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Author's Notes

"The conclusion to season 1. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

I remember waking up feeling refreshed. I’m not sure what exactly caught my attention, but shortly after stirring I knew something wasn’t quite right. I listened intently through a groggy stupor. It was the birds, or rather, the lack thereof. They had stopped chirping abruptly. Something was nearby. I thought I could hear a conversation in the distance.

“-ere through here.”

“You better be right,” came stern voice.

I chanced a peak over the ledge. I counted four werewolves, including Linara and… the governor? Huh, I guess she can walk on her own. Still, how were they here? Fuck.

I cautiously moved back into the treehouse as quietly as I could. Please don’t look up. The house was pretty well hidden. As I moved I heard a commotion down below.

“There, I see him… GET DOWN HERE,” came Linara’s voice sounding rather upset.

Fuuuck me. I cringed at the sound of her voice. No point in being subtle now, I thought. I opened the stash to see if there was anything I could use to get out. I wasn’t going to go without a fight.

“COME DOWN THIS INSTANT,” came the governor’s voice this time.

At the bottom of the stash I found another small chest with potions I had added after constructing the treehouse. It was an older box I had just kinda thrown up here, I wasn’t even really sure what all was in it. Throwing open the lid I quickly spotted a familiar jar. This must have been a really old set. It was a flashbang, the very kind I had forbidden years ago after using one to terrific effect against another pack of wolves.

A devious plan formed in my mind. I could escape. I could avoid the governor and avoid Linara’s rage. I was pretty sure she would want to make me pay for my stunt the night before.

A moment later I snapped back to reality. There was a reason I had banned these things. The one I had used had really hurt the pack I hit with it. Sure, the governor wasn’t high on my list, but I didn’t know the first thing about the other two down there, and I actually kinda liked Linara. Was I really going to throw my principles away because of this woman?



“Coming,” I shot down to them in as calm a manner I could.

I stepped out onto the platform and it began descending towards the ground. A triumphant smile crossed the governor’s face.

“You see?” she chided to the others, “you just hav-“

About half way down I produced the jar and threw it towards the middle of the four while averting my eyes and covering my ears. I couldn’t help but notice three of them follow the jar with their eyes while the fourth averted her gaze and covered her ears. Damnit Linara, why couldn’t you have joined a different pack?

The flashbang went off in a violent eruption, flooring the four as I hit the ground. I took off into the tree line. Chancing a look back, there were three forms writhing on the ground still, but Linara was already beginning to stand. I’m a dead man…

I fled as fast as I possibly could. I’m pretty quick, but one thought kept prevailing in my mind. No man can outrun a werewolf.

Despite shielding herself, I had hoped Linara would still take a while to recover. I have to admit, I was impressed, if not terrified. She was hot on my trail faster than I could break her line of site into the woods. It was inevitable, I knew that, but I’m just not built to back down.

As she started closing the gap I took aim at a large tree and continued to run straight at it. Right before she got to me I threw my arms out in front to brace for the impact. I used my strength and momentum going into the tree like a spring. I absorbed the impact and shot off to the side. Linara, being solely focused on me, ran straight into the massive trunk with a painful sounding thump. The sound she made indicated both pain and anger. If she was upset before, she was positively pissed now.

I still couldn’t get enough distance to break her line of sight. I pleaded with my subconscious to find a way out of this. The river maybe? It was pretty far south, and honestly, what would I do when I got there?

She was getting close again, appearing to have given up any amount of composure in how she carried herself and opting instead to fling her form ferally through the forest at me. It was terrifying.

A smaller trunk was coming up. I put out my right hand and caught it, swinging my entire body in a sharp turn. Linara’s momentum kept her going in the same direction and she shot past me, quickly coming around to continue the chase. Her growling was getting more frustrated. I was on borrowed time, and we both knew it.

Another small tree was coming up. I put up my left hand this time to catch it. Anticipating my move, Linara adjusted her course appropriately. I shot straight past the tree and was rewarded with yet another frustrated utterance.

