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Is a passionate sex life important to you and why?

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Active Ink Slinger
When I have sex, I like it to be full of romance and passion. There should be candlelight, soft music, wine, soft pillows on a plush throw, in front of a warm cozy fire. I am an incurable romantic who like to smother his woman with romance and passion. I like to make her feel that she is the only person that matters in my life.
There is no more intimate act than to share all that you are with another. To give unconditionally. Without such a loving relationship the world becomes a bleak and depressing place. Also it feels FUCKING GREAT!! My wife is the most important thing in my life and has been for more than thirty years. Keeping your sex life fresh and intense keeps our relationship growing. Roland
Active Ink Slinger
yes be married for 17 years with zero passion and sex and tell me that would not be your FIRST choice...well after a guy who made me laugh all day
Absolutely! Ive just come out of a very brief 3 weeks 'relationship' but it was the most passionate, romantic, sensual ive had. Made me realise what i've missed out on and what i need in future
Yes, it is important to me. Sex builds a stronger bond. Sex is passionate, emotional, and mental. There is much more to it than the physical act. You bond with your partner, you become one with them. I love having passionate sex with my man! It is so fucking hot. I would like to add the romantic music and candles every once in a while, though. smile
Quote by Pinkluva
Yes, it is important to me. Sex builds a stronger bond. Sex is passionate, emotional, and mental. There is much more to it than the physical act. You bond with your partner, you become one with them. I love having passionate sex with my man! It is so fucking hot. I would like to add the romantic music and candles every once in a while, though. smile

I agree sweetheart. Just fucking gets boring. I like the play, the heat, the teasing, the anticipation. I lvoe putting everything into lovemaking and the way that you do as well.

Active Ink Slinger
Yes it is much more than a hit-it quit-it.
Sex should be fun and it should be about pleasing your partner first. My husband was sick for 6 years and even when he wasn't in the mood because of his health, he would still get me off. But also for the same reason, our sex life was rather boring. He was never one that wanted to experiment much. When I do have another lover, i want someone that will be willing to have fun with sex and experiment but that experimentation would only be restricted to fantasy and the 2 of us. I'm not a swinger.
Active Ink Slinger
What??? Of course it is important. This is what I am STILL searching for!!! I have found it a few times but then there were other things missing.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Once you've had a wonderful passionate sex life, you realize what was missing in other relationships .... that AND laughter!

As I have aged (matured) I give NO apology for my intense crazy passion. That's me. That's how I NEED life and sex! It takes a strong special man to hold my passion. Someone with less courage bores me and my passion wilts like a flower without water.

Yup .... a passionate sex life is VERY important to me.
Quote by PersonalAssistant
Once you've had a wonderful passionate sex life, you realize what was missing in other relationships .... that AND laughter!

As I have aged (matured) I give NO apology for my intense crazy passion. That's me. That's how I NEED life and sex! It takes a strong special man to hold my passion. Someone with less courage bores me and my passion wilts like a flower without water.

Yup .... a passionate sex life is VERY important to me.

I would completely agree with you. ^.^
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PersonalAssistant
Once you've had a wonderful passionate sex life, you realize what was missing in other relationships .... that AND laughter!

As I have aged (matured) I give NO apology for my intense crazy passion. That's me. That's how I NEED life and sex! It takes a strong special man to hold my passion. Someone with less courage bores me and my passion wilts like a flower without water.

Yup .... a passionate sex life is VERY important to me.

Absolutely BANG on! Took the words right out of mouth.

I too make NO apologies and actually think that most men should be so lucky to have a woman as passionate as I am. I'm a strong woman who requires an equally strong man. And that goes for everything in my life; having passion for life and the things I believe just as much as it does for sex and love. Life is definitely never boring with me.

At my age, I know what I want and especially what I don't want and I'm not afraid to ask for it, demand it, work for it. Once you've tasted it, there is no going back.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes it is important to me, I'm a passionate person and I need passionate sex, knowing my partner loves to pleasure me and like i do them.
Active Ink Slinger
sex is an integral part of any long term relationship, and I love my husband to the moon and back. I show my passion and love for him through the act of love making. If we lost that passion we would lose a level of closeness that I love in our relationship.
Active Ink Slinger
Passion is a must for me. I think of it moreso as making love, rather than fucking(although sometimes you just need a fuck) without passion, the sex is just sex and there's probably no relationship.
Active Ink Slinger
Whether it be sex or anything else, if there is no passion involved it's an exercise in both futility and boredom. I'm a very passionate person by nature, so when it comes to sex if my partner(s) can't keep up, I'll find those who can.
Advanced Wordsmith
the original question is pretty silly....I cannot imagine anyone being on Lush who did not place a high value on a passionate sex life. can you?
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes its very high value. I don't think I can have a long lasting relationship with out it is that shallow of me?
Absolutely it is.
To not have it is a quite miserable.

I think if you are truly crazy about someone then a passionate sex life will be there.
Active Ink Slinger
I definitely have companionship with my partner but the passion for each other was never there. We just work well in all other aspects of life. I miss the passion... Passion is a must and I shouldn't have settled for less.


Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Active Ink Slinger
Well it is incredibly IMPORTANT. I love to be touched and kissed and have my hand held and to be reassured that I am wanted. Sex and passion just shows that the other person needs and wants you. When you totally connect and let go then you don't care about anything and you have total trust in that person (boy or girl). I mean to suck a guys cock is pretty intimate and special. To lick your best friend's pussy and finger her until she explodes.....that's pretty damn close and intimate. I want a guy/girl who reciprocates and pays me as much attention as I pay to him (or her hehe). I love guys who flirt and tease and let me know in special little ways that he wants me and likes my body and my personality. For girls I like a girl who is totally MY BEST FRIEND...full stop!!

With a guy it can be just the way he looks at me when we are out...or a little touch....or maybe a special joke between the two of us that no one else understands......I want to feel totally free with my partner so that I can let him kiss any part of my body....even parts that might make be blush to say out loud.....and I trust him to let him do anything....tie me up.....take me skydiving.....take me for a balloon ride....go river rafting.....I want to trust him and feel one together. The best moment is if you can measure your passion so you both come at the same time. Now that's incredible. If you came home after a day and your boyfriend didn't want to touch you and make you scream with joy....well what fun would that be? Fuck.....that would be so boring. Bring on the sex and intimacy I say.
passionate sex is important to a relationship if you have the right person in you life that can give that passion otherwise your stuck in the same routine in your sex life. Really not worth being in a relationship if you can't have passion or be passionate with your partner
Rookie Scribe
so important yet seems to be hard to find. Can't force chemistry