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Author's Notes

"It's a derivative of other works, but the succuben was one of the more unique monster girls we originally thought up. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Season 1 teased them briefly but please enjoy a story fleshing out the concept a bit further."

Succuben? You want to know more about succuben? I’d suggest you be careful when you kiss one. I suppose I could tell you about the time I discovered them myself, man that was an experience. Just don’t go asking me to name off every subspecies of Mageni there are, I’m not sure even Enko knows. Hell, I’m not even sure the keepers know all the subspecies out there.

Ok well, about a year or two after arriving I met my first one, or at least that’s when I became aware they were a thing. Back then we were working construction projects all the time. Home base was still just a couple of huts and a fire pit. It was a slow part of the season and we were working on what would become the main ramp for our network of treehouses. I was up high when a familiar whistle came from the tree line where we had placed some scouts while we worked.

Runners scattered on the ground disappearing into the woods. Since I didn’t have time to make my way back down the ramp I opted to try and stay hidden up where I was. Whatever was coming in would likely go after one of the men on the ground anyway.

I saw a young tigress enter the camp from the west. A tigress is a type of tiger monster girl. They have fierce dispositions paired with a strong hunting instinct. Although they’re considered rare as a species, we see them somewhat frequently at the reserve. She stood a few inches shy of seven feet tall and sported a slender body with some wicked claws at the end of her hands.

Fuck, I thought. They’re good climbers and they like to be in the trees. Being up high wasn’t going to be any kind of advantage if she spotted me.

The camp erupted with a handful of men charging back in from the north. They stopped abruptly when they saw her, unsure of what to do. Before most of them could react another tigress burst through the trees behind them. It was uncommon for two of them to hunt together. In doing so, however, they were able to pick from about five men.

The pair of them each locked onto a man they wanted and began running them down. Caught out in the open, neither of the men stood a chance. The others snuck off into the forest and I opted to join them, quietly making my way down the ramp. The sounds of pleasurable screaming and moaning behind me indicated the camp wasn’t going to be habitable for a while.

My afternoon goal of completing the ramp was shot, so I opted to go hang out in the spa for a while instead. After carefully making my way southward I discovered I was far from the only one who had come up with the idea. The spa was absolutely packed with runners.

After successfully entering the safe zone and plopping into a tub with a group I knew well, we began trading stories, boasting of our epic escapes. Boys will be boys. Some time passed and word must have leaked out to any and all of the succubi that were around because the customer side of the spa was soon filled with succubi trying to tempt runners across the line. By this point in time I had experienced a night or two with one and was beginning to form my long-held opinions about them, but I was still pretty young and this was long before I had a reputation as being impossible to woo.

The good times prompted drinks, which the customers bought for us. No doubt to try and lower inhibitions but hey, why ruin a good time. All in all, it was a fine afternoon, full of good times, good stories, and lots of alcohol. Slowly, one by one, several of the runners began pairing off deciding to take up on offers of food, lodging, or whatever else could be used to bribe them across the line. I had indulged in a few drinks but was far from drunk. From what I could tell I was the only sober runner left.

Several of the newbies kept asking about stories from my time at the reserve or my homeworld. It was endearing at first but if you’ve ever been the only sober person at a party, well, you probably understand I was getting a bit tired of it all.

Further, I didn’t particularly feel like going with a succubus that night. Like I said, this was before I had strong feelings about them, but I was disinterested regardless. In truth, I wanted to go on a food run; I hadn’t eaten much.

“Agai-hic-gain!” exclaimed one man, “tell us again how you evaded a pack of five werewolves!”

This would have been the third time in as many hours I had told the story, and I wasn’t feeling it anymore. I couldn’t go work on home base still, but I had other projects I was looking into, like a zipline for the river. Not to mention, I wanted to find some food.

“Nah, I think it’s about time I headed out,” I offered back.

Several of the succubi perked up at this, including one that I assumed was locked onto another man due to her appearance. She wasn’t unattractive by any means, but succubi have the ability to alter their physical appearance to suit their marks. She was cute, but the others were much more successfully appealing to my desires that day. Either way it didn’t matter, I didn’t want to go with any of them.

“Alone,” I emphasized in their direction.

“Aw come -hic- on man, one more time,” he made a clumsy grab for my wrist.