She was close now, what was left to do? Another tree was coming up. I started formulating how to use it. Maybe I could bounce off of it or may-. My thoughts were cut off by a firm clawed grip on the back of my calf, sending me into a tumble.

My body hit the ground chest down but I used my momentum to try and flip around. Just as I was about to get my feet underneath me a large, powerful form knocked me onto my back. A pair of clawed hands dug into my shoulders drawing blood and pinning me to the ground. I yelped in pain as a very angry Linara put her face into mine, teeth exposed, a nasty snarl emanating from her.

I was caught… again… by the same wolf. This did not bode well for me.

I stared up solemnly into her form. A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind.

“I’m glad it's you,” I said earnestly through panted breaths.

“What!?” she snarled in return.

“You… I’m glad it's you.”

My comment earned me a brief reprieve as her ears perked up and she pulled back some of her weight. In doing so her claws shifted position causing me to wince again. She stared at me thoughtfully before lifting her head up and howling.

Moments later I was being dragged back to the other wolves who were all starting to recover from the flashbang. All of them were visibly upset. I could practically see them plotting their respective retributions against me. Still a dead man…



Back at the cave we were greeted by the first husband who gave me an arrogant smirk. I have never wanted to punch a man so hard in my life. Some of the other runners caught sight of me and the blood on my tunic. I had been healed already, but the evidence still remained. I could see some of them wince when they saw me. Everyone knew I was in for one hell of a time.

There was no lining up or getting placed into a group this time. I was marched straight back into the governor’s quarters and strapped to a bed. Moments later, the bitch herself came striding triumphantly through the door, closing it behind her.

She turned to regard me, all trace of emotion removed from her face.

“I’m going to fuck you unconscious, and when you wake I’m going to let each of the girls do the same to you,” she stated flatly.

I was broiling with rage. Words cannot describe how much disdain I had for this woman. She represented the single greatest barrier to men’s freedom in the entire region. I was already in trouble, they already wanted to put me through the ringer, honestly, what more were they going to do me?

“You aren’t monster enough to put me down lady,” I said venomously.

A flash of anger flitted over her, but she recovered all the same.

“We’ll see…” she said with an evil grin.

She proceeded to mount me. Her aura was strong, not remarkably so, but inescapably present. I willed my body to ignore it. I begged myself to listen, now if ever just once. There’s precious little a man can do to alleviate the effects of a Mageni’s aura. Sadly, seething hatred isn’t on that list.

I felt physically ill when she engulfed me and began to ride. Instead of focusing on preventing the inevitable, I opted to foil her plans. I’m a difficult man to ride to unconsciousness. Whether or not that’s a gift or a curse is up for interpretation, but in this case I could use it to my advantage. If that was her goal, well, I could do worse than to make her fail. I wagered she was unaccustomed to failure.

Like her colleagues, the sex was rather plain. I couldn’t help but smirk a little at that. Strapped to the bed as I was we didn’t switch positions at all. She wasn’t the most inexperienced rider I’ve ever been with, but she hardly knew how to really work a man. The orgasms came and went sure enough, but I wasn’t struggling in the least to maintain my composure.

Several hours in I could tell she was starting to run out of steam. For my part, I was well rested from my night in the treehouse, and a few hours of amateur hour love making is nothing for someone like me. Hell, Helasia once put me through doozy of session that lasted close to thirty hours once. Now that’s a woman who knows how extract a man, and I still managed to stay awake for most of it. Admittedly, I had some chemical help at the time, but the point remains.

She was panting hard before finally sliding off.

“I’ll be back,” she said.

“Done already?” I started, I couldn’t help myself, “pathetic.”

Well, of all the things I could have done, that was probably not my best move. She finally broke her stoic streak turning violently on me and approaching the bed. I figured she was going to jump back on me and keep going but instead she unbuckled the straps and pulled me from the mattress. Pushing through the door she dragged me into the main cavern by the wrist.

“Someone teach this ungrateful welp some manners,” she exclaimed angrily.

