jackson, and Devonte. Pak and Maxi switched to the first string and led them to victory behind a strong performance by Justin and Jamar. Mark left practice feeling really good about the team. They were clearly stronger and deeper than they were last year.

The past several days, Mark had been on a mission. He had an eye on Brandon wherever he went. Mark quickly noticed that Brandon didn’t seem to interact with anybody else on the team very much. In addition, he noticed that Brandon seemed to go into the restroom both before and after practice. The really unusual thing about it was that he always took his gym bag with him. Mark was beginning to fear that Brandon was taking some sort of substance.

The treatment room was going to a busy place after practice. Pak was feeling better and it was clear that he and Justin were about to finish what they had started the day before. In addition, Sam and Devonte were scheduled to meet there after their shower.

Mark had big plans in the locker room himself. Even though it seemed rather intrusive. Mark had to know what was inside Brandon’s gym bag. When Brandon headed in to take his shower, Mark was going to find out for sure.

Mark hurried down to the locker room as Brandon was always one of the first ones to shower and leave. He slowly undressed, biding his time until Brandon headed into the showers. Once Brandon had left his locker area, Mark drifted over by Brandon’s gym bag and sat at the bench next to it. He casually poked through the contents until he found a couple of very unusual items at the bottom.

There were a pair of lacy pink women’s panties and a matching bra. Mark was in complete shock. He totally hadn’t seen that coming, but it was very quickly making complete sense. Mark closed up the bag and quickly retreated back to his locker. He felt incredibly relieved that his suspicions were incorrect.

Mark continued to stall for a long as he could. He was already stripped down to his jockstrap and had fumbled with his phone at least six different times. Then he walked around chatting with several of the guys about the scrimmage.

Finally, Brandon returned from the shower. He quickly toweled off, slid on a pair of baggy boxers, and got dressed. Once dressed, he grabbed his bag and headed into the bathroom.

Mark waited a bit and headed over by the bathroom stall that Brandon had entered. He could hear some banging around and the rustling of clothes. About five minutes later, Brandon opened the door to be greeted by Mark.

Mark pushed his way inside of the stall and Brandon was in total shock. Mark pointed at the bag in Brandon’s hand and said, “Brandon, I know what you are doing in there.”

Stumbling over his words, Brandon mumbled, “I, I don’t know what you are talking about. I just had to take a crap. Give a guy some privacy, will you?”

Mark made an audible sniffing noise. “Huh, strange that it doesn’t smell at all in here. Are you sure that you weren’t changing clothes or something in here?”

“No, I have the same clothes on as before,” Brandon replied and pointed at his outer layer of clothing.

Mark reached his hand up to Brandon’s neck and peeled back two layers of shirts exposing the pink strap of his bra. “I don’t remember you putting this on earlier,” Mark questioned.

Now visibly upset, Brandon attempted to push his way out of the stall. He quickly gave up the fight as soon as Mark pushed him back.

Mark sighed, “Brandon, I don’t mean to upset you. I understand why you might have wanted to keep this away from the team, but it is not necessary. From now on you are going to be yourself when you are inside this locker room, whatever that may mean. I promise you that there will be no harm or ridicule that will happen here. I will not allow it.”

Brandon was stunned as he tried to work through everything that had just happened. Mark reached his hand down and pulled the waistband of Brandon’s shorts outward, exposing his pink panties. Mark smirked and said, “Cute panties. They look good on you.”

Mark turned and as he went to leave he felt a slap on his bare ass. Brandon remarked, “You have a great ass. I’ll bet that they would look even better on you.”

Mark headed back to his locker to find that Pak and Justin had returned from their appointment. Pak was absolutely beaming. He was wearing only a loosely wrapped towel and he appeared to be waiting for Justin to join him in the shower.

Brandon nervously walked out of the bathroom and mulled around by his locker. Mark was quite surprised. He didn’t really expect Brandon to "come out" tonight. Apparently, some people only need a nudge.

Brandon faced out toward everybody and peeled his two shirts off together, exposing his bra. There was a bit of a rustle in the locker room as several people were trying to figure out what Brandon was up to.

Brandon continued on until he was standing there in only his bra and panties. His cock was tucked up under so it barely left a bulge in the front of them.

Jamar gave Chris a nudge and pointed in Brandon’s direction. Chris immediately shouted over, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Everybody check out those cute little panties Brandon has on! I need to get a pair of those for my bitch.” Chris glared at Jamar.

A couple of the newer guys stared at Chris and Jamar, seemingly a bit stunned by what they had just heard.

Chris fired back, “What? I’m his man and he is my bitch. Try to keep up people!”

Chris and Jamar headed over to Brandon and offered some words of support. They were quickly followed by Pak.

At that point, Justin started to approach Brandon. Mark could see the intent in Justin’s eyes and so could Pak. Mark walked over and grabbed Pak by the arm and led him to the shower.

Sam, Devonte, Luke, Maxi, and Lee were all in the shower and they had missed everything that had just gone on out there. Mark was trying to settle Pak down as well as explain to the guys what had happened with Brandon.

