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The doctor released Jeff with the condition of using the cane, Jeff was back at work at eight the next morning. Many of the workers were there to greet him. While they were greeting him, Andy also came out to greet him.

“Jeff, it’s good to have you back. Do you still want to have that talk?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind. Whenever it’s convenient to have some time for us to talk.”

Andy responded positively, “Sure, whenever you need the time.”

Jeff went to look for Ray. He was hoping Ray would be in a receptive mood. It’s not easy to ask someone who has had a business their father started to turn it over to someone. But Jeff was banking on the good report Ray had with his employees.

Jeff found Ray in a somber mood. He wasn’t sure if this was a good time, but it was worth a try.

“Ray, what’s up, Brother?” Jeff said smiling.

“I was just thinking about the end of the year. For so many years, this has been a respectable business. My granddad would be proud. Jeff, I’m just getting too old for all of the business end of it. Peggy, God love her, and has been by my side the entire time, just like Mom was with Dad.”

“Ray, would you be opposed to someone investing in the company and have you remain in charge? Let you oversee the projects, but you don’t have to worry about the business end and still have input on the running of the business.”

“Oh, my Lord. That would be Heaven. Do you know of someone?”

“Well, I haven’t completed the deal as yet. But I think we could have an answer by the end of the week.”

“Wonderful! Let me know what I need to do.”

The two ended their meeting, and Jeff was wondering how he was going to pull this one off. He has made several “office” deals that have come out for good. Jeff had all of his eggs in one basket.

Jeff called Valerie, “Hey Baby! I have a question. Doesn’t your uncle work for Ray Taylor Plumbing?”

“Yes, he does. Why?”

“Didn’t he win a nice lottery?”

“Yes, what are you getting at?”

“Well, Ray is closing the company at the end of the year. I thought if your uncle would be interested in buying into the business, he could be in the office, and let Ray oversee the work. He wouldn’t have to crawl under the house and get wet and soggy anymore. He could just work with Ray. It would save his job and the jobs of the other guys.”

“Uncle Percy is going to be sixty-two this year, and he does have some problems with his arthritis, but he is trying to hold out for his social security. I think he would love the option to stay dry.”

“Well, I talked to Ray today, and he would be open to talking to someone to invest in the business. I thought your uncle may want to keep his job and not have to crawl under a house any longer.”

“That would be great, do you want me to talk to Uncle Percy?” Valerie asked.

“If you wouldn’t mind. I want to seem pushy. And I know you will know when to back off. You’re great when it comes to people skills.”

While Valerie was on the phone with her uncle, Jeff called Ted. This would be a fun call.

“Hey Ted, will your family still be in town the Friday after Thanksgiving?”

“Yes, they are staying until Sunday morning, what’s up?”

“Great, Valerie’s family will be staying until Sunday as well. So, here’s the deal.”

Jeff laid out his plan to Ted who went for it immediately. He told Jeff he would let Liz know and Valerie’s brother. Now Jeff was wishing the week away.

Thanksgiving was a beautiful morning. Bright sun, and clear skies, but the November chill could not be stopped. Jeff and Valerie were busy preparing things for the dinner. Ted and his family were at the hall setting up the table and chairs, Stu, Valerie’s brother, and his family were there to help, and Liz was preparing the turkeys for the double oven.

When Valerie and Jeff arrived, they brought in the decorations and the refreshments. Everything was coming along great. It was very festive, full of fun and laughter. Even Andy stopped by to offer his hopes for the holiday. Andy was getting ready to leave when Jeff stopped him.

“Andy, don’t worry, we will stop by tomorrow to finish cleaning up. We might leave some leftovers if any of the guys want a snack.”

“Jeff don’t worry. With our group, the leftovers don’t have a chance. I’ll catch up with you on Monday. Now enjoy your festivities.” And Andy left.

The first family Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. Everyone ate their fill and the refreshments continued to flow. Everyone helped to wrap up what leftovers there were, and then they all relaxed and told family stories.