I thought the first husband was gonna come unglued. Worth it.

Several of the wolves started towards me. Among them were the two who had been in the hunting party that had finally gotten me. I figured that was fair, if anyone deserved to run me down, well, they had a better claim than most.

“He’s mine,” came a stern yet familiar voice from the side.

Linara continued to look positively pissed. Even still, she was perhaps the one person present that I might actually want to be with. Our time by the river had proven how sweet she could be, and she had more than proven herself a worthy adversary. Plus, I had absolutely no idea how she had managed to track me down, but I was pretty sure it was her who had done it. I could respect that.

She grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me towards one of the other private rooms.

“Get him close, but when he’s about to pass out I want him back,” ordered the governor.

As the door closed I couldn’t help but notice it was enchanted to block sound. I wasn’t sure if they were all like that or if I had just noticed on this one. Begrudgingly, she let go of my neck and I was free to move about the room for a moment.

“Do you have any idea how humiliated I am right now?” she asked coldly before continuing, “do you have a clue as to how embarrassing it was to tell the governor of all people that I lost a runner?”

“You did say you wanted a challenge,” I said callously, kicking myself for not being more tactful.

Oddly enough, my comment seemed to reduce the intensity of her stare. She looked lost in thought for a few moments.

“I suppose I could thank you,” she started, “at least I got a proper hunt out of it all. I haven’t felt that alive in a long time.”

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” I asked honestly concerned about the flash bang and the trees.

The look she gave me indicated I couldn’t hurt her if I tried. Despite how it all shook out, I think she really did enjoy herself.

“How did you find me anyway?” I asked genuinely curious.

She looked at me slightly confused for a moment.

“I admit it was a lucky break with the southward wind, but I just followed your scent, it seemed so strong once I recognized it.”

Now that didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Not after a strong descenting potion and a tunic swap, but I didn’t think she was lying to me either. I’d just have to figure that part out later.

“Now,” she said, sounding rather predatory, “the governess wants you laid out… hard.”

I gulped as I watched her shift moods and begin approaching me. I wagered if there was any worthy opponent in this crowd, it was her. Her aura was powerful, almost burning. I felt saliva being produced under my tongue. It’s intensity rivaled Helasia’s.

She walked gracefully past me and opened a drawer, retrieving a familiar bottle, a standard healing brew. She looked at me intently as she set the bottle onto the desk drawer, maintaining eye contact.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a man I wasn’t afraid of breaking. I’m told I can be pretty intense, so if you’d like to be thrown to the others, I get it. Understand, if you stay in here, you’re gonna need that after I’m done with you,” she gestured towards the bottle.

“I get a choice?” I gulped while staring at the bottle.

She grinned at me before continuing. Her voice had shifted to a much more sultry tone, I must admit, I was terrified and turned on all at once.

“I won’t take anyone against their will. Most of the brothels won’t even have me, I’m told I go too hard. If you want out, the doors unlocked. But make no mistake, if you stay, I’m having you my way. Are you up for that kind of challenge?”

I genuinely pondered her offer. The potion on the drawer indicated she was pretty serious. I figured I was looking at a whole bunch of claws, wolves sometimes use them when they’re worked up. Was I up for this level of intensity, especially if it meant getting passed back to the governor afterward? I figured that second part was going to happen no matter what I did. I steeled my resolve.

“There’s one thing you could do for me before we do this,” I stated.

“Name it,” she said earnestly.

I looked her in the eyes and smirked.

“I could really go for a walk.”

Her expression went through a roller coaster of emotions before finally settling back at lustful. She snapped her fingers and I heard an audible click at the door. I was stuck in here with her. One on one.

She didn’t strap me to a bed, nor did she use cuffs or any other kind of restraint. Her clothes disappeared revealing a well-toned body covered in scars. She was beautiful, strong, and ready to make love. I got the feeling it had been a while for her.

