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I never meant to get into a new relationship after so long not least with a girl, and girl is the right word who could have been my daughter. In fact, she was my daughters’ best friend which is how we came to meet in the first place.

I should explain that I am just shy of 50, a widower, my wife Louise died of cancer ten years ago and along with the grief of losing not just my lover but my best friend and confidant meant that for the years since I had thrown all my energy into bringing up our two children.

I couldn’t contemplate starting to date again and although time healed my broken heart, my sex life was confined to porn on my laptop and the making love to my right hand.

The kids grew into well balanced young adult, our son after finishing A levels decided he did not want to go to university and wanted to see the world, he chose to join the Royal Navy. In that respect he was exactly like me, I had spurred a university education for a life of travel and taken a gamble that I would get that life by joining the British army.

It had been a gamble which had paid off and after twenty-five years I had been to many, many countries around the world and seen and experienced so much. The only black spot in an otherwise wonderful career was the loss of my Louise, whom having accompanied me to some exotic places and stayed at home worrying at other times had been taken so cruelly taken from us. The army was good to me and I was able to nurse my wife through her final year and then remain in the UK for my last three years of service.

Our daughter had inherited my wife’s stunning looks and brains which was coupled with my physique meaning that heads were always turning wherever she went. I knew from an early stage that she would give me trouble as she grew up and I was not wrong, for a year from the age of 16 she went a bit wild and there were a few occasions when she was brought home by the police I honestly didn’t know what to do.

But just as quickly as the wild stage had started, it ended and before I knew it, she was off to university, except she wasn’t exactly off to Uni. We were lucky to have one of the top universities in the country on our doorstep who offered her a place, enabling her to keep costs down and live at home.

This is how I met Jade she was at Uni with my daughter and whilst they had started as drinking buddies, they had quickly become best friends. When I had been introduced to her, she had seemed pleasant enough with a very nice and fit body, but thought nothing more about her as she was my daughters’ friend. After all she was 19 and that was that, as I said after ten years a relationships or real sex were far removed from my mind.

So how did it start?

It started with my daughter coming downstairs one Saturday afternoon.

“Dad, would you mind giving me and Jade a lift tonight, we have a friends party to go to.”

I sighed and pulled a face, “Ok, but I am not picking you up, ok, not unless you are planning on coming home before midnight.”

“Good God, no chance," was all she said before turning and leaving the room.

“A thank you would not go amiss and would be appreciated, oh and what time?”

“We want to leave at seven and thank you,” she shouted from the stairs, “Jade will be coming about five so we can get ready.”

I didn’t bother to reply, but returned to watching the football on TV.

I heard the doorbell go at five as she had said, but chose to ignored it as I knew it would be Jade and that Amy could answer it. After the third ring I stomped to the door shouting as sarcastically as I could that I would get it.

As expected it was Jade, she was dressed in jeans and a hoodie, in her hand she had a small wheeled case the sort you would use as hand luggage if you were boarding a flight.

“Hi Mr,” she paused, “I always feel awkward calling you by your surname do you mind if I call you Chris.”

“Of course, you’re not a kid,” I nodded at the case, “you planning on sleeping over when you eventually make it back here in the early hours of the morning.”

“Yeah, but if the party is anything like last time it might be more like mid-morning tomorrow when we get in.”

I rolled my eye, “if you are sick or anything you are responsible for cleaning it up.”

“No need to worry on that score I hardly drink, but I do like to dance and party occasionally."

With that she headed off upstairs to join Amy in her room.


A couple of hours later I heard the pair of them coming downstairs and stood up to go and get my shoes so that I could drive them to the party.

The girls walked into the room, “Dad, can you take a photo of us before we go, please?”

I held out my hand and I took her phone from her, “it’s all set up you just need to point it and press the button.”

“I do think I know how to take a photo you know, if you want a decent shot I can get the SLR camera out.”

“No just take the shot and then let's go.”