Moving swiftly, I got out of the way of his slow grab shaking my head with a smile.

“Another time man,” I said before turning away to walk out to the river.

I heard some splashing and movement but I had already decided I wanted out, so I kept moving. Crossing the boundary for the spa I walked straight out into the field without a care in the world. Not twenty steps into the grass I felt a wet hand grip my wrist and tug gently. With a quiet sigh I began to turn around.

“Come on man, I-“ my words stopped as I realized it wasn’t a runner who had grabbed me.

Before me stood the plain succubus I had seen a few moments ago. You can probably guess, she was actually a succuben, but I didn’t know that at the time.

“Uh,” I started, “what can I do for you ma’am?”

“Well,” came a soft, mischievous voice, “you can come back with me to my cabin quietly… or I can make you.”

I stared at her in disbelief for a moment. Succubi don’t hunt like this. I suppose there isn’t any official rule that says they can’t take prey the same way any other customer does but they don’t come here to practice hunting, they come here to hone their craft. I wasn’t really sure what to make of her comment.

“I’m sorry if I’ve confused you but uh… I never agreed to go with you,” I pointed out.

“And yet I caught you all the same,” she fired back playfully.

“…Not a very sporting succubus, are you?” I said, trying to shift tactics.

She looked at me confused for a moment before a look of realization kicked in.

“Ah, I see, you think I’m a succubus.”

“Are you… not?”

“Close, I’m a succuben, not quite the same thing,” she gestured by pinching her fingers together.

I really wasn’t sure what to make of that, but ok, not quite a succubus.

“Not very sporting of you then,” I said, shifting tactics yet again, “tricking me into a false sense of security. I didn’t even know the game was afoot.”

She seemed to ponder that for a moment. Then she met my eyes and smiled.

“Ok, well how about a bet then?” she asked.

“I’m listening.”

“One kiss,” she started, “give me one kiss and by the end I’ll bet you’ll be begging for me to take you with me.”

I stared at her in disbelief. I don’t care who you are, nobody is that good a kisser. A thought struck me.

“You’re not venomous like a lamia or something are you?” I asked, figuring that was the only way she could possibly win at this game. Lamia venom can be a cruel thing. Its effect on a man overrides our better judgment, enslaving us to lustful desires.

She looked at me incredulously but with a flirty edge to her mannerisms.

“No, although I could do this,” she gestured with her hand.

I stared at her open hand for a moment before a light emanated from it, striking me in the chest. I immediately felt a familiar sensation, like lamia venom coursing through my body. My mouth salivated as an insatiable lust overtook my body. Fuck, I thought.

“Cheater,” I gasped, falling to the ground, my mind already ablaze with lewd thoughts.

Another flash of light and suddenly I was feeling normal again. A soft hand helped me to my feet. I stared at her disbelievingly. What had I gotten myself into?

“So, do you accept my challenge?” she asked.

“Are you going to spell sling me into submission?” I returned.

“Only if you refuse,” she chided.

I stared at her, trying to figure out the angle.

“One kiss, no spell-slinging, and afterward if I decide no, you’ll let me go?”

“You got it!” she said cheerfully.

You should never play someone at their own game, but if I refused I was getting cursed again and I had no idea what her play could be. Without something like spells or venom, even if it was the best kiss in the world, I could simply say no afterward. Easy. There was really only one way forward, so I looked at her and nodded.

“Alright, it’s a bet.”

For her part, she smiled at me and pulled me closer. Our eyes locked and I noted a distinct lack of an aura surrounding her. Most Mageni exude an aura that overrides a man’s basic anatomy, producing an obligatory hard-on. It was strange to be so close to one that was clearly turned on, but not emanating an aura.

She brought her face to mine, and our lips touched for the first time. A greedy tongue came to my lips. Amateur, I thought, going for too much tongue too fast. I let her explore my mouth, all the while thinking it was going to be easy to tell her to go away when the bet concluded.

Her tongue was long, really long, it seemed to keep coming too. A moment later I realized she was near the back of my mouth and instinctively I tried to pull my head away. A soft but firm hand planted itself behind my head preventing me from pulling back as her impossibly long tongue continued into my mouth.