With a smile and a predatory grin, she tackled me to the bed digging a pair of sharp claws into me. As I yelped I realized with sudden clarity why she had the enchanted sound barrier. Running a long tongue up my torso and to my neck, she bit down on the side with more teeth than I found comfortable. My groans elicited a deep, lustful growl from within her.

“Fight,” she whispered into my ear.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“I said fight!” she returned, digging a clawed hand into my chest, blood staining her claws.

I screamed and tried to push her off of me. It was useless. I continued to struggle and move while she enjoyed playing with me like a toy. She lowered her head back to my ear to whisper.

“Is that all you can muster,” she taunted.

My foot found some purchase and I managed to launch us off the bed, landing with me on top. As I tried to move off of her she jumped with me rolling us over backwards. Getting a foot in-between us I used her momentum to keep her going over top and behind me. She was already barreling down on me when I got to my feet.

Lunging to the side I attempted to roll over the bed. Her aura was felt like it was on fire, and rolling around with a hard-on proved to be more of an obstacle than I anticipated. Even still, I managed to put a small gap between us.

I was in the corner now, the bed was to my left. I faced down my aggressor as she slowly stalked closer to me with hunched shoulders and barred teeth. Her presence was palpable and exuded a primal ferocity, I found myself wondering if I had chosen wrong. Hopping onto the bed on all fours she raised her head and let loose a fierce howl that actually made me recoil further into the wall.

Wide eyed and pumped full of adrenaline my fight or flight kicked in and I lunged myself at her form hoping to knock her off the back of the bed. I knew she was bigger than me, but I figured if I could use my momentum to get her going I could let gravity do the rest of the work as we fell off the side.

She didn’t move an inch when I collided with her. Help…

Clawed hands shot out throwing me back onto the bed. As my back hit the soft cushion I tried to roll. Her form was atop me pinning me down again before I could react.

“That’ll do,” she whispered through hot labored breath and a wicked a grin.

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She spread her legs out over me and took me within her, eliciting a pleasurable groan from me despite my best efforts not to encourage her any further. I understood her fear of breaking her partners.

In stark contrast to the governor, Linara seemed to know exactly what she was doing. A familiar pressure began to build. She watched intently as she rode me, correctly evaluating when I was about to let loose my first load.

I let out a gasping moan as I came the first time. A heavy-handed group of claws dug into my chest converting my moan to a scream while she howled in unison. Her riding didn’t let up.

About four or five similar orgasms followed back-to-back. She was relentless, and I was in trouble. I needed some kind of relief, anything. I looked up at her catching her eye.

“Li-Linara, I augh-,” my brain lit on fire as she proceeded to pull another orgasm from my body.

“Linara please!” I begged, completely failing to realize I was begging like a novice.

She smiled down at me before leaning over and pushing my shoulders down further into the bed. Then she cranked up the pace slamming her hips into mine even harder.

She groaned and growled in carnal pleasure, taking time every once in a while to run her claws into me in various places or trace her tongue across me. She was intense, in every sense of the word.



I don’t know how long she kept me in that room. I’d wager five or six hours, but past a point time begins to feel meaningless. Her sheer relentlessness and mild blood loss had pushed me to an edge. I wasn’t thinking or even really processing. My brain felt like mush and my body had begun shaking like I was experiencing some kind of shock. I was still conscious, but in rough a shape as I’ve ever been. A worthy opponent indeed.

I felt pretty sure she could keep going, but I think she sensed how close I was to unconsciousness. She could have run me down, I knew it, and so did she. The fact she didn’t is a technicality I’m willing to overlook. Let’s just say she had joined a rather short and exclusive list individuals who can make that claim.

In my stupor I felt a bottle pressed to my lips and I accepted its contents subconsciously. Immediately I began to feel my wounds closing. I strong pair of arms picked me up and carried me out of the room. She took me across the hall and set me onto a familiar bed in the room the governor had originally taken me.

“Thank you,” came a soft whisper into my ear accompanied by a gentle kiss on the forehead.

“All yours governess.”

My eyes opened in time to see Linara leaving while another form stood to the side of the bed, grinning devilishly down at me.