I held the phone up at eye level, “say cheese,” for the first time I really noticed what they were wearing. Amy had on a trouser jumpsuit, the leg part was black whilst the top was white with a deep plunging neckline. I wanted to say something about it not being appropriate, but knew that she would ignore my comment anyway and it would only sour the atmosphere.

Jade was wearing a boob tube dress which was covered in gold sequins and really caught the light. It was pretty short finishing halfway down her thighs showing off her incredibly long toned and tanned legs.

As with all girls of that age, they seem to have a natural ability to pose in front of the camera and both girls stood at a slight angle to the lens with their heads back and the natural S curve body pose.

I snapped a couple of photos and handed the camera back to Amy taking a quick and lasting look at Jade’s body headed off to find my shoes.

As I walked upstairs a thought flashed through my mind quickly about what I would like to do with that body. It was quickly pushed to one side by feelings of guilt and disgust, she was my daughters’ friend and I was just being a dirty old man.

The girls sat in the back as I drove them to the party and as with all teenagers the conversation was fast and for me pretty much unintelligible, I was not sure when they actually took a breath as there seemed to be no break in the stream of words. I caught the odd word but I other than that it was like they were speaking a foreign language.

Dropping them off outside the student flats I headed home got showered, watched a film on Netflix and then retired to bed.


It was late, well actually it was early, it was nearly morning when I heard a car pull up, followed by the slamming of the car doors and the sounds of two giggling girls entering the house. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep whilst at the same time listening to the two drunk girls trying to be quiet as they came up the stairs and went to bed.

I suddenly had an image of Jade’s long tan legs in my mind and found my hand instinctively made its way to my crotch where I slowly started to tug at my penis, I felt it grow in my hands as I took my daydream further and thought about the dress dropping from her body to reveal a nice firm pair of tits and a small black thong. Yes, I thought she would be wearing a thong, that dress had been quite tight and there is no way she would have ruined the silhouette by wearing any other form of underwear, that is of course if she chose to wear underwear.

I rolled over onto my back and kicked off the covers, I was wanking quite furiously now as I imagined what it would be like to peel off that thong and slip my cock into her warm and wet pussy. My thoughts and desires were pretty base as it had been a long time since I had seen a naked woman in the flesh my only sexual contact with the fairer sex was on porn sites.

The thought of her soft, smooth skin against mine saw me quickly get to the peak and I came all over my stomach, spurt after spurt of warm cum flew from my cock and landed on my stomach.

Oh, shit I thought and without moving off my back, I struggled to reach down under the bed to find the box of tissues which were always held there. This was something that my wife had always done and even after she had gone, I continued to place a box of tissues under the bed as you never knew when you would need to blow your nose, honest.

The thoughts of Louise and the fact that I had been lusting after our daughter's friends suddenly made me feel uncomfortable.

I wiped myself down, grabbed my phone put on some soft soothing music to play quietly on the wireless speaker in the room and tried to go back to sleep. Thoughts meandered in and out of my mind until I fell into a fitful sleep.


The next morning being a Sunday I should have enjoyed a lie in bed, but even though I knew I was being silly I felt unsettled and so was up early. Not wishing to make too much noise, I was guessing the girls would be hungover and would not take kindly to me banging and crashing around the house, I decided that a good thing to do would be to take myself off to the gym.

I slipped on a pair of running tights and a running vest which I covered with a red sweatshirt and hit the gym for a couple of hours. In my youth I had been a very good runner and even now I would train three or four times a week, mostly on a treadmill as the lower limbs could no longer take the impact from the roads. I find it helps release stress and is a great time to just think of anything, everything or nothing at all.

Getting back from the gym the girls were still not up so I wandered into the kitchen fixed myself up a drink of tea and turned to head into the living room.

I started in surprise as leaning on the door frame watching me was Jade.

“Sorry Chris, I didn’t mean to shock you like that, I was just waiting for you to finish before I came in the kitchen and got myself a drink, you don’t mind if I make myself a drink, do you?”

“Help yourself, you just surprised me a bit, I just didn’t hear you get up or come down the stairs, how is your head?”