There was no gag reflex. I considered that a tiny victory even as mortified as I was to feel her tongue slip into my throat and continue downward. It kept going, and the further it went, the weaker I felt. Mercifully, I felt it stop somewhere around halfway to my stomach. I tried to fight, I really did, but I found my arms and legs no longer worked.

Terrified, I became aware of another presence in my mind. We couldn’t talk to each other per se, but I found I was able to understand her nonetheless. She wanted to know if I was feeling ok. I wanted to reprimand her for hijacking my body, I had never heard of anything like this. My impression was that she was quite proud of this trick.

She wanted to know if I was ready to go back to the cabin with her. There was just no way. Maybe she could hijack my motor function, but cognitively I felt fine, and the answer was still no.

I felt her tongue move again. Until now she had taken great care to ensure my airways had remained unblocked. Now it was getting hard to breathe.

My horror multiplied. Surely she wasn’t going to threaten to kill me, right? The impression in my mind was quick to assure me that no, my life wasn’t in danger. She was however having fun making this difficult for me.

I think I’m done, this kiss is over, my answer is no. I became aware that the kiss was in fact not over until I got her tongue out of my mouth. This was getting frustrating, although I had to admit, the scientist in me was positively fascinated. Unfortunately for me, said fascination couldn’t be hidden from her. I understood a moment later that if I positively begged for this to be over it could be, but that a part of me was too curious to end it like that. She was right.

We spent several more minutes exploring each other’s thoughts. It was apparent she was really enjoying a tour around my mind. I suppose I do have a lot of unique experiences compared to others on this planet. In turn, I found the process of accessing her thoughts just as interesting, but still, this isn’t how the game is played, I couldn’t just give myself up.

I understood that we could stay here all night for all she cared, she had days left to spend at the reserve. Even still, I kept my resolve and maintained an answer of no. I wasn’t scared anymore, but I wasn’t giving in either. The hunt was afoot.

Hours passed, and neither of us was willing to let the other win. I was aware my body was getting cold. She helped alleviate the feeling but I became aware that in time the cold may pose a real threat. If it came to that she was going to let me go, but it didn’t mean I’d win.

My stomach growled, and my thoughts drifted to food. I mentally kicked myself for thinking about it, but it was too late.

Dinner, she’d buy me a nice dinner if I went with her. My resolve weakened, but I remained vigilant. She pressed further, this was the most progress she had made since getting me to kiss her. Anything I wanted, plus breakfast tomorrow, lunch, every meal I could want while she was here.

Damnit, she’s got me.

I conceded and felt a strong sense of happiness on her part. I felt her tongue begin to slither back out from my neck. I could move my hands and arms again, and a sensation of cold began to come over me. With her tongue successfully returned to her mouth we pulled apart for the first time in hours to stare at each other. The sun was down but the moonlight was bright enough for us to see each other. I began to shiver.

“Come on, let’s get you warm,” she said sweetly.

It was a nice cabin, not the best we offered, but very well stocked. It had hot running water, air conditioning, and two large beds. I happened to know this particular cabin had a secret tunnel behind a shelf in the common area, but I didn’t plan on using it. Fair is fair, and I had agreed to come back here.

“Well, here we are,” she offered in a sheepish tone.

Succubi are well known for being able to appeal to their target, and I’ve been played more than once. I’ve long had a soft spot for the gentler Mageni, if for no other reason than spending most of my time around the more forceful hunter types. Succubi would make that list too if they just weren’t so boring. That said, I didn’t think this was an act. After all, she wasn’t truly a succubus, and although I didn’t know it at the time, I’ve come to learn that succuben don’t share the same level of psychic capabilities. At least not without their tongue resting near your spine.

“You’ve already had your tongue halfway down my throat, you don’t have to sound so nervous,” I chided playfully.

For her part, she actually averted her eyes for a moment. Then she straightened her spine and let a wave of authority flood over her. It was a good act, but I felt she was out of her league.

“Nervous, am I?” she retorted with more confidence than I felt she had, “bold talk for prey.”

“Ooh, and here I thought I was a mark, prey now am I?” I shot back, enjoying this game.

At that, she pressed me up against the wall and stared into my eyes. With a smirk she drew her mouth close to my ear.

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“What do you think you are?” she whispered.