Mark asked Luke, Maxi, and Lee to offer some support to Brandon, which they quickly agreed to. They headed out of the shower shortly thereafter.

Pak was still visibly upset. He clearly liked Justin quite a bit and the fact that he got dismissed by him minutes after they had sex was not going over very well.

As Mark turned around, Devonte was staring at Pak and himself. They were holding each other in the shower as Mark attempted to comfort Pak. Devonte looked at them like he was about to devour them both. His cock was so hard it looked like it was about to explode.

Devonte grabbed Sam and instructed him that it was time for them to go. Sam quickly realized the condition that Devonte was in and the two marched out of the shower and most likely directly into the treatment room.

Mark and Pak had a very personal chat about Justin. Mark confessed that he had some similar experiences with Justin. He didn't think that Justin was a bad guy, but he certainly wasn’t a very good partner either in a casual or serious relationship.

Pak also expressed that he was sore as hell. That didn’t surprise Mark. Maxi had been the largest partner that Pak was with previously and Justin significantly thicker and longer.

Mark advised Pak that he should leave Justin alone unless he initiated the conversation. The two walked back to their lockers. Justin was still standing next to Brandon flirting away with everything that he had. Pak and Mark both got dressed. Mark gave Pak a hug and told him to go home.

Once Pak had left the locker room Mark charged in and interrupted Brandon and Justin. He apologized quickly to Brandon then he grabbed Justin by his shirt and threw him back-first into the lockers.

Mark was shouting loud enough that everybody could hear. He told Justin that he was never going to disrespect another member of the team the way that he had just done to Pak. Then told Justin that Luke was going to put him against the locker the next time that he pulled anything like that.

Then Mark informed Brandon that Justin had just fucked Pak about five minutes before he tried to put a move on him. Brandon had no idea what had gone down previously. He wrinkled his nose, called Justin “tacky”, and headed over to talk to Luke and Maxi.

Mark let go of the collar of Justin's shirt and ordered him out of the locker room. Justin looked pretty stunned and didn't give any sort of response. He grabbed his bag and headed out of the locker room as everybody watched.

Shortly thereafter, Jackson showed up to the locker room. Apparently, he had stayed in the gym for while to get some extra work in. He had a stunned look on his face as he saw Brandon parading around in his bra and panties. His locker was next to Luke’s, so he was abruptly thrown into a slightly unusual situation.

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Before Jackson could even get out of his clothes, Sam walked out of the treatment room with a towel around him. Devonte followed closely behind, also wrapped in a towel. They both seemed pretty satisfied with whatever had gone down in there.

There was the loud slam of a locker and Jackson quickly disappeared out of the locker room.

Mark had no idea what the new development was, but it was time for Luke and him to get it sorted out. Mark asked Luke to talk to Jackson while he cleared out the locker room a bit.

Sam and Devonte talked to Brandon briefly before he got dressed and headed out. Mark also asked Maxi to leave before Jackson got back.

Then Mark talked with Sam for a little bit. It seemed like things went pretty well with Devonte.

Mark chatted with Devonte while Sam headed into the shower. Devonte was impressed by how Sam was able to handle him. He claimed that Sam dealt with his size easier than anybody else that he had been with before. They both agreed that clearly, Sam had been practicing with something for quite a while now.

As they were talking, Luke returned to the locker room with Jackson. The four had a chat and Jackson told Devonte that he was upset that Devonte had hooked up with Sam. It turned out that Jackson was actually pretty open about his sexuality, he just hadn’t realized that he was in familiar company.

Mark and Devonte explained to Jackson the circumstances surrounding Sam and Devonte hooking up. Devonte apologized to Jackson for getting in the way and the two shook hands.

Luke smiled at Jackson and told him that Sam was in the shower by himself. Jackson smiled and said, “Yeah, I guess I could head in there and introduce myself properly.”

Jackson turned his back to everybody, stripped down, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He quickly disappeared into the shower and the guys could hear a bit of conversation coming from the shower area.

Luke, Devonte, and Mark had an enthusiastic conversation about Jackson. It would seem that none of them had ever seen him naked or in the shower. Apparently, he had been doing a lot of hiding and avoiding everybody else up until that point. Sam seemed to be the only one that knew what he was packing down there.

Devonte got dressed and excused himself. He probably could have used a shower, but it didn’t seem right for him to interrupt whatever was going on in there.

Mark and Luke sat down at the bench together. Mark grumbled, “Dude, I am completely stressed out. This has been one of the craziest days ever.”

Luke answered, “You shouldn’t be stressed about that. You should be happy.”

“What are you talking about?” Mark asked.

Luke responded, “Mark, everybody is out now. Now is when the real fun begins.”

Luke grabbed Mark’s hand and placed it on his cock. Mark started to rub it slowly. Luke was clearly fully aroused.

Mark removed his hand quickly and asked Luke if he was sure that it was alright with Maxi if they did this. Luke reassured Mark that it would be okay, but Mark insisted that Luke text Maxi and get his approval before they went forward.

Within a minute they had heard back from Maxi and they were quickly stripping down to join the other two in the shower. Mark grabbed his bottle of lube and they announced to Sam and Jackson that they were heading in.