When Jeff and Valerie got home, it was early evening. They were tired from all of the preparations and festivities. Jeff told Valerie to take a nice hot shower, and that he would finish putting things away. When she got out, he handed her a glass of wine and then headed for the shower. After their final drink, they went to bed and immediately fell asleep.

Friday morning came early. Jeff was the first to find the coffee pot and turned it on. He heard Valerie in the bathroom and wished she would hurry. We she came out, Jeff rushed by her giving her a quick kiss and she heard his sigh of relief.

“Sorry, baby,” Valerie said. “I wish you would have said something. I could have waited.”

“That’s all right, Ginger Snap, our next place will have a backyard.” Jeff was laughing.

“Well, let me buy you a cup of coffee. It’s the least I could do,” Valerie was apologizing and giggling.

“Hey, Sweetie. What would you say to a midday luncheon at the Candlelight Room? We could get dressed up and continue our first major holiday together. I would love to take you there. But I do want to stop by the hall just to be sure we didn’t miss anything yesterday.”

“Jeff, that sounds wonderful. I would adore that. You are a man of surprises Magic Man!

Valerie gave Jeff a big hug and kiss then buried herself in the closet to find what she would wear. For some reason, she was feeling tingly inside and just giddy all over. Jeff knew he would have to wait his turn in the bathroom, but he had his outfit ready to go. A quick shave and he would be ready.

When Valerie opened the bathroom door, she looked gorgeous. Her red hair framed her face, and her eye makeup was just a bit darker than usual. Her choice of lipstick was perfect for her makeup.

“Valerie, you look like a model. You should be on the front cover of a lady’s magazine. You’re gorgeous. Give me about fifteen to twenty minutes, and we will be ready to go.”

Jeff shaved and dressed in record time. His plan was on time as well. Not to mention that for November, it was a perfect day. Sunshine, a few puffy clouds, and almost no breeze. The drive to the hall wasn’t that far, so Jeff drove as though they had all the time in the world.

When they got there, Jeff asked Valerie, “Why don’t you come in with me? I know we won’t be long, but I hate to leave you just sitting in the car.”

“Okay, I’ll come In with you.” Jeff helped her out of the car and opened the hall door.

Valerie stood there in total shock. Her family and Ted’s family were there. Andy and his wife, her best friends from her work, and the leaders of the groups Jeff worked with. When she saw the Minister, Valerie started to cry. She looked at Jeff and hugged him with all of her strength.

“Jeffery, how did you do this and didn’t tell – nobody told me anything. How, I mean –“

While Valerie was hugging Jeff, Crystal came up as her Maid of Honor, and Susie was her bridesmaid. Her niece Delores was the Flower Girl and Ted’s grandson, Mike, was the ring bearer.

When her brother Walter came up to walk her down the aisle, reality finally hit Valerie. When they stood in front of the Minister, Walter handed Valerie’s hand to Jeff and kissed his sister on the cheek.

The Minister began their wedding ceremony and asked from Above for health and strength for the newlyweds. Liz was about two boxes of tissue short of keeping up with her tears. The Minister asked the usual questions about love, honor, and obey. Jeff responded with a smile and a very firm “yes”. When it was Valerie’s turn, she was shining and nodded her head, and said “yes” through her tears of joy.

The Minister turned Valerie and Jeff to face the congregation, and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Thurman? Maybe their life be long and Blessed. Jeff, you may now kiss the Bride.”

With that, the hall erupted in applause and cheers. The tissue box tried to keep up with Liz. Everyone came up to congratulate them and extend their best wishes. Then they enjoyed the wedding cake and champagne, soda or coffee. About an hour later, everyone had left. Andy told Jeff he and his wife would strengthen up the hall. The happy couple left for the restaurant.

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Jeff was surprised when he got to the restaurant. There was a parking spot right at the front door. There was a sign, “Reserved for the Newlyweds”. Valerie teared up again.

The young lady at the reception desk leads them to a corner table, complete with A white wedding bell, and white streamers. A sign attached to the wall said “Congratulations Valerie and Jeff”.

