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Two individuals can be compatible,regardless of the age??Answer in yes or no!!Explain if u have something to say.

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Yes they sure can.

My ex is ten years my senior. We used to get on so well, we had similar childhoods and issues except he was from a wealthy family.

He was a totally "weird" person and I am "excentric" so we meshed well. We understood each other and knew how to make the other laugh by a look or a private joke.

The only thing that set us apart was he suffers schizophrenia and would go into violent psychosis. I was his target when he was in deep psychosis. In the end I had to leave for my own safety.
yes they can age is a state of the heart not of the mind
Yes they can age is just a number you're born with
Quote by coffeebown
Yes they can age is just a number you're born with

I always thought you were born without one, but that it grows on you.


My husband is 22 years my senior and we are extremely compatible. Just wish I had met him 25 years before I did.
I think that people can connect regardless of age. It all comes down to shared interests, and the willingness to learn from the experiences of others.
yes they can but depends , and that is very rare as age difference leads to maturity gap and understanding gap but still there are few relations i have known where i have seen age difference of about 22 years smile
I agree with the others in here.... age doesn't really matter too much. My wife is 6 years my junior... when we got together her mum had some reservations but after they got to know me that all changed.... plus it helps that I am young at heart...

There are times though that I have read about where age may not be the good thing . .. this usually happens when one of the couple feels they like the age difference so much that they pursue younger & younger partners.... those sort of relationships usually don't work..
I agree that age should not be an issue. I have dated several women much younger than me and age did not matter. We had the same hobbies, interests, etc., and simply enjoyed each other. A few had a bit of a daddy fetish and that made the age difference all that much more fun.
Age is irrelevant . Unless of course one is underage and other is not. You love who you love.
Once you have that spark between you then age just goes out the window
connect yes.. have a future together I don't know about that... it depends on the age difference..
Yes, absolutely.

Age has nothing to do with compatibility...when two people have it...they have it!!!
For sure, as long as there is communication
Definitely! My ex was (much) older than me. And I have an online-friend who is like a mentor right now - the only guy who understands me totally... and the age gap is even larger than with my ex.

Its a gem to find these sort of guys and have this level of compatibility. Importantly, there must be communication and respect for each other. It takes effort from both.
Age is but a number, what attracts people can vary but it is the time well spent and companionship gained I value more.
oh it makes no difference at all.. if the chemistry is right.... I read once on a posting here in a Chat Room that age is only a number... I concur wholeheartedly......
my first gf was 51... am not allowed to say how old I was when we started [Lush rules].. but I was 18 when it sadly finished... my last gf was 35.. and truly the most wonderful woman on the planet.. maybe that is not over yet?.. we shall see.......
I would not say that age is just a number. But i think that all of us may have subsconciously set some age-related expectations about our lovers. It is not only physical. Sometimes its psychological too. Its with just me, that i would love it if my lover understands my feelings and i feel it would be possible only if she's around my age. I don't mind being with someone younger than me (though a girl of legal age only, as i'm not a of sorts :P) but my upper age limit for a lover would be around 35 years.
I expected pretty much what I read here. smile I agree... YES YOU CAN BE. However, I am also not as naive as to think age is not an important factor and for MOST people will play a part in compatibility to some degree. And the wider the age gap, the bigger the issue will be; maybe not at first, but as time goes on, there can be some serious issues (physical, emotional, and other) that come up. For example, a 20 year old may be very comparable with a healthy 55 or even 60 year old. However, as the years go on, the older of the two will begin to change (and many times pretty rapidly). Yet the younger of the two will still be well in their prime for a LONG TIME. There will be health, desire, and other issues that come up, as well as the fact that the 20 year old WILL change as well. I don't know many 40 year olds that were the same people they were at 20, no matter how "mature" they THOUGHT they were at 20. Life and time changes us. That is just a fact. So... yes, two individuals CAN be compatible, regardless of the age. But if you play the odds, I would not let momentary desires and temporary comparability cloud a person to the real issues that time plays on LARGE age differences.
Quote by kavish03
Sexual pleasure is, I agree, a passion to which all others are subordinate but in which they all unite [url=]SEX[/url]
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
Yes they sure can.

