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DO you like him to....

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Rookie Scribe
Ladies, would you enjoy having your man cum on your boobs and then having him lick it all off?
Active Ink Slinger
Hell yeah... Incredibly sexy.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Active Ink Slinger
doesn't really do much for me to be honest. But hey, if it turns him on then why not.. To each their own..
i like it once in awhile
Active Ink Slinger
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I would rather he deposit his cum inside me then, go down on me. I don't know, the other way just seems so....weird, not sexy!
Active Ink Slinger

Quote by buttercup2u
I would rather he deposit his cum inside me then, go down on me. I don't know, the other way just seems so....weird, not sexy!

Agreed. Having him cum on my boobs is like being his target in a shooting gallery. I'd rather have him cum inside me, then eat me out, then we can do a little tongue dancing as we trade the cum back and forth in a kiss....

But - watching him gobble his own cum off my chest would be an interesting thing to see. It just wouldn't feel too sexy.

Rookie Scribe
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I think cum belongs in the pussy or the mouth 😉

Active Ink Slinger
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No thanks. After he cums on me, the cum is mine to do what I want with it. Maybe I play with it and rub it in. Maybe I scoop it up and eat it.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Bart5
Ladies, would you enjoy having your man cum on your boobs and then having him lick it all off?


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Yes on the cum on my breasts no on licking it off. I want to rub it in and enjoy it. If you leave it on my body, it’s mine.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by thesexynun

Yes on the cum on my breasts no on licking it off. I want to rub it in and enjoy it. If you leave it on my body, it’s mine.

For a celibate nun you continually intrigue me.

Sensual Hobgoblin

Having it shot anywhere on my body is not a particular turn on. If he wanted to do that and lick it off I'd be okay just to please him. The best is, as others have said, in my pussy and then go down and lick me clean. Sharing afterward is always fun!

I just published a new story, A wife is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting A super story full of great sex, with a BDSM slant, that will hold your interest.

An oldie but goodie, An Editor's Pick from a comp a couple of years ago.

If you enjoy either, please comment. My ego needs a boost, ha! Thanks.