I stepped to one side to allow her into the kitchen and watched as she moved to the kettle and made herself a drink. She was wearing a white satin dressing gown, which barely covered her arse and was tied in the middle, every time she stretched for an item it rose up to show a small pair of blue cotton shorts covering her bum and providing a bit of modesty. She was not wearing anything on her feet.

“Are your feet not cold on the tiled floor?”

“No, they are fine, I like the cold feeling and besides I won’t be long in here.”

With the vision of her arse now burned into my memory I turned and walked into the living room.

Jade made herself a drink and a slice of toast and came and asked if she could join me.

“Sure, take a seat,” I pointed at the other sofa off to one side of me and watched as she put her plate and cup on the coffee table and sat down and got comfortable. She sat raised one leg and tucked it underneath the thigh on her other leg.

Is she doing this on purpose I wondered as sat in that position I now had a perfect view of those blue shorts and because of the way she was sitting they were stretched tight and framed her pussy in the perfect camel toe.

I glanced down and quickly looked away, feeling the blood rush to my face, it was a good job I was still slightly red-faced from the workout otherwise she would have noticed my embarrassment, but that was the least of my troubles. I was wearing Lycra running tights and could now feel my cock beginning to stir.

“Do you run, Chris?” She asked as she started to eat her toast.

“I jog these days, when I was younger, I competed at quite a good level, but now it is just to keep the weight down.”

“Well your legs look pretty good in those tights, where do you train?”

“The local gym, it's just up the road. Nothing fancy, you know the normal stuff a few bikes, cross trainers, rowing machines but more importantly for me plenty of treadmills and a decent weights room. I get very frustrated when I go to a gym and can’t run.”

“Is that what you do mostly then?”

“I vary my session from day to day, long steady run, sprints, hills, etc. but I run every time I go to the gym and then I will do some light weights. What’s with all the questions?”

“Oh, I am just interested, I fancy getting fit, lose a few pounds and was just wondering.”

I pondered how to answer that last sentence, was she fishing for compliments or did she really think she needed to lose weight? If I said the wrong thing I was going to come over as creepy. I took a deep breath,

“How can you think you need to lose weight, you look fine to me.”

“Why thank you, kind Sir,” she said, putting on a mock American accent, “you know what we women are like, we are never happy with our bodies, I just think that I could do with getting fitter.”

“You should come with me to the gym,” I blurted out, instantly regretting it.

Jade smiled, “I am going back up to check on Amy,” and with that she jumped up and skipped out the door and up the stairs.

Shit, shit, shit was all I could think as I got up and went off to get showered.

I did not see either Jade or Amy for the rest of the day. In the evening they ordered Pizza to be delivered and I heard one of them run down and answer the door when it was delivered.


They were still in Amy’s room when I went to bed that night and I had no idea when I got up the next morning if Jade was still in the house. To be on the safe side whilst I was getting ready for work I locked the door to the bathroom. I found out that Jade had stayed a second night as I was putting my coat on and heading out the door to go to work.

“Er, Chris could I have a word.”

“Sure,” was all I could muster as I turned to face her.

“You going to the gym tonight?”

“I am planning to, provided I don’t feel too knackered after work, any reason for asking?”

“Would you mind if I tagged along, I won’t get in your way, but if I say I am going with you it will be the kick up the arse I need to ensure that I actually go,” she looked a bit coy as she was asking.

My heart skipped a beat as I smiled, “why not, I will sign you in as my guest, but if you like it and want to go regularly you will have to sign up to a gym membership. I normally go straight to the gym from work so do you want to meet me up there at about six tonight or do you want me to pick you up from someplace, I mean give to a lift to the gym not pick you up like a girl in a bar, no not a girl in a bar.”

My voice trailed off, for god sake, stop talking, your acting like some weird lovestruck teenager I thought.

Jade laughed, “I know what you mean, I will meet you at the gym tonight at six, consider it a date,” and with that she winked at me, I could still hear her laughing as she ran up the stairs.

. .....

Monday is never a good day, but it absolutely dragged as all I wanted to do was get to the gym.