She climbed atop me and an aura much different from Linara’s took hold of my body. Even in as rough shape as I was, I simply couldn’t command myself to not get hard.

“Now, let's knock the rest of that fight out of you,” came a familiar voice.

Hate flooded my veins, and my animosity gave birth to a second wind of energy. Linara had earned the right to say she could run me down, but I’d be damned if I was going to let the governor of all people claim the same. Even drained, over-sensitized in my loins, and run down as I was, I simply refused to break.

She mounted and started. The hours hadn’t changed a thing, she was still an amateur at best. I couldn’t stop the orgasms from coming, but this was nothing like what Linara had just put me through.

Three loads later I could tell she was getting upset. I wasn’t drifting into unconsciousness, if anything, I was becoming more alert.

“Just give in already,” she stated in an exacerbated tone.

I opened my eyes to meet hers and gave her a defiant smile.

“You should give me back to other chick, you really suck at this game.”

My words stopped her dead in her tracks as she puzzled through my words. I watched her shift into an angry expression and felt relief as she pulled her form off of me. I closed my eyes with a smile.

“Bring in that chair,” she barked out the door.

My eyes shot open. Oh no.

Sure enough, the object of my disdain came into view, Enko’s feeding chair. I’m doomed.

A pair of wolves I didn’t recognize lifted me from the bed and placed my form into the contraption. The first husband was giving them commands. My hips were secured down and another chair was placed before me. Then they left, leaving just me and the governor in the room with the first husband sitting quietly in the corner. The look of dismay on my face invited a look of triumph on hers.

She sat down and began, and I finally started to fade. I was out of tricks, and the contraption I was strapped to had been the cause of my demise more than once. Simply put, I couldn’t move in any meaningful way to delay the inevitable. I was already in bad shape and wagered even an amateur could run me down in this thing.

I searched for gambits I could employ, my eyes scanned across the room looking for anything. All they found was the first husband looking back at me smugly. A yearning to punch him flashed across my mind once more. Dropping my head my eyes came to rest on the governor’s ears as she bobbed up and down.

“You know, on my home world a woman sucking dick is a sign of submission, not domination,” I said defiantly after the second orgasm.

I was desperate for anything I could do to deny this woman what she wanted. To my surprise, she lifted off of me and we locked eyes. Her expression shifted somewhat and to my surprise she actually looked hurt.

“You really hate me don’t you?” she asked sincerely, softly even.

“You represent everything I hate in this world,” I growled venomously back.

She actually recoiled at my words. I thought I could see a tiny layer of wetness forming in her eyes. Even as angry as I was, the display caught me off guard.

“What have I done to you slave? Did I deny your wife your freedom or something?”

“I’m not a slave,” I said plainly, casting my gaze away from her.

I could see her working through that one from the corner of my eyes. My taunts about other worlds and being a free man must have finally made something click because she looked at me like she recognized something.

“The anomaly… I remember you. But I granted your freedom,” she said confused.

I wasn’t sure whether or not I should be surprised. A moment later my hate was renewed as a thought crossed my mind.

“Have you freed so few of us that you remember one man from years ago?” I accused.

She looked at me like she was still hurt. The audacity of this woman fueled my anger.

“You had nowhere to go,” she offered, “even free you were likely to stay among the Mageni.”

I stared at her, trying to process her words. What did that even mean? My confusion must have prompted her to continue.

“The Mageni need men. If I freed every husband whose name crossed my desk we’d be doomed. They would be free to leave, and our numbers are so hard to replenish. Acceptable feeding stock all but impossible to find, and what, I should just let them all march north, up and out of the territories?”

I stared at her disbelievingly.

“Is that what you think?” I asked incredulously, “why would a man leave the woman that gave him his freedom. Most of these guys love their wives, how could they abandon them?”

“Why else would they want freedom if not to leave, to return home?” she retorted in a voice I found to be sincere.

“Men crave freedom,” I said simply, “in this world and the next.”