Her sudden challenge caught me off guard. I was about to offer a retort when suddenly she kissed me. Before I could counter anything a familiar long tongue had snaked its way far enough into my throat to compromise my motor function.

Trouble, I think I’m in trouble, I thought. The impression I got in return was her in agreement.

I found my legs were moving in sync with her movements. She was dragging us towards the bed. I wondered briefly if succuben made love like a succubus. If that were the case I was in for a nice, gentle evening focused on what I personally enjoyed most.

Nope, came a response from her. I was, for all intents and purposes, a fuck doll for her. Uh oh, I thought as I felt my back upon the bed. As my head was laid down it bumped into the wood frame.

Ow, I thought. Apologies flooded my mind, shattering the façade she had cast. I’ve taken far worse hits in these scenarios, it was fine, really. Even still, I felt a soft hand caressing my head where I had hit and a pillow made its way beneath me.

Extending her tongue even further she backed away from my face and asked me to open my eyes to look at her. I did as she asked and found myself staring into a pair of large, light brown eyes. Locks of auburn hair draped down her side. At some point she had managed to get our clothes off and I found myself admiring her naked form.

My observations yielded a mild blush and feelings of embarrassment from her. I suddenly understood she often felt plain compared to her succubus sisters. They could alter themselves to match their mark after all. Still, the truth of it was she was beautiful. I’m not usually captivated by brown eyes but the hue of hers was positively gorgeous. She had a larger frame than most succubi which helped support medium-sized breasts. Her waist gave way to large, shapely hips and I found myself wondering what her backside looked like.

A sudden boost in blood pressure made my head throb for a moment but the pain was quickly ignored. I found I had produced a hard-on. I wondered for a moment if it was naturally occurring or if she was able to induce as much with her abilities. A moment later my question was answered: both.

A thought indicated we had had enough talk and I was pushed back onto the bed. I couldn’t help but notice a hand behind my head as we descended this time. I thought it was funny but was quickly made aware I’d regret laughing at her for taking care of me. I should have believed her.

Her weight on my body felt strange somehow. I’m not sure I can properly describe it, but her movements felt too fluid. A moment later I realized it was because she was moving both of our bodies in tandem, utilizing my movements to accentuate hers. I found her legs caressing my own for a moment and listened to her thoughts savor the moment. She really wanted this.

My stomach grumbled and I wondered about the dinner she had promised me. I was informed it had been ordered and would be arriving in about an hour. That didn’t seem so bad, an hour of making love, dinner, maybe a shower, and then bed. It sounded lovely.

My thoughts were flooded with incredulity. An hour? Oh no, sure I could get fed in an hour, but that didn’t mean we’d be done.

A succubus would let me be done in an hour, I thought. She was decidedly not a succubus, I was reminded.

As if I could forget with her tongue past my tonsils.

Well if that’s the case, I thought, then maybe she ought to know that it's customary on my planet to buy dinner first. Dinner is bought, came a reply. You know what I mean.

I felt her legs spread out over me and then a sudden sensation of heat and wet flooded over my manhood. Her anatomy gripped tight and she began to rock her hips.

We’re not on your planet, came the reply. I’ve always been amused at how disinterested the Mageni can be about my origin.

Mageni as a whole have much more sexual stamina than human men. To bypass this particular problem, most have various methods of overriding a man’s erection, even when unconscious. That alone isn’t so bad, but these methods generally recharge seminal fluid as well, which in turn helps revitalize themselves. It’s a point of pride for many monster girls to be able to ride a man to unconsciousness by virtue of a never-ending string of orgasm after orgasm. I’m a difficult mark to run down, although it’s been done many times.

At this stage in the game my body tends to go into a sort of trance. I don’t contribute much, and even counter some movements myself in an effort to prolong releases resulting in longer runs. Today, however, I found that I was unable to do so, she was moving my body for me. My hips rocked with hers, I found my hands flying around her body groping and squeezing. My whole body twisted with her movements. Add to that the fact that I was only able to breathe through my nose and well, I realized I was burning through energy too quickly.

It’s too much, I thought. I’m not gonna last hours at this rate, hell, I may not make it to dinner.

I was told to deal with it.

My hand cupped a breast of its own accord and she began to grind more aggressively. I felt a pressure building up as sweat ran down my forehead. It was too much, and I was absolutely powerless to do anything about it.