I tried to convince myself that I was actually looking forward to having a companion at the gym, but who was I fooling, the real reason I was desperate for this day to end was because I wanted to see her body in gym gear.

Arriving at the gym, Jade could not be seen so I swiped in and went and got changed, I felt a little deflated at her no show, but as I kept telling myself I was there for my benefit, not hers.

As I left the changing room, I glanced over to the reception area and saw her standing at the front desk. She had on a pink sweatshirt, black full-length Lycra tights finished off with pink Nike trainers.

She waved and my heart started beating faster before I had even begun my work out. I went over and signed her in, explaining to Pam on reception that Jade was a friend of my daughters who was thinking of joining. For some reason I felt I had to justify why I was there with a beautiful young woman.

As we walked down the corridor towards the main workout area I pointed at a door, “that’s the female changing room, you will find lockers in there to stow your stuff, have you got a pound coin? I will wait for you out here.”

“Thanks Chris, I won’t be a minute, just take my top off and throw my bag in a locker then.”

She turned and pushed through the door, my eye watching her incredibly pert arse until the door swung close stopping my viewing delights.

What came back through those doors nearly had me keel over with a heart attack. Jade had taken her top off and underneath all she had on was a tiny grey sports training bra. Her breast were pushed up and looked incredible above a set of very tight abs. She had pulled her hair back into a ponytail which ran down her back with the end strands touching the top of the black Lycra tights.

“What do you want to do first?” I asked.

“How about I just follow you around and do what you do only slower or lighter depending on what it is.”

I nodded, “good idea, follow me.”

With that I walked into the gym knowing that today I was going to have a great session.


We worked out for about 2 hours, starting with a short warm-up and then doing light weights before finishing up with a half hour steady state run.

Jade lifted nearly the same weights as me and was very comfortable on the treadmill. For my part I will admit to staring perhaps once too often at her in the mirrors always using the excuse that I was just checking that she was ok.

“Can I ask you something?” I said very carefully as we got into the car, “this was not your first time in a gym was it? In fact, I would go so far as to say you work out a lot.”

“Wellllll,” she looked at me, “ok, yes, I do work out regularly, I am not going to deny it, what gave me away?

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it was the fact that you were lifting the same weights as me, or possibly the fact that you were running nearly as fast as me and were not even out of breath. Or maybe it was the fact that you knew exactly how to do all the exercises without having to be shown.”

We got into the car and I looked at her, “So why the lie?”

“I would have thought that was obvious,” she said, “I have been dropping hints for the last three days, I like you, really like you.”

“Oh,” was all I could utter, “You stopping at ours tonight?”

“No could you give me a lift to the student flats please.”

We drove the couple of miles to her flat in an awkward silence, she looked out of the side window and didn’t look at me once. My mind was racing, what the hell was going on, what should I do.

Pulling up outside the flat, Jade went to jump out of the car, “Jade wait.”

Her hand paused on the door handle, “I am sorry Chris I clearly got it wrong, I thought you fancied me I was obviously wrong.”

“Jade, look at me please. I do fancy you I just didn’t think you fancied me, I am old enough to be your father for Christ sake, why would you fancy me, I’m not some strapping 20 something. I am not some party animal going out every night drinking, I like going to bed early, watching sport on TV whilst drinking a cup of tea in my slippers and pyjamas.”

Jade laughed, “you have got to be kidding me, have you seen the dorks that go for guys my age, you’re in very good shape and not just for a guy ‘your age’,” at that point she did the imaginary speech marks in the air, “you’re in good shape for a guy of any age, as for your likes I am a fitness freak so I don’t party every night either I much prefer a nice meal and to watch the odd film on TV so it sounds like we have a lot in common.”

I looked at her, “If that is the case then can I take you out for a dinner on Saturday, I know it is five days away, but it will give me time to clear my head, everyone is always going on at me to move on and I know it has been ten years but the fact is that it has been ten years and that is part of the problem.”

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“They say it is like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it.”

I frowned at her, “are you talking about dating?”

“Yes, what else would I be talking about?” She winked, “but they do say it is the same for the other thing as well.”