She gave me a sarcastic look that conveyed disbelief. I starred at her a moment before looking over to the first husband. He was a prick, but maybe just maybe he’d help me prove a point.

“Ask him,” I said starring his direction, “if you were free, would you leave your wife?”

The question must have caught them both off guard as they starred at each other for a moment, sharing in some sort of unspoken conversation.

“Well, I, uh… I’ve never really thought… well, I mean… of course not!” he blustered out.

“Why not?” I prodded.

“Well, I-I love her of course,” he started before looking back to the governor, “I love you.”

“Do you wish you were free?” I asked hopefully.

“Well,” he started sheepishly, “I-I don’t thin-“

I rolled my eyes before cutting him off, “You would choose to be her husband and not her partner?” I prodded.

That stopped him for a minute. He looked frazzled. His eyes traced to her and then back to me. A breath of air indicated he was about to speak before going silent once more.

“No,” he said softly, an intent introspection resting on his face, “no I don’t think I would.”

I could see a wave of thoughts and emotions playing across her face. Ideas that maybe had never crossed her mind, invading her thinking, shattering her view of the world. She turned back to regard me before averting her gaze downward. It was an odd display of submissiveness I had not witnessed in her before. Realizing what she had done, she quickly brought her head and eyes back up to meet mine.

“What if you’re wrong, and more leave?”

“What if I’m right, and when the wild humans learn, they come more willingly?” I returned, “no one can know what would happen for sure. But I do know most men would be happier, that has to count for something doesn’t it?”

She regarded me strangely for a few moments. The silence in the room was deafening. Then, to my surprise, she began unbuckling me from the chair. A moment later, I was free.

“I think I’d like some time with my husbands,” she said simply, gesturing I should leave the room.

Walking out into the common area I caught several strange looks from the various occupants. Everyone in the cave knew about the runner with the loud mouth that had pissed off the governor. I was supposed to be fucked unconscious, but there I was, standing free in the middle of the space. Seeing me, Linara gave me an odd look before moving to the room I had just exited. The rest of the governor’s husbands were called in, apparently she had four.

One of the runners I knew best in the space locked eyes with me. I shrugged and I could see him chuckling and shaking his head back and forth. He had no idea what had just happened, but with me involved, well, it was probably a good story.

A moment later Linara came back out into the space. She gave me an odd smile before nodding over her shoulder towards her own room. I took it as an invitation. I was still in pretty bad shape. There was no way I’d be able to last even thirty minutes with her as I was.

The look she gave me didn’t convey anything wicked. Instead, something about it made me feel safe, and I decided to join her.

Back in her room together, Linara locked the door and looked at me. I returned her gaze cautiously, unsure of what was about to happen.

“Don’t panic, I’m not gonna jump you… unless you’re feeling up for it,” she chided playfully.

I starred longingly at the bed. I was exhausted, bordering on collapse. Werewolves make good partners. They’re high in empathy which often leads to more meaningful encounters than with other species. With a knowing smile, Linara pulled me into the bed, and we slept. Despite how terrifying this woman had been not hours before, I felt safe, and was out in minutes.



The rest of the week went by rather uneventfully. I was for all intents and purposes Linara’s personal chew toy for the week. I don’t recall a time in my life where I’ve ever used so many healing potions in such a short span. Brutal as her love making was, I found I enjoyed the game of cat-and-mouse we played. It was like a mini hunt every time.

We took several walks together along various routes. Although she never gave me so much as an ounce of leeway to make another escape attempt. That was fine by me, I took it as a compliment. The food was good, the company was nice, and despite my reservations of being in this party from the start, I found I was actually upset when it was finally time for everyone to leave.

Most of the runners left from the cave, but I opted to walk with them back to the check-in. I was somewhat unsurprised to see Enko and Helasia at the gate waiting on our esteemed guests.

As they filed out through the gate the governor herself strode up beside me casually. We watched the procession for a few moments together.

“You’ve given me quite a bit to think about dear,” she offered casually, “perhaps I’ve been too paranoid in my dealings with the husbands of the Mageni. I think I might try it your way for a while,” she said with a smile, “come along first partner,” she gestured towards a man behind me.