My ex is ten years my senior. We used to get on so well, we had similar childhoods and issues except he was from a wealthy family.

He was a totally "weird" person and I am "excentric" so we meshed well. We understood each other and knew how to make the other laugh by a look or a private joke.

The only thing that set us apart was he suffers schizophrenia and would go into violent psychosis. I was his target when he was in deep psychosis. In the end I had to leave for my own safety.
And it struck me then, that I liked Sean because he looked, well, slutty. A boy who had been around. A boy who couldn't remember if he was Catholic or not [url=]SEX[/url]
Quote by Shaman
yes they can age is a state of the heart not of the mind
I wanted to have premarital sex with a midget, but I was afraid the ringmaster would banish me for unlawful carnival knowledge [url=]SEX[/url]
Quote by coffeebown
Yes they can age is just a number you're born with
God, I love you so much I won't ever try to have sex again [url=]SEX[/url]
Quote by BiMale73

I always thought you were born without one, but that it grows on you.
Sex and violence: the greatest duo since the Three Stooges [url=]SEX[/url]
comments have been made about the future with older partner we;; tomorrow is guaranteed to no one so live each day as it comes
Quote by Choosiemamma
Age is irrelevant . Unless of course one is underage and other is not. You love who you love.

Yes, critical to note.
Yes , I do not think age does not matter, I think that two people can be happy and fall in love and share a life and common interest together. If you have the chance to live and love no matter the age. Go for it !!

Yes, they certainly can. Compatibility happens between people's brains and minds and personalities, not only their genitals. I have a wonderful relationship with one of my Dad's college roommates - he's 27 years older than me. I can sit and talk with him and really communicate for hours and hours. I've fantasized about taking it down the sexual route - but he's also married, I like his wife and she likes me, and actually likes having me around. She's told me that I bring him out of his shell sometimes, and she love to have me visit . I've even gone with them on vacation - spent a few days with them. I'm good friends with their kids - my age. I love their Dad - he and I are very compatible - soulmates almost - I love the relationship the way it is and won't change it. I know, though, that sex with him would be a lot of fun, but would definitely change things and make it "weird". He's never pushed me, and I won't try to seduce him. But he's one of those people that you know you could comfortably spend your life with. Maybe things will change in the future with him - maybe someday I'll drop some hints about being physically intimate -- BUT -- being soulmates like we are now is wonderful - I think I have a more intimate relationship with him than I do with any of my BF's and FWBs. Cocks are a dime a dozen, but finding a real friend is priceless

Quote by ErinDcup34

Yes, they certainly can. Compatibility happens between people's brains and minds and personalities, not only their genitals. I have a wonderful relationship with one of my Dad's college roommates - he's 27 years older than me. I can sit and talk with him and really communicate for hours and hours. I've fantasized about taking it down the sexual route - but he's also married, I like his wife and she likes me, and actually likes having me around. She's told me that I bring him out of his shell sometimes, and she love to have me visit . I've even gone with them on vacation - spent a few days with them. I'm good friends with their kids - my age. I love their Dad - he and I are very compatible - soulmates almost - I love the relationship the way it is and won't change it. I know, though, that sex with him would be a lot of fun, but would definitely change things and make it "weird". He's never pushed me, and I won't try to seduce him. But he's one of those people that you know you could comfortably spend your life with. Maybe things will change in the future with him - maybe someday I'll drop some hints about being physically intimate -- BUT -- being soulmates like we are now is wonderful - I think I have a more intimate relationship with him than I do with any of my BF's and FWBs. Cocks are a dime a dozen, but finding a real friend is priceless

“Cocks are a dime a dozen, but finding a real friend is priceless.”... NEVER FORGET THAT! You jeopardize so many things when it goes wrong and it will.

Age does matter but is not necessarily detrimental if two people are truly compatible in other ways.