“Whoa let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.”

“Ok, Ok, just one final question, do you really have pyjamas?”

“Yes of course, why?”

“Well if we do get ahead of ourselves the pyjamas will have to go.”

With that she jumped out of the car, turned, blew a kiss whilst winking at me and headed off to her flat.


To say I was all over the place for the rest of the week was an understatement.

The first crisis was choosing a restaurant, did she like Indian food, Chinese, Italian or come to think about it was she a vegetarian or vegan. I eventually settled for Italian, everybody likes Italian food right plus there were plenty of alternatives on the menu should she turn out to be a vegetarian. It was the safe option the only danger was garlic, but it was only a meal, it was not like anything else was going to happen.

Then a realised that I didn’t have Jade’s phone number and I did not want to ask Amy for it, I wanted to avoid any awkward questions. I already knew that come Saturday when I told her I was going out I would face hundred and one questions and I honestly didn’t know how I was going to answer them.

The phone problem was solved when I realised that I could trace Jade by going through my daughters’ friends on Facebook. I couldn’t search for her directly because I didn’t know her surname, it made me realised just how little I knew about her.

I eventually found her profile and late on Wednesday night I sent her a message asking if I could have her phone number, she immediately messaged me back giving me her number.

I thought about phoning her, but instead texted her asking if she was fine with Italian and would she be ok if I picked her up at half seven as the table was booked for eight.

Jade said she was fine with that and that she was currently trying to decide what to wear.

I assured her she would look good in anything and she immediately texted back. What anything?

Yes anything, even a black bin bag

I think I can do better than a bag, goodnight Chris, looking forward to the weekend xx

I woke in the middle of the night with a burning question that I needed to ask Jade. Grabbing my phone, I messaged her asking if we were going to tell Amy that we were going out or should we just keep it to ourselves? I threw my phone back on the bedside table and turned over.

A blue haze cast shadows around the room as my phone lit up signalling that a message had arrived. I resisted the urge for almost 5 secs before grabbing my phone to see what the response was, I had no doubts who the message was from.

We should wait, if you tell her that we are going out for a meal she will only quiz us both and knowing her invite herself along. You just need to come up with a good reason as to why you are going out, I have already told her I am going with some girls from the netball squad.

I was relieved that she thought the same about not telling Amy as me, but now I had more questions, I texted back. You play netball?

The speed of her response reminded me that she was still a teenager, only the young could text back the equivalent of a novel in the blink of an eye. I took ten minutes to compose a simple ten-word sentence and then it would have at least three spelling mistakes in it.

Not really, but I like all sports and fitness so am involved in a lot of the University teams, she will not question it.

I had not even had time to fully read that short message when the phone buzzed in my hand with another message.

I opened it, it was a photo of Jade taken in a mirror, in the background I could just make out the corner of a bed and some shelves on the wall, but my interest was totally focused on her body.

The dress she had on came right up to the top of her neck and hung down loosely over her body, it was totally open at the side and I could see the soft creamy whiteness of a side breast. My gaze continued to sweep down her body, the black shiny material finished just below her crotch, I was positive I could see a hint of her pussy lips, but no amount of turning the phone left or right could get me a better view.

The caption at the bottom of the photo just said. Do you still think I look good in a bin bag?

Better than I could ever have imagined.

There is plenty more where that came from, I was thinking shopping bag next then possibly green garden sack what do you think?

The bag woman range, I like the idea, now let me sleep, I am going to be dreaming of bags for the rest of the night.

Jade had to have the last text, Sweet dreams gorgeous.


Saturday could not come quickly enough for me, we would text every evening, it was like I needed to check in, otherwise it might turn out to have been a dream or more worryingly that she had changed her mind. She would reply by sending back flirty messages with snippets of photos hinting at her body, oh she knew how to tease and by the end of the week I was under no illusion that at the end of the night I was going to end up in her bed.


Saturday evening, I was in luck, Amy had gone out shopping with a few other girls from Uni so I was able to get ready in peace without prying eyes.

