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writers block

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I've been going through a uncreative patch where I don't feel like writing at all...I believe the term is writers block.Has anyone gone though this recently or at all and have ideas on how to combat it and get back to writing again...
I too have been going through a block recently, but I feel it is because of all the stress in my personal life right now. I think sometimes one just needs to take a breather and when they are ready to start fresh again.
I went through a bad case of it when I was halfway through writing a novel - it all just came to a stand still. I turned to writing erotica to take my mind off it. That was a year ago and I still haven't gone back to finishing the novel. I can't decide if I wasn't meant to do it in the first place, or if I've just taken procrastination to new extremes.

A change in genre might help. It can give you a fresh outlook on writing.

I hope it passes for you soon. I know how frustrating it can be.
How to get through writers block (specific to erotic writing)

1. Get laid! Rekindles the imagination

2. Pretend your going to let somebody get lucky, work them all up then leave them cold. Good for the Voyeur
or Exhibitionism categories.

3. See number 2 but watch out for Macho Man or BDSM Girl because your next story will be suitable for
the Relucatance category as a tale of your recent real life adventures.

4. Take a hot bath with bubbles and drink a bottle of wine while reading my stories. Good for the sparking
up the imagination for the Masterbation category.

5. Get a big box of made out of wood. Mark Writers Block on it and place it on your desk. Suitable if you think
you need a more substantial or physical execuse.

6. Message me some time, be happy to brain storm some ideas with you.

Feel free to add more people!

Excellent post Ghost
Quote by ghostwriter
How to get through writers block (specific to erotic writing)

1. Get laid! Rekindles the imagination


I haven't had sex in a while because I'm stressed from work so I suppose that has affected my erotica writing ...thanks for the great advice..actually thanks everyone and lush for the link to the other thread on writers block...

I'm going to just take a break for a while until I'm ready to write again methinks *grins*

I'd rather write something I care about than just churn out any old rubbish...

and as for the wine and bath ..its a bit risky with a case I get excited he he
Quote by sweet_escape

A change in genre might help. It can give you a fresh outlook on writing.


I've never written any other genre other than erotica and some err romance stuff...I do have a thing for science fiction though so maybe I'll try write something in that genre for may get my creative juices flowing...

thanks *grin*
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Loislane

I do have a thing for science fiction though so maybe I'll try write something in that genre for may get my creative juices flowing...

I did that, combined sci fi with erotica - worked a treat. You can let your imagination go wild because there's no rules.

I'd like to do one about a mermaid being caught by an octopus's tentacles, three other mermaids try and rescue her and ... you can guess where this is heading - but you can't do animals on here. Just as well - I've given the storyline away now.
I just came off a long layoff from writing here. Let it go, read the other stories here, and if you feel you need to write, write about whatever is on your mind, regardless if you post it anywhere or not. Unless you are on a deadline, there is never a reason to worry about writer's block.
unfortunately writing is the thing that keeps me sane...I have a technical job which sort of squashes the creativity out of me but it pays the bills *shrugs shoulders*...I use my writing and my imagination to keep that part of my soul alive...I will take a break until I find my writing 'mojo' again

thanks all for the support and advice ...
Found this weird looking gold covered box out in a snowbank this morning. It's warmth melted the snow around it so I looked closer to see what was causing it to heat up in a cold snow bank. Engraved on the lid was " Loislane's mojo".

And I don't live near the fortress of solitude. Go figure!
Active Ink Slinger
If I could spell, I'd write. With all the posts and replies, there is a never ending supply of material to write about. I would use all these people ideas in the posts and make a single on single or a group or a 3 some. FF or ANYTHING sotry. Sci-Fi idea is wide open.

Feed off others or an other.

Just a thought.

Quote by ghostwriter

And I don't live near the fortress of solitude. Go figure!

a superman joke I suppose I deserve that with my screen name lol...I always thought the fortress of solitude was awesome...maybe it was all those cylindrical tubes *waggles eyebrows*
Active Ink Slinger
This was a nice little thread. This, along with the other thread that Lush so nicely linked me to (you're awesome Lush, we should chat again some time) have helped a great deal. I'm finally taking a stab at writing a full length novel and it's much more difficult than writing a short story. In the process of writing the novel I've been stuck. I know exactly where I want it to go but the flow just isn't there. That and I'm still not convinced that I'm ready for "prime time". I see all the common errors and it makes me flounder around in my own insecurity. I read stories and read "starts" about six-hundred thousand times. "Then she started to get..", "I started.." UGH.
Also, the passive writing that is a sure sign of amateur writers.
In short, I feel ok writing when I know that there is no risk but as soon as I think about sending something off to a publisher then I freeze up. I'm positive that my skills are weak at best. I've got ideas by the millions. Ideas aren't the problem. It's all the things that make great writers great that I know I lack. SOOO...I wallow in my own insecurity and let my story die.
Yes this is a very good idea for a thread I am new to writng I mainly have been writing poems and I haven't really been inspried to write in a while myself. I suppose it could be the winter kind of depressing for me as I am a summer person I need to be outside. I think every writer expiriences this at on point or another. Hope your writers block ends soon LouisLane.
Active Ink Slinger
Writing cannot be forced you must have a motive ,and it must be enjoyable .If you don't feel like it don't do it , a bit like sex really.