The first husb… partner… came up from behind me. I still found his demeanor condescending. The look he gave me expressed thanks in an awkward way. I could tell he struggled trying to acknowledge me as an equal in any way.

“Hey first partner,” I called after him as he walked away, “I ever see you again, I’m gonna punch you in your upturned nose. I’m a man of word,” I tossed his way with a smile.

He gave me an odd look before turning away again and walking through the gate. I turned in time to see Linara coming up to me. She licked my nose and placed a soft hand on the side of my cheek. We shared an intimate unspoken moment, and then she was gone.

With the procession completely removed, I turned my attention towards Enko and Helasia. Enko was positively beaming at me and sported a devious, knowing smile. Helasia on the other hand looked positively sheepish. That woman could stoically face down an army, what was that about?

“Well that was… different,” I offered to them.

“He doesn’t know,” Enko said leaning over towards Helasia.

For her part, Helasia just seemed to slump down further, avoiding my eyes.

“Know… what?” I asked suspiciously.

“I invited the governor here this week,” Enko said with a devious smile.

I starred at her expectantly, unsure what to make of the comment.

“Then I told them they should send a party north towards home base. Honestly, they actually caught you on the first run?” she asked pseudo mockingly.

I was beginning to see a pattern here I didn’t like. Even still, what did any of this have to do with Helasia?

“And Helasia here was kind enough to run a potion out into the park for me,” she said turning to the embarrassed guard.

With that, I started piecing together parts of an unsolved puzzle.

“That potion… it wasn’t a descenting brew was it?”

“Quite the opposite dear.”

It's rare for me to get upset at Enko of all people. Her devious exploits can typically be attributed to some harmless fun. This was different, this was the governor. A person she knew I had hate for, herself too I would assume.

“Why?” I asked simply, shifting my tone harshly.

She gave me a knowing smile, revealing some solace for the obvious pain she had just put me through.

“Did you know I’ve tried to convince that woman she’s wrong about the slave trade for years? I’ve tried everything… except my secret weapon.”

“What weapon?” I asked, incredulous.

She walked up to me casually and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. Despite my tantrum, I found it disarming.

“You dear, you’ve always been my secret weapon.”

With that, she gave me a wink and a smile and started to saunter back towards our cabin. I turned to watch her go briefly before voicing one more thought.

“How did you know? How did you know I’d find some way to make her see things… different?”

She turned to look at me before averting her gaze to the side. With a shrug she turned back to look at me.

“I didn’t… but here we are,” she said with a smile, turning to continue her walk of triumph.

Cold… hard… bitch…

After pondering the whole thing my eyes chased after her and I couldn’t help but smile. What a gamble, but it had paid off. The slave trade is the single most distasteful thing about my new home. Now, well, at least it was a step in the right direction.

I turned back to Helasia, who was still cowering in place. I walked up to her and she continued to avert her gaze.

“I’m sorry,” she offered weakly.

Helasia isn’t like Enko, she’s far too straight a shooter to have been okay with this. I figured Enko had worked pretty hard to convince her to go along with it. Even still, it's not often I get an opportunity with Helasia like this. She’s easily the toughest person I know, and seeing her practically shaking is not a sight I’m likely to get again.

There’s a sort of game she and I play. The guards aren’t really supposed have relations with the runners while they’re on the clock. Helasia and I have been together a handful of times off the clock. When she’s on duty, well, I’ve come to enjoy trying to push her limits. Suffice to say, I’m quite a few points ahead.

I placed my hand under her chin to lift her eyes up to mine. It was somewhat of an awkward gesture because of how much taller she is compared to me. The light of her eyes burned with what I was sure was a bizarre mix of emotions.

“We’re even,” I said simply with smile.

I gave her a kiss on the nose and turned to follow after Enko. My mischievous love, Enko. What a devious woman, but I love her, she’s my home, and there’s no place like home.




Written by TedLancer
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