I had read that ladies really like a guy’s cock and balls to be shaved or at the very least trimmed. It made sense, I had always preferred Louise to be shaven so it stood to reason that women also preferred something similar. I went for the trimmed look, I would ask Jade later as to her preference if we got that far I decided.

I was in two minds about what to wear, but eventually went for black jeans, white shirt and a grey jacket, going for the casual look rather than anything too formal.

I text Jade and told her I was just setting off and she messaged back to say she would be ready and waiting when I got to her flat.

Pulling up outside the block of flats I decided that I would wait five minutes before texting her it turned out I did not need to text or wait five minutes as within the minute I saw her exiting the front door.

It was a golden vision, quite literally, that walked toward the car. She was dressed in a gold and silver cowl neck dress, the plunging neckline accentuated her gorgeously firm and rounded breast, the dress finished mid-thigh and had slits on either side of the dress which went all the way up to the top of her legs.

Shit is she wearing any underwear was the first thought to flash through my mind, followed by a second thought, make sure your mouth is shut and you’re not drooling.

Jade stopped in front of the car and did a slow twirl, the dress was backless stopping right at the top of her arse. At that point I did lose control of my facial features as my eyes opened wide in astonishment.

She very gracefully climbed into the car and leaned over to give me a peck on the cheek, her dress fell forward and I got a beautiful glimpse of her breast, the small dark areola and a brief sight of a nipple.

I looked at her, “I honestly am speechless, you look fantastic.”

“Good, I didn’t know whether to go for subtle sexy or full on sex goddess. I decided that as you misread all the earlier signals I would go for a full-on slap in the face.”

“Well it’s worked, I have the got message.”

We drove to the restaurant and I have to say I got a massive ego boost from having Jade on my arm as we entered, I could feel all eyes were on us.

“Punching above my weight."

“Sorry what?”

“They are all looking at us and thinking I am punching above my weight, either that or I am out with my daughter.”

“Well, let’s ensure they know I am not your daughter then,” with that Jade threw her arms around me and gave me a passionate kiss, for the benefit of those behind us her hand travelled down my back and squeezed my bottom.

The meal was lovely and the conversation flowed as I discovered her love of all things sporty, her desire to travel and a bit about her family.

She quizzed me back, a lot she already knew from Amy but she was interested in my early life and I tried to forget that for a lot of the period of my life I talked about she was not even born.

She took my hand as we left, “don't think we have left anybody in any doubt we are here as a couple, fancy going to a bar or club for a drink?”

“Lead on, I am older and wiser, but also a complete novice in the dating game these days, although it is way past my bedtime.”

“Well you have not turned into a pumpkin yet and trust me,” she leaned into me at that point and whispered in my ear, “I have plans for you tonight and they don’t involve sleep.”

I grinned, “you’re not backwards at coming forward are you?”

“Hey, this 21st century and I am part of Generation Z.”

“Doesn’t mean you are lazy, glued to your phone, work-shy, ouch! That hurt.”

Jade had punched me in the arm, “no it makes us focused and determined with clear vision and goals. I have my goals and at this moment one of my goals is you.”

“Ok, ok, I get the message loud and clear and trust me, I am certainly not complaining. Where are we going anyway?”

We had been walking and talking the whole time with Jade clearly leading the way.

“Just a bar/club I know it’s pretty decent, nice decor and friendly with a small dance floor.”

“Hang on you are not expecting me to dance are you I’ve not had a drink and besides you have made it clear you want to fuck me, but if you see me dad dance then you will be off like a shot.”

“Don’t be silly, you can’t be that bad and besides you have me with you and I’m a hot piece of ass.”

“Careful with that ego you might not be able to fit through the door.”

“Are you saying I am not hot? Do you want another bruise on your arm?”

I nodded, pulled her to me and embraced her, tilting her head up we kissed, “does that answer your question?”

“Glad you see things my way, here we are let’s go in.”

From the outside, the bar looked like an old fire station, which I Jade told me was exactly what it had been until the fire brigade had decided to save money and move outside of the city and make some money by selling the land to developers.