As they entered, Sam was on his knees slurping and sucking on Jackson’s cock. Mark told them to continue on and he and Luke headed to the opposite corner of the shower.

Sam pulled Jackson’s cock away from his mouth long enough to confirm that they were alright with the situation. As he did, Mark was quite impressed with what he saw.

Jackson was 6’11” and 260 pounds. He was the tallest and largest guy on the team, even bigger than Jamar. While he wasn’t quite as well-hung as Jamar, but he was massive nonetheless.

He was probably twelve inches long and really thick. The real advantage that he had over Jamar was that he seemed to be quite willing to actually use his cock. Thank goodness for that.

Mark grabbed the bottle of lube and wet Luke’s cock with it. He gave a quick swipe over his ass before rolling the bottle over to Sam.

Mark shouted, “Here you go Sam. You are going to need it.”

Jackson gloated, “Yeah he is!”

Sam smiled and said, “Thanks, Mark.”

Luke grabbed Mark and hoisted him up in the air. Mark reached down, grabbed Luke’s cock, and was quickly lowered down to the base. Mark’s cock jerked the instant that Luke entered him.

Luke rested Mark’s back against the shower wall as he started to thrust away. Mark wrapped his arms around Luke’s neck.

Mark leaned in and whispered in Luke’s ear, “I fucking love having your cock inside of me.”

Luke responded, “You are the best fuck that I have ever had.”

As they continued, Mark was exploring all over Luke’s muscular torso. It seemed like Luke was getting thicker every time that Mark saw him.

There were moments that Mark was reminded of Zach as he bounced away on Luke’s cock. It had been so long since Mark and Zach had been together. Mark realized that it was time that they needed to figure out what he and Zach were doing.

Mark and Luke were interrupted by a loud groan. As they both turned around, Jackson had Sam bent over and it looked like he had just driven his cock inside of him.

Sam sounded like he was in a lot of distress, but he shouted, “Go, go, go!”

Jackson had his hands on both of Sam’s hips and seemed to mostly be holding him up. Sam’s legs were shaking and kicking uncontrollably.

Mark and Luke had slowed to a crawl as they watched the other two go at it. If there was no sound, you would have felt bad for Sam. But, between the assorted groans and gasps, Sam was barking back to Jackson to go harder and faster.

After watching for a bit, Mark and Luke continued on. They were both inspired by the almost primal display of sexuality going on next to them.

Mark began stroking his cock rapidly as Luke pumped away at a furious pace. Mark told Luke that he wanted to cum all over his chest and abs. Mark caressed Luke’s chest as he seemingly marked his target.

Luke couldn’t hold out any longer and he began to cum. Mark could feel Luke’s cock begin to throb, followed by the warmth of the massive load that Luke had deposited inside of him.

Mark came immediately after Luke did. He did manage to get a couple of squirts up near Luke’s chest. The rest landed on his midsection and started to slowly drip down Luke’s torso.

Luke lowered Mark to his feet and they both slid down to the shower floor to rest. As Mark sat there, cum was pouring out of his ass. Luke had quite clearly emptied the tank this time.

Jackson and Sam were still going at it. Mark and Luke continued watching them for a while.

Finally, Jackson started to slow down and he started to bark out a loud “Ungh” with every thrust. From behind they could see Jackson’s balls tighten and his asshole twitch as he pumped his load inside of a very prone Sam.

Jackson lowered Sam down onto his back gently. Sam lied there for a minute with his knees up in almost a birthing position. There was a full view of his ass as it gaped wide open. It was amazing to see the dark pink tones of his insides against his black skin. Mark and Luke could see it twitching from across the room.

Jackson sat down beside Sam. His limp cock hung so low that he had to lift it up so he didn’t sit down on the tip. Sam rested his head on Jackson’s chest, clearly quite satisfied with the experience.

Mark chirped, “You guys are amazing together.”

Jackson replied, “Yeah, that was awesome! You guys have a lot of chemistry too. Are you two together?”

Mark and Luke looked at each other and said “no” at the same time.

Sam was still a bit delirious, but he mumbled, “Yeah, they have chemistry.”

Mark explained that they each are in a relationship, but that they occasionally have fun together.

Jackson responded, “Yeah, that doesn’t work for me. I insist on an exclusive sexual relationship, even if we aren’t serious.”

Luke explained further, “Well our partners are okay with it. I am with Maxi and Mark is with Zach.”

“Who is Zach?” Jackson asked.

“Trainer Zach,” Luke added.

“Oh, he is hot.” Sam chirped. “You seem to have a ‘type’ also.”

“Well, I am really glad that things worked out for you guys,” Mark exclaimed. “I do hope that this isn’t the last time that I get to see Jackson in the shower, though.

Jackson wrapped his hand around the base of his cock and gave it a bit of a shake. It impressively flopped around and then dropped to the floor with a splat.

Mark groaned, “Jesus!”

The four of them eventually gathered themselves, finished cleaning up, got dressed, and headed out.

Mark thought to himself, “Maybe this wasn’t such a bad day after all.”

Written by SuccubusSlayer
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