Their waiter, Stan, walked up and filled their glasses with champagne, and handed them a menu that was made for them. He made sure it was the two things on the menu Valerie loved. He wanted today to be her special day.

When Stan returned, the owner Kathy was with him. You could tell she was proud of what the restaurant had done at the hall. She was anxious to hear Jeff’s report.

“How was everything, Jeff? I hope you were surprised, Valerie,” Kathy said with a smile.

“Oh, my God!” Valerie started. “I was in orbit. The cake was decorated beautifully the champagne was delicious. When did Jeff put this together?”

“Well, it is my understanding he had time on his hands. Since he had a broken leg, and he loves you to the end of the universe, he decided to marry you. I knew it had to be special just by the way he talked about you. Is it true you can walk on water?” Kathy was teasing Valerie.

“Well, I guess it’s best to let him think that way," Valerie said to Kathy, laughing.

“Don’t I get a say in this matter?” Jeff interrupted with a smile.

The girls looked at Jeff and said, “Maybe,” as they continued to laugh.

“Kathy, you and your staff are wonderful. Everything was perfect and much more than I anticipated. I owe you a lot for adding to our wedding. Thank you so very much.”

“Wonderful, I’ll send Stan over for your orders, and Congratulations. I hope you have many happy years together.” Kathy left them and motioned for Stan to the table.

Valerie ordered tilapia, and Jeff ordered the Porterhouse steak. Stan made sure their champagne glasses were never empty. Jeff liked him a lot because he knew the difference between attentive and adhesive.

They finished their dinner. Stan came over and asked if they needed dessert or anything else. When they graciously refused, Stan handed Jeff the check. Jeff signed it and Stan pulled out Valerie’s chair. Valerie just looked at Jeff in amazement.

‘You ARE full of surprises, Magic Man. I never know what you will come up with next. Are you finished, at least for today?”

Jeff didn’t answer as he closed Valerie’s car door all the while smiling at her. Jeff started the car and headed in the opposite direction of their apartment. He drove along just smiling. Valerie was getting nervous. Jeff had that look on his face and something up his sleeve.

Jeff was heading into the city and the downtown area. It had been years since Valerie had been in the city, much less downtown. When Jeff pulled into the Stevenson Arms Hotel, Valerie started to shake.

“Jeffery, you didn’t? Don’t tell me you have a room here for us. What have you done, Jeffery? OH, my God, Jeffery. No, this is a dream, I’m gonna wake up and this will be a dream. I am not seeing the Stevenson Arms. I’m going to faint, Jeffery!”

Jeff pulled into the covered archway; the doorman opened Valerie’s door. Valerie looked out sheepishly. The doorman smiled and offered his hand. Jeff handed him the keys, another man came out opened the trunk, and got out their suitcases. He took the suitcases inside, then got in the car and went to park it.

When they walked through the lobby, Valerie and Jeff were all eyes. Neither of them had been in such a beautiful place. When they got to the front desk, the lady was all smiles.

“Mr. and Mrs. Thurman. It is a pleasure to have you staying with us this weekend. Your Bridal Suite is ready. If there is anything, please call me immediately. Our front man will escort you to your suite and bring your luggage as well. Thank you for choosing the Stevenson Arms for your special night.”

Jeff showed his gratitude as the front man turned to leave, and quietly closed the door behind him. They looked over the suite and couldn’t talk. The tub was big enough for four people with massaging jets, the glassed-in shower was big enough for both of them. When Valerie looked into the bedroom and saw the bed, she looked at Jeff.

“Will you be able to find me in all of that bed?”

“Oh, yes. My Ginger Snap.”

The newlyweds opted for the shower. When they were in, Valerie looked at Jeff lovingly.

“This reminds me of the Waterfall in our Enchanted Woods. The way you looked at me and held me. You have my heart pounding just like you did then. I remember every moment behind that waterfall.”