Nodding to the door security we entered the bar, it was exactly as I imagined from the outside, large open plan and with lots of red metal pillars providing the structural integrity but also giving the space a warehouse feel. There was a long brick-built bar down one wall with a shiny wooden counter within which was laid a black shiny granite top.

The rest of the space had a light oak floor and was littered with small round tables, each one accompanied by two high bar stools. The place was not busy, but there was still a good mixture of people around the place with the bulk of them hovering around the bar.

“Come on this way,” Jade led me to some stairs and we climbed up to a mezzanine floor which was deserted. We approached the bar where a bored barman served us our drinks before we moved across to a small booth and sat on the leather seats.

“So, do you come here often? I didn’t even realise this was a bar.”

“Well you wouldn’t have, you said yourself you haven’t been out much in the last ten years.”

“Long before that when you think about it, I don’t think I have ever been on a night out in the city.”

“Then think how many fun nights we can have as I show you the nightlife.”

“Hang on, I thought you said you enjoyed nights in with a cup of hot chocolate and a movie.”

“I do, I was thinking how much I enjoyed tonight and perhaps we could do it regularly, meal a drink and....” she winked at me.

“Think you have something in your eye, there.”

“Haha, you're full of one-liners, come on drink up and let’s dance.”

She pulled me up and led me back downstairs and onto the dance floor. The dancing was pretty much one-sided I shuffled about whilst she gyrated and ground her body into mine. I was getting more and more turned on all the time.

One thing that I discovered that had not changed over the years was as the sudden slowing down of the music at the end of the night, I pulled her close to me and ran my hands down her back feeling the soft skin underneath my fingers as I traced the curvature of her spine to the top of her bum.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder, we slowly turned around and around oblivious to the other couples on the dance floor, but by some miracle avoiding them.

I could feel things stirring in my loins as we moved together, her legs on either side of mine, so her thigh rubbed against my crotch.

“I want to throw you over my shoulder and take you home to have my wicked way with you,” I whispered in her ear.

“Oh good, there is no need to throw me over your shoulder, let's go.”

We practically ran out of the bar and back to the car.


Jade entered the code to her block of flats and we entered the foyer, there were a few other students coming in and I could feel their stares as we waited for the lift to take us up to the fifth floor.

The grey doors opened and we entered the lift, as the doors closed, I pulled her into me.

“I have been meaning to ask all night, have you got any underwear on?”

She didn’t answer, but instead stepped back from me put her hands underneath the dress and pulled down a tiny silver coloured thong, “not now.”

Raising them up, she pushed them under my nose, “take a deep sniff, smell how excited I have been all night at the thought of getting you back here.”

I breathed in deeply, smelling a warm musky smell with hints of perfume.

“You like the way I smell, here taste me,” and with that, she guided two fingers into my mouth, whilst I had been smelling her panties she had obviously been fingering her pussy and now they were coated in her juice.

The lift pinged to announce its arrival at her floor and we broke away giggling as the doors opened. It was late and I didn’t expect anybody else to be about, but you never knew.

She continued to lead me by the hand down the corridor to her flat and unlocking the door. We stepped inside.

Up until now, I had very much felt out of control, Jade was taking the lead, I felt now was a good time to assert a little authority and take back a little control.

“Do you want a drink?” She asked as she took a step towards the little kitchenette.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me, “no thank you there is only one thing I want more of right now and that is you.

She went to reply but I cut her off by placing my mouth on hers, we kissed whilst twisting and turning and slowly inched our way to the bed.

My hand slipped underneath her dress and I could feel the warmth of her pussy as my hand crept around toward that hidden treasure. It brushed across the exposed lips of her pussy and she moaned softly into my mouth.

I pushed her down onto the bed and raised her legs, for the first time I could see her smooth-shaven pussy, glistening in the soft-focus light.

I licked slowly down her leg, feeling her shiver from my warm breath on her skin, as I drew closer to her pussy the intoxicating aroma grew stronger, my desire and lust were overflowing as I buried my tongue in her slit and then started to lick around the outside of her pussy.

