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Straight guys who like Anal toys

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Would/Have you used a vibe or dildo in your butt?

16 votes remaining
Yes and like it (7 votes) 44%
Yes but only once (1 vote) 6%
Yes and would go for a Female using a strap on (8 votes) 50%
Not Interested (2 votes) 13%
No and Never (0 votes) 0%
Active Ink Slinger
This was brought up in a chat room, so I said I would ask.
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry to bump, but looking interesting
Cryptic Vigilante
I chose 'Yes but only once', however 'Yes but only once in a while' would have been more accurate.

I recently bought a strap-on and I've used it a few times with my girlfriend (as reviewed here), but the sensation itself isn't all that pleasurable for me; it can even get a little uncomfortable at times. I'd love to experience that wonderful p-spot orgasm that some other men praise, but for some reason my anatomy just doesn't seem to be advantaged for that. And yes, I've also tried using my fingers in the shower a few times in the past few months; I can definitely locate my prostate, but no matter how I stimulate it, it's barely pleasurable for me.

It's more something that I was curious about personally; that strap-on was available for a very low price ($10), so I jumped on the occasion and bought it. And then there's also that part of me who enjoys experimenting things for women's perspective: I've fucked various girls in the ass over the years, it's the least of things to let a privileged girl (ie. my girlfriend) do the same to my own ass. It's fun for a change (especially since my girlfriend loves playing the mischievous girl), but it's going to remain something rather occasional for me.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes - love to have toys stimulate the prostate!
I have not used a toy in my ass, only my fingers, but I would love to and would love to have a woman take me with a strap-on (then again, I could probably see my way to letting a cock in there, too).