Valerie knelt in front of Jeff and fondled his growing cock and massaged his balls. Jeff held her face in his hands, she released his cock, and looked up at him. He bent over and kissed her. Valerie swallowed his cock and reached for his ass checks. She held them in her hand as she pushed his cock into her mouth.

Jeff was getting to the point where it was difficult not to cum. He only made it worse as he fondled her breasts and pulled on her nipples. The water dripping from them added to his arousal. Valerie knew Jeff was close to cumming, so she slowly bobbed her head up and down on his cock. She was almost demanding Jeff to cum in her mouth.

Jeff could no longer hold back. Valerie’s expert oral arousal had driven him to the very edge. Jeff’s cock jerked in Valerie’s mouth as he felt her swallow his cum. Jeff couldn’t help but put his hands on her head as he shot more of his cum into Valerie’s mouth.

As she swallowed each load, he wanted to shoot more. She had drained his balls. Valerie continued to suck Jeff until the strength had left his weakened cock.

When she finally released his cock, Jeff helped her to stand. He helped her out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She did the same for him. Jeff slowly toweled Valerie giving special attention to her breasts and hard nipples.

He reached behind her and massaged her back and ass checks with the towel. He gently separated her cheeks and dried her. When he put the towel between her legs, Valerie parted them. Jeff was gentle and slow as he dried her soft pussy. Valerie looked at him and softly moaned.

“She wants you,” she said with her seductive voice.

Jeff picked Valerie up and laid her every so softly onto the bed. He crawled in next to her and she turned to face him. He put his arm around her and pulled her to him. They were kissing passionately and massaging each other’s backs.

Valerie opened her mouth slightly and Jeff slid his tongue to meet hers. Valerie quietly moaned with the oral arousal from Jeff. When they parted lips, Jeff used his finger to trace her lips and looked into her eyes.

Jeff was kissing her neck and Valerie started to coo and move under his attentions. Jeff kissed and licked his way to her breasts. His journey to her most passionate area had begun. Jeff began sucking on Valerie’s warm full breasts. Valerie responded by mewing and panting. Her man was attending to every sexual urge she had.

Jeff continued his journey to her wet pussy as he slowly licked and nipped his way to her navel. He kissed and licked her flesh, as Valerie moaned and moved under him. Jeff then started on the final path to her waiting pussy.

As Jeff continued to lick and nip Valerie’s soft flesh, she did not forget her soft red triangle. He kissed and nipped Valerie’s public mound before he positioned himself between her legs. He lowered his head to meet her sweet pussy lips. He softly flicked them and that made Valerie squirm. When he finally sucked them into his mouth, Valerie let out a long low moan, “Jeff.”

Jeff methodically licked between Valerie’s demanding pussy as she cooed and squirmed from his expert tongue. Jeff was not in a hurry for Valerie to have the cum. He loved watching her and pleasing her. Then Jeff began to firmly fondle her breasts.

“Mmmm, mmmm, Jeff, oh,” Valerie moaned as she pushed her hips up to meet Jeff’s intruding tongue. Jeff was licking Valerie from inside of her pussy, down between her lips, the lick and sucking her swollen clit. With all of that and her breasts being milked, and nipples pulled, Valerie couldn’t hold back.

“OH, JEFF,” Valerie shouted, and from deep inside her pussy came a rush of cum that flooded Jeff’s face. Jeff continued tonguing Valerie and she kept pushing her hips up to meet him. That’s when Jeff grabbed her legs and pushed them up toward her head.

He had full access to her demanding pussy, and he used every bit of it. He licked Valerie until she panted out, No more, please, no more.” And pushed Jeff away with her legs. Valerie lay there panting and covered in moisture pellets from her climax.

Jeff went and got the warm washcloth for her and placed it between her legs. He bent down and kissed her wet red triangle then lay down next to her. He pulled her close to him, and as their flesh met, Valerie twitched a little. Just the touch of her man made her respond.

The newlywed fell asleep in each other’s arms as they had before. But this time, she was Mrs. Valerie Thurman.

Written by DepartedSoul
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