Jade moaned and pushed her hips up to increase the pressure, I moved upwards and found the nub of her clit, I licked and teased it, feeling her shudder and loving the little moaning sounds she was making. I continued to gently lick and kiss the nub of her clit, a trickle of juice ran from her pussy and I eagerly lapped it up. The pace was slow and gentle, her moans were getting louder and her breathing shallower as I felt her getting close.

“Oh, oh, don’t stop,” she moaned.

I had no intention of stopping and was rewarded when she started to shake and tremble, the trickle of juice from her pussy became a flood. I drank in as much as I good but she grabbed my head and pull me up her, she kissed around my mouth tasting herself on my lips.

“That was fantastic, I want you inside of me, I want to feel your cock thrusting into me hard and fast.”

I practically ripped off my shirt, trousers and underwear in my haste and returned to kissing Jade, her hand snaked down my body and she started to fondle and rub my cock. I didn’t think it could get any harder, but her touch made me grow harder still.

“Fuck me,” she groaned.

I ran my cock up and down her pussy, teasing her. She wrapped her legs around me and I felt the buckles on her high heels scrape my thighs as she tried to get me to enter her.

I pushed forward and she gasped, she was so wet that my cock slipped easily inside her.

Her pussy was warm and tight, I started slowly to push in and out building up a steady rhythm, Jade raised her head and shoulders off the bed looking deep into my eyes, her mouth was formed into a circle.

I put my arm behind her head in support and leaned down and kissed her. Her teeth gently bit my lip in passion, she moaned into my mouth.

I lowered her head, my hand fumbled behind her neck to find and pull the small bow holding her dress up. Pulling it undone the front of the dress was released I yanked the front down so that I could nibble and kiss her breast as I continued to slowly fuck her.

Jade rolled me over onto my back and ground her pussy down hard on my cock. Her dress bunched around her waist so she pulled it up over her head and threw it off to one side.

Sitting astride my cock I could now take in her whole body and her natural beauty, her long brown hair cascaded down over her shoulders and back with strands falling over her front and down to her breasts. The breasts were gorgeous, firm and round, her arousal was made plain by the nipples which protruded sharply from the centre of each breast I continuing my gaze downwards I sucked in the sight of her wonderful soft tanned skin, her tight abs almost rippling as she rocked and ground down on me.

I could feel the wetness of her pussy but she was starting to move faster and suddenly with an almighty moan she orgasmed and I felt her juices running down my inner thighs and pooling in the gap between my arse and the mattress.

“Twice, come on Chris make it a third, fuck me, cum for me, cum with me, I want to hear and feel you cumming.”

I was incredibly close and knowing that she wanted me so badly was all I needed and as she continued to rock down on my cock, I pushed upwards pushing my aching and straining cock deeper into her.

“I’m going to cum,” I gasped as with every stroke I felt the tightening in my balls the feeling grew and then I felt the tingling and I unleashed spurts of cum deep within her tight pussy.

My announcement seemed to have an immediate effect on Jade and she came noisily for a third time that evening.

She rolled off me and we embraced on the bed, I kissed her forehead as she snuggled into me.

“Wow, that was incredible, you have made an old man very happy.”

Jade slapped my chest, “For the last time you are not old, but if you are being silly, I can honestly say you have made a young girl very horny and happy.”

Rising up on my elbows I looked into her eyes, “Can we say young woman, it sounds better and thank you.”

“For what we both had an incredible time and I am looking forward to you fucking me senseless again.”

“Well, I might not be old to you, but I am also no spring chicken I will need a bit of time to recover is that drink still on offer?”

She jumped off the bed and I watched her gorgeously trim and tight butt wriggle as she walked over to the kitchenette.

Pulling my phone out of my jean pocket on the floor I groaned.

Jade turned, “what’s wrong?”

“I have two missed calls and three messages from Amy. The messages are all asking where I am.”

I put my phone on the side as Jade sat on my lap and handed me my drink.

“What you going to say to her?”

“No idea, I will think of something in the morning when I get in, right now I think I am almost ready for round two. “

Written by cethpada
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