My first orgasm was terrifying. Don’t get me wrong, it felt lovely, at first. Men, if you’ve ever had a partner continue to work you immediately after an orgasm then you know how sensitive everything gets. Now, imagine that plus an obligatory hard-on and the inability for you to control your own body. The sensations sent fireworks off in my brain and my body wanted to contort and twist, anything to alleviate the sensitivity. I was forced into compliance.

After achieving a climax of her own and, presumably, listening to minutes of my mind screaming for a break, she stopped for a moment mercifully. Sweat poured down my body as I began to try and recover any sense of composure, although I still had no motor function.

It was time for the next round according to her, but I begged for a moment longer. I got the playful impression I was complaining too much, but that she knew the fix. I pondered for a moment what that could mean.

A moment later I saw a familiar flash of light and felt a light impact on my chest. Oh no.

Oh yes, came a familiar reply. Also, I was to remain conscious until dinner arrived, or else. I didn’t have much time to contemplate that before any and all good sense in my mind gave way to full-on lust.

After that, I begged her to use me, and she complied.

I don’t know how long I lasted, but I do remember my first conscious thoughts. Some sort of whumping sound brought me out of my sleepy stupor. I realized I was drenched in sweat. Worse, my groin felt damn near sprained. To my surprise, I wasn’t hard anymore.

The sound of a door closing followed by the alluring aroma of food finally brought me to full attention. I tried to sit up but found I was shackled to the bed by my arms, legs, and hips.

“Oh, now you’re awake,” said a familiar voice playfully.

“Sorry, guess I’m not used to your brand of loving,” I said, salivating at the food. “Let me u-, sorry, please let me up so I can eat?”

For her part, my succuben captor sauntered over to the bed brandishing a piece of bread with various spices and some sort of dip. Sitting down, she broke off a piece of the meal and placed it to my mouth. I accepted it greedily while she leaned down to my ear.

“You didn’t make it to dinner,” she said in mock disappointment.

“Now look,” I muffled from behind my bite of bread, “I do not take responsibility for how you use my body.”

“Think you can do better?” she asked, giving me another bite.

“That depends, are you gonna hijack me again?”

She shrugged.

“I warned you not to pass out before dinner,“ she teased, “now what to do with you…”

She gave me another bite which I accepted greedily. Even still, I couldn’t help but notice the predatory smirk she was giving me.

“What?” I muffled between bites.

“You really do enjoy it, don’t you?” she asked plainly enough.

“You mean like… working here at the reserve?”

“That, the hunts, life in general. Most men I’m with always feel like they’re lacking something. Like a sense of purpose or something. I usually can’t handle being inside someone’s mind for too long without… well,” she flexed her hand as if to spell sling.

“Don’t make me charge you rent,” I said playfully.

She smiled and even blushed a little. I didn’t think it was an act.

“Even the men here at the reserve?” I inquired, shifting to a more serious tone.

She looked at me before getting my meaning and shaking her head in uncertainty.

“I… I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve ever been here. You looked… interesting,” she concluded.

She quietly gave me some more to eat. I didn’t pass up the gesture. There was still a glint of deviousness in her mannerisms.

“I want to feel you… in control of your own body,” she stated.

I almost said something before realizing the issue she was getting at. Succuben didn’t appear to have the typical aura other Mageni did, instead relying on that devilish tongue. With my body as drained and, frankly, sore as it was, there was just no way a natural hard-on was possible. I almost felt kind of bad for her. That was a tough break for a monster girl, doubly so for a spell slinger who needed seminal fluid to recharge.

“Sorry but uh… I’m pretty sure you’ve already run me past my natural limits.”

She simply smirked in return. Uh oh.

The door flew open and a succubus wandered in with another runner. He was a small man, and rather drunk from what I could tell. The second bed suddenly made more sense.

The new guests didn’t seem to mind us much as they fell onto their own bed. The aura of the new guest suddenly began to affect my body. I’ve always found the aura of succubi to be less intrusive, if that makes any sense. It feels less like being violated and more like being embraced. Even still, it's effective all the same, I was ready to be of service.

My captor smiled down at her prize, admiring my restraints and anatomy. She climbed atop me and immediately mounted. I realized quickly I was still a bit sore, those muscles just aren’t meant to be used so much in so short a time.

“There,” she started, smiling down at me, “now show me what you’re made of.”

She began to grind, but now I had access to my usual array of tricks. Sensing I wasn’t going to get away with my typical passive approach to these encounters I moved my body accordingly, but still in a manner that delayed my releases.

This time around I managed to delay my first release until after she had gone once herself. Pleasurable moans of ecstasy from the bed beside us accentuated the experience. I think she found it somewhat distracting but a runner is used to these sorts of things.

Somewhere around my fifth or sixth orgasm, I think she realized I was fairing far better this time around. She looked down at me curiously as she rode and I returned her gaze with a triumphant smile before throwing my head back in a moan.

Suddenly, she wasn’t atop me anymore. I opened my eyes trying to figure out what was going on. I saw her dropping her waist onto my face. A moment later I had her slit on my mouth as she leaned over my body to service me orally.

“Please me,” she challenged.

Now look, I’ll be honest, my tongue game is pretty weak. I’m about average-sized downstairs, but I know how to use my own anatomy, and I may be the best man I know when it comes to fingers, but I can’t use my tongue to save my life. Win some lose some I suppose. The evil part was, having been in my mind the way she had, she knew this. That meant she was intentionally trying to handicap me at this game, that’s just cold.

Taking me into her own mouth she continued to work my overexercised muscles. That tongue of hers could do wonders. Under different circumstances it would have been quite lovely, but I was trying to put on a good show.

We had been running about two orgasms of mine to every three of hers. That’s a pretty good pace for a runner to maintain. It became all too evident I was about to be looking at four or five to one if we stayed like this, far less sustainable, at least while conscious.

That tongue, that devious tongue. It snaked its way around me causing all sorts of sensations I’d never experienced. Occasionally it would dart out of her mouth to lick my leg or run along my tired testicles. As I tried desperately harder to be of service she even began running it along my butt which wasn’t a sensation I was prepared for.

She was clearly enjoying herself, if for no other reason than my desperation was obvious. It's far harder to delay a release from oral, and I had released three times on my way to fourth before I felt familiar sensations in her hips upon my head. I was finally building her up, and I needed to push her over.

My incompetent tongue flicked at her clit and I felt her hips try to close and rock. I kept up the pace, even as she darted her own tongue out and began fondling my backside.

Finally, she let out a long moan while trying to close her legs around my face. Her tongue stopped its exploration and she let out with an explosive orgasm. I continued to massage her clit even as her legs attempted to close in euphoric protest. I mentally prepared myself for more to come, but this was a losing situation for me.

Mercifully, she hopped off me, turning around to look down at my fluid-covered face. A magical red flare was dying down in her eyes as she processed the last bit of my own bodily fluids.

“Not bad,” she smiled, “although I think you’re a whole lot better the other way around.”

I was exhausted, sweat had been dripping off of me for a long while, and I was about ready to pass out for a good long while. Even our guests in the bed beside us were beginning to wind down.

“Think you can survive a shower?” she asked.

I closed my eyes and nodded. Getting all the sweat off sounded great. Moments later I was unshackled and part led, part carried to the shower. I found the soap and water to be quite lovely.

Afterward, we both climbed back into the bed, staring into each other’s eyes. She looked sheepish again. I was about to say something, but she finally spoke.

“Can I ask you for something?… It’s ok if you don’t want to,” she said.

I was worried she was looking for more. I probably had something left in me, but I was ready for bed. Even still, I gave her a gentle smile and a nod.

“I like your mind,” she started, “could I… uh, stay the night?”

I stared at her confused for a moment before I understood. Thinking about it a moment I shrugged in agreeance.

She gave me a look that conveyed a deep appreciation before closing the distance between us. A hand caressed my cheek as she slowly brought our lips together. One last time I felt that wicked tongue make its way down my throat. We greeted each other and conversed for a few minutes before finally falling asleep. I had strange dreams that night, but I slept quite well. It almost reminded me of sleeping with Enko.

The next few days were fun. We went for several walks and she kept me well fed. She continued to hijack my body for most of our sessions, but usually opted for a more traditional approach when her friend was around. Nowadays I’m quite familiar with succuben. Be careful if you ever kiss one.

Written